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OUMH 1303

Video speech:

Hello and Good morning to everyone. I’m Nor Ayuni Yasmin Bt Ahmad Fahmy. My
student ID is 981113135448001, I’m from course Bachelor In Early Childhood
Education. Currently studying at OUM Kelantan Learning Center. I’m doing this video
for my assignment OUMH 1030. Im going to introduce to everyone about nature.
This topic is quite interesting and I want everyone to know and increase knowledge
about nature and gardening.

Introduction about nature:

Nature, in the broadest sense, is the natural, physical, material world or universe.
"Nature" can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general.
The study of nature is a large, if not the only, part of science. Although humans are
part of nature, human activity is often understood as a separate category from other
natural phenomena. The word nature is borrowed from the Old French nature and is
derived from the Latin word natura, or "essential qualities, innate disposition". To
make it simple, Nature is the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including
plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as
opposed to humans or human creations.

For this video, im choosing Gardening as my main tittle. It is because gardening is

my hobby. Hence, I also make a mini garden at my home. As I really like the colour
of leaf and flower and also the freshness of the plant. Home gardens are an
important building block, along with community gardens, parks and other natural
spaces, to replacing lost habitat Gardening. What is gardening? Gardening is the
practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. In gardens,
ornamental plants are often grown for their flowers, foliage, or overall appearance;
useful plants, such as root vegetables, leaf vegetables, fruits, and herbs, are grown
for consumption, for use as dyes, or for medicinal or cosmetic use. On the other
hand, gardening is the job or activity of working in a garden, growing and taking care
of the plants.
1.What is the purpose of gardening?

It helps to create a healthier environment too. From producing oxygen to creating

some more greenery, gardening always helps. We also can have some pesticide
free, fresh food if we grow them in our garden. This way there are various benefits of

2. Types of Gardens (include image)

-Butterfly Gardens. Plant flowers that butterflies will love.

-Container Gardening. If space is limited, grow plants in containers.

-Demonstration Gardens. These Extension gardens showcase local plants and

sustainable gardening techniques.

-Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs.

-Organic Gardening.

-Water Gardens.

Why is gardening important?

Gardening is good for a great many things. It can be good for your health, good for
your soil, and good for the wildlife in your backyard. It’s a great way to relieve stress,
to set goals for yourself, and to nurture something. On top of all that, growing your
own produce is a great way to become more sustainable at home and to reduce your
environmental impact.

Benefits of gardening:

1. Helps you lose weight

-Weight loss is the holy grail of health for many people, and gardening can
help you achieve that goal. According to a study published in the American
Journal Of Public Health. Gardeners have a significantly lower body mass
index, as well as lower odds of being overweight or obese, than non-
gardeners, they found. The average weight loss about 11 pounds for women
and 16 pounds for men.

2. It keeps your mind sharp

-A study publisher in the journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that various
Physical activities- gardening among them can cut your risk of Alzheimers by
50 percent. Other research finds that horticulture therapy is very engaging for
dementia patients and has a positive impact on their overall wellbeing.

3. De-stressing with nature

-In addition to the de-stressing associated with flow, gardening also offers a
calming effect thanks to the presence of nature simply being in nature is
known to reduce stress level, as does coming into contact with plants and the

4. It helps you sleep better

-Spending time in the dirt can improve your sleep quality. The physical activity
tires you out, but more importantly, tending to your garden reduces stress and
anxiety levels, meaning you’ll be able to fall asleep easier and experience
sweeter dream.

5. Boost Mood
-As reported by Quartz, several studies have found that exposure to a specific
bacteria commonly found in soil can increase levels of serotonin in the human
brain. Serotonin is a chemical that increases feelings of well-being or
happiness. On other hand, the colour of nature green can evoke powerful
emotions. Its is a dominant colour in nature that makes you think growth.
Think of nature and see the incredible variety of shades of green expressing
renewal and life.

6. Spending time outside is good for your bones.

-When you're outdoors and your skin is exposed to the sun, it prompts your
body to make vitamin D. This vitamin also found in fish and fortified foods like
milk helps your body absorb calcium, a mineral essential for bone formation,
according to the National Institutes of Health. For you information, you should
still apply sunscreen if you're planning on spending more than a few minutes
in the sun to lower your risk of skin cancer.

Why is gardening important to the environment?

Gardens are important to the planet because, despite being human-made, they
represent a natural environment. Plants and trees grow there, taking in carbon and
releasing oxygen. The roots of these plants stabilize the soil and filter water.
Municipal gardens and national parks become safe havens for all manner of wild
creatures that might have been otherwise displaced by the endless urban sprawl of
the modern world.

Birds, bugs, and bees — especially honey bees — are essential to the lifecycle of
the world at large. Bees are one of the most important pollinators in this group but
they aren’t the only ones. Your backyard garden is bound to have its own native
pollinators and your garden is a great way to coax them back into your life. They’ll
help your flowers look nicer, keep your perennials coming back, and help your
vegetable garden to flourish.

Question to ask to the Gardener:

1. How long have you been in gardening life?

2. What are basics of gardening?
3. How much time that you spend per day for gardening?
4. When should people start a garden?
5. Why did you enjoy gardening?
6. Why gardening is a good hobby?

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