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Final Reading Project

Project Advance 2 (5%)

1) Analyze feedback. Complete the table again. Make sure corrections have been

Ttitle Summarise Thesis Summarise Summarie Your point of view

statement or main Arguments Conclusion
Details, Paraphrase no no mor ethan 70
Paraphrase no more examples, more than 70 words
than 70 words arguments, etc words
paraphrase no
more than 140
People’s Pets give us Owners of pets I think this article is
relationships company and joy 1 For dogs, the need to be very important to be
with pets during these times quarantine seems attentive of their read by the people
have of pandemic where perfect because pets’ behavior who actually live with
changed we are living most of they can be with because being pets, because in the
during our lives in our their humans with them all beginning of
pandemic. homes. Like 24/7. And for the time could quarantine all of this
people’s behavior these animals bring some could be seen as a
may have changed which really like to types of normal and lovely
while the lockdown be the center of anxiety, and behavior but could
is happening, so do attention that’s dependance in bring some problems
our pets’ behavior. amazing. both sides. It after that, so they
And it’s so important could also bring need to pay attention
to recognize these bad social and find a solution to
symtoms to give 2 For cats, it behavior with keep their pets in a
them a healthly could be difficult other pets out good mood and
solution before the because they and they could healthy after
pandemic ends and already know how even be quarantine.
we return to our to be isolated and depressed
normal lives. alone most part of when the
the times. quaratine ends
However, the and their
quarantine made humans need to
them to be closer be back to work
and experiment and do the
more feelings with normal
their humans as activities.

3 The actual
problems about
being with our
pets all days of
the week might be
the necessity for
them to socialise
with other
animals, to do
long walks so the
pet can do some
exercise to stay
healthy and they
need to be alone
sometimes not to
be dependent on
their humans.

2) Design a Power Point Presentation (it’ll be used in your final presentation).

Only images, statistics and numbers can be included.
Minimum 5 slides, maximum 9.
3) Send both the word document and PPT to my email before the end of the class.

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