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AICTP Questions — Autumn 2005 ‘You are asked by the owner ofa small pressure vessel what he should do foensure the seféty and integrity ofthe vessel Describe a procedure for a leak test, [An air receive ata remote location has lst 30% ofits eapacity overnight ‘What info would you fx to him to ensure the sat’ and reliability oF the receiver? Lower pressure because the leak may an indication of impending taastophieRilure, At low pressure apply soapy water or passa hand over likely leak sites eg threaded connections, gasketed flanges. Deseride2sitations where you might perform on site hardness measurements Describe thoe methods to identity materia (Od vessel has lost 3 mm from floor which is 12 mm thick at other locations, The nameplate is rusted tothe extent that no usefil information ‘ca be obained from it. What action would you take? ‘A.30 cubic mee water heater is to be inspected aftr being in-service for 1 years thas «SO mm NB vent and operates at a temperature of 93 °C. ‘What would yeu do? Lis three reasens why you would as for water treatment records. What are the functions ofa fusible plug and a bursting discrapture pin pressure rele valve ‘What is aloe temperature vessel? ‘What do the supplements fo AS 1210 adress? Blistering Which of the following methods would you use to find ‘Vioul with a torch, Bay current, Which ofthe flowing discontinuities ie a planar discontinuity Porcsity Lack of fsion Tcasion in weld Undbrout For a butt weld, welded from both sides, which ofthe following methods ‘would you recommend to detect lack of penetration RT Ur EC Pr Mr ‘When performing an nial pressure equipment inspection on & new plant ‘what items in the following list would you inspect; PSV Sil drains Safety rails and walkways For LPG storage vessels at service stations do the PRV"s have t be ‘guarded? I thought this question was directed towards would you inspect the SRV on a LPG cylinder at a local service station. 27 28, 2», Which ofthe following methods is not a mitable method to iolate a pressure vessel ‘Renova ofa section of pipe Doble block and bled, (One isolation valve padlocked shut Tovally banking ofthe connection Liat three responsibilities of ovners of PE. List 5 types of in-service inspection. ‘Under what circumstances might you issue a report advising that an item lof PE is it for service despite not being able to conduct un internat inspection? Contin of sister plant? Gon maintenance stony? Consequences of failure? Describe the fiction of fusible plugs, busting dses and rupture pin valves. In what circumstances might these safety devices be fitted and vay: ‘Why are impingement plates fited to some tube and shell heat exchangers. Determine the hazard lovel of a refigerationvesse! that contains a 00 Aammablerefigerant, Vestel i located ina chemical factory. What the inspection and rogistration requirements? The vessel is eylingsial and is 2000 mm long and 600mm in diameter. The contents ate non toxic ‘What would yeu do if you fern that that a large pressure vessel you had inspected 6 mouths previously had failed. ‘Would you give an opinion on the failure? ‘An owner ask for some help to plan and perform inspection of some PE, ‘What information would you provide? For owners who inspect thee oven pressure equipment what should the PE ‘management documentation include? How vould you go about inspecting an on fine pipe where CUT is expected? ‘A vessel that yu inspected several months ago fails. The owner calls for you to prepares report to submit to the regulatory authority. What information would you include in the report? Would you advance an ‘opinion asthe nechanism and cause of file? Flin Sof the following 7 pages where "A" is one of 5 m diameter brick autoclave 5 KW Eoonomic boiler or 7 MW boiler with superheater. Shell and tube heat exchanger handling hot flammable oil and propane 200,000 live buried LNG storage vessel 20 ntl 22 mu dinuecterveleutony lined process vesse! hauling flammable hydrocarbon at 65°C and 1.5 MPa. ‘A large deerator ‘Water level eontoller on unattended boiler ‘What could i How would you inspect the Wems | What are the mast ertieal area ‘above? inspect? ‘What methods would you use ‘What isthe extent of vesting required? jecior hazards 2.5 m Rubber curing auoelave ‘What could happen Rest aor opens while under pressure ‘Door and vessel separate Violnily. Reaction results in door and toa lesser ‘extent the vessel moving quickly in ‘opposite directions resulting in property

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