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User’s Guide

for the

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Table of Contents

1. ​The Control Panel

2. Placing Background Grids
3. Selecting Color Theme for the Board
4. Drawing and Writing on the Board
5. Uploading Files
6. Placing a Link on the Board
7. Manipulate Objects on the Board
8. Annotate and Highlight
9. Math Symbols and Manipulatives
10. Alphabets and Letters
11. Music Symbols
12. Having Fun While Learning

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1. The Control Panel
1. This is your control panel on the left side of the board. Clicking on the top will
open up the panel with full menu descriptions like shown below.

2. Here is a brief explanation of each menu option.

a. Refresh:​ If at any point in time, your board is not updating, you should
click Refresh to ensure changes are updated

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b. Save a Copy:​ ​(Only available to Teachers at Instructor Board)​. Use
this to make a copy of your existing boards and replicate them for future
classes. This feature is useful if you teach the same material to classes to
different sets of students.

c. Manage Boards:​ Use this to save your boards, delete them, extend their
expiry dates, or to go directly to a student’s or a class board for
assignment corrections etc. Please refer to ​Teacher’s Guide​ and
Student’s Guide​ for details on how to manage your respective boards,
and use them for future.

d. Grids:​ ​(Only available to Teachers)​ Take a look at the ​Placing

Background Grids section​ below.

e. Home: ​This will take you back to the landing page of Whiteboard.Chat.

f. Clear:​ Clicking here will clear ALL objects you have placed on the current
page of the board. It will prompt you for confirmation.

For Teachers,​ clear will not only clear their Instructor board, but also
clear the material they have put it across all of their students’ boards.

For Students,​ clear will only clear objects they have placed on their
current page of the board.

g. Download:

Teachers​ can download their board and all of their students boards as a
single PDF and it will be available in their Downloads folder.

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Students​ can also download all pages of their board.

h. Manage Books:​ ​This feature is only available to Teachers.​ Please

refer to the Teacher's Guide for more information. It allows a teacher to
share their boards with other teachers, make a copy of the current page,
delete the current page, etc.

i. Pause Animations:​ If you have animation-rotate or animate-move

enabled on any of your objects, you can use this to pause animations.
You can play them after having paused to start your animations.

j. Move & Resize:​ Select this tool, and ​single click​ on the object you wish
to move or resize.

Now move the object or use the four corners to change the size of the

k. Select: ​Select this tool, and ​single click​ on the object will open up a
sub-menu as below. Please refer to the Manipulating Objects section
below for details on each option.

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l. Tools:​ Here are your drawing tools. Please refer to the ​Drawing and
Writing On the Board​ section below for details on each tool.

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m. Upload File:​ Select this to upload a PDF (up to 30 pages) or an image
(jpeg, or png) from your local computer to the whiteboard. Please refer to
the​ Managing Images and PDFs​ section below for more details.

n. Draw: ​Take a look at the ​Drawing section​ below

o. Erase: ​Select this tool, and click over the object you wish to delete.

p. Text:​ Select and click anywhere on the board to start typing. As soon as
you click, it will open up a text box where you can type in.

q. Lasso: ​If you want to perform any of the above actions on multiple
objects at the same time, you first have to group the objects using Lasso
tool. It appears as if you are highlighting the set of objects as shown

After that you should be able to manipulate the group of objects as

described in the Manipulation section below.

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3. Undo and Redo
From the top right corner, you can use Undo and Redo to undo the last change
you made on the board, and redo the same.

2. Placing Background Grids

1. Setting grids in the background is only available for teachers. Clicking on Grid will open
up a sub-menu with the following options

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a. Grid:

b. Big Grid:

c. Hand Writing:

d. Primary Lined:

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e. Programming:

f. Music:

g. Syllaboard:

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h. Elkonin:

i. Clear Grid:​ Use to clear the grid placed on the board.

3. Selecting Color Theme for the Board

1. Use the ​lower right corner Palette Box​ to change color, size of the text/brush and
opacity of your annotations.

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Click on the color box to open up the palette and select the color by either selecting or
typing in the R, G, B numbers of the color directly.

2. Alternately, you can use the palette from the top right corner.

3. Clicking will open up a grid view to select color or enter the specific # value.

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4. Drawing and Writing on the Board
1. Drawing
This is the default tool assigned to your cursor when you join a whiteboard. To draw you
have multiple options available as described below.

a. With Mouse
You can draw by clicking and tracing the mouse and moving it on the board to
b. With fingers and touch pad
You can also draw using your fingers tracing on a touch pad of your laptop.
c. With stylus on a tablet
Use your stylus as a pen to trace and draw using your touchscreen tablet

2. Drawing Tools
Clicking on ​Tools​ will open up a menu with following options available for drawing and

a. Line and Arrow

To draw a line or an arrow, select, click to drop one end of your line or arrow,
drag and click again to drop the second end on the board.

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b. Circle and Rectangle
To place a circle or rectangle, simply select, click where you want to place it, drag
to the size you want and click again to place it on the board.

c. Drawing with Brush

The default tool on the board is the brush. You can simply click anywhere, use
free hand movement to create your drawing.

d. Erase
To erase, select, and drag it across the object you want to erase from the board.

e. Placing a Sticky Note

Select Note, move and click to place it on the board.

f. Changing Thickness and Opacity of the Brush

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3. ​Writing Tools
a. Text Tool
Select Text Tool from the left side panel

Simply click, and start writing in the box. Use Ctrl+Enter to add a new line.

b. Rich Text Editor

If you need to write paragraphs, or add bullet lists etc, select Rich Text from the
Tool’s sub-menu.

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Click and place the editor on the board and use it as if you would write in any rich
text editor.

When done, simply click on Close and the text will appear like this

g. Change Thickness of the Text

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5. Uploading Files

1. Upload from Computer

a. You can upload a PDF or all types of image files (png, jpeg etc). Select ​Upload
File​ from the left side panel.
b. Select the PDF file that you want to upload from your local computer folder.
c. You can upload a PDF of up to 30 pages, each page will add a new page to the
As an example, uploading a 3 page PDF of a Place Value Chart, will create 3 pages to
the board. You can goto the next page by clicking on ‘<’ and ‘>’ at the lower left corner of
the board.

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2. Take a Screenshot and Place as an Image

You can also take a screenshot of any image from anywhere, a website, Google Slides,
Google Docs, even from Google Translate, and simply paste it using Ctrl+V anywhere
on the board.

On Mac use Shift + Ctrl + Cmd + 4 or 3 to capture the entire screen or part of it, and use
Cmd + v to place it anywhere on your board.

On Windows use the Microsoft Sniptool to capture the entire screen or part of it, and use
Ctrl + v to place it anywhere on your board.

Here is an example of an image that was taken from our ppt presentation, and placed on
the board.

6. Placing a Link on the Board

To place a link select Add Link from left side panel’s Tool’s sub-menu

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Select, and click where you want to place the link on the board, and it will open up a
menu for you to enter Name and Link address as shown below

The link itself will look like this, and when you move your cursor over, a rectangle will
show up and clicking now will open up the link in a separate window.

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7. Manipulate Objects on the Board
1. Select
To manipulate any object in the board, first use the ​Select​ from left side panel and then
click on the object you want to manipulate. It will open the sub-menu as shown below.

a. Animate-Rotate
You can rotate the object as an animation by selecting this option.

b. Animate-Move
To have the object move along a trajectory, select this, and then draw a path
along which you want the object to move.

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c. Delete
To delete the object.

d. Move
This is similar to the Move tool of the left side panel.

e. Resize
This is similar to move and resize of the left side panel.

f. Rotate
To rotate the object, click and move your cursor in the direction of the rotation
and click again.

g. Clone
To place a copy of the same object. Click, and place.

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h. Set in background
Sometimes, you want an image or an object to be in the background, so students
can annotate over it. Select and the object will be placed in the background.

i. Students can move and clone (Available to Teachers only)

A Teacher can create a library of objects for students to use, and some they can
move to place them at the right place, or others they can clone and make a copy
and then move to the right place.

j. Lock/Unlock
This is to lock an object so that teacher or student can not accidentally delete that
object. Once locked, if the same object is selected again using the Select​ ​tool,
the Unlock​ option will be available in the sub-menu to unlock the object again.

2. Infinite Clone
If you want to make several copies of your object, and do not want to select each and
Clone like described above, you can use this tool available under ​Tools​ from the left
side panel. Click and paste.

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Single click on your object, Press, and the object will clone itself, which you can now
drag to its place.

8. Annotate and Highlight

1. Write on image or PDF
a. In order to annotate over any image, object or PDF worksheet, make sure that it
is first placed in background like explained above.
b. Now you can click anywhere on top of the image, PDF, or object and start typing
or drawing.

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2. Highlight using opacity
a. You first need to select the thickness of your brush and opacity using the lower
right corner box as shown below

b. Now you can simply draw directly over the text you wish to highlight.

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9. Math Symbols and Manipulatives

Use the Palette symbole from the upper right corner of the board, and it will
open up a drawer from the right side, with the following options to select from.

1. Here are the options available under ​Math​ Symbols. To place each on the board, click to
select, and then click again on the board. Note that drag and drop does not work, but
you have to click again on the board to place the symbol selected.

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2. Math Manipulatives

The following visual math manipulatives are available.

10. Alphabets and Letters

The following Letters and Alphabet symbols are available. To place, click to select, and
then click again on the board to drop. Again, drag and drop does not work, but a second click is
needed to place your symbol on the board.

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11. Music Symbols

12. Having Fun While Learning

1. Games
a. Playing Bingo
Select ​Upload Bingo​ from the left side panel under Manage Books as shown

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A multi-page Bingo PDF will be uploaded, but in such a manner that teacher and
students will get a different page from the same PDF. This way each player has a
different Bingo page on their board.

Note that if a teacher is also playing, if they annotate or highlight over any
square/number of the Bingo, it will get reflected on all of their students’ boards.
To avoid this, they can either annotate on the side, and not directly over the
Bingo square.

b. Playing Chess
c. Puzzle

From the top right corner, select Palette, and from the right side drawer, select
Game to​ ​add Chess and Puzzle pieces on your board.

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2.​ Seasonal Theme
a. Halloween

Select Halloween from the right side drawer and place the imagery to create your
own halloween world on the board!

​ 3. Roll a Dice

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The dice will roll and settle into their numbers. To roll them again, simply click on them.

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