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“My 1000 Word Story”

When (1) I was young, I remember the time my cousins and I were playing with my Hot
Wheels car. I enjoyed every moment that I spent playing with it. That toy car was very
important to me because it was the very first thing my mom bought for me when she went to
Dubai. That was one of my favorite moments when I was a child. I realized my life could be
compared to driving a car. There will be times where we will pass by on a rocky road and humps
wherein we stop and slow down but still (100) continue (101) to move forward.

Before, my father always leaves the house and goes somewhere. Until the time came,
our parents got separated. I still remember what our house looked like back then, it was always
messy and our furniture was scattered in the different parts of the house. My mind as a child
was also like that, I was confused about what's going on and I still don't fully understand
everything that’s happening around me. When I was four years old, my mom decided to leave
and she tried her fate abroad. It also became her way of forgetting all (200) of (201) the sad
things that happened here in the Philippines. While my eldest brother and I were left with my
grandmother, Nanay Karing my mother’s mom, together with my grandfather. They took care
of us while my mom was abroad.

It's been almost a year or more since my mom left abroad and my birthday was near. I
spent my fifth birthday without my parents. It's a bit sad but I am still grateful for everything
that I have like my grandparents whom I love so much. I spent that day with my other relatives
and my cousins pissed me (300) off (301) at that time and that moment was even captured in a
photo. Those memories will always be with me that even if my parents are far away from me
there are still people who love me in their own way.

I would say that I enjoyed my childhood, I was able to do the things that a normal child
would usually do. Nanay Karing used to pinch us when we were asking for money. I really
enjoyed the moments that we spent with her and our grandfather. However, like every story
comes the saddest part. In 2007, my grandfather (400) had (401) a heart attack while he was
beside me. Heaven and earth showered me with sorrow. I don’t know how I would feel at those
times. It was really heartbreaking and it was even the saddest part of my life when Nanay
Karing also died after a few years. The people whom I love so much were already gone and my
parents are also far away from me. Nevertheless, it did not stop me from moving forward.

My mom went back here when my grandfather died but she went back again to Dubai
after what happened to continue her work (500) abroad. (501) She went back again here in the
Philippines when Nanay Karing died and she has finally decided to stay here for good. I am
happy that we'll be able to spend time with my mom again however I also felt sad about what
happened to my lovely grandparents. I'll never forget how our grandparents take good care of
us and how they served as our second parents. I'll never forget how they loved us so much. Not
all the paths in our life are endless, the time will come where we'll encounter the road with a
dead-end sign. That's (600) why (601) we should cherish every moment that we have with the
people that we love while we are still alive.

My mom found work here in our country as she found work she also found a new love.
My stepfather lives together with us and he treated us as his own family. He is also supporting
our daily needs to sustain our lives. I am thankful for all the things that he did for us and for my
mom. He loved my mom so much and he treated her like how she deserves to be treated.
Despite it, I would (700) still (701) never forget my biological father who still continues to
support me and my eldest brother financially.

After a few more years, the young boy is now slowly turning into a teenager. I have
experienced different struggles that a usual teenager would also experience. Like having a crush
on someone and being shy when they are in front of you. Until I graduated high school and
turned into a Senior High student. During those years, unexpected things happened. I got an
invitation from our school to be a guest student speaker in an event not knowing that one of
the (800) attendees (801) of the event would have a crush on me. She remembered me after
the event and approached me online. She asked me questions about the school until we got to
know each other personally as she became my schoolmate. Our feelings for each other were
developed as days passed by. Everyday, I feel motivated to study. ‘Til love for each other
bloomed beautifully.

Up to this day, that Hot Wheels car reminds me of those things. We all have different
destinations in life. We will face different challenges in life, meet different people, and face
different situations which could (900) positively (901) or negatively change our life. No one
knows what awaits us along the way. Certain people would really need to go down the car to
finally end their journey with us in our life. There are also people in our life who’ll continue to
ride with us throughout our journey. We should prepare for a long drive. But despite
everything, we must still keep on moving in life and always trust God’s plan. These may be the
last words of "My 1000 Word Story" but this is not yet the end. This is only where my new story
begins. (1000)

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