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Freedom of Expression Also available in

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Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of democratic rights and freedoms. In its Enter your email
very first session in 1946, before any human rights declarations or treaties had to subscribe to H
been adopted, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 59(I) stating mailing lists.
"Freedom of information is a fundamental human right and ... the touchstone of all RSS Feeds
the freedoms to which the United Nations is consecrated."

Freedom of expression is essential in enabling democracy to work and public

participation in decision-making. Citizens cannot exercise their right to vote Key terms
effectively or take part in public decision-making if they do not have free access
to information and ideas and are not able to express their views freely. Freedom of Censorship - sup
expression is thus not only important for individual dignity but also to of publications c
participation, accountability and democracy. Violations of freedom of expression obscene, politica
often go hand in hand with other violations, in particular the right to freedom of unacceptable, etc
association and assembly. Defamation - inj
a person's good n
Progress has been made in recent years in terms of securing respect for the right to reputation
freedom of expression. Efforts have been made to implement this right through
Hate speech - vi
specially constructed regional mechanisms. New opportunities are emerging for
which incite to
greater freedom of expression with the internet and worldwide satellite
intolerance or ha
broadcasting. New threats are emerging too, for example with global media
between groups
monopolies and pressures on independent media outlets.
"Everyone has t
to the freedom o
opinion and exp
this right includ
freedom to hold
The right to freedom of expression and opinions without interfer
to seek, receive
right to freedom of expression upholds the rights of all to express their views impart informat
opinions freely. It is essentially a right which should be promoted to the ideas through an
imum extent possible given its critical role in democracy and public and regardless o
icipation in political life. There may be certain extreme forms of expression frontiers." (Univ
ch need to be curtailed for the protection of other human rights. Limiting Declaration of H
dom of expression in such situations is always a fine balancing act. One Rights, Article 19
icular form of expression which is banned in some countries is “hate speech”.
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This guide was d

by Asmita Naik.

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