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NOVEMBER 08 2020
I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to;

a. Differentiate the healthy and unhealthy foods;

b. Draw a food pyramid; and
c. Appreciate the importance of eating healthy foods in connection to a healthy

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Nutrition
Materials: PowerPoint, TV, and Activity sheets
Reference: Grade Level Outcome for K-12 Physical Education Grade 1

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary activities

a. Prayer: Let us pray first. Albert Albert will lead the prayer
kindly lead the prayer

b. Greetings: Good morning class? Good morning ma’am

c. Checking of attendance: Yes, ma’am

(The student say present as the
Say present if your name is called teacher calls their names)

d. Review: what was our topic last

Our topic last meeting is all about
Very good! health.
What do you mean by health?

Health is a state of physical, mental

and social well-being in which
disease and infirmity are absent.
B. Developmental Activities
Before we start our lesson, let us
sing first entitled “I am healthy” I
will sing and do the action first
then follow after me. Yes! ma’am

I am Healthy,
I am Healthy,
I am Healthy,
Yes, I am.

I eat carrots, Student will sing the song

I eat apples,
I am healthy
Yes, I am.

Did you like the song class?

Very good! Yes, ma’am

a. Setting of standards

Class, I am going to show you a

short video clip. What you are
going to do is to observe and
afterwards I’m going to ask you
based on the video presented.

Understand? Yes! Ma’am

Based on the video clip, why (The pupils raise their hands)
nutrition is important in our Nutrition is important because it
body? Yes, Argentina? can make us stay strong, healthy
and grow up healthy.
Okay, very good

C. Lesson proper

a. Activity
Class, we are going to have an
activity based on the video
presented. I will group you into two
groups, each group consist of 2
members and follow the direction
Direction: Put the picture inside the
pyramid if the picture show ‘s a
healthy food and put inside the box if The pupils will cooperate the
the picture show’s unhealthy food. activity

Healthy foods Unhealthy



Banana junk foods

Broccoli pizza
Milk candies

b. Analysis
Yes, maam!
For now, I will give you some
questions based on your activity.
Just raise your hand if you want
to answer. Understand class?

1. What did you observe in our

activity? The activity is all about nutrition

Yes, Narisma?
Okay very good!

2. What are the healthy food and These are the example of healthy
unhealthy food? food broccoli, banana, rice and
Yes, katrina?
Okay very good!
Yes, ma’am to make us strong
3. Do you think nutritios foods healthy and grow up healthy
are important to our body?
Yes, Sendrejas?
Okay very good!

4. Why do we need a healthy We need to eat healthy foods

body? because, it helps us in growth it
keeps us healthy and keep sickness
Yes, Albert? away.

Okay very good

D. Abstraction

Class our topic for today

Is all about Nutrition

 Nutrition- is the process of

providing or obtaining the
food necessary for health and
 Nutrients- are substances that
allow your body to make
energy build and maintain
tissue and regulate bodily



 Macronutrients- are nutrients

that provide calories or energy
and are required in large
amounts to maintain body
functions and carry out the
activities of daily life.



 Micronutrients- are those

nutrients that are body needs
in small amount.





1. Carbohydrates- our main source of

Example: rice and banana

2. Fats- one source of energy and

important in relation to health of the
digestive system.
Examples: eggs

3. Fiber- is the fibrous indigestible

portion of our diet essential to health
of the digestive system.
Example: apple, and carrots

4. Minerals- are those in organic

elements occurring in the body and
which are critical to its normal
Example: broccoli

5. Proteins- are essential to growth and

repair of muscle and other body
Example: nuts

6. Vitamins- play an important role in

many chemical processes in the
Example: green leafy vegetable and
7. Water- is essential to normal body
function as a vehicle of carrying
other nutrients because 60% of our
human body is water.

Examples of Healthy Foods

 Eggs
 Banana
 Apple
 Broccoli
 Rice
 Milk

Examples of unhealthy foods

 Pizza
 Soft drinks
 Junk foods
 Candies Yes, ma’am
 Ice cream
 Ice drop

E. Application

Now I will group you into two

groups. Each group should answer the
activity sheet.

Is that clear?

The teacher distributes the activity sheet

Direction: Draw a food pyramid.

Then draw any kinds of nutritious foods
inside the pyramid and color it.

IV. Evaluation
Direction; write T if the statement
is true and write F if the statement
is False write the answer in the

____1. Healthy foods are

important to our body.
____2. Junk foods is an example
of healthy food.
____3. Eating vegetable is good
to our body.
____4. Eating healthy foods daily
can help to improve our body.
____5. Drinking milk is not good
to our body.

V. Assignment Goodbye and thank you Mr.

Direction: Give at least 3
examples of physical activities
that you ca do at home.


Okay class, let us stand and say goodbye

Goodbye class see you tomorrow, God bless.

Prepared by:

Nalangan, Katrina H.
Narisma, Airen V.
Sabordo, Elyn C.
Sendrejas, Argentina
Procorato, Albert


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