Touchscreen-Spoken Word Poem Assignment

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Akshay Wuppuluri



25 January 2021

Touchscreen-Spoken Word poem assignment

Throughout the video, the speaker moves in a way that resembles the topic that he is

talking about. He moves like a robot with stiff and jerky movements and this movement along

with the topic that he talks about shows his passion and interest in spreading his poem and

explaining his poem so that others could understand the problems that he talks about. Starting

from the beginning of the video, he has an exhausted and exasperated feeling and way of

speech which can represent how he talks as he talks very rapidly with a lot of information. His

way of talking reflects the emotion that he uses while he talks.

In the poem itself, the speaker talks about the evolution of technology and how

technology is being used now and how it is affecting our lives. He talks about how the number

of likes and the number of followers has become more important and addicting than things in

life like emotions, feelings, and the five senses. He discusses how life in general has changed

and flipped as people are doing the opposite in life. And that even though we are connected to

people online and have 300 friends, in real life we have trouble connecting, communicating,

and making eye contact with the very few that we are friends with. Life is also put aside for

technology as people concentrate more on their social media than with what is going on

around them and what is going on in their life.

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