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Kinetics of the Reactions of Ethylene

Oxide with Water and Ethylene

GeorgesA. Melhem,' Arturo GianettoIbMarc E. levinIcHarold G. FisherIdSimon Chippelt,' Surendra K. Singh,' and
Peter I. Chipma<
Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, MA 02140
Dow Chemical Company, PO. Box 8361, South Charleston, WV 25303
Equilon Enterprises LLC, PO. Box 1380, Houston, TX 77251
Union Carbide Corporation, PO. Box 8361, South Charleston, WV 25303
Shell Chemical Company, PO. Box 1380, Houston, TX 77251

This stirtiv oj'the water-contaminationreactions of ethylene -

(pH 6.8) mixture, with an estimated initial tenipera-
o.yide r i ~ c i sconducted by Arthur D. Little. Inc. with funding ture of 12.5' C, was allowed to remain on a siding in
f i v t n . crntl under the auspices oJ; the Eth-ylene Oxide Industly the plant for approximately 23 days. A severe runaway
reaction occurred, the safety relief valve malfunctioned,
Coirncil,pat? of the American Chem&tryCouncil. Significant
and the tank car ruptured due to overpressure. The time
e.~perinientaland technical contributions were also made by
from first flow through the safety relief valve (75 psig
stciffi-on1 Shell Chemicals' WesthollowTechnology Center in
set pressure) to rupture (estimated 1,200 psig) of the
Hollstc~n.Texas. and Union Carbide CorporationS Research
tank car was seven minutes [I].
C'enter irr South Charleston. West Virginia. Uniquefourth-
A 24,000-gallon tank car containing 193,000 pounds
order kinetics fbr the reactions of ethylene oxide with water,
of a 15235 percent by weight ethylene oxide-brackish
and ethykvir oxide with ethyleneglycols were derived and wl- (Houston Ship Channel) river water mixture with a high
irl&d. as iwre kineticsfor the reactions of neat ethylene oxide
salt content and assumed initial temperature of 27" C,
and tlw riecomposition of ethyleneglycols. The latter data was ruptured after 14 hours. The tank car Failed at a location
incovpor~rtc~i into a reaction model usefulfor the determina- where a mixed layer of ethylene oxide-water would
tion oJ'et/~yltweoxide storage stability and pressure reliefsys- have been in contact with the shell. The circumstances
tcw desigii 11 rider water-contaminationscenarios. of loading water into the tank car for cleaning suggest
that the water was layered below the pre-existing ethyl-
INTRODUCTION ene oxide in the tank car prior to the incident. Temper-
The reactions of ethylene oxide with water, and atures at the interface were high enough t o cause the
ethylene oxide with ethylene glycols, to produce
resulting incident [21.
higher molecular weight glycols are widely practiced
This report presents, in detail, the kinetics, heats o f
within the chemical process industries. Ethylene oxide
must Iw stored and shipped to meet the demands for r e action, stoic h i o m et ry , physic a 1 properties a n d
this versatile chemical. Contamination of this highly vapor-liquid equilibria necessary to identify and miti-
reactive chemical with almost any other substance gate hazardous water-contamination reactions of eth-
shoulcl I x avoided. ylene oxide a n d essentially neutral pH water. The
A nuniher o f incidents resulting from contamina- information contained herein can also b e used by
tion with water have been reported: knowledgeable persons to size pressure relief devices
A 22,WU-gallon tank car containing 107,000 pounds for inadvertent water contamination of vessels con-
o f ;I OO:-tO weight percent ethylene oxide-river water taining ethylene oxide.

December 2001 23 1
moclel applies. Ncutr:il glycol kinetics occiir in lxirallel
t o the :icicl-c:it:ilyzecl kinetics.
To successfully unclerstmd and moclel the Iwh:i\ior
o f mixtures of ethylene oxide :ind \Tater, ranging from
dilute t o neat ethylene oxide. several chemical reac-
Ethylene Oxide and Water or Ethylene Glycol
Reactions (Basic Medium)
tions should l x considered:
The rates o f reaction o f ethylene oxide nith water,
1. Ethylene Oxide + Water + Ethylene Glycol
and ethylene oxide ivitli ethylene glycols to produce
2 . Ethylene Oxide + Ethylene Glycol + Diethylene higher molecu1:ir \\.eight ethylene glycols hy additional
Glycol (and higher glycols) polymerization. are significantly faster in ;I Ixisic medi-
3. Ethylene Oxide + Acetaldehycle i i n i than in a neutrril medium. The reaction rates, h o n -
4.Ethylene Oxide + Decomposition proclucts e\’er. are slonw than in an acidic nietlium. The Weilxill-
5 . Ethylene Oxide + Ethylene Oxide Polymer NycLincler model again applies. Neutral glycol kinetics
6. Ethylene Oxide I’olymer + Decomposition prodiicts occiir in pirallel t o the hase-catalyzed kinetics.
7 . Glycols + Decomposition proclucts
Ethylene Oxide and Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide
Ethylene Oxide and Water Reactions (Neutral Medium) Reactions
Ethylene oxide reacts with water a n d ethylene gly- Ethylene oxide re:icts n i t h the rvater introcluced by
cols l>y ricklition polymerization t o form higher ethyl- con t ;i m i n i i t ion \v i t h ;I qu e o 11 s sod iu i n h ycl roxide t o
ene glycols. As the water concentration increases. the procliice monoethylene glycol. This reaction is accel-
onset (detection) temperature for the re:iction i n the er:itecl the presence o f sodium hydroxicle. T h e
Automatic Pressure Tracking Acliabatic Calorimeter sodiiiiii then associates with the glycols t o produce
(APTACTh’)drops from :ipproximatel!r 200” C ( i i c i t sodium glycolates. and ethylene oxide reacts with the
e t h y l e n e o x i d e ) t o approximately 00” C: ;it 7 5 - 5 8 sodium gl!xdates t o produce higher glycols. The K i t e
\veight percent rvater. The detected exothermic onset o f reaction o f ethylene oxide with water t o procluce
temperature then increases again :is the concentl:ition ethylene glycol is different from that o f ethylene oxide
of ethylene oxide hecornes t o o lo\\ t o siistain :I rcac- \\.it11 sodium glycolate t o procluce higher glycols (i.e..
tion o f sufficient rate a t lo\ver temper:iture. is consistent nith the \X’eibull-Nyc~indernioclel).
Monoethylene glycol is produced hy reaction o f eth- Two liqiiicl phases (layers) c m form n-hen :iqueous
),lene oxide with w:iter. Higher ethylene glycols ;ire soclium hytlroxicle coiit;iniinates ethylene oxide. Kinetic
formed by the successive addition o f ethylene oxide t o data from the liteinture are typicnlly mass-transfer limited.
glycol. Glycol product clistrihutions are found t o he A triangular ph:ise c1iagr:iin. showing the solul?le/insolu-
well-represented I y a Weibull-Nycancler clistrihution 1.31. hle regions. \vill he presented in a future report.
I n this moclel. a single activation energy clescrihes the
temperature clependence for all ethylene oxide acldition Polymerization
reactions, h i t one rate is employed for characterizing In the alwence o f contaminants, neat, commerci:il-
monoethylene glycol formation. and ;I different rate grxle. ethylene oxide ~ v a spreviously found t o unclergo a
coefficient is ripplied for forniing all sulxequent glycols. self-polyiiieriz~itionre:iction starting :it approximitely
The ratio of the higher glycol rate coefficient t o that for 200” C in an Accelerating R a t e Calorimeter (ARC@). A
monoethylene glycol is defined as the Weilxill-Nycan- sul,sequent clecomposition reaction follows [il
der C - \ r a l ~ ~Ae .C-vdue o f two h:is I x e n previously
reported [31and is confirmed in this study. HYDROLYSISREACTION KINETICS
A Flory (Poisson) distribution predicts that the rate The kinetics for the reactions o f ethylene oxide
o f each of these reactions are equal. A Natta clistrihi- n i t h neutral ( 5 < pH < 9 ) wxter. and ethylene oxide
t i o n predicts that the rates o f tlie successive reactions with ethylene glycols t o produce higher glycols. have
:ire different [31. previously ;ippearetl in tlie open literature [4. 6, 7. 81.
The heat of reaction of ethylene oxide with water is Determining tlie re:iction orders o f these kinetics has
lwver than the heats o f reaction o f ethylene oxide heen heavily influenced by the conimercial concentra-
with mono and higher glycols. And. the neutral ethyl- tions o f n x t e r (6-15 ~vater-to-ethyleneoxide mass
ene oxide reaction with lvater drifts to\varcl :in :iciclic r a t i o ) used t o maximize the production o f ethylene
pH and faster kinetics as the reaction proceeds 1-41. glycol. I-’seudofirst-order kinetics will fit such concli-
The difference hetween iinlxiffered and buffered rate tions. Incorporating the typical water concentration
constants is only ;I fen percent. Buffered solutions into :I first-order kinetic expression results in seconcl-
were not used during this study. order kinetics. \vhich also fit the experimental clata.

Ethylene Oxide and Water or Ethylene Glycol Unimolecular Expressions

Reactions (Acidic Medium) The literature (4.6 , 9 , 101 provides rate expressions
The rates of reaction of ethylene oxide nith lvvater. f o r rcictions o f ethylene oxide with water o f the folio\\,-
and ethylene oxide with ethylene g 1 ~ u ) l tso prod~ice ing type:
higher molecular weight ethylene glycols I,y acldition
polymerization increase 3s the pH clecreases. and are (1)
significantly faster in an acidic nieclium ( p H 1-2) t h a n
rates in a neutral medium. The Weibull-Nycaiicler
rEo= -k,,[EO]exp
[ --

232 I~ecemhel-2001
where /EoI is the molar concenmtion of ethylene oxide used for safety and/or performance evaluation o f
in the mixture, L is the frequency or preexponential fac- explosives and propellants. Self-heat rates at or above
tor, and E is the activation energy for the reaction. Note 0.02" C/min can be detected. This instrument (see Fig-
that this expression does not contain a term for concen- ure 11, described by Townsend and Tou i l l ] . is
tration of m y reactant other than ethylene oxide. This is known to provide thermokinetic data applicable to
:idequate for solutions with low concentrations of ethyl- the design and safety performance evaluation of reac-
ene oxide. where it is the limiting reactant, and is gener- tors and storage vessels. Such thermokinetic data
ally valid in commercial glycol reactors, where there is include:
;in excess of water. This expression will yield inaccurate rate of self-heating,
results for solutions containing high concentrations of adiabatic time to maximum rate,
ethylene c )xide. rate of pressure rise,
maximum rate of reaction,
Bimolecular Expressions kinetic parameters, (such as preexponential factor.
The following expression, proposed in the litera- activation energy, and reaction order) and
ture. is more useful for solutions containing high con- heat of reaction.
centra tions (If ethylene oxide. The reaction mixture to be examined is introduced
into a spherical cell with a volume o f approximately
10 ml. The cell is equipped with a thermocouple
mounted externally on the wall. Pressure is recorded
by means of a transducer. Various cells, which have
pressure ratings from 4,500 psi to 15,000 psi, can be
used. As the pressure rating (that is, wall thickness for
Most o f the experimental data in the literature a cell) increases, the relative amount of heat absorbed
appear to be from solutions with low ethylene oxide by the cell itself, as indicated by the phi-factor,
concentrations. Expressions for base- and acid-cat- increases. The temperature and pressure of ;Ltest with
alyzed re:ictions are typically given in the form: a high phi-factor (specific heat of the sample plus the
test cell divided by the specific heat of the test Sam-
ple) must be corrected by established techniques to
the low phi-factor conditions typical of many com-
mercial operations. The high phi-factor can potentially
mask exotherms that can occur at higher tempera-
or. The significant advantage that the AKC offers over
other calorimetric techniques is its high-sensitivity
(4) exothermic onset detectability of 0.02O Cimin. The
maximum self-heat rate is limited to approximately
10" C/min.

Automatic Pressure Tracking Adiabatic Calorimeter

An extensive calorimetric and modeling study was The AFTAC (see Figure 2) combines the features of
conducted on the ethylene oxide-water reaction sys- the Design Institute For Emergency Relief Systems
tem. Experiments were carried out in the ARC and (DIERS) bench-scale apparatus (low phi-factor and
APTAC adiabatic calorimeters on mixtures of ethylene high self-heat rates) and the ARC (low exotherm onset
oxide-water, ethylene oxide-glycols, neat ethylene detection) into a single instrument.
oxide and neat glycols. The experimental data were The primary use of the M A C is to obtain informa-
analyzed using SupeKhemsTM, Version 4. In addition, tion on the thermal behavior and rates o f reactions.
independent analysis of the experimental data, as well Information obtained includes adiabatic temperature
as confirmation of the derived kinetic model, were and pressure profiles for reactions. The basic data are
conducted using other computer programs (e.g., manipulated to give self-heat and pressure rates as
SAFIKE ). functions of temperature and time.
The reaction mixture to be examined is introduced
Accelerating Rate Calorjmeter (ARC)@ into a spherical cell with a volume of approximately
The accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC) is an instru- 130 ml. The cell is equipped with an internal thermo-
ment that can provide self-heat rate versus tempera- couple which directly measures the temperature of
ture-time data required for characterizing reactions. the reaction mixture. Four independent heaters with
The adiabatic environment is accomplished by caus- PID cascaded control maintain adiabatic conditions.
ing the temperature of the cell surroundings to match Pressure is measured by means of a transducer. The
thc- temperature of the cell. The ARC can be used to cell is placed in a four-liter, high-pressure containment
obtain information on the thermal behavior of reac- vessel rated to 2,500 psig. Non-isobaric pressure track-
tions :tnd detected exothermic onset temperatures, ing by means of flow control valves prevents the cell
primarily for liquid-phase reactive systems. It is also from rupturing. Temperature and pressure rates of up to
400" C/min and 10,000 psi/min can be tracked. The

Process Safety Progress (vo1.20,No.4) December 2001 233

Figure 1. The accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC ).

Figure 2. Automatic pressure tracking adiabatic calorimeter (APTAC’”).

234 December 2001 I’rocess Safety Progress (V01.20. No.+)

APTAC is ;I low phi-factor instrument (less than 1.15) thermal inertia of the laboratory instrument is higher
with exothenn detection capabilities of 0.04" C/min [121. than the plant-scale equipment, the measured onset
temperature can be too high, the rate of reaction too
SuperChems Computer Program slow, the adiabatic temperature rise too low, and the
SuperChcms [13, 14, 151 is a n advanced tool for pressure rise too low compared to what would b e
thermal hazards assessment, pressure relief design. observed in a plant-scale environment. Again, the mea-
and consequence analysis. The DIERS Edition is tai- sured data and the principles of thermal explosion theo-
lored t o perform dynamic simulations of runaway ry should be used to make the parameter extrapolations
c1iemic;il reactions, and design emergency relief sys- required for safety-related studies.
tems for t\vo-phase, vapor-liquid flows. Accordingly, experimental results cannot be used
directly as a measure of the appearance of reactivity,
the time-to-maximum rate, the rate of reaction, the
The experimental calorimetry data are summarized adiabatic temperature rise, or the maximum self-heat
in T:il,les I , 2 , 3 and 4.Calorimetry data were collect- rate in commercial-scale equipment. Consult qualified
ed in the ARC and APTAC on four systems: personnel for interpretation of the data and guidance
1. Ethylene oxide and water
in the analysis of thermal stability or runaway reaction
2 . Ethylene oxide and glycols (mono and di) behavior in process vessels.
3. Neat ethylene oxide Figure 4 illustrates the impact of ethylene oxide
4. Neat glycols weight fraction on the detected exothermic onset tem-
The ethylene oxide-water tests (see Table 1) were peratures. T h e detected o n s e t temperature g o e s
collected over a wide range of phi-factors and ethyl- through a minimum around 33%, and tends towards
ene oxide weight fractions (19 to 99 weight %). Repre- the value measured for neat ethylene oxide at 100%.
sentati\,e self-heat rated data from selected tests are Of all of the compositions tested, the 25-38 weight %
shown in Figure 3. These tests were conducted using compositions have the lowest detected exothermic
3 wide range of test cell materials of construction
onset temperatures. Ethylene oxide-water solutions in
including titanium, Hastelloy-C, and glass. Detected this composition range have sufficient energy to reach
onset temperatures measured in glass were higher t h e glycol d e c o m p o s i t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e range of
than those measured in titanium or Hastelloy-C, espe- approximately 300" C. The glycol decomposition reac-
cially for concentrated solutions of ethylene oxide and tions are discussed elsewhere in this report and merit
water/glycol. This can be attributed to possible reac- special consideration because they are very energetic
tivity at the cell wall or thermal inertia effects. and produce large amounts of gas.
Although detected exothermic onset temperatures The ethylene oxide and glycols tests (see Table 2)
are useful in assessing the susceptibility of a system to were conducted mostly in titanium test cells. The eth-
; I runawav reaction, experimental data must be used
ylene oxide composition ranged from 16 to 61 weight
with ;in iippreciation of the limits of the measuring percent. The primary objective of conducting the eth-
i n st r ii men t . Adiabatic c a 1o r i m e t e r s e m p 1oy e d for ylene oxide-glycols tests was to extract specific rate
assessing thermal stability can introduce adiabaticity, data on the ethylene oxide-glycol reaction. Once this
sensitivity. and thermal inertia effects. was established, the impact of the reaction of ethylene
Adiabaticity is defined as the fraction of the reaction oxide with water was easily quantified.
energy being retained in a sample versus the cell at any
instant. An adiabatic environment is one in which the VAPOR-LIQUIDEQUILIBRIUM
reaction heat is neither lost from, nor energy gained by, The ethylene oxide-water system is a highly non-
:I sample I m n b in a laboratory apparatus. Adiabaticity is
ideal vapor-liquid equilibrium system. In order to
therefore ;I measure of heat losses to the environment. properly interpret the experimental calorimetry data,
Sensitivity is the ability of a laboratory instrument by simulating the actual tests and scaling up the data,
to measure (detect) the thermal parameters (onset the mixture PVT behavior must be well-represented.
temperature. etc.) of a runaway chemical reaction. For The vapor-liquid equilibrium data for all of the binary
example, the ARC has a detection limit for measuring systems of interest were obtained as follows:
onset temperature corresponding to 0.02" C/min or
29" C/da!r. Obviously, the measured onset tempera- 1. Collect published literature data on all the systems.
ture \vould be much too high to directly use in mak- 2. Experimentally measure the vapor pressure data of
ing safety determinations. The measured data and the pure glycols in the APTAC.
principles o f thermal explosion theory should be used 3. Perform VLE thermodynamic consistency checks
t o make the temperature extrapolations required for
using the Gibbs-Duhem relation.
safety-related decisions. 4. Fit t h e binary interaction p a r a m e t e r s using
Therm;il inertia is the ratio of the total heat of reac- SuperChems Expert with the Melhem modification
tion t o thr heat absorbed by the sample in a laboratory of the Peng-Robinson equation-of-state [161.
instrument. The metal bomb of a laboratory apparatus is
:I significant heat sink. Thermal inertia is therefore the
Experimental measurements of the vapor pressure
thermal capacity of the system (sample plus sample curves for the pure glycols at low temperatures are
bomb) divided by the thermal capacity of the sample necessary because they decompose at elevated tem-
alone. Thermal inertia has the effect of dampening the perature. The choice of critical properties is important
magnitude of an observed runaway reaction. When the

Process Safety Progress (V01.20, No.4) December 2001 235

Table 1. APTAC'rh' Experiinental calorimetry data summary for the ethylene oxide-water system.

_. _____

Test T0.w Tll,d\,& 1 a) Xro Mtatal Test Cell

.lac> SC)- __
(wt Yo)
A001 18
CMA 12228
47 12
56 97
53 04
1 09
1 09
RNWY2 103 58.28 204 1.13 33.33 60.00 HASTEI,I,OY-C
CMA04229 60. I6 24G 1.22 50.02 48.42 GLASS
A00 124 69 73 260 1.20 58.28 32.86 TITANIUM
A00123 70 71 _?'Z6
_ 120 58.31 32.62 TITANllJM
A00 I70
70 86
82 64
A00168 62.98 NA 1.29 74.71 25.59 ! TlTANllTM
CMMAO5 139 92.46 NA I
1.48 74.99 27.43 GLASS
A00173 112 09 NA 1.64 89.75 20.49 I
A001 71 1 1 0 65 NA 1 39 89.87 21.24 TITANIUM
CMAO5 109 138 79 NA 1.64 91.22 23.36 GLASS
A00113 282.74 NA 1.45 97.97 19.70 TITAKIIJM
A001 14 ! 27 1.67 NA 1.47 98.93 18.71

(I, = Themial inertia

To = Detected onset temperature at 0.06'Timin; corrected to Q, of 1
T,, = Measured maximum reaction temperature; N o r corrected for thermal inertia
MtOb1= Tolal sample mass of elhylcnc oxide and water
All tests were stirred

Table 2. APTACT" Experimental calorimetiy dara siiiiiimv for the ethylene oxide-glycols systems.
-_ __. .-
Test Number TU.(lI=l a) XI 0 ME0 MFO hlnFc, , MHZO M T ~ ~ Test
I Cell
XCJ - .
_ _
@- (9) , ( 9 ) -. .(9) (8) Material
RNWY242 I 66.77 1.12 18.4 I 12.07 53.50 65.57 r 41V1umi I-?
A00180 44.49 1.14 2 1.93 12.47 44.38 56.85 TIT.4NTUM
A00139A 64.20 1.14 23.66 13.99 45.13 59.12 TIT.4h-IUM
RNWY2420 73.57 1.14 25.00 15.00 45.00 60.00 T I T - .1UM
CMA01139 58.03 1.14 25.02 15.02 45.00 60.02 TIT.4NIUM
RNWY24 18 70.03 1.14 25.26 15.1 1 44.70 59.81 TIT-WIUM
RN WY 24 19 76.79 1.13 26.78 16.62 45.43 62.05 TIT?l\NIUM
CMA04239B 62.37 I .27 33.47 16.00 3 1.80 47.80 GLASS
A00181 58.39 1.1G 35.47 18.40 33.47 51.87 TITANIUM
A001 54.4 76.22 1.1s 46.35 26.67 3087 57.54 TITANIUM
A001 36A 75.35 1.14 48.96 29.77 , 31.03 h0.M) 7'11'4M.lM
CMA01089 60.05 1.20 51.21 21.05 1 20.05 41.10 TIT.4hTTnJM
CM4 12248 67.76 1.13 50.00 I
30.85 30.85 61.70 TI-I-.ANUM
CMA40I 1 19 64.05 I .30 50.00 14.10 I 14.10 28.20 TI'r.4N IUM
RNWY2412 85.74 1.15 52.59 3038 27.48 57.96 I'ITRNIUM
A00153 83.95 I .29 60.66 30.45 TIT-NIUM
A00200 85.18 1.14 16.63 10.61 53.20 63.81 TTTANTIJM
A00195 92.23 1.15 32.2 I 18.05 37.99 56.04 TIT-WIUM
A00194 . 1.19
53.61 - 32.16
~- . -
5.79 38.03 TITANIUM

ct, = Thermal inertia

To = Detected onset temperature at 0.04"Clmin; corrcctcd to 0 of 1
MT,,,~~= Total sample mass
All tests were stirred

Safety Progress (Vol.20. N o . 4 )

Table 3. Experimental calorimetry data summary for neat ethylene oxide.

Test Test TO,*] ME0 Test Cell

Number Type ("C) (g) Material
C02269 ARC@ 237 5.47 3.61 HASTELLOY-C
C03309 ARC@ 254 8.14 3.26 HASTELLOY-C
A03269 ARC@ 234 4.83 6.06 HASTELLOY-C
C04029 ARC@ 223 5.93 4.73 H ASTELLOY-C
CM04219A APTACT" 210 1.46 30.00 GLASS
A00105 APTACT" 210 1.29 32.00 TITANIUM
A00 106 APTACT" 258 1.44 20.00 TITANIUM
A00107 APTACT" 240 1.47 20.00 TITANIUM
A00109 APTACT" 253 1.44 20.00 TITANIUM
A001 10A APTACT" 247 1.47 19.37 TITANIUM
A001 11A APTACT" 266 1.47 19.69 TITANlUh4

4,= Thermal inertia

To = Detected onset temperature at 0.02'C/min (ARC@)or O.O4'C/min (APTACTM)
All APTAC" tests were stirred; all ARC@tests were unstirred
~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ ~ ~

Table 4. Experimental calorimetry data summary for neat glycols.

C08 169 ARC@ 350 275 1.56 Di 4.00 TITANIUM

~ C08179 ARC@ 340 306 1.54 Tri 4.00 TITANIUM
i C08189 ARC@ 340 312 1.54 Tetra 4.00 TITANIUM

0 = Thermal inertia
To = Detected onset temperature at 0.02"C/min (ARC@)or O.O4OC/min (APTACTM)
Tp = Detected onset temperature at dP/dr = 0.1 psi/min
All APTACTMtests were stirred and conducted at 10°C increments
All ARC@ tests were unstimed

for experimental data interpretation of the ethylene Ethylene oxide-water k,,= -0.1044, h,= -0.0895
oxide-water-glycol reacting mixture phase behaviors. Ethylene glycol-water k,,= -0.0383, h,,= 0.
To illustrate the highly non-ideal phase behavior of Diethylene glycol-water k,, = -0.107, h. = 0.
the system, Figures 5 an d 6 sh o w a comparison Triethylene glycol-water k,,= -0.134, h,,= 0.
between experimental VLE data at 1.013 bars for ethyl- Ethylene oxide-
ene oxide-water, and model predictions of the data ethylene glycol k,,=O., h.,= 0.
using ideal behavior and the Peng-Robinson equation- Ethylene oxide-
of-state. An ideal phase behavior assumption will lead diethylene glycol k,,= 0.0196, h,= 0.
to the wrong prediction of the vapor-liquid split in the
vessel, and. as a result, to an erroneous energy balance ETHYLENE OXIDE HYDROLYSIS REACTION MODEL
and temperature/pressure behavior. This, in turn, can The data presented herein are believed to cover the
lead to incorrect prediction of relief system activation. widest range of concentrations and reaction tempera-
Literature references for various component pair tures available in the open literature. The published
vapor-liquid equilibria data are provided in Table 5. kinetic models presented under Experimental Appara-
The binary interaction parameters used in the final tus and Data Analysis Software, however, do not ade-
simulations are as follows: quately fit our entire data set (see Figure 4). In papers

Process Safer!, Progress tV01.20, No.4)

December 2001 237
a 1 9 % EONVater
~ (A00182; Shell)
+ 3 2 % ~EO/Water (A00118: Shell) .. .


.-c 10



-1ooorr (K’)
Figure 3. Self-heat rate data for selected ethylene oxide-water APTACTMtests.



=.- 280

(0 240

8 220
B 200


P 180
3 160


6 80

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 500:. 60% 70O h 80% 90% 1( 1%

Wt% EO

Figure 4. A comparison of measured and predicted onset temperatures (for a specified self-heat rate) as a
function of reaction order for the ethylene oxide-water system.
by Virtanen [7,341, reaction kinetics with higher order tain some key distinguishing features. The acid- and
water dependencies were developed o n mechanistic base-catalyzed reactions of ethylene oxide and water
arguments and fit to experimental data. We have cho- to produce ethylene glycols will be covered in sepa-
sen to explore higher order reaction models that bear rate proposed papers.
s o m e similarities to Virtanen’s (such as a n overall These kinetics were fit by the following simulation
fourth-order model dependence), but which also con- procedure:

238 December 2001 Process Safety Progress (V01.20, No.4)

Table 5. Literature sources for thermodynamic component pair data.



- _I-


*Includes internal corporate data.

0.0 01 0.2 03 04 05 0.6 07 C8 09 (0

Figure 5. Comparison of experimental TXY data and Figure 6. Comparison of experimental TXY data and
ideal behavior predictions for the ethylene oxide- Peng-Robinson equation of state predictions for the
water system at 1.013 bars (see Table 5). ethylene oxide-water system at 1.013bars (see Table 5).
1. Select reaction orders and activation energies as the following stoichiometry:
stuting estimates.
2. Simulate the ARC/APTAC tests, including the heat- C2H40+ H 2 0 + C2H602 (5)
wait-search steps [151.
3. Compare the model predictions of temperature or
rise rate-temperature, pressure rise rate-tempera-
ture, pressure-temperature, temperature-time, and
pressure-time to experimentally-measured values.
4. If the model predictions do not agree with the mea-
sured values, go back to step l; otherwise stop.

Particular emphasis was placed on the ability of the T h e rate of reaction is given by the following
model to predict the detected onset temperature at expression:
both low and high concentrations of ethylene oxide.
Reaction orders of one, two and three were examined r1 = k[EOl [H201[ROM2 (7)
as candidates. These models performed reasonably
well in the low concentration range, but underpredict where I; is in kmol/m'/s, and k is an Arrhenius factor
the detected onset temperatures at high ethylene defined as:
oxide concentrations. The overall fourth-order reac-
tion rate expression was found to accurately predict (8)
the reaction kinetics of ethylene oxide with neutral k = ...p[-+]
water (between 10 and 90 wt % EO), ethylene oxide
with ethylene glycol (between 18 and 61 wt % EO),
and some exploratory runs with diethylene glycol. where A and E have been determined to be:

Kinetics A = 338 (m3)3krnol%' (9)

Hydrolysis Reaction
Ethylene oxide reacts with water in th e liquid
phase t o produce monoethylene glycol according to

Process Safety Progress (V01.20, No.4) December 2001 239

E (10)
- = 9525 Kelvins or E = 18880 cal / gmol I + H 2 0 + EG+ 2ROH (16)
and [ROHI is given by: YE. = % [A [H201 (17)

[ R O a = [H20]+ 2[Ed + 2[DEG3 + 2[Ed +2[T4EGI+ where the subscript EG implies the formation rate
from H,O and does not evaluate the consumption of
2[PjEGI + etc. (11)
EG in subsequent reactions. If EG is being converted
to DEG, the following reaction and reaction rate
The value of the preexponential factor A has an
uncertainty of +lo%. Note that t h e [ROH] term apply:
accounts for the total molar concentration of indepen-
I + EG + DEG + 2ROH (18)
dent hydroxyl groups in solution. The units in the
above expressions are in SI, i.e., m, kmol, s, etc. It is
important to emphasize that in Virtanen's mechanistic rI,E(,.= 2k0 [A [ E d (19)
development [71,only water was considered to associ-
ate with ethylene oxide. Our own modeling is more The factor of two applies because either o f the two
accurate because it considers all species containing hydroxyls o n the ethylene glycol can undergo reac-
hydroxyl groups. Moreover, the current study also tion. Equations 18 and 19 apply in the exact same
takes into account the impact of the subsequent reac- manner for all the heavier glycols. The intermediate
tions of the ethylene glycols o n the overall kinetics concentration [A has not been measured in this study,
results. but can be expressed per Equation 15 as:

Glycol Reaction
[d = K[EOI [ROM2 (20)
Ethylene oxide reacts with glycols to make higher-
This expression for [A can be substituted into Equa-
order glycols and polyglycols. The reactions of ethyl-
tions 16 a n d 19, which yields f o r t h e reactions
ene oxides with glycols occur based on the following
stoichiometry : described herein:

rEG= 4 HE01 [H,Ol [ROHI' (21)

i = 2,..., 6
C,H40+ C2i-2H4i-20i+C2iH4i+20i+l, (12)

The reactions between ethylene oxide and the gly- rnEG= 2k0 HE01 [EGI [ROHI' (22)
cols proceed according to the following expression:
It is convenient to combine kjK as k
[ R o d 2 ,i = 2,..., 6
r2 = 2k [EOI [C2i-2H4,-20J (13)
k = %K (23)
where k and [ROHI are defined earlier.
The final rate expression is given by the following
Mechanistic Justification
These kinetics are consistent with the following
rEG= HE01 [H,Ol [ROH12 (24)
two reactions occurring in sequence:
1. Ethylene oxide is assumed to rapidly associate with
two moles of hydroxyl to form an intermediate, I rDEG
= 2HEOl [ E a [ROM' (25)

Model Comparisons
EO+ 2 R O H w I (14) The aggregate dependence o n species concen-
The concentration of ROH is defined in Equation trations is fourth order. The same energy of activa-
t i o n a n d t h e s a m e p r e e x p o n e n t i a l factor w e r e
11. The glycol concentration terms in Equation 11 are
found to predict adequately the onset temperature
multiplied by two to account for the presence of two
and heat rate for both the hydrolysis reaction of
hydroxyl groups on each glycol molecule.
ethylene oxide with water, a n d the ethoxylation
This reaction is presumed to be so fast that chemi-
reaction of ethylene oxide with glycols. A single
cal equilibrium is attained. Hence:
fourth-order reaction model accurately predicts the
(15) experimental results.
K= [I1 Consideration was also given to a third-order reac-
[E 0 ] [R0HI2 tion model. A third-order reaction mechanism implies
that only one hydroxyl group associates with ethylene
oxide to form t h e intermediate vs. two hydroxyl
where K is the equilibrium constant for this reaction.
groups in the fourth-order reaction mechanism.
A comparison of predicted onset temperatures
2. This intermediate is presumed to react slowly with
water to form EG, with EG to form DEG, with DEG (0.06" C h i n heat rate) for a third-order reaction and a
to form TEG, etc., regenerating the two moles of fourth-order reaction versus weight percent ethylene
ROH. oxide is shown in Figure 4 . The experimental detected
onset temperatures (unadjusted for thermal inertia)

240 December 2001 Process Safety Progress (V01.20, No.4)

Table 6. Measured heats of reaction from calorimetry data.

Chemical Mw Heat of Reaction (liquid phase)

Name O d k EO) (BTUAb EO)
Ethylene oxide (EO) 44.053
Water (H20) 18.016
Ethylene glycol (EG) 62.068 -2,064 -887
Diethylene glycol (DEG) 106.122 -2,205 -948
Triethylene glycol (TEG) 150.175 -2,375 -1,021
Tetraethylene glycol (T4EG) 194.228 -2,410 -1,036
Pentaethylene glycol (PSEG) 238.280 -2,424 - 1,042
Hexaethylene glycol (HEG) 282.330 -2,424 -1,042
Polyethylene glycol 326 -2,489 -1,070

AHfis the heat of formation at 25°C

Subscript 1 indicates liquid phase
Subscript g indicates gas phase
h is the latent heat of vaporization at 25°C

Table 7. Comparison of calculated formation energies from APTACTMdata with reported literature values.

Chemical Phase -mf Accuracy (+/-) Source

Name (kJ49 (kJkd
Ethylene glycol Gas 6,25 1 32.22 NIST Review
Gas 6,354 45.1 1 NIST Review
Gas 6,272 unknown DIPPR
Gas 6,172 This work
Liquid 7,301 19.50 NIST Review
Liquid 7,411 45.1 1 NIST Review
Liquid 7,322 This work

Diethylene glycol Gas 5,382 161.46 DIPPR

Gas 5,256 This work
Liquid 5,923 22.42 NIST Review
Liquid 5,93 1 This work

Triethylene glycol Gas 4,828 144.84 DPPR

Gas 4,710 This work
Liquid 5,406 T h s work

Tetraethylene glycol Gas 4,543 Predicted DIPPR

Gas 4,486 This work
Liquid 5,055 23.68 NIST Review
Liquid 5,127 This work
~ ~~

w e r e addc-d to t h e plot in o r d e r to s h o w that t h e between onset temperature and u p to 200" C (or the
fourth-order reaction mechanism predicts the data peak heat rate) as compared to the self-heat rates cal-
more accurately, particularly at high ethylene oxide culated from the model. Excellent agreement is seen
concentration. At 10 to 40 wt % ethylene oxide con- between the rates measured and those predicted from
centration the rates of reaction for a third-order reac- the proposed kinetic model.
tion and fourth-order reaction are very similar. How-
ever. a divergence occurs once the concentration of Heat of Reaction Data
ethylene oxide is greater that 40 wt %. The present model terminates to an oligomer with
A parity plot appears in Figure 7 , consisting of indi- a molecular weight of 326 (see Table 6). The complete
vidual points from the observed self-heat rate data series of ethylene oxide addition reactions are defined

Process Safety Progress (V01.20, No.4) December 2001 241

45 dcg Line

0 A00118

. A00123

0 A00134
X AW136

+ A00180

I A00181




. CMAI139

0 CMA4239

+ CMA5109
X CMA5129

0 CMA5139

A RWY2412


f RWY2421
0.01 01 1 10 100

Measured Self-heat Rate, dTIdt (OClmin)

Figure 7. Parity plot of self-heat rates measured in the APTACTMvs. self-heat rates predicted from the kinetic



f 100


20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 300 400 "C
-1 OOOiT (Ksl)

Figure 8. Measured vs. predicted vapor pressure data for ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol.

242 December 2001 Process Safety Progress (Vo1.20, No.4)

Table 8. Gas chromatograph characteristics.

Instrument Lab 1 Lab 2

Instrument HP 5890 HP 5890
Injector Split (200:1 ratio)
Injector Temperature ("C) 250 250
Column Type J&W bonded phase RTX 5-Amine
DB- 1 fused-silica
Column Length (m) 30 30
Column Diameter (mm) 0.32 0.32
Column film Thickness (mm) 1 .o 1 .o
Carrier Gas Helium Helium
Carrier Gas Flow Rate (ml/min) 30 35
Pressure Ramp No
Initial Temperature ("C) 100 35
Ramp Rate ("Urnin) 10 15
Final Temperature ("C) 260 220
Retention Times (min)
EG 2.0 6.7
DEG 4.3 11.3
TEG 8-9 14.9
T4EG 12.6 18.8
Detector FID FID
300 300

Table 9. Measured vs. predicted product distribution analysis for selected tests.
__ -
Weight Fraction (%) Test Number 1
A00123 A00 180 A00182 RNWY242 1
Starting composition

Ethylene oxide
Ethylene glycol
1 58.31

Ending composition Meas I Pred Meas I Pred Meas I Pred Meas I Pred

Water 28.1 128.2 1.63 10.00 73.0 173.9 NA 10.00 NAINA ,

Ethylene glycol 34.9 I 3 1 .O 49.1 150.5 18.6 I 22.3 62.0 159.4 46.01469 I
Diethylene glycol 24.7 124.7 31.5 136.3 3.20 I 3.40 30.2 132.2 33.6 137.6 !
Triethylene glycol 10.0I 1 1.6 9.2 I 10.8 410.3 6.0b11.20 15.61 12.5
Tetraethylene glycol 2.90 / 3.70 <4 I 2.00 NA I 0.02 0.30 10.90 1.9612.50 1
Pentaethylene glycol NA / 0.90 NA 10.90 NA 1 0.00 NAlO.10 2.0010.37 1
earlier h y Equations 5 a n d 1 2 . T h e experimental tion is occurring in the system, such as ethylene oxide
calorimetry data collected in this study yield the heats polymerization or isomerization.
of reaction for the individual steps summarized in
Tables 6 and 7. Product Distribution Predictions
As reflected in the parity plot of Figure 7, the predicted A compositional analysis of the liquid reaction
onset teniperatures (for a given self-heat rate), slopes of product distribution was conducted at the e n d of
the heat rate curve, and peak heat rates match the experi- selected tests to provide more insight into the reaction
mental data for all concentrations of ethylene oxide with stoichiometry. The measured product distribution data
water. This was also found to be the case for the EO-EG also serves as experimental verification of the pro-
experiments. However, the adiabatic temperature rise posed reaction model.
was difficult to predict, in some cases. A possible expla-
nation for these discrepancies is that an additional reac-

Process Safety Progress (V01.20, No.4) December 2001 243

00 120 140 160 180 200 300 400 oc
-1OOOlT (K-')

Figure 9. Measured and decomposition onset temperatures for ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol.

The product distribution analysis was conducted on pressure data. Excellent agreement with the experimen-
a HP 5890 gas chromatograph equipped with a split tal data is obtained up to the decomposition point.
injection system. The approximate retention times (min) Neat glycols, when heated to approximately 300" C,
for ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol decompose by exothermic, autocatalytic kinetics to
and tetraethylene glycol are shown in Table 8. volatiles and non-condensable gases. This is shown in
The results indicate that the reaction model is robust Figure 9 and Table 4 . Pressure increases, indicating the
because the predictions were very close to actual mea- onset of decomposition, could be detected during ethyl-
surements. Table 9 summarizes the product analysis ene oxide-water experiments accompanied by a high
predictions vs. measured values for the selected tests. adiabatic temperature rise. Note that the presence of
sodium hydroxide [351or potassium hydroxide or strong
acid, depending upon the concentration, reduces the
NEAT ETHYLENE OXIDE REACTIONS detected decomposition onset temperature to approxi-
Neat ethylene oxide can decompose in both the liq- mately 175" to 200" C. Appropriate kinetics, stoichiome-
uid and vapor phase. These decompositions occur at try, heats o f reaction, vapor-liquid equilibria, and physi-
high temperatures and are heavily influenced by the cal properties were employed to model the effects of
presence of contaminants, such as rust, for example. the neat glycol decomposition reactions when deter-
The vapor pressure of neat ethylene oxide at decompo- mining kinetics for the high temperature, ethylene
sition temperatures is extremely high. Most emergency oxide hydrolysis reactions.
relief systems dealing with neat ethylene oxide would T h e glycol decomposition reaction model a n d
relieve before decomposition temperatures are reached. experimental verification will be published in the liter-
It is important to note that large amounts of ethylene ature in the coming months. The DIERS Users Group
oxide should not be discharged to the open atmosphere has also published Round-Robin test data and model
as this can lead to a vapor cloud deflagration, as well as parameters for the decomposition of the glycols I351.
a toxicity hazard.


Table 4 summarizes the data collected in the ARC The kinetics, heats of reaction, stoichiometry, phys-
and APTAC o n neat glycols. The purpose of these ical properties, and vapor-liquid equilibria models
measurements was to validate the SuperChems model presented in this report were incorporated into a digi-
predictions of the glycols' vapor pressures, and to tal simulation computer program, which was used to
measure the onset temperatures for the decomposi- predict the first ethylene oxide-water contamination
tion of the neat glycols. incident discussed in the Introduction section. The
Figure 8 compares the SuperChems model predic- tank car was insulated. With an estimated initial con-
tions of ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol vapor tents temperature of 12.5" C, the tank car initially
gained and then lost heat to the atmosphere as the

244 December 2001 Process Safety Progress (V01.20. No.4)

temperature of the reacting mixture increased. The project oversight. Kathleen M. Roberts, Kathryn
simulation predicted a time to maximum rate of 21.8 Smith, and Karyn Schmidt of the ACC staff provided
days compared to the actual incident time of 23 days. contract administration.
It is important to note that the estimated initial self-
heat rate of the previously-mentioned 22,500-gallon tank
car incident was 0 . 8 O C per day. This is considerably TRADEMARKS
lower than the calorimeter detection limit of 58” C/day APTACTMis a trademark of Arthur D. Little, Inc.
(equal t o 0.04” C/min) in the APTAC and illustrates the ARC@is a registered trademark of Arthur D. Little, Inc.
caution that must be exercised when inferring maximum SuperChemsTMis a trademark of Arthur D. Little, Inc.
operating temperatures from calorimeter data.
DESIGN OF EMERGENCY RELIEF SYSTEMS 1. MacCutcheon, S.M., “Ethylene Oxide Explosion
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DESIGN OF EFFLUENT HANDLING SYSTEMS 8. Virtanen, P.O.I., “The Vapour Pressure and Activity
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such a history for p r o p o s e d scenarios. A recent ThermocheniicaActa, 37, p p 1-30, 1980.
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abatic Calorimeter (APTACTM),” International
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Relief Design, G.A. Melhem and H.G. Fisher, Edi-
This study was conducted by Arthur D. Little, Inc. tors, p p 23-57, AIChE, DIERS, New York, NY,
with funding from, and under the auspices of, the 1995.
American Chemistry Council Ethylene Oxide Indus- 13. Melhem, G.A. and H.G. Fisher, “An Overview of
try Council. A s u b c o m m i t t e e of t h e Safety Task SuperChemsTM for DIERS: A Program for Emer-
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246 December 2001 Process Safety Progress (V01.20, No.4)

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