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gi TRADE PRACTICE - Fitting & Machining MEM 30205 Industry & Natural resources faculty 9277 Certificate III Mechanical Engineering (Fitting and Machining trade) Stage 1 Practical- Contents index and timetable Week Practical exercise - Semester 1 Hours | Week Practical exercises Semester 2 Hours 1 | SP- G Clamp (filing faces/ edges) 4 18 _| SP- Soft punch (turning/ knurling/ measuring) 4 2 | SP- G Clamp (filing faces/edges) 4 19_| SP- Soft punch (turning/measuring 4 3 | SP-G Clamp (filing/ marking out) 4 20. | SP- G Clamp (face miling/ end milling) 4 4 | SP-G Clamp (drilling/ filing radius) 4 21 | SP-G Clamp (turning handle components) 4 | 5__ | $P-G Clamp (stitch drilling/ chisellingy 4 22 | SP- G Clamp (surface grinding) 4 6 _| AT —Brass gauge (filing/ marking outy 4 23_| SP- G Clamp (completed assembly) 4 7 _| AT ~ Brass gauge (hacksawing / filing) 4 24 | AT- Tap wrench (turning body) 4 8 _[SP- Sheet metal gasket (marking out) 4 25 | AT- Tap wrench (turning body) 4 9 _| SP- Sheet metal gasket ( power tools) 4 26 | AT- Tap wrench (turning handles) 4 10 | AT- Slotted piate (marking out/ drilling) 4 27__| AT- Tap wrench (turning handles) 4 11 | AT- Slotted plate (power tools) 4 28 | AT- Tap wrench (Milling body) 4 12 | AT- Slotted plate (file finishing) 4 29_| AT- Tap wrench (Milling internal section) 4 13. | SP- Aluminium bearing block (drilling) 4 30__ | AT- Tap wrench (Milling internal section) 4 14 _| SP- Stepped shaft (tool sharpening/turning) 4 31 | AT-Tap wrench (Milling jaws) 4 15 | SP- Stepped shaft (turning operations ) 4 32 | AT- Tap wrench (Milling jaws) 4 16 _| SP- Adaptor hub (internal boring/ measuring) 4 33__| AT- Tap wrench (Assembiy/ surface grinding) 7 17 _| SP- Adaptor hub (internal boring/ measuring) 4 34 7 SP = Skills practice AT = Assessment task Note: Practical tasks have been aligned to the theoretical delivery of the competency standard unit Cc D Version 2.9277 ENGINEERING MECHANICAL eee ) PRacricaL REsounets -2019 ( PRACTICAL WORKSHOP CONDITIONS OF ENTRY Generally student is admitted to this course subject to departmental rules, completion of 91 Sorolement form and payment of the prescribed fee, where applicable, is an agreement by fre thacent to abide by the regulations of the TAFE NSW and Hunter TAFE, or the benefit of te students enroted in the course the folowing extracts from the rules Feparding safe conduct on departmental premises are repeated. 1 10. a, 2, ‘A student Is required to be punctual and in regular attendance and refrain from Sn aaaaeanich, In the opinion of teaching staf, is dangerous, offensive or cisruptive ‘to normal college activities *Rspagent must not leave the workshop or section during class hours without the permission from the teacher in charge of that class. porn interest of work health and safety, 2 student is required to observe accepted eas of personal cleanliness and to follow standard safe practices (SOP) setueiing the wearing of approved personal protective equipment at al! times. sectudert must complete a TAFESAFE prior to commencing and practical achwies (Ar potenti hazards are to be identified and control measure putin place before seaming any practical activity. The TAFESAFE must be checked by the class teacher before the student is granted permission to commence practical work Te readent will nt permitted entry into @ practical workshop without the folowing ‘approved personal protective clothing + Approved Cotton drill overalls 1 Approved steel caped safety footws + Approved clear lens safety glasses [A-stadent must not use equipment or machinery without completing the ‘appropriate SOP. aor must not use equipment that Is damaged, out of service or unfit for use, Cauipment found unsafe for use, must be tagged “oUt of service” and « staff ‘member notified immediately. seent with long hair or beard will be required to wear a halr net or appropriate tase of containing long hair, Jewellery must removed when using machinery reeigent engaged in any welding practices or activites classed as hot work, Is eauired to wear the appropriate protective equipment for such work pendent engaged in any practices involving the use harzardous substances oF anaee volving fumes or dust, must wear the appropriate protective equipment for ssuch work. student engaged in any practices involving high noise levels must wear the appropriate hearing protection for such work srenident is responsible to ensure all tools and equipment is used safely and orrectly, all tools and equipment must be thouroughiy cleaned after use, ‘Additional conditions 4. Students must be aware of the emergency evacuation procedures and follow iANtuctions of the teacher, other staff members or emergency personel regarding ‘emergency evacuations and evacuation drills 2. Food and drink: 3. Mobile phones, ts not permitted in the practical workshop at any time, and personal music players are not permitted to be used while In @ practical workshop 4, Prcgntng equipment must only be used in emergency situations. Persons Found tampering with 5. Smoking is not A student is required to report any accidents, ‘emergency equipment willbe reported to the campus manager permitted in the workshop or the surrounding bulldings incidents or near misses to their A sietm teacher immediately ater the incident. The correct form or reports must be completed by a teaching staff member and student when appropriate, 3. Rstadent must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or any medication that may place themselves or others at risk or in danger injury. 8, Wortehep risk assessments or material safety data sheets are available and must be referred to when performing ‘Acknowlegement ‘As a student, 1am aware of my risk assessments or practical tasks. responsibilities regarding appropriate behaviour and Srety requirements when entering a practical workshop, ‘understand that if 1 do not follow safe practices or behave in an inappropriate manne’ 1 nay be removed from practical activities and my employer will T understand I may ‘be notified immediately. rot be permitted to enter a workshop if my teacher or other teaching staff deems It unsafe for me to do so. TIECHANIGAL STAGE PRACTICAL RESOURCE: DRAWING NOTES The folowing abreviations and symbols are used throughout this book All dimensions are given in mm All surface finish requirements are to be followed SYMBOL ABREVIATION THREAD SPECIFICATIONS 9 Diameter AF Across Flats Vee Threads cSK Countersunk cr Cast Iron M12 x 1.75 Third angle projection FL Flat _ \ SN , HD Head Metric Major Diameter(mm) Pitch VU & oS — surface finish symbols HEX Hexagon MATL. Material MAX Maximum a Datum M/C Machine MIN Minimum Pipe threads ® at MS Mild Stee! 1 PCD Pitch circle diameter Rc %/ 8 PCR Pitch circle radius R Radius R= Taper External REQD Required RC = Taper Internal a Socket RL = Parallel external (Long) SPHER Spherical RP = Parallel Internal ( Long) SPR Spring sTD Standard STL Steel THRU Through TP Typical PCD Pitch circle diameter PCR Pitch circle radius q@ Verson2 8277 u ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE 1 SJ practical resources Skill Practice Task 1 MEM18001C - Use Hand Tools eee (emote et ee a eee re etree eee EL SKILL PRACTICE OVERVIEW “This Skill Practice task is designed to implement the knowledge gained in class as identified in the unit of competency. This exercise allows the student to practice the skills required for the completion of the assessed major project. INSTRUCTIONS « Allsafety considerations regarding PPE, Risk assessment and SOP must be followed. «You must successfully complete all tasks to the teacher's satisfaction. «Progression trom one task to another sliould be made after 2 sufficient degree of competence has been reached in the skill being learnt. © Consideration will be given to the time allocated for each particular skill practice. ‘SKILL DEVELOPMENT AREAS Your teacher will guide your progress in the following areas: reading and following information on standard operating procedures following verbal instructions selecting hand tools appropriate to the task using hand tools safely identifying hand tool defects and marking for repair maintaining/sharpening hand tools using appropriate techniques storing hand tools in accordance with manufacturers'/standard operating procedures oo ehamrr nine: MECHANIC PRACTICAL RESOURCES - 2015, 4 Skills Practice 1: G-Clamp Filing flat and Square Aim: + To practice the skill of filing flat and square to prepare a corner datum. Safety: = Appropriate PPE must be worn. = File is in good condition and handle is secure. = Work piece is held securely in vice. Suggested procedure * Check the material for size * Descale and file Face ‘A’ flat «File edge 1 flat and square to face ‘A’ «File edge 2 flat and square to face ‘A’ and edge 1 * Remove all burrs Note: * Teacher to check progress and completion * Retain this material for further skills practice exercises Material: 75x25x107 Mild Steel Flat Bar Bs FACE W 08 30° / [ \ EOGE 1 —7 \e FRONT view RIGHT SIDE VIEW ut soe 11 ‘or eortom view q Version 29277 UY ENGINEERING MEC! |ANICAL STAGE 1 WJ PRACTICAL RESOURCE: 2015 J © marcine our ano pains * NOTE:IF THE OVERALL HEIGHT MEASUREMENT OF 73mm ON THE END VIEW IS FILED UNDERSIZE, THE MEASUREMENT OF 63mm MUST BE ALTERED TO KEEP THE 10mm DIFFERENCE rt & Tap Thread 121.75 ————, nogng one ss ‘dat dean A a 20 aso ‘ | orasoasinn a. 2g * a | R12 . ~“ $3 hd Lar ones notes Sean Front view A tno view NOTE: AIM: To practice the skills of marking out & drilling with accuracy to marking out. Procedure: 4. Obtain scribing block, marking out kit and angle block Paint datum face & edges with marking medium, - Locate material against angle plate and proceed to mark out co-ordinates as per engineering drawing. Prick punch all radii & hole centres. Using dividers then scribe all diameters an arc. Prick punch centreline bisection points on hole diameters. - Witness all 3 radii and 105mm length . Obtain drill kit from store. (drills to be checked for damage before commencing . see teacher if sharpening is required) PANO Yeen Remove all burrs and sharp edges. Secure material in drill vice, drill all holes. (if drill runs off centre the method of drawing the drill back to centre should be applied. see teacher for details if required) FRONT VIEW Nore: AIM; To practice the sil ofhacksawing fo a requied ive of prafcey PROCEDURE: 1 Before using the hacksaw encure the blades sharp, the teth facing in the right ‘rection and tensioned correct. 2 Grip the material in the vice and make the saw cus shown i te above ‘drawing NOTE: The saw cuts should be square with te ron feeo ofthe material, 3, Remove all burs and sharp edges. Cc Veron 28 FILE FRONT VIEW ‘AIM: To practice the ki of fling to shape unl a evel of proficiency ‘has been attainecto successfully complete job 1 PROCEDURE: ‘using an engineers scuare, check the degree of squareness of Previously sawn edges before fling. 2 File edges to serbed ine, repeated checking squamess ofthe fled surface, 3. Finish file al outside edges. 4. remove all burs and sharp edges and submit to teacher, 5. Tap the M12x 1.75 hole tothe depth nominated pay particular ‘attention to the chips the bottom ofthe hole. Be nt allow them tobe compressed by he end ofthe procedvre of tapping 6. remove all burs and present to teacher, ENGINEERING MECHANCAL STAGE A) rac cAL RESOURCES. 018 Y @ @ 3 SKILLS PRACTICE PRECISION HACKSAWING & MECHANICAL CUTTING NoTE: ‘STEP TWO |AIM: To practice the sil of stich ding toa required level of Sr APART GUIDE LINES proficiency. ‘SAW CUT 7 ‘Am APART GUIDE LINES PROCEDURE: 41. Along the centre line between the previously driled 10mm holes, markout and centre punch the positons 6 equally Spaced 6 Smm dia holes 2. Between the two existing 10mm holes, markouton centre ___— coun sawcut equally spaced holes 8 mm diameter. 0.5mm on inside of fine '3,Proceed to pedestal dri and stitch dla marked out holes: 4, Remove all burs and sharp edges, NOTE: STEP THREE |AIM: To practice the ski of pecision hacksawing and cutng with ~__ DRILL6 HOLES mechanical machinery. seco BSD ECORLLY SPACED enoceDUne: BETWEEN THE TWO. FRONT VIEW SME ces 4. Ober hacksaw tom slore nce tn a), cecting Ce ct se orn toe commen ct 2. setujob on cds, decking blade ened up eet or seh Sunce, wore: STEP ONE 2. Reve al bursa sharp ge Ai To prac teal of markngot wih precisn PROCEDURE: NoTE: STEP FOUR «obtain venir hog gauge maring ou, daring mem jn:To practice te slot sing a cl cing removing meta 2. coat ath aes nop ee wih ating mem. PROCEDURE: 2. vn meter cated agate angle pt and the dain edge on he mara {ome aliting and suing comple gp vn ad wh a col in ata etd aces le cate essex) ON Cea ang and sing come Son Tig aces nay have Santas and ep age hol ciel ora cn lta resonate daphns ben menu ove an apa the prcess. At ‘adequate depth “4, Mark out4 mm guidetinee on reference fece and top edge for cold saw cut, with fas inn rade repntonn ve an sore wth hammer fo remove Dutside tne tangent to dled hole FNGINFERING MECHANICA PRACTICAL RESOURCES - 201 Assessment Task: | MEM18001C - Use Hand Tools Tao iae cay Gn Cae ne ert Rerteee avers MSE TLM Orv (ercy Ga cori STUDENT DECLARATION 2+ declare this assessment task tobe Solely my own work or, | have acknowledged within my assessment If this work was completed with a peer, and isin accordance with the TAFE NSW blagiarsm policy located at http://www unter. ‘ au/Libraries-and-Resources/Pages/Plagiarism Ret. aspx 2. Ihave put my name on front cover of this assessment 3. t have been provided with information on RPL 4, have been provided with information on the appeals process 5. Ihave notified the assessor of any special needs 6. 1am aware of penalties for late submission or non-submission of assessment tasks 7. thave read and understand the Student Assessment Guide which includes important information related to assessment 8. If require further information regarding assessment, | am aware | can refer tothe ‘Every Students Guide to Assessment” {hups:// guide.pdt Student name: Student signature: Neer renee Date: ‘Assessment Grading This unit is ungraded “| ‘Assessment Conditions This assessment is to be completed in class Instructions to Assessors | An Assessors’ Guide is available fortis assessment event The Guide ls located on SharePoint with the validated ASSecomenr documents, Instructions to Students | Follow TAFE NSW Assessment Policy and Procedures Resources Assessment must ensure access to: Relevant information and documentation on compliance requirements, such as * organisational policies, procedures, plans and standard operating procedures * relevant Acts, regulations, codes of practice, licensing requirements and standard WHS Requirements Cooperate with TAFE NSW, Hunter institute by following safe and healthy work procedures ard practices. @ Vesion2s217 7 ENGINEERING MECHANICA WH) practicar resources. 2018 Is @ ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS - Use hand tools to produce a job to specifications You have (8) hours to complete this task = You must have completed the appropriate SOP & Ris = You must wear the correct PPE if entering workshop areas. You are required to: = Complete a job plan for the following practical task. * Follow steps = Submit the finished task to your teacher for assessment. You will be assessed on the following criteria assessment prior to operating machinery/tooling. Following verbal] Use the correct tool | Follow correctSOP | Identify damaged | Cleaning tools and | Store tools in the planning foreach task | safety instructions | tools, report to your | _ sharpening as supplied kit and instructions identified in your | and complete a five | teacher and tag for necessary return clean and job plan minute risk repair if needed lubricated if assessment necessary ‘Your practical task will be marked on the following criteria Overall length 130 | Overall width 60 | Accurately drilled mm mm holes ‘Accurate marking, out and witnessing ‘Outside edges filed fiat and square Correct angles ‘All sharp edges and burrs are removed PRACTICAL RESOURCES -2015 UNIT ELEMENTS. 1.1 -Hand tools are selected appropriate to the task requirements. 1.2 -Hand tools are used to Produce desired outcomes to job ‘specifications. 1.3 -All safety requirements are adhered to before, during and after use. 1.4 -Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for rey 5 - Routine maintenance of tools, ‘pair according to designated procedures before, during and after use. including hand sharpening is undertaken according to standard operational procedures, 1.6- Hand tools are stored safely in appropriate location according to standard operational Procedures and manufacturers’ recommendations Skills & Knowledge Covered * Follow verbal instruction RTO Declaration And Feedback ' declare that any workplace information contained in this assessment will remain confidential within TAFE NSW. ‘Assessor ‘Assessor Date: Name: Signature: ‘Assessment Result: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Assessor Feedback: ‘Student Comments: L c Version2¢277 7 ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE 1 AH practical resources. 2015 doa @ So BRASS TOOL GAUGE Aim: = To practice the skill of filing flat and square to prepare a corner datum. + Marking out accurately using a scribing block and protractor + Hacksawing accurately to marking out + Filing soft materials accurately to produce a suitable finish Safety: = Appropriate PPE must be worn. = File is in good condition and handle is secure. = Work piece is held securely in vice. Suggested procedure Check the material for size + Produce a datum corner as per drawing * Accurately mark out angle and hole location intersecting points using a scribing block/marking gauge + Check accuracy of marking out. + Centre punch locations for 3mm holes + Drill 3 mm holes using pedestal drill + Hacksaw accurately allowing material for filed finish + File finish all angles flat and square + Number stamp angles as per drawing * Teacher to check progress and completion + Submit to teacher for assessment Material: 150x75x3mm Brass Flat Bar | | 10 omacuATioNs At — fe Timm INTERVALS: DRILL ALL HOLES @3mm ATUM EDGE ————] 1 8 ry i aw eee co | | 130 | TOOL ANO ORILL GAUGE TOLERANCES “9°8 ALL DIMENSIONS £0,5° ALL ANGLES EACTICA! RESMUIRCES - 2015 2 Note: Nowe A detailed job plan is to be completed and checked prior to being issued with material 3mm drill holes are to be drilled at each intersecting point The component must be made as per drawing above All dimensions and angles are to be within the tolerances mentioned Correct tools must be used and cared for at all times Completed gauge must have the finish expected of a quality item All burrs and sharp edges must be removed Version 2 9277 \Y ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE 1 NJ PRACTICAL RESOURCES - 2015, a @ JOB DESCRIPTION: Brass tool gauge NAME ‘OPERATION No. OPERATION TOOLING ‘CALCULATION “ Skill Practice Task 2 MEM18002B - Use Power Tools / Car ae ene Hand held operations Sheet metal gasket tania: Tee ere ee SKILL PRACTICE OVERVIEW This Skill Practice task is designed to implement the knowledge gained in class as identified in the unit of competency, This exercise allows the student to practice the skills required for the completion of the assessed major project. INSTRUCTIONS * All safety considerations regarding PPE, Risk assessment and SOP must be followed. * You must successfully complete all tasks to the teacher's satisfaction. * Progression from one task to another should be made after a sufficient degree of competence has been reached in the skill being learnt. * Consideration will be given to the time allocated for each particular skill practice. SKILL DEVELOPMENT AREAS Your teacher will guide your progress in the following areas: reading and following information on standard operating procedures following verbal instructions selecting power tools appropriate to the task using power tools safely using clamping/securing devices identifying power tool defects ‘maintaining power tools using appropriate techniques sharpening tools/tool bits within the scope of this unit storing power tools according to manufacturers'/ standard operating procedures J c version? 77 \) ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE 4 D practica 2 @ Skills Practice 2: Sheet metal gasket Using power tools Aim: + To practice the skill of marking out accurately drilling and cutting thin material using power tools Safety: = Appropriate PPE must be worn. = All power tools are in good condition and safe to use. = Work piece is held securely Suggested procedure Check the material for size + Prepare datum edges using appropriate file (be aware of sharp edges) + Mark out sheet metal gasket accurately as per drawing = Check marking out * Secure to bench using a G-Clamp and support on timber + Drill all 6mm holes using a sheet metal drill bit * Cut outside profile using nibblers + Drill hole in centre approx. 25mm using a hole saw + Cut inside profile using a nibbler * File gasket to finished profile * Remove alll sharp edges and burrs Note: «= Teacher to check progress and completion * Retain this material for further skills practice exercises 150 x 120 x 0.9mm Zinc plate AL RESOURCES 20185 16 ee [JOB DESCRIPTION: Sheet metal Gasket NAME OPERATION OPERATION TOOLING CALCULATION c erson26217 \/ ENGWNEERINGMECHAMICALsTAGE1 Uy) PRACTICAL RESOURCES 2018 Jom Assessment Task: 2 MEIM18002B - Use power tools / Seen ne es evs WitateMoysy-eetake yey ‘National Cede: MEM 30 ater Semi Slotted plate ‘STUDENT DECLARATION year this assessment task to be solely my own work or, Ihave acknowledged within my assessment if this work was completed with @ peer, and isin accordance wth the TAFE NSW plagiarism policy located at http://www Libraries-and-Resources/Pages/Plagiarism Ref.asox 1L. I have put my name on front cover of this assessment 2. Ihave been provided with information on RPL 3 Ihave been provided with information on the appeals process 4. Ihave notified the assessor of any special needs 5, lam aware of penalties for late submission or non-submission of assessment tasks 6. 7. have read and understand the Student Assessment Guide which includes important information related to assessment | {FL require further information regarding assessment, | am aware | can refer to the ‘Every Students Guide to Assessment” httos:// Student name: ‘Student signature: Date: ‘Assessment Grading This unit is ungraded “Assessment Conditions This assessment is to be completed in class Instructions to Assessors | An Assessors’ Guide Is available for this assessment event. The Guide is located on SharePoint with the validated assessment documents. Instructions to Students Follow TAFE NSW Assessment Policy and Procedures Resources ‘Assessment must ensure access to: Relevant information and documentation on compliance requirements, such as «organisational policies, procedures, plans and standard operating procedures «relevant Acts, regulations, codes of practice, licensing requirements and standard WHS Requirements Cooperate with TAFE NSW, Hunter Institute by following safe and healthy work procedures and practices none ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE 1 PRACTICAL RESOURCES - 2015 8 ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS - Use hand tools to produce a job to specifications * You have (8) hours to complete this task * You must have completed the appropriate SOP & Risk assessment prior to operating machinery/tooling. You must wear the correct PPE if entering workshop areas. You are required to: * Complete a job plan for the following practical task. + Follow steps = Submit the finished task to your teacher for assessment. You will be assessed on the following criteria Following verbal Use the correct tool | Follow correct SOP | Identify damaged | Cleaning tools and | Store tools and planning for each task safety instructions | tools, report to your | __ sharpening as. return clean and instructions identified in your | and complete a five | teacher and tag for necessary lubricated if job plan minute risk repair if needed necessary assessment, Your practical event will be marked on the following criteria Overall length and | 10degree angle | 12mmslot accurate | 2x 15mm radius 2x 10mm holes Elongated hole | All sharp edges and width 110 mm x 7m correct towidth and length | ground square and | drilledtosizeand | 14mmx69long | burrs are removed mm accurate on centre G Version29277 \/ ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE? «PRACTICAL RESOURCES -2018 Js o UNIT ELEMENTS: 1.1. Power tools are selected appropriate to the task requirements. 1.2. Power tools are used for a determined sequence of operations - which may include clamping, alignment and adjustment to produce desired ‘outcomes - to job specifications which may include finish, size or shape. 1.3. All safety requirements are adhered to before, during and after use. 1.4. Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for repair before, during and after use according to designated procedures. 1.5, Operational maintenance of tools, including hand sharpening, is undertaken according to standard workplace procedures, principles and techniques. 1.6. Power tools are stored safely in appropriate location according to standard workshop procedures and manufacturers’ recommendations. Skills & Knowledge Covered Follow verbal instruction I declare that any workolace information contained in this assessment will remain confidential within TAFE NSW. ‘Assessor Assessor Name: Signature: Date: Assessment Result: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Assessor Feedback: ‘Student Comments: PRACTICAL RESOURCES -2015 LATHE TOOL SHARPENING LATHE TOOL SHARPENING SKILL PRACTICE 28 LATHE TOOL SHARPENING MATERIAL 10 «10 x 109 mil steet 20° -_ - mone, | ry SS) “hy STANOARO TOOL WOLDER / 10 | Ra2sm 12° BACK RAKE se ee "ey 7 } sive tir u ovr SIDE CLEARANCE PROFILE OKT WAND. ROUGHING TOOL aM Je, proctice the ski of athe tol sharpening unil_a Lvel of proicinoy nes een ‘itined tot wil erode the scsenshlcanplten of jb 8 SAFETY: Wearing of appropriate aye protection is compulsory Safely pecans tp be observed when. grinding Lathe tods will be Gemenstrted Dy the teacher. Students myst offend this demonstration before conmencng the tool sherpenng ell prochce PROCEDURE : Using the gouge trom job 44 — comaine — —oomane — sey, ster? STEP 9 STEP « step s 108 ‘oP. ‘GRD APPROACH 208 8 LATHE TOOL SHARPENING MATERIAL 6mm square nee too a. Raz mm “A ANG fl LA ENLARGED TOOL PROFILE RIGHT HAND ROUGHING NOTE : Do not attempt this job unless the previous sll practice noe been completed fo the teachers salistoction gare aoe oD Tea. oAND ERT onND So Ruste SRRSRE MRRP SRNR ong 3 c Vesion20ar7 ENGINEERING MECHANICAL st UD prrericat resources 201s ) @ a SURFACE FINISHES ROUSINESS MMETICAL MEAN DEVIATION (Re VALUE) SEE COLUMAY 1 TALUES suarace TecHNavES en EAN cats | onaoes | rinisk 20 7 Traaagn | Rvary Faugh srface produced by sana carina. N12 | £x¥0" Jone cutting. cpping or forging Not specie Ver sien Sutabe fer unmacined ciecronces 25 ni [ very roan [on mochines 9s. ete Produced by akg avy cls wih cure feede fon macrine teas very Tough Hing rough ase machines. 98 SUM OF AREAS'A'= SUM OF AREAS’: Goarea prosucion Tish eos by an re connate ce pp gig cro 88 No Jecurse macrrel ih t fac marks donc alec perfomance Te conercal fash easily predic on machine eis, common used in general engnesng AMPLING. SURFACE «10 2 N@ [Wes machine aroma o produce Reosenchie cppeoence . —_ aoe a mace in ay os ren wauness ve. [naehine tos sing tne feeds 2nd Nh cut ren TeX 16 57 |e mocnine [ECE el ee ea it oe reed Not (PRIMARY TEXTURE) (SECONDARY TEXTURE or rtting shots SO Fest css fish easly produced on efter ond srfoce grinders but reaures great core on ERROR OF FORM oe 6 [Mesum ground Joiner machine fools used for salts earying Seece cancel ir toads ot mec to slow speeds ri Fine qoity sirloce predaced by fine ca prind, coarse honing and fpping Used or Vo BASIC syMBoL out NS |Fine ground high speed shatts and bearings ‘ SiMe, vse an | ACHING REQUIRED Fine safe produced by Ferng. epping and SYMBOL WHEN MATERIA ved puting Used for gouge end instrument work Y neva nor neauiReD Ty o2 N& —|ored0601%6 Jang nigh speee shafts and beorings atau synice ve == | ONLY SPECIFIED | Fey reine saraoe prosucea by Fone LiMiTS OF SURFACE bs SRROTSIES Rac enone | 9 Rote Stren / a Na [Fine honed vy son. wy pagoucron process’ seeciieD. 0.05, N2 Bava [exwemeyy refined sutaves produced by honing, 'Y at over UNLcSS STATED OTHERWISE) tie noned lapping buting and sine -fnsing machines Cally to produce Pray requres 02s wa | soper-teien [7 ORY OP a SURFACE FINISH SYMBOLS APPLICATION OF SYMBILS Skill Practice Task 5 meEm07005C - Perform General Machining Rep et ere OTR er ome Geers Latin eee er SKILL PRACTICE OVERVIEW This Skill Practice task is designed to implement the knowledge gained in class as identified in the unit of competency. This exercise allows the student to Practice the skills required for the completion of the assessed major project. INSTRUCTIONS * All safety considerations regarding PPE, Risk assessment and SOP must be followed. * You must successfully complete all tasks to the teacher's satisfaction. * Progression from one task to another should be made after a sufficient degree of competence has been reached in the skill being learnt. * Consideration will be given to the time allocated for each particular skill practice. SKILL DEVELOPMENT AREAS Your teacher will guide your progress in the following areas: Determine sequence of operations Select and mount tools Perform machining Measure components Adjust and maintain a range of standard machine tools U ersion2 9277) ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE1 -«\)_PMACTIGAL RESOURCES -2018 JI» - @ pm | GRADE RECOMMENDED FEED RATE 2 oreo 63 No 0.3mm PER REVOLUTION 3.2 NB o.2mm PER REVOLUTION 16 N7 otmm PER REVOLUTION SUGGESTED PROCEDURE STEP eS STEP? a |_| —FroTmuoNs | —2— = y yl =a 0 a =n (Huck Jaws 36 Facing & turning to a specified surface texture Scr MATERUNT TO RUN TRUE AND FACE ENO. TURN 03796 REQURED SURFACE FINSH STEP: 2 TERE a sna prac @ 50 x 230 long mild steel 5 ye MATERIAL > B50 x 250 mm tong mild steet ny ____, am At the conclsion of this lesson the student should be - = - he opmrote o cere lathe to 0 level of proficiency = Ptr {hott enble hin fo perarm the operations of focng a n 2 27.50 thd turning fo the degree of surlce fish specied 2s 27.00 ‘SAFETY Don't eit remove o& replace o chuck ihe the isin mation STURN @ 320 TO REQURED SURFACE FINSH TURN 02877 TO REQURED SURFACE FINSH To ovod ing to the knuckles ar bands when changing Thucke ereue thel the tool removed fom the STEP: 5 —+\ igs STEP:6 ‘ toolpost or is moved well clear. base Famove the chuck key before the fthe i stn ation | ‘ond when the chuck is revolving keep fingers well clear of the ws = ont remove cuttings from the tol or swar try wih 7 _ pare nas, Use 0 rsh. pace word or cher y ANY ‘oppropriate implement a Remember. F IN DOUBT ASK YOUR TEACHER. jruaw 30° BEVEL TO_TEXTURE INDICATED TURN CHAMEER TO TEXTURE INDICATED. cose 0 JOB:5 STEPPED SHAFT NAME: OP No OPERATION TOOLING 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 Version 2 8217 Uu ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE 1 Of PRACTICAL RESOURCES -2015 4 Best Practice Task 6 “MEM07005C - Perform General Machining Rroseen nme Adaptor hub RIN ireger cmracen eve area ee oan SKILL PRACTICE OVERVIEW ‘This Skill Practice task is designed to implement the knowledge gained in class as identified in the unit of competency. This exercise allows the student to practice the skills required for the completion of the assessed major project. INSTRUCTIONS « Allsafety considerations regarding PPE, Risk assessment and SOP must be followed. ‘* You must successfully complete all tasks to the teacher's satisfaction. «Progression from one task to another should be made after a sufficient degree of competence has been reached in the skill being learnt. © Consideration will be given to the time allocated for each particular skill practice. SKILL DEVELOPMENT AREAS Your teacher will guide your progress in the following areas: Determine sequence of operations Select and mount tools Perform machining Measure components ‘Adjust and maintain a range of standard machine tools Skills - Driling, boring, counter boring, dial indicator setup, intemal & extemal chamfers. MATERIAL: Dia 65 x50 long mild steel (To be cut on horizontal bandsaw by student) PROCEDURE: 1 Seneaae 10. "1 12, Set up in 4 jaw chuck using a scribing block with approx 45mm protruding, . Set up suitable baring bar with consideration to diameter of bore and boring bar diameter that is to be used. Calculate speeds & feeds required, with a cutting speed of 90 - 100. Face material, centre drill and drill suitable diameter hole right through. Rough tum the outside diameter for approx 40mm in length. (leaving enough material for finish cut) Bore 35mm Dia and counterbore remaining 2 intemal diameters to required finish. ‘Machine the internal chamfer using the compound slide & remove all sharp edges. . Finish outside diameter to required size & remove all sharp edges. Reverse material in the chuck, grip by 25mm and set up with a dial indicator at chuck end, moving to other end and checking bore with dial for runout Tum the outside §5mm diameter and face to the correct length, Machine 30 deg chamfer with compound slide to complete, Remove all sharp edges and submit for assessment. NOTE: ALL TOLERANCE ON ALL SIZES +/- 0.25mm UNO G@ version20277 \) —eNGINeeRING a CHANICAL STAGE 4 3 x45y ee] ga do 3X30u | 7 36. HUB ADAPTOR: MATL MS HUB ADAPTOR: \A Practical RESOURCES - 2015 @ JOB DESCRIPTION: HUB ADAPTOR NAME ‘OPERATION No. OPERATION TOOLING CALCULATION Skill Practice BS ZT ea ere aN alonal Code MEEM30209 monies eter ee cers Poe SKILL PRACTICE OVERVIEW This Skill Practice task is designed to implement the knowledge gained in class as identified in the unit of competency. This exercise allows the student to IMEMO07005C — Perform General Machining, practice the skills required for the completion of the assessed major project. INSTRUCTIONS ‘SKILL DEVELOPMENT AREAS Soft punch All safety considerations regarding PPE, Risk assessment and SOP must be followed. You must successfully complete all tasks to the teacher's satisfaction. * Progression from one task to another should be made after a sufficient degree of competence has been reached in the skill being learnt. Consideration will be given to the time allocated for each particular skill practice. Your teacher will guide your progress in the following areas: Determine sequence of operations Select and mount tools Perform machining Measure components ‘Adjust and maintain a range of standard machine tools ENGINEERING MECI JANICAL SI 1 WA PRACTICAL RESOURCES -2015 38 Set up lathe to machine diameters MEM 070058. Centre drill component ‘Machine diameters to size ‘Machine small tapers using compound slide Knurl diameter to achieve a specific surface finish Drill and ream to a specific size and depth Part offto a specific length. SOFT PUNCH COMPETENCIES ACHIEVED: Interpret technical drawings Caleulate Lathe speeds and feeds Observe OH+S Plan a routine task Machine different material types Limits and fits Use a hydraulic press Use precision measuring equipment House keeping techniques Manufacture component to an Industrial ‘standard 190, 25 ALUMINIUM INSERT ‘\—DIA 20.00 115 | 2.0.x 45 deg DIA 30.00 | DRILL & REAM DIA 16.00 mm x 20.00 mm DEEP. DIA 35.00 | pia 26.00 Note: + AllDiameters to have a machined tolerance of +/- 0.25 mm. length tolerance +/- 0.50 mm + 3mm grooves on both ends of knurl are to a depth of 2mm on diameter. + Aluminium insert is to have an interference fit of @ 16.00 mm +0.05mm/ - 0.00mm on reamed hole. (reamed hole to be measured before sizing is determined) + Aclearance lead is to be machined on end of aluminium insert. (see teacher for instructions) + Chamfers on head end are to be machined with revolved toolpost to approx angle of 30°- 45° * Surface finish 1.6m UNO. MATERIAL: @ 50 x 230 Long M.S DATE: 16/06/2011 SOFT PUNCH DRAWN: G NONACO c Version 26:77 \/ ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE 1 PRACTICAL RESOURCES 2015 7) O @ @ 0 JOB DESCRIPTION: SOFT PUNCH NAME ‘OPERATION i OPERATION TOOLING ‘CALCULATION Version 29277 \_J ENGINEERING MEGIIANICAL STAGE 1 \) practical RESOURCES -2015 Batt tS Ba MEM18003C - Use tools for precision work oto ne ener rank ni (HOSE v ced Semaeyest (800) ) cea cenrt Sareea ae SKILL PRACTICE OVERVIEW class as identified in the unit of competency. This exercise allows the student to This Skill Practice task is designed to implement the knowledge gaine practice the skills required for the completion of the assessed major project. INSTRUCTIONS All safety considerations regarding PPE, Risk assessment and SOP must be followed. You must successfully complete all tasks to the teacher's satisfaction. Progression from one task to another should be made after a sufficient degree of competence has been reached in the skill being learnt. Consideration will be given to the time allocated for each particular skill practice. SKILL DEVELOPMENT AREAS Your teacher will guide your progress in the following areas: Determine job requirements Prepare tools and tooling Use tools to produce work to precise specifications Verso 9 8977 ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE 1 PRACTICAL RESOURCES «uor- s20unos3u Wol.owla | ovis Woman ONRINONS Loren GC u wv) ww) Teeeear ava ATOS AWWI9 © OL -gor wi + 93218 TW NO SONVESTON (voronqa sy nypen ak one Bue od eunpou ong 19) 05 € pasuco sre sn Po) ONIGNO SOV AG GBHSINLA 36 OL BAY SIDS ONAL BHL ‘OOKLaN 14 MvLO AB $2003 HSIN 04 3003 30's1NO (01.03300ud NaH 'stRING THY 31L4 3003 JOISN' ONINEOVN JO NOLLTIAMOO BML BSLV > “sans TaTIVAA ONY HONK 13TIOD “THN ONG 8 lz OLuAuoy “301A BNHON 20 dN 136 BLYNOOY HOS YOUYOIGNI Wid LM ANON ONT © 4193200 NILGO GAY SOLS OL G3390Ud BHOVAL UNOA NOMS NOUONLSNI BL 2 ‘OBHONL SNOWY 38.01 613003 308 ‘t '310N ze 1 Supa STIOS WaLAY A008 ANT 9 w ATAWASSY FTONIdS dWV19 5 $02 ~ SADNNNSAN WOH IM beaor BOWLS? “OINVHOAW ONIUZ3NIONS of “AN3BAON DNINNIGS ONY ONITIAMS 3AVH G1NOHS 11 GSLLLS ATLOSUUOD 1 ANY NSHM "MBUOS d¥v9 NSO 6) UG) X SW ONIN GS OL ONLLLLS SI WANY 2 "SUNOS NBHL (2120) HOO GYSYHL 40 Sd0UG Mad ¥ OGY GMLS ¥ d¥O 40 ATANSSY SUOIE “L sou ‘dv 5109 2h avaues TV UW ons 'BION 633071 Bsc xzimavt 2330 WL TS ayaa SWS. WN OS NOUISOa IXUNviSNGD 3089 (vSMHI ONId¥L SHON "BION 330 9 xoxide BOX SP va 1126 Z UOIssan ‘ATANESSY LNBNOHOD seo OL ONLI aL Sr ooLx sa wwe TWN iid STONVH sa7uyw ay a e Ete ws 0p 06 ‘anaans mawos! Aug OL SELNROS @ ————_— 020 JOB DESCRIPTION: G CLAMP BODY & SPINDLE ASSEMBLY NAME OPERATION OPERATION TOOLING CALCULATION @ Verson26177 \)—ENOINEERINOMECIIANICAL STAGE Gd) PRACTICAL RESOURCES 2015 JIo« Assessment Task: 4 MEMI07005C — Perform General Machining pa se EO Sale os MEM18003C - Use tools for precision work net er erecta een nat ce near eer STUDENT DECLARATION | dectare this assessment task to be solely my own work or, ! have acknowledged within my assessment if this work was completed with a peer, and is in accordance with the TAFE NSW Plagiarism policy located at http://www.hunter Ref. aspx 8. Ihave put my name on front cover ofthis assessment 9. Ihave been provided with information on RPL 10. | have been provided with information on the appeals process 11.1 have notified the assessor of any special needs 12.1. am aware of penalties for late submission or non-submission of assessment tasks 13.1 have read and understand the Student Assessment Guide which includes important information related to assessment 44. If Lrequire further information regarding assessment, | am aware | can refer to the ‘Every Students Guide to Assessment’ nttps:// www Student name: Student signature: ‘Assessment Grading This unit is ungraded ‘Assessment Conditions This assessment is to be completed in class Instructions to Assessors | An Assessors’ Guide is available for this assessment event. The Guide is located on SharePoint with the validated assessment documents. Instructions to Students Follow TAFE NSW Assessment Policy and Procedures Resources ‘Assessment must ensure access to: Relevant information and documentation on compliance requirements, such as: + organisational policies, procedures, plans and standard operating procedures + relevant Acts, regulations, codes of practice, licensing requirements and standard WHS Requirements Cooperate with TAFE NSW, Hunter Institute by following safe and healthy work procedures and practices, ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS - Use hand tools to produce a job to specifications * You have (47) hours to complete this task = You must have completed the appropriate SOP & Risk assessment prior to operating machinery/tooling. = You must wear the correct PPE if entering workshop areas. You are required to: * Complete a job plan for the following practical task. "Following the steps in your job plan use the Lathe, Mill and other machine tools to create the Tap wrench to precise specific "Submit the finished task to your teacher for assessment. ‘You will be assessed on the following criteria - MEM07005C Cetermine job Determine Select and mount Measure ‘Adjust and maintain requirements sequence of tools operations components machine operations You will be assessed on the following criteria ~ MEM18003C. Determine job Select, modify and] Work area and Use tool to create a | Damaged tools are | Tools are stored requirements prepare tools as_—_| tooling are work piece to identified, repaired correctly necessary prepared, inspected | correct or disposed of and used safely specifications according to correct procedures Cc vesion2927 \) ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE 1 \) PRACTICAL RESOURCES - 2015 . oO Your practical event will be marked on the following criteria - MEMO7005C Sequence of Appropriate | Correct application | Correct use of SOP, | Machiningto | Correct measuring Lathe & Mill operations , material, tools and setup of PPE and machine correct techniques _| cleaning, lubrication drawing and selected and machining speeds, guarding specifications as and other instructions sharpened as feeds, tools, detailed in the maintenance understood required clamping, holding drawing Your practical event will be marked on the following criteria — MEM18003¢ Sequence of Appropriate | Correct application | Correct use of SOP, | Machiningto | Correct measuring Lathe & mill operations, material, tools and setup of PPE and machine correct techniques —_| cleaning, lubrication drawing and selected and machining speeds, guarding specifications as and other instructions sharpened as feeds, tools, detailed in the maintenance understood required clamping, holding drawing Verena 9 8977 FNGINFERING MECHANICAL STAGE + PRACHIGAL RESOURCES - 2015 UNIT ELEMENTS - MEMO7005C 14. 24. 2.2, a1 32 4a 42 43 44 51 61 Drawings, instructions and specifications interpreted and understood. Sequence of operations including job set up is determined for maximum efficiency and to meet job specifications. Appropriate material selected and datum established as required. Appropriate tools for job arc selected, sharpened and shaped as required. Tools mounted and positioned correctly. Basic marking out techniques used where required, ‘Machining parameters set for job requirements and maximum tool life. Work held or correctly clamped without damage to product and all safety requirements met. Machining performed in a safe manner utilising all guards, safety procedures and personal protective clothing and equipment. Components checked with appropriate instruments or gauges to ensure compliance with specifications, Routine maintenance and adjustments carried out as required which may include slide and collar adjustment, cleaning and lubrication and the like. UNIT ELEMENTS ~ MEM18003C 11. Task requirements and specifications are determined and clarified with appropriate persons. Processes/techniques are selected appropriate to task, specifications and material. Tools, accessories and consumables are selected appropriate to task, specifications and material. Where applicable, cutting too! modifications required to produce outcome are determined using engineering principles. Tools/tooling are prepared and modified as required. ‘The work area is prepared and made safe. The work piece is prepared and secured using appropriate method for selected operation/s. Tools are used according to acceptable engineering principles, methods, applications Tools and equipment are inspected for safe and proper working order before, during and after use. Unserviceable tools/equipment are identified, repaired where appropriate, or marked for repair and/or disposal, according to prescribed procedure. Tools are stored and maintained to ensure serviceability. c Version 29277 \/ ENGINEERING MECHANIC Wo pracmical RESOURCES. 2015 doa Skills & Knowledge Covered Follow verbal instruction RTO Declaration And Feedback | declare that any workplace information contained in this assessment will remain confidential within TAFE NSW. ‘Assessor Name: ‘Assessor Signature: Dat Assessment Result: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Assessor Feedback: Student Comments: 4 | MOVEABLE HANDLE END PROCEDURE: | (NOM 20-FILED TO FIT ITEM 3 TAP M12 BOTH ENDS WITH MINIMUM CLEARANCE 18 THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION ‘7 ALL SURFACES UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE ALL RADII AND FILLETS R2 4. Secure the material with approx 30mm of jaw grip, face the end and centre dil 2. Turn @38mm approx 105mm Ig & G21 x 30mm la 3, Machine 45° taper using the compound slide. 4, Dil @12mm hole x 6Omm deep, counter bore 14mm dil x 28 deep. 5, Tap M14 x20 while setup in the lathe (see teacher fr instructions). 6. End for end material grip on 39 with approx 6Omm protruding, set up witha dal indicator and face to length 7. Tum 921 x30mm ig and repeat stop 3. 8. Dill and tap M14 x 2.0 forthe fixed handle. 9, Set up machine vice and machine the fat o size specified, remove all burs, coat one face wih marking medium & markout 410, Using correct parallel strip (see teacher) secure body in vice and machine rectangular pocket wth slot dil using methods sscussed with your teacher. 12 TAP WRENC! “NOTE: After machining pocket to specified sizes the ony fling work to be done isthe radius removal rom each —— Ret do not fle edges, MATERIAL: 0 45 X 145.0mm M.S corner of pocket, do not fle, machined intemal edges. Version29277 WY ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE 4 wo PRACTICAL RESOURCES. 2015 4“ @ JOB DESCRIPTION: TAP WRENCH BODY NAME ‘OPERATION No. OPERATION TOOLING ‘CALCULATION JOB 13-BAR WRENCH ITEMS 2 & 3 FIXED AND MOVEABLE JAWS. MATERIAL: 25 x 25 x55 Long M.S Drill 10 mm rill 10 mi 10 25 gle 2] a a - . ge C4 i Dai Amm_ 413 FIXED JAW MOVEABLE JAW SAFETY: When setting up components on miling machine always check material is secured correctly in machine vice. before startin PROCEDURE: Check material for correct size and deburr edges. Set up on milling machine in the machine vice and machine all faces to sizes specified on Engineers drawing (fit rectangular slot in body) Coat faces with marking medium and markout centre line. Obtain correct cutting tool and modified V-block from store to machine 90 degree angles, Machine angle then rotate in V-block and machine angle two as specified on drawing. Mark centre of material and cut with hacksaw to seperate the two jaw sections. Set up and machine end faces to correct length. Markout centre of moveable jaw for drill Dia 10 mm fat bottom hole and markout 4mm hole for role pin Drill 10mm x 11 deep hole, start hole with standard cil point then finish with 10mm flat bottom dri. ( This must be diilled accurately within 0.5 mm tolerance) Fit moveable handle into moveable jaw section and dri hole with both components held together. Seenousena C Versionz ar? \) RING MECHANICAL SAGE 1 Sd practical RESOURCE: 2015 st R8 ARR WOOO @ 210 70 M14X2mm COURSE KNURL FINISH 013.9 MATERIAL: 016 Bright Shaft @ 220mm long PROCEDURE: Grip material in a 3 jaw chuck with 25 mm protruding, face end ‘Tum the @10mm to length (do not machine groove at this time, this will be machined in a procedure ‘after chevrons have been machined. See your teacher for instructions). Reset the material in the chuck with approx 50mm protruding, turn the 013.90mm to 30mm length specified, Reset matetial out af chuck to finish machining 613.90 @ 70mm length Machine chamfers then cut M14 x 2 thread using stock and die (see teacher for instructions) End for end material, crip with 25mm protruding, centre dril. Side handle out and grip with 100mm protruding, support with centre. ‘Set knurlng tool on centre height and finish to specification . Part off or face centre drilled section off the end and machine form profile on end as specified (with a form ground tool or file finish) | DATE: 30 rere 13 loro 4.0-5.0 FIXED & MOVEABLE HANDLE JOB DESCRIPTION: TAP WRENCH JAWS/HANDLES FS NAME OPERATION OPERATION TOOLING CALCULATION QO Version 20277 ALY ENGINGING MECHANICAL STAGE 1 \J practicaL Resources -2015 Jd = 470.5 fo 109.5 M14x2—/ NOTE: Machine dia to 13.90mm COURSE KNURL MATERIAL: @16 Bright Shaft @ 189mm long SAFETY: Wearing of appropriate eye protection is compulsory. Ensure that cutting edges of all tools are set at centre height Check the adjustment of the centre regularly to prevent overheating. When filing in the lathe, toke care to avoid catching the file or bumping against the chuck jaws PROCEDURE 1. Prepare an end for threading 2 Cut the thread with o stock and die. 3. Mork off the overall. length 4. Grip the material in a three jaw chuck and face to length 5. Drill a centre hole then adjust the material in the chuck 50 that approximately 100 mm, protrudes, 6 Support the overhang with a centre properly adjusted 7. Knurl the handle for the specified length & File the spherical end 14 12 — DRILL 2 Ho 25 R 410 SLOTTED PLATE MATL: 75 X 6 FLAT BAR DDRILL 6 HOLES DIA 12mm ON PEDESTAL ORILL FINISH WITH DIE GRINDER § ROTARY BURR TO SPECIFIED WIDTH ‘8 LENGTH OF 69mm X témm NoTE: 1.2 HOLES 10mm Dia TO BE PILOT ORILLED ‘mm Dia, 2 12mm WIDE SLOT IS TOBE CUT WITH HACKSAW AND FINISHED WITH DE (GRINDER OF tom ANGLE GRINDER 9. RIS RADIUS TO BE GROUND ON LES Dia tom PEDESTAL GRINDER OR 125mm WiTH PISTOL DRILL HANDHELD SIDE GRINDER 4. 10eg ANGLE TO BE HACKSAWED AND GROUND ON PEDESTAL GRINDER, SAFETY: EAR PROTECTION TO BE WORN WHEN. HANDHELD POWER TOOLS ARE IN USE. ‘8.0. P ON HANDHELD POWERTOOLS MUST 8 COMPLETED BEFORE o COMMENCING. JOB: 3 SLOTTED PLATE MATL: 75X6MS Qty: 10FF Version2 9277 WY ENGINEERING MECHANICAL STAGE 1 a @ JOB:5 SLOTTED PLATE NAME: OPERATION TOOLING 10 1 12 14 15 Bone Tat BESAUIREES - 2015 Skill Practice Task 3 MEM18002B - Use Power Tools / a DS EV Co MuCd Co Meyetr gto toy) cere Si eee core Mark out and Drill SKILL PRACTICE OVERVIEW This Skill Practice task is designed to implement the knowledge gained in class as identified in the unit of competency. This exercise allows the student to ls required for the completion of the assessed major project. practice the sk INSTRUCTIONS, * All safety considerations regarding PPE, Risk assessment and SOP must be followed. ‘* You must successfully complete all tasks to the teacher's satisfaction. «© Progression from one task to another should be made after a sufficient degree of competence has been reached in the skill being learnt. © Consideration will be given to the time allocated for each particular skill practice. SKILL DEVELOPMENT AREAS Your teacher will guide your progress in the following areas: reading and following information on standard operating procedures following verbal instructions selecting power tools appropriate to the task using power tools safely Using clamping/securing devices identifying power tool defects ‘maintaining power tools using appropriate techniques ‘sharpening tools/tool bits within the scope of this unit Storing power tools according to manufacturers'/ standard operating procedures om Ay © Veron 2 8277 ENGNEERIG MECHANCALSTACE PRACTICAL RESOURCES 2048 ya _-— DRILL DIA 30.00 mm 1 1 BEARING BLOCK MATL: 120 X 75 X 25 mm ALUMINIUM QTY: 1 OFF NOTE: THIS PROCEDURE IS THE FIRST STEP OF THE BEARING BLOCK. BEARING HOUSING YOU WILL RETURN TO THIS JOB IN STAGE 2 (ext YEAR), PLEASE KEEP SECURE IN TOOL BOX GLENDALE TAFE 2011 DRAWN: G. MONACO 1 2 © Sloz~ S3OuNOSSY WOULDYad L BOWLS TWOINYHOSN ONIJINIONS «= A LURB ZURIH8 y saunpaooud Bunesado piepueys /.s11m2e\nueW 03 Bulps020e 5j003 J9Mod BULL0IS YUN S14) J0 adoas a4 URIm Sulq joOW/s|O0) BuIUaGIEYS sanbluypay ayelsdoudde Suysn sj003 Jamod Sululeiulew ‘]29J9p [003 1amod BuiAyauap saainap duuindas/Bujdwep auisn 7jajes 51004 1mod Buisn 81 ay} 0} ayeLIdordde s]00} Jamod BuNDa|a5 SUODMASUH [equaA BUIMO||O} ‘sainpadoid Buneiado puepueis Uo UORIeUIIOjUI BU}WO|j0) pue BuIpeos :soai0 Buymojjof ay3 uy ss2iB01d nof apinb jim 1ay2024 sno, Svauv LN3INdOTSAIG TINS: “aonoeud |Jpjs seInaTWeEd Y>ee 40} parero||e BWiN ay 0} YARIS aq |IIM UOREIOPISUOD & “qu129] B41oq |)pjs O49 UI poyseos UDDq sey doUDyadui0D jo SesBap JUD!OYINS e Joye apeW aq pINLYS Je4IOUE O} ¥Se} DUO WON UOISSa‘BOIy « “uonseysires 514929} 34) 0} s45e} |] ayajdusod Ajjnjssaoons ysnLUNOA © “Pamoljo} aq ysnw JOS ue uaUUssasse YsIy ‘Idd TuIpseBas suoNesapisuco Ayayes ly SNOLINYISNI qpafoid Jofew passasse ay Jo uoHa|duiod ayy 404 pasinba1 sjj!ys 343 aanDeId on quapnys aya Smojje asi19K— Siu “A2Ua}ad WHO Jo YUN ayy UI PayRUap! se sseID U! pauled a8pajmouy ayy uBWa|dwH! 03 paUdisap s! 4S29 39NIeNd [IPAS SIL MINUIAO 3D1LIVUd TINS Pyiitr cy bi dom ele A age atc Teeny > BS CU a pitts sk a Rosa TU:D ONE Um CAITIERO TARE ENE hE Eee aie 183m 34 ONINNIL, ‘ONY HUONT JM) ONDIOBHO ‘asm a3u2NN00 gens WO. Gano ios 0 lees by gor ome Theo: “TMG ASML ¥ ONIN wan 3015, GON NO LoAla NaIA 401 1007 now simyon19 Tow sony Ore oO ‘Sanco aI SURLY TONBHON. 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Pam sa a ee) o.80~ [owe - we — m6 42 }_mze_ - s0 sas fm a @ venimaears ~ — enweennemecrancarsmoc: 7) PRACTICAL RESOURCES -2015 am © SAFE TORSION WRENCH SETTINGS IN KILO NEWTONS AND FOOT POUNDS FOR IMPERIAL AND METRIC BOLTS wis TENS wou ‘SW, COMMERCIAL Bott oistance " etic eae Sears} fant TOReUE, | PENT TOM w or Ties | 333 ie Tamm [176 5? eon Ts See IMPERIAL SIZES

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