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BSA – 1A
National Security Concerns
After watching a video about National Security Concerns, I have arrived and provide 10
provoking questions related to National Security and is to be answered.
1. Poverty in the Philippines has been an issue since way back, why hasn’t the government
come up with any solution despite knowing the issue for a long time now? Who is at fault
- The fault can either be the government or the poor people. The result of one’s poverty
is because that person doesn’t isn’t creating an effort to get out of that status in life, in
relation to the government, there is poverty in the nation because they are also not
creating an effort.

2. How does the government handle those that are defiant into exercising social distancing
and the wearing of face mask?
- There are certain sanctions for those who are still resisting into exercising social
distancing and the wearing of face mask. An example is their movements are limited
since most establishments right now requires a face shield or a face mask.

3. The Philippines experienced the operation “War on Drugs”, but during this operation, the
police disregarded the human rights of the people and went on a mass killing due to
assumptions and baseless suspicion. Still, why did they continue this operation without
proper investigation?
- Based on the Police Force’s statement, it was an act of self-defense, they had found
the suspects carrying gun and took matters quickly.

4. During the War on Drugs operation, most people were claimed innocent as investigation
tells that those who were killed had the same gun, it was very worrying as it was like it
was planted there in the first place. Were there any consequences for the Police Force
regarding this matter?

5. 18 years old Joshua Laxamana was killed in the suspicion of carrying drugs during that
day while riding a motorcycle. The mother of the child dismissed the absurd claims as his
son didn’t know how to ride a motorcycle and on that day was that he was supposed to go
to a DOTA Tournament. The Company supported it as there was really a Tournament
held and the child was invited to join. Still, the Police fabricated the story and the case
was closed. Is the Philippines still safe when Police Force fabricates a story?
- No, in this case the Philippines is not a safe place anymore, if the government and the
police that protects the people lies to them in plain daylight, what more can they do
during the night.

6. How did the government lessen the COVID19 cases here in the Philippines?
- The government mandated the citizen to practice social distancing and the wearing of
face mask and face shield. The authorities also did a contract tracing so they may
trace and quarantine those who are infected.

7. Why does the government focused more on other matters instead of focusing in
lessening the COVID19 Cases? An example was the White Sand in Manila Bay.
- The government is still silent regarding this matter. Still, it is to be noted that the
Philippines has other matters not only the COVID19 virus.

8. A recent disturbing case about a police officer killing two innocent people that was
captured on camera went viral, the perpetuator was then put to prison for that crime. A
high official then advised the people to not capture videos of certain crimes. Why did that
high official officer advise the people not to capture videos of crimes when it can be used
to an investigation? Was it because it was hard for them to cover up the truth?
- It was really an odd statement to restrict people into not capturing videos of crimes,
and unlike other country, the Police Force in the Philippines don’t have body cams.

9. Chinese applications like Mobile Legends and Tiktok was banned in other countries
because it was confirmed that it secretly collects information. Why hasn’t the government
tried to do anything about it?
- Maybe because the Philippine and China has a good relationship, but it is still
advisable to be careful, much more as the people can be in danger in exposing certain
personal information about them.

10. How would the Philippines be aware of espionage if the current investigation team or
force is lacking and untrustworthy?
- The Investigation Force won’t be able to detect espionage in the current state they are
in now.

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