MGT 368 MAO Organic Food

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Project on

Business Plan
MGT 368 (Entreprenureship)
Section: 07

Submitted to:
Md. Asif Hossain
Senior Lecturer,
Department of Management,
School of Business and Economics,
North-South University.
Group: The Entrepreneur
Name ID
Zarin Tasmia Tasmi 161 0369 030
Samin Yasar 1620224030
Krishan Money 1620469030
Mehadi Al Asif 1621398030
M.Shahnamul Haque 1430709630

Submission date: 24th December 2019

Letter of Submission
24th December 2019

Md. Asif Hossain

North-South University,
Bashundhara, Dhaka -1229.

Subject: Project submission on’s which is a new business start-up.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, we would like to inform you that, it is a great pleasure for us to submit the final
project on “’s start-up business” as a requirement for the completion of this MGT
368 course. We were really grateful for having the opportunity to do so under your tutelage, and
for having gained the knowledge that helped vastly in the completion of this project. In this project,
we discussed how will start their journey, industry background, the company’s
planning, how we will be going to deal with all products, marketing, financial side, and promotion
We, therefore, would like to request you to accept this project and Thank you for taking the time
to go through our hard work. Hopefully, we will not disappoint you.


Zarin Tasmia Tasmi Samin Yasar Krishan Money

Mehadi Al Asif M.Shahnamul haque


We are indebted to many people for providing us encouragement and support while making this
project and we want to show them gratefulness to these people.

First, of all, we are very much grateful to Md. Asif Hossain our respected course instructor of
“MGT 368: Entrepreneurship” at North South University who gives us the opportunity to work on
this project. He has always guided and helped us whenever we were in trouble with the excellence
of his knowledge.

In addition, many of our friends and family helped us to choose the product and helped us to find
the name of our company. They have always encouraged, suggest new ideas and support in the
initial stage of this project.

Last but not the least; we would like to thank all our group members and other fellow friends who
have directly or indirectly offered suggestions and guidelines for the completion of our work.

We warmly thank them for their kind contribution.

Executive Summary

This report is about the implementation of a business plan based on an online organic food delivery
service. We found that there is a market gap when it's come to providing organic food. So, we
planned to come up with the idea of providing organic through online orders around Dhaka city.
One of the main purposes of our business is to provide top quality foods to our customers. There
are few organizations in Dhaka city who provides organic food & we are trying to catch this market
as there are fewer competitors. First of all, we will provide our service through the company’s
website and our online Facebook page. For the marketing of our company, we will go for online
advertising and providing a leaflet. The initial investment is of 200000 BDT, which will be
provided by the five partners of the company. After the initial stage/test run if it goes successful
the venture capitalists are going to be invited for investments for further growth of the company.
Therefore, we hope that the business plan will be successful with proper planning and allocation
of funds following rapid growth in the industry.
Table of Content

1. Introduction: ......................................................................................................................................... 1
 Name and address of the business: .................................................................................................. 2
 Name and address of the business: .................................................................................................. 2
 Nature of business: ........................................................................................................................... 3
 Statement of Financing Method: ...................................................................................................... 3
 Statement of Confidentiality of report: ............................................................................................ 3
1. 1 Business Model Canvas: ................................................................................................................. 4
2. Industry Analysis: .................................................................................................................................. 5
 PESTEL Analysis: ................................................................................................................................ 5
 SWOT ANALYSIS: ............................................................................................................................... 6
 Stakeholder Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 10
3. Description of the venture .................................................................................................................. 11
 Products/Service: ............................................................................................................................ 11
 Mission: ........................................................................................................................................... 13
 Service: ............................................................................................................................................ 13
 Size of the business: ........................................................................................................................ 13
4. Production Plan ................................................................................................................................... 14
 Production layout............................................................................................................................ 14
 Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 15
 Raw materials.................................................................................................................................. 15
 Future equipment ........................................................................................................................... 15
5. Operations Plan................................................................................................................................... 16
 Technology utilization ..................................................................................................................... 17
 The flow of order goods .................................................................................................................. 18
6. Marketing Plan .................................................................................................................................... 20
 Segmentation and Targeting........................................................................................................... 20
 Marketing Mix-................................................................................................................................ 21
7. Organizational plan ............................................................................................................................. 26
 Control ............................................................................................................................................ 27
8. Assessment of risk............................................................................................................................... 28
9. Financial Plan: ..................................................................................................................................... 29
 Break-even analysis:........................................................................................................................ 29
 Pro Forma Income Statement Assumptions: .................................................................................. 31
 Cash Flow Projections ..................................................................................................................... 37
 Pro Forma Balance Sheet Statement .............................................................................................. 42
10. Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 45
1. Introduction:
In recent times, everyone in Bangladesh is facing for server health issues. It is occurring because
of unhygienic food consumption. Not only processed food but also chemicals are also being mixed
in regular foods. Different chemicals, formalin are being found in natural products such as honey.
The items are very helpful for our health those are also mixed with some unhealthy chemicals such
as Kali jeera oil, even if some renewed brands are not selling the natural tea. So in Bangladesh,
there is a massive demand for healthy, chemical-free, and fresh products.

The organic refers in a way that the products are typically grown in a natural or agricultural way.
Organic produce has zero pesticides and those are harmless to consume. As it doesn’t contain
preservatives organic foods are fresher than any other products. For our business, we will be
cultivating one of the products so uncouthly farming is very much helpful for the environment

For this, the five entrepreneurs decided to start a new business and the company will produce fresh
honey, tea, Kali jeera oil, mushroom, pickles, etc. One of the entrepreneurs came up with this idea
as that person's parents were always looking for an organic natural fresh product for using as well
as forgiving as a gift but unfortunately, he was unable to do so. From that thinking we five planned
for the new start-up business. This organic product company will serve as a partnership for
providing fresh, healthy products to the customers who are always looking for natural healthy

The target customer will be a higher-lower level and higher level. But it will be available for
everyone. As everyone has the right to lead a healthy and fresh life. People are consuming
unhealthy food as they have no other option.

Lastly, at our early stage of the business, we will be focusing on a few items and after the growth
of the business we will add up new items. As people have the right to lead a healthy and fresh life.

 Name and address of the business:

As our company is a startup business so we are choosing the name which consumers an easy to
remind and come in mind at the first stage. At our initial stage, we will be focusing on online
buying and selling. So the name and address of our business are:

Company Name:


Address: 24/b, Kazi bari, Kuril Bishwa Road, Dhaka.

 Name and address of the business:

The group of own comprises of 5 individuals who arrange on bringing a new business idea right
after having a good investment. All of the people will be involved in daily activates of this business
and will up to date about any circumstances manner. All of them will be in charge of different

 Chief Executive Officer: Zarin Tasmia Tasmi

Email Address:
Contact number: 01677873574
 Head of Operations and Supply Chain Management: Samin Yasar
Email Address:
Contact number: 01701396634
 Head of Finance: Krishan Money

Contact number: 01711000286
 Head of Marketing: Mehadi Al Asif
Email Address:
Contact number: 01725943870
 Head of Human Resources: M.Shahnamul haque
Email Address:
Contact number: 01677873574

 Nature of business:

As “” is a nature-based manufacturing business, it will make an impact on the

significant industry because it will be mainly focused on providing fresh, healthy and organic
products. With the supportive principles it has initially 5/6 items and in the future will be
introducing more products. The investor will be equally shared or bear all the profits and losses.
The Type of Business: Partnership (business will be equally shared by all the partners)
Type of Industry: Agriculture.

 Statement of Financing Method:

For starting the require operation of “”, the initial investment amount will be
approximately BDT 2 Lac is needed. Therefore, this is not that much high investment to establish
a new company. Moreover, BeFresh will supply the product directly to their customers, so for
giving the facilities we need to have collected this amount, the entrepreneurs have the equity of
BDT 2 Lac rest of the amount will be taken as a bank load.
Initial Investment Amount
Partners 40,000 X 5= BDT: 2,00,000/=

 Statement of Confidentiality of report:

The witnesses’ reader of the “” business plan is hereby accepting that the information,
content and all other data provided of the business plan is a confidential matter. Therefore, the
audiences agree not to disclose any information or anything in a public domain. any disclosure or

use of the name of the brand may cause serious issues. Another upon request that the business
plan document will be immediately returned to the owners.

1. 1 Business Model Canvas:

Key Partners Key Activities Value Customer Customer

Propositions Relationships Segments

-Product supplier -Delighting -Pure -Direct- B2C -Segmented market

-Other Material Customer consumption -higher-middle class
Supplier -Quality Control -Making customer and higher class
-Distributors -promotional trust -target- male and
-Service/ delivery Activities -packaging female both(age
providers -Efficient Supply between 13-80)
chain management
Key Resource Channels

-Enough capital to -Direct: Digital

operate and buy
necessary items.
-Human Labor.
through users
Cost Structure Revenue Stream

-Cost of raw materials -It depends on the income of customers.

-Equipment cost -Fixed-price
-Electricity cost

-Transportation Cost

2. Industry Analysis:

 PESTEL Analysis:

A PESTEL analysis refers to a framework or tool to analyses and monitors the macro-
environmental factors that have an impact on a company. The letters in PESTEL full form is
Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal.
Doing PESTEL analyzing is very important to understand, make a decision and implementation
for future events based on the company’s ‘micro-economic’ and ‘macro-economic’ environment
in which they implement their activity. It is a useful tool to understand the big picture of the
environment in which the business is going. Mainly a PESTEL analysis is a significant tool for
considering all the risks associated with the market.


In a country like Bangladesh, politics is a big factor, as the political history in this country is
unstable. If a political party changes it can all the rules and regulations. Politics can harm the food
industry as if there is any strike, delivering food won’t be possible.


Bangladesh is doing pretty well in the economy and GDP is increasing is every year. So the power
of buying a product is increasing. So this is a good condition for doing business.


Customers are busy these days; they want to do their work on their own which is a good sign for
our business. Consumers are more health and we are providing them healthy food through home


Customers are smarter in the case of using technology like smartphones, social media, and
computers. Everyone uses the internet through their devices. And it is positive for our business.

Because our communication with the customers will be through Facebook and website. Research


Flood issues during monsoon season one of the major problems in environmental factors. Only
after 30 minutes of heavy rainfall most of the Dhaka area goes under the water. The water
management system is poor in this area. After the rainfall, the water can’t pass away and creates
flooding because of the poor drainage system.

Our main goal is to provide organic food around Dhaka city. We need to take permission from the
Dhaka city corporation. We must have our trade license and all the valid documents of our supply
chain, products. There are some strict rules and regulations from the government


The SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) provides us a picture of the
abilities and potentials of our organization as well as how the market is going and which
direction it is going. Besides this, it also gives us signals about all those things that the owner
needs to avoid.
SWOT Analysis is a significant tool through which the business can take Operational decisions.

Offering low price
Top-quality 100 percent to the customer
product organic than our

Lean startup The strong

making sure small Low operation communication
capital and lower cost link with the
risk supplier

Products have
long-lived time


Very niche No apps for

product line smartphone

Operation only
in Dhaka


Lack of organic
Lack of trust

Lack of
Consumer’s lack
availability of
of time.
organic food

Price is very high Microbusiness

Some strong
Political crisis


Our strength is our top quality product and great link with suppliers, and we are even cultivating
mushroom on our own. Our price is lower than our competitors. We are providing honey from
Sundarbans which is only 1000TK. But Dhaka dough is over honey 1950 per KG. We are a micro
business and there are fewer chances for big failures. Our products can survive for a longer period
of time, so there is less risk also.


Our product line is very short. Only 5 products. Very less offering to the consumers. As our initial
operation is based on Dhaka we are missing the opportunity to provide our goods in other parts of
the country. People want everything these days, apps are one of the best ways to lead a life
nowadays, but we are only providing our service through our social media page and website.


People don’t get much time as they lead a very tough work-life these days. They don’t get the time
to think about their health. So, we can save their time delivering them a product to their home.
Also, it’s hard to find an organization that provides organic good, even if it is available in the
market there is no guaranty that, it is healthy or mixed with preservatives. As most food
organizations are found guilty of providing poor quality products, customers have trust issues. We
can earn their trust by providing top quality products.


The product price is not cheap. Though it is cheaper than our competitors still it is very high. As
it is a small business, there is a chance one big failure can finish this whole business process. In
Bangladesh political crisis is common, big strike or fights can harm our business. Lastly, our
competitors Dhaka dough and neo farmers are doing well. Though they don't have a mass
following still the consumer’s responses are positive.


It is a significant issue for us to pay attention to the activities of our competitor such as the service
and pricing policies as well as customer relationship management. The major competitors of our

venture are Dhaka dough, Neo farmers, daraz, chaldal, We will look after the
strategies of the competitors and keeping these in our minds we will make our strategies to run our

• Strengths and weaknesses of each of your competitors

Our top competitors like Dhaka dough and neo farmers are known in high-class society. They have
a wide range of products; they are also providing foreign products. Customers who bought from
them have given positive reviews. Their weakness, most people are not aware of them. For other
online shops, they have mix previews as many complained that their foods are not 100 percent
organic and mixed with preservatives. So, our top competitor is main and

 Stakeholder Analysis

The stakeholders are the individual, group or company that has interest or concern in our company.
Stakeholders can affect or be affected by our organization's decisions. The major stakeholders of
our organization are:


Customers are our most significant stakeholders. Customer interaction is a must for our business
as we have to contact directly to the customers. For building long-term relation we will always
take the customer review and we will try to solve all the problems issued by them. Our target is
Middle higher class and High-class people.


As our business is organic food-based, we will build positive relationships with our suppliers. We
will maintain the best communication with the suppliers to make sure the quality of the food is
magnificent. Good quality food will ensure more customers/

Main Suppliers: Honey from Sundarbans, Tea from Sylhet.


As we are at an initial of our business. We are going to have only 1 employee and it will be our
goal to build a positive employee relationship with them and make them trustworthy to our
company. At the initial stage the main employees our business partners. We will have divided the
works and handling different departments. In the future, we will hire more employees if the
business grows and responsibility increases.


In our organization, we must pay vat to the government. The government interval can also affect
the process of our business both positively or negatively. So, to maintain a good relationship with
the government bodies such as the National Board of Revenue (NBR), (BSTI) and (NCRP) is very
important. We have to maintain a positive relationship with the politically influential people as
well to prevent any uncertain obstacle. The Food division of our ministry can be the another

3. Description of the venture

 Products/Service:

Our main motive is to give the best plant items to the customer. We will collect the tea from the
srimongol garden, which is directly plugged by our labor. We will assure our customers the best
full of fresh honey, which is also collected from Sundarbans. We are using these high links to our
trusted farms in markets with rich flavor, healthy greens, full of nutritious additional delicious taste
which anyone had never before.

These organic products are a unique product as it always makes the customer delightful. We are
using our motivation idea and methods to build a trusted relationship with the farms as well as the
market. as an entrepreneur, we always wish to maintain an ecological and profitable business. will have these products:

 Honey
 Kali jeera oil
 Mushrooms
 Pickles
 Tea

The aim of our company is to provide the value and sustainability of organic farming.
will ensure the superlative customer service so that “” can sustain in a long way. We
will cultivate the mushroom so we don’t need any large empty field. We will make handmade kali
jeera oil so the customer doesn’t have to think twice about the products. And on our page, we will
provide a video of how we are making our products. This will give customers trust in the products.
All the products will be farming by the company so it will assure a health-friendly.

Srimangal Tea

Sundarban honey

Kali Jeera oil

 Mission:

The mission of the company is to give fresh and healthy products that will allow the customer to
improve and maintain customer health accordingly. As different ages, people need organic items
for different purposes. So teenagers will use organic items for skincare remedy, aged people can
take organic items for their health issues. For them, our mission statement is” to provide a healthy
life with consuming healthy food”. This statement will give the customer a clear view of the
company and its products.

 Service: products are locally grown, and are pesticide-free, chemical-free and will assure the
customer a consistent quality and availability throughout the year. After the collection of the
products, the company will package the products and then the products will deliver the customer.
With the items, we will provide the usage of the products or a manual of the products. Also at the
early stage, we will provide the customer with a tester of our other products. It will motivate the
customer to test and motivate them to purchase other products.

 Size of the business:

As we are new in the market so it will give us a high possibility to grow in the unhygienic market.
our main attention will be into growing safe, tasty, and solid food all through the year with
environmentally balanceable and socially accountable ways. For our initial business stage, we will
be selling online. So we don’t need any physical land for buying and selling. As we will deliver
the product every corner of the Dhaka city, so we have an advantage of location sustainability.

4. Production Plan
Be provides its customers with high-quality organic products directly from the farm.
We focus on quality rather than quantity. Our products can be purchased from the online Facebook
page. We will buy all the required raw materials to produce our organic products from farms
directly to maintain quality. Then we will produce the final goods that will provide benefits to our
customers. We are trying to get the attention of health-conscious people who belong to a middle
higher class and higher class.

Our products are honey, Kalozeera oil, Mushroom, homemade Pickles, tea, our production plan
will be product-wise.

 Production layout

1. Honey: We are going to collect the honey directly from farms to make sure the quality is
ensured. It will be flowers and fruits honey collected by the honeybee. Then we will pack it in our
store according to the size and quantity. After that, we will market it to our customers as required.

2. Kalo jeera oil: For the oil, we will be collecting Kalo jeera directly from our village farmers so
that it is as fresh as it is in the field. After that, we will grind them to extract the oil from It. On the
next level, we will bottle them and label them specifically so that our customers know exactly what
are they getting for their money? We will make sure that it will be a value for money. In this case
our sources will be land farmers.

3. Mushroom: Here our sources for raw material will be Savar mushroom cultivation center. We
will be collecting seeds and straws from them. We will collect poly bags from local market. After
collecting the seeds we will put them in the poly bags full of straw. We will be spraying water 2
times a day for 21 days. Then our first harvest will come out. We will be collecting the mushrooms
and dry them to put them inside packets as our customers require.

4. Pickles: pickles will be made by our staffs at home with the fruits, vegetables, spices bought
from villages. Our main sources will be farmers.

5. Tea: we are communicating with several tea gardens as they are eager to supply us tea powders
for our business. In this case we will depend on the gardeners to collect tea leaves and then dry
them to make the final tea powder.

 Resources

These sources are selected because they are original, authentic and organic, free from
preservatives. They are fresh and have no health risks.

As our business is starting for the first time we won’t need that much equipment. For now, we will
run the business from home as it is online-based. We will need a grinding machine only and for
that, we will rent them from the local market whenever we need it. We don’t need to buy them as
it will increase the cost. We will need small jars and poly packs for the pickles and mushroom
which will be bought from local stores.

 Raw materials

For raw materials, we will depend on village farmers. We will go during harvesting season and
will buy from them by checking the quality and will courier through a delivery service. This will
reduce the chance of bad quality products including increment of cost. We will also depend on the
Savar Mushroom cultivation center to collect the mushroom spawns and bags. Straw can be bought
from local straw sellers.

The cost of these raw materials will be depending on the quantity. For example, one seed of
mushroom or we call it to spawn will cost 10 takas if we buy 100 pieces. The straw will be costing
10 takas per kg. The same goes for the rest of the items.

 Future equipment

As a small business for the future, we will need some equipment to produce the products, that we
are hiring the equipment. We will need a grinding machine and packaging heater to pack. We are
buying specially made boxes for our customers who are going to buy more than two products. We
will need a refrigerator when will expand our production. Other than these we won’t need any
other equipment.

5. Operations Plan

Let’s now discuss the description of our company’s operations. As a startup company, we have
several activities and operations to do. We have listed down all the activities that might be required
to run the company.

Now our operations and plans are mentioned below:

1. Location:

As we are a startup company and we are mainly online based so our first priority is we will run the
business from home. There will be no physical store but after years of profit, we will open
wholesale and retail physical stores as well. Each of our homes will be our offices for a meeting
and regular checking on online for order whether customers’ orders are in process and if they are
monitored well or not. Online will be easier for us to put focus as we are students and we have
studied as well. So working from home will be a great convenience for us.

2. Equipment:

For starting we don’t need that much equipment. As we are selling organic products so we will
need a refrigerator and different size bottles with poly bags. The refrigerator we are planning to
buy from an electronics store and the other small things will be bought from the local market. In
the future, we will buy a high tech grinding machine to grind and extract oil for our Kalo jeera oil

3. Labor:

We understand that labor is one of the major components of our business as we are trying to focus
on organic items. For labor, we will be distributing works among us so that each of our members
knows when to go where and what to do. It will save time and will ensure product quality. Good
labor brings good quality products. So we are providing the services by us now. After that in the
future, we will hire a trainer and our very own production manager to check the quality. For now,
all of us are engaged in the production and labor work so that all of us know where and when each
of the works is going.

4. Process:

As we are organic-based our processes of doing business also are simple. We will depend on the
local farmers to collect the resources. Mainly the crops are our resources. So we have contact with
a few farmers and they have ensured us that they will provide good quality crops. We have also
visited Savar mushroom cultivation center to know how the actual process goes on and we have
found it easy and interesting. For mushroom, we will be collecting seeds and every material from
the savar mushroom cultivation center. We will then produce the mushrooms at home. For the
Kalojeera oil, we will collect kalo jeera from village farmers after harvesting and we will bring it
here, grind it in front of us to make sure the quality and adulteration check. After that, it will be
bottled as per requirement. Honey will be collected from permanent honey harvesters. They will
be giving us pure flower and fruit honey.

Seasonal fruits will be collected as same. Thus we will check the quality and will control the
standard of our products. After that our marketing team will distribute them according to the order.
We will send the products through an online delivery system. We will also post videos and photos
of collecting and packaging our products so one team will be responsible for collecting raw
materials. Another team will be responsible for the production and the marketing team will do the
rest. But we will gather the feedbacks altogether so that we know where we made mistakes and
where we can improve our business.

 Technology utilization

As we are an online based company we will need to use the technology in a way that benefits us
the most. We have opened a Facebook page. After that, we will open our original website. But all
of our members will be responsible for online orders and feedbacks. We will generate an auto
answering system so that if we are not there at the moment the query is answered.

In the next step, we will use some growth-oriented mobile apps that will remind us of our due
works and orders. We will also use some economical mobile apps. High-speed Internet connection
will be made sure so that we don’t miss one single feedback and order and that will provide the
customer consistent and uninterrupted service.

We have also found that our farmers also use smartphone as a promise of digital Bangladesh. So
it will be easier for us to communicate with them and see our crops grow when we wish to. We
will set apps on their phones too for a real-time updates of products and raw materials. We won’t
need to call them regularly. The apps will show us the numbers we need. It will be easier for
farmers also. We will provide short training and instruction to the suppliers to know this app better.

We will also use promotional activities on facebook and youtube as paid advertisements. We will
arrange 1 question quizzes for our customers. Whoever wins will get a free sample of our product
to enjoy. This will increase the share and spreading rate of our products.

Facebook advertisement will also help us to boost our company and to reach it to the core level

 The flow of order goods

The flow of order goods will be strictly monitored by our team. The processes of the flow of order
good are mentioned below:

1. Production: first we will produce the goods as mentioned in the operations plan. It will need 2
days to make our goods ready to serve.

2. Quality control: we will ensure the quality by physically presenting there to collect materials
and when it is being produced. To maintain to the standard we will regularly monitor and visit
once in a week to our farmers.

3. Inventory control: By controlling the inventory we will know about how much is left and what
how much is ordered and exactly how much unit we will need. It will consist of our stock and
finished products.

4. Distribution: Now comes the distribution. In the distribution process, we will build a good
relationship with the suppliers to get the best quality raw material. We will make sure the suppliers
understand our needs and comply with us thereby. It will lessen the pressure on both of us and will
make it easier to communicate.

Now the main part which is delivery. Already we are talking and meeting with several local
delivery companies who also want to work with us regularly. They said they will provide us the
best of their service if we work with them regularly.

Now for the storage, we have our own space at KURIL, DHAKA as one of our team members said
they have their own place.

Customer service will also be provided by us. As we are solely working here it is easier for us to
communicate and maintain a relationship with our customers. We have no physical stores. It will
be online based. That’s why we will communicate with our customers online to get the best

6. Marketing Plan

 Segmentation and Targeting

Gender Male Female ➔ Both

Age 13-20 ➔ 25-50 ➔ 50-80

➔ City area
Location Urban area Rural area

Occupati Students ➔ Service holder ➔ Housewives


➔ Higher middle Middle

Salary ➔ Higher

➔ Middle educated
Educatio ➔ High educated Illiterate

➔ Busy ➔ Corporate
Lifestyle Slothful

➔ Action-oriented ➔ Ambitious
Personali ➔ Visionary

Gender: We are targeting both male and female because the products we are offering is not for
particularly male or female.

Age: Our Targeted age is 25-80. As our product is 100% organic so we decided to target this
portion. Because People of this age are very health-conscious

Location: we choose to sell our product in the city area. Busy people do not have much time to
take care of their health so we decided to target them.

Occupation: Working people is our target customer. Mainly service holder. We also choose
housewives as our target customers.

Salary: Since our product is expensive so we decided to take a high salary and middle salary

Lifestyle and personality: People who are busy, do the corporate job, action-oriented, and
ambitious doesn't have much time to take care of his/her health. They lead very busy lives. So we
choose them as our target customers.

 Marketing Mix-


Our product is fully organic and healthy. Mushroom, Honey, Premium tea, Kalojira Oil are the
core product from Gradually we will be adding other organic products based on
customer’s demand.

Mushroom: Mushroom is healthier food. It contains Selenium, Vitamin C, choline, mineral and
many other vitamins. It takes care of hearts and fights against Cancer. It also helps diabetic patients
to reduce sugar levels.

We are producing mushrooms in the best way on our own farm. We collect and package them in
a hygienic way.

Honey: Pure honey is one of the demandable products nowadays. Getting 100% pure honey is so
tough in the market. We are collecting 100% pure honey from Sundarbans. We collect honey from
the honey collectors.

Honey is good for health. Quality honey is full of antioxidants and nutrients. Beside these hone
has thousands of benefits.

Premium tea: Bangali people are fond of tea. We cannot pass a single day without tea. But in the
local market getting premium quality tea is so difficult. We think that if we can offer premium tea
people will grab this. Because there is demand but no supply.

We collect premium tea from Sreemangal, Moulvibazar and packet them a fully hygienic way.

Kojima oil: This is not only oil but also a medicine. Many People don’t have any idea about the
usefulness of Kalojira Oil. This is called great medicine for all diseases. It is good for health and
skin. It also helps reducing weight and fight against liver diseases, kidney malfunction, cancer
diabetic and many more diseases.

We collect the best quality black seeds and make oil from them in a totally hygienic way.

Pickle: We are collecting garlic pickles, carrot pickle and lemon pickles from villages. In the
market there is demand but people are not satisfied with those products. Because there is less
bonafide products in the market. So we decided to offer pickles to our customers. We collect those
pickles from the village and preserve them in a hygienic way


We set our product pricing based on customer’s feedback. If customers get quality product they
are happy to pay. After conducting the survey, we decided to set neutral Pricing. We set our
product pricing based on production, collection, packaging and shipping cost.

Cost of Mushroom seeds, straw and other ingredients per kg is 35 TK. After collecting mushroom,
the packaging and preserving cost is 15 TK. Before sell our total cost is about 50 Tk. And we
decided to sell 1 Kg mushroom 200 TK. Because we have to take care of it and water it daily.

We collect honey from Sundarbans. We have a major supply chain of pure honey. We collect
honey from Sundarbans and it costs 700tk per Kg. shipping and packaging cost 200 Tk per kg. We
decided to sell it at 1250Tk per Kg.

Kojima Oil is a very expensive product. The cost of Making 1kg kalojira oil is 900 tk and
packaging and another cost 150 tk.
We are offering premium tea which is coming from Srimongal. The cost of collecting, packaging
and shipping cost of 1kg tea is 550 and decided to sell 800tk.

Pickle: We collect every 250 gm pickle at 200 tk. Our packaging cost is 50tk and decided to sell
at 350 take.


Production & packaging cost of 1kg mushroom BDT 50

The selling price of 1 kg mushroom BDT 200
Collecting and packaging cost of 1kg honey BDT 800
Selling price of 1 kg honey BDT 1250
Premium Tea

Collecting and packaging cost of 1kg tea BDT550

Selling Price of 1 kg tea BDT800
Kojima oil

Collecting and packaging cost of 1kg oil BDT1050

The selling price of 1kg oil BDT1500


Collecting and packaging cost of 250gm pickle BDT250

The selling price of 250gm pickle BDT 350

Placement or positioning is a very important factor for an organization. We decided to go for a
selective distribution strategy. As we are offering quality and expensive product so we should
follow the selective distribution.
As it is a totally online platform, so we don't have any physical shop. People can get our product
from our website We also have a facebook page www.facebook/befresh.

We are different from our competitors because of product quality. We physically go for collecting
the products and ensure the quality of the product. We never compromise our quality. If anyone
buys our product, he/she will perceive the quality of the product with his keenness of judgment.

First of all, we decided to sell our product in Dhaka city with a home delivery service. As our
product is premium our target market is not all. Basically, the corporate people are our target
We are ready to deliver the ordered product everywhere in Dhaka within very short time. We use
Pathao home delivery service to deliver our product inside Dhaka city.
If anyone wants to get our product from outside of Dhaka, he/she also can order and we will deliver
it via courier service.

The most important content for our business. We believe that advertisement is expansion.
In terms of promoting our main focus is doing online promotion/ Interactive marketing through
Social media and email. We will do sales promotion from time to time. Our other focus is personal

Social Media: We will do advertising through social media. As we have a Facebook page so we
decided to do Facebook page boosting. Also, we will be marketing through Instagram and

Email Marketing: We are planning to do personal marketing through email. We are collecting
emails from our target Customer.

Leaflet: We will distribute leaflets in some selective places like Bashundhara R/A, Banani DOSH,
Baridhara DOSH, Dhanmandi, and other renowned shopping malls like Jamuna Future Park,
Bashundhara City.

Sales promotion: In the first two months we will do different types of sales promotions. If anyone
orders any two items at a time he will get another product for free. E.g- If you order Half kg honey
and half kg kalojira oil, you will get 1 kg mushroom free with them. The main target of these types
of activities is making our customers informed about our products.

Price pack: Price pack is an advertising strategy that boosts sales. We will make the price pack of
our product like this-
With 1 liter honey, we will gift 100gm honey.
With 1 liter Kalojira, we will gift 100gm kalojira oil.
With 2 kg mushroom, we will gift 500gm mushroom.
With 2kg tea, we will gift a 100gm tea pack.
With 3 bottles of Pickle, we will gift another 250gm pickle whichever item the customer wants.

7. Organizational plan
Like all businesses, we also have an organizational plan for our business. We formed the business
as a partnership business as all of us came up with these innovative ideas of business. There are 5
partners in this organization. The names of the partners are

 M.Shahnamul haque
 Krishan Money
 Samin Yasar
 Zarin Tasmia Tasmi
 Mehadi Al Asif

Our business is a general partnership business. We have agreed on some terms for the partnership.
The terms and conditions of our partnership are mentioned below:

 It will be an online based business and our homes will be used as office.
 It will be a 5 years’ partnership. After that if anyone wishes to take his or her share out
from the business they can with the terms. After 5 years’ new terms can be introduced but
for the upcoming five years, these rules will be applicable only.
 The purpose of the partnership is for profit only. It’s a for-profit business.
 Every partner has provided the same amount of investment. Each member's share will be
 If the business fails to make a profit and runs out of investment and if required partners
have to pay their due and liabilities with any means.
 Everyone will share the profit equally and bear the losses equally.
 Decision making will be based on the majority and if it is for the betterment of the business
even if it is one person speaking for that point it will listen.
 The death of a partner will include and share his or her part of the business with an adult
person of her family if he or she wishes to.
 No one can withdraw their share for 5 years from the signing date of the agreement.
 Upon agreement, one or two members can be elected as working bodies if others cannot
attend in every purchase. In that case, a salary for that member has to be set.
 The salary will be set using the time hour with the capability he or she puts in.

 Control

The control will be in one person’s hand and it will be elected by the partners. In near future if any
of us wish to change this and give management authority to one specific person it will be depending
on effort and voting.

Primarily we have selected them as management team as they have previous knowledge of running
online stores:

1. Zarin Tasnim Tashmi (CEO)

2. Krishan Mani (Accounts and Finance)

Both of them have previous experience of running online stores. They have knowledge how it
works and what to do, what not to do to become successful. They have managed an online store
named “crafted”. They used to sell hand crafted products such as, bags, covers etc. We believe in
them and we will look up to them for the betterment of the business. Zarin lead her club as
Executive Body Member. Her discipline and handling pressure in crucial time will surely lead the
organization in strong position.

Two of our members have farming background:

Mehadi Al Asif

Samin Yasar

Both of them have their own land and family business. Asif have good communication with most
of suppliers specially he has strong links in Sylhet and Sundarbans. Samin who works. Samin has
experience of working at operations for part time jobs. His time management skill will help

The roles of the team will be to provide the business with better opportunities in the market. Let
other members know when to increase investment. When to sell and buy materials? They will also
be responsible to buy the best quality materials for our production. Any damaged or bad material
which is not reported by them will be counted as their fault and will have to take responsibility
and be penalized.

We are going to hire one employee. He will get salaries as they are management team. The person
will get salary of 5,000Taka for the management. With the increase in profit their salary may

increase by discussing with other members. They will get bonuses for bringing more opportunities
and increased sales by their capability. The percentage of the bonus will depend on how much the
seasonal or monthly sales increased.

8. Assessment of risk

Risk is an inevitable think in business. As an entrepreneur we have to take some risk to run the
business. As we are doing online business so there is no risk of robbery and burglary.

 Whereas we have limited range of product our customer can shift another. If anyone to
super shop like swapno,, meenabazar he will get more product and more
options. That is our main weakness. But we decided to add more product based on customer

 Speculative risk can be happening to us. Though we are cultivating mushroom it can be
our main risk. The demand of mushroom is good but we are cultivating mushroom in a
small house. If the demand of the mushroom increases, we will not able to supply in right
time. Honey supplier, tea supplier can make late delivery. If honey supplier and tea supplier
cannot supply on time, our customers can move on.

 We will use third party delivery process. During delivery time it may takes time. In the
delivery time if it happens any problem we will not take any responsibility. We already
mentioned that if anyone can prove that our product is not 100% organic or adulterated we
will give 100% refund. We are confident about this no one can prove. But if any consumer
does it intentionally it can be a risk for our organization.

 We have insurance policy. If there happens any hazard during collecting our product we
will get an advantage. After analyzing all the factors, we see that there is less risk in our

9. Financial Plan:

 Break-even analysis:

Assumptions: To simplify the calculation of our business break-even point we are assuming the
selling price per kg will be the average of our every product item selling price per kg.

We also assume the variable cost per kg will be the average of our every product item variable
cost per kg. So,
selling Variable cost
product name price(taka) (taka)
Mushroom/kg 200 50
Honey/kg 1250 800
Tea/kg 800 550
Kalojira oil/kg 1500 1050
Pickle/kg 250 350
Totals 4000 2800
Average/kg 800 560

The salaries, utilities, rent and stationary cost are fixed for a particular year and every year it
gradually increases. So we assume all of them as the fixed cost for every year and calculate five
break-even point for the five years.

To simplify our calculation we assume website development and advertising costs are fixed for
every month in a year. Every year it gradually increases. So for a specific year it will be fixed cost.


Fixed cost (taka) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Salaries 60000 60000 66000 72000 78000
Rent 48000 54000 60000 66000 68400
Utilities 18000 24000 27600 30000 32400
Advertising 37000 37500 41000 48000 52000
Insurance 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Stationaries 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600
Depreciation 5004 5004 5004 5004 5004
development 20000 10000 10000 12000 13000
Total 195204 198304 218004 242004 258404

Break-even point calculation :

We know that, B/E(Q) = __________TFC______________

SP-VC/unit (marginal contribution)


Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Total Fixed Cost (taka) 195204 198304 218004 242004 258404
Selling price(taka)/kg 800 800 800 800 800
Variable cost (taka)/kg 560 560 560 560 560
SP-VC (taka)/kg 240 240 240 240 240
Break-even point (kg)
[TF/(SP-VC)per kg] 813.35 826.2667 908.35 1008.35 1076.683
Break-even point (taka) 650680 661013.3 726680 806680 861346.7

 Pro Forma Income Statement Assumptions:

We describe in the Break- even analysis that the selling price per kg will be the average of our
every product item selling price per kg and the cost of goods sold per kg will be the average of our
every product item variable cost per kg. The Selling price will be 800taka per kg and the cost of
goods sold will be 560taka

We assume that November, December, January and February will be the best selling time for our
business. But the growth rate of sales will decreases continuously from the March to July. At the
July it will be the lowest sell. From August the growth rate of sells will again increases slowly. To
follow that sequence we assume that for the first year 2020 in January we will sale 70kg of our
product. The sales will increases in February by 75kg. But in March the sales will be 60kg. In
April, May and June it will be 65kg, 63kg and 60kg. But in July it will be the lowest sell which is
58kg. Then from August to November it will be 63kg, 70kg, 73kg and 78kg. In December the sales
will be the highest which is 90kg. For year 2020-2024 the assume sales unit is given below.

2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Totals
(kg) 70 75 60 65 63 60 58 63 70 73 78 90 825
Year Jan. - July -
2021 June Dec.
(kg) 531 538 1069
Year Jan. - July -
2022 June Dec.
(kg) 807 1021 1828
Year Jan. - July -
2023 June Dec.
(kg) 1219 1455 2674

Year Jan. - July -
2024 June Dec.
(kg) 1688 1957 3645

The cost of goods sold is totally correlated with the sales. So as sales changes the cost of goods
sold will also changes in the same direction.

We assume our advertising cost will also be highest from November to February. Then the cost
will decreases from March to July like our sales. After that the cost will fixed till September. Then
the advertising cost will again increase. It will be correlated positively with the sales growth rate.
But every year the advertising cost must be increased from the previous year.

We will keep a worker who take care of mushroom farming and help us for picketing our product.
We assume the wages of the worker will be 5000taka for the first year. Then it increases gradually
every year. But it will not increase so much as the labor wages rate is not so high in our country.
For a specific year it will be fixed.

We use one room of one of our partner house. We spend 4500taka as the rent cost for the first year.
Then it will gradually increase for the upcoming year. The room will be used to cultivate the
mushroom. Beside this we also do the packaging and taking order from our customer on that room.

We include electric bill of the room and water bill which use to cultivate the mushroom in the
utility bill. It can be vary from month to month. But for masking our budgeting simple we assume
the utility bill will be fixed for a specific year and gradually increases from year to year.

We will buy an insurance service for securing our business operation. The premium of the
insurance will be 500 taka for a month and it will be fixed for the lifetime of the business unless
any incident occurs in our business.

For the stationary of our business we assume a fixed cost for every month in a year. Every year it
will gradually increase. It is a very little cost. But in real scenario it can vary every month. But we
assume that fixed for a year to simplify our calculation.

We will purchase one table cost 7000 taka, four chair costs 12000 taka and two wooden rack costs
6000 taka. Total cost 25000 taka for equipment purchase. So the depreciation will be 417 taka for
every month till the upcoming five years.

The major part of our business is the website as our business is a online based business. So for the
first time when we develop our website it costs 30000 taka. One of our partners will develop it. So
the cost is not so much. Then for the first year we will not spend any money for that purpose. But
for the year 2021 we will spend 10000 taka two times in a year means 5000 taka every time. In
2022 it will be same as 2021. In 2023 it will be total 12000 taka for two times and in 2024 it will
be 13000 taka totally for two times.

We will also assume that for the first two years we will not give any divide to the shareholders.
We use all of our profits as the retain earning to our business. But from the 3rd year we will give
40% of our yearly net income as a divide to the shareholders if it is positive.

So the details Pro Forma Income Statement for year 2020 to 2024 is given below:

Pro Forma Income Statement for year 2020

Year 2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Totals

Sales Revenue 56000 60000 48000 52000 50400 48000 46400 50400 56000 58400 62400 72000 660000
Less Cost of
goods So;d 39200 42000 33600 36400 35280 33600 32480 35280 39200 40880 43680 50400 462000

Gross profit 16800 18000 14400 15600 15120 14400 13920 15120 16800 17520 18720 21600 198000

Salaries 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 60000

Rent 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 48000

Utilities 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 18000

Advertising 4000 4000 3500 3000 3000 2000 2000 2000 2000 3500 4000 4000 37000

nsurance 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 6000

Stationaries 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1200

Depreciation 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 5004
development 20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20000
Less Total
expense 35517 15517 15017 14517 14517 13517 13517 13517 13517 15017 15517 15517 195204
Net Income 18717 2483 -617 1083 603 883 403 1603 3283 2503 3203 6083 2796

Pro Forma Income Year

Statement 2021 Column1 Column2 Year 2022 Column3 Column4
Month Jan.-June Dec. Total June Dec. Total
Sales Revenue 425000 510000 935000 645312.699 816526.431 1461839.13
Less Cost of goods So;d 297500 357000 654500 451718.89 571568.502 1023287.39
Gross profit 127500 153000 280500 193593.81 244957.929 438551.739
Operating expense 0 0 0 0
Salaries 30000 30000 60000 33000 33000 66000
Rent 27000 27000 54000 30000 30000 60000
Utilities 12000 12000 24000 13800 13800 27600

Advertising 17000 20500 37500 20000 21000 41000
Insurance 3000 3000 6000 3000 3000 6000
Stationaries 900 900 1800 1200 1200 2400
Depreciation 2502 2502 5004 2502 2502 5004
Website development 5000 5000 10000 5000 5000 10000
Less Total operating
expense 97402 100902 198304 108502 109502 218004
Net income 30098 52098 82196 85091.8098 135455.929 220547.739
Dividend Payment(taka)
(40% of net income) 0 88219

Pro Forma Income

Year 2023 Column5 Column6 Year 2024 Column7 Column8 Statement
June Dec. Total June Dec. Total Month
974975.261 1164171.45 2139146.71 1350081.97 1565681.171 2915763.14 Sales Revenue
682482.682 682482.682 1364965.36 791470.675 917863.3324 1709334.01 Less Cost of goods Sold
292492.578 481688.767 774181.345 558611.292 647817.839 1206429.13 Gross profit
0 0 Operating expense
36000 36000 72000 39000 39000 78000 Salaries
33000 33000 66000 34200 34200 68400 Rent
15000 15000 30000 16200 16200 32400 Utilities
23000 25000 48000 26000 26000 52000 Advertising
3000 3000 6000 3000 3000 6000 Insurance
1500 1500 3000 1800 1800 3600 Stationaries
2502 2502 5004 2502 2502 5004 Depreciation
6000 6000 12000 6500 6500 13000 Website development
120002 122002 242004 129202 129202 258404 Less Total operating expense
172490.578 359686.767 532177.345 429409.292 518615.839 948025.131 Net income
Dividend Payment(taka)
212871 379210 (40% of net income)

So at the end of 2020 the profit will be 2796 taka (approximately). At the end of year 20221 the
profit will be 82196 taka (approximately). In 2022, 2023 and 2024 the profit will be 220548,
532177 and 948025 taka (approximately).

So for the first year our profit will be very low because we will enter the market for the very first
time. But day by day it will increase gradually as we will operate on the market.

 Cash Flow Projections

Assumptions: We are not producing our maximum product. We are just producing mushroom
and kalojira oil by ourselves. Rest of the product we are just buying from our suppliers and deliver
to the customers. So we will assume that we can manage our inventory very efficiently. So the
forecast beginning inventory and ending inventory is given below.

Year 2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Inventory(kg) 0 5 5 15 5 2 2 4 1 6 8 5

Purchases(kg) 75 75 70 55 60 60 60 60 75 75 75 95

Sales (kg) 70 75 60 65 63 60 58 63 70 73 78 90

Inventory(kg) 5 5 15 5 2 2 4 1 6 8 5 10

Inventory(taka) 2800 2800 8400 2800 1120 1120 2240 560 3360 4480 2800 5600

So we assume that at the end of year 2020 the ending inventory will be 10kg which means

We assume at the end of 2024 we will have only 9kg inventory in our hand.

Jan. -
Year 2021 June July - Dec.
Inventory(kg) 10 19
Purchases(kg) 540 540
Sales (kg) 531 538
Ending Inventory(kg) 19 21
Inventory(taka) 10640 11760
Year 2022 Jan. - June July - Dec.
Inventory(kg) 21 14
Purchases(kg) 800 1010
Sales (kg) 807 1021
Ending Inventory(kg) 14 3
Inventory(taka) 7840 1680
Year 2023 Jan. - June July - Dec.
Inventory(kg) 3 14
Purchases(kg) 1230 1445
Sales (kg) 1219 1455
Ending Inventory(kg) 14 4
Inventory(taka) 7840 2240
Year 2024 Jan. - June July - Dec.
Inventory(kg) 4 16

Purchases(kg) 1700 1950
Sales (kg) 1688 1957
Ending Inventory(kg) 16 9
Inventory(taka) 8960 5040

We also assume that we will have no accounts receivable as we will sell our products based on
cash on delivery process. As a result we will receive our selling unit price on the time of delivery.
So we assume that we have no accounts payable also for the unit of product that will sell.

So we assume that the only amount of accounts payable will be the ending inventory money that
we can’t sell.

Pro Forma Cash flow statement for 2020

So at 2020 for the January the cash ending balance will be 156700taka. For February it will be
182800 taka. Then it will continuously change. At December it will be 150320taka.

Pro Forma Cash flow statement for 2021 and 2022:

Pro Forma Cash Year

Flow Statement 2021 Column1 Year 2022 Column3
Month Jan.-June July-Dec. Jan.-June July-Dec.
Sales Revenue 425000 510000 645312.699 816526.431
Purchase 0 0 0 0
Cost of goods Sold 297500 357000 451718.89 571568.502
Salaries 30000 30000 33000 33000
Rent 27000 27000 30000 30000
Utilities 12000 12000 13800 13800
Advertising 17000 20500 20000 21000
Insurance 3000 3000 3000 3000
Stationaries 900 900 1200 1200
5000 5000 5000 5000
Inventory 10640 11760 7840 1680
Accounts payable
-5040 3920
changes -1120 6160
Dividend payment 0 0 0 88219
disbursement 398000 466040 569478.89 774627.502
Cash Flow 27000 43960 75833.809 41898.929
Beginning balance 182800 242200 286160 361993.809
Ending balance 242200 286160 361993.809 403892.738

At 2021 at the end of June the ending cash balance will be 242200 taka and at the end of December
it will be 286160 taka. At 2022 at the end of June the ending cash balance will be 361994 taka and
at the end of December it will be 403893 taka.

Pro Forma Cash flow statement for 2023 and 2024:

Pro Forma
Cash Flow
Statement Year 2023 Column1 Year 2024 Column3
Month Jan.-June Dec. June Dec.
Sales Revenue 974975.261 1164171.45 1350081.97 1565681.17
Purchase 0 0 0 0
Cost of goods
682482.682 682482.682 791470.675 917863.332
Salaries 36000 36000 39000 39000
Rent 33000 33000 34200 34200
Utilities 15000 15000 16200 16200
Advertising 23000 25000 26000 26000
Insurance 3000 3000 3000 3000
Stationaries 1500 1500 1800 1800
6000 6000 6500 6500
Inventory 7840 2240 8960 5040
payable changes 5600 -6720 3920
0 0
payment 212871 379210

disbursement 801662.682 1022693.68 920410.675 1432733.33
Cash Flow 173312.579 141477.768 429671.295 132947.839
balance 339012.738 512325.317 653803.085 1083474.38
Ending balance 512325.317 653803.085 1083474.38 1216422.22

At 2023 at the end of June the ending cash balance will be 512325 taka and at the end of December
it will be 653803 taka. At 2024 at the end of June the ending cash balance will be 1083474 taka
and at the end of December it will be 1216422 taka.

 Pro Forma Balance Sheet Statement

In the balance sheet statement we show that, Total Asset = Total Liabilities + Owners Equity.

We are here calculating Pro Forma Balance Sheet Statement for only year 2020 and 2021. It is
because we have planned to change some format of our business in year 2022

. So for that it is difficult for us to calculate the Pro Forma Balance Sheet Statement for 2022 to

All the Pro Forma Balance Sheet Statements from 2020 and 2021 are given below:

Column1 Column2 Column3

Pro Forma Balance Sheet
for2020 Taka Taka
Current Assets
Cash 182800
Inventory 5600
Total current asset 188400
Fixed assets

Equipment 25000
Less Depreciation 5004
Total fixed asset 19996
Total assets 208396

Liability and Owners Equity

Current liabilities
Accounts payable 5600
Total liabilities 5600
Owners’ Equity 200000
Ratained Earning 2796
Total Owners Equity 202796
Liability plus Owners Equity 208396

Pro Forma Balance Sheet Statements for 2021

Column1 Column2 Column3

Pro Forma Balance Sheet
for2021 Taka Taka
Current Assets
Cash 286160
Inventory 11760
Total current asset 297920
Fixed assets
Equipment 19996
Less Depreciation 5004
Total fixed asset 14992

Total assets 312912

Liability and Owners Equity

Current liabilities
Accounts payable 11760
Total liabilities 11760
Owners’ Equity 202796
Retained Earning 98356
Total Owners Equity 301152
Liability plus Owners Equity 312912

Sources of fund: To start our business we are initially investing two lacs taka totally. WE have
five partners in our business and each of us is investing forty thousand taka. We are arranging that
money from our family.

10. Appendix
Market Research Data
1. Do you buy organic foods?

Yes No
47.00% 53.00%

Do you buy organic foods?

44.00% 46.00% 48.00% 50.00% 52.00% 54.00%

No Yes

2. Is your health-conscious?

Yes No
65.00% 35.00%

Are you health conscious?






Yes No

3. Do you know about any organization that provides healthy organic foods? If yes then mention

Yes No
24.00% 76.00%

Do you know about any organization that

provides healthy organic foods?

Yes No

4. Do you get time for thinking about your healthy life?

Yes No
38.00% 62.00%

Do you get time for thinking about

your health life?

0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00%

No Yes

5. Do you trust any organization or brand?

Yes No
30.00% 70.00%

Do you trust any organization or


Yes No

6. Do you trust the online delivery method for food supplying?

Yes No
67.00% 33.00%

Do you trust online delivery

method for food supplying?



0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00%

7. Is it possible for a company to provide food without mixing preservatives?

Yes No
37.00% 63.00%

Is it possible for a company to

provide food without mixing

Yes No

Our products:


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