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Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Santa Fé EGADE Business School

Critical Reflection

MOOC: Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Student Name: Miguel Romuroso Vargas

ID: A01335536

Due Date: April 6 th, 2021


What Happened? 3

The Results 3

Why This Happened? 3

Concepts Applied 3

Final Reflection 3

Leadership and Organizational Behavior Project 1

1. What Happened?

During my fourth semester of the Marketing and Communications career, I was coursing the
“Leadership and Psychology” class, the project consisted of the development of a social
communication campaign for a Charity Elderly Home. My team was integrated by five
people, two of them were foreigners.

The problem we faced was with one of the team members that became really rude in
personal terms with the team, “assuming” the leadership, delegating all the tasks to do,
taking credit for all the work and avoiding helping the team to do the assignments and

After our first progress project delivery the team agreed behind that person that we must
disintegrate or take out that person out of the team. The teacher after seeing the grades of
the group, discussed and gave us the opportunity to make team changes to work better,
that's when my team took the decision to communicate that we will change that person with
another team, the teacher agreed with our decision. The person we took out of the team
were not aware of our decision and thoughts, taking the decision quite personally.

2. The Results

After that incident the team dynamic and relationship worked better, achieving high results
and compromise for all the team members. We reached one of the highest grades in the
course, after time the team became not only teammates but close friends. On the other hand
the relationship with the person we took out of the team broke and took time at least for me
to say we could forgive that situation and work again.

3. Why This Happened?

Poor team communication, bad management of the member roles of the team, bad team
attitude and working under counterproductive work behavior (Production deviance, political
deviance and personal agressions). Personal factors, all the students in that class knew that
working with that particular person was difficult, because the attitude towards most of the
people was to be rude, delegate without and avoid responsibility.

4. Concepts Applied

Counterproductive Work Behavior, mostly all the bad attitudes towards work, that are
based on low productivity, political deviance and personal agressions are CWB’s.

Bad Job Satisfaction, the internal fights in the team with that person, generate a low job
satisfaction that had an impact on the first grade we get as a team. Same with the bad Job
Performance, that could translate and be a result of the low satisfaction we as a team were

Low Politics, the power assumed by that person never was discussed or validated, that led
that no one was respecting the role of power and their influence on the team.

Leadership and Organizational Behavior Project 2

Bad Stress Management, all those problems result in a hindrance stress that was draining
the team dynamic and motivation to work.

5. Final Reflection

Looking back at that situation, both parts were wrong, the team never discussed with that
person the problems of their attitudes toward the team and work. I would never know what
would have happened if that conversation would have been taken in place.

I know that the team that took that person did struggle to work together, and that they have
to relieve an aggressive team dynamic to make things work. During the final presentations,
that team didn’t get a good grade, but managed to pass the course, so that has led me to the
conclusion that it was no matter of a team feedback or discussion but the personal attitude
that person has to work with others.

I found the contents of this course really useful to manage those situations, and now I
understand the problems and some solutions to those problems in terms of leadership.

Leadership and Organizational Behavior Project 3

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