Chanatda Sareerat - Assignement 1 Nap Lab - Your Health Unit

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Subject: Your Health Unit Lab #1

Title: Nap Lab “a qualitative Lab”

Date: 23 Jan 19
Name: Chanatda Sareerat

Purpose: A qualitative lab that students will collect qualitative data (describes in words) about
their health triangle status (Mental/emotional, social, physical health) before and after taking a
nap, to determine if their overall health triangle improves.

Introduction to lab:
Nap Article: Napping
Reference APA:
❖ Introduction & Background & purpose of lab: Summarize in 2 paragraphs
❖ The first paragraph usually consist of the background information with/without in text
❖ The second paragraph usually consists of the connection between the topic and lab
❖ Usually the last sentence will state the purpose of the lab or question ( In this experiment
I would like to find out…)

❖ Not every lab includes a hypothesis

Material list:

Write down your own materials used for this lab

Example 15 min nap lab materials:

Procedure/Method ​ -
Requirements for your nap: Quiet comfortable space, no cell phone, no tablet, no music, Totally
unplug and rest your mind and body.

Data/table/graphs/photos ​- will not be applicable for this lab

❖ Answer the questions 10 minute nap, 15 minute nap, 30 minute nap, 60 minute nap, 90
minute nap
10 minute nap reflection Date: 23/01/2019
1. What were your thoughts before your nap?​ I was thinking about my favorite singer and
his lyric was on my mind.
2. What were you doing right before you took your nap?​ I was doing the searching on
napping articles.
3. Describe your health triangle before your nap​ I was going to fall asleep
4. How do you feel after your nap? Describe your health triangle ​I want to sleep more
5. Do you you think your nap was beneficial? Explain ​Yes, but It made me want to sleep
6. Was it hard for you to relax and take a nap? Explain ​No, because I was used to sleep in
the classroom at my previous school

15 minute nap reflection Date: 25/01/2019

7. What were your thoughts before your nap? ​I was excited to see my mom.
8. What were you doing right before you took your nap?​ I was watching youtube.
9. Describe your health triangle before your nap ​I was so excited.
10. How do you feel after your nap? Describe your health triangle ​I was still sleepy and
wanted to take more
11. Do you you think your nap was beneficial? Explain ​Yes, because it reset my mind and
give more energy.
12. Was it hard for you to relax and take a nap? Explain ​No, I used to it

20 minute nap reflection Date: 28/01/2019

13. What were your thoughts before your nap?​ I was thinking about homework
14. What were you doing right before you took your nap?​ Sitting in front of plenty of
15. Describe your health triangle before your nap ​Stressful
16. How do you feel after your nap? ​Describe your health triangle Still stress but less than
17. Do you you think your nap was beneficial? Explain ​Yes, It helps reducing stress.
18. Was it hard for you to relax and take a nap? Explain ​No

30 minute nap reflection Date: 02/02/19

19. What were your thoughts before your nap?​ I was thinking about PM2.5
20. What were you doing right before you took your nap? ​I was looking out the window.
21. Describe your health triangle before your nap ​Worry about health
22. How do you feel after your nap? Describe your health triangle ​Nothing change much, but
feel better.
23. Do you you think your nap was beneficial? Explain ​Yes, it helps reducing worriness.
24. Was it hard for you to relax and take a nap? Explain ​No

60 minute nap reflection Date : 03/02/19

25. What were your thoughts before your nap? ​I was missing my mom badly.
26. What were you doing right before you took your nap? ​I called my mom.
27. Describe your health triangle before your nap​ Loneliness
28. How do you feel after your nap? Describe your health triangle ​better
29. Do you you think your nap was beneficial? Explain​ Yes, it helps a lot.
30. Was it hard for you to relax and take a nap? Explain ​No

90 minute nap reflection Date: 04/02/19

31. What were your thoughts before your nap? ​I was thinking about tomorrow speech.
32. What were you doing right before you took your nap? ​Rehearse a speech
33. Describe your health triangle before your nap ​Stressful
34. How do you feel after your nap? Describe your health triangle​ Not that better
35. Do you you think your nap was beneficial? Explain ​No
36. Was it hard for you to relax and take a nap? Explain ​No

1 to 3 sentences stating your final results

Additional reading: O
Understanding Qualitative research and qualitative data:
Nap Lab Report
Napping is some kind of resting in a short period of time. It can be anytime but
mostly, people would take a nap either ten o'clock or directly after lunch. There can be
categorized into two types of a nap, the first one is biphasic sleep, which is a practice of
sleeping two hours from 24 hours. Next, the second one is called polyphasic sleep,
which is a practice of sleeping in various number of hours. 'Eventhough, napping is
needed to our life in order to recharge yourself and get energy to deal with activities
during a day. Still it is unacceptable for the adults who are working to take a nap during
work hours.
As National Sleep foundation has indicated that over 85% in the world, humans
are mostly polyphasic sleepers. What they tried to say was that humans are sleep in
short periods of time throughout a day. There is a term called ​'siesta' t​ he word came
from Spanish and its meaning is nap. This term is usually mean taking a short nap
during the early afternoon or maybe right after a meal. The siesta is commonly in
Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. Also it is concerned as a traditional in many
countries. Each countries have different concerned on timing. The best duration for
taking a nap is approximately about 20-30 minutes but it is also depend on the person.
The longer you take can lead you grogginess. (Wikipedia, 2019) Taking a nap can help
you in many ways, reboot your mind, improve on learning and memory, make you feel
calm. As University of Colorado claimed that people who miss a nap are likely more
anxious than those who take a nap everyday. This shows that benefit of take a nap is
manage the anxiety and mental solving problem. (Harvard Health,2018) In this lab, I
would like to test on time duration and claim that the benefits of take a nap is truth. So
First thing I decided to begin take a nap from 10 minutes,15 minutes,20 minutes,30
minutes,60 minutes, and end up with 90 minutes respectively. By the end of the lab
experiment, I would be getting a result on which time duration is the best for taking a
nap and benefit for myself.

❖ If I take a nap after lunch, then I will be able to focus more on academics.
Material list:

Write down your own materials used for this lab

When I take a nap, I usually needed
- Comfortable desk with no rough surface
- Jacket (sometime)
- Chair/sofa
- Fan/ AC

Procedure/Method ​ -
Requirements for your nap: Quiet comfortable space, no cell phone, no tablet, no music, Totally
unplug and rest your mind and body.

Assignment #2 
2. Students will find an article on mental or emotional health. 
Students will read their article and summarize it in the following listed format below.  
Title: S
​ uicide 
APA Citation: D'Arcy, L., PhD. (2014). Suicide. Retrieved from  

Who: Ethan 
What: He decided to suicide himself because of the family issues and he had no clue of who needed to 
consult with. 
Where: In the Teen Health website 
Why: At first, he was trying to end his life.Fortunately, he thought deeper. Make him decided not to end 
himself this way.  
How: He decided not to end his life. So he talked to his father about all the issues. But better come for 
consult with Lyness D'Árcy on Teen Health website. 
● Making a suicide attempt say that they did it because they were trying to escape from a
situation that seemed impossible to deal with.
● They didn't want to die as much as they wanted to escape from what was going on.
● Teens with alcohol and drug problems are also more at risk for suicidal thinking and
● Some teens worry about sexuality and relationships, wondering if their feelings and
attractions are normal
● Many people who really didn't mean to kill themselves end up dead or critically ill.
Whenever you face some problem that you can not face with, what will you do ?
Most of the teenagers or even adults who are trying to escape the situation which they could
not find the solutions to deal with. They would commit the suicide to escape from the
situation. Most people who commit suicide have depression. It is very dangerous because
depression leads you to focus on failures and disappointments. To make you feel more
negative it also can lead you to the term called severe depression. Some people can not
figure out between depression and situation. They may think that suicidal is not related to the
situation, but unfortunately 85% it is related. But for commit the suicide, not only depression
is a main factor . There are some more that can lead you to commiting suicide.

There is some factor that can make you easily commit to suicide, drugs and
alcohols. Why it is like that? It is because these two things whenever it goes into your body, it
will have depressive effects on the brain. This problem can go worse when people use this
factor to escape. But it is not always mean that whoever use this solution will kill themselves
but it is one of the main factor as well. Suicide, sometimes it comes in a form of planned but
some are randomly come. This means that you would never know when you will have a
thought to commit suicide unless you face some hard situation randomly. There is signs for
you to figure the person who will commit suicide, they would " talking about going away",
"pulling away from friends or family and losing the desire to go out" , "experiencing changes
in eating or sleeping habits" , or "talking about suicide or death in general" etc. Moreover,
whenever you face some hard situation, do not keep it with yourself only. In this world, not
just only you are standing alone there are family and friends who are standing by your side.
You may also get rid of these situation by being with the good people and good environment,
tell someone who you trust, ask for help etc. (​D'Arcy, L., PhD. 2014) 
D'Arcy, L., PhD. (2014). Suicide. Retrieved from  


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