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THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2021 • HOUSTONCHRONICLE.COM • VOL. 120, NO. 149 • $2.00 HH

Congress passes new round of relief

$1.9 TRILLION: Rescue package, among LOCAL AID: Federal cash will help city
largest in history, Biden’s first big win close budget gap, avoid service cuts
By Tony Romm est economic rescue pack- By Jasper Scherer yet, and it comes with few-
WA S H I NGT ON P O ST ages in U.S. history, which STA F F W R I T E R er spending restrictions
Democrats had promised than last year’s aid. Hous-
WASHINGTON — Con- to pass as one of their first Houston and Harris ton will receive an estimat-
gress approved a sweeping acts of governance after se- County are expected to re- ed $615 million, putting the
$1.9 trillion coronavirus re- curing narrow majorities in ceive more than $1.5 billion city at more than $1 billion
lief package Wednesday, Washington in the 2020 through the stimulus bill in direct federal relief dur-
authorizing a flurry of new presidential election. approved by Congress on ing the pandemic, while
federal spending and a tem- The bill, dubbed the Wednesday, providing a Harris County is projected
porary yet dramatic in- American Rescue Plan, au- massive cash injection that to receive $914 million —
crease in anti-poverty pro- thorizes another round of city officials say will help more than double its allot-
grams to help millions of stimulus payments up to Stefani Reynolds / New York Times close a budget shortfall ment from the first round
families still struggling $1,400 for most Americans; Democrats cheer passing the stimulus, which had widened by the pandemic of local aid last March.
amid the pandemic. extends enhanced unem- no GOP support. The president will sign it Friday. for the second year in a “I’m hopeful and opti-
The 220-211 vote in the ployment aid to millions row. mistic that we will be able
House of Representatives still out of work; and makes The measure provides to use this money to, essen-
More inside
almost entirely along party major changes to the tax local governments with tially, bail the city out of a
lines sends to President Joe code to benefit families » What’s in the stimulus plan. Page A9 their most generous round very dire financial situa-
Biden’s desk one of the larg- Rescue continues on A9 » Deficit hits record $1T; it could go higher. Page B2 of COVID-related funding City continues on A9

Not 100 percent normal Texans

50 and up
soon can
get shots
Eligibility expands to
1C group next week
By Cayla Harris, Julie Garcia
and Gwendolyn Wu

All Texans 50 and older will be

eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine
starting Monday, expanding the
pool of possible recipients to near-
ly half of the state’s population.
Now the question is how to find
a shot. So far, 4.7 million Texans
have received at least one dose of
the vaccine, a 15.8 percent vaccina-
tion rate that is one of the worst in
the nation.
State officials say they are going
as fast as they can. They have com-
plained the federal government is
not sending enough vaccine be-
cause it is using old population da-
ta to calculate the Texas share.
Steve Gonzales / Staff photographer More than half of the Texans
Good Vibes Burgers & Brews in Pearland isn’t requiring masks for employees or diners, owner Eric Nelson says. over 65 have received at least their
first dose, a milestone the state
Restaurants, grocers grapple with end of COVID restrictions reached last week.
Texas is now vaccinating mem-
bers of priority groups 1A and 1B —
By Greg Morago ployees or diners. a subset of more than 10 million
and Emma Balter Fainmous BBQ began the people that includes health care
STA FF WRIT E RS day differently, taping a sign to workers, Texans 65 and older, and
the window saying masks are anyone16 and older who has a co-
Some of the Wednesday required inside the Sawyer morbidity.
lunch crowd showed up to Yards restaurant specializing Last week, officials made the
Good Vibes Burgers & Brews in in Tennessee-style barbecue. state’s 1.3 million teachers and
Pearland with a mask, but most Karen Fain, who owns the bar- child care employees eligible for a
did not. They were greeted by becue joint with her husband, dose, a victory for educators who
an unmasked hostess and James, also reminded her argued they deserve earlier access
served by a staff almost entire- mask-wearing employees to because of their on-the-job expo-
ly without face coverings. hand out face coverings to cus- sure to students. The U.S. Depart-
And that was OK with owner tomers coming in without ment of Health and Human Servic-
Eric Nelson, who met the day them. es had directed all states to make
with a pledge to open his res- Melissa Phillip / Staff photographer Business as usual? Yes and the change.
taurant full throttle with no Cedar Creek Bar & Grill is opening at 100 percent no. Houston restaurants, like Those 50 and older will be in-
mask requirements for em- capacity but is maintaining its mask mandate. Restaurants continues on A11 Eligibility continues on A11

Vaccine rates ramp up, but experts advise not to drop guard
By Gwendolyn Wu able. Medical Center lead- state of COVID-19 in Hous- the vaccine, according to a
STA F F WRIT E R ers said there is currently ton. Chronicle data analysis.
no strong correlation be- Harris County surpassed Part of that comes from
The Texas Medical Cen- tween vaccination and hos- 1 million COVID-19 vaccine more vaccination sites
ter, in partnership with the pitalization rates. doses Tuesday. Vaccine coming online, experts
city, is now administering Experts are anxious that providers in the county are said. The addition of a vac-
232,000 COVID-19 vaccine there could be another now using Pfizer-BioNTech, cine supersite at NRG Park
doses per week, and ex- surge as students go on Moderna and Johnson & run by federal and county
perts expect that number spring break this month. Johnson’s products. officials has boosted the im-
to ramp up as more vac- There’s more virus in Hous- Although February’s munization rate, as has the
cines are shipped to the ton, and it’s spreading fast- winter storm set back most addition of pharmacy pro-
state. er as more infectious vari- providers by a few days, viders.
While vaccination rates ants circulate in the area. medical leaders say the “Pharmacies have much
are increasing and CO- “We’re not seeing the sites are catching up. About greater breadth and reach
VID-19 cases are trending rapid decline we want to 19 percent, or 681,720 peo- into those communities
downward again, medical see,” Bill McKeon, Medical Mark Mulligan / Staff photographer ple, of Harris County resi- who cannot travel or have
officials said the public Center president, said at a Military personnel administer vaccines Monday at dents 16 and older have re- access,” McKeon said.
shouldn’t get too comfort- Wednesday webinar on the NRG Park. The county has surpassed 1 million doses. ceived at least one dose of Vaccine continues on A11

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A2 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH


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Grocery shoppers took Joe Holley writes: In John McClain and Aaron
no chances Wednesday Austin, an old house Wilson discuss the Tex-
even as the state mask finds new life. ans letting go of wide
mandate ended. receiver Will Fuller. nativetexan-oldhouse
StillMasked podcast


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2 men found 3.8 million fish

dead inside
apartment Conroe church celebrates were killed by
frigid weather

its revival after 2016 storm

Police found two men Last month’s winter
dead in a southwest freeze that led to fish kills
Houston apartment com- across the Rio Grande
plex following a lengthy Valley and all along the
SWAT standoff with an entire Texas coast caused
armed man who has been the death of 3.8 million
arrested, authorities said. fish, according to Texas
Officers responded Parks and Wildlife.
shortly after 2 a.m. to This fish kill consisted
Arboles Drive after a of at least 61 species and
neighbor reported a 91 percent were non-
suspicious person with a recreational species like
firearm, said Police Chief silver perch, hardhead
Art Acevedo. They heard catfish, pinfish, bay an-
loud arguing inside an chovy and striped mullet.
apartment, and a man The other nine percent of
who was visibly armed the dead fish included:
threatened to kill officers. spotted seatrout, black
Someone escaped drum, sheepshead, sand
through an upstairs win- seatrout, red drum, gray
dow and told officers that snapper, and red snap-
other people were inside, per.
Acevedo said. Parks and Wildlife said
The suspect came out fish that can’t make it to a
of the apartment about 9 refuge in deeper, more
a.m. and was detained temperature-stable water
after the SWAT team during cold weather then
busted through a win- die when water tempera-
dow. tures get too low.
Inside, officers found
two bodies, Acevedo said. HOUSTON
Police suspect the men Firefighter
may have died of drug
Gustavo Huerta / Staff photographer dies in off-duty
Congregants join in a prayer during a dedication ceremony Saturday at HopeWell Community
Church in Conroe. The newly built church is 5,000 square feet. cycling accident
A Houston firefighter
Commissioners Faith rewarded as community comes together to build bigger was killed Tuesday in an
OK incinerator off-duty cycling accident,

for shelter facility after a large tree crashed through old house of worship Fire Chief Sam Peña
announced via Twitter.
Montgomery County CONROE — Faith and friendship By Meagan Ellsworth for church — some charging only in Walter Luna, an engi-
commissioners gave the paid off as a Conroe pastor bowed STA F F W R I T ER prayer. neer operator, served the
green light Tuesday for his head and gave passionate Construction began in Decem- department for about 26
the county’s animal shel- praise for the newly rebuilt Hope- ing would work,” Taylor said. “And ber 2019. As the work carried on, years. He last worked at
ter to replace its aging Well Community Church. I said, ‘Well, if I would have torn the members remained resolute in Station 72 in southeast
incinerator. “It hasn’t been easy, but I always down the church myself with the faith as they attended worship ser- Houston.
In December, the shel- say, ‘There are some things and intent of building another one, vices in the Conroe Tower, com- “Please keep the Luna
ter’s director asked the some assignments that God gives then I would have had to have a munity centers and even out- family in your prayers,”
court for $125,000 to you that you cannot avoid,’ and plan. But … the tree is not my tree — doors. Peña said.
have the incinerator this was one of them,” Pastor Mil- it’s His tree. He’s the one that On Saturday, members and
rebuilt. Commissioners MONTGOMERY
ton Taylor said as he stood with his moved it. community leaders, including
asked for a replacement wife, Daisy, in the 5,000-square- “The storm that had the wind those who played a role in the re- City will move
cost estimate, but in
February balked at the
foot building during the dedication blew the tree over on His house,” building process, finally came to- forward with
ceremony Saturday. he continued to laughter and ap- gether in celebration. The assem-
$315,000 price tag and In May 2016, high winds during a plause from the church members. bly included Jim Ward with Excali- street projects
tabled the issue. storm sent a large pecan tree crash- “He’s the one that has to have a bur Clearing, David Staat, Patrick The city of Montgom-
Shelter director Aaron ing through the old 1,600-square- plan. So, I said to myself, well, I Johnson with Questar Construc- ery plans to move for-
Johnson said the animal foot church at 504 Avenue F. The don’t know when he’s going to do tion, Ron Saikowski with Quest En- ward with street projects
shelter not only process- damage totaled the small wood- it. It ain’t my house.” gineering and Conroe City Coun- postponed by the pan-
es sick and injured ani- framed church beyond repair and Taylor said many people doubt- cilman and Vineyard Church Pas- demic.
mals at its facility but also devastated church members. ed him for not revealing a plan, but tor Raymond McDonald. The City Council unan-
disposes of deceased When Taylor’s wife and the he said he laid his problems down Each of the men took a turn re- imously approved the
wildlife, including deer, members of the congregation and surrendered to faith. As days flecting on the project, how they resolution requesting
from around the county. asked about a plan to rebuild, the turned into months, Taylor would connected, and the religious expe- street construction, re-
The motion passed pastor had none to offer. Instead, be led to the minds and talents of rience. pair and maintenance.
unanimously. he put his faith to the test, believ- community members who came “What happened to the church, An estimate was pro-
ing that God would show him His together to rebuilding a fully paid to me, is a reminder that some- vided in early 2020 to
plan. times you are led into the storm,” Precinct 1 under the for-
Police suspect “Many would ask me, ‘Taylor, said Johnson, whose company mer commissioner Mike
drugs in fatal how are you going to do it? When constructed the new church, as he Meador, but the approval
are you going to start?” he contin- paused to fight his emotion. “God was put on hold due to
shootings of 2 ued Saturday. “I’d tell them I don’t will reward those who remain COVID-19 budget reduc-
Two men were killed know. It’s not for me to know.” faithful.” tions last year, city ad-
Tuesday night in Fourth Some members were confident “You see a tree crashing through ministrator Richard
Ward in a suspected the 80-member church would HopeWell Church was a tragedy Tramm said.
drug-related shooting, bounce back. and a blessing,” he continued. At the time, the esti-
police said. “It was very emotional,” Conroe The church members raised mate was approximately
Officers responded resident Danda Crawford, who has their hands, shouted “hallelujah,” $60,000 to repave both
around 11:20 p.m. to an been a member since 2011, said af- and cried in joy to witness the re- streets from FM 149 to the
apartment complex near ter the 2016 storm destroyed the vival of their church on the same western dead ends.
West Dallas Street and church. “The little church on the spot where the old one stood. Since a year has
Bluebonnet Place Circle hill has been knocked down. But “God put it together,” Taylor passed, the city officials
where they found one we know with God’s grace it is go- Conroe Courier file photo said. “I am humbled. … There is so said it is possible for the
gunshot victim, then a ing to be OK.” A storm in May 2016 caused a much to be said, but the good part cost to go up from the
second victim inside a car On Saturday, Taylor echoed that massive pecan tree to topple is: We are home.” early 2020 estimate.
parked at an intersection point. and destroy the old HopeWell From staff and wire reports
blocks away, police said. “We tried everything, but noth- Community Church.

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SBC strife Texas braces

drives off
Christian for border surge
‘This is not who I am,’ Moore
says of Southern Baptists
By John Tedesco

Beth Moore, a popular Christian author and

Bible teacher in Houston, has decided to leave
the Southern Baptist Convention as the largest
coalition of Baptist churches in the U.S. wres-
tles with controversies about sexual abuse,
race and the role of women in ministry.
“I am still a Baptist, but I can no longer iden-
tify with Southern Baptists,” Moore told the Re-
ligion News Service in an article published
Tuesday. “I love so many Southern Baptist
people, so many Southern Baptist churches,
but I don’t identify with some of the things in
our heritage that haven’t remained in the
News of Moore’s departure landed like a
bombshell in churches across the country
where her Bible lessons are widely studied and
“Beth Moore leaving the Southern Baptist
Convention is the religion news equivalent to
Prince Harry leaving the royal firm,” wrote
Christian author Diana Butler Bass on Twitter.
“A big and unthinkable deal.” Photos by Jerry Lara / Staff photographer
An outspoken advocate for survivors of sex- Hidalgo County deputy constables guide migrant families to a U.S. Border Patrol processing area Feb. 24
ual abuse, Moore has spoken publicly about after smugglers began crossing mostly Central American families across the Rio Grande from Mexico.
her own experience as a young abuse survivor
and how she didn’t feel safe in her home, but
felt safe at her local Baptist church.
Moore continues on A10
Border Patrol says crossings up 28% last month
By Benjamin Wermund agency said about 25,000
WASH I N GT O N BU R EAU of those immigrants had

Foster care WASHINGTON — Border

Patrol reported more than
been apprehended before.
The Biden administra-
tion acknowledged some

system hit 100,000 encounters with

migrants crossing into the
U.S. from Mexico in Febru-
responsibility for the surge
on Wednesday, saying it is
at least in part attributable

‘crisis point’ ary, according to figures

the agency released Wed-
nesday that illustrate the
to the hope offered by his
administration’s shift to a
more “humane” immigra-

last month growing surge of people

seeking amnesty that has
quickly become a major
tion system.
But officials stressed the
administration is still turn-
By Anna Bauman political dilemma for the ing away the vast majority
STA F F WRIT E R Biden administration. of migrants who arrive,
The 100,441 encounters and blamed the Trump ad-
More children slept in Texas Department of reported in February rep- ministration for pushing
Family and Protective Services offices last resent a 28 percent in- The migrants surrendered to U.S. Border Patrol policies that “didn’t just ne-
month than during any other month in at least crease from January. The agents after crossing near Mission. Surge continues on A10
five years, officials said, as the pandemic exac-
erbates foster care capacity shortages.
In February, 186 children across Texas, in-
cluding 33 in Harris County, slept in offices un-
der staff supervision for at least two nights be-
cause there was nowhere else to put them, said
Melissa Lanford, spokesperson for the state
SpaceX plans to expand at Boca Chica
agency. The number has crept up for years, By Andrea Leinfelder Earth — two orbital launch
but skyrocketed last fall. The same month last STA F F W R I T ER pads, two landing pads, two
year, for example, there were 34 children with- test stands, a new parking
out placement. SpaceX plans to add lot, stormwater ponds and
Many of the youth staying in offices are launch and landing pads, more.
teens with complex psychological or emotion- along with other structures, The company has already
al needs, Lanford said. The agency tries to pro- to the place Elon Musk wants built some of this infrastruc-
vide beds when possible, but children may to be known as Starbase, Tex- ture in Boca Chica, which
sleep on cots or air mattresses if necessary, she as. Musk wants to incorporate
said. Details of the company’s into the city of Starbase. For
“Certainly, staying temporarily in an office plans to expand its presence instance, it has one suborbit-
building isn’t ideal, which is why DFPS has ex- outside of Brownsville were al launch pad and a landing
panded efforts to work with community agen- in a public notice released by pad, and it’s in the process of
cies and churches to find alternatives that pro- the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- building other components,
vide more of a home-like feel,” Lanford said. neers. such as a second suborbital
The number of children without placement SpaceX would like to have launch pad and an orbital
is a symptom of the foster care system’s lack of two suborbital launch pads — launch pad, according to the
adequate capacity, which has been a problem suborbital vehicles enter William Luther / Staff photographer document.
for years, said Katie Olse, CEO of Texas Alli- space and then come back Elon Musk plans more improvements for the area, The proposed expansion
Foster care continues on A7 down without having circled which he wants to incorporate as the city of Starbase. SpaceX continues on A10

A peaceful day of painting in the park

Council OKs plan to lower
high water bills from freeze
By Jasper Scherer single-family home that City officials also are
STA F F W R I T ER received an increased city suspending late fee penal-
water bill for last month. ties for water bills due be-
City Council on Wed- Residents of multi-fami- tween Feb. 15 and March
nesday unanimously ap- ly homes, such as apart- 15, and continuing a mora-
proved a plan by the pub- ment complexes, and torium on water service
lic works department to commercial and industrial disconnections ordered
lower residents’ water facility owners, must ap- by Mayor Sylvester Turner
bills that spiked due to ply for the bill adjustment near the beginning of the
pipe damage from the re- and provide evidence of a COVID-19 pandemic.
cent winter storm. claim from a private insur- During Wednesday’s
Under the plan, Public ance company or the Fed- council meeting, District
Works will calculate a eral Emergency Manage- G Councilman Greg Travis
household’s February wa- ment Agency. asked how the city is han-
ter bill based on its aver- In some cases, those dling situations in which
age monthly water con- without such documenta- residents already paid the
sumption during the 12 tion may be eligible to pay higher charge because
previous months, unless only half their full rate on they have automatic pay-
the household used less excess water consump- ments turned on for their
water than usual last tion from last month un- water bills.
Brett Coomer / Staff photographer month. Residents will be der a city ordinance that Sherri Winslow, Public
Kin Hoester, left, works on her watercolor landscape as Keiko Tanabe, center, charged whichever allows for bill adjustments Works’ deputy director
helps Al Alsup with his piece Wednesday during an outdoor painting class amount is lower. due to an “inexcusable de- for customer account ser-
through the Watercolor Art Society-Houston in Menil Park. This weekend’s The change automati- fect” in a customer’s water vices, said officials are try-
weather is looking pleasant for painters wanting to get out. Weather on page B8. cally will apply to every line. Water continues on A7

Garland, Fudge confirmed in bipartisan votes

By Michael Balsamo Garland will inherit a Justice De- nomination, taking a huge political ority would be protecting the mil-
and Mary Clare Jalonick partment still shaken from working gamble after the death of Justice An- lions of people who have fallen be-
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS under Trump, who insisted that the tonin Scalia by saying that the next hind on rent or mortgages during
attorney general and the depart- president should get the pick, not the pandemic, telling senators that
WASHINGTON — The Senate on ment must be loyal to him person- outgoing President Barack Obama. “we cannot afford to allow people in
Wednesday confirmed Merrick Gar- ally, battering the department’s rep- Trump was then down in the the midst of a pandemic to be put in
land to be the next U.S. attorney gen- utation. polls, but McConnell’s bet paid off the streets.”
eral and Marcia Fudge to head the In the last month of Trump’s Garland Fudge when the Republican won the presi- Shortly after she was confirmed —
Department of Housing and Urban presidency, Attorney General Wil- dency. Garland’s nomination floun- and minutes before she resigned —
Development in strong bipartisan liam Barr resigned after refuting like Merrick Garland leading the Jus- dered for nine months, and he nev- Fudge took the last vote of her
votes. Trump’s false claims that wide- tice Department,” Majority Leader er got a hearing. House career in support of the $1.9
The confirmation of Garland, a spread electoral fraud had led to his Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said ahead “We can never erase the sad trillion COVID-19 relief bill, which
widely respected veteran judge, defeat. of the vote. “Someone with integri- memory of what happened to Judge would provide billions in housing
comes as President Joe Biden has Trump’s pressure on officials, ty, independence, respect for the Merrick Garland five years ago in the assistance to low-income house-
vowed to restore the Justice Depart- particularly on Barr and former At- rule of law and credibility on both United States Senate, but we can holds.
ment’s reputation for indepen- torney General Jeff Sessions over the sides of the aisle.” give this remarkable man an oppor- Like Garland, Fudge won the sup-
dence. department’s probe into his cam- Senate Republican Leader Mitch tunity to write a new chapter of pub- port of numerous Republicans, in-
Democrats have praised Garland, paign’s ties to Russia, prompted McConnell — who prevented Gar- lic service in his life,” Senate Judicia- cluding McConnell.
a federal appeals court judge who abundant criticism from Democrats land from becoming a Supreme ry Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said “These aren’t the nominees that
was snubbed by Republicans for a over what they saw as the politiciz- Court Justice in 2016 when he before the vote. any Republican would have picked
seat on the Supreme Court in 2016, ing of the nation’s top law enforce- blocked his nomination — said he Earlier, senators voted voted 66- for these jobs,” McConnell said
as a highly qualified and honorable ment agencies. was voting to confirm Garland be- 34 to make Fudge the first Black fe- ahead of the vote. “But the nation
jurist uniquely qualified to lead the “After Donald Trump spent four cause of “his long reputation as a male HUD secretary. needs presidents to be able to stand
department after a tumultuous four years — four long years — subverting straight shooter and a legal expert” Fudge, who has represented up a team so long as their nominees
years under former President Don- the powers of the Justice Depart- and that his “left-of-center perspec- parts of Cleveland and Akron in the are qualified and mainstream.”
ald Trump. ment for his own political benefit, tive” was still within the legal main- House since 2008, is a former may- In another 66-34 vote later Wed-
Many Republicans praised him as treating the attorney general like his stream. or and a longtime advocate for the nesday, the Senate confirmed Mi-
well, saying he has the right record own personal defense lawyer, Garland’s nomination was widely needy. chael Regan, making him the first
and temperament for the moment. America can breathe a sigh of relief seen as a redemption after McCon- She said at her confirmation Black man to lead the Environmen-
He was confirmed 70-30. that we’re going to have someone nell had blocked his Supreme Court hearing in January that her first pri- tal Protection Agency.

Chauvin jurors grilled over views on police BRIEFS


Murder trial delayed

for Illinois suspect
The trial for an 18-year-old
from Illinois accused of killing
two people and wounding a
third during a protest against
police brutality in Wisconsin
was pushed back Wednesday by
seven months and could be
delayed even longer.
Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial was
scheduled to begin March 29,
but both sides told a judge that
they needed more time to pre-
pare. Kenosha County Circuit
Judge Bruce Schroeder set a
Nov. 1 trial start date, with a
May 17 status hearing.


Reporter acquitted
in protest case
A jury Wednesday acquitted a
journalist who was pepper-
sprayed and arrested by police
while covering a protest, in a
case that critics have derided as
an attack on press freedoms
and an abuse of prosecutorial
After deliberating for less
than two hours, the jury in
Iowa City found Des Moines
Chandan Khanna / AFP via Getty Images Register reporter Andrea Sa-
A man walks through a makeshift memorial honoring former Houston resident George Floyd on Wednesday in Minneapolis. houri and her ex-boyfriend
Spenser Robnett not guilty on
By Steve Karnowski tice system and racial justice is- the charge back, lessening the inclined to believe an officer, all misdemeanor charges of failure
and Amy Forliti sues, how they resolve conflicts chances that Chauvin’s trial would things being equal, over the word to disperse and interference
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS and much more. be delayed over the dispute. of another witness. But he main- with official acts.
In a separate development, the The first juror picked Wednes- tained he would be able to set
MINNEAPOLIS — Attorneys in Minnesota Supreme Court de- day, a man who works in sales aside any ideas about the inherent MISSOURI
the trial of a former Minneapolis clined to hear Chauvin’s appeal to management and grew up in a honesty of an officer and evaluate Mom gets 5 years for
police officer charged in George block a third-degree murder mostly white part of central Min- each witness on their own.
Floyd’s death probed potential ju- charge from being reinstated. nesota, acknowledged saying on The second, a man who works starving baby to death
rors Wednesday about their atti- At issue is whether the convic- his written questionnaire that he in information technology securi- A St. Louis-area woman ac-
tudes toward police, trying to de- tion of another former Minneapo- had a “very favorable” opinion of ty, marked “strongly agree” on a cused of starving her 2-month-
termine whether they’re more in- lis police officer in the unrelated the Black Lives Matter movement question about whether he be- old son to death has been sen-
clined to believe testimony from killing of an Australian woman es- and a “somewhat unfavorable” im- lieves police in his community tenced to five years in prison.
law enforcement over evidence tablished a precedent for prosecu- pression of the Blue Lives Matter make him feel safe. His communi- Makayla Hill, 27, of Bridgeton
from other witnesses to the fatal tors to restore a third-degree mur- countermovement in favor of po- ty wasn’t specified — jurors are be- was sentenced Tuesday after
confrontation. der count that the trial judge dis- lice. ing drawn from all over Hennepin she pleaded guilty to a reduced
Judge Peter Cahill seated two missed earlier. Yet he also “somewhat agreed” County, which includes Minneap- charge of child endangerment
more jurors to go with the three The Minnesota Court of Appeals that police don’t get the respect olis and many of its suburbs. in the 2018 death of her son,
picked Tuesday for Derek Chau- last week said it settled the law they deserve. He said he agrees “In my community, I think Samuel Williamson Jr. Hill was
vin’s trial on second-degree mur- with its ruling last month affirming that there are bad police officers. when there is suspicious activity given credit for more than two
der and manslaughter charges. the conviction of Mohamed Noor “Are there good ones? Yes. So I the police will stop by, they will ask years of jail time already
It’s been a grinding process dur- in the 2017 shooting death of Jus- don’t think it’s right to completely a question,” he said. “I think that served.
ing which attorneys ask prospec- tine Ruszczyk Damond. blame the entire organization,” he sense of community is all we want, In exchange for her plea,
tive jurors one by one whether The new decision from the told the court under questioning right? We want to live in a commu- prosecutors dropped a second-
they could keep an open mind, state’s highest court left open the from prosecutor Steve Schleicher. nity where we feel safe regardless degree murder charge.
what they think of the criminal jus- possibility that Cahill could add He also said he would be more of race, color and gender.”

Ex-husband arrested,
Cuomo accused of reaching under aide’s shirt questioned in deaths
A man considered a person
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS harassment allegations from several In it, he denied ever touching a of interest in the deaths of his
other women and increasingly ur- woman inappropriately. The aide ex-wife and three other people
ALBANY, N.Y. — An aide to New gent calls for his resignation or im- subsequently became emotional in New Mexico was charged
York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he peachment from at least some fel- and told a female supervisor who Wednesday with a separate
groped her in the governor’s resi- low Democrats. Cuomo repeatedly approached her about her encoun- killing in New Jersey.
dence, a newspaper reported Wed- has said he won’t resign. ters with the governor. At least one Sean Lannon was arrested in
nesday, in the most serious allega- “He’s openly said he will not re- supervisorreportedthe allegation to St. Louis on Wednesday morn-
tion made yet by a series of women sign. And with further mounting al- an attorney in the governor’s office ing after a manhunt stretching
against the embattled Democrat. legations that are deeply credible, Monday, the newspaper reported. from New Jersey to Missouri.
The Times Union of Albany re- we are in a position now where I Before Wednesday’s report, the Hours later, authorities in Glou-
ported that the woman was alone think we should impeach,” said As- allegations against Cuomo include a cester County, N.J., charged the
with Cuomo late last year when he Mary Altaffer / Associated Press sembly member Jessica Gonzalez- combination of claims that he made 47-year-old with murder, rob-
closed the door, reached under her A VOCAL-NY activist is Rojas, a Democrat who had previ- the workplace an uncomfortable bery, burglary, theft of a motor
shirt and fondled her. arrested after the group ously pushed for his resignation. place for young women, ranging vehicle and other offenses in
The newspaper’s reporting is blocked traffic outside Gov. The woman whose account was from flirtatious comments to a non- the death of 66-year-old Mi-
based on an unidentified source Andrew Cuomo’s New York City reported by the Times Union said consensual kiss. chael Dabkowski.
with direct knowledge of the wom- office and demanded he resign. Cuomo had touched her and made At least five accusers — Charlotte Dabkowski was killed Mon-
an’s accusation. The governor had flirtatious comments on multiple oc- Bennett, Lindsey Boylan, Ana Liss, day in his home in East Green-
summoned her to the Executive “The details of this report are gut- casions. According to the newspa- Karen Hinton and the latest accuser wich, about 20 miles south of
Mansion in Albany, saying he need- wrenching,” Cuomo said, adding per, her allegations came to light as — worked for the governor in Albany Philadelphia. The cause of
ed help with his cellphone, the that he wouldn’t speak to the specif- Cuomo staffers watched the gover- or during his time in President Bill death was blunt force trauma,
newspaper reported. ics of this or any other allegation, giv- nor’s March 3 news conference, his Clinton’s Cabinet. Another, Anna according to the Gloucester
“I have never done anything like en an ongoing investigation over- first after a new round of sexual ha- Ruch, told the New York Times that County prosecutor’s office.
this,” Cuomo said through a spokes- seen by the state attorney general. rassment claims made in late Febru- she met Cuomo at a friend’s wed- From wire reports
person Wednesday evening. The three-term governor faces ary. ding.
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | A5

Greene vows to keep obstructing ‘far-leftist’ foes

By Marianna Sotomayor motions.
and Mike DeBonis “Representative Greene is do-
WA S H I NGT ON P O ST ing a further disservice to her con-
stituents by obstructing the work
WASHINGTON — One day after of Congress for her own personal
Democrats made an unprecedent- satisfaction and wasting the time
ed move to strip Rep. Marjorie Tay- of Members who actually want to
lor Greene of her committee as- get things done for the people they
signments, the Georgia Republi- represent,” the statement said.
can countered that she’d now have Some of the most combative Re-
plenty of time to obstruct her op- publicans support Greene, howev-
ponents’ “far-leftist” proposals er, noting that Democrats should
and push her GOP colleagues have expected her to get creative
harder to the right. with expressing her opinion after
Greene, an ardent supporter of they eliminated her committee as-
former President Donald Trump, signments. It was the first time a
has kept her promise. Her repeat- majority party voted to remove a
ed motions to adjourn legislative member of the minority from
debate over the past several weeks committees.
have forced members to scramble “The Democrats are the ones
to the House floor and vote to re- who created that situation, and
main in session, a move that’s infu- that’s ridiculous what they did. It’s
riating Democrats and, increasing- wrong what they did, and now
ly, members of her own party. Katherine Frey / Washington Post they’re all upset that Marjorie’s
On Wednesday, she moved to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., has voiced support for the QAnon conspiracy theory. Greene asking them to do their job. I don’t
adjourn as the House was prepar- has made comments on social media suggesting that some mass shootings were staged. have a problem with it,” said Rep.
ing to debate the coronavirus relief Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a member of
package. The motion was defeat- problem saying, ‘Hey guess what, evening to delay the final vote on supporters of gun control, that 9-11 the staunchly conservative Free-
ed, with 40 Republicans joining if you’re whining about walking the $1.9 trillion bill. The motion was orchestrated by government dom Caucus. “I walked on the
Democrats in opposing it. down to the floor and having to was defeated. entities, and that a Jewish cabal floor when she made a motion to
That marked the fourth time in vote and it may have interrupted But Greene, who entered Con- had sparked a deadly California adjourn and I said, ‘Marjorie,
recent weeks that Greene moved what you’re doing, well guess gress two months ago, has ob- wildfire with a laser beam directed you’re doing your committee
to adjourn. Each time, the number what, your voters back at home structed more often and attracted from space. work.’ ”
of Republicans voting against her and the American people don’t sharper criticism. Democrats de- As recently as late last year, she Greene is undeterred by the
increased, including some of the really care. They’d rather see you nied Greene her committee as- touted false QAnon conspiracy criticism and has not been shy
chamber’s most conservative govern, and they want you to do signments last month in a rebuke theories. about criticizing colleagues who
members Wednesday. the job that they elected you to of her embrace of extremist ideol- She has renounced some of her oppose her. She immediately went
In an interview, a defiant do.’ ” ogy. most outlandish claims. on Twitter to call out the Repub-
Greene stressed that her col- Greene isn’t the only Republi- “Marjorie Taylor Greene is After Greene’s gambit Wednes- licans who confronted her for a re-
leagues of both parties should get can in recent weeks to use delay- clearly in need of an intervention, day, Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., cent motion, saying she wasn’t
used to her trying to delay consid- ing tactics. and she needs to find a hobby, oth- was so irritated he said he will pro- “sorry for interrupting fundraising
eration of Democratic priorities. Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson de- er than engaging in unproductive pose a rule that only a member of a calls & breakfast.”
“These are tactics I will definite- manded a reading on the floor of activity and miring herself in con- committee can make a motion to “Our Republican voters want to
ly use, and I’ll have more tactics to the roughly 630-page American spiracy theory after conspiracy adjourn. “I’m dead serious,” he see Republican members in the
use. You see the difference in me is Relief Plan, which delayed consid- theory,” Democratic Caucus Chair- said. House standing up and fighting
I’m not one of those that gets in eration of the coronavirus relief man Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, back,” Greene said, “not whining
line and says, ‘Yes, sir’ and does as bill for 11 hours. Tuesday. one of 11 Republicans who voted about, ‘Oh, we had to get off our
I’m told,” she said Tuesday. Senate Minority Leader Mitch Greene has made comments on with Democrats to remove Greene Zoom call’ or ‘Oh, this interrupted
“When people go against me — McConnell of Kentucky requested social media suggesting that some from committees, released a state- my meeting with the Chamber of
I’m an honest person, I have no a motion to adjourn late Friday mass shootings were staged by ment Tuesday criticizing Greene’s Commerce back home.’ ”

After blasting mail-in ballots, Trump requests his own — late

By Timothy Bella months of repeatedly promoting Mar-a-Lago. The completed bal- that mail-in ballots requested for the Palm Beach County Su-
WAS H I NGT ON P O ST false claims of election fraud lot was received Monday, before through Tuesday could be deliv- pervisor of Elections, said she
without evidence. Tuesday’s election. ered at a voting location in-per- couldn’t comment on Trump’s
Former President Donald Records from the Palm Beach The county elections website son, Trump probably had some- ballot, citing a Florida statute
Trump recently requested a County Supervisor of Elections shows that the request was made one drop off his ballot Friday at prohibiting her from doing so.
mail-in ballot for a municipal show that a mail-in ballot for the about a week past the Feb. 27 the Morton and Barbara Mandel Trump spokesman Jason Mill-
election in South Florida, ac- town’s local election this week deadline for voters to request a Recreation Center, less than 3 er didn’t immediately respond to
cording to Palm Beach County was requested Friday for the for- mail-in ballot. miles from his Mar-a-Lago Club. a request for comment Wednes-
records, voting by mail despite mer president’s residence at Because county rules state Judy Lamey, a spokeswoman day.

S. Korea
will pay
more for
U.S. troops
By Choe Sang-Hun

SEOUL, South Korea — This na-

tion said Wednesday that it had
agreed to increase its share in cov-
ering the cost of the U.S. military
presence by 13.9 percent this year,
ending a prolonged dispute in the
alliance before a joint visit by Secre-
tary of State Antony Blinken and
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.
Differences over how to share
the cost of keeping 28,500 U.S.
troops in South Korea have kept
the allies at odds for years.
The issue became particularly
contentious under former Presi-
dent Donald Trump, who demand-
ed that South Korea drastically in-
crease its payments — by up to five
times, according to some reports.
Rob Pinney / Getty Images Even as he warmed to North Ko-
Media take up positions outside Buckingham Palace on Wednesday after the palace’s response to the Oprah Winfrey interview. rea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, Trump
often accused South Korea of free-

Royal response fails to end anger

loading on U.S. military power.
Negotiations dragged on for 18
months, but they began making
progress after President Joe Biden

over Meghan’s claims of racism

took office and vowed to restore al-
liances around the world.
Over the weekend, the U.S. and
South Korea agreed to a five-year
deal to increase the military pay-
By Danica Kirka Harry and Meghan was broadcast in during which Morgan said he didn’t stitution that hasn’t kept pace with ments, subject to legislative ap-
A S S OC I AT E D P RE SS the United States. believe anything Meghan had said. the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter proval in both capitals.
“The whole family is saddened to Meghan herself complained to movements. Under the agreement, South Ko-
LONDON — Buckingham Palace’s learn the full extent of how challeng- the British TV channel about the Others stand behind the royal rea will pay $1 billion this year, 13.9
response to Prince Harry and Megh- ing the last few years have been for comments, focusing on their im- family, criticizing the couple for percent more than its annual pay-
an’s allegations of racism and mis- Harry and Meghan,” the palace said. pact on people dealing with mental making their damning allegations at ments in 2019 and 2020, officials
treatment has failed to quiet the “The issues raised, particularly that health issues, ITV News reported. a time when Harry’s 99-year-old said Wednesday.
controversy, with some observers of race, are concerning. While some Meghan, who is biracial, said in grandfather Prince Philip remains From next year through 2025,
criticizing the royal family for not recollections may vary, they are tak- the interview she was so isolated hospitalized in London after a heart South Korea will increase its por-
forcefully condemning racism and en very seriously and will be ad- and miserable as a working mem- procedure. tion annually at the same rate it
for suggesting the couple’s version dressed by the family privately.” ber of the royal family that she had Many Black people have said boosts its defense budget — at an
of events may not be accurate. The comments were the palace’s suicidal thoughts, yet when she Meghan’s comments highlighted average of 6.1percent per year until
“Too little, too late” was the ver- first word since the interview asked for mental health assistance the reality of racism in Britain, 2025.
dict of royal commentator Peter rocked the royal family — and from the palace’s human resources where the issue too often is charac- “By smoothly addressing the
Hunt, who also criticized the palac- touched off conversations around staff, she was told they couldn’t help terized as an American problem. key pending alliance issue early on
e’s 61-word statement for saying the the world about racism, mental because she wasn’t a paid employ- Bell Ribeiro-Addy, a Black mem- after the launch of the Biden ad-
issue would be dealt with privately health and even the relationship be- ee. ber of Parliament from the opposi- ministration, South Korea and the
as a family matter. tween Britain and its former colo- She also said Harry told her there tion Labour Party, said she was dis- United States demonstrated the ro-
“This delayed, tame statement nies. were “concerns and conversations” appointed the royal family planned bustness of the firm alliance,” the
went for predictability when unpre- The controversy already has cost about the color of her baby’s skin to deal with Meghan’s allegations South Korean Foreign Ministry said
dictability — stepping out of the a prominent British TV personality when she was pregnant with their privately. in a statement Wednesday.
Windsor comfort zone — was what his job. son, Archie. “The monarchy is a public insti-
was needed,” Hunt wrote on the Piers Morgan left ITV’s morning The interview, seen by almost 50 tution that receives public money,
website of the influential British news chat show amid a row over his million viewers worldwide, has di- and any criticism of the institution BRIEFS
magazine The Spectator. on-air criticism of Meghan. More vided opinions. should really be met with a forceful
The statement, issued on behalf than 41,000 people complained to Many people have backed Megh- response from the institution about UNITED NATIONS
the queen, was released 36 hours af- Britain’s communications regulator an, saying the allegations demon- what they are going to do,” Ribeiro- Myanmar military
ter Oprah Winfrey’s interview with about Monday’s edition of the show, strate the need for change in an in- Addy told the BBC.
urged to use ‘restraint’
The U.N. Security Council

Russia slows Twitter unanimously called for a reversal

of the military coup in Myanmar
on Wednesday, strongly con-

over ‘banned content’ demning the violence against

peaceful protesters and calling for
“utmost restraint” by the military.
By Anton Troianovski it,” it added. A presidential statement ap-
and Andrew E. Kramer In a TV appearance Wednesday, proved by all 15 council members
N EW YO RK T IME S the deputy chief of Roskomnadzor, including Myanmar’s neighbor
Vadim Subbotin, said Twitter stands and friend China was formally
MOSCOW — The Russian govern- out as the only social network that adopted at a very brief virtual
ment said Wednesday that it was has “openly ignored the Russian au- meeting.
slowing access to Twitter, accusing thorities’ demand to remove the A presidential statement is a
the social network of failing to re- banned content.” step below a resolution but be-
move illegal content and signaling In a statement, Twitter said it was Mark Schiefelbein / Associated Press comes part of the official record of
that the Kremlin is escalating its of- aware of reports that its platform In November, a Long March-5 rocket carrying the Chang’e-5 the U.N.’s most powerful body.
fensive against U.S. internet compa- was “being intentionally slowed lunar mission lifted off at the Wenchang Space Launch Center.
nies that long have provided a haven down broadly and indiscriminately UNITED KINGDOM
for freedom of expression.
It was a landmark step in a coun-
try where the internet essentially
in Russia due to apparent content
removal concerns.”
Twitter said it had a zero-toler-
Beijing and Moscow agree Officer held in case
of missing woman
has remained free despite President
Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian rule.
ance policy regarding child sexual
exploitation, and that it didn’t allow
to explore moon together A police officer has been arrest-
ed on suspicion of kidnapping and
But it didn’t go off without a hitch: the use of its platform for any unlaw- By Steven Lee Myers recent years. murder in connection with a
As media regulators tried to slow ac- ful behavior or to further illegal ac- N EW YO R K T I ME S In December, China’s Chang’e-5 woman who went missing in
cess to Twitter, dozens of Russian tivities, including the buying and mission brought back samples from London last week, Britain’s Met-
government websites went offline selling of drugs. China and Russia have agreed to the moon’s surface, which have ropolitan Police said. The force
for about an hour, a crash that some The action against Twitter, a site jointly build a research station on or gone on display with great fanfare in said Wednesday the fact that the
experts said likely stemmed from a with a limited following in Russia, around the moon, setting the stage Beijing. That made China only the man is a serving police officer is
technical glitch in the state’s move was intended as a warning to other for a new space race. third nation, after the United States “shocking and deeply disturbing.”
against the social network. U.S. internet companies, Alexander The United States and the Soviet and the Soviet Union, to accomplish The force said the man, who is
Russia’s telecommunications reg- Khinshtein, a member of parlia- Union, followed by its successor the feat. in his 40s, was arrested late Tues-
ulator said it was reducing the speed ment who helped write a law that al- state, Russia, long have dominated In the coming months, it’s expect- day in Kent, southeast of London,
at which Twitter loaded for users in lowed the regulator to slow traffic, space exploration, putting the first ed to send a lander and rover to the as part of the investigation into
Russia, and pictures and videos in- said Wednesday. astronauts in space and on the Martian surface, hard on the heels of the disappearance of Sarah Ev-
deed at times took longer than usual He said putting the brakes on moon and later collaborating on the NASA’s Perseverance, which arrived erard, a 33-year-old marketing
to load. The regulator, Roskomnad- Twitter traffic “will force all other International Space Station that has there last month. executive who vanished while
zor, accused the U.S. company of social networks and large foreign in- been in orbit for two decades. A memorandum of understand- walking home from a friend’s
failing for years to remove posts ternet companies to understand The joint announcement by Chi- ing signed in a video conference apartment in south London on
about illegal drug use or child por- Russia won’t silently watch and na and Russia late Tuesday has the Tuesday by Zhang Kejian, head of March 3.
nography or messages “pushing mi- swallow the flagrant ignoring of our potential to scramble the geopolitics the Chinese space program, and his
nors toward suicide.” laws.” of space exploration, again setting Russian counterpart, Dmitri Rogo- GAZA STRIP
“With the aim of protecting Rus- Twitter — and to a much greater up competing programs and goals zin, referred to the Chang’e-7 mis- Hard-liner wins vote
sian citizens and forcing the internet extent, Facebook’s Instagram and for the scientific and, potentially, sion, a Chinese probe expected to be
service to follow the law on the terri- Google’s YouTube — have given Rus- commercial exploitation of the launched to the moon’s southern to remain Hamas chief
tory of the Russian Federation, cen- sians ways to speak, report and or- moon. This time, though, the main pole in 2024. Hamas firebrand Yehiyeh Sin-
tralized reactive measures have ganize openly even though the players will be the United States and China was never invited to the war was re-elected as the Palestin-
been taken against Twitter starting Kremlin controls the television air- China, with Russia as a supporting ISS, as U.S. law prohibits NASA from ian militant group’s leader here,
March 10, 2021 — specifically, the ini- waves. player. cooperating with Beijing. That leaving a figure closely aligned
tial throttling of the service’s speeds, Those social networks, along In recent years, China has made meant China “had no choice but to with the hard-line military wing in
in accordance with the regulations,” with Chinese-owned TikTok, played huge advances in space exploration, set and pursue its own goals,” said charge of the group’s strategy in
the regulator said in a statement. a pivotal role in the anti-Kremlin putting its own astronauts in orbit Joan Johnson-Freese, a professor of its main stronghold.
“If the internet service Twitter protests that accompanied the re- and sending probes to the moon national security affairs at the U.S. Sinwar, 58, fended off a chal-
continues to ignore the demands of turn and imprisonment of opposi- and to Mars. It effectively drafted Naval War College. lenge from Nizar Awadallah, one
the law, measures against it will con- tion leader Alexei Navalny this year. Russia as a partner in missions that it The U.S. has its own plans to revis- of Hamas’ founders. Sinwar will
tinue in accordance with the regula- The Washington Post already has planned, outpacing a it the moon by 2024 through an in- serve another four-year term.
tions, up to and including blocking contributed to this report. Russian program that has stalled in ternational program called Artemis. From wire reports
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | A7

Friends mourn death Local firm gets NASA

of rapper and activist a seat on Russian ship
By Julian Gill By Andrea Leinfelder on the space station.
STA F F WRIT E R STA F F W R I T ER “Securing this addition-
al Soyuz seat assures at
Xavier Roberson NASA astronaut Mark least one U.S. crew mem-
marched in the streets of Vande Hei has a seat on ber will be aboard the In-
Houston and Washington the Soyuz spacecraft ternational Space Station
D.C., for his friend George scheduled to launch April at all times to maintain
Floyd, a mentor to Roberson 9, thanks to a deal be- safe operations of the or-
and other young residents of tween NASA and Houston- biting laboratory,” NASA
Third Ward’s Cuney Homes. based Axiom Space. said in the news release.
Floyd’s death at the hands Axiom Space, which fa- “Flying integrated crews
of Minneapolis police in May cilitates rides into space assures the back-up capa-
2020 sparked a national for private astronauts and bility in the event of a
push for racial equality and professional astronauts Courtesy NASA problem with any crew
ignited Roberson’s own de- Courtesy Chip Cunningham from other countries, pre- NASA astronaut Mark spacecraft or an emergen-
sire for change. In addition Xavier Roberson, an aspiring rapper and activist, viously purchased a seat Vande Hei will return to cy aboard the station that
to protests, Roberson used was shot and killed early Monday in Houston. on a Russian Soyuz space- the space station on the requires a crew to return
his music as a vehicle to craft. It then traded this Soyuz spacecraft. to Earth sooner than
highlight systemic racism rapper “because of his vo- Floyd also played. He went seat with NASA in ex- planned.”
and police brutality, rapping cabulary — how fluent he on to play for TCU and later change for a seat in 2023 nine years relying on the Russian space agency
under the moniker Obe was. How much he could ar- the University of South Ala- on a Commercial Crew Soyuz spacecraft to carry Roscosmos said the con-
Noir. He also began hosting ticulate a story on any top- bama. Program spacecraft devel- its astronauts to the space tract is based on its exist-
voter registration drives at ic,” Wayne said. Cunningham said Rober- oped by SpaceX or Boe- station. The agency re- ing liabilities in the agree-
the project housing com- Roberson recently won a son’s mental toughness ing. tired the space shuttle in ment with Axiom Space.
plex where he and Floyd rap competition hosted by shined on the court, but a “Axiom is always seek- 2011, and it was waiting for “The crew composition
grew up. Wylcef Jean on social media. criminal charge stymied his ing new opportunities to SpaceX and Boeing to change came as a result of
Now, as the murder trial He has also worked with oth- momentum in college. provide access to the Sta- complete their capsules an earnest request from
of the officer who killed er renowned Houston rap- He continued to pursue tion to non-traditional us- that would replace the the US side,” Roscosmos
Floyd begins, Third Ward is pers such as Bun B and Trae basketball along with an ed- ers,” the company said in shuttle. said in its news release.
mourning again. tha Truth. ucation. He joined the team a statement. “The Axiom NASA did not want to “NASA voiced its request
Roberson, 31, was killed “Every once in a while, at Our Lady of the Lake Uni- astronaut we provide for own this vehicle and de- only in the end of 2020
early Monday in a Midtown you’ll come across situa- versity in San Antonio, the 2023 flight will be se- termine its every feature. meaning the Russian side
shooting, police said. Wit- tions like, why them?” Trae where he became the lead- lected from among the Instead, it wanted to pur- had to change the already
nesses heard gunfire around the Truth said. ing men’s basketball scorer various countries with chase seats on privately confirmed and approved
3:40 a.m. before spotting Roberson’s talent extend- in the National Association whom we are in discus- owned and operated launch program. Roscos-
him running down the ed to the basketball court. of Intercollegiate Athletics. sions and must be ap- spacecraft. So NASA pro- mos has taken this deci-
street. A vehicle drove As a teenager, he moved He also earned his bache- proved by the Internation- vided funding and techni- sion confirming its adher-
around the block “as if chas- in with his grandmother in lor’s degree. al Space Station Multilat- cal expertise to SpaceX ence to the joint agree-
ing Roberson,” police said. Lufkin after police arrested “He was just a very, very eral Crew Operations Pan- and Boeing through the ments and the spirit of
Two men got out of the car other family members in tough tough kid on all fronts el for a flight assignment.” Commercial Crew Pro- joint usage of the Interna-
in the 2900 block of Fannin Houston. Playing for Lufkin — in life and in basketball,” As such, Vande Hei gets gram. Both companies tional Space Station.”
Street, opened fire and fled. High School, he caught the Cunningham said. “And to join cosmonauts Oleg contributed their own The crew currently
Friends and family do not eye of Chip Cunningham, that’s what made him spe- Novitskiy and Pyotr Du- money, too. aboard the station will re-
know the possible motive. who at the time was looking cial on the court.” brov in the April 9 launch Last year, SpaceX be- turn on Soyuz and Crew
They said Roberson’s music to recruit skilled underprivi- After graduation, Rober- from the Baikonur Cosmo- gan ferrying NASA astro- Dragon spacecrafts in
career was blossoming. He leged athletes to join an AAU son traveled the world as a drome in Kazakhstan. The nauts to the space station. April or May. NASA’s
had a young daughter. He al- team in Tyler. professional player in coun- contract announced earli- Boeing has yet to launch SpaceX Crew-2 mission is
so played professional bas- Eventually, Roberson be- tries such as Mexico, Argen- er this week “contains no people, though it should scheduled to launch April
ketball in multiple countries come one of several players tina and Germany. exchange of funds,” NASA launch an uncrewed cap- 22. The SpaceX Crew
overseas, including Colom- living with Cunningham and Through it all, he kept in said in a news release, sule to the space station in Dragon will carry NASA
bia, where local news re- his family in East Texas. touch with Cunningham “because the services are the near future. This will astronauts Shane Kim-
ports about his death hailed “He was just such a good, and his family. determined to be of com- be a redo, as the first un- brough and Megan McAr-
him as a “great figure” on kind person,” said Cunning- Before the pandemic, he parable value to both par- crewed launch in Decem- thur, Japan Aerospace Ex-
the team, Titanes de Barran- ham, now an assistant bas- had been living with Cun- ties.” ber 2019 had a software er- ploration Agency astro-
quilla. ketball coach for Boston Col- ningham’s stepmother, Mi- On the most recent Soy- ror that prevented the naut Akihiko Hoshide and
“That was my protégé, lege. “We had extra beds in chelle Cunningham, in uz launch carrying peo- spacecraft from reaching European Space Agency
like my son. He was my our house, and he would Houston. After learning of ple, NASA paid $90.3 mil- the space station. astronaut Thomas Pes-
heart,” said Cal Wayne, a want to do a lot of workouts. his death, she found a collec- lion to send one American NASA said having quet.
Houston rapper who also So he would just stay with us tion of letters he had saved astronaut to the Interna- Vande Hei on the April 9
grew up with Floyd in Cuney … he just soaked it all up.” from people thanking him tional Space Station. Soyuz launch will ensure a
Homes. “It’s devastating be- Among Roberson’s peers for his support. NASA previously spent continuous U.S. presence
cause honestly, I always felt at Lufkin was Baltimore Ra- She was reminded of his
like he was better than me, vens wide receiver Dez Bry- desire to give back. She said
and he didn’t realize.” ant, who referred to Rober- he had planned to honor
Houston police have not son as a brother in multiple Floyd by forming a nonprof-
made an arrest in the killing, social media tributes. Ro- it to help Third Ward resi-
and a detailed description of berson also become close dents.
the suspects was not avail- with Cunningham, often in- “He was just extremely
able by Wednesday. troducing him to friends as a driven,” she said. “He never
Wayne said Roberson was “god brother.” gave up on his dream for a
a young teenager when he Roberson returned to better life. He never gave
displayed a talent for music Houston his senior year and up.”
and storytelling. He stuck joined the team at Jack Yates
out among other aspiring High School, where George

FOSTER CARE require support, clinical

services and therapy, as
look at the needs of chil-
dren. “We do not have
From page A3 well as typical needs like enough foster care place-
schooling and play time ment and services for the
ance of Child and Family Ser- with friends, Olse said. In highest needs children in
vices, a network of organiza- the office spaces, kids are care.”
tions serving families and under the supervision of Meanwhile, the pan-
children in the foster care CPS caseworkers, not demic has made it difficult
continuum. Right now, she trained caregivers, she to hire, train and retain a
said, the count is “incredibly said. workforce in the foster care
high.” “They’re not homes — system, Olse said, as work-
“Which is a signal to all of they’re offices,” Olse said. ers cope with their own
us that we are at a crisis point “It’s what you would imag- personal pandemic-related
with regard to being able to ine it to be like, as a child challenges. It’s difficult for
meet the needs of all the kids without a home living in an careteakers in group home
in the foster care system,” said office.” settings to help children
Olse, whose organization is a The number of children wear masks, social distance
DFPS partner. being removed by the state or quarantine. Some foster
The number of children from their homes and en- care homes went offline as
lacking placement has topped tering foster care has de- caretakers in high-risk
100 each month since Octo- clined in the last two years, groups declined to take
ber; in January, it reached 148 Olse said. The number bot- more kids, but Olse said
children. The monthly aver- tomed out just shy of most caretakers are “doing
age of children without place- 16,500 in fiscal year 2020 everything they can.” The
ment has climbed from 36 in after hitting a peak of more pandemic has also disrupt-
2017, 37 in 2018, 56 in 2019 and than 20,600 children in fis- ed the courts system, slow-
70 in 2020, according to infor- cal year 2018, according to ing even juvenile and child
mation from the family servic- information from the Texas protection court cases.
es department. Alliance organization. The state remains re-
Often, youth who lack However, a reduction in sponsible for implement-
placement in foster care are children entering the sys- ing foster care reforms de-
older youth with specialized tem does not necessarily manded by U.S. District
needs, the department said. equal greater capacity, Olse Judge Janis Jack after a 2011
Employees with the family said. That’s because kids re- class-action lawsuit. In Feb-
services department are moved from their homes ruary, Jack said she would
working to streamline place- are staying longer in the give state officials until May
ment practices to quickly foster care system and typ- to make progress on her or-
identify beds for youth wait- ically have greater needs, ders before sanctions, the
ing for placement, Lanford she said. Roughly half of Texas Tribune reported.
said. In some cases, commu- the children removed from Last year, the judge held
nity or faith-based organiza- their homes in 2019 remain Texas officials in contempt
tions provide temporary in foster care to date. of court for failing to follow
placement. “It’s really not just about her orders to make re-
Beyond a bed, children the number of kids and the forms.
who have experienced ne- number of beds,” Olse said,
glect or abuse in their homes advocating for a holistic

WATER Turner added that cus-

tomers who overpaid
cent of Public Works cus-
tomers had a leak on their
From page A3 their water bill would re- property during the
ceive a credit applied to storm.
ing to “supersede that ac- their April bills.
tion” when possible. An estimated 25 per-

Biden boosts U.S. vaccine stockpile by 100M

By Zeke Miller pected to be delivered in the lat- comes as the White House has even as it vaccinates its own pop- who have encouraged the White
A S S O C I AT E D PRE SS ter half of the year. rebuffed requests from U.S. al- ulation. Analysts say a goal of House to develop clear plans
White House aides said Bi- lies, including Mexico, Canada this vaccine diplomacy is to bol- and thresholds for sharing vac-
WASHINGTON — President den’s first priority is ensuring and the European Union, for ster Russia’s image as a scientif- cine with the world.
Joe Biden on Wednesday direct- that Americans are vaccinated vaccine doses produced in the ic, technological and benevolent “The only way to defeat this
ed his administration to order before considering distributing United States, where months of power, especially as other coun- virus for good is to defeat it ev-
another 100 million doses of the doses elsewhere. production runs have produced tries encounter shortages of CO- erywhere — and that requires an
Johnson & Johnson coronavirus “We want to be oversupplied vaccine solely for use in the VID-19 vaccines because richer immediate plan for sharing ex-
vaccine, growing a likely U.S. and overprepared,” White country. nations are scooping up the cess vaccine doses globally,”
surplus of doses later this year House press secretary Jen Psaki Meanwhile, Russia and China, Western-made versions. said Sarah Swinehart, senior di-
while much of the rest of the said Wednesday, saying Biden whose leaders don’t face voters Israel, which has vaccinated rector for communications at
world struggles with deep short- wanted contingencies in the in free and fair elections, have more than half of its population The ONE Campaign.
ages. event of any unforeseen issues used their domestically pro- with Pfizer vaccines produced in Asked about the surplus Wed-
Even before Wednesday’s or- with the existing production duced shots for strategic lever- Europe, also has tried to use vac- nesday, Biden told reporters
der, the U.S. was to have enough timeline. age. cine diplomacy to reward allies. that “if we have a surplus, we’re
approved vaccine delivered by “We still don’t know which China has pledged roughly Biden did move to have the going to share it with the rest of
mid-May to cover every adult vaccine will be most effective on half a billion doses of its vac- U.S. contribute financially to the the world.”
and enough for 400 million peo- kids,” she added. “We still don’t cines to more than 45 countries, United Nations and World “This is not something that
ple total by the end of July. know the impact of variants or according to a country-by-coun- Health Organization-backed CO- can be stopped by a fence no
Enough doses to cover 200 the need for booster shots. And try tally by the Associated Press. VAX alliance, which will help matter how high you build a
million more people are on or- these doses can be used for Four of China’s many vaccine share vaccine with more than 90 fence or a wall. So we’re not go-
der should vaccines from Astra- booster shots as well as needed. makers are claiming they will be countries with lower and mid- ing to be ultimately safe until the
Zeneca and Novavax receive ap- Obviously that’s still being stud- able to produce at least 2.6 bil- dle-income nations, but it hasn’t world is safe,” Biden said. “So
proval from the Food and Drug ied by the FDA, but again we lion doses this year. commited to sharing any doses. we’re going to start off making
Administration. The new J&J want to be over-prepared as I Russia has sent millions of Biden’s purchasing strategy sure Americans are taken care of
doses, which would cover an- noted earlier.” doses of its Sputnik V vaccine to has come under criticism from first, but we’re then going to try
other 100 million people, are ex- Biden’s announcement countries around the world, nongovernmental organizations to help the rest of the world.”

L.A. district
reaches deal
to reopen

LOS ANGELES — Students in the

nation’s second-largest school dis-
trict could return to class next
month under a tentative deal an-
nounced late Tuesday with the pow-
erful teachers union.
The Los Angeles Unified School
District and the union said the tenta-
tive agreement provides a number of
“safety parameters“ that would al-
low a partial reopening of campuses.
As with most other California
public schools, LAUSD’s more than
600,000 students have been learn-
ing online for almost a year because
of the coronavirus pandemic.
“It’s our shared commitment to
the highest safety standards and
spirit of trust and collaboration we
will take with us back to schools,” Su-
perintendent Austin Beutner and
United Teachers Los Angeles Presi-
dent Cecily Myart-Cruz said in a joint
The plan, which needs ratifica-
tion by the school board and the
union membership, lays out a road
map for reopening schools after Los Emilio Morenatti / Associated Press
Angeles County drops from the Francisco Espana, 60, receives treatment for COVID-19 on Sept. 4 in a makeshift “hospital” by the sea in Barcelona, Spain.
state’s most-restrictive COVID-19 tier,

A year later, world looks back

purple, into the red tier, which coun-
tyofficials said couldhappenasearly
as this week.
Preschool and elementary
schoolers would return in mid-April.
Middle and high school students
would follow at the end of April. COVID’s anniversary COVID-19 stood at 125,000, and reported
deaths stood at fewer than 5,000. Today,
smile. Her recuperation period was
Crucially, the agreement says
teachers, along with nurses and oth-
brings bad memories 117 million people are confirmed to have
been infected, and according to Johns
“I had shortness of breath and tightness
of the chest. It lasted for six months,” she
er union members, won’t have to re-
turn to work until they have been ful-
for survivors globally Hopkins, more than 2.6 million people
have died.
said. “I didn’t think it would ever go away.”
But she mended, and she’s back at work
ly vaccinated for COVID-19. By Michelle R. Smith On that day, Italy closed shops and res- in the surgical ward. Others have not been
The teachers union had demand- and Andrew Meldrum taurants after locking down in the face of so lucky.
ed such a requirement in refusing to AS SOCIATED PR E S S 10,000 reported infections. The NBA sus- In the United States — the world’s most
accept an earlier mid-April target pended its season, and Tom Hanks, filming COVID-wracked country — 29 million have
date.InastatementTuesday,howev- No one has been untouched. a movie in Australia, announced he was been infected, and 527,000 have died.
er, Myart-Cruz said the agreement Not the Michigan woman who awakened infected. Latoria Glenn-Carr and her wife of six
meets “all of our key safety proto- one morning, her wife dead by her side. On that evening, President Donald years, Tyeisha, were diagnosed at a hospi-
cols.“ Not the domestic worker in Mozam- Trump addressed the nation from the Oval tal emergency room near their home out-
The Board of Education appeared bique, her livelihood threatened by the Office, announcing restrictions on travel side Detroit on Oct. 29. Despite Latoria’s
ready to approve the agreement. virus. from Europe that set off a trans-Atlantic qualms, they were sent home.
“It’s been a long tough year, but Not the North Carolina mother who scramble. Airports flooded with unmasked Tyeisha, 43, died in bed next to her wife
this is truly the best possible out- struggled to keep her business and her crowds in the days that followed. Soon, three days later.
come,” member Jackie Goldberg family going amid rising anti-Asian ugli- they were empty. “I woke up on Sunday, and I didn’t feel a
said. ness. And that, for much of the world, was pulse,” Glenn-Carr said.
Under the plan, preschoolers Not the sixth grader, exiled from the just the beginning. One month later, COVID killed Glenn-
would have full-day in-person in- classroom in the blink of an eye. Today, thanks to her vaccination, Mag- Carr’s mother, too.
struction, while elementary school- It happened a year ago. gie Sedidi is optimistic: “By next year, or In quiet times, in prayer, Glenn-Carr
ers will use a hybrid model combin- “I expected to go back after that week,” maybe the year after, I really do hope that thinks she should have pushed for the
ing some time in class and the rest said Darelyn Maldonado, now 12. “I didn’t people will be able to begin returning to hospital to keep Tyeisha, or should have
online. think that it would take years.” normal life.” taken her to a different hospital. She’s also
Class sessions will be staggered, On March 11, 2020, when the World But it is a hard-earned optimism. Sedidi, angry at America’s political leaders — in
with some students going in the Health Organization declared a pandemic, a 59-year-old nurse at Soweto’s Chris Hani particular, Trump, who she believes was
morning and others in the afternoon few could foresee the long road ahead or Baragwanath hospital, the largest hospital more worried about the economy than
to keep classes small enough to per- the many ways in which they would suffer in South Africa and the entire continent, people’s lives.
mit social distancing. —- the deaths and agonies of millions, the recalls she was devastated when the first “If he was more empathetic to the issues
Students would still have the op- ruined economies, the disrupted lives and cases appeared there last March. and concerned about people, in general,
tion of remaining entirely in distance near-universal loneliness and isolation. And she recalls being terrified when she he would have taken it more seriously,”
learning. A year later, some are dreaming of a got COVID-19. Her manager fell ill at the she said. “And because of that, 500,000
For now, students in middle and return to normal, thanks to vaccines that same time and died. people are dead.”
high schools will continue learning seemed to materialize as if by magic. Oth- South Africa has had by far Africa’s She joined a survivor’s group for people
online, although they can return to ers live in places where the magic seems to worst experience with the virus. The coun- who lost loved ones to COVID. They meet
campus “for peer interaction, social- be reserved for wealthier worlds. try of 60 million people has had more than weekly on Zoom, text each other and help
emotional learning and lessons for At the same time, people are looking 1.5 million confirmed cases, including with the grieving process. Glenn-Carr
college and career exploration,“ ac- back at where they were when they first more than 50,000 deaths. knows she will dread birthdays and Moth-
cording to the statement. understood how drastically life would “You can imagine, I was really, really er’s Days that will go uncelebrated.
All students and staff still must change. frightened. I had all the symptoms. except “Nothing goes back to the way it was,”
wear masks and practice social dis- On March 11, 2020, confirmed cases of dying,” she said, with a survivor’s grim she said.

Coronavirus at a glance
117,978,628 29,149,380 2,700,187 2,618,403 529,067 44,896 Source: WHO,
Confirmed cases Confirmed cases Confirmed cases Deaths Deaths Deaths Hopkins
worldwide in U.S. in Texas worldwide in U.S. in Texas
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | A9

CITY offset its revenue losses next fis-

cal year, along with any potential
From page A1 shortfall before the current fiscal
year ends June 30. Odum said the
tion,” said City Controller Chris city finance department is pro-
Brown, who monitors the spend- jecting a budget gap of between
ing of Houston’s more than $5 bil- $160 and $200 million next year,
lion city budget. while Brown — whose office gen-
Many local governments, in- erates its own estimates separate
cluding Houston, have seen their from Turner’s administration —
sales tax revenues plummet as said he expects the shortfall to be
the pandemic slowed consumer even higher.
spending on dining, tourism and Brown noted that while fi-
other leisure activity. And while nance department projections
rising appraisal values mean the assume the city will see a less-
city is projected to take in more than-1 percent reduction in sales
money from property taxes this tax revenue this year, the actual
year than last, officials say the decrease has been 7 percent.
pandemic’s true toll on property “The (Turner) administration,
tax revenue may not be felt until I don’t think, has properly evalu-
early 2022, when homeowners ated the reductions in sales and
make payments for this year’s property tax,” Brown said.
not-yet-certified tax rolls. “There’s a $40 million variance
Much to the relief of local offi- between us and (the) finance (de-
cials, the latest round of federal partment) in sales tax alone.”
aid allows cities and counties to
spend the funds to replace reve- Other possible fund uses
nue lost due to the pandemic. Brown estimated city officials
Trump administration rules will have to lay off about a dozen
barred local governments from city employees for every $1 mil-
using the first round of local CO- Steve Gonzales / Staff photographer lion trimmed from the budget,
VID relief to plug budget holes, City officials will have fewer restrictions in this round of stimulus funds, meaning some of the meaning Houston could have
stipulating it could only cover ex- money can be used to plug gaps in the budget that have widened because of the pandemic. been looking at more than 2,000
penses tied directly to the pan- layoffs without any federal aid.
demic, though Mayor Sylvester always available immediately,” former Houston controller and revenue the city can take in each Instead, Houston’s relief will
Turner’s administration still was Odum said. county commissioner. “Every year. far exceed its budget deficit. The
able to use the funds to avoid fur- Republican lawmakers bitterly city in America will get dollars to “It’s going to solve, in the short city also is expected to devote a
loughing city employees. opposed the local aid, including help with their revenue short- term, some of these problems, chunk of the aid to direct COVID
Senate Minority Leader Mitch falls. And that’s huge, because but the real challenge is, you can- relief, such as testing and vaccina-
‘Very optimistic’ McConnell, who accused Demo- they can keep the firefighters not solve a structural problem tions. Turner’s administration
Marvin Odum, the former Shell crats of sending “wheelbarrows working, they can keep police de- with one-time financing sources,” exhausted the previous round of
executive appointed by the may- of cash to state and local bureau- partments open, they can get the Brown said. “You actually have to aid, totaling $405 million, in De-
or to oversee the city’s COVID re- crats to bail out mismanagement garbage picked up.” do the hard work to cut recurring cember. Those funds covered
covery, said Wednesday he is from before the pandemic.” expenses. And that’s the only way contact tracing efforts, city work-
“very optimistic the funds will be Meanwhile, local officials across Aid split in half you can narrow that budget gap ers whose jobs were consumed
able to be used to mitigate the the country have warned they Even before the pandemic, over time.” by COVID, and relief to renters
city’s budget shortfalls resulting would have to enact deep cuts to Houston officials in recent years Local governments will receive and small businesses, among oth-
from COVID-19.” Still, he noted city services, such as fire, police have scrambled to close major half their federal aid within 60 er areas.
that beyond the broad language and trash collection, without fed- city budget gaps, often dipping days of Friday, when President Turner, who proposes the an-
in the bill, federal officials have eral aid to offset their revenue into reserves to balance spending Joe Biden will sign the bill into nual budget to city council each
yet to release specific rules for losses. and revenue. The city’s public law, according to White House year, did not respond to ques-
how local governments can “Every mayor, every county safety costs, which make up more press secretary Jen Psaki. They tions Wednesday about how he
spend the funds. judge, every local official that I than half of spending on core ser- will receive the second half of the intends to spend the new round
“I’ll just caution that clarity on visited with since before Decem- vices, have steadily increased as funds at least a year later. of relief aid.
the guidelines for these programs ber, they all need help,” said U.S. the budget remains capped by a That means Houston will re-
tends to come over time. It’s not Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Houston, a limit on how much property tax ceive more than $300 million to

RESCUE cent favoring it in a Pew Research

Center poll released this week.
Plan highlights
Stimulus checks: The bill will
From page A1 The bill now heads to Biden, send $1,400 stimulus checks on
who’s expected to sign it Friday, top of the $600 payments issued
with children. White House press secretary Jen through the stimulus bill passed
It couples the new pandemic Psaki said. The signing will come a in December. Roughly $400
relief with what Democrats have day after the president is set to de- billion of the package will go
come to describe as one of the liver his first prime-time television toward another round of checks.
most robust legislative responses address on the country’s response Individuals earning $75,000 per
to poverty in a generation, seek- to the pandemic. year and couples earning
ing to assist low-income families “For weeks now, an over- $150,000 will get the full $1,400-
who struggled financially long be- whelming percentage of Ameri- per-person benefit. But the bene-
fore the coronavirus took root. cans — Democrats, Independents, fit would disappear for individu-
Lawmakers also set aside tens and Republicans — have made it als earning more than $80,000
of billions of dollars to fund coro- clear they support the American annually and couples earning
navirus testing, contact tracing Rescue Plan. Today, with final pas- more than $160,000.
and vaccine deployment as they sage in the House of Representa-
Child tax credit: Most Amer-
aim to deliver on Biden’s recent tives, their voice has been heard,” Oliver Contreras / Washington Post
icans will get $3,000 a year for
promise to produce enough inoc- Biden said in a statement. President Joe Biden says the American Rescue Plan gives “the
each child ages 6 to 17, and
ulations for “every adult in Amer- “This legislation is about giving working people … a fighting chance.”
$3,600 for each child under age
ica” by the end of May. the backbone of this nation — the
6. The provision in the bill will
And the bill approves more essential workers, the working ly took control of the chamber. “The $1,400 check comes
last one year and be sent by
money to help schools reopen, al- people who built this country, the Millions of Americans who months after the last stimulus, so
direct deposit on a “periodic”
low restaurants and businesses to people who keep this country go- were set to lose unemployment all that check is going to do is help
basis. It’s a major expansion of
stay afloat, and assist state and lo- ing — a fighting chance,” he added. benefits in a matter of days now people catch up,” she said, adding
the existing child tax credit,
cal governments trying to meet With the American Rescue will received continued, en- that she needs “something ongo-
which currently provides $2,000
their financial needs. Plan, lawmakers adopted their hanced federal payments of an ex- ing.”
a year for children from birth
“The Biden American Rescue sixth major coronavirus relief tra $300 each week until early Democrats didn’t get every-
through age 16.
Plan is about the children, their package since the pandemic first September. Many workers who thing they initially sought.
Unemployment benefits: The
health, their education, (and) the encroached on the country collect unemployment also are set An earlier version of the stimu-
package extends the existing
economic security of their fami- roughly a year ago. to receive a tax break on those lus, which passed the House last
$300 weekly unemployment
lies,” said House Speaker Nancy The sheer vastness of aid Con- benefits. month, coupled the aid with the
benefit through Sept. 6 and pro-
Pelosi, D-Calif., just before law- gress has adopted to date reflects first increase in the federal mini-
vides a tax break on $10,000 in
makers gave the bill a final green the contagion’s toll, with 29 mil- Adds to budget deficit mum wage in decades. The idea
unemployment benefits.
light, prompting cheers among lion cases, more than 529,000 The new stimulus also includes died in the Senate, where moder-
Democrats in the chamber. “This deaths, and deep economic scars, a dramatic expansion of the child ate Democrats proved unwilling State and local aid: The pack-
legislation is one of the most including 10 million fewer jobs tax credit, for the first time seek- to support the aggressive proce- age designates $350 billion for
transformative and historic bills than at the start of the crisis. ing to send out periodic, perhaps dural maneuvering that would states, cities, tribal governments
any of us will ever have an oppor- The situation appeared espe- monthly, payments to families have been required to raise the and U.S. territories.
tunity to support.” cially grim in January, prompting with kids. Biden and his congres- hourly rate. Pandemic response: Tens of
Biden to put forward the first de- sional Democratic allies have esti- The changes at the time ran- billions of dollars will fund coro-
Widespread public support tails of his nearly $2 trillion stimu- mated the changes could cut child kled some party lawmakers in the navirus testing and contact trac-
Republicans banded together lus plan before he officially en- poverty by up to half. House, as liberals felt they had a ing; increase the size of the public
in opposition Wednesday, much tered the White House. The bill authorizes a wide vari- broad mandate from voters in the health workforce and fund vac-
as they had against an earlier ver- Since then, though, infections ety of additional aid, including a 2020 election to enact sweeping cine distribution.
sion of the proposal in the House have ticked downward, and vac- $5 billion expansion to federal economic overhauls. But Demo- Washington Post
last month and the Senate bill’s cines have reached Americans programs that help Americans af- crats soon lined up behind the bill
over the weekend. more efficiently. More workers ford food in the pandemic and a anyway, stressing that it still con-
The GOP approach evinced the have returned to their jobs, spark- $7 billion effort to help students tained significant relief that prom- party leaders faulted Democrats
tough political climate Biden like- ing concern among some lawmak- get internet access. ises to help families amid the pan- for focusing relief on aid programs
ly will face even after preaching ers and economists that the new In total, it includes $1.8 billion demic. they say aren’t immediately relat-
political unity when he took of- stimulus may be mismatched for in federal spending and is expect- “Today, we are putting money ed to the pandemic.
fice. Partisan tensions threaten to the moment. ed to add $1.85 billion to the deficit in the pockets of ordinary people, “Democrats made a choice: a
overshadow his expected work in Still, Democrats say the rate of over the next 10 years, according of poor people, of the middle choice to put their own partisan
the coming months to shepherd recovery hasn’t been robust to a congressional estimate. class, and they will be an engine political ambitions ahead of the
major new investments in infra- enough, and they stress that the In High Point, N.C., Sonya Rop- that creates a healthy, prosperous needs of the working class, ahead
structure, overhaul the immigra- $1.9 trillion package given a final er said she’s eager to start seeing future for all of us,” Rep. Jan Scha- of the needs of the American peo-
tion system, and rethink other ele- green light in the House on Wed- some of the help show up in her kowsky, D-Ill., said during a ple,” Rep. Jason Smith of Missouri,
ments of the U.S. tax code. nesday will prevent the economy bank account. The 51-year-old speech on the House floor. the top Republican on the House’s
“This isn’t a rescue bill. It isn’t a from backsliding. home health aide has seen her budget panel, said ahead of the
relief bill. It is a laundry list of left- “We promised relief, the presi- hours slashed, and her bills rise, Opposition’s reasons vote. “When our Democratic col-
wing priorities that predate the dent promised relief, and now while caring for four grandchild- Only one Democrat voted leagues speak of unity, they mean
pandemic and do not meet the help is on the way,” Rep. John Yar- ren who have been learning from against the measure: Rep. Jared keeping their party together, not
needs of American families,” muth, D-Ky., the chairman of the home during the pandemic. Golden of Maine, who has said the keeping this country together.”
House Minority Leader Kevin Mc- House Budget Committee, said as Roper said the forthcoming aid, party should have focused on a But Democrats countered that
Carthy, R-Calif., said when the bill the House debate began Wednes- including a $1,400 stimulus check, narrower measure targeting vac- the absence of GOP support — af-
was debated. day. would help her cover much-need- cine funding. ter lawmakers crossed the aisle to
Republicans also pointed to an The newly adopted legislation ed car repairs. In a statement describing his approve prior stimulus packages
increase in the deficit — which the includes another round of $1,400 Her Honda Pilot has broken vote, he said the Senate’s changes — reflected the party’s own politi-
Treasury Department reported stimulus checks, which Biden and down twice and needs new tires, didn’t assuage his concerns while cal calculations.
Wednesday had soared by 68 per- his top aides have said should brakes and an oil change, forcing removing elements he did sup- “There’s only one thing that’s
cent to $1 trillion in just the past reach a large number of Ameri- her to rely on her daughter’s car. port, including the increase to the changed since we passed those
five months — arguing that the cans by the end of the month. And she said the new child tax minimum wage. first five bills,” said House Major-
package would add to an already Democratic leaders pledged to changes could prove instrumental Republicans, meanwhile, ity Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md.
crushing debt burden. authorize the payments in the fi- once they’re in place, allowing sought to portray the bill as waste- “The need is there, the virus is still
But even as Republicans argued nal days of the 2020 campaign, her to receive periodic payments ful and unnecessary. They cited with us, the economy is strug-
that the plan was bloated and un- seizing on the highly popular idea because she claims her grand- the fact that sums still remain gling, but now we have a Demo-
affordable, surveys have found to give them an electoral boost in children as dependents. from past congressional packag- cratic president.”
that it has widespread support Georgia, where they later picked Yet Roper fears all of the new es, including a nearly $1 trillion The New York Times contributed to
among Americans, with 70 per- up two Senate seats and ultimate- money still might not be enough. law adopted in December. And this report.
A10 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH


MOORE said she was shocked when

fellow evangelicals, who
ates society, was “incom-
patible” with Baptist SPACEX
From page A3 had roundly criticized Bill faith. From page A3
Clinton’s affair with Monica “What the SBC semi-
After the Houston Chron- Lewinsky, rallied around nary presidents have comes as SpaceX acceler-
icle published Abuse of Trump. done has brought division ates the testing of its Star-
Faith, an investigation in In 2019, when Moore and and confusion to the body ship prototypes, which are
2019 that revealed how SBC SBC leaders called for re- of Christ,” West wrote in being developed to carry
church leaders, employees forms to prevent sexual an opinion piece pub- humans to Mars.
and volunteers had sexually abuse in churches, conser- lished by the Baptist Stan- “Thank you, South Texas
abused 700 people over the vative pastors accused dard that explained his for your support!” Musk
past 20 years, Moore urged Moore of overstepping her departure. tweeted in December.
SBC leaders to do more to biblical bounds as a woman “American history has “This is the gateway to
protect church members. by delivering a sermon at a been tainted with racism. Mars.”
“Maybe you’re not the church. Women are prohib- America codified it. And The Brownsville area has
abuser or the abused, but ited from becoming pastors more, our public and pri- waited years to see this up-
you’re in a family where it’s in Southern Baptist church- vate institutions propa- tick in activity. SpaceX for-
happening rampantly,” es. gated it,” West wrote. mally announced the Boca
Moore said at the SBC’s an- Russell Moore, the head Moore said the SBC’s Chica launch site in 2014 —
nual meeting in Birming- of the SBC’s public policy publishing arm, Lifeway though the gossip, environ-
ham in 2019. “Our family is entity who is no relation to Jon Shapley / Staff photographer Christian Resources, will mental reviews and battle
sick. How do we get well?” Beth Moore, rebuked her Popular author Beth Moore has left the SBC amid continue distributing her for public opinion began
But in recent years, the critics. controversies over sex abuse, race and women’s roles. books but will no longer even earlier.
conservative wing of the “A Southern Baptist Con- publish them or help or- The plan was to launch
SBC has tried to silence vention that doesn’t have a SBC struggles to attract new of Black Baptist churches, ganize Moore’s live Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy
Moore. She said the push- place for Beth Moore members. Charlie Dates in Chicago events, which have drawn rockets, but progress was
back started when she crit- doesn’t have a place for a lot The SBC has officially and Ralph West in Houston, thousands of people. slow.
icized Donald Trump after of us,” he said in 2019. apologized for its early announced they were leav- “At the end of the day, Construction was de-
an Access Hollywood re- Now Moore has decided stance on slavery, which ing the SBC after seminary there comes a time when layed when SpaceX discov-
cording caught him on tape the SBC has no place for had split Baptists in 1845. leaders declared that criti- you have to say, this is not ered the ground was unsta-
boasting about grabbing the her, raising questions about But controversies over race cal race theory, an academ- who I am,” Moore said. ble. The company had to
genitals of women and forc- whether supporters will fol- continue. ic field that examines how truck in 310,000 cubic
ing himself on them. Moore low in her footsteps as the Two prominent pastors white supremacy perme- yards of soil, enough to cov-
er a football field that's 13 to
14 stories tall. It was put on
top of the sand and left to
SURGE legal avenues for people
to immigrate to the U.S.
settle and compress before
From page A3 The administration an- Then a rocket broke
nounced Wednesday it is apart during an uncrewed
glect our immigration sys- restarting a program that cargo flight to the Interna-
tem, they intentionally allows parents legally in tional Space Station in 2015.
made it worse.” the U.S. to request refugee Another rocket exploded
“We’ve seen surges be- status for their children during a test on the launch
fore,” Roberta Jacobson, a living in certain Central pad in 2016. Both incidents
former diplomat serving as American countries. grounded SpaceX launches
Biden’s border czar, said Trump had ended the temporarily, and Boca Chi-
during a White House me- program, which was ca was put on the back
dia briefing Wednesday. launched by the Obama burner.
“Surges tend to respond to administration. So the Brownsville area
hope, and there was a signif- Jacobson said officials waited. And as residents
icant hope for a more hu- are also looking at ways to waited, Musk changed di-
mane policy after four years legally process people rection. Instead of launch-
of pent-up demand.” who could qualify for asy- ing the Falcon 9 and Falcon
The new figures come as lum in those countries be- Heavy rockets, he would
outlets including the New fore they leave for the U.S. build and test Starship pro-
York Times and CBS News “This administration’s totypes. One day, the Star-
report that the number of belief is that we can get ship spacecraft and Super
migrants apprehended at our message across that it Heavy rocket might launch
the border has tripled in the Jerry Lara / Staff photographer is a more humane policy humans into space from
last two weeks. The Border Patrol says agents encountered 71,598 single adults in February, by opening up avenues of South Texas.
Texas Republicans have along with 19,246 families and 9,457 unaccompanied children. legal migration, which Starhopper, an early
led the charge to pin the in- will encourage people to Starship prototype, took its
flux on President Joe Bi- to make the surge the first surprising at all — this is tration is doing,” said U.S. take those legal options first hop in 2019 to test one
den’s shift away from major political crisis of Bi- what you get when you in- Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a Hous- and go through the asy- Raptor engine. It’s now a
Trump-era immigration re- den’s term. centivize illegal immigra- ton Republican. “CBP is lum process,” Jacobson beloved relic that, accord-
strictions as the GOP angles “These numbers aren’t tion like the Biden adminis- overwhelmed and this is un- said. “The message is: ing to the Army Corps of
sustainable. We can stop ‘You have another op- Engineers document, will
this by simply enforcing fed- tion.’” be displayed near the
eral immigration laws and “The border is not launch site’s primary vehi-
reimplementing the poli- open,” Jacobson said. cle entrance.
cies that discourage illegal The administration The Starhopper was re-
immigration.” faces an uphill climb con- placed by larger three-en-
Several Texans joined a vincing thousands of mi- gine Starship prototypes.
group of House Republicans grants that’s the case. The most recent prototype
who held a news confer- “They see him as the SN10, standing for Serial
ence outside the Capitol on migrant president, and so No. 10, rose 6 miles above
Wednesday blaming Biden many feel they’re going to South Texas last week and
for the increase reflected in reach the United States,” then landed in an upright
the new Border Patrol data. Reuters reported Mexican vertical position — for a lit-
“It’s a tragedy that could President Andrés Manuel tle bit, anyway. The proto-
be completely avoided,” López Obrador saying of type exploded after sitting
said U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, R- Biden the morning after a on the landing pad for sev-
Austin. “This is the Biden virtual meeting with his eral minutes.
border crisis. It is owned U.S. counterpart on To accommodate future
completely and entirely by March 1. launches at Boca Chica, the
President Biden and his ad- company’s proposed ex-
ministration.” Overhaul proposed pansion will impact 10.94
Even some Democrats Biden was quick to end acres of mud flats, 5.94
along the border, mean- some Trump-era policies acres of estuarine wetlands
while, have warned of an that limited legal immigra- and 0.28 acres of non-tidal
emerging “crisis” and urged tion and the president has wetlands, according to the
the Biden administration to proposed a sweeping Army Corps of Engineers’
do more. overhaul in Congress. public notice.
That immigration package SpaceX efforts to mini-
‘The migrant president’ includes $4 billion to fix mize its impact on wet-
The vast majority of en- problems in the countries lands would include build-
counters the Border Patrol that are causing migrants ing the parking area in a
reported in February — to flee, including boosting predominantly upland
71,598 — were with single assistance to El Salvador, area. Mitigation efforts are
adults, though the number Guatemala and Hondu- in the works.
of families and unaccompa- ras, conditioned on those “SpaceX stated they are
nied children grew rapidly nations’ ability to tackle developing a comprehen-
from January. Border Patrol corruption, violence and sive, multifaceted mitiga-
reported encounters with poverty. tion strategy for the Boca
19,246 families, up from That bill’s chances of Chica Launch Site,” accord-
7,399 the month before. becoming law, however, ing to the public notice,
The agency reported en- are slim as Republicans which is seeking comments
counters with 9,457 unac- have voiced strong oppo- on the proposed expan-
companied children, up sition to elements of the sion. “This information will
from 5,858 in January. legislation that would be updated as the mitiga-
More than half of all fami- offer a pathway to citizen- tion strategy is finalized.”
lies trying to enter the U.S. ship to up to 1.7 million On Twitter, the SpaceX
in February crossed Texans who are in the development plans had
through the Rio Grande Val- country without legal au- some people concerned
ley section of the border, a thorization. about the proximity of
sign that region of Texas will Nineteen Republicans launch and landing pads to
continue to see capacity on the House Oversight tanks holding propellant.
challenges, said Jessica Bolt- Committee, including U.S. Others simply expressed
er, an analyst with the Mi- Reps. Michael Cloud of their excitement for the fu-
gration Policy Institute. Victoria and Pat Fallon of ture exploration of Mars.
“While the number of un- Sherman, blasted the pro- And then there was,
accompanied kids arriving posal in a letter to Home- well, Twitter being Twitter:
has not surpassed past land Security Secretary “Oh this map is just for
peaks yet, if we continue to Alejandro Mayorkas last the public,” said @sagard-
see increases like the one in month: “The Biden Ad- goswami. “The original one
February, it could surpass ministration’s policies has special UFO landing
past peaks by next month,” limiting immigration en- pad for Elon.”
Bolter said. “The biggest in- forcement and weakening Neither SpaceX nor
creases were among fami- border security, coupled Cameron County, where
lies from El Salvador, Guate- with its proposal to grant the SpaceX property is lo-
mala, and especially Hon- amnesty to illegal immi- cated, responded to re-
duras. This could end up grants, are signaling to the quests for comment. Star-
looking very similar to the world that our immigra- ship prototype SN11 is get-
influx we saw in 2019, when tion laws can be violated ting ready for its launch
families ended up being the with little, if any, conse- day.
biggest share of the flow.” quence.”
Jacobson said the admin-
istration is trying to expand
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | A11

RESTAURANTS all,” he said. “I need to make

money, but I don’t want to be
From page A1 marked as a spreader.”
While a few operators gave lo-
grocery stores and other busi- cal bars a bad name during the
nesses in Texas, entered brave- pandemic, Stauble said this is a
new-world mode Wednesday time for bars to show leadership
with no statewide mask mandate in slowing the spread.
and the ability to operate at 100 “There are bars here that are
percent capacity. For the state’s doing everything right. It’s time
battered restaurant and bar in- for those people to be reward-
dustry, the day signaled the op- ed,” he said. “We’re ready to
portunity to recapture revenue show the world we can be safe
lost during a yearlong upheaval again. We have to show Houston,
from COVID-19. Texas, and the United States we
It was a day of both relief and are being responsible at 100 per-
anxiety as operators grappled cent capacity.”
with what was best for their busi-
ness, workers and customers. Kroger customers masked up
For the dining public and gro- Masked customers walked in
cery shoppers, Wednesday also and out of the city’s grocery
brought a new level of decision- stores Wednesday as the state-
making about how to best negoti- wide mask mandate lifted.
ate a new maskless realm. Gov. Greg Abbott’s rollback
While Texas continues to de- made no difference to Blanca Lo-
bate Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision Brett Coomer / Staff photographer pez, wearing a thick mask as she
to lift mask restrictions and open Patrons enjoy lunch Wednesday at Woodshed Smokehouse in Levy Park. The restaurant is neared the entrance to Kroger on
business to 100 percent as the keeping its safety measures in place, but chef Tim Love says, “We’re not the mask police.” Buffalo Speedway.
country continues its pandemic “If people don’t want to wear
battle, the onus is on businesses He added: “I think we’ll see a “We’re not the mask police. ings and encourage guests to masks, that’s their problem,” she
to decide how to operate. And bump in business, because we’re We never should have been. We wear masks when not seated at said. Lopez said the virus spared
they are all over the board. in a good area that will allow us to hope (guests) respect it and do their table. A survey of more her family, early mask adopters,
flourish a bit more with no the right thing,” Love said. “If than 700 TRA members taken af- so she plans to keep wearing
Differing approaches masks.” you don’t like it, don’t come. ter Abbott’s announcement them. “I don’t want to get sick or
Cedar Creek Bar & Grill in the Damian’s Cucina Italiana in There’s no hard feelings. You de- found that 72 percent stated they make other people sick,” she
Heights opened Wednesday at Midtown inched up to 75 percent cide.” would continue to require em- said.
100 percent capacity but re- capacity but kept tables dis- But he hopes diners do come ployees to wear masks after Sandy Dial, too, wore a thick,
quired servers to wear masks tanced and required staff and and do decide to wear masks. March 10. colorful mask as she loaded gro-
and asked customers to mask up. guests to wear masks. Love’s big barbecue restaurant Karen Fain said requiring ceries into her trunk. “I feel like
“We walked in without a mask “Our business is suffering big was in the unenviable position of masks of employees and guests is people should wear it continual-
and we felt kind of awkward,” time, but at the same time we opening — along with two other the right thing to do until COVID ly, because we’re so close.”
said real estate agent and yoga want to make sure everyone is concepts in Levy Park — the day numbers come down. Vaccinated shoppers such as
instructor Nicole Buechner, who safe,” said Johnny B. Mandola, after the Houston Livestock “For us, we feel that opening Brooke Stroud changed their
came in with her friend John De- Damian’s general manager. “If Show and Rodeo shut down on up business to 100 percent is habits in recent weeks as a sec-
Leon. you come here and are worried March 11 and a few days before fine. What we didn’t agree with ond dose helped them breathe
As soon as Buechner and De- about exposure or enjoying Harris County ordered bars and was the mask,” she said of Ab- easier in crowded spaces. Still,
Leon saw people were wearing yourself, what’s the point? If we restaurants closed. bott’s order. “That was prema- he’s wearing a mask.
masks, they put theirs on. can’t take care of our customers, “We’re doing everything the ture and rushed. For us it didn’t Stroud used to avoid busy
Alan and Patience Stoddard why would you want to come best we can to earn a living and create a hardship because we felt times, opting to shop at 7 a.m.
knew Wednesday was the first here? As much as we suffered in support the 450 people we em- good about our current position But since he got his second shot
day of lifted restrictions when the last year, we want this to ploy,” Love said. “It’s been a tu- that we’ll continue to strive that last week, he said it feels safer to
they went for lunch at Good end.” multuous year in our industry our customers feel safe and our shop in the afternoon.
Vibes. If the restaurant had in- So does the dining public, he without a doubt. None of us have staff is comfortable and feels Before Louise Brown got her
sisted on masks, Alan Stoddard said, adding that since Abbott an- ever been in a situation like this safe. That’s what matters to us.” second shot last month, she’d get
said they would have turned nounced lifting the restrictions, before.” Sean Stauble, owner of Rise her groceries only curbside.
around. The couple, who sup- Damian’s has fielded calls asking According to the Texas Restau- Rooftop bar in Midtown, said “I really like being back in the
port Abbott’s decision, said they if the restaurant would continue rant Association, more than he’s ready to open at 100 percent store,” she said, wearing two
will not go to a business that now safe dining practices. 10,000 restaurants have closed capacity but cautiously. His staff masks while loading groceries in-
requires masks. Chef Tim Love’s many restau- during the pandemic, and more at the two-level, 13,000-square- to her trunk.
“Most people don’t have rant concepts in Texas, including than 80 percent of restaurants foot bar with a retractable roof “I’m double masking because
masks on for 95 percent of the Woodshed Smokehouse in Levy reported lower sales from Janu- will continue to wear masks. Cus- the CDC still recommends that.”
time they’re here anyway,” Nel- Park, met Wednesday with safe- ary 2020 to January 2021. Follow- tomers will undergo tempera-
son, the restaurant’s owner, said, ty measures that have been in ing Abbott’s new directive to re- ture checks at entry and are en- Amanda Drane contributed to this
because people are eating and place since May: temperature open Texas businesses, the asso- couraged to wear masks as they report.
drinking. “So not having to wear checks at the door, masks re- ciation suggested that restaurant move throughout the space.
a mask inside a restaurant is a lit- quired for staff and highly sug- employees continue to wear “It’s not ‘Let’s go crazy; it’s
tle bit of a relief.” gested for diners. masks and pass health screen- spring break.’ It’s not that way at

VACCINE Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine

could be used to immunize peo-
quired statewide and businesses
can reopen at 100 percent capac-
urged the public to continue fol-
lowing social distancing and
vaccinate the public against the
more infectious variants, said Dr.
From page A1 ple who are homeless and people ity. mask-wearing guidelines to pre- Paul Klotman, Baylor College of
who are unable to leave their New recommendations from vent spread. Medicine president.
Another boost, experts said, is homes, Porsa said. The single the Centers for Disease Control The U.K. variant is now active- “If we can continue to be rigor-
the emergency use authorization dose will be helpful in reaching and Prevention allow those who ly spreading in Houston, accord- ous in mask wearing and public
of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine populations who may be harder have been fully vaccinated (peo- ing to wastewater samples. The health measures like physical dis-
in late February. The first ship- to find or do not have access to ple who received their second city has also detected South Afri- tancing when appropriate, we’ll
ments of the one-dose shot start- transportation and could miss a COVID-19 shot at least two weeks can and Brazilian variants but be OK,” Klotman said. “But if not,
ed arriving last week. second dose. ago) to gather in private spaces does not have data on how preva- we’ll see a surge. And remember,
“There are some points of care The Texas Medical Center up- with other fully vaccinated peo- lent they are in the community, every surge is larger than the pre-
where a one-dose vaccine is date comes as Gov. Greg Abbott’s ple. However, the federal agency said Dr. David Persse, Houston vious one.”
hugely advantageous,” said Dr. rollback of pandemic restrictions advised the continued use of Health Department chief medical
Esmaeil Porsa, Harris Health Sys- goes into effect. As of Wednes- masks in public. officer.
tem CEO. day, masks are no longer re- Texas Medical Center leaders It’s now a race against time to

ELIGIBILITY Three vaccines have been ap-

proved for distribution in the Unit-
Over 50 and want the COVID-19 vaccine? Hidalgo said. “This is the time to
continue wearing our masks, con-
From page A1 ed States. Two of them, made by HARRIS COUNTY PUBLIC FORT BEND COUNTY tinue avoiding crowds, and getting
Pfizer and Moderna, require two HEALTH How to register: Visit their site at the vaccine as soon as it becomes
cluded in priority group 1C, which shots — administered about a How to register: Harris County https://vaccinewaitlist.fortbend- available to us.”
will expand eligibility to an esti- month apart — for full immuniza- Public Health is registering any- to register for the County officials will continue to
mated12 to14 million people. More tion. The third is the single-shot one regardless of age or occupa- waitlist. The county’s Health and push state and federal partners for
than 93 percent of Texans who vaccine developed by Johnson & tion on its online waitlist. The Human Services department more vaccines, she said. In Harris
have died from the virus have Johnson. system will prioritize people recommends taking the vaccine County,1.1million doses have been
been over 49 years old. The 1C announcement came on according to state criteria for elsewhere if given the opportuni- administered, and more than
“We’ve seen a remarkable de- the same day that Texas lifted its vaccination. You won’t be al- ty. 351,000 people have been fully
crease in the number of hospital- COVID restrictions, including the lowed to schedule an appoint- vaccinated, according to Hearst
izations and deaths since people mask order Gov. Greg Abbott im- GALVESTON COUNTY Newspapers data.
ment until you’re in a prioritized
65 and older started becoming ful- plemented last July to slow the group. How to register: Galveston County The challenge, Hidalgo said, is
ly vaccinated in January,” Imelda spread of the virus. Abbott has cit- landing and the University of Texas Medi- not having enough doses to hand
Garcia, the chair of the state’s Ex- ed the rapid increase in vaccina- Patients who go to Harris Health cal Branch have launched their out to everyone on the wait lists.
pert Vaccine Allocation Panel, said tions as part of the reason for re- can call 713-873-8777 to schedule own waitlist, accessible by phone “We knew it would be well into
Wednesday. “Expanding to ages moving the state mandates. a COVID-19 vaccine appointment. or web. People interested in get- the summer until we hit most of
50 to 64 will continue the state’s “Most seniors have already re- ting the vaccine can register re- our population. That’s going to re-
priorities of protecting those at the ceived a shot,” the governor tweet- HOUSTON HEALTH gardless of where they live or quire continued patience and per-
greatest risk of severe outcomes ed Wednesday. “Seniors who have DEPARTMENT whether they’re a UTMB patient. severance, and we ask the commu-
and preserving the state’s health not received a shot & want one will How to register: The department Visit their website at nity to continue to stick with us on
care system.” still be prioritized. Always volun- now has two waitlists available this,” she said.
There are an estimated 5 million tary.” for the COVID-19 vaccine: one for vaccine or call 877-389-2318. In Galveston, the county health
Texans between the ages of 50 and Local officials lauded the an- Pfizer and Moderna’s two-dose department works in conjunction
64, a group that has accounted for nouncement as another step to- series, and another for Johnson & with the University of Texas Medi-
more than 20 percent of the state’s ward normalcy. Johnson. You can sign up for How to register: Visit the Brazoria cal Branch on mass vaccination ef-
fatalities. More than 1 million Tex- “I think it’s a good thing,” said automated email, text message, County government website at forts.
ans between those ages have al- Stephen Williams, the director of voice call or mobile app push https://www.brazoriacoun- “What I think DSHS is doing is
ready received at least one dose of the Houston Health Department. notifications for appointments at or call one of four clinics taking the temperature around
the vaccine, health officials said. “With the vaccine, we can certain- to make an appointment: the state, and particularly for
Still, the Centers for Disease ly see the light at the end of the covid19. • Angleton 979-864-1484 places that have waitlists like us,
Control and Prevention tunnel, but we can’t let our guard • Alvin 281-585-3024 and finding that we’re getting the
recommend that essential work- down.” • Lake Jackson 979-265-4446 people we’re targeting and decid-
ers — including police officers, fire- While the federal government How to register: Montgomery ing it’s time to move on,” said Dr.
• Pearland 281-485-5344
fighters, grocery store employees, continues to increase supply sent County has launched a waitlist at Philip Keiser, a professor of medi-
• UTMB is also vaccinating at its
food service workers and journal- to state and local vaccine provid- The The cine at UTMB and the local health
Angleton Danbury campus. To
ists — be prioritized for the vaccine ers, cities still need additional dos- county’s public health district is authority for Galveston County.
sign up for the waitlist, visit
ahead of individuals over 50. es to maintain the flow of vaccines filling vaccine appointments from “We have a lot of people on our
This week, Texas received more going into the communities at the waitlist. District officials said waitlist between 50 and 64, and
than 1 million first doses of the CO- highest risk for the virus, he said. to monitor the county’s Facebook don’t have that many people over
VID-19 vaccine, a record number Officials have launched a series and Twitter pages for updates. 75. We have some over 65, but not
mostly attributable to the addition of new initiatives in recent weeks many. It’s not enough to continue
of 240,000 units of the one-shot to reach those vulnerable groups, to vaccinate people at the same
Johnson & Johnson vaccine. But including two mobile vaccination rate.”
next week, Texas won’t receive programs for homebound seniors Worth areas, aiming to inoculate than white people. Jeremy Wallace contributed to this
any doses of that vaccine due to a and rural Texans. The state has al- underserved communities. Harris County Judge Lina Hidal- report.
federal shortage, Garcia said. so partnered with the Federal Black and Hispanic Texans have go welcomed the move.
She expects the weekly supply Emergency Management Agency been disproportionately impacted “There is hope on the horizon,
to rise again at the end of the to open three vaccine mega-sites by the pandemic but have also re- and little by little, we’ll continue
month. in the Houston and Dallas-Fort ceived the vaccine at lower rates getting through our population,”


‘We cannot wait’

An analysis finds the VA denies more than
80 percent of claims tied to Gulf War Illness.
“Delay, deny, wait until we die.” creates a hurdle that many affected veter-
That “little saying,” a Gulf War veteran ans can’t get past, despite efforts by Con-
recently told an interviewer for the Na- gress over the years to improve their care.
tional Public Radio program “Here and Retired Marine Capt. David K. Winnitt
Now,” is what you’re likely to encounter of New Braunfels, a disabled Gulf War
when you walk into a Veterans Adminis- veteran who has worked as a review pan-
tration hospital complaining of debilitat- elist for congressionally directed medical
ing symptoms from your combat experi- research programs, has seen the struggle
ence 30 years ago. The symptoms almost up close.
surely result from your exposure to pesti- “On one hand you have Congress allo-
cides used in Kuwait or air-borne toxins cating millions of dollars to the Congres-
from massive open-air pits, some larger sionally Directed Medical Research Pro-
than a football field, where trash and grams each year for Gulf War Illness re-
human waste were burning. Anti-nerve search while another arm of the govern-
agents you and your comrades were or- ment (the VA) continues to make it almost
dered to take also might be culprits. impossible for veterans of that war to have
“It’s all in your head,” you’re likely to their illnesses service-connected,” he told LETTERS
hear, even though the symptoms may the editorial board Wednesday. “I’ve been
include chronic diarrhea, constant pain
and fatigue, a persistent cough or serious
breathing problems. Gulf War vets also are
at both ends of the spectrum — a Veteran
suffering from Gulf War Illness and an
eight-year programmatic review panelist.
Shame on the queen, royals
suffering from memory and neurological … The bureaucratic BS needs to end.” Silent or silenced?
issues. They’re dying from lung cancer. Legislation co-sponsored by U.S. Sen.
Regarding “Meghan says life as royal
No matter. The VA, claiming the absence Kirsten Gillibrand, D-New York, and U.S.
made her suicidal,” (D6, March 9): What
of sufficient scientific evidence, denies Rep. Raul Ruiz, D-Calif., an emergency
a royal mess! Shame on the queen be-
more than 80 percent of claims related to room physician, could signal a break-
cause it was ultimately she who threw
what has come to be called Gulf War Ill- through. If their bill passes, the VA would
Harry and Meghan under the bus.
ness, according to a 2017 analysis by the drop the burden of proof and presume
Bill Silkowski, Galveston
U.S. Government Accountability Office. veterans with certain conditions had been
The same report noted that the VA esti- exposed if they had service medals from
Enough already! I’m astonished that
mates 44 percent of veterans who served either the Gulf War or the Global War on
the American people are so interested in
in the Persian Gulf during 1990-1991 have Terror or had been deployed to one of 34
England’s royal family. We see a steady
medical issues related to the illness, and countries named in the bill.
diet of what some call news about every
thousands of veterans who have since U.S. Rep. Mike Bost, R-Ill., also has
relationship between members of the
served in the Global War on Terror have expressed support for toxic exposure-
family and what may have been said or
reported similar conditions. related legislation. Bost is the ranking
not said. I will admit that Oprah’s in-
It seems we never learn that soldiers in Republican on the U.S. House Veterans
terview with Meghan and Harry got me
combat sacrifice their lives for their coun- Affairs Committee. Joe Pugliese/Harpo Productions / TNS
when we learned that an unnamed mem-
try, even when they survive bombs and Recently, advocates for Gulf War and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, opens
ber of the family was wondering about
bullets. We owe them not only the best Global War on Terror veterans have found up in her interview with Oprah
the color of the skin of their yet unborn
care available but also an inclination to another powerful advocate in the White Winfrey on Sunday night.
trust that there is, in fact, a connection House. President Joe Biden has said he
I wish the news media would drop the
between what they experienced in war- suspects toxic exposure may have been was created. A far better location would
incessant coverage of the royals and
time and what they’re enduring today. the cause of his son Beau’s fatal brain have been the Redstone Arsenal in
focus more on American people who are
The comedian Jon Stewart has become cancer. The younger Biden served with Huntsville, Ala., where all of the rocket
struggling through the pandemic. I also
a spokesperson for service members the Delaware Army National Guard at development was (and continues) being
urge the citizens of England to reject
dealing with Gulf War Illness, just as he Balad Air Base in Iraq, where the U.S. done. But, what’s done is done.
supporting the royals and their castles to
became an outspoken advocate for fire- military burned an estimated 140 tons of NASA has chosen to locate a number
the tune of some $86 million in 2019 as
fighters and other first responders who waste daily in open-air pits. He was diag- of new directorates associated with
estimated by Forbes. Kings and queens
plunged into the lethal, smoldering wreck- nosed with stage 4 glioblastoma. flights beyond low Earth orbit to Hunts-
should disappear from all countries and
age of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. “Eighteen months he lived, knowing he ville. Since I’m not privy to the factors
the focus should be on spreading democ-
“War after war after war, we treat them was going to die,” Biden has said of his associated with San Antonio or Colorado
racy throughout Mother Earth. I admire
as expendable,” Stewart told the Washing- son, who died in 2015 at age 46. Springs versus Huntsville, I won’t com-
Meghan and Harry for leaving the royal
ton Post in an interview last fall. “And During his presidential campaign, Bi- ment on the current decision on the
family and joining the rest of us.
when they come home, we’re done with den promoted a plan to expand the list of location of the U.S. Space Command
Jimmy Dunne, Houston
them. If an enemy did this to us, we’d … presumptive health conditions to include headquarters, but I will say from my
bomb them into oblivion. We did it to exposure to burn pits and other environ- experience that Houston brings very little
ourselves and we’re ignoring it.” mental toxins, extend the claim eligibility Location, location, location to the party for a major military joint
If the response to Gulf War Illness period from one to five years, and to Regarding “Space Command decision command and its proximity to the face of
sounds like a dreary rerun, it’s because it pump $300 million into research to better reeks of politics,” (B6, March 8): Politics U.S. civilian international low Earth orbit
is. For years, Vietnam War veterans ex- understand the impact of traumatic brain are always a factor in major basing deci- operations would be bad optics to the
posed to the chemical defoliant Agent injury and toxic exposures. sions. Locating the “Manned Spaceflight rest of the world. Plus, it’s location is
Orange had to combat similar levels of “Burn pits are our generation’s Agent Center” in Houston was just such a politi- very risky given current climate trends.
skepticism from the VA. Fortunately, Orange,” Ruiz says. “We cannot wait or cal decision. It became the “Johnson Ted Ankrum, former special assistant to the
things have changed for the better for the delay or deny. …” Space Center” for obvious reasons. But, a administrator of NASA and former deputy
Vietnam vets. Today the VA presumes The Gulf War ended 30 years ago last logical look at basing criteria would sug- director of facility engineering at NASA,
certain conditions are related to exposure month. Later this year will mark 20 years gest that Clear Lake was a poor choice.
based on deployment history rather than since the first deployments following 9/11. The Mission Control Centers for, first, the
relying on veterans to prove they encoun- Too many veterans are still suffering. Too manned rocket launches and, now, the
tered the chemical at a certain place. many are dying. It’s past time we paid Space Station were and are regularly put BIBLE VERSE
The estimated 3.5 million veterans of attention. on reduced status because of hurricane
the Gulf War or the post-9/11 Global War It’s time for action. We urge Biden, who threats. Flooding of the low-lying area of We are careful to be honorable before
on Terror who were potentially exposed ends his speeches by asking God to pro- JSC is now a consideration. JSC was a the Lord, but we also want everyone else
to burn pits and pesticides must still prove tect our troops, to get busy assisting in greenfield site for relocation of manned to see that we are honorable.
any illness is connected to their service. It that endeavor. activities from Norfolk, Va., when NASA 2 Corinthians 8:21

Enveloped by loss, we’re still no good at grief

By Chris Vognar tell me to man up, I will probably never under the heading of basic human kind-
speak to you again. Life, as grief teaches ness. “How are you today?” “What can I
The Facebook comment took the wind us, is way too short to keep listening to do?” “I’m so, so sorry.” “I’m thinking of
out of me as I read it and sent the blood the insensitive. Now I tell myself that such you.” “Love you, man.” It’s hard to over-
rushing to my head. The sender was an people are in some way emotionally sick estimate the impact of such simple words
old teacher and friend. and incapable of basic human under- on someone who has lost hope.
“So what if your girlfriend died?” he standing. That’s unfortunate for them, Better yet, share your own story of
asked. “You’ve had plenty of girlfriends.” but I refuse to make it my problem. grief and survival. Tell me how you made
He told me to man up, except he threw Then there are old friends who decide it to the other side. I read grief stories and
some profanity into the command. It was it’s best to say nothing at all. Some of memoirs largely for the evidence that the
bizarre. He seemed angry with me for them disappeared immediately. They writers survived. The same holds true for
expressing my grief. wanted nothing to do with my grief and a conversation with a fellow griever. “You
I was shocked, but not surprised. The the madness it brought out of me. Others made it through that? Wow. Maybe I can
United States has had a tragic amount of expressed sympathy, and, as I plummeted make it through this.”
practice grieving thanks to the COVID-19 deeper into depression, concern. Still The truth is I’m no longer the same
pandemic. More than 500,000 deaths Godofredo A. Vásquez / Staff file photo others insisted they weren’t going any- person I was, because nobody who sur-
mean more than 500,000 souls to Pallbearers put a casket in a hearse where, only to peel off once they realized vives grief comes out the same. The new
mourn, a wave of profound sadness con- during a service at Compean Funeral just how unforgiving grief could be. A me will respond differently to your words
suming family and friends. We should be Home in August. select few showed up, dug their heels in, than the old me did. Sometimes it’s not
good at this by now. But we’re not. committed to sticking around — and then you. It’s me.
The grief expert and counselor David kicking someone when he or she is down. actually stuck around. My soul has been scraped raw, but I’m
Kessler likes to say we, as a culture, are Kessler, who set up a Facebook grief Which brings us some of the things you still here, listening to you.
grief-illiterate. We don’t know how to act group when the pandemic cut down the should say to someone who has turned
around grief. And, a great deal of the capacity to hold in-person meetings, is into a grief zombie. Some of these fall Vognar is a Houston-based freelance writer.
time, we don’t know what to say. My also a grieving father: His 21-year-old son,
now-former friend isn’t the only one to David, died of an accidental drug over-
bully the bereaved. Heck, he isn’t the only dose four years ago. While grief has no
one to bully me. Before Kate even died, of timeline, he says early grief often lasts
a brain illness last July, I heard from an- two years. That’s at least two years of F o u n d e d 1 9 0 1 • A H e a r s t N e w s pa p e r
other friend who basically told me to stop deep pain, usually with much more to
feeling sorry for myself. come. The second year, when the shock
It should be obvious, but apparently it’s has often worn off and reality sets in, can John C. McKeon, Publisher |
not: These aren’t things you should say to be worse than the first. Jack Sweeney, Chairman |
the bereaved. The bereaved are fortunate Things you shouldn’t say to the be- Steve Riley, Executive Editor |
if they can get out of bed in the morning. reaved during those two years (or, really, Maria Reeve, Managing Editor / Content |
The bereaved look at the future without ever): “Man up.” “Get over it.” “Quit feel- Mark Lorando, Managing Editor / Audience |
their loved ones and wonder how, exact- ing sorry for yourself.” “Stop crying.” At Lisa Falkenberg, VP / Editor of Opinion |
ly, they’re supposed to keep living. Many first I tried to roll with the punches of Michael Lindenberger, Deputy Opinion Editor |
of us fight survivor’s guilt on a daily basis, such tone-deaf sentiments. They’re just Send letters to the editor:
Viewpoints c/o Houston Chronicle, P.O. Box 4260, Houston, Texas 77210 or
an irrational plague that knows no logic. confused and ignorant, I would tell my- We welcome and encourage letters and emails from readers. Letters must include name, address and telephone
Verbally abusing the bereaved is like self. I’ve since grown less tolerant. If you numbers for verification purposes only. All letters are subject to editing.
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | A13

Exhausted nurses
ask you to mask up
By Whitney Thurman the task of public health is to think about
and Karen Johnson how to protect the common good. This
requires thinking of consequences of our
As public health nurses working to actions beyond our own individual
educate our future nursing workforce and spheres, yet Abbott has once again ab-
vaccinate Texans every day in our com- dicated his responsibility to use the pow-
munity, we have witnessed firsthand the er of public policy to protect our intercon-
enormous toll that the pandemic, and nected interests.
now the winter storm, has taken on Individuals play a crucial role in stop-
health care professionals and other front- ping the spread of COVID. We certainly
line workers. They have been forced to saw the power of individual goodwill
work in unsafe conditions, without prop- during the energy crisis last month as
er PPE and even having to remove feces concerned citizens across this great state
from toilets without running water. And, sprang into action to rescue stranded
despite just learning that the U.S. would neighbors and deliver food and water.
have enough vaccines for every adult who However, individuals as independent
wants one in just three short months and actors simply do not have the resources
that Houston was the first city in the Unit- or authority to solve collective problems.

Time to move beyond

ed States to record all major COVID More than dictating personal behavior,
strains, Gov. Greg Abbott declared, “It is state protocols reinforce the importance
now time to reopen Texas 100 percent.” of the common good and provide political

the two-party system

The governor once again gambles with cover for individuals and businesses who
our safety, rescinding his single most want to do the right thing but are faced
effective pandemic policy: a statewide with backlash from others.
mask protocol. Weeks and months from now, we will
While experts have been sounding the look back on what could have been done By Chris Harte and Bill King
alarm for weeks about more contagious to prevent yet another foreseeable catas-
and potentially vaccine-resistant strains, trophe. We, as nurse educators, will once Today most Americans accept the two-p
our governor has decided to sacrifice again encourage our students and col- arty system as an inevitability. Some even
hard-working Texans in order to gain leagues who work in critical care to “hang believe that it is somehow written into our
political favor. We were not altogether in there” despite the constant insults to Constitution. It is not and as recent events
surprised that he turned his back on their sacrifice. And, just like with the have so vividly demonstrated, it has bec
science that clearly tells us we are not power grid catastrophe for which Abbott ome a cancer on our national character. It
ready to go maskless. We are, however, holds substantial responsibility, he will is past time to discard this fundamentally
disappointed and frustrated with the seek a scapegoat other than himself for corrupt and corrupting institution. Stefani Reynolds / Bloomberg
decision, as it goes against strong public why we are facing another crisis of our Our Founders were nearly unanimous The authors note that the nation’s
support for masks and sends a confusing, leaders’ making. On behalf of our in their condemnation of political parties, founders were nearly unanimous in
dead wrong message to Texans that masks exhausted colleagues and those who have which they frequently referred to as “facti condemning political parties.
are no longer needed. The science on unnecessarily lost their lives, we urge our ons.” John Adams best summarized their
mask-wearing is settled: wearing masks fellow Texans to remain diligent and prac- sentiments: ial interests.
protects you and your neighbors, and tice more personal responsibility than our “There is nothing which I dread so According to a Gallup poll, for the last
they work best when everyone is wearing governor has. Continue to double mask, much as a division of the republic into two decade over 40 percent of Americans have
them. Our state lags behind other states wash your hands, avoid crowds, get your great parties … this, in my humble appreh refused to identify with either political
in its vaccination rates and is in danger of vaccine as soon as it becomes available to ension, is to be dreaded as the greatest party. That number recently jumped to 50
never reaching herd immunity due to the you, and vote for leaders who will protect political evil under our Constitution.” percent. For those of us in that 40 percent
number of Texans who have stated they and honor the wonderful people of this But the Founders had also guaranteed to 50 percent, we have mostly been forced
would not get the vaccine. Masks are state. We all deserve much better than to the right of association in the Bill of Rights to go to the polls and make the least odorif
indispensable in our fight to end the pan- be left in the cold dark, fending for our- and quickly discovered that people’s natu erously disgusting choice. We are tired of
demic. selves when crises hit. ral desire to join in common cause and the doing that — no, we are sick and tired of
Despite the enormous toll that the practicalities of running campaigns swam doing that.
pandemic has taken on all of us, had we Thurman and Johnson are faculty members ped their ideals of individuality. As soon as The most imposing obstacle to creating
cared to look, the experiences of the past at the University of Texas at Austin School George Washington exited the national a multi-party system in our country is the
year could have taught us many valuable of Nursing. This piece was first published in political stage, political parties quickly brainwashing the incumbent parties have
lessons. We are all deeply connected, and the Dallas Morning News. became the dominating feature of our done on us that a new or third party can
politics. never be successful. But we know from our
However, the two-party system did not own history that is not the case — in fact,
achieve its current stranglehold until after the current Republican Party began as a
the Civil War. Before that there was a chur new, third party when the Whig party fell
ning of political parties, with various gro out of favor.
ups rising and falling in popularity. The Also, most democracies in the world
Whig, Republican, Democrat, National today, especially largerWestern democraci
Republican, Free Soil, Anti-Masonic and es, have multiple parties. Indeed, the
various factions of the Democratic-Republi handful which have only two viable parties
can parties competed for dominance. are outliers.
But gradually the modern Democrat It is time for a new American party. One
and Republican parties began to consolid that breaks the left-right dichotomy. One
ate their power and work together to cre where people of good faith can come and
ate the duopoly that exists today through reason together to reach common sense
various statutory schemes to exclude other solutions. One where people can civilly
parties. The parties also increasingly use a disagree, where someone who disagrees
variety of methods to discipline or exclude with us is not our enemy or un-American.
those who stray from ideological purity. One where practicality is valued over
Frankly, the two-party system served ideology and compromise is not a dirty
the country reasonably well for most of word.
the 20th century, mostly because, as Lee We look at our grandchildren today and
Drutman points out in his book “Breaking we are determined not to leave them a
the Two-Party Doom Loop,” there was legacy of the current political dysfunction.
considerable diversity of viewpoints within It takes nothing more than those of us who
the two major parties. But the rise of gerry still believe in civility, in reasonable discuss
mandered districts, primary elections, ion and debate, in love of our country over
social media and 24-hour news channels love of any party — to stand up!
has amplified the extreme elements of our As an ancient rabbinical saying asked
body politic. centuries ago — If not us, then who? If not
Even in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 atta now — especially after what we have seen
cks on the Capitol, the Republican Party in the last year — then when?
appears to remain the party of Donald
Trump while its principled leaders who Harte is formerly the publisher of the
stood up to lies about the election have Minneapolis Star Tribune and chairman of
Godofredo A. Vásquez / Staff photographer been censured. That’s unacceptable, but Harte-Hanks. King is a former mayor of
Paramedics transport a patient in need of dialysis to a hospital that still had we’ve come to this point in part because Kemah and a former editorial writer for the
running water during the winter storm on Feb. 17 in Houston. the two-party system is corrupted by spec Houston Chronicle.

Manchin betrayed his ‘Republican friends’ on COVID

Marc A. Thiessen says the roughshod over the Republican minority
and pass one of the largest government
majority party, not the minority. Repub-
licans would have no trouble sustaining
W.Va. Democrat is signaling that he spending bills in history on a partisan
basis — exactly what he had promised
a talking filibuster, and unlike with the
current system, no other Senate busi-
will do the same on the climate and not to do.
Already, Manchin is signaling that he
ness — confirmation votes, other leg-
islation, etc. — could proceed. Returning
infrastructure spending bill. will do the same on Biden’s next big to a talking filibuster would make filibus-
priority — a $2 trillion to $4 trillion cli- ters more effective, not less. More likely,
WASHINGTON — On Feb. 2, after 10 The lesson for conservatives is clear: mate and infrastructure spending bill. Democrats will try to “reform” the fili-
Senate Republicans went to the White Manchin is not going to save us. Once again, he is talking tough for his buster by exempting legislation Biden
House and offered President Joe Biden a He’s from West Virginia, one of the constituents back home. wants to pass and Republicans want to
path to a bipartisan filibuster-proof CO- reddest states in the country, so he “I’m not going to do it through recon- block (such as granting statehood to the
VID relief bill, Sen. Joe Manchin III, D- needs to make a show of standing up to ciliation,” as with the COVID spending District of Columbia), or creating a pro-
W.Va., publicly backed their effort. his party. But a show is all that it is. bill, Manchin told Axios’ Mike Allen. “I cess to overturn Supreme Court deci-
Speaking to Fox News’ Bret Baier, Man- When Manchin announced he would am not going to get on a bill that cuts sions by simple majority, hollowing out
chin declared: “I have made it very clear oppose Biden’s nomination of Neera (Republicans) out completely before we the filibuster until it is all but meaning-
… we’re going to make this work in a Tanden to run the Office of Management start.” The message to the White House less. Based on his COVID relief capitu-
bipartisan way. My friends on the other and Budget, some saw it as a sign of his is clear: Make a pretense of actually lation, Republicans should not count on
side are going to have input. And we’re willingness to buck his party. In fact, it negotiating this time, but in the end I’ll Manchin to stop them.
going to do something that we agree on. was nothing more than political cover be with you. For a short time, it looked as though
I’m not just going to do it just down the for his coming capitulation on his par- That’s not all. Manchin has said he this was Manchin’s Senate. It looked as
lines of, just saying party-line vote.” He ty’s $1.9 trillion miasma of special-in- will “never” provide Democrats with the though he was someone who would
further told MSNBC, “If (Democrats) terest spending. deciding vote they need to eliminate the stand by his commitments to those he
think that they’re going to … just shove it To provide further cover, Manchin legislative filibuster. Just last week, when calls his “Republican friends” and that
down people’s throats, that’s not going voted (along with seven other Demo- a reporter asked if setbacks to Biden’s there was hope the bipartisan group that
to happen.” crats) against an effort by Sen. Bernie agenda would cause him to reconsider, he started with Sen. Susan Collins, R-
Well, that is precisely what happened. Sanders, I-Vt., to eviscerate the Byrd rule he replied: “Jesus Christ, what don’t you Maine, to pass bipartisan COVID relief
Biden rebuffed an offer from Repub- and include a minimum-wage increase in understand about ‘never’?” But now, all during the Trump administration had a
licans to negotiate a compromise bill, the budget reconciliation bill. He voted of a sudden, Manchin says he is open to future under Biden.
and Senate Democrats jammed his $1.9 for Ohio Republican Sen. Rob Portman’s reforming the filibuster. On “Meet the But it’s now clear: Manchin and the
trillion spending plan down people’s amendment to continue unemployment Press” on Sunday, he said “now if you other so-called moderate Democrats are
throats on a party-line vote, using the benefits at the current level (before flip- want to make it a little bit more painful, only interested in unity and compromise
budget reconciliation process that re- flopping and voting with the Democratic make him stand there and talk, I’m will- when Republicans are in power. When
quires only a simple majority to pass. leadership to wipe out the very provi- ing to look at any way we can” do that. Democrats are in power, power rules.
And Manchin provided the deciding vote sion for which he had just voted). But in This makes no sense. The Senate elim-
that let them do it. the end, he voted with his party to run inated the “talking filibuster” to help the
A14 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH

9 DOW: 32,297.02, up 464.28 (1.5%) | 9 S&P: 3,898.81, up 23.37 (0.6%) | 9 OIL: $64.44, up 43 cents (0.7%) | 9 NATURAL GAS: $2.69, up 3 cents (1.1%)

“These families can’t squat in their houses forever.

It’ll turn it into a public health issue.” Home sales
in Houston
City Council member Tiffany Thomas, housing and community affairs committee member

set records
Market shows resiliency despite storm
By Katherine Feser What’s selling
Change in sales volume
in February by price
The winter storm put a
category from previous year:
chill on Houston’s housing
Sales activity, by price range
market in February, ending
a five-month streak of dou- Up to $99,999 -40.6%
ble-digit sales gains. $100,000-$149,999 -42.8%
The number of single- $150,000-$249,999 -16.8%
family home sales rose to $250,000-$499,999 16.0%
6,049 in February, a 1.2 per- $500,000-$749,999 55.3%
cent increase over Febru- $750,000 and above 64.9%
ary 2020 and the ninth Share of sales
straight month of gains, the $100,000- $150,000-
$149,999 $249,999
Houston Association of Re- 34.1%
altors reported Wednesday.
Year-over-year sales had
jumped more than 25 per- Less
than $250,000-
cent each month since Sep- $100,000 $499,999
tember. 2.0% 46.5%
“The Houston housing $750,000 $500,000
and up 5.0% $749,999
market showed resiliency 8.2%
Source: Houston
again last month, coming Association of Realtors Staff graphic
through strong despite the
brutal winter storm that in April and May of last year.
caused widespread power The median February
outages, property damage sales price reached a record
and briefly held up transac- $275,900, a 12.6 percent in-
tions and showings,” HAR crease over the previous
Chairman Richard Miranda year, according to HAR. The
said in the housing report. average also set a record,
Home sales during the rising 16.2 percent to
pandemic have been $349,963.
strong, rebounding a drop Housing continues on B7

Mark Mulligan / Staff photographer

Haitham Nash fills up bottles Sunday from a spigot outside a building at the Villas del Paseo to use inside
the apartment he shares with his parents. Nash was left without water for weeks after February’s storm.

Renters demand repairs

after weeks without water
By R.A. Schuetz

or three weeks,
Haitham Nash did Courtesy Sonya Bertolino
not have running The home of a towering figure in the real estate
water. development world, the late Gerald D. Hines, is on
Three times a day, he’d the market for $34.5 million.
find time outside of running
a Mediterranean grocery
store in Katy to take seven
Hines’ River Oaks
5-gallon jugs and search for
the water his family needed
estate placed on the
to drink, clean and flush the
toilet. Three times a day, he
market for $34.5M
carried the 5-gallon jugs By R.A. Schuetz pool and a full-sized tennis
filled with water back to his STA F F W R I T E R court. It was designed by
Robert A.M. Stern Archi-
Villas del Paseo apartment.
The home of a towering tects and built in 1992.
His back started to feel the figure in the real estate de- Hines, who founded a
strain. Brett Coomer / Staff photographer velopment world, the late development company
Then, on Tuesday, the Daniel Ford packs up belongings to donate before moving from his Gerald D. Hines, is on the with the same name, is fa-
water finally returned. Montrose apartment because he still does not have reliable water there. market for $34.5 million. mous for developing bil-
The Hines Villa, which lions of dollars’ worth of
Nash was one of hundreds of Houston renters who conditions. Some are ending their leases. Others are drew inspiration from real estate across the world
were left without water for weeks after a bitter February organizing rent strikes. Hines’ trips to Tuscany, Ita- and bringing sought-after
winter storm left millions of Texans without power. Prop- There is no official tally of how many renters across ly, sprawls across 4.5 acres architects to his projects.
erty management companies face many of the same Houston were without access to potable water three in River Oaks between Buf- His developments include
problems as homeowners: difficulty booking a plumber weeks after the storm, because the city and Houston falo Bayou and Kirby Drive, Pennzoil Place, with its two
and a shortage of parts. As a result, many renters who Tenants’ Union are only aware of the apartment com- within walking distance of trapezoidal towers that
have abandoned their units — resorting to crashing with plexes at which tenants reach out. River Oaks Country Club. seem to face one another,
friends or family because they cannot cook, shower, do City Council member Tiffany Thomas, who chairs the The 17,000-square-foot es- and the Galleria mall.
their laundry or flush the toilet — think landlords should housing and community affairs committee, said she has tate at 2920 Lazy Lane Blvd.
give them concessions in recognition of uninhabitable Renters continues on B7 features five bedrooms, 11
bathrooms, an enclosed

Are ‘mask free’ areas the new smoking sections?

Texas gyms try new ment, there’s really no workout you
can’t do in that sectioned off area,”
Conerly of
approaches as state’s said Greg Johnson, general manag- Houston
mask mandate lifted er of the 24 Hour Fitness on West
18th. “So there’s options for both
works out in a
smaller gym
sides.” inside 24
By Amanda Drane It’s been a tough year for the Cali- Hour Fitness
STA F F WRIT E R fornia-based company. It filed for in the Heights
bankruptcy in June as the pandem- on Tuesday.
The statewide mask mandate for ic ravaged the in-person fitness in- With the
businesses lifted Wednesday, and dustry, closing a dozen gyms in the statewide
with it local gyms are expecting a Houston area as part of its reorgani- mask
lift of their own. zation. mandate
The rollback of the indoor mask Nearly a year after the pandemic lifted, 24
requirement presents an opportu- first hit Houston, Gov. Greg Abbott Hour Fitness
nity for gym operators such as 24 told Texans he is lifting an order re- will have a
Hour Fitness, which will create sep- quiring masks inside businesses. “gym within a
arate “masks required” areas with- For many gyms across Houston, gym” for
in its clubs across Texas, leaving the where operators have taken a more those who
main floors open for people who relaxed approach to mask man- want to wear
choose not to wear them. dates, members won’t notice a masks.
“We’ve got a good mix of equip- Gyms continues on B7 Elizabeth Conley / Staff photographer
B2 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH


BRIEFS EARNINGS before he was convicted of a 2011

Roblox shows gaming murder.

Airlines add is ‘swimming in cash’

The evidence from Hertz was
finally obtained in 2018, leading

jobs; cargo For video game companies,

pandemic-related lockdowns has
to Herbert Alford’s exoneration
last year.

carriers soar
meant gushers of cash. A record Alford filed a lawsuit against
$56.9 billion was spent on gam- Hertz on Tuesday seeking fi-
ing last year in the U.S., up 27 nancial compensation.
U.S. airlines are adding jobs as percent from 2019. On Wednes- Alford was convicted of sec-
industry employment extends a day, the pandemic’s booming ond-degree murder in 2016 in
rebound from a low in October, effect on gaming was even more the shooting death of Michael
when tens of thousands of airline starkly on display when Roblox, Adams after Hertz failed to re-
workers were briefly laid off after a gaming platform aimed at spond to requests for records,
federal payroll aid expired. children, went public. attorney Jamie White said.
Cargo airlines have added jobs Roblox opened its first day of In 2018, Hertz finally pro-
while passenger airlines have trading at $64.50 a share, up duced a receipt that showed
shed workers, mostly through more than 43 percent from a Alford was renting a car at a
incentives for workers to quit or Rick Bowmer / Associated Press reference price of $45 that was Lansing-area airport at the time
take early retirement. Travelers walk through Salt Lake City International Airport on set Tuesday. That valued Roblox that Adams was shot. The con-
The Transportation Depart- Tuesday. Airlines are extending their rebound and adding jobs. at $41.9 billion, up from $4 bil- viction was thrown out in 2020.
ment said this week that 713,949 lion just over a year ago.
people held full-time or part- workforces by more than 10 the company, which is based in “The game industry’s swim- RENEWABLE ENERGY
time jobs at airlines in mid-Janu- percent. western Denmark, said Wednes- ming in cash,” said Joost van GE now world’s top
ary, up from 694,638 in Decem- While passenger airlines have day. Sales gained 13 percent to Dreunen, a New York University
ber. totaled billions in losses during 43.7 billion kroner, the most professor who studies the busi- wind turbine installer
However, the industry’s Janu- the pandemic, it has been a Lego has ever brought in during ness of video games. “It’s just General Electric Co. became
ary employment was still down 5 different story at cargo carriers. a single year. raining money on these people, the top wind turbine installer in
percent from January 2020, FedEx’s express-delivery divi- Lego has invested heavily in on these companies.” the world last year as generous
before the U.S. felt the brunt of sion grew by about 24,000 jobs, online platforms and products On average, 32.6 million peo- subsidies supercharged the mar-
the coronavirus pandemic, or 9.8 percent, United Parcel that couple its colorful building ple a day logged into Roblox, ket.
which has devastated air travel. Service added 183 jobs, or 2.9 blocks with digitized elements, nearly double the 2019 average Renewable power developers
Delta Air Lines has made the percent, in its air-shipment busi- and added about 25 percent to of 17.6 million. While Roblox is added a record 96.3 gigawatts of
sharpest reduction in its work- ness, and smaller cargo carriers its branded physical stores last unprofitable, its revenue surged wind turbines in 2020, up 58
force, cutting nearly 28,000 such as Atlas Air also added jobs. year, bringing its global presence 82 percent to $924 million last percent from the year before,
jobs, or 30.9 percent of its work- to 678 stores. year. according to research from
ers, since January 2020, accord- EARNINGS Lego, which is controlled by BloombergNEF. With solar, wind
CRIMINAL JUSTICE is becoming one of the cheapest
ing to Transportation Depart- Lego sales stack up to the family of billionaire Kjeld
ways to produce electricity and
ment data.
records in lockdown
Kirk Kristiansen, said Wednes- Man sues over receipt help eliminate governments
United Airlines cut more than day it won market share globally
15,000 jobs, or 16.7 percent, in Sales of Lego sets surged last as well as in all its 12 largest mar- that proved innocence dependence on fossil fuels.
the 12 months. American Airlines year as consumers of all ages kets in 2020. A Michigan man who spent GE led the way in the booming
eliminated 8,700 jobs, or 8 per- turned to its iconic toy bricks Consumer sales grew by dou- nearly five years in prison is U.S. and China markets, bump-
cent of its workers, and South- during global pandemic lock- ble digits in all regions, with suing a car rental company for ing Vestas Wind Systems A/S
west shed more than 4,600 jobs, downs. especially strong growth in Chi- failing to produce in a timely from the top spot for the first
or 7.5 percent. Hawaiian, Repub- Net income rose 19 percent to na, the Americas, Western Eu- manner a receipt that would time in five years.
lic and JetBlue all reduced their 9.9 billion kroner ($1.6 billion), rope and Asia Pacific. have proved his innocence long From wire reports

Deficit hits a record $1.05 trillion Inflation

Latest stimulus bill lion set in 2010 when the govern- 2020, the month before the pan- lions of workers who lost jobs remained
mild as
ment was spending to try to lift demic hit with force, shutting when the pandemic hit. There
could push that the country out of the deep re- down businesses and triggering was also an increase of $24 bil-
to $3.4T for the year cession caused by the 2008 fi- millions of job losses. lion in support for the Agricul-

By Martin Crutsinger
nancial crisis.
The Congressional Budget Of-
fice has projected that the deficit
From October through Febru-
ary, government revenue is up 5.1
percent to $1.44 trillion while out-
ture Department, with much of
that going to pay for increases to
government food assistance pro-
gas prices
for the budget year that ends on lays are up 24.7 percent to $2.48 grams.
WASHINGTON — The U.S. gov- Sept. 30 will be $2.3 trillion. trillion. The deficit is the gap be- Mayra MacGuineas, president
ernment’s budget deficit through However, that estimate does not tween revenues and outlays. of the Committee for a Responsi-
February hit an all-time high of include the cost of President Joe The deficit was pushed higher ble Federal Budget, said that if all By Nelson D. Schwartz
$l.05 trillion for the first five Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID relief by trillions of dollars in support the temporary provisions in the N EW YOR K T I M E S
months of this budget year, as measure, which cleared Con- approved by Congress starting relief plan passed Wednesday get
spending to deal with the corona- gress on Wednesday. last March, including a $900 bil- extended or made permanent it Inflation rose modestly in Feb-
virus pandemic surged at a pace Last year’s deficit, also driven lion measure approved in De- could end up adding $4 trillion to ruary, nudged by an increase in
far above an increase in tax reve- higher by virus relief packages, cember that extended emergen- the national debt over the next gasoline prices that lifted the over-
nue. was a record $3.1 trillion. cy unemployment benefits that decade, double the $1.9 trillion all Consumer Price Index by 0.4
The Treasury Department re- Nancy Vanden Houten, senior had expired. advertised price tag. percent.
ported Wednesday that the Octo- economist at Oxford Economics, Some of the big spending in- “For all its flaws, we are hope- Excluding the volatile food and
ber through February deficit was said she estimated the latest re- creases noted in the Treasury De- ful this package will help end the energy categories, the index rose
68 percent larger than the $624.5 lief measure will drive this year’s partment report include an addi- pandemic and will restore the by 0.1 percent, the Labor Depart-
billion deficit recorded during deficit up to $3.4 trillion. tional $148 billion for the Labor economy to its prior strength. At ment reported Wednesday. With
the same period last year. The deficit for the month of Department, with most of that in- that point, we’ll need a plan to the prospect of faster economic
It easily surpassed the previ- February was $310.9 billion, up crease going to pay for unem- tackle our high and rising nation- growth on the horizon, investors
ous five-month deficit of $652 bil- from $236.3 billion in February ployment benefits for the mil- al debt,” MacGuineas said. and market watchers have been
paying close attention to the
threat of heightened inflation, al-

Airline though it has yet to materialize for

the most part.
The imminent passage of the Bi-

prices den administration’s $1.9 trillion

stimulus package has intensified

$10 billion
those worries, with some con-
cerned that the money will pour
fuel on an economy that is already

debt sale poised to heat up as businesses re-

open this spring and the pandem-
ic recedes in the face of wide-
B L OOM BE RG spread vaccinations.
Gasoline prices alone were up
American Airlines Group Inc. 6.4 percent in February. But over-
priced a $10 billion bond and loan all, the data matched expecta-
offering backed by its frequent- tions, suggesting inflation re-
flyer program as investors clam- mains under control, despite a re-
ored for the protection provided Lynda M. Gonzalez / Tribune News Service cent rise in prices for commodi-
by the special structure. American Airlines canceled furlough notices for 13,000 workers after Congress passed the latest ties like oil and copper.
The carrier received around round of stimulus funds, which includes $14 billion for the struggling airline industry. “Outside of another buoyant
$45 billion in orders on the total advance in energy prices in Febru-
$10 billion deal, according to peo-
ple with knowledge of the matter.
Roughly $30 billion of the de-
American Air drops furloughs ary, consumer price inflation re-
mains very tame,” said Kathy
Bostjancic, chief U.S. financial
mand was for the bond portion.
On Wednesday, the company
boosted the size and cut borrow-
as aid is extended six months economist at Oxford Economics.
Over the long term, inflation is
a concern because it erodes the
ing costs on the debt sale, making By Kyle Arnold bers will continue to receive pay lines struggle to bring back thou- value of assets, especially stocks
it the largest ever by an airline. DALLAS M OR NING NEWS and benefits through Sept. 30, sands of workers with air travel and bonds. An uptick in bond
American increased the bond 2021. demand still depressed. yields in recent weeks, which cor-
size by $1.5 billion total. American Airlines will cancel ”For our 13,000 colleagues The December stimulus pack- relate with inflation fears, helped
American’s record deal sur- furlough notices sent to 13,000 who received Worker Adjust- age gave airlines four months of prompt a sell-off on Wall Street,
passed Delta Air Lines Inc.’s $9 bil- employees after Congress passed ment and Retraining Notification support and airlines issued fresh particularly among high-flying
lion sale in September, and a $6.8 a $1.9 trillion aid package, the (WARN) notices last month, furlough notices in early Febru- tech stocks.
billion transaction from United third pandemic-relief legislation those are happily canceled — you ary, targeting April 1 for nearly What’s more, once inflation be-
Airlines Holdings Inc. in June. since the beginning of COVID-19 a can tear them up!,” the letter 30,000 workers. This new pack- comes entrenched, it can be hard
All three used a special struc- year ago. said. age gives six months of support to subdue, reawakening memo-
ture, pioneered by United, that Airlines are in line for $14 bil- Southwest Airlines has re- as airlines are hoping travel de- ries of the 1970s, when rampant
backstops the debt with the com- lion in grants and loans in ex- ceived about $5 billion in govern- mand will accelerate as vaccine inflation haunted the U.S. econo-
pany’s frequent-flyer program. change for promises not to fur- ment aid so far and would be in distribution grows. my.
Extracting value from rewards lough or lay off employees until line for roughly $1.7 billion more “For flight attendants and oth- But conditions are far different
programs has become a critical the end of September. under the new bill. The bill keeps er aviation workers this bill pas- than they were back then, and
lifeline for carriers that have That means that the govern- some of the same restraints on sage means continuing the his- most mainstream economists
faced disrupted air travel for ment will once again be subsidiz- airlines as previous stimulus toric workers-first Payroll Sup- doubt a sustained bout of inflation
more than a year due to the CO- ing jobs for Fort Worth-based deals did, namely restrictions on port Program that we achieved in is on its way. The Federal Reserve,
VID-19 pandemic. American Airlines, which has al- executive pay and dividends and the CARES Act a year ago,” said a which is committed to preserving
Loyalty programs carry a lot of ready taken more than $9 billion prohibitions against pay cuts. statement from Sara Nelson, price stability, has signaled that it
value — around $18 billion to $30 in stimulus aid and is likely in Dallas-based Southwest said in president of the Association of intends to maintain its support for
billion, in American’s case — line for another $3.1 billion with early January that it would not Flight Attendants, the country’s the economy and not tighten
which in part contributes to high- this package. furlough any employees or cut largest flight attendants union monetary policy anytime soon.
er credit ratings on such deals. “The bill is now on its way to pay in 2021. which includes some workers at “The inflation narrative has
Proceeds from American’s of- President Biden for his signature The December stimulus bill American Airlines subsidiaries. switched to concerns about rising
fering will help refinance its $7.5 so that it can be signed into law,” came nearly three months after “Aviation workers will receive a prices,” said Rubeela Farooqi,
billion Treasury loan, of which said a letter to employees from airlines began laying off employ- paycheck and health care chief U.S. economist at High Fre-
$550 million has been drawn to American Airlines CEO Doug ees Oct. 1. Those employees were through September, and stay quency Economics. “For the Fed,
date, according to an investor Parker and President Robert recalled and received paychecks current on our certifications so price response to the economy re-
presentation Monday. The re- Isom on Wednesday. “Once that just before Christmas, including we’re in place to meet demand as opening is seen as transitory and
maining proceeds will be used for happens, it will extend the com- 17,500 at American Airlines. vaccinations are readily avail- is unlikely to cause too much
general corporate purposes. mitment that all U.S.-based However, many of them still have able and travel returns to the angst, given inflation pressures
American Airlines team mem- not started working yet as air- skies.” are not expected to be sustained.”
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | B3

Prices in U.S. dollars per unit for energy commodities for the contract closest to The median price of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg: Cash price in U.S. dollars paid at delivery for Performance of various index-based investment products:
delivery: various commodities:
2021 Forecast 2022 Forecast 2023 Forecast
Name C Date Open High Low Settle Chg Unit Name Last Price Pvs Day Unit $1K $1K $1K
Lt Sw Crude Apr 21 63.84 64.96 63.13 64.44 0.43 barrel Crude oil 53.82 57.00 57.00
Unleaded Gasoline - NY 2.06 2.01 gallon return return return
Natural Gas 2.75 2.70 2.70 Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
Natural gas Apr 21 2.65 2.71 2.62 2.69 0.03 MMBtu North Sea Brent 67.89 66.92 barrel XLE Energy Select Se 1,195 1,302 1,607
Gas blend Apr 21 2.04 2.09 2.02 2.08 0.03 gal W. Texas-Int. - Cushing 64.44 64.01 barrel XES SPDR Oil & Gas E 1,207 1,373 2,341
Heating oil Apr 21 1.90 1.93 1.88 1.92 0.01 gal Nat Gas - Henry Hub 2.60 2.55 MMBtu USO US Oil Fund 1,114 1,362 755
Ethanol Apr 21 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 0.01 gal
$1K $1K $1K
Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
Top and bottom performers among Houston-based and other major energy companies: Performance of a basket of Houston-based and IAU iShares Gold T 935 939 1,048
Last Last other major energy companies over the past 12 66.77 SLV iShares Silver T 970 1,090 1,546
Tick Name Price % Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg Volume
HDYNQ Hyperdynamics Corp 0.01 72.5 5,274 CDVIQ Cal Dive International 0.00 -14.9 543,377 Aug. 2007=100 SOFT/LIVESTOCK/GRAIN
RIG Transocean Ltd 4.68 18.5 76,039,562 DOFSQ Diamond Offshore Drilling 0.16 -5.8 648,240 $1K $1K $1K
70 return return return
SWN Southwestern Energy Co 4.40 13.7 30,752,130 EGY VAALCO Energy Inc 3.05 -5.3 1,495,623 Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
HUSA Houston American Energy 2.38 10.2 5,019,586 BHP BHP Group Ltd 72.97 -3.5 3,325,137 JO DJ-UBS Coffee 1,064 1,061 1,047
CNX CNX Resources Corp 14.86 9.4 1,272,679 MCF Contango Oil & Gas Co 4.89 0.0 2,839,999 CORN Teucrium Corn 1,026 1,212 1,215
HLX HelixEnergySolutionsGroup 6.68 7.6 3,174,140 DVN Devon Energy Corp 23.90 0.3 3,487,309 50 CANE Teucrium Sugar 1,024 1,145 1,139
NBR Nabors Industries Ltd 130.43 6.9 39,070 CKH SEACOR Holdings Inc 41.24 0.6 222,588 CATL ETFS Live Cattle 966 1,014 948
WTI W&T Offshore Inc 4.05 6.6 5,796,386 HES Hess Corp 70.89 0.6 1,082,677 COW iPath DJ-UBS Liv 1,008 1,096 967
VLO Valero Energy Corp 81.37 6.3 994,348 EPD Enterprise Prod Prtnrs 23.25 1.0 7,019,480 30
*Trades on London Stock Exchange
TTI TETRA Technologies Inc 2.79 6.1 2,555,617 EPM Evolution Petroleum Corp 4.17 1.5 115,068 M A M J J A S O N D J F M

AMC gains after virus losses begin to ebb

By Kelly Gilblom charges of $466.1 million. AMC’s liquidity profile,” Chief Ex- some listeners streamed it live on Attendance will probably still
B L OOMBE RG The outlook is improving: The- ecutive Officer Adam Aron said in YouTube. Aron said their “enthu- be muted. Last year, 8.1 million
aters in the two largest U.S. mar- a statement. The company has siasm” for the company made customers visited the chain in the
AMC Entertainment Holdings kets, Los Angeles and New York raised about $2.2 billion from him optimistic. fourth quarter, down about 90
Inc., the largest movie-theater City, are opening back up, sug- new debt and equity since March About 90 percent of the Lea- percent from the same period
chain in the world, rose in late gesting ticket sales should contin- 2020, he said. wood, Kansas-based chain’s do- last year. In 2021, box-office re-
trading after posting a fourth- ue their rise from nearly zero AMC shares rose more than 11 mestic locations were open as of ceipts will probably be at least 50
quarter loss that was smaller during parts of 2020. The compa- percent extended trading. They March 5, while the company ex- percent below what they were in
than analysts expected, benefit- ny has more than $1 billion in have more than quadrupled this pects most European locations to 2019, and the chain wouldn’t pre-
ing from the continued reopen- cash on hand and is confident it year, largely due to “meme” in- be back by May 7, when Walt Dis- dict when revenue would return
ing of cinemas. can ride out the rest of the pan- vestors who have pumped up the ney Co. is expected to release its to pre-pandemic levels.
The company reported an ad- demic without the risk of bank- stock. newest Marvel film, “Black Wid- While Reddit traders have
justed fourth-quarter loss of $3.15 ruptcy. The appetite for AMC news ow.” The chain is now focused on caused AMC’s stock to soar, and
a share on Wednesday, com- “Our most important single among Reddit-following inves- accommodating a “surge” of Aron said he is “ebullient” about
pared with the average analyst point of focus, after ensuring a tors was so strong that AMC’s moviegoers. It said about 40 ma- prospects in the next year, ana-
expectation of a $3.53 loss. Reve- safe and clean environment for conference call reached capacity jor films were delayed in 2020 lysts have raised concerns that
nue slumped to $162.5 million. our theater guests and work- and was offline for about 30 min- due to COVID and will start show- the underlying business remains
AMC took noncash impairment force, has been to strengthen utes for some users. Meanwhile, ing in the spring. troubled.


Top and bottom performers based on one-day percentage change in stock price: Daily close of the Nasdaq Composite index and the S&P 500 over the past six months:
Last 1-month Last 1-month NASDAQ 13,068.83 0.0% S&P 500 3,898.81 0.6%
Tick Name Price % Chg % Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg % Chg Volume
BEN FranklinResources 28.62 9.8 4.2 2,057,894 GE GeneralElectricCo 13.25 -5.4 16.2 29,713,028
MOS Mosaic Co/The 33.06 7.4 18.5 1,593,723 NRG NRG Energy Inc 40.74 -4.9 -5.4 851,511 15,000 4,000
BA Boeing Co/The 245.34 6.4 15.8 3,880,563 LRCX Lam Research Corp 518.70 -4.6 -2.6 762,006
VLO Valero Energy 81.37 6.3 25.0 994,348 PKI PerkinElmer Inc 120.35 -4.5 -18.3 405,484
HWM Howmet Aerospace 31.45 5.7 11.0 762,072 MU Micron Technology 85.41 -4.4 3.7 5,855,115
DISCK Discovery Inc 56.01 5.7 45.7 7,694,014 HOLX Hologic Inc 68.76 -4.3 -13.6 1,281,405
HFC HollyFrontier 40.97 5.6 29.1 551,077 TWTR Twitter Inc 64.83 -4.0 -4.3 5,414,255
CTVA Corteva Inc 47.00 5.1 9.2 1,143,923 WDC Western Digital 66.58 -4.0 10.3 1,456,212
OKE ONEOK Inc 50.95 4.7 13.9 587,993 TER Teradyne Inc 108.91 -3.9 -15.4 1,054,569
WAB WstnghsAirBrkTech 76.25 4.5 -8.2 284,997 KLAC KLA Corp 283.45 -3.6 -4.8 582,713 12,000 3,500


The Bloomberg Houston 150 includes major companies based in Houston and significant employers in the area. 3,300
Last Chg % Chg 52W Div Last Chg % Chg 52W Div
Name Ticker Price Day YTD 52W Low High Yld Name Ticker Price Day YTD 52W Low High Yld
10,000 3,200
AcdmySprts ASO 24.58 -0.51 18.6 12.05 28.00 - Luby's Inc LUB 3.30 0.01 16.2 0.46 3.43 -
AdmsRes & AE 31.99 0.99 32.7 15.16 33.80 3.00 LyndllBsll LYB 108.90 1.73 18.8 33.71 110.71 3.86 S O N D J F M S O N D J F M
AllgncBncs ABTX 41.84 0.80 22.6 20.88 42.27 1.15 Macy's Inc M 16.95 -0.16 50.7 4.38 22.30 - AMZN 3057.64 -5.21 -6.1 1626.03 3552.25 - MainStCap MAIN 37.59 0.49 16.5 14.11 38.15 6.54
AmerNatGrp ANAT 101.51 1.49 5.6 63.93 101.59 3.23 Marthn Oil MRO 12.22 0.22 83.2 3.02 13.29 0.98 U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEXES
APA Corp APA 21.63 0.03 52.4 3.80 23.85 0.46 MgnlOil & MGY 12.65 -0.13 79.2 3.23 13.24 -
Archrock AROC 10.49 0.26 21.1 2.09 10.80 5.53 MRC Global MRC 9.92 0.44 49.6 3.31 9.96 - Daily close and change in value for selected stock indexes:
AT&T Inc T 29.99 0.35 4.3 26.08 35.89 6.94 NatEnSvcsR NESR 13.32 -0.28 34.1 4.04 14.25 -
BHP Group BHP 72.97 -2.66 11.7 29.78 81.82 5.54 NblMdstPrt NBLX 15.42 0.29 48.0 1.81 15.56 4.86
Index Last Price Chg. % Chg YTD
Bk of Amer BAC 37.37 1.05 23.3 17.95 37.73 1.93 Nbrs Indst NBR 130.43 8.42 124.0 9.79 133.61 -
Dow Jones Ind. 32,297.02 464.28 1.5 5.5
BkrHghsCo BKR 24.38 0.43 16.9 9.12 25.64 2.95 NewparkRes NR 3.73 -0.02 94.3 0.65 4.08 -
Nasdaq Composite 13,068.83 -4.99 0.0 1.4
BlckStnMin BSM 9.56 0.19 43.1 4.04 10.13 7.32 NineEnSvc NINE 3.43 0.11 26.1 0.38 6.59 -
S&P 500 3,898.81 23.37 0.6 3.8
BncBlbVzcy BBVA 5.63 0.01 14.0 2.49 5.86 - NOV Inc NOV 16.76 0.64 22.1 7.70 17.50 -
BBG Houston 150 633.93 8.98 1.4 9.8
BnchmrkElc BHE 30.99 0.50 14.7 14.06 31.34 2.06 NOW Inc DNOW 11.68 0.43 62.7 4.03 11.75 -
DJ US Total Stk 41,060.42 274.90 0.7 4.7
Boeing Co BA 245.34 14.73 14.6 89.00 246.80 - NRG Energy NRG 40.74 -2.09 8.5 19.54 43.54 3.19
Russell 2000 2,285.68 40.62 1.8 15.7
BP PLC BP 26.65 0.54 29.9 14.74 28.57 4.73 NtrlResPrt NRP 17.69 -0.13 28.7 8.50 19.52 10.18
BristowGrp VTOL 28.49 0.62 8.2 10.50 30.82 - NxTrOlfldS NEX 4.93 0.18 43.3 1.00 5.74 -
Cactus Inc WHD 33.46 0.98 28.3 8.16 39.07 1.08 OccdntlPtr OXY 29.36 0.71 69.6 8.52 32.52 0.14 INTERNATIONAL INDEXES
Index Last Price Chg. % Chg YTD
CadenceBcp CADE 22.73 1.16 38.4 4.63 22.94 2.64 Ocnrng Int OII 14.87 0.80 87.0 2.01 15.40 -
FTSE 100 6,725.60 -4.74 -0.1 4.1
Cardtroncs CATM 38.67 0.15 9.5 15.71 42.09 - OilSttsInt OIS 9.25 0.35 84.3 1.52 9.49 -
Hang Seng 28,907.52 134.29 0.5 6.2
Carrg Svcs CSV 36.79 1.00 17.5 13.54 36.85 1.09 OrionGroup ORN 6.03 0.18 21.6 1.53 6.25 -
Mexico IPC 47,591.61 488.01 1.0 7.9
CbtOil & G COG 19.19 0.66 17.9 13.16 22.67 2.08 OssMdstPrt OMP 18.51 0.69 57.8 2.80 22.00 11.67
Nikkei 225 29,036.56 8.62 0.0 5.8
CBTX Inc CBTX 31.71 0.64 24.3 12.50 31.95 1.26 ParPacific PARR 19.13 1.00 36.8 5.72 19.47 -
S&P/Toronto SE 18,690.00 90.81 0.5 7.2
CenterPtEn CNP 21.32 0.42 -1.5 11.58 25.39 3.00 Penn VA PVAC 18.05 0.96 77.8 0.99 20.18 -
ChampionX CHX 24.43 1.82 59.7 2.89 24.52 - Phillips66 PSX 88.44 3.04 26.5 40.04 90.59 4.07
Chevron CVX 111.37 1.87 31.9 51.60 112.01 4.63 Phllps66Pr PSXP 31.08 0.72 17.7 19.00 48.51 11.24
ChnrEnPrtn CQP 42.36 1.74 20.2 17.75 42.66 6.18 Plains GP PAGP 9.90 0.44 19.6 2.78 12.00 7.27
CllnPtrCo CPE 38.73 1.81 194.3 3.90 40.98 - PlnsAllAme PAA 9.76 0.37 18.4 3.00 12.35 7.38
CmdnPropTr CPT 103.82 1.33 3.9 62.48 110.00 3.20 PROS Inc PRO 46.89 0.32 -7.6 19.73 51.83 -
Value of the U.S. dollar in selected currencies:
CmfrtSysUS FIX 74.70 0.39 41.9 27.54 75.63 0.62 PrsprtyBnc PB 77.40 0.73 11.6 42.02 78.98 2.53
CntngOil & MCF 4.89 0.00 113.5 0.84 5.56 - Pttrsn-UTI PTEN 9.55 0.46 81.6 1.61 9.74 0.84 Currency Last 1-Mo Ago 6-Mo Ago 1-Yr Ago
Comcast CMCSA 57.21 1.64 9.2 31.71 57.69 1.75 Pwll Indst POWL 35.17 0.76 19.3 15.62 35.45 2.96 Australian Dollar 1.29 1.30 1.38 1.54
ConcPhllps COP 59.42 1.52 48.6 20.84 59.94 2.89 QnxBldngPr NX 27.30 0.45 23.1 7.90 27.81 1.17 Brazilian Real 5.67 5.38 5.32 4.64
Conn's Inc CONN 16.41 0.72 40.4 2.83 16.93 - QuantaSvcs PWR 85.49 2.26 18.7 23.77 87.67 0.28 British Pound 0.72 0.72 0.78 0.77
CrstwdEqyP CEQP 25.75 1.59 35.7 2.65 26.69 9.70 RylDtchShl RDS/A 44.38 1.18 26.3 21.26 44.48 3.00 Canadian Dollar 1.26 1.27 1.32 1.37
CrwnCstlIn CCI 151.94 0.90 -4.6 114.18 180.00 3.50 SchlmbrgrN SLB 29.95 0.60 37.2 11.87 30.07 1.67 Chilean Peso 726.25 726.16 770.47 835.73
CVR Energy CVI 24.58 1.38 65.0 9.81 25.74 - ShllMdstPr SHLX 13.34 0.75 32.3 5.70 16.18 13.79 Chinese Ren (yuan) 6.51 6.46 6.83 6.96
CVS Health CVS 72.70 1.47 6.4 52.04 77.23 2.75 SlctEnSvcs WTTR 6.94 0.26 69.3 2.22 7.58 - Colombian Peso 3,551.30 3,560.79 3,706.97 3,760.39
Devon En DVN 23.90 0.07 51.2 4.60 26.13 1.84 SlrsOlfldI SOI 14.02 0.73 72.2 4.50 14.10 2.99 Euro 0.84 0.83 0.85 0.89
DPntdeNmrs DD 76.69 1.05 7.8 28.33 87.27 1.56 SnnvEnInt NOVA 37.29 -2.02 -17.4 6.12 57.70 - Indian Rupee 72.91 72.85 73.46 74.09
DR Horton DHI 82.09 2.35 19.1 25.51 84.41 0.97 Spark En SPKE 10.62 0.05 11.0 5.25 12.40 6.83 Japanese Yen 108.40 104.59 106.13 105.64
Dril-Quip DRQ 39.43 0.85 33.1 22.25 40.62 - SprtofTXBn STXB 24.18 0.41 43.9 8.96 24.50 1.49 Mexican Peso 20.90 20.04 21.44 20.83
DXPEntrpr DXPE 32.71 0.32 47.1 10.44 35.98 - SthwstrnEn SWN 4.40 0.53 47.7 1.15 4.69 - Norwegian Krone 8.43 8.46 9.08 9.59
EntrprsPro EPD 23.25 0.23 18.7 10.27 23.58 7.74 StrlngCnst STRL 22.42 1.04 20.5 6.72 24.49 - S. African Rand 15.08 14.75 16.91 15.94
EOG Res EOG 75.11 1.50 50.6 27.00 77.15 2.20 StwrtInfoS STC 53.24 1.36 10.1 20.26 55.93 2.48 S. Korean Won 1,142.50 1,106.85 1,184.80 1,193.15
Exterran EXTN 4.40 -0.14 -0.5 3.23 8.93 - Sunoco LP SUN 31.81 0.46 10.5 10.46 33.00 10.38 Singapore Dollar 1.34 1.33 1.37 1.39
ExxonMobil XOM 61.77 1.84 49.9 30.11 61.92 5.63 Svc Int/U SCI 47.20 -0.37 -3.9 33.93 54.67 1.78 Taiwan Dollar 28.33 28.00 29.36 30.00
Fltk Indst FTK 2.20 0.06 4.3 0.66 3.09 - SWArlnsCo LUV 58.51 -0.42 25.5 22.47 60.70 -
Fluor Corp FLR 19.94 1.19 24.9 2.85 21.50 - Sysco Corp SYY 81.23 1.87 9.4 26.00 83.19 2.22
FrmEnTech FET 23.06 0.34 93.8 3.00 24.12 - Talos En TALO 13.53 0.53 64.2 5.00 16.81 - TREASURIES, INTEREST RATES
Frprt-McMR FCX 34.46 0.60 32.4 4.82 39.10 - Targa Res TRGP 34.40 1.01 30.4 3.66 35.27 1.16
GenElctrCo GE 13.25 -0.75 22.7 5.48 14.42 0.30 Target TGT 178.58 -0.60 1.2 90.17 199.96 1.52 Yields for the most recently issued securities:
Genesis En GEL 8.99 0.33 44.8 2.58 12.08 6.67 TC Energy TRP 46.03 0.70 13.0 32.37 49.95 5.97 TREASURIES
Gespc Tech GEOS 10.83 0.06 26.5 4.61 12.40 - Team Inc TISI 12.50 0.06 14.7 3.75 13.84 - Last Yld Pvs Yld 1Day Yld Wk Yld Mo Yld 3-Mo Yld Yr
Bill/Note Yld Day Clo Net Chg Ago Ago Ago Ago
Godrch Ptr GDP 10.88 0.82 7.8 2.92 13.30 - TechnipFMC FTI 9.09 0.42 30.0 3.34 9.70 1.43
3-month t-bill 0.04 0.03 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.46
Grp 1 Auto GPI 168.41 7.58 28.4 26.26 171.18 0.74 TETRA Tech TTI 2.79 0.16 223.9 0.22 2.84 -
6 month t-bill 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.06 0.05 0.08 0.45
Hess Corp HES 70.89 0.39 34.3 26.06 76.24 1.41 Tidewater TDW 14.38 -0.09 66.4 4.09 15.92 -
2-year t note 0.16 0.16 -0.01 0.14 0.11 0.14 0.54
Hess Midst HESM 23.23 0.08 18.7 5.70 23.66 7.70 TOTAL SE TOT 49.61 1.36 18.4 22.13 49.64 6.46
5-year t note 0.79 0.81 -0.01 0.73 0.45 0.39 0.67
Hllbrtn Co HAL 24.14 0.67 27.7 4.25 24.74 0.75 Transocean RIG 4.68 0.73 102.6 0.65 4.81 -
10-year t note 1.53 1.53 -0.01 1.48 1.12 0.91 0.81
HlxEnSolGr HLX 6.68 0.47 59.0 0.99 6.70 - Untd Arlns UAL 53.92 0.49 24.7 17.80 55.93 -
30-year t bond 2.25 2.24 0.01 2.28 1.91 1.63 1.28
Howrd Hghs HHC 96.49 1.35 22.2 35.10 103.00 - UntdPrclSv UPS 165.23 1.96 -1.9 82.00 178.01 2.47
HstnWire & HWCC 3.90 0.00 39.8 1.67 4.75 - US Silica SLCA 14.47 0.65 106.1 0.79 15.16 -
Huntsman HUN 28.60 0.99 13.8 12.23 29.49 2.27 Valero En VLO 81.37 4.79 43.8 31.00 82.60 4.82 PRIME, FED FUNDS
HwlttPckrd HPE 15.15 0.29 27.8 7.43 15.27 3.17 Verzn Comm VZ 57.08 0.88 -2.8 48.84 61.95 4.40 Rate 6-month change 1-year change
Bloomberg Prime Rate 3.25 0.00 -23.53
IES Inc IESC 51.91 -0.33 12.7 13.73 55.30 - W&T Offsh WTI 4.05 0.25 86.6 1.07 5.00 -
Fed Funds Target 0.25 0.00 -80.00
Insperity NSP 93.13 0.41 14.4 22.59 95.78 1.72 Walmart WMT 132.18 3.29 -8.3 102.00 153.66 1.66
IONGeophys IO 2.86 0.07 17.7 1.13 5.35 - Wast Cnnct WCN 102.90 0.41 0.3 70.87 111.04 0.80
JcbsEngGrp J 124.75 3.10 14.5 59.29 124.98 0.67 Waste Mgmt WM 121.69 2.09 3.2 85.34 125.56 1.89 COMMODITY PRICES
JPMrgnChs JPM 155.13 3.30 22.1 76.91 156.16 2.32 WhtstnREIT WSR 10.10 0.30 26.7 4.71 11.75 4.26
Closing values for the most active contract of various commodities:
KBR Inc KBR 33.35 1.26 7.8 12.00 33.39 1.20 WlgrnsBtsA WBA 50.52 2.06 26.7 33.36 55.49 3.70
Kindr Mrgn KMI 16.24 0.57 18.8 9.42 17.97 6.47 WllsFrg & WFC 39.58 1.45 31.1 20.76 39.70 1.01 METALS
Kirby Corp KEX 67.24 1.79 29.7 32.76 67.35 - WngrtnRlty WRI 26.93 0.24 24.3 12.01 27.41 4.46 Name C Date Last Price Pvs Close Day % Chg YTD % Chg Unit
Kraton KRA 39.86 0.75 43.4 4.45 45.89 - Wstlk Chem WLK 93.72 2.08 14.9 28.99 95.36 1.15 Copper May 21 4.03 4.01 0.7 14.6 usd/pd
Kroger Co KR 35.24 0.78 11.0 27.33 42.99 2.04 WstlkChemP WLKP 24.98 0.53 4.8 10.31 25.00 7.55 Gold Apr 21 1,721.80 1,716.90 0.4 -9.3 usd/oz
LGI Homes LGIH 137.94 3.94 30.3 33.00 140.26 - WstrnMdstP WES 20.10 1.43 45.4 2.90 20.90 6.19 Palladium Jun 21 2,293.20 2,292.20 0.3 -6.6 usd/oz
Platinum Apr 21 1,201.80 1,175.40 2.2 11.4 usd/oz
BLOOMBERG HOUSTON CHRONICLE 150 MOVERS Silver May 21 26.13 26.18 0.4 -0.7 usd/oz
Daily Gainers Daily Losers
Last 1-day 1-month Last 1-day 1-month AGRICULTURE
Tick Name Price % Chg %Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg %Chg Volume
RIG Transocean Ltd 4.68 18.5 28.2 76,039,562 GE General Electric Co 13.25 -5.4 16.2 218,739,293 Name C Date Last Price Pvs Close Day % Chg YTD % Chg Unit
SWN Southwestern Energy Co 4.40 13.7 0.5 30,752,130 NOVA Sunnova En International 37.29 -5.1 -28.6 2,895,305 Live Cattle Jun 21 1.19 1.20 -0.5 3.8 usd/pd
GDP Goodrich Petroleum Corp 10.88 8.2 3.6 91,118 NRG NRG Energy Inc 40.74 -4.9 -5.4 4,480,695 Coffee May 21 1.31 1.30 0.3 0.5 usd/pd
CHX ChampionX Corp 24.43 8.0 41.5 3,730,468 BHP BHP Group Ltd 72.97 -3.5 4.5 3,325,137 Corn May 21 5.34 5.46 -2.4 10.2 usd/bu
WES WesternMidstreamPartners 20.10 7.7 21.1 4,814,662 EXTN Exterran Corp 4.40 -3.1 -12.5 344,228 Cotton May 21 0.85 0.84 1.1 8.3 usd/pd
HLX HelixEnergySolutionsGroup 6.68 7.6 38.9 3,174,140 NESR Natl En Services Reunited 13.32 -2.1 8.8 540,675 Lumber May 21 903.70 909.10 -0.6 40.7 usd/bd ft
NBR Nabors Industries Ltd 130.43 6.9 53.1 159,250 ASO Academy Sports & Outdoors 24.58 -2.0 -3.8 1,797,967 Orange Juice May 21 1.14 1.12 1.6 -9.8 usd/pd
WTI W&T Offshore Inc 4.05 6.6 38.2 5,796,386 MGY Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp 12.65 -1.0 27.9 2,314,186 Soybean May 21 14.10 14.40 -2.2 7.8 usd/bu
CEQP Crestwood Equity Partners 25.75 6.6 21.1 875,948 M Macy's Inc 16.95 -0.9 10.6 18,506,275 Wheat May 21 6.53 6.57 -0.7 2.0 usd/bu
BA Boeing Co/The 245.34 6.4 15.8 27,352,445 SCI Service International/US 47.20 -0.8 -11.7 1,376,027
B4 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH


Long-term scars left on global job market

COVID-19 recession has been cruel major moneymaker for cafes.
Now, he shares a room to save
to those at bottom of the pay scale on rent. “I just work three days a
week, and this is not enough even
By Paul Wiseman and up during the pandemic — work- for a single person,” said Gamal,
Alexandra Olson ing, shopping and enjoying enter- 31.
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS tainment from home — persist In New York, Bill Zanker is envi-
when the health threat has reced- sioning a comeback after being
Esther Montanez’s houseclean- ed, demand for waiters, cashiers, forced to close his luxury gym,
ing job at the Hilton Back Bay in front-desk clerks and ticket takers Grit Bxng. He’s raising money to
Boston was a lifeline for her, a 31- may never return to its previous launch an at-home fitness busi-
year-old single mother with a 5- highs. ness in the fall, which will mean
year-old son. Jose Maria Barrero of Mexico’s eventually hiring to support a on-
The pay was steady and solid — ITAM Business School, Nick line business, including customer
enough to pay her bills and still Bloom of Stanford University and service and supply specialists.
have money left over to sock away Steven Davis of the University of Still, Zanker is hopeful that his
savings for her child. Chicago have concluded that 32 Manhattan gym, known for its
But when the pandemic percent to 42 percent of COVID- cocktail bar and backed by bil-
slammed the U.S. economy a year induced layoffs will be perma- Charles Krupa / Associated Press lionaire Tony Robbins and others,
ago, it swept away her job — and nent. “The truth is, I want my job back,” said Esther Montanez, a will eventually come roaring
millions of others. Since then, The coronavirus recession has housekeeper at the Hilton Back Bay in Boston. She won’t give back. “There is so much pent-up
Montanez has siphoned away been especially cruel, victimizing up hope of returning to her cleaning job at the hotel. demand,” Zanker said. “People
money from her son’s savings to people at the bottom of the pay after class are going to want to
meet expenses. She’s getting by scale. Lael Brainard, a Federal Re- Tamura Jamison, for instance, front desk operation will eventu- hang out and socialize. It’s like af-
on unemployment aid and, for serve governor, said last month came back to a changed job when ally be eliminated, the jobs lost as ter Prohibition: Party like there’s
the first time, has applied for food that the poorest 25 percent of she was recalled to work in June guests use keys on their smart- no tomorrow.”
stamps. American workers were facing as a front desk agent at the Paris phones to go straight to their However things shake out, mil-
“The truth is, I want my job “Depression-era rates of unem- Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, owned rooms. “The front desk doesn’t lions of displaced workers will
back,” Montanez said. ployment of around 23 percent” by Caesars Entertainment. Her really have to be there,” Jamison need to find new careers. Review-
Getting back the jobs lost to the in mid-January — nearly quadru- hours were cut from 40 to about said. “There are ways to eliminate ing the job outlook in eight major
pandemic is likely to prove a ple the national jobless rate. 32 a week, resulting in a pay cut of our jobs.” economies, McKinsey consulting
struggle. Even as viral vaccines in- Services workers had long about $700 a month. The pain is widespread. firm estimated that 100 million
creasingly promise a return to been thought to be safe from the Just 26 of 45 workers on her In Egypt, Mohammed Gamal workers — 1 in 16 — will need to
something close to normal life, threats that menaced factory em- team were brought back. Existing used to earn a decent living work- change occupations by 2030.
the coronavirus seems sure to ployment: foreign competition self-service kiosks used to be op- ing six days a week at a cafe in Gi- Researchers at the Massachu-
leave permanent scars on the job and automation. But more and tional for guests checking in. No za, twin city of Cairo. But pan- setts Institute of Technology
market. Millions of jobs lost likely more, as employers have sought longer. Now, agents must direct demic restrictions and dwindling warned last year that low-paid
won’t come back — especially at to save money in a time of uncer- guests to the kiosks and intervene business shrank his workweek workers without college degrees
employers that require face-to- tainty and to promote social dis- only if needed. That means fewer and slashed his income by more who’ve lost their jobs “may suffer
face contact with consumers: ho- tancing in the workplace, ma- commissions for room upgrades; than half. It didn’t help when the significant hardship as they seek
tels, restaurants, retailers, enter- chines are reaching beyond the guests can request them on their government banned “sheesha,” new work, potentially in occupa-
tainment venues. factory floor and into retail, res- own. the hookah water pipe that’s pop- tions where they have no experi-
If the habits that many picked taurants and hotels. Jamison wonders whether the ular across the Middle East and a ence or training.“

Legislation involves media

negotiating with Big Tech
By David McLaughlin
and Sara Forden
River Walk Education Foundation Is seeking E-Rate services for E-Rate Funding BLOCK Builders, LLC has been awarded The Apart- BL O O MBERG
Year 2021 (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022) ments on Caroline, 3300 Caroline, Houston, Texas.
All interested vendors please visit: This permanent supportive housing development is
Form 470 Application Number: 210021251 funded by the City of Houston and Harris County
Please see RFP at and is subject to MWSBE, Section 3, Pay or Play The battle between news
and Davis-Bacon and Related Acts, 3 buildings, 4-
story residential wings, parking, shared common
publishers and Alphabet
YES Prep Public Schools will be accepting Request for Qualifications for areas, 149 efficiency units surrounding a courtyard, Inc.’s Google and Facebook
RFQ# YESP21-01 Architectural Design Services. Qualifications must be received 90,722 SQFT. We are seeking bids from qualified Inc. that flared up in Aus-
no later than 2:00PM Tuesday March 23, 2021 at 5515 South Loop E FWY STE B, subcontractors. City of Houston Certified MWSBE
Houston, TX, 77033. Proposals and RFQ delivery instructions can be accessed at and Section 3 Business concerns are encouraged to tralia recently is coming to submit proposals. The bid due date is April 22,
2021 at 11:00AM. The Pre-Bid Meeting will be held the U.S.
via Webex video conference on March 18, 2021 at 2
p.m. Join: Lawmakers re-intro-
companies/j.php?MTID=m971b881020a381f52f4b88 duced legislation Wednes-
c0f7ee536d or Join by phone: +1-408-418-9388,
NOTICE TO BIDDERS Access code: 187 940 1082. This is a City of day to allow news organiza-
Houston Project with DR requirements. Please tions to band together to
CORNERSTONES MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT will receive electronic bids for contact Lydia Knoerr at
construction of "SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION PHASE 3, Project No. negotiate with the technol-
007-03, Contract No. 1; HARRIS COUNTY, Texas" using the Civcast USA (“Civ-
Cast”) website; The project includes rehabilitation of ap- ogy companies over pay-
proximately 5,700 L.F. of sanitary sewer lines by method of CIPP, pipebursting The Houston Planning Commission has received an ment for content and the
and heavy cleaning. A Pre-bid teleconference will be held on Thursday, March application to allow the partial replatting of Replat of
11, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Local Time, and bids will be publicly opened and read via Woodland Acres being all or part of Lots 21 & 22, data the companies have
teleconference on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Local Time. The P- Block 1 as recorded in Volume 23, Page 27 of the
re-bid teleconference is not mandatory. For Access to the teleconference for Harris County Map Records for the purpose of creat-
about readers.
both the Pre-Bid and the bid opening, dial (978) 990-500, and use access code: ing one unrestricted reserve.
The legislation, which
The new subdivision name is Woodland Acres Replat
partial replat no. 2. was proposed in the Senate
Proposals must be accompanied by a certified or cashier’s check or a bid bond The City will send out written notice of a public hear-
from a surety company holding a permit in the State of Texas for an amount and House with bipartisan
ing to all owners of property within 250’ of the boun-
equal to 5% of the amount bid. The amount of said certified or cashier’s check dary of the plat and all parcels along or across from a support, shows the U.S. is
or bond will be forfeited to the OWNER and the bank or surety shall be liable to blockface that abuts any street or private roadway
the OWNER for the amount in the event the successful bidder shall fail or refuse extending 500 feet from the plat as measured along becoming the next front in Handout/ / Tribune News Service
to enter into a contract or furnish bonds as hereafter required within ten (10) Rep. David Cicilline helped sponsor legislation to
the centerline of any street or private roadway that
days after the date of notice of award. If a certified or cashier’s check is provid- abuts the boundary of the plat. the news industry’s war
ed, the successful bidder shall deliver, at the ENGINEERS office (IDS Engineer- The Houston Planning Commission will hold a virtual against Facebook and Goo- allow news organizations to negotiate with
ing Group, 13430 Northwest Freeway, Suite 700, Houston, Texas 77040), the meeting and public hearing on this replat on Thurs-
original certified or cashier’s check within twenty-four (24) hours of the bid day, April 1, 2021 at 2:30 PM via Microsoft Teams .
gle. Publishers scored a ma- technology companies over payment for content.
opening. The video conference will allow for a two-way video/ jor victory last month when
audio communication with the Houston Planning
The successful bidder must furnish a performance bond and a payment bond on Commission. Australia passed a law to tools to counteract the trust exemptions are low,
the forms provided, each in the amount of 100% of the Contract price from a For information on how to join the meeting or submit
surety company licensed by the State of Texas. comments as a speaker, visit our website: www.
force the companies to pay power of Google and Face- “while the benefits of pre-
Copies of the bidding documents may be reviewed and obtained from or Call: 832-393-6624. Con- for news content. In Eu- book. serving access to high-qual-
tact the applicant at (713) 538-5364 or the City of search “Cornerstones UD San Sewer Rehab Ph III”. Bid- Houston Planning Department at (832) 393-6600 for rope, publishers have been “The reason that we’re ity journalism are difficult
ders must register on this website in order to view and/or download specifica-
tions, plans, and other related documents for this project. There is NO charge to
any additional information. lobbying European Union brought to this moment is to overstate.”
view or download documents. lawmakers to copy parts of that they have an unfetter- Australia’s initial propos-
The OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities the Australian law. ed monopoly,” Klobuchar al would have forced the
or irregularities in bidding. In case of lack of clarity in stating prices, the OWN-
ER reserves the right to consider the most advantageous construction thereof, or “Local news is on life said in an interview. Google companies to submit to ar-
reject the bid. support in this country,” and Facebook “thought bitration to determine how
CORNERSTONES MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT Democratic Representative they had so much power much to pay publishers if
David Cicilline of Rhode Is- they could literally exit a deals couldn’t be struck. In
YES Prep Public Schools is seeking a Request for Proposal (RFP) YP2021- land said in an interview. major country,” she added. response, Google threat-
CN01 for Food Service Management in Houston. Please send two sealed hard Cicilline who chairs the Klobuchar said the legis- ened to shut down its
copies of your proposal to Attention: YES Prep Procurement-Child Nutrition,
8787 Tallyho Road, Houston, TX 77061 on or before 10:00 AM CST on April 20, House antitrust subcom- lation has a better shot at search engine, while Face-
2021. Late proposals will not be evaluated. An optional Pre-Proposal Conference
will be held on April 6, 2021 at 8:15 AM CST. Location: a virtual recorded meet- mittee is one of the spon- passage this time because book imposed a news
ing via Microsoft Teams - the link will be emailed out upon request and available sors. “And so this approach of bipartisan interest in blackout on its platform in
on YES Prep’s website. The conference is for interested offerors to review the
specifications and to clarify any questions. A virtual tour of YES Prep facilities creates an opportunity to antitrust issues today. Sen- the county.
can be arranged. Questions should be emailed in advance on or before April 2,
2021 at 4 p.m. to so that answers can be prepared. protect a free press and ate Minority Leader Mitch Google is moving to ne-
All bid documents will be available at YES Prep make certain that they have McConnell will be a co- gotiate deals with publish-
reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or waive any or all irregularities.
the ability to negotiate the sponsor of the bill, she said. ers, while Facebook backed
use content,” he said. Ken Buck, a Colorado Re- down after concessions
Publishers have long publican and the ranking from the government al-
2017 Dodge Ram 3500 vin # 3C63RRJLXHG762816 NOTICE OF PROPOSED complained that Facebook member of the House anti- lowing the companies to
towed by Motorsports Wrecker & Recovery from TOWER CONSTRUCTION
6800 Gaston on 01/19/21 and stored @ Owner: Centro NP Hold- and Google are profiting off trust committee, is a co- choose which commercial
ings 12 SPE, LLC File #
909 6th St. Rosenberg, TX.77471.If not picked up it 21-T- 0747 their content by siphoning sponsor of the legislation in deals to pursue, and only
will be sold @ public auction on being 3/12/21 @ Site Location: 909 2/3 N
Shepherd Dr, Houston, TX
ad revenue and controlling the House along with Cicil- subjecting them to arbitra-
2pm @ 909 6th St. Rosenberg, TX. 77471.
77008 valuable data about read- line. tion as a last resort. The
RES A BLK 1, Merchants
Park Shopping ers. “Local journalism plays Australian Parliament
Notice of Data Incident
Use: Cellular Height 100’ Media organizations ar- such an important role in passed the legislation last
On February 16, 2021, Walmart was informed by one A public hearing will be
of its suppliers that a data hosting service they used held at the Tower Com- NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS gue that to gain negotiating keeping the American peo- month.
mission meeting on April AGAINST THE ESTATE OF ROBERT J. NEWTON,
was compromised on January 20, 2021. An unauthor-
26 at 3:30 p.m virtually DECEASED leverage and level the play- ple informed, but many of Facebook’s standoff with
ized party accessed the service and stole records
from that service provider. Some of those records in- on Microsoft Teams. Notice is here given that original Letters Testamenta-
ry for the Estate of Robert J. Newton, Deceased, were
ing field, they must be able our community newspa- Australia prompted Cicil-
cluded information about a confined number of You can find the link at
Walmart pharmacy patients. Walmart’s information https://www.houstontx. issued on February 24, 2021, under Docket No. to collectively bargain with pers have been crushed by line to lash out at the com-
gov/planning/ 489009 pending in the County Probate Court No. 4
systems were not affected by this incident, but we
Commissions/commiss_ of Harris County, Texas, to Ann Gillette Smith, the platforms, something the threat of big tech,” Buck pany.
immediately began investigating to determine wheth-
er any personal information handled by our supplier tower.html Independent Executor. that’s prohibited under said in a statement. “This “Threatening to bring an
Additional information Claims may be presented in care of the attorney for
was affected.
may be obtained by the estate addressed as follows: Carl Dawson, Ryan U.S. antitrust laws. bipartisan bill will send a entire country to its knees
& Dawson, 770 S. Post Oak Ln., Ste. 600, Houston,
Our investigation revealed the information affected writing or calling: Tower
Applicant: Crown Castle Texas 77056. All persons having claims against this The proposed legislation lifeline to local news orga- to agree to Facebook’s
may have included some patient names, addresses,
dates of birth, telephone numbers, information about c/o Vincent Gerard & estate, which is currently being administered, are re- would grant them a safe nizations struggling to sur- terms is the ultimate admis-
Associates quired to present them within the time and in the
medications such as drug name and strength,
512-328-2693 manner prescribed by law. harbor from that restric- vive because Google and sion of monopoly power,”
prescription numbers, prescriber information such as Dated this 9th day of March, 2021.
prescriber name, and dates associated with the 1715 S. Capital of Texas
/s/ Carl Dawson
tion, but it doesn’t include Facebook have decimated he tweeted.
prescription, such as fill dates. A very small number Highway #207 Austin, TX
of health insurance subscriber identification numbers 78746 Attorney for the Estate a proposal for forced arbi- the news industry.” Danielle Coffey, senior
City of Houston: Planning 770 S. Post Oak Lane, Suite 600
also was impacted.
& Development Dept 832 Houston, Texas 77056 tration between the tech The House will wade into vice president and general
393 6600 PO Box 1562 State Bar No. 05599100 companies and the pub- the issue Friday when the counsel of the News Media
Walmart takes this matter very seriously and we are
fully committed to protecting the privacy and security Houston TX 77251-1562
of our patients’ health information. Our supplier im-
lishers, a provision that’s antitrust panel holds a Alliance, said the group is
mediately stopped using the affected service. NOTICE TO CREDITORS: Notice is hereby given that included in the Australian hearing as part of its initia- working with the lawmak-
Although Walmart’s systems were not impacted, we original Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of
will be reviewing our supplier’s security practices and Ruth Evelyn Pruitt, issued on March 9, 2021, in cause law and which the tech tive to consider antitrust re- ers to include an oversight
monitoring the circumstances surrounding this event. No. 490981, pending in the Probate Court at Law
Number One of Harris County, Texas to Mary Ruth companies fought. Face- forms following a 16-month mechanism in an expand-
Walmart is sending individual notices to affected pa- Tyler. All persons having claims against this Estate
which is currently being administered are required to
book even went so far as to investigation that accused ed bill.
tients regarding this incident. If you have any ques-
tions, we encourage you to contact our dedicated call present them to the Independent Executor, c/o Travis blackout its news feed in tech companies of squash- “I’m sure they will look
Owens, Owens Law Group, PLLC, PO Box 8605, The
center at (855) 908-1012. As a reminder, please be
vigilant when reviewing explanations of benefits and Woodlands, Texas 77387, within the time and in the the country before winning ing competition. at Australia in considering
other information pertaining to you and always be manner prescribed by law. some concessions. In its report on the find- what to do,” said Coffey.
cautious about requests to provide any personal or fi-
nancial information over the phone, by text, or by Amy Klobuchar of Min- ings of the investigation, “The most important thing
email. Be sure to always verify the source of any re- nesota, who is leading the the committee recom- is the goal to get equitable
quest for such information.
initiative in the Senate, said mended providing publish- terms for small and local
Walmart places great value in its patients’ trust and
we are fully committed to protecting the privacy the legislation is necessary ers the antitrust safe har- publishers and to require
and security of patients’ personal information. to help publishers better bor provision, saying the good faith negotiations by
negotiate by giving them risk associated with anti- the platforms.”
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | B5

Crude prices up despite

more U.S. oil inventories
By Marcy de Luna low the five-year average main focused on returning
STA F F WRIT E R for this time of year, the EIA money to shareholders and
said. The diminishing fuel luring investors with more
Crude prices rose slight- inventories caused by the conservative spending. U.S.
ly Wednesday in an unchar- historic arctic blast comes oil production has dropped
acteristic move after the just weeks before the sec- to about 1o million barrels
Energy Department said ond summer driving sea- per day from 13 million bar-
U.S. crude inventories son of the pandemic. But rels a day about a year ago.
jumped last week. with vaccination rates ris- “To the extent crude oil
The amount of oil in ing and the number of new prices move higher, we
commercial storage in- cases plunging, demand would expect public pro-
creased by 13.8 million bar- could soar this year. ducers” to boost output,
rels to 498.4 million barrels Jet fuel inventories, how- said Brian Kessens, a port-
during the week ended ever, rose by 1.4 million bar- folio manager at Tortoise, a
March 5 compared with rels last week as coronavi- firm that manages roughly
484.6 million barrels the rus-related fears of air trav- $8 billion in energy-related
previous week, the Energy el continue to haunt the in- assets. “Still, the U.S. mar-
Information Administra- dustry. ket has a long way to go to
tion said. Refineries took in an get anywhere close to even
Typically, such a boost average of 12.3 million bar- where we were a year ago.”
would push crude prices rels a day last week, some Oil production across
lower, but U.S. gasoline 2.4 million barrels per day American shale patches
stockpiles marked their more than the previous pe- over the coming year is ex-
largest two-week decline riod, the EIA said. The in- pected to climb as produc-
on record and refineries crease had refineries oper- ers take advantage of the re-
showed they were ramping ating at about 69 percent of bound, according to a gov-
up operations after a winter capacity. Gasoline produc- ernment report on Tues-
storm in February shut tion increased to about 9 day.
down many of them. The million barrels a day, an in- OPEC and its allies,
result: West Texas Interme- crease over the four-week which last week pledged to
diate, the U.S. benchmark, average of 8.1 million bar- keep output steady despite
on Wednesday afternoon rels a day, but still 11.2 per- oil’s price hike, may “have
settled 43 cents higher at cent less than during the sufficiently overtightened
$64.44 and global standard same period last year. the market, such that new
Brent was trading 67 cents Despite the price rally shale production could
higher at $68.19. and the hope that demand again be profitable,” TD Se-
The amount of gasoline will surge this year, oil com- curities commodity strate-
in storage decreased by 11.9 panies have not returned gists said.
million barrels last week production to full strength.
and are about 6 percent be- Many have said they will re- Bloomberg contributed.

Paxton scoffs at attempt

by Twitter to halt inquiry
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS communications from Goo- Protection Act.
gle, Facebook, Twitter, Am- Lawyers for Twitter
DALLAS — Texas Attorney azon and Apple. wrote in their complaint
General Ken Paxton said On Monday, Twitter that the company had
Wednesday that a lawsuit by asked a federal judge in Cali- sought for weeks to “put rea-
Twitter won’t deter his of- fornia to effectively stop the sonable limits on the scope”
fice from investigating the probe and affirm that its de- of Paxton’s demands but
content moderation practic- cision to ban Trump was were unable to reach an
es of the social media giant protected by the First agreement with his office. A
and four other major tech- Amendment. Paxton re- spokeswoman for the com-
nology companies. sponded Wednesday that pany declined to comment
Twitter sued the Republi- “most of the companies Wednesday.
can official this week in an have cooperated” and The legal wrangling
effort to halt his probe, called Twitter’s suit “re- comes as states, in addition
which the company claimed markable.” to federal lawmakers and
was retaliation for banning “Apparently they have governments outside the
the account of former Presi- some fear of disclosing what U.S., are cracking down on
dent Donald Trump follow- they’re actually doing if tech companies that they
ing the deadly January insur- they’re asking a California see as having amassed too
rection at the U.S. Capitol. judge to rule on Texas law,” much power.
Days after the riot, Paxton he said during an online fo- Separately, Texas is lead-
announced an investigation rum hosted by the conserva- ing 10 Republican attorneys
of what he called “the seem- tive Media Research Center. general who are party to a
ingly coordinated de-plat- In its demand for records, lawsuit accusing Google of
forming of the President.” Paxton’s office cited the au- running an illegal digital-ad-
His office demanded a vari- thority of Texas’ Deceptive vertising monopoly in ca-
ety of records and internal Trade Practices-Consumer hoots with Facebook.

Buffett sixth to amass $100B

By Simon Hunt,
Katherine Chiglinsky
and Devon Pendleton
©2021 BL OOMBE RG L . P.

Warren Buffett has been

a fixture at the top of the
world’s wealth rankings for
decades, but in recent
years he’s slipped down
the list as tech fortunes
soared and his hot hand
Now, at 90, his net worth
has blown past $100 bil-
Nati Harnik / Associated Press
The Berkshire Hathaway
Inc. chairman’s wealth Warren Buffett has spent billions of dollars buying
jumped on Wednesday to back stock recently. Services

ExpErt CarE 10
$100.4 billion, according to
the Bloomberg Billionaires shire’s own stock, a nota- holdings of Berkshire Class
Index, making Buffett the ble shift for an investor A shares nearly in half, he’d
sixth member of the $100 who previously preferred be worth more than $192
billion club, a group that in- to use the $138 billion cash billion.
cludes Jeff Bezos, Elon pile to buy other business- The staggering amount
Musk and his friend Bill es or common stocks. of wealth accumulated by
Gates. Buffett’s been struggling the ultra-wealthy — $1.8 tril-
The group’s combined in recent years to find siz- lion by the world’s 500
wealth has grown rapidly, able deals to spark Berk- richest in 2020 alone —
fueled by government shire’s growth, partially highlights the K-shaped re-
stimulus, central bank pol- due to the sheer size of the covery that’s taking shape
icy and the surging equity conglomerate. That’s as the U.S. emerges from
market. On Wednesday, caused the business to un- the pandemic. While mil-
President Joe Biden’s $1.9 derperform the S&P 500 lions of disproportionately
trillion COVID-19 relief bill over the past five years. But poor, working-class and
cleared its final congressio- last year, Buffett spent a re- minority people remain
nal hurdle as the House cord $24.7 billion on buy- unemployed, wealthy
voted to approve the legis- backs and filings indicate Americans have seen in-
lation, adding to the $3 tril- he’s already bought at least comes and net worth levels
lion or so in stimulus Wash- $4.2 billion worth of stock rise thanks to a buoyant
ington has already disburs- through mid-February. stock market and rising
ed in the past year. Surpassing $100 billion home prices.
Berkshire Hathaway, the is all the more notable con- Meanwhile more than 8
source of virtually all of sidering how much the million Americans — in-
Buffett’s wealth, has had a Omaha billionaire has giv- cluding many children —
good start to 2021. The en away. A co-founder of fell into poverty in the sec-
firm’s A shares are up 15 the Giving Pledge, a cam- ond half of last year, ac-
percent this year, outpac- paign to encourage billion- cording to an analysis by
ing the 3.8 percent gain of aire philanthropy, Buffett University of Chicago econ-
the S&P 500 Index. That’s has donated more than $37 omist Bruce Meyer, Univer-
been helped by Buffett’s re- billion in Berkshire stock sity of Notre Dame’s James
cent push to spend record since 2006. Without those Sullivan and Zhejiang Uni-
amounts buying back Berk- gifts, which have cut his versity’s Jeehoon Han.
B6 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH


Hackers access 150,000 security cameras

Group views footage criminal suspects, all in the high-
definition resolution known as 4K.
from inside prisons, Kottmann said their group was
hospitals, schools able to obtain “root” access on the
cameras, meaning they could use
By William Turton the cameras to execute their own
B L O OM B E RG code. That access could, in some
instances, allow them to pivot and
A group of hackers say they obtain access to the broader cor-
breached a massive trove of secu- porate network of Verkada’s cus-
rity-camera data collected by Sili- tomers, or hijack the cameras and
con Valley startup Verkada Inc., use them as a platform to launch
gaining access to live feeds of future hacks. Obtaining this de-
150,000 surveillance cameras in- gree of access to the camera didn’t
side hospitals, companies, police require any additional hacking, as
departments, prisons and it was a built-in feature, Kottmann
schools. said.
Companies whose footage was The hackers’ methods were un-
exposed include carmaker Tesla sophisticated: they gained access
Inc. and software provider Cloud- to Verkada through a “Super Ad-
flare Inc. In addition, hackers min” account, allowing them to
were able to view video from in- peer into the cameras of all of its
side women’s health clinics, psy- customers. Kottmann says they
chiatric hospitals and the offices found a user name and password
of Verkada itself. Some of the cam- for an administrator account pub-
eras, including in hospitals, use fa- licly exposed on the internet. After
cial-recognition technology to Bloomberg contacted Verkada,
identify and categorize people Ted S. Warren / Associated Press file photo the hackers lost access to the vid-
captured on the footage. The A security camera is shown on the second floor of a row of rooms at a motel in March 2020 in eo feeds and archives, Kottmann
hackers say they also have access Kent, Wash. Hackers gained access to footage of hospitals, schools, factories, jails and offices. said.
to the full video archive of all Ver- The hackers say they were able
kada customers. factories and other places men- to peer into multiple locations of
In a video seen by Bloomberg, a tioned are stored on local serv- the luxury gym chain Equinox. At
Verkada camera inside Florida ers.” Wadley Regional Medical Center, a
hospital Halifax Health showed Other companies identified in hospital in Texarkana, Texas,
what appeared to be eight hospital this story didn’t immediately re- hackers say they looked through
staffers tackling a man and pin- spond to requests for comment. Verkada cameras pointed at nine
ning him to a bed. Halifax Health is Representatives of the jails, hospi- ICU beds. Hackers also say they
featured on Verkada’s public-fac- tals and schools named in this arti- watched cameras at Tempe St.
ing website in a case study titled: cle either declined to comment or Luke’s Hospital, in Arizona.
“How a Florida Healthcare Provid- didn’t immediately respond to re- The hack “exposes just how
er Easily Updated and Deployed a quests for comment. broadly we’re being surveilled,
Scalable HIPAA Compliant Securi- A video seen by Bloomberg and how little care is put into at
ty System.” A spokesman for Hali- shows officers in a police station in least securing the platforms used
fax confirmed Wednesday that it Stoughton, Wis., questioning a to do so, pursuing nothing but
uses Verkada cameras but added man in handcuffs. The hackers say profit,” Kottmann said. “It’s just
that “we believe the scope of the they also gained access to the se- wild how I can just see the things
situation is limited.” curity cameras of Sandy Hook Ele- we always knew are happening,
Another video, shot inside a mentary School in Newtown, but we never got to see.” Kottman
Tesla warehouse in Shanghai, David Paul Morris / Bloomberg Conn., where a gunman killed said they gained access to Verka-
shows workers on an assembly The security-camera data breach at Verkada Inc. includes the more than 20 people in 2012. da’s system on Monday morning.
line. The hackers said they ob- offices of the San Mateo, Calif.-based startup itself. Also available to the hackers Verkada, founded in 2016, sells
tained access to 222 cameras in were 330 security cameras inside security cameras that customers
Tesla factories and warehouses. anti-capitalism, a hint of anar- in a handful of Cloudflare offices the Madison County Jail in Hunts- can access and manage through
The data breach was carried chism — and it’s also just too much may have been compromised,” ville, Ala. Verkada offers a feature the web. In January 2020, it raised
out by an international hacker col- fun not to do it.” San Francisco-based Cloudflare called “People Analytics,” which $80 million in venture capital
lective and intended to show the “We have disabled all internal said in a statement. The company lets a customer “search and filter funding, valuing the company at
pervasiveness of video surveil- administrator accounts to prevent said it disabled the cameras and based on many different attri- $1.6 billion.
lance and the ease with which sys- any unauthorized access,” a Ver- disconnected them from office butes, including gender traits, Kottmann calls the hacking col-
tems could be broken into, said kada spokesperson said in a state- networks. clothing color, and even a person’s lective “Advanced Persistent
Tillie Kottmann, one of the hack- ment. “Our internal security team The hackers also obtained ac- face,” according to a Verkada blog Threat 69420,” a light-hearted ref-
ers who claimed credit for breach- and external security firm are in- cess to Verkada cameras in Cloud- post. Images seen by Bloomberg erence to the designations cyber-
ing San Mateo, Calif.-based Verka- vestigating the scale and scope of flare offices in San Francisco, Aus- show that the cameras inside the security firms give to state spon-
da. Kottmann, who uses they/ this issue, and we have notified tin, London and New York. jail, some of which are hidden in- sored hacking groups and crimi-
them pronouns, previously law enforcement.” Tesla said that, “based on our side vents, thermostats and defi- nal cybergangs.
claimed credit for hacking chip- The company is working to no- current understanding, the cam- brillators, track inmates and cor- In October 2020, Verkada fired
maker Intel Corp. and carmaker tify customers and set up a sup- eras being hacked are only in- rectional staff using the facial-rec- three employees after reports sur-
Nissan Motor Co. Kottmann said port line to address questions. stalled in one of our suppliers, and ognition technology. The hackers faced that workers had used its
their reasons for hacking are “lots “This afternoon we were alert- the product is not being used by say they were able to access live cameras to take pictures of female
of curiosity, fighting for freedom ed that the Verkada security cam- our Shanghai factory, or any of our feeds and archived video, in some colleagues inside the Verkada of-
of information and against intel- era system that monitors main en- Tesla stores or services centers. cases including audio, of inter- fice and make sexually explicit
lectual property, a huge dose of try points and main thoroughfares Our data collected from Shanghai views between police officers and jokes about them.

EPA eyes Trump rule on A Southwest

Boeing 737
lead in drinking water MAX aircraft
is parked in
By John Flesher kidney damage. Sources say
A S S O C I AT E D PRE SS Residents of the majority Black Southwest is
city and advocacy groups say sys- considering a
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — The temic racism affected decisions deal for 150 to
Biden administration said Wed- that caused the contamination 200 of
nesday it was delaying the effec- and the slow government re- Boeing’s
tive date of a policy intended to sponse. smaller 737
prevent lead pollution of drinking The Trump administration’s Max 7
water, continuing a decades-old overhaul requires utilities to test jetliners.
debate over how to remove a seri- water at schools and day care cen-
ous health hazard to children. ters and to disclose the location of
The Environmental Protection lead-containing service lines,
Agency said it was suspending a which run from main water pipes
regulatory rewrite completed by to homes. It also toughens testing
the Trump administration in De- procedures.
cember, which is being chal- But environmental groups said Mark Ralston / AFP via Getty Images
lenged in court by numerous it would give water systems up to
states and advocacy groups.
The agency hasn’t decided
whether to seek changes but
33 years to replace an estimated 6
million remaining lead service
lines, instead of 14 years under the
Southwest nears large jet deal
wants to review the revised rule,
take public input and consult with
affected parties, a spokeswoman
previous rule.
Andrew Wheeler, former EPA
chief, said in December when the
in boost to Boeing’s 737 Max 7
said. rule was announced that loop- By Julie Johnsson, Mary versified the airline’s all-737 fleet routes than its current 175-seat
Critics contend the new mea- holes in the old rule were letting Schlangenstein and and severed its exclusive relation- Max model, and Chief Operating
sure is weak and gives public util- pipe replacements take too long. Charlotte Ryan ship with Boeing. Officer Mike Van de Ven reiterat-
ities too long to replace aging, The Biden administration’s BL O O MBERG For the U.S. planemaker, re- ed that Southwest was still consid-
lead-tainted pipes such as those proposed delay is “a positive sign taining Southwest would repre- ering the A220.
that contaminated drinking water that the agency is finally going to Southwest Airlines Co. is clos- sent an important victory as the Reuters reported earlier that
in Flint, Mich. get serious” about strengthening ing in on a large order for Boeing Max returns to the skies following Southwest was close to ordering
“It is essential that EPA takes the regulations, said Erik Olson, Co.’s 737 Max 7 jetliners after two deadly crashes and the lon- dozens of Max jets.
the time now to review this impor- senior strategic director for health weighing a rival Airbus SE model, gest jetliner grounding in U.S. his- Boeing and Airbus declined to
tant rule to ensure that we are pro- with the Natural Resources De- according to people familiar with tory. Southwest Chief Executive comment. Southwest declined to
tecting current and future genera- fense Council, one of the groups the matter. Officer Gary Kelly approached comment on discussions about
tions,” said Radhika Fox, acting as- that sued EPA in federal court over The talks have been underway the carrier’s board about consid- future fleet decisions.
sistant administrator for water. the Trump policy. for months and are in the final ering other aircraft types in Octo- “We’re marking 50 years as a
The overhaul had been sched- “It’s about time we saw action stages as the largest Max custom- ber 2019, seven months after the single fleet airline and have
uled to take effect March 16. In- to fix this scourge that has been er prepares to resume flights with flying ban began. The board initi- shared consistently our hope to
stead, the date was pushed to June with us for more than 100 years of the plane Thursday, said the peo- ated a formal review last year. keep that simplicity,” the airline
17 to allow comments on an addi- contaminated water across the ple, who asked not to be named The coronavirus pandemic said. “We’ve also shared that we
tional proposed delay until Dec. country,” he said. because the discussions are confi- and resulting slump in travel de- consistently evaluate the perfor-
16. Water systems will continue de- dential. Southwest is studying a mand have presented the best op- mance and availability of other
Also, the agency wants to bump veloping lead service line invento- deal in the range of 150 to 200 portunity for Southwest to con- fleet types that could potentially
the compliance deadline to Sept. ries and replacement plans as the firm orders and commitments for sider whether to add another air- work within our strategy and
16, 2024, giving drinking water review takes place, said Steve Via, the jet, one of the people said craft type to its fleet, Kelly has business model.”
systems three years to meet the director of federal relations for the Wednesday. said. Pressures from the pandem- Adding Airbus jets to the air-
new requirements. American Waterworks Associa- The Dallas-based carrier has ic “changed our priorities quite a line’s all-737 fleet would require
The regulatory update was tion, which represents water util- determined that it may eventually bit,” he said late last year. major changes in flight opera-
completed six years after Flint be- ities and supports the Trump pol- need a fleet of about 300 aircraft The Max 7, a slow-selling model tions, pilot training, parts inven-
came a national symbol of the icy. to replace the Boeing model at the with 150 seats, was a “major com- tory and other items. Van de Ven
longstanding threat from lead, “What will be great from a wa- heart of its operation, the 737- ponent” of negotiations with Boe- said last year that a decision likely
which can disrupt children’s brain ter system perspective is having 700, the people said. In addition ing as Southwest sought to re- would have to be made by the lat-
development, causing learning some certainty so funds can be al- to the Max 7, Southwest also con- work schedules for its Max deliv- ter part of 2021 to get the selected
and behavior problems. Adults al- located to get the tasks done that sidered ordering Airbus’s A220- eries, he said. The airline has a 150-seat aircraft on Southwest’s
so can suffer nervous system and need to be done,” Via said. 300, a move that would have di- need for a smaller plane on some property by 2025.
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | B7

HOUSING Sales trends home now, especially with the

prospect of rising mortgage inter-
prices to record territory. Sales of
homes priced at $750,000 and up
From page B1 Figures for sales of single-family homes in the est rates,” said Miranda of HAR. rose 64.9 percent compared to
Houston area in February of each year: Months of inventory, which es- February 2020. For homes priced
The gains were tempered by Median price Number of sales 6,049 timate the time it would take to from $500,000 to $749,999 the in-
the winter storm in mid-February, sell all the houses on the market crease was 55.3 percent, while
when millions of Texans lost heat 300 thousand 8 thousand based on recent activity, dropped sales of homes of from $250,000
and electricity as temperatures 250 to a record low of 1.6 months. to $499,999 rose by 16 percent, ac-
plunged below freezing. Wide- 6 Homes that sold in February cording to HAR.
spread power outages led to burst 200 spent an average of 48 days on the Homes selling from $150,000 to
pipes in properties throughout 150 4 market, selling 20 days faster than $249,999 fell by 16.8 percent, ac-
the city, causing delays in closings 100 a year ago, according to HAR. Six cording to HAR.
while plumbing related repairs +12.6%
+12.6% 2 +1.2%
+1.2% months of inventory is considered Pending sales, an indication of
were made. 50 Change a balanced market. Inventory was future closings, climbed 11.6 per-
2020 Changefrom
Closings were delayed as sellers 0 0 3.3 months in February 2020. cent to 8,288, according to HAR.
struggled to find plumbers and ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 Housing inventory nationally is Banny Lim, a real estate agent
parts to make the necessary re- Source: Houston Association of Realtors Chronicle also at a historic low of a 1.9- with Century 21 Olympian, said it
pairs and insurance adjusters months supply, according to the is not unusual for homes in the
were backed up because of the The cold weather and lack of rebound after weather-related National Association of Realtors. $250,000 to $300,000 price
volume of claims, said Amy Bern- power kept people at home rather stalls. The storm’s timing came as Leasing momentum slowed, range to receive multiple offers
stein of Bernstein Realty. than out touring houses. people may have been preparing according to HAR. Single-family above the list price.
Some lenders required a visit to “We saw a dramatic slowdown to list their homes for the spring as home rentals fell 26.1 percent for His buyers in that popular price
the site to make sure there was no in showing activity,” said Michael pandemic restrictions ease in Tex- the year in February, while the segment are crafting their best of-
damage, further delaying some Lane, president of ShowingTime, as and many parts of the nation average rent went up 8.7 percent fers to stand out, often offering to
closings, Bernstein said. All the a showing management and mar- experience a shortage of listings, to $1,924. waive the appraisal addendum.
while, interest rates ticked up, po- ket stats technology provider. Lane said. Buyers are trying to purchase That means even if the home’s ap-
tentially costing buyers more if After a strong start to 2021, for In Houston, active listings of homes before interest rates rise. praisal comes back with a value
their rate expired. the 10 day stretch starting on Feb. single-family homes fell to 12,954 Last week, the average interest that is less than the sales price, the
“There was a period for about 10, home showings in major Texas in February, down from 24,100 in rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mort- buyer puts more money down to
two weeks where it was very in- markets dropped 64 percent, ac- Feb. 2020, according to HAR. gage passed 3 percent for the first push the deal through.
convenient for both buyers and cording to ShowingTime. “As we head into spring, we ur- time since July 2020, according to Lim said updated houses sell
sellers,” Bernstein said, adding For the full month, February gently need more listings to enter a survey Freddie Mac. Rates had for asking price or more.
that most of her transactions in showings in Houston were down 9 the marketplace or we risk having sunk as low as 2.65 since the start
process are back on the path to percent from January levels. extremely limited inventory for of the pandemic.
close. Lane said showings typically consumers that want to buy a Sales of luxury homes pushed

RENTERS Property Management, the

complex’s property man-
not working,” Mayor Sylves-
ter Turner pointed out dur-
showering at friends’
homes during that time; if
From page B1 agement company. ing the March 2 City Council she had realized it would be
Villas del Paseo residents meeting. “So the Fire De- more than a month without
delivered water in the past are also requesting rent to partment will be exercising water, she would have just
week to five complexes be prorated for the days its authority to aggressively set up camp with her fami-
where at least some units tenants were without run- force the apartment owners ly. “There’s no way I can
still have water turned off. ning water, with any late and managers to make the drift around for weeks,” she
But the size of complexes fees or water fees waived. necessary repairs in a time- said. She said her water re-
without water until this Water fees also jumped ly fashion.” turned Friday, but a note
week, when repairs were fi- out to Ford when March’s He said the city legal de- from management indicat-
nally made, placed the rent came due for his apart- partment, Public Works ed that hot water was still
number in the hundreds. ment at the Vintage and wa- and the Department of out at half of the complex.
Daniel Ford, a tenant at ter service had not been Neighborhoods were also When asked if there was
the Vintage in Montrose, is fixed. “They still charged us working to address the is- someone to speak to about
moving out. Nearly three Mark Mulligan / Staff photographer water on our rent even sue. the water issues, a Vintage
weeks after the hard freeze Haitham Nash had to fill up water jugs three times a though we haven’t had wa- While many homeown- representative responded,
busted water pipes in the day from a spigot outside his apartment complex. ter the entire month,” he ers experienced the frustra- “No, ma’am, there is not,”
apartment complex, he, his said. He went ahead, paid tions of looking for replace- and hung up.
dog, Gizmo, and his cat, “How do you keep these crowd of cheering neigh- the bill and gave notice. ment parts and plumbers On Friday, as a plumber
Dexter, are still drinking people accountable in a bors outside of the com- Thomas called on Hous- first-hand, renters depend- attempted to fix the pipes at
bottled water. fair, decent manner?” he plex. “No water, no rent!” ton renters without water to ed on their property man- Villas del Paseo in west
Randall Stewart, who asked. The tenants intend to call 311 so the city can begin agers to communicate the Houston, the problem in
rents at Arcadia at West- At Villas del Paseo, a continue withholding rent investigating their situa- steps being taken and the Nash’s apartment, which he
heimer, appealed to local 1970s-era garden-style until a list of demands — in- tions. Houston Public likely timeline for water be- shares with his brother and
officials, phoning into a City apartment with nearly 400 cluding either an immedi- Works is currently working ing restored. their elderly parents, inten-
Council meeting about go- units where the rent for a ate return of water supply with nine apartment com- For example, when sified. Water began leaking
ing two weeks without wa- two-bedroom ranges from or the option to relocate to plexes without consistent Shannon Carter, a resident through their ceiling and
ter. $655 to $1,050, more than other housing until water is water service, based on 311 at the Vintage in Montrose, walls, soaking the carpet.
And Esteban Rodríguez, half of renters are withhold- returned — are met, said the calls. “These families can’t received an email Feb. 26, “I don’t want to stay
another Vintage tenant, is ing March’s rent. Houston Tenants’ Union. squat in their houses forev- 10 days after water went there any more,” Nash said.
attempting to apply finan- “Si no tenemos agua, no As of Tuesday, water had er,” she said. “It’ll turn it in- out, saying that it might be “It’s impossible.”
cial pressure on his land- hay pago!” a Houston Ten- been returned to most of to a public health issue.” three weeks before it re-
lord, withholding rent be- ants’ Union video shows the property, according to a “If you don’t have water, turned, she felt a stab of
cause of the situation. one resident saying to a spokesperson for Comuna the sprinkler systems are frustration. She had been

David Tisdale
of Houston Ford, Robert Sr. Meshberger, John
works out in a
smaller gym
Hart, Dan
inside 24 Hour
Fitness in the
Heights on 1930-2021
Tuesday. The Robert Ford, Sr. a long-
chain is time funeral director in Texas
and Louisiana who worked
for many Houston Funeral
separate Homes, expired (Friday)
closed-off March 5, 2021 A Walk
“masks Through Visitation will be
required” areas held (Friday) March 12, 2021
within its clubs from 10-10:55 a. m Funeral
across the Service will be begin at 11:00
state. a.m. both services will be held
at Trinity Missionary Baptist
Church, 5530 Van Fleet,
Interment Houston Memo-
rial Gardens.


Elizabeth Conley / Staff photographer
Funeral services for Coach
Dan Hart, 89 of Houston,
GYMS is co-owner of Monster
Gym in Kingwood. That
cause there are too many
maskless people around
Texas are scheduled for 10:00
a.m. on Thursday, March 11,
From page B1 helps them as they’re try- her. She tries to go at quiet 2021 at Phillips & Luckey
ing to keep the coronavirus times. Funeral Home in Giddings
change. out, he said. She called the 24 Hour with Brother Daryl Parsons
At the YMCA of Greater “We can see if people Fitness approach a clever officiating. Burial will follow
Houston, which owns 20 aren’t feeling well, most of adaptation. The YMCA of- in the Giddings City Cem-
active gyms in the Houston the time, and keep those fers outside classes, and etery. Visitation will be held
area, members are re- people out of the gym,” he she said those are also a on Thursday, March 11, 2021
from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 is preceded in death by his
quired to wear masks but said. “Even if you’re sniff- great option. parents, John & Myrtle Hart;
a.m. at Phillips & Luckey
are allowed to remove them ing because of allergies … “I’m just not so worried Funeral Home in Giddings. brother, Maurice Hart; three
while exercising. you might be asked to about spreading the virus Coach Dan Hart was born sisters, Bernice Wright, Anita
Steven Ives, president leave.” outside as I would be inside on November 30, 1931 in Campbell, and Baby Ruth,
and CEO of the local YMCA, Some clients wear masks where people are breathing San Angelo, Texas to John as well as a nephew, Darrell
said his organization will and others don’t, he said. really heavy,” she said. and Myrtle (Echols) Hart. Musgrove. Coach Dan is
continue operating as it has His gym doesn’t get crowd- At his 24 Hour Fitness in He graduated from Milby survived by his wife, Betty
since July — masks are not ed, so it’s easy enough to the Heights, Johnson’s staff High School, attended the Hart of Houston; the 1200
University of Houston, and yearly students of the Kinkaid
required while working separate people based on moved equipment onto the
received his master’s degree School student body in
out, but they are required their comfort levels. basketball court, now the from Rice University. During Houston whom he considered
while walking around the Still, heavy breathing new “masks required” World War II, he served in his children; sister-in-law,
gym and locker rooms. sends viruses farther into area. the Coast Guard Reserves. On Barbara Hudetts of Bryan;
“We’re gonna stick with the air, said Catherine L. “So that way they won’t July 2, 1955, he was united niece, Juliette Campbell of
what’s working,” Ives said. Troisi, an infectious disease have any contact with those in marriage to Betty Lee New York; two nephews,
“We’ve been able to keep epidemiologist at the Uni- that do not want to wear a Parrish in Houston, Texas. Mike Musgrove and his wife,
our workforce healthy and versity of Texas Health Sci- mask,” he said. “As far as I Coach Dan was a member Vickie of Ledbetter, and
in place.” ence Center at Houston. know we’re the only fitness of the American Football Johnny Musgrove and his
Coach Association and the wife, Joann of Ledbetter, as
Equinox will no longer “I understand that wear- company in the country well as numerous cousins,
Texas Taxpayers for Equal
require masks at its Texas ing a mask while exercising that is doing that.” Appraisal. He enjoyed teach- extended family, and friends.
gyms, including its Hous- is not comfortable, but you Earlier in the pandemic, ing football, fishing, hunting, Memorials may be made
ton location in River Oaks, a are endangering people he said those not wanting to traveling around the world, to the American Football
spokesperson for the New around you if you happen wear a mask pushed back, going to football games, and Coaches Foundation, 100
York company said. All of to have an asymptomatic and now that restrictions assisting people with their Legends Lane, Waco, Texas
its locker rooms, steam infection,” she said. are loosening, it’s the oppo- property taxes. Coach Dan 76706, Giddings Church of
rooms and spas will also re- That said, “it’s a conun- site. Having a separate passed away the morning of Christ, 424 South Chambers,
Saturday, March 6, 2021 at Giddings, Texas 78942 or to a
open. drum because it is difficult “club within a club”
his home in Houston. He charity of one’s choice.
Gyms have more control to work out with a mask seemed like a way to ac-
over their environments on,” she added. commodate both, he said.
than the average restau- A YMCA member her- JOHN R. MESHBERGER 8-17-1941 in Adam County, Indiana, died 6-29-2020.
rant, said Tiny Meeker, a self, Troisi said she some- 1941-2020
powerlifter and trainer who times leaves the gym be- Ain’t that some s**t!
John R. Meshberger, born
B8 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH



81 80 80 74 81 78 77 the southeast at 7-14 knots
67 66 64 51 55 59 57 today. Seas 1-3 feet. Visibility
generally unrestricted. Tonight:
Breezy with clouds Partly sunny, breezy Breezy with times of Not as warm with rain Warmer with some sun A t-storm around in the Cloudy with a at 7-14 knots. Seas 1-3 feet.
breaking for sun and warm clouds and sun and a t-storm afternoon thunderstorm possible Becoming cloudy.
OUT 20 TO 50 MILES: Wind
OUTLOOK Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Today Fri.
from the south-southeast at
TODAY: Clouds giving way to 110s Saskatoon Africa
Cairo 83/57/pc 74/51/s 8-16 knots today. Seas 1-3 feet.
some sun and breezy. High 78 100s Calgary Visibility generally unrestricted.
to 83. Winds south-southeast Seattle Regina Winnipeg Cape Town 75/60/pc 77/60/pc
90s Casablanca 67/47/s 65/53/s Tonight: Wind from the
10-20 mph. TONIGHT: Low Thunder Bay
80s Portland Montreal Dakar 75/64/pc 80/66/s southeast at 8-16 knots. Seas
clouds and mild. Low 64 to 69. Johannesburg 87/60/s 80/59/t 1-3 feet. Cloudy.
70s Ottawa
Winds southeast 7-14 mph. Lagos 93/80/t 93/79/t
Minneapolis Toronto Boston Asia/Pacific
50s Beijing 62/46/c 54/46/sh
40s Detroit Ho Chi Minh City 95/77/s 94/77/pc
AIR QUALITY 30s Salt Lake City
Chicago Hong Kong 75/68/pc 78/68/s
New York Islamabad 69/57/sh 72/55/sh
Today’s forecast for the entire
20s San Francisco Jakarta 86/75/sh 87/75/t
metro area by the TCEQ: Denver
Washington Karachi 87/70/s 91/67/s GALVESTON TIDES
Kuala Lumpur 93/76/t 90/75/sh Highs Feet Lows Feet
Manila 92/78/pc 92/79/c
-0s New Delhi 91/65/pc 82/60/pc 1:22 a.m. 1.1 9:10 a.m. -0.2
Ozone watch Los Angeles Seoul 59/41/c 55/37/c 4:39 p.m. 1.1 9:36 p.m. 0.9
Phoenix Little Rock Shanghai 54/50/sh 56/43/c
Good Unhealthy Singapore 90/77/pc 87/76/t
Atlanta Sydney 79/70/t 80/69/sh
Moderate Very unhealthy Rain
Unhealthy Hazardous Showers
El Paso Dallas Taipei 81/63/s 74/63/c BAYOUS
Tokyo 58/49/s 62/53/c Flood Latest 24-hr.
for sensitive Snow Hermosillo Houston Canada Location stage stage chg.
groups New Orleans Calgary 39/25/pc 49/27/pc
Flurries Chihuahua
Edmonton 35/19/pc 42/21/pc Brays Bayou South Main 54 16.70 -0.03
Ice Brazos River Bryan 43 7.99 -0.12
Miami Montreal
49/22/s Hempstead 50 11.79 -0.09
Yesterday’s readings by the Monterrey Vancouver 48/35/pc 50/37/pc Richmond 48 10.51 -0.27
Houston Health Department: Havana Winnipeg 27/10/pc 40/27/s Buffalo Bayou Piney Point 50 28.17 -0.05
Countpercubicmeterofair Europe Shepherd Dr. 23 1.67 -0.40
Cancún Amsterdam 51/41/sh 47/42/sh
Tree pollen Medium 70
Guadalajara Athens 54/42/sh 57/47/pc
Clear Creek Friendswood 12 0.86 -0.17
Weed pollen None 0 Anchorage Berlin 53/40/r 50/39/sh Colorado R. Austin 29 10.85 -0.64
Mexico City Bastrop 25 2.53 none
Grass pollen None 0 Veracruz Copenhagen 45/38/r 45/37/sh
Mold spores Low 6334 Villahermosa Forecasts and
Dublin 47/38/sh 46/37/pc La Grange 32 2.63 +0.05
Honolulu Acapulco Belmopan Frankfurt 56/40/r 52/41/sh Columbus 34 9.53 +0.05
graphics provided by Geneva 58/36/sh 51/39/sh
Low Heavy Cold Warm Stationary
AccuWeather, Inc. Istanbul 46/35/r 47/37/pc Wharton 39 8.18 -0.05
front front front
Medium Extremely heavy ©2021 London 51/42/sh 50/42/sh Bay City 44 3.08 +0.52
Madrid 63/44/pc 59/33/pc Greens Bayou Eastex Fwy. 61 39.02 -0.01
Note: No measurements on weekends; Moscow 16/-3/s 21/18/pc
charts in Sunday and Monday papers reflect
Guadalupe R. Hunt 12 7.75 none
forecast ratings from the previous Friday. FOR THE RECORD TEXAS NATIONAL cont. Paris
Comfort 26 3.40 +0.03
George Bush Intercontinental Today Fri. Today Fri. Rome 58/51/s 61/47/pc Spring Branch 36 2.08 -0.02
Airport through 3 p.m. yest. Abilene 79/63/c 80/63/c Cleveland 66/37/r 53/27/pc Stockholm 35/32/sn 39/34/sh New Braunfels 13 9.58 none
COMFORT INDEX Amarillo 73/47/s 68/47/c Columbus 66/45/c 59/33/pc Vienna 46/41/c 53/37/sh Gonzales 31 11.88 +0.95
The comfort index takes into
Temperature Degrees F Austin 81/67/c 82/65/pc Denver 47/28/c 40/28/c Warsaw 39/34/sh 45/34/sh Cuero 20 7.81 -0.11
account how the weather will High 77 Beaumont 77/64/pc 78/62/pc Des Moines 55/33/pc 56/38/c Zurich 60/38/sh 50/39/pc
Low 60 Brownsville 83/71/pc 82/70/pc Detroit 62/34/r 55/25/pc Victoria 21 5.74 -0.03
feel based on a combination of Latin America
Bryan/College St. 82/67/c 81/64/pc Duluth 41/14/pc 32/23/s Dupont 20 9.26 +0.13
factors. A rating of 10 feels very Normal high 72 Bogota 63/50/sh 61/51/sh
comfortable while a rating of 0
Corpus Christi 80/68/pc 82/67/pc Fairbanks -1/-22/pc -5/-24/s Buenos Aires 85/68/pc 80/69/s Little River Little River 30 1.54 +0.01
Normal low 51 Dallas/Ft. Worth 79/65/c 77/62/c Great Falls 44/24/s 49/23/s Cameron 30 1.74 +0.03
feels very uncomfortable. Caracas 83/74/c 81/75/sh
Record high 89 in 1980 El Paso 75/51/pc 78/43/s Hartford 65/50/pc 62/29/c Havana 83/65/s 83/63/s Navasota R. Easterly 19 4.80 -0.02
Today Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Record low 27 in 1932 Galveston 74/65/pc 73/65/pc Honolulu 81/69/sh 79/68/sh Kingston 87/76/sh 86/75/sh
Kingsville 82/71/pc 84/71/pc Indianapolis 64/43/r 59/37/c Neches River Evadale 19 10.85 +0.50
10 10 10 5 9 9 Precipitation Inches Lima 80/71/pc 80/72/s
Pine Island B. Sour Lake 25 14.21 -0.58
Laredo 90/70/pc 91/71/pc Jackson, MS 80/60/pc 81/58/c Rio de Janeiro 84/75/pc 84/75/pc
24 hours through 3 p.m. yest. Trace Longview 79/63/c 79/61/pc Juneau 37/25/sn 36/18/sn San Juan 85/72/pc 84/71/pc Sabine River Bon Wier 30 24.28 -0.06
UV TODAY Month to date 0.43 Lubbock 79/57/pc 76/55/pc Kansas City 61/41/c 54/44/r San Salvador 89/66/pc 89/66/s Deweyville 24 23.98 +0.26
McAllen 88/71/pc 87/71/pc Las Vegas 53/40/c 54/42/sh
Values indicate the exposure to Normal month to date 1.15 Midland/Odessa 78/58/pc 82/57/c Little Rock 74/61/sh 74/61/c
Santiago 84/56/s 84/55/s Orange 4 1.58 -0.27
the sun’s Ultraviolet rays. Sao Paulo 84/66/t 83/66/t Burkeville 43 23.86 -0.06
Year to date 4.60 San Angelo 80/62/c 83/63/c Los Angeles 58/42/t 58/43/pc St. Thomas 84/74/s 84/73/s
8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. Normal year to date 7.73 San Antonio 80/68/pc 82/67/pc Memphis 74/63/c 75/62/c San Bernard R. E. Bernard 17 6.88 -0.08
Texarkana 78/67/c 79/65/c Miami 77/69/pc 79/68/pc Mexico E. San. Jac. R. Cleveland 19 4.90 -0.08
1 2 5 3 2 0 Other readings Acapulco 86/69/s 86/70/s
Victoria 81/69/pc 81/67/pc Milwaukee 54/34/pc 50/27/pc W. San. Jac. R. Conroe 116 94.39 -0.08
Waco 80/65/c 80/63/c Minneapolis 49/28/pc 43/29/s Cancun 81/73/pc 82/74/s
0-2, Low 8-10, Very high Top wind speed 20 mph Guadalajara 88/49/s 89/52/s San Jacinto R. Sheldon 10 1.62 -0.20
Nashville 75/60/c 69/54/c
3-5, Moderate 11+, Extreme High barometer 30.18 in. Guanajuato 84/48/s 84/49/s Sims Bayou Telephone Rd. 30 1.55 -0.34
Low barometer 30.08 in. NATIONAL New Orleans
New York City
66/36/pc Mazatlan 76/56/pc 76/54/s Trinity River Goodrich 36 12.81 -0.82
6-7, High Today Fri. Merida 93/70/s 93/67/s
High dewpoint 64° Oklahoma City 71/55/pc 71/59/t
Mexico City 80/53/s 81/54/s Liberty 26 16.42 -0.03
Low dewpoint 58° Albany, NY 63/44/c 54/25/pc Orlando 79/58/s 81/56/pc
Puerto Vallarta 81/58/s 83/60/s Village Creek Kountze 20 5.64 -0.37
SUN AND MOON Average dewpoint 61°
Albuquerque 62/36/s 61/35/s Philadelphia 71/56/pc 67/38/sh
Tampico 80/71/pc 80/71/pc White Oak B. Heights Blvd. 48 8.38 +0.17
Anchorage 17/3/sn 19/-2/s Phoenix 65/50/pc 59/44/pc
New First Full Last Veracruz 81/72/s 82/72/s
moon quarter moon quarter High humidity 90% Atlanta 75/52/pc 78/55/c Pittsburgh 67/44/c 58/27/pc
Low humidity 59% Baltimore 76/58/pc 69/40/sh Portland, OR 59/34/pc 60/33/s Middle East TEXAS LAKES
Billings 46/26/s 53/26/s Sacramento 58/35/pc 66/38/pc Baghdad 88/63/c 68/48/pc
Birmingham 76/52/pc 79/54/c St. Louis 65/46/r 58/46/r Beirut 70/55/sh 63/51/pc Full Latest Release
Boise 54/28/s 53/28/s Salt Lake City 45/31/s 50/33/c Dubai 86/69/s 95/78/s pool level cfs
Mar 13 Mar 21 Mar 28 Apr 4 KEY TO CONDITIONS Boston 66/51/pc 61/31/pc San Diego 59/48/t 60/50/pc Jerusalem 62/49/c 54/46/pc Canyon Dam 909 903.18 64
s-sunny r-rain Buffalo 63/36/sh 46/24/pc San Francisco 58/45/pc 62/48/pc Kabul 55/42/r 60/44/c Conroe 201 200.98 0
Sunset tonight 6:27 p.m. pc-partly cloudy sf-snow flurries Charleston, SC 73/51/s 77/53/pc Santa Fe 59/27/s 61/30/s Mecca 97/68/s 97/69/s
Sunrise Friday 6:35 a.m. c-cloudy sn-snow Charlotte 75/53/s 77/58/s Seattle 53/34/pc 55/36/s Riyadh 89/72/s 98/63/s Houston 41.73 42.51 N.A.
Moonrise today 5:53 a.m. sh-showers i-ice Chicago 60/35/pc 56/31/pc Tucson 68/43/pc 61/40/pc Tehran 56/51/c 55/33/sh Lake Travis 681 658.76 179
Moonset today 5:00 p.m. t-thunderstorms Cincinnati 68/49/c 60/38/r Washington, DC 76/59/pc 68/44/sh Tel Aviv 68/58/c 64/55/pc Livingston 131 131.22 N.A.


Plan doesn’t include 100 percent capacity

Officials reveal Phase 1 attendance details tros introduced a phased ap- many people inside and outside Rangers, like the Astros, will have
proach that, depending on de- baseball by announcing Globe Life “socially distanced” seating for
as Rangers ready for full stadium for opener mand, could increase their origi- Field will operate at 100 percent fans who desire it. Sehgal did not
nally planned 25 percent capacity capacity for their two March exhi- provide a specific capacity for any
By Chandler Rome are currently “not planning” to fill for the April 8 home opener bition games and April 1 season Astros games in April. Demand
STA F F WRIT E R Minute Maid Park at 100 percent against the Oakland A’s. Phase 1, opener. from season ticket holders will de-
capacity in April, senior vice presi- the only phase described in the e- “Our focus was never to operate termine the amount of socially dis-
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Al- dent of marketing and communi- mail, covers Houston’s 14 home the building at 100 percent in tant seating in Minute Maid Park
though Texas’ relaxed coronavirus cations Anita Sehgal said Wednes- games in April. April,” Sehgal said. “At this point in and, eventually, the capacity. Seh-
regulations now allow it and the day. At almost the same time the As- time, we are not planning for 100 gal said the team did not establish
Rangers are planning for a full sta- In an email sent to their season tros sent their email to season tick- percent in April.” a capacity threshold it was unwill-
dium on opening day, the Astros ticket holders Wednesday, the As- et holders, the Rangers stunned After their home opener, the Astros continues on C3



Sports back
to normal?
It’s closer
than before
What a difference a year
March 11, 2020: “NBA To Sus-
pend Season Following Tonight’s
Games,” the league announced
at 8:46 p.m. in an official press
release that instantly and drasti-
cally changed the sports world,
just as the coronavirus pandemic
was starting to become unavoid-
able in America.
March 10, 2021: The Rangers
teased the possibility of packing
their 40,518-seat stadium at 100
percent capacity in Arlington for
opening day.
It’s hard to call Texas’ other
Matt Young / Staff Major League Baseball team
The Alamodome was ready for teams from around the state, but only a few hit the floor before the shutdown. crazy when the governor of the
state abruptly ends mask require-

No hoopla
ments and allows businesses to
again operate at 100 percent
It’s also clearer than ever that
we’re getting closer and closer to
how life was, in the sports and
real world, before March 11, 2020.
Sort of.
When James Harden returned
State tournament set in motion new landscape for all sports as a Brooklyn Net to Toyota Cen-
ter last week, you still needed a
mask to sit among a crowd of
By Adam Coleman THE DAY trailed Madison by only 10 at the break and 3,615 in an 18,055-seat arena. And
STA FF WRITER cut the deficit to six mid-third quarter. Dev- you’ll still need a face covering
SPORTS ers wanted his players focused on finish- when the Astros return to Minute
Coldspring-Oakhurst, a Class 3A school STOPPED ing. Maid Park on April 8.
62 miles northeast of Houston, had Last in a series Who knew? Maybe with a win, the UIL But Houston’s MLB club an-
reached halftime of its UIL boys basketball of articles look- would invite Coldspring back to San Anto- nounced Wednesday that it
state semifinal against Dallas Madison ing at the week nio to finish the tournament once all the could increase the attendance
when coach Greg Devers heard the news at when sports COVID-19 mess cleared away in a few allowed inside its ballpark when
were stopped by
the Alamodome last March. weeks. Dusty Baker’s 2021 team debuts
the coronavirus
He wasn’t sure if his players were aware. Having seen college basketball tourna- against the Oakland Athletics in
He preferred they not be. Coldspring State continues on C6 an American League West match-
Smith continues on C6


Wood’s imminent return brings

hope of fresh start, halting skid
By Jonathan Feigen right ankle Feb. 4, and everything Rockets update
STA F F WRIT E R he said, it was clear he is close and Record: 11-23.
the Rockets might finally have a
Today: at Kings, 9 p.m.
Christian Wood trash-talked his way out of their tailspin.
TV/radio: ATTSW; 740
way through practice, seeking to “I felt great,” Wood said. “A few
AM, 790 AM, 1010 AM (Spanish).
get his struggling team back where more days, and I’ll be back. It’s
it was before he was hurt. been tough. I’ve been lifting a lot of
The Rockets are not over the in- weights. It’s been a grind for me.
juries that helped send them to a This rehab has been way harder If the All-Star break was sup-
13-game losing streak. Wood is not than the games. It’s actually very, posed to give the Rockets a chance
cleared to play in games. But with very different. I’ve never been hurt to start over, to leave the frustra-
everything he did Wednesday, go- and out this long. I’m ready to be tions and losing skid behind, the Mark Mulligan / Staff photographer
ing through the entirety of practice back and help this team out and get realities of the season still won’t let Watching the Rockets’ 13-game losing streak while recovering
for the first time since spraining his us out of this slump.” Rockets continues on C2 from a sprained ankle has been tough on Christian Wood.
C2 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH




2 1⁄2
Away Conf
12-7 12-5
12-5 15-7
Aldridge out after 6 years
L.A. Lakers 24 13 .649 3 1⁄2 3-7 L-2 11-8 13-5 17-8 Veteran center uniform, bringing his ca-
L.A. Clippers 24 14 .632 4 4-6 L-3 12-6 12-8 14-7 reer total to seven. He also
Portland 21 14 .600 5 1⁄2 6-4 W-3 11-6 10-8 11-9 was in bench role twice made an All-NBA
Denver 21 15 .583 6 6-4 W-4 9-7 12-8 13-9 before mutual team since coming to San
San Antonio 18 15 .545 7 1⁄2 5-5 L-2 9-10 9-5 12-14 Antonio.
Dallas 19 16 .543 7 1⁄2 8-2 W-4 10-8 9-8 10-10 decision to part With 7,325 points scored
Memphis 17 16 .515 8 1⁄2 6-4 W-1 8-11 9-5 8-10 with the Spurs, Aldridge fin-
Golden State 19 18 .514 8 1⁄2 5-5 L-3 12-6 7-12 9-10 By Jeff McDonald ishes his San Antonio career
New Orleans 15 21 .417 12 4-6 L-2 10-9 5-12 8-13 STA F F W R I T ER in eighth place on the
Oklahoma City 15 21 .417 12 4-6 W-1 6-11 9-10 7-16 team’s all-time scoring list.
Sacramento 14 22 .389 13 2-8 L-1 8-12 6-10 7-11 SAN ANTONIO — For a His 3,020 rebounds also
Houston 11 23 .324 15 0-10 L-13 5-10 6-13 8-11 moment in the summer of rank eighth on the franchise
Minnesota 7 29 .194 20 1-9 L-9 4-13 3-16 4-15 2015, LaMarcus Aldridge charts.
EASTERN CONFERENCE made San Antonio the cen- The Spurs brought Al-
W L Pct GB L10 Str Home Away Conf ter of the NBA free agency dridge to town in 2015 to
Philadelphia 24 12 .667 _ 6-4 W-2 16-3 8-9 18-6 universe. team with up-and-coming
Brooklyn 24 13 .649 1
⁄2 9-1 W-2 13-6 11-7 11-9 A multiple-time All-Star star Kawhi Leonard and
Milwaukee 22 14 .611 2 6-4 W-1 14-5 8-9 12-7 in Portland, Aldridge forge a bridge from the “Big
Boston 19 17 .528 5 6-4 W-4 12-5 7-12 14-10 agreed to a four-year, $80 Three” championship era
New York 19 18 .514 5 1⁄2 7-3 W-1 11-7 8-11 13-10 million deal to join the of Tim Duncan, Tony Park-
Miami 18 18 .500 6 7-3 W-1 10-8 8-10 9-12 Spurs, a coup for a team un- er and Manu Ginobili.
Charlotte 17 18 .486 6 1⁄2 5-5 W-1 9-8 8-10 9-9 accustomed to such event- The Spurs won three
Toronto 17 19 .472 7 5-5 L-2 8-8 9-11 12-11 ful Julys. playoff series in Aldridge’s
Chicago 16 18 .471 7 6-4 W-1 7-11 9-7 7-8 It was ballyhooed as the first two seasons with the
Indiana 16 19 .457 7 1⁄2 4-6 L-1 7-11 9-8 10-11 greatest free-agent signing club, and in 2017 advanced
Atlanta 16 20 .444 8 5-5 W-2 8-9 8-11 11-12
in club history. By snagging to the Western Conference
Washington 14 21 .400 9 1⁄2 6-4 L-1 7-10 7-11 5-14
the biggest fish in that year’s finals before losing to Gold-
Cleveland 14 22 .389 10 4-6 L-1 9-10 5-12 10-10
free agency pond, the Spurs en State.
Orlando 13 23 .361 11 4-6 L-5 8-12 5-11 9-13
had struck a blow for small- After Leonard forced a
Detroit 10 26 .278 14 3-7 L-1 6-10 4-16 7-15
market teams across the trade to Toronto in 2018, the
Results/schedule league. team’s All-Star partnership
Aldridge’s time with the faded. The Spurs missed
Tuesday’s result Friday’s games
Spurs ended abruptly Wed- the playoffs last season for
No games scheduled Cleveland at New Orleans, 7 p.m.
Denver at Memphis, 7 p.m. nesday, upon the news he the first time since 1997.
Wednesday’s results Philadelphia at Washington, 7 p.m. and the team had decided Popovich made clear
Dallas 115, San Antonio 104 Miami at Chicago, 8 p.m.
Memphis 127, Washington 112
to part ways. there were no hard feelings
Orlando at San Antonio, 8 p.m.
Houston at Utah, 9 p.m.
“We’ve mutually agreed Ronald Cortes / Getty Images between Aldridge and the
Thursday’s games
Indiana at L.A. Lakers, 9:30 p.m. to work on some opportuni- LaMarcus Aldridge (12) was averaging a career-low Spurs and thanked him for
Detroit at Charlotte, 6 p.m.
Atlanta at Toronto, 6:30 p.m. Saturday’s games ties for him,” Spurs coach 4.5 rebounds per game along with 13.7 points. his service.
Boston at Brooklyn, 6:30 p.m. New York at Oklahoma City, 1 p.m. Gregg Popovich said before “He’s been a great team-
Minnesota at New Orleans, 7 p.m. Detroit at Brooklyn, 6 p.m. Wednesday’s game in Dal- trending. win for LaMarcus and for mate,” Popovich said. “He’s
New York at Milwaukee, 7 p.m. Milwaukee at Washington, 6 p.m.
Orlando at Miami, 7 p.m. las. “That will be else- Aldridge, who is in the fi- the club,” Popovich said. done everything we’ve
Toronto at Charlotte, 6 p.m.
Philadelphia at Chicago, 7 p.m. Sacramento at Atlanta, 6:30 p.m. where.” nal season of a contract that “When the opportunity asked. At this point, we just
Dallas at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m. Portland at Minnesota, 7 p.m. Aldridge, 35, was averag- will pay him $24 million, arises, and that will be up to like to do something that
Houston at Sacramento, 9 p.m. Dallas at Denver, 9 p.m.
Golden State at L.A. Clippers, 9 p.m.
ing 13.7 points and a career- will remain away from the management and his agent, will work for him, as much
Indiana at Phoenix, 9 p.m.
Phoenix at Portland, 9 p.m. low 4.5 rebounds through 21 team while the Spurs work we’ll all move forward.” as for our club, because he
games this season. to find a new opportunity Despite a somewhat un- deserves that.”
With 25-year-old Jakob for him, Popovich said. ceremonious end to his ten- It was premature Wed-
Poeltl having emerged as That could come in one ure, Aldridge mostly lived nesday to speculate where
NBA BOX SCORES/LEADERS the Spurs’ starting center of of two ways. The Spurs up to billing in six seasons Aldridge might end up next.
the present and future, Al- could attempt to trade him with the Spurs. It just won’t be San Anto-
Mavericks 115, Spurs 104 Leaders dridge had moved to the in advance of the March 25 His best season came in nio. The Spurs’ latest post-
San Antonio: DeRozan 12-19 5-8 30, K.Johnson 4-8 2-2 Through March 9
12, Poeltl 2-3 2-2 6, Murray 5-15 0-0 11, White 1-8 4-4 6, bench for three games be- deadline or buy out what re- 2017-18, when he averaged season push will com-
Bates-Diop 0-0 0-0 0, Lyles 0-0 0-0 0, Samanic 0-0 0-0 0,
Walker IV 5-8 0-112, Eubanks 0-0 0-0 0, Gay 4-12 2-2 13, G FG FT PTS AVG
fore the start of the All-Star mains on Aldridge’s con- 23.1 points and 8.5 re- mence without him.
Jones 0-1 0-0 0, Mills 5-9 1-1 14. Totals 38-83 16-20 104. Beal, WAS 32 368 243 1053 32.9 break. It was a flashing ne- tract and allow him to sign bounds.
Dallas: Finney-Smith 1-5 4-4 7, Kleber 4-7 0-0 11, Porz- Embiid, PHI 30 285 298 905 30.2
ingis 11-17 4-5 28, Doncic 9-20 2-3 22, Richardson 4-9 2-2 Lillard, POR 34 315 237 1013 29.8
on sign about where Al- elsewhere. It marked one of two All-
12, Hardaway Jr. 3-11 2-2 9, J.Johnson 1-1 1-1 3, Cauley-
Stein 5-6 0-010, Brunson 3-41-2 8, Burke 2-3 0-0 5. Totals
Curry, GS 35 343 184 1039 29.7 dridge’s Spurs career was “We think this is a win- Star appearances in a Spurs
Antetokounmpo, MIL 35 368 240 1015 29.0
43-83 16-19 115.
LaVine, CHI 34 350 156 976 28.7
San Antonio 32 27 27 18 — 104
Doncic, DAL 32 319 193 916 28.6
Dallas 27 25 35 28 — 115
Irving, BKN 26 269 94 708 27.2
3-point goals: San Antonio 12-28 (Gay 3-6, Mills 3-7,
K.Johnson 2-3, Walker IV 2-4, Murray1-3, White 0-4), Dal-
las 13-40 (Kleber 3-6, Porzingis 2-5, Richardson 2-5, Don-
Jokic, DEN
Leonard, LAC
26.6 ROCKETS game and try to get off this
Rockets vs. Kings
When/where: 9 p.m. today; Golden 1
cic 2-10, Brunson1-2, Burke1-2, Finney-Smith1-4, Harda- Rebounds From page C1 The Rockets’ injury issues
way Jr.1-6). Rebounds: San Antonio 30 (Gay 9), Dallas 51 Center, Sacramento, Calif.
(Porzingis14). Assists: San Antonio18 (DeRozan11), Dal-
Capela, ATL
have been so pervasive that TV/radio: ATTSW; 740 AM, 790 AM, 1010
las 29 (Doncic12). Total fouls: San Antonio19, Dallas19.
A: 3,813 (19,200) Gobert, UTA 36 120 352 472 13.1 go. when Silas sought to spend AM (Spanish).
Kanter, POR 35 146 269 415 11.9
Grizzlies 127, Wizards 112 Antetokounmpo, MIL 35 64 344 408 11.7 There is no do-over. They his break studying video, he So far: Rockets 11-23; Kings 14-22.
Washington: Hachimura 3-10 4-4 11, Mathews 2-3 3-3 9,
Wagner 2-9 2-2 6, Beal 6-22 8-8 21, Westbrook 10-19 0-1 Embiid, PHI 30 65 283 348 11.6 are still in 14th place. Worse, could find little that applies Lately: The Rockets brought a 13-game losing streak into
Vucevic, ORL 36 69 348 417 11.6
20, Avdija 5-8 0-0 13, Bertans 5-10 0-0 13, Brown Jr. 1-3
3-3 5, Len 0-10-0 0, Lopez 2-5 3-4 7, Neto 2-5 2-2 7. Totals Ayton, PHO 35 118 282 400 11.4 they are still waiting to be to the team he hopes to the All-Star break and have dropped their past seven road
38-95 25-27 112. Valanciunas, MEM
Sabonis, IND
whole, even with signs they have. games. The Kings have split their past four games, top-
Memphis: Anderson 5-11 2-2 13, Brooks 4-7 1-2 10, Va-
lanciunas12-215-7 29, Bane 7-131-120, Morant 7-14 7-12 Randle, NY 37 52 357 409 11.1 are getting closer. Wood, Oladipo and Wall ping the Lakers and losing in Portland in a back-to-back
21, Tillman 2-4 2-2 6, Clarke 3-4 0-0 6, Winslow 4-131-2 9,
Assists Wood will need as much have played together in just before the break. That followed a nine-game losing skid.
Jones1-5 0-0 2, Melton 5-7 0-111. Totals 50-9919-29127.
Washington 26 36 23 27 — 112 G AST AVG as another week of condi- three games. Silas mostly
Memphis 35 32 27 33 — 127
3-point goals: Washington 11-36 (Avdija 3-5, Bertans
Harden, BKN
Westbrook, WAS
tioning to be cleared to play watched video from the last SCOUTING SCOUTING
3-7, Mathews 2-3, Hachimura1-3, Beal1-8, Brown Jr. 0-2, Young, ATL 34 321 9.4 after the long layoff, coach weeks of the season and THE ROCKETS THE KINGS
Westbrook 0-3, Wagner 0-4), Memphis 8-23 (Bane 5-8, Doncic, DAL 32 287 9.0
Brooks 1-2, Melton 1-2, Anderson 1-4, Morant 0-2, Valan- Paul, PHO 34 300 8.8 Stephen Silas said, though practice, addressing espe- The Rockets have won The Kings rank last in
ciunas 0-2). Fouled out: Washington 1 (Wagner), Mem-
phis 1 (Tillman). Rebounds: Washington 39 (Avdija, Ha-
Green, GS 31 267 8.6 Wood indicated he hopes to cially the issues with offen- the previous two meetings the NBA in defensive rat-
Jokic, DEN 36 309 8.6
chimura, Lopez 6), Memphis 60 (Valanciunas 20). As-
Lillard, POR 34 271 8.0 be back as soon as Sunday. sive execution and pick-and- with the Kings this season, ing, allowing an average of
sists: Washington 23 (Westbrook 10), Memphis 31 (Mo-
rant 10). Total fouls: Washington 26, Memphis 26. A: James, LAL
Morant, MEM
Danuel House Jr. remains roll coverages that were both in Toyota Center, and 119.1 points per 100 pos-
1,912 (18,119)
out with a sore knee. David most glaring. have a four-game winning sessions, and in opponent
Nwaba has not had progress “I’ve never had this be- streak in Sacramento. … field-goal percentage. …
on his strained right wrist fore,” he said Wednesday. Houston opponents have Sacramento is tied for
NBA while hoping to avoid sur- “Never. Improvement made a better percentage second in the NBA in
gery. Eric Gordon remains would be getting healthy of their shots in 12 consec- points scored in the paint,

Doncic, Mavericks questionable to play against and getting our whole group utive games. The Rockets averaging 54.2 per game,
the Kings on Thursday. on the floor. Today in prac- are 11-4 when outshooting and last in points allowed
There are even questions tice it was good to have al- foes and 0-19 in games in the paint, giving up 52.4.

rally to top Spurs remaining about healthy

players, with guard Victor
Oladipo uncertain to play
most everybody out there. It
was good to see those guys
play together. You forget
with a worse shooting
percentage. ... In their final
game before the All-Star
… Guard De’Aaron Fox,
averaging career highs of
23 points and 7.6 assists,
break, the Rockets made 18 averaged 22.5 points and
DALLAS — Luka Doncic GRIZZLIES 127, WIZARDS 112 Friday in the second half of how important guys are to 3-pointers on 41.9 percent five assists in the first two
had 22 points, 12 rebounds Jonas Valanciunas the back-to-back, when the our group … the continuity shooting, their most 3s and meetings with the Rockets.
and 12 assists in his 33rd scored a season-high 29 Rockets go from facing the and the chemistry between best 3-point percentage … Guard Buddy Hield
triple-double, Kristaps points and matched his Kings in Sacramento to the our starting group, most of since hitting 19 3-pointers scores 71.9 percent of his
Porzingis had 28 points season best with 20 re- front-running Jazz in Salt all John, Victor and Christian on 42.2 percent shooting in 16.4 points per game on
and 14 rebounds and the bounds to lead host Mem- Lake City in Utah’s first game playing together. Memphis in the first game 3-pointers, the second-
Dallas Mavericks used a phis over Washington. after the break. “When we’re whole and of the losing streak. … largest percentage in the
late run to pull away and Ja Morant added 21 Still, the Rockets can at we have our full comple- Guard John Wall scored 32 league. Hield’s 3.2 assists
beat the San Antonio points and 10 assists for least see reasons for opti- ment of players, I feel really and 36 points, respectively, per game are a career high.
Spurs 115-104 on Wednes- Memphis, while rookie mism. good about this team. I just in his last two games be- … Forward Harrison Barnes
day night. Desmond Bane finished “We have a lot of guys that do.” fore the break — his top- is making 49.2 percent of
Dallas finished with a with a season-high 20 like to compete,” guard John In some respects, that scoring games of the sea- his shots, the best of his
17-4 run against a Spurs points, going 5 of 8 from Wall said. “We’re not guys was the message Wood was son. His five 3-pointers nine NBA seasons. … Cen-
team that will no longer 3-point range. that are just going to bow determined to deliver. He against the Nets matched ter Richaun Holmes made
have seven-time All-Star Bradley Beal scored 21 down and accept losing. We said waiting through the end his career high. … Guard 14 of 21 shots in two games
LaMarcus Aldridge in the know we’re on a losing of his rehab could be the Victor Oladipo had 33 against the Rockets, aver-
points for the Wizards but
lineup. streak, but we look at it as it toughest part. But he took a points in his final game aging 16.5 points and 11
was 6 of 22 from the field,
before the break, eclipsing rebounds. … Tyrese Halli-
Before the game, coach including only 1 of 8 from is a 0-0 start for us in the sec- significant step toward a re-
his previous season high of burton was the Western
Gregg Popovich an- 3-point range. Russell ond half of the season and turn he hopes will be the
32 in his first game with the Conference rookie of the
nounced that Aldridge, 35, Westbrook finished with judge ourselves off that.” start of a Rockets turn-
Rockets. … Forward Jae- month for December/
in his sixth season in San 20 points, while Davis Much will depend on how around. ’Sean Tate, with 12 points January and February.
Antonio, would no longer Bertans and Deni Avdija the Rockets rebuild them- “I got guys riled up in and 10 rebounds against Halliburton’s 13.2 points
be with the team by mutu- scored 13 apiece. selves when Wood returns. practice purposely, just be- the Nets, is the first Rock- per game ranks third
al agreement. The game tipped off the Wall said Wood “looked cause I felt like we’re a better ets rookie since Steve among rookies and he is
DeMar DeRozan had 30 second half of the season great.” Though there are team than what we’ve Francis during the 1999- making 49.4 percent of his
points, 11 assists and four for both teams sitting other concerns, with the ab- showed,” Wood said. “When 2000 season to record shots and 43.3 percent of
steals for the Spurs. Patty outside of the playoff pic- sence of House a greater is- we’re healthy, we’re a hard double-doubles of points his 3s. He ranks second
Mills added 14 points and ture, looking to rally for a sue with Nwaba certain to team to beat. Me, Vic, E.G. and rebounds and points among rookies in assists
Rudy Gay had 13. postseason spot. miss time, much of the Rock- and John have only played and assists. (5.4) and steals (1.4.).
Doncic is tied with Bob Washington wanted to ets’ plans and hopes point to two games together. We
Cousy for 11th place in prevent Memphis from Wood. need everybody for the sec-
career triple-doubles. “Having ‘C-Wood’ out ond-half push. INJURY/STATUS REPORT
scoring inside but had
The Mavericks’ late there for some minutes “The chip on my shoulder NUMBER Rockets: Center Christian Wood
little success, as the Griz-
TO NOTE (sprained right ankle), forward David
spurt began midway zlies had 78 paint points. made it better and let us see gets even bigger. I wasn’t an
Nwaba (strained right wrist), forward
through the fourth quarter
when the Spurs’ Derrick
The Grizzlies took ad-
vantage of Washington
what our team could be
when he is there, the differ-
All-Star. My team lost 13
games in a row. I didn’t like 2 Danuel House Jr. (bruised right knee),
guard Dante Exum (right calf strain)
White fouled Josh Rich- shooting struggles in the ent dynamic he can bring,” watching us lose games that Rockets’
losses and forward Rodions Kurucs (left
ardson with 1.2 seconds early stages of the first Wall said. “He made it more I thought we could have
away from oblique strain) are out. Guard Eric Gor-
left on the shot clock. half, building the lead to 19 competitive, more chippi- won. I just want to go out
matching don (sore left knee) is questionable.
The Spurs led 59-52 at points in the second quar- ness, brought some firepow- there and help my team win Kings: Center Chimezie Metu (frac-
their lon-
intermission, which ter. The Wizards closed er we need. It was fun. We games and try to make a tured right wrist), center Hassan White-
gest losing
matched their largest lead the half with a 21-7 rally to probably won’t have him out playoff push.” side (health and safety protocols) and
streak in 20
of the half, led by DeRo- cut the deficit to 67-62. there (Thursday), but the years. forward Robert Woodard II (left ham-
zan’s 14 points, eight as- From wire reports most important thing is to string strain) are out.
sists and three steals. try to translate that to a Jonathan Feigen
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | C3


Altuve working on bouncing back Britton

to be out
JUPITER, Fla. — Between the

at least
sixth and seventh innings of Wed-
nesday’s Grapefruit League game
against the Marlins, an army of
Astros regulars grabbed their bags
and walked toward the right-field
clubhouse. Manager Dusty Baker
until May
played most of his everyday lineup TAMPA, Fla — New York
for a second consecutive night, Yankees lefthander Zack
easing the team into the sort of Britton is scheduled for
grind a 162-game season will pres- surgery Monday to remove
ent. a bone chip from his pitch-
Carlos Correa sauntered across ing elbow and seems likely
the outfield grass. His double-play to be out until at least May.
partner remained in position — the Britton will not be able
only established Astros player to to throw for several weeks
see time in the seventh inning. while the incision heals
Jose Altuve felt in rhythm. He after the operation by
wanted to carry it into a fourth Yankees head team physi-
plate appearance. cian Dr. Christopher Ah-
“I’ve been feeling good,” Altuve mad in New York. Britton
said. “It was particular today that I will then need to build
wanted that extra at-bat because I arm strength.
was feeling good. I actually hit the “It’s going to get taken
ball hard in the last one. I’m just care of and I’ll be able to
trying to do everything I can to get pitch this year and help
ready every day.” the team. And so that’s the
Altuve crushed Nick Neidert’s most important thing,” he
elevated four-seam fastball into said Wednesday. “Could I
right field. It found a glove, but it rehab through it and pos-
carried a 99.4 mph exit velocity. sibly come back and it
Hitters preach process over results wouldn’t impact me?
in spring training. Altuve struck Karen Warren / Staff photographer There was a chance. But
out twice Wednesday but finished Astros second baseman Jose Altuve is coming off the worst season of his career last year and only has we like the chances better
his outing with the well-struck fly two hits so far in Grapefruit League action but is happy with his progress so far in spring training. of me coming back this
ball. season and pitching at a
Altuve is just 2 for his first 10 in Only Baez tested keep their arms in shape. The Marlins 4, Astros 4 high level if I just got it
Grapefruit League play. He’s players have a throwing sock, too, Houston ab r h bi Miami ab r h bi removed now. If this was
worked three walks and struck out positive for COVID-19 which allows them to throw a
C.Crrea, ss
Je.Pena, ph
S.Marte, cf
Brinson, pr
3 0 1 0
2 0 0 0 during the season, I’m not
three times. Reliever Pedro Baez is the only baseball without requiring a catch- K.Tcker, rf 2 0 0 0 Dckrson, dh 3 1 2 0
sure surgery would be the
Sza, Jr., rf 2 0 0 0 Encrncn, ph 1 0 1 0
“It’s going good,” Altuve said. Astros player among the eight er. J.Altve, 2b 4 0 0 0 Aguilar, 1b 2 1 0 0 decision.”
“I’m trying to follow my game plan quarantined pitchers to test posi- Brntley, lf 3 0 1 0 Le.Diaz, 1b 1 0 0 0
Lefthander Aroldis
R.Dwson, lf 1 0 0 0 G.Coper, rf 2 0 1 1
tive for COVID-19, manager Dusty
and my approach, no matter the
Baker said Wednesday, but none
Odorizzi’s contract Gurriel, 1b
Ab.Toro, 1b
M.Serra, rf
Andrson, 3b
2 0 0 0
3 0 1 1
Chapman is the Yankees’
results I have. In every single at- closer, and manager Aaron
bat, I want to be confident, and I of the seven other righthanders has strange structure Al.Diaz, 3b
R.Grcia, 3b
J.Dvers, ss
A.Dvall, lf
1 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 Boone said he will mix and
Qintana, c 3 0 1 1 Hrrison, lf 0 0 0 0
want to trust in the plan I have. I have resumed workouts. The structure of the contract for Kor.Lee, c 1 0 0 0 Chsholm, 2b 2 0 0 0 match during the sixth,
don’t know about spring training, “They are cleared, but they have righthander Jake Odorizzi, who M.Straw, cf 3 0 1 0 Is.Diaz, ph 2 0 0 0
seventh and eighth innings
J.Myers, cf 1 0 0 0 J.Alfro, c 2 0 0 0
but I feel like in a long season like to clear Major League Baseball was introduced Tuesday, is com- De, Goti, dh 2 1 1 1 Sa.Leon, c 2 0 0 0 with righthander Chad
we’re going to play, it’s going to be protocols as well as our local proto- plex. Daniels, ph 2 0 0 0 M.Rojas, ss 1 1 0 0
Green, righthander Darren
J.Berti, 3b 1 1 1 0
good for me.” cols here,” Baker said. “That’s what The Astros kept their payroll Totals 35 4 10 4 Totals 33 4 7 2 O’Day, lefthander Justin
Altuve entered spring training we’re in the process of doing. We under the competitive balance tax Houston 031 000 000 — 4
Wilson and righthander
Miami 102 000 100 — 4
with renewed optimism. Last sea- could have them back within a day threshold with an oddly construct- E—Pop (1). DP—Houston 0, Miami1. LOB—Houston 8, Miami 6. 2B—Diaz Esteban Loaisiga.
son was the worst of his major or two, hopefully.” ed two-year deal that includes a (2), De Goti (1), Marte (2), Cooper (2), Berti (1). SB—Harrison (1).
CS—Encarnacion (1). “Obviously, Zack’s so
league career. Altuve’s path to a Baez gave the team permission third-year player option valued at Houston IP H R ER BB SO important to our team and
rebound included what he called a to reveal his diagnosis, but general $6.5 million but could be worth as
Cishek H, 1
21⁄3 3 3
12⁄3 1 0
3 the back end of our bull-
“game plan” and “better ap- manager James Click did not much as $12.5 million. Solomon, H, 1 2 1 0 0 0 3 pen. So it’s certainly a
Conine, BS, 0-1 2 2 1 1 0 1
proach” than in his 2020 cam- disclose whether the 32-year-old Odorizzi’s average annual value LaRue 1 0 0 0 2 0 blow,” Boone said. “But it’s
paign. pitcher is suffering from any symp- in 2021 — used to calculate the Miami IP H R ER BB SO also one that we know he’s
What exactly it entails is a mys- toms. Baker indicated Wednesday competitive balance tax — amounts
1 ⁄3
0 going to be back and,
tery. Altuve offered few specifics. that the seven other quarantined to $7.833 million, according to a Neidert 3 1 0 0 1 4 especially again in a weird
Pop 1 0 0 0 1 1
Asked how many at-bats he’d like pitchers were labeled as close person with knowledge of the Cimber 1 0 0 0 0 1 season, maybe in a way,
to get, Altuve said anywhere from contacts. contract’s terms. Balk—Urquidy. Umpires—Home, Chris Conroy; First, Larry Vanover; Sec- this can be something that
ond, Jerry Meals; Third, Mike Estabroo. Time—3:07. Att—1,255.
three per game to 30 total. He and MLB mandates a seven-day According to FanGraphs, the allows him to stay fresher
the other starters will get Thursday quarantine for all players sidelined added money puts Houston’s CBT throughout the season.”
off after playing a back-to-back. due to health and safety protocols. payroll at $208,532,143. The luxury player option for 2023. The $6 Britton, 33, is a two-
“The only thing I can say right The Astros revealed the absence of tax threshold, which the Astros million signing bonus is deferred time All-Star who was 1-2
now is I feel really good, and I like pitchers Bryan Abreu, Ronel crossed last season, is $210 million. over three years, totaling $2 mil- with a 1.89 ERA and eight
where I’m at,” Altuve said. Blanco and Luis Garcia on March There is little room to maneuver if lion payments in July 2021, 2022 saves in 20 appearances
4 — the same day Baez, according the team intends to stay below the and 2023. during the pandemic-
to Baker, threw a simulated game
Castro working back at the Astros’ facility.
threshold but requires an in-season There is a $3.25 million buyout shortened 2020 season.
addition at, say, the trade deadline. on the 2023 player option. Odoriz- He filled in as closer for
from strained oblique Baker reported Baez, Cristian “We still have room (to add), zi’s player option can max out at a the first 3½ weeks while
Catcher Jason Castro strained Javier, Hector Velazquez, Fran- and those kind of things are some- $12.5 million base salary and a Chapman missed 21 games
his oblique this week but returned cis Martes and Enoli Paredes thing we’re going to keep a con- $6.25 million buyout — but only if recovering from COVID-19.
to workouts Wednesday, manager absent on March 5. It is unknown stant eye on,” general manager he pitches in 30 games in which he
whether Abreu, Blanco and Gar-
Dusty Baker said.
cia’s absences are related to anoth-
James Click said. records 12 or more outs in 2021-22. Gambler made
Castro hasn’t appeared in a If Houston crosses the compet- Performance bonuses during
Grapefruit League game since er positive test or if all eight players itive balance tax threshold for a the two guaranteed years on the threats to Rays
March 2. Baker said the team is are sidelined as a result of Baez’s second consecutive season, it will contract can take Odorizzi’s total A sports gambler faces
being “cautious” with Castro, the positive test. Presumably, the team pay a 30 percent tax on all overag- guaranteed money to more than up to five years in federal
33-year-old catcher signed to a did not know about Baez’s positive es. Any 2022 draft-pick compensa- $30 million. prison for threatening
two-year deal this winter. It is test when it allowed him inside the tion the club receives this winter Odorizzi’s $5 million base salary social media messages
unclear when Castro will return to facility on March 4 — a day that from declined qualifying offers in 2022 increases by $500,000 if sent to players with the
game action. began without Garcia, Abreu or would come later in the draft, too. he throws 100 innings, by $1 million Tampa Bay Rays.
Lorenzo Quintana caught Blanco in camp. According to a person with incrementally if he reaches 110, 120, Benjamin Tucker Patz,
Wednesday’s Grapefruit League The group’s return “may not be knowledge of the deal, Odorizzi’s 130, 140 and 150 innings, and by 24, of Napa, Calif., pleaded
game against the Marlins to give so long” away, according to Baker. contract contains $23.5 million in $1.25 million if he reaches 160 in- guilty Wednesday in Tam-
Martin Maldonado and Garrett The manager said a portable pitch- guaranteed money — a $6 million nings. So if Odorizzi throws more pa federal court to trans-
Stubbs the day off. ing mound was set up in the park- signing bonus, a $6 million base than 160 innings, his base salary in mitting threats in inter-
ing lot of a hotel where the players salary in 2021, a $5 million base 2022 will grow to $11.75 million. state or foreign commerce,
are quarantining, enabling them to salary in 2022 and a $6.5 million Chandler Rome according to court records.
No sentencing date was
immediately set.
Patz had made numer-
ASTROS tros were prepared to have “around
25 percent” capacity inside the
ous violent threats in 2019
against athletes and their
From page C1 44,000-seat stadium for their home family members through
opener April 8. anonymous Instagram
ing to cross. “We really do not know what our accounts, according to a
“Our focus has been to assess de- capacity will be for April,” Sehgal criminal complaint. In
mand as opposed to forcing a cap,” said. “We know that our No. 1 priori- many messages, Patz
Sehgal said of Minute Maid Park’s ca- ty is to make sure people come to threatened to enter the
pacity. “We looked at what all 30 Minute Maid Park and have an en- athletes’ homes and be-
clubs are doing, and everyone is in a joyable, safe experience.” head them or their family
fluid position based on the state of Season ticket holders have until members, the FBI said.
the virus. We’re going to continue to March 18 to inform the team of their The Rays lost a game in
be flexible.” decision. The Astros plan to make July 2019 to the Chicago
Most of the 30 major league single-game tickets available for pur- White Sox. An account
teams have either received permis- chase during the week of March 22. linked to Patz later sent
sion to allow fans or officially an- Though Abbott’s statewide mask threatening Instagram
nounced they will welcome specta- mandate was lifted Wednesday, face messages to four players
tors back to the ballpark. The Balti- Elizabeth Conley / Staff photographer coverings will still be required inside for the Rays and one for
more Orioles announced Tuesday Though Minute Maid Park will soon have Astros fans in some Minute Maid Park for fans not active- the White Sox, according
they’ll have 50 percent capacity at capacity, there will be guidelines in place to enhance safety. ly eating or drinking, in adherence to authorities. None of the
Camden Yards to start the season, to Major League Baseball’s proto- players were identified by
while the Colorado Rockies will have fun playing with an empty ballpark. demand will dictate how many seats cols. All ballpark employees will name, only initials.
42.6 percent capacity at Coors Field. I just hope we get to a situation are available. wear masks, too. The Astros will
Two of the Astros’ other AL West where we all feel safe and we all can “It will be somewhat dependent place hand sanitizer around the ball- Reds’ Votto tests
rivals — the Oakland Athletics and have a lot of people in ballparks.” on what our season ticket holders park, which is now a “contactless
Los Angeles Angels — announced For their 14 home games in April, decide to do,” Sehgal said. “We got environment.” positive for virus
they will have fans at their home sta- the Astros presented season ticket input from our season ticket holders Wednesday’s email detailed only Cincinnati Reds first
diums on opening day, but capacity holders four options: keeping their in order to come up with this plan, the Astros’ plans for April games. baseman Joey Votto is out
is contingent on the virus numbers existing seats, relocating elsewhere and as they choose whether to move Sehgal said the team could alter its for an indefinite period
in their home county and only Cali- in the ballpark to ensure social dis- to a socially distanced area or stay in approach on a month-to-month ba- after testing positive for
fornia residents are permitted to at- tancing, pausing their accounts for their seat, if we have a high demand sis, but Phase 2 — for now — will en- COVID-19 at spring train-
tend. The Astros open the regular April or donating their April tickets for the socially distanced area, we compass all May home games. ing, the team said.
season April 1 at Oakland. Houston’s to health care workers or first re- will adjust accordingly.” “As cases continue to decrease The Reds put Votto, 36,
home opener is seven days later sponders. The team surveyed its season tick- and vaccinations continue to in- on the injured list and he
against the A’s. If season ticket holders keep their et holders about their attendance crease, our hope is we will expand gave the team permission
“I think as a player, you want to existing seats, the Astros cannot en- preferences earlier this month and capacity,” Sehgal said. to announce he was side-
play with fans like we normally play sure social distancing around them. received one of the largest respons- lined because he had test-
with,” Astros second baseman Jose Socially distant seating locations will es in recent franchise history. Before ed positive for the virus.
Altuve said. “Last year wasn’t a lot of be placed around the ballpark, but Abbott reopened the state, the As- From wire reports
C4 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH


One job that never gets old Leftover business TEXAS

At 65 and thriving,
Sampson to keep
lacing them up
looms for Horns
By Nick Moyle Big 12 results/schedule
In 32 seasons as a college bas- STA F F WR I T E R First round
ketball coach, Kelvin Sampson Wednesday’s games
Kansas St. 71, TCU 50
has 660 victories. AUSTIN — A helpless feeling Oklahoma 79, Iowa St. 73
He has won five regular-season washed over Courtney Ramey Quarterfinals
conference titles. as the Sprint Center’s thump- Thursday’s games
Oklahoma St. vs. West Virginia, 10:30 a.m.
He’s been to 16 ing pregame soundtrack went Kansas St. vs. Baylor, 1:30 p.m.
NCAA Tourna- silent. Oklahoma vs. Kansas, 5:30 p.m.
Texas Tech vs. Texas, 8:30 p.m.
ments with four It was the morning of March Semifinals
different schools. 12, 2020, and all around the Friday’s games
And he still has Texas guard, Big 12 officials, Oklahoma St.-West Virginia winner vs.
Kansas St.-Baylor winner, 5:30 p.m.
a winning record coaches and staffers were Oklahoma-Kansas winner vs.
Texas Tech-Texas winner, 8:30 p.m.
JOSEPH against the most forming tight groups and
DUARTE formidable seed speaking in frantic whispers. Saturday’s games
On the Cougars
in his age bracket: Elizabeth Conley / Staff photographer Something was up. Semifinal winners, 5 p.m.
Father Time. Kelvin Sampson is a sage in the coaching ranks, readily dis- Shortly after the arena went
“I still think I’m very young for pensing advice, with Reggie Chaney on the receiving end here. quiet, conference officials
my age. I’m vibrant. I can still do pulled Texas and Texas Tech conversation he had with Tex-
a bunch of stuff,” the 65-year-old AAC schedule Why does Sampson still go off the court ahead of their 11 a. as athletic director Chris Del
University of Houston coach said First round through the daily grind? m. quarterfinal matchup in the Conte moments before the
with a laugh during a Zoom call Today’s games Because of the phone call at conference basketball tourna- 2020 tournament was shut
Temple vs. South Florida, 11 a.m.
with reporters Wednesday. Tulane vs. Tulsa, 2 p.m. 11:30 p.m. from a former player ment. Half an hour later, Big 12 down.
At this point of his Hall of Fame East Carolina vs. UCF, 6 p.m. asking for advice. An invitation commissioner Bob Bowlsby “I was in the locker room,
career, Sampson has nothing left Quarterfinals from another former player to slogged to a podium and an- and (Del Conte) said they can-
Friday’s games
to prove. He could walk away Temple-South Florida winner vs. Wichita St., 11 a.m. attend his Hall of Honor induc- nounced the men’s and wom- celed the tournament,” Smart
tomorrow with a treasure chest of Cincinnati vs. SMU, 2 p.m.
Tulane-Tulsa winner vs. Houston, 6 p.m.
tion. A call from a friend who has en’s tournaments had been remembered. “So we call the
memories and a phone directory East Carolina-UCF winner vs. Memphis, 9 p.m. spina bifida and has known canceled. Soon, everything guys back in the locker room,
filled with the names of former Semifinals Sampson since his days as head else would be, too. and at that point we didn’t
players and assistants, many of Saturday’s games
Temple-South Florida_Wichita St. vs. Cincinnati-SMU winner, 2 p.m.
coach at Montana Tech in the “During that time, I was know what we know now
whom still regularly call or text. Tulane-Tulsa winner vs. East Carolina-UCF_Memphis winner, 4:30 p.m. early 1980s. “He’s a huge inspira- pretty mad,” Ramey said Mon- about the severity of COVID
“I have very few regrets,” Championship tion to me,” Sampson said. “Al- day, nearly a year to day since and just the long, long-lasting
Sampson said. “Very few com- Sunday’s game
Semifinal winners, 3:14 p.m.
ways has been.” On his desk is a COVID-19 stopped sports. “I impact. But I had a feeling that
plaints.” stack of emails from “old Coogs” wanted to play. I it would be the last time that
Asked if he’s given thought expressing their appreciation. had family we would be addressing that
when might be the right time to began last summer. He and wife Sampson welcomes giving there, so I want- team in a locker room in that
step away, Sampson replied: “No, Karen recently received their back to younger coaches like Lew ed to perform season.
I don’t look at it that way.” He second dose of the COVID vac- Hill, the former coach at UT-Rio for them. But, in “I won’t name any names,
then proceeded to give reasons cine. Grande Valley who died unex- the grand but we had one player that I
why, much to the relief of UH The latest contract discussions pectedly this season. scheme of think was really relieved that
basketball fans, he has no plans — less than two years after Samp- “I think about him just about things, I under- we were not playing, did not
to retire any time soon. son signed a six-year extension every day and the job he did, his Ramey stood why they feel like it was safe to play. We
Sampson is averaging nearly 25 following interest from Arkansas wife and his two kids. There’s my pulled us off the had another player that was
wins over the last six seasons. He — began in December when balance,” Sampson said. “I think court. And we have a team- extremely upset — you can
has led a renaissance of the UH Sampson’s agent began talking to about Lew Hill. ‘Coach, how mate of our own at risk (leuke- probably guess, based on
basketball program, which is school athletic officials. would you handle this, or what mia survivor Andrew Jones), knowing our guys — that was
about to make a fourth straight “They wanted to give me an do you think about that?’ I think so I had to think about him as really mad and disappointed
NCAA appearance. Yes, he counts extension. I said, ‘OK.’ I think it that’s one of the experiences you well.” and felt like we had an oppor-
last year and, to mark the took about 30 seconds,” Sampson go through when you become an No. 15 Texas (17-7, 11-6 Big 12) tunity taken away from us. But
achievement, put up a 2020 said. older coach is younger coaches returned to Kansas City this it was outside of our control.”
banner inside the Guy V. Lewis Sampson admitted to being feel comfortable enough to ask week for the Big 12 tourna- Texas isn’t naive enough to
Development Facility. He still embarrassed at the congratulato- you those things. I welcome that, ment. COVID-19 remains, and believe it has total control over
enjoys the challenge, although he ry text messages he received after because part of what we do is the American death toll con- its situation in Kansas City. But
admits to the “daily stress” of the announcement. giving back.” tinues hitting gruesome mile- if the Longhorns can just make
playing this season in the shadow “When you’re 65, the last thing Whether it was his 2002 Okla- stones, though hope, knowl- it to tipoff, they feel confident
of the coronavirus pandemic. you’re worried about is being homa team that advanced to the edge and, thankfully, vaccines about being able to make one
On Tuesday, UH announced a extended,” he said. “Just glad to Final Four, his 13-19 squad in his now exist to light the way for- more compelling impression
two-year extension — worth at be here.” first year at UH, the 33-win squad ward. on the NCAA men’s basketball
least $7.3 million — that will keep Sampson told a story about from 2018-19 or this year’s group Sports remain, too. And the committee before Selection
Sampson with the Cougars how he and Tim Floyd, both head that some believe could make a Longhorns have made it to Sunday.
through the 2026-27 season. coaches in their early 30s, would deep run, Sampson said he has tournament season intact, The stoppages and CO-
Sampson will be 71 at the end of sit at the kitchen table and “talk no favorite. Each team is special. though not without some mis- VID-19 hangovers battered
the contract. ball until midnight or 1 in the And when this season ends, fortune. Texas after a thunderous 10-1
“The good Lord and Mother morning.” At the time, Sampson Sampson will do it all over again. The coronavirus ravaged start. It was only in the final
Nature’s winning some battles, was at Washington State and “It’s been a blessing. It’s been a the team for the better part of tacked-on week of the regular
but there’s other ones that I still Floyd at Idaho. fun ride,” he said. “I’m going to three weeks. Coach Shaka season that the Longhorns
feel like I’m hanging in there on,” “Million pieces of paper just ride with this team until they tell Smart had to watch one game were able to recapture some of
Sampson added. “As long as I’m exchanging ideas, trying to get us we can’t play. Then we’ll pack in quarantine. The bout with their early-season swagger.
standing on the plus side of the better, trying to learn,” Sampson our uniforms and put them up COVID-19 rattled him, casting Senior big man Jericho Sims
battles, I’m good.” said. and get ready for next year. We’ll doubt upon the merit of actu- is playing the most inspired
In recent years, Sampson has All these years later, Sampson see who we’re going to have on ally playing out this entire sea- basketball of his life as a two-
had two hip replacements and is still trying to learn, still trying the team, we’ll add a few and put son amid a viral minefield. way devastator. Ramey, Cole-
surgery for lower back pain. to improve. He admits “my stuff our uniform back on next year, Then Winter Storm Uri ar- man and Jones have learned
There were concerns this season doesn’t work sometimes,” and he lace them up and go play again.” rived, and Texas froze over, how to cook in the kitchen all
because of Sampson’s age and the does a lot behind the scenes that went dark and cold, and at once. Big 12 sixth man of the
disclosure the entire roster tested “nobody knows how many times turned inescapable. year Kai Jones is a bucket-get-
positive for COVID-19 since testing I fail.” All told, Texas had six games ting cyclone in transition and a
canceled or postponed this versatile defender. Freshman
season due to COVID-19 proto- Greg Brown keeps growing

Three UH players earn AAC honors cols or weather. It made up

three of those games last
week, hopscotching from Iowa
and soaring. Shooting guard
Jase Febres is finally healthy
and sniping from the arc.
By Joseph Duarte It’s just the second time UH has (68) ranks second scoring (17.9 State to Oklahoma to TCU and Swingman Brock Cunningham
STA F F WRIT E R won three individual awards in the points per game), fifth in 3-point leaving with three wins in tow. is still the mad king of hustle
same season — following Bo Out- percentage (38.9) and eighth in re- That thunderous 3-0 close plays.
The University of Houston law, who won Southwest Confer- bounding (6.2). locked the Longhorns into a If Texas can just make it
claimed three American Athletic ence player of the year and defen- Jarreau, a senior guard, was a No. 3 seed in this year’s tour- through pregame shoota-
Conference individual postseason sive player of the year, and Antho- catalyst for one of the nation’s top nament, which Big 12 officials round without the world col-
awards Wednesday, headlined by ny Goldwire, who was newcomer defenses. He tied for the league expect to be played in full at lapsing again, Ramey believes
guard Quentin Grimes’ selection as of the year, in 1993. lead with 35 steals. Kansas City’s Sprint Center. there’s no more “dangerous”
co-player of the year. Grimes becomes the seventh Gorham leads the AAC in re- The Longhorns will face No. 6 team in the field.
Grimes, who was second in scor- UH player to be named a league bounding (9.4) and is fourth in de- seed Texas Tech (17-9, 9-8) in “Knock on wood,” Coleman
ing in the AAC, shared the top hon- player of the year, joining Outlaw, fensive rebounds (5.2). His 4.3 of- Thursday’s quarterfinals in a said, “but it’s why you come to
or with Tyson Etienne, a sopho- Hakeem Olajuwon (1984), Clyde fensive rebounds per game are rematch likely to conjure some college, to play in March. And
more guard for regular-season Drexler and Michael Young (shared third nationally. tense memories. for us, knowing that we’re not
champion Wichita State. in 1983), Rob Williams (1981) and In addition, Grimes was a unani- Players like Ramey and se- going to get that taken away
UH senior guard DeJon Jarreau Otis Birdsong (1977). All six previ- mous first-team selection and Jar- nior Matt Coleman still feel from us, it’s even more excit-
was also honored as the league’s ous winners did so as members of reau and Gorham were named to like the rug might be pulled ing.”
defensive player of the year and se- the SWC. the second team. Guard Marcus from under them at the last
nior forward Justin Gorham was se- In his second season at UH, Sasser was also named to the sec- second all over again. And
lected as most improved player. Grimes leads the AAC in 3-pointers ond team. Smart still anguishes over the


Aggies’ comeback comes up short vs. Commodores

By Brent Zwerneman Diarra said. “That was the main is- bad job of continuing that mo- SEC results/schedule Vanderbilt 79, Texas A&M 68
STA F F WRIT E R sue.” mentum.” First round Texas A&M (8-10)
The Commodores, playing Guard Scotty Pippen Jr. paced Wednesday’s result Aku 0-0 2-4 2, Miller 11-16 0-0 22, Gordon 1-11 0-0 2, Jackson 4-10 1-2
Vanderbilt 79, Texas A&M 68 10, Flagg 3-9 2-2 9, Chandler 4-111-2 11, Diarra 3-7 1-2 10, McGhee 1-1
Texas A&M’s season crashed to about two miles from their home Vanderbilt with 22 points despite 0-0 2, Hefner 0-1 0-0 0, Robinson 0-0 0-0 0, Bradford 0-0 0-0 0, Marfo
Second round
an apt, haphazard end Wednes- arena, are the tournament’s No. 12 missing 14 of his 17 attempts from 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 27-66 7-12 68.
Thursday’s games Vanderbilt (9-15)
day night with a double-digit loss seed, and the Aggies were the No. the field. He made all 15 of his free Mississippi St. vs. Kentucky, 11 a.m.
Vanderbilt vs. Florida, 1:30 p.m. Brown 2-3 0-0 4, Evans 5-9 0-112, Harvey 4-6 6-817, Pippen 3-1715-15
to an SEC opponent. 13 seed, but only because A&M (8- throws, however. Georgia vs. Missouri, 6 p.m. 22, Wright 4-5 0-0 9, Stute 2-6 0-0 6, Millora-Brown 0-0 0-0 0, Thomas
3-6 0-0 9, McBride 0-3 0-0 0. Totals 23-55 21-24 79.
“Texas A&M deserves better, 10, 2-8 SEC) didn’t play enough Vanderbilt (9-15, 3-13) faces South Carolina vs. Mississippi, 8:30 p.m.
Halftime: Vanderbilt 37-27. 3-point goals: Texas A&M 7-25 (Diarra
and we’re going to do better,” Ag- SEC contests to officially qualify fifth-seeded Florida in the second Quarterfinals 3-5, Chandler 2-7, Jackson 1-3, Flagg 1-4, Hefner 0-1, Gordon 0-5),
Friday’s games Vanderbilt 12-34 (Harvey 3-5, Thomas 3-5, Evans 2-5, Stute 2-6,
gies coach Buzz Williams prom- for tournament seeding, per round at 1:30 p.m. Thursday. Mississippi St.-Kentucky winner vs. Alabama, 11 a.m. Wright 1-2, Pippen 1-8, Brown 0-1, McBride 0-2). Rebounds: Texas
A&M 38 (Miller 9), Vanderbilt 32 (Brown, Evans, Harvey, Millora-Brown
ised following Vanderbilt’s 79-68 league rules. There is no 14th seed this year Vanderbilt-Florida winner vs. Tennessee, 1:30 p.m.
Georgia-Missouri winner vs. Arkansas, 6 p.m. 5). Assists: Texas A&M 17 (Gordon 5), Vanderbilt 16 (Pippen 6).
victory over A&M in the opening Vanderbilt led 45-32 four min- because Auburn is not taking part South Carolina-Mississippi winner vs. LSU, 8:30 p.m. Total fouls: Texas A&M 22, Vanderbilt 16.

game of the SEC tournament in utes into the second half before in the postseason following a self- Semifinals
Nashville, Tenn. A&M scored the next 13 points to imposed ban prompted by an Saturday’s games
Mississippi St.-Kentucky-Alabama winner vs.
Williams should enter his third tie the game with 12 minutes re- NCAA investigation involving for- Vanderbilt/Florida-Tennessee winner, noon first half,” Miller said of A&M’s
Georgia-Missouri/Arkansas winner vs.
season with a roster entirely his maining. The Aggies used all their mer assistant Chuck Person. South Carolina-Mississippi-LSU winner, 2:30 p.m. falling behind by 13 points 13 min-
own for the first time at A&M, and gas in the brief comeback, howev- A&M did not play a game in Championship utes into Wednesday’s game. “We
Wednesday’s outcome offered a er, and Vanderbilt outscored A&M February because of COVID-19 is- Sunday’s game went on runs and did everything
Semifinal winners, noon
microcosm of the many things by double digits (34-23) the rest of sues within the program and were we could to fight back.”
that went haywire for the Aggies the way. unable to play eight of their 18 Brent Zwerneman reported from
in a COVID-19-interrupted season. “That was a great run with scheduled SEC games in the reg- they’re to make the NCAA Tour- College Station.
“We can’t start the game like great momentum,” said forward ular season. nament next year for the first time
that — we have to play better from Emanuel Miller, who led the Ag- The Aggies realize they need to since 2018.
the start,” A&M guard Hassan gies with 22 points. “We just did a work on their starts to games if “We just weren’t there in the
HHHH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | C5


TCU’s Dixon has first losing season Huskies

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Nijel 3-pointer and then sinking the not able
to handle
Pack hit five 3-pointers and game-winning free throws with
scored 23 points, Mike McGuirl three seconds left in overtime as
added 17 and ninth-seeded Kan- the 10th-seeded Bulldogs ousted
sas State used a pair of big runs
to beat eighth-seeded TCU 71-50
in the first round of the Big 12
Xavier 70-69 in the Big East
tournament at New York.
Xavier (13-8) shot 59 percent in
early hole
tournament Wednesday night. building a 40-26 halftime lead. By Richard Dean
Pack also had six rebounds But the loss to 10-14 Butler dam- CO R R E S P O ND E NT
and five assists in a dynamic ages Xavier’s waning chances of
showing by the freshman as the earning an NCAA bid. Tournament basketball. That’s
Wildcats (10-19) advanced to play what March is all about.
second-ranked Baylor, the tour- Women Houston Baptist answered the
nament’s No. 1 seed, in the quar- AMERICAN ATHLETIC bell a night earlier in its opening
terfinal round Thursday. UCF led nearly from start to game of the Southland Conference
RJ Nembhard had 11 points and finish in eliminating cold-shoot- tournament. On Wednesday,
Mike Miles nine to lead the ing Houston 61-39 in the semifi- Lamar delivered an early blow from
Horned Frogs (12-14), who lost nals of the American Athletic which the Huskies couldn’t recover.
four straight and seven of their Conference tournament at Fort Playing from behind throughout
last eight to give coach Jamie Worth. in its second game in as many
Dixon his first losing season in 18 Laila Blair had 11 points for the nights, HBU fell 62-52 to Lamar at
years as a college head coach. Cougars (16-7), who hit only 26.4 the Merrell Center in Katy.
In another opening-round percent of their shots from the Lamar advances to play third-
game, Austin Reaves scored 11 of field, including 2 of 16 3-pointers. seeded Sam Houston State at 8 p.m.
his 21 points in the closing min- Thursday, while HBU’s season
utes, helping No. 25 Oklahoma SOUTHLAND comes to an end.
answer Iowa State’s late run and Jamie Squire / Getty Images Julija Vujakovic scored 20 Sixth seed Lamar and 10th seed
hold on for a 79-73 victory. Kansas State’s Mike McGuirl comes up with a steal against TCU’s points and N’Denasija Collins HBU split the 2020-21 season series
The Sooners, who had lost Taryn Todd in the Wildcats’ rout in the Big 12’s first round. had 18 points and 13 rebounds as with each team winning on its
four straight, will play No. 11 Houston Baptist advanced with a home court.
Kansas on Thursday night. season highs with 23 points and NCAA fields 74-60 victory over McNeese State To its credit, HBU didn’t let
19 rebounds for his second dou- Men Women
in the Southland Conference Lamar run away, but overcoming
SWAC ble-double, Matthew Hurt added Appalachian State, Sun Belt Belmont, Ohio Valley tournament at Katy. another early deficit proved diffi-
Cleveland State, Horizon Connecticut, Big East
Jawaun Daniels scored 36 20 points, and No. 10 seed Duke Drexel, Colonial Gonzaga, West Coast HBU (11-10) will play Central cult for the Huskies, who shot 33.3
points as Prairie View A&M rout- eased by seventh-seeded Lou- Gonzaga, West Coast
Liberty, Atlantic Sun
Mercer, Southern
North Carolina State, ACC
Arkansas in the second round at percent, making 21 of 63 shots.
ed Mississippi Valley State 91-64 isville 70-56 to advance to the Loyola Chicago, Missouri Valley South Carolina, SEC 11 a.m. Thursday. “We knew Houston Baptist mak-
Morehead State, Ohio Valley South Dakota, Summit
in the quarterfinals of the South- quarterfinals of the Atlantic Mount St. Mary’s, Northeast Stanford, Pac-12 ing shots would be a problem,”
western Athletic Conference Coast Conference tournament at Oral Roberts, Summit Troy, Sun Belt SWAC Lamar coach Tic Price said. “We
UNC Greensboro, Southern Wright State, Horizon
tournament at Birmingham, Ala. Greensboro, N.C. Winthrop, Big South Wyoming, Mountain West Te'Aire Hambrick scored 18 went in with a goal to try to hold
The Panthers (15-4) advance to Duke (13-11) plays No. 15 Florida points for Texas Southern in an them to 32 percent and for the most
Friday’s semifinals against the State, the second seed, on Thurs- 85-69 loss to Alabama State in part accomplished that.”
winner of Thursday’s Grambling day in their first matchup of the the ACC’s automatic bid. the Southwestern Athletic Con- Pedro Castro was one of the few
State-Southern game. season. The Devils will be seek- ference tournament at Birming- Huskies who was accurate. The 6-6
ing their third victory in as many BIG EAST ham, Ala. The Tigers ended their forward made10 of19 shots en route
ACC days while needing five in a row Chuck Harris was clutch for season at 5-11. to 24 points. Castro was 4 of 7 on 3-
Freshman Mark Williams set to win the tournament and earn Butler, drilling a straightaway From wire reports pointers.
A big, physical, athletic team,
Lamar was also the fresher squad,
CONFERENCE USA: RICE 72, MARSHALL 68 having not played Tuesday. The
Cardinals shot 47.2 percent from

Olivari, Owls advance to quarterfinals the field. HBU enjoyed a 40-35 re-
bounding edge.
“We faced a lot of adversity to-
By Ryan Herrera some tough times, for a long Results/schedule Rice 72, Marshall 68 night,” HBU coach Ron Cottrell
STA F F W RIT E R time,” coach Scott Pera said when First round Rice (14-12) said. “But (our) guys never gave up.
told his team has two tournament Tuesday’s results Fiedler 7-101-215, Evee 3-8 2-2 9, Mullins 2-5 2-2 7, Olivari 8-19 2-2 23, We just kept coming and coming.”
Rice 61, Southern Miss. 52 Sheffield 2-6 4-410, Ege Havsa1-2 0-0 2, Abercrombie 2-3 0-0 5, Moore
Rice is a team with enough fire- wins for the first time in 14 years. Middle Tennessee def. FIU, forfeit 0-0 1-2 1. Totals 25-53 12-14 72. The Huskies gave up the first sev-
power to score in bunches. “I vowed when they hired me to Second round Marshall (15-6) en points Tuesday but composed
The Owls proved it in their pre- change that, but it was going to be Wednesday’s results Beyers 7-15 0-0 17, Williams 4-10 1-2 11, Kinsey 5-15 1-2 11, Taylor 4-9 themselves and pulled away from
UTSA 72, Charlotte 62 0-0 8, West 7-12 0-019, Anochili-Killen 0-10-0 0, Miladinovic 0-10-0 0,
liminary round victory over a process. We’re still in that pro- Rice 72, Marshall 68 Early 0-3 0-0 0, George 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 28-67 2-4 68. Incarnate Word. On Wednesday,
Southern Miss on Tuesday. They cess, but we’re starting to grow.” FAU 76, UTEP 70
North Texas 76, Middle Tennessee 56
Halftime: Rice 31-29. they couldn’t overcame a 10-0 start
3-point goals: Rice10-28 (Olivari 5-13, Sheffield 2-6, Abercrombie1-1,
used an 11-0 run in the first half Like the first half of Tuesday’s Quarterfinals Mullins 1-2, Evee 1-6), Marshall 10-34 (West 5-9, Beyers 3-9, Williams by the Cardinals (9-17).
and an 18-3 run in the second to game, Rice and Marshall strug- Thursday’s games
2-8, Anochili-Killen 0-1, Early 0-2, Taylor 0-2, Kinsey 0-3).
Rebounds: Rice 29 (Fiedler, Olivari 9), Marshall 31 (Beyers 8).
Lamar was up by 10 by the first
move on to Day 2 of the Confer- gled to string together buckets. UTSA vs. Western Kentucky, 5:30 p.m.
Rice vs. UAB, 6 p.m.
Assists: Rice 14 (Ege Havsa 4), Marshall 13 (West 7). media timeout four minutes in.
Total fouls: Rice 11, Marshall 14.
ence USA men’s basketball tour- Just five times did either team FAU vs. Louisiana Tech, 8:30 p.m. From there, the Huskies played
North Texas vs. Old Dominion, 9 p.m.
nament. score back-to-back baskets catch-up.
Though Rice found itself with a throughout the first half, and only Friday’s games
things going from deep. HBU’s first points came at the
seven-point lead midway through once did they knock down three UTSA-W. Kentucky winner vs. Olivari immediately knocked 14:32 mark on a Darius Lee layup.
Rice-UAB winner, 11 a.m.
the second half against Marshall in a row (during a 7-0 Rice run). FAU-Louisiana Tech winner vs. down back-to-back 3s to put Rice HBU (6-19), which trailed 35-21 at
on Wednesday, the Owls missed Both teams each went on extend- North Texas-Old Dominion winner, 2 p.m. up four, and after a jumper from halftime, made only one of its first
seven straight field goals as a 9-0 ed scoring droughts, the Owls Championship West, Travis Evee hit a 3 to make it 10 shots.
Saturday’s game
run put the Thundering Herd up from 13:20 to 9:26, the Thunder- Semifinal winners, 7:30 p.m. a five-point game. Two minutes After having a big game in Tues-
two. ing Herd from 11:24 to 6:29. later, Olivari drained his fifth tri- day’s 80-68 victory over Incarnate
But led by a trio of 3-pointers Heading into halftime with a 31- ple of the night to put the Owls up Word, Castro again was the team’s
from Quincy Olivari, Rice found 29 lead, Olivari and Fiedler both eight. 10. main scoring threat. Only two Hus-
another quick burst to go on a 14-2 had eight points to pace Rice “He’s been like that for a lot of Marshall managed to trim the kies scored in double figures.
run, moving ahead for good in its while Jarrod West matched it with games this year, and our kids en- lead to as low as three but could Zach Iyeyemi enjoyed an active
72-68 win over Marshall. eight of his own for Marshall. joy seeing each other’s success,” get no closer, and Rice now moves game for the Huskies with 15 points
“When we went down two, it Fiedler was particularly effi- Pera said. “They all wanted Max to on to Thursday’s quarterfinal. and 12 rebounds from the post.
could’ve been easy for us to just cient, needing just five shot at- do well, they wanted to throw him “I wouldn’t say this is a sur- Hunter Janacek, who poured in
give up and say, ‘Aw, we’re not tempts to get to his total. He went the ball. They actually had a cou- prise,” Olivari said about the Owls 19 points against Incarnate Word,
gonna come back,’ ” Olivari said. into the game shooting 68.7 per- ple turnovers trying to force it into making it to the Day 3. “We’ve al- struggled with his shot Wednesday,
“But we just huddled up as a team cent from the field, by far the high- him, but I knew if we could score ways believed in ourselves, and missing all eight of his attempts.
and said, ‘We can still do this.’ ” est on the team. inside, it might loosen things up we believed we could go deep into A dunk by Castro drew the Hus-
Olivari barely missed a double- To start the second half, Fied- outside for the shooters.” this tournament before we got kies within 47-37 with nine minutes
double with 23 points and nine re- ler’s efficiency was once again the As quickly as Rice built its lead here.” remaining. But HBU just didn’t
bounds, and Max Fiedler had 15 catalyst for a big Rice run. After however, the 9-0 Thundering Ryan Herrera reported from have enough defensive stops
points on 7-of-10 shooting. The Jannson Williams threw down an Herd run put Marshall up two. But Houston. against Lamar, which had 38 points
Owls next play No. 2 UAB at 6 p.m. alley-oop dunk to tie it at 31, Fied- as one of the most prolific 3-point in the paint.
Thursday. ler scored on three straight pos- shooting teams in the country, it Lamar’s scoring was balanced,
“This program has been in sessions to help put Rice up by didn’t take long for the Owls to get with Davion Buster providing a
team-high 18 points. The Cardinals
came in as one of the conference’s
CONFERENCE USA WOMEN hottest teams, winning their final
four games of the regular season.

Rice tries to add to dominance of league Lamar raced to 12 fast-break

points in the first half.
“We felt like running transition
By Ryan Herrera Long a defensive block shots or score or assist, (but) Results/schedule since we were fresh and they played
STA F F WRIT E R whiz, Nancy she can do all of those things, and First round (Tuesday),” Buster said.
Mulkey has that’s what makes her elite.” Tuesday’s results
Old Dominion 83, Western Kentucky 77 (OT)
For the third consecutive sea- added to her That game against the Hilltop- UAB 80, UTSA 66
son, the Rice women’s basketball game and is one pers also happened to be the Owls’ Second round Results/schedule
team sits atop the Conference USA of the nation’s first game back on the floor in al- Wednesday’s results First round
Florida International 85, Southern Miss 75
standings heading into the post- top centers. most four weeks. Rice opened Old Dominion 71, North Texas 66 Tuesday’s results
SE Louisiana 71, McNeese 68
season tournament. conference play with six straight Louisiana Tech 50, Marshall 48
Florida Atlantic 72, UAB 66 Houston Baptist 80, Incarnate Word 68
The Owls have won four regu- matching a feat accomplished by wins, but as with other teams Quarterfinals Second round
lar-season titles in their history, in- Janell Burse (Tulane, 1999-01) and around the country, COVID-19 Today’s games Wednesday’s results
New Orleans 80, SE Louisiana 63
cluding the last three years in a Sandora Irvin (TCU, 2003-05). quickly forced the Owls off the Florida International vs. Rice, 11 a.m.
Old Dominion vs. Charlotte, 11:30 a.m. Lamar 62, Houston Baptist 52
row. Mulkey’s 6-9 frame puts her in floor. Three series in a row were Louisiana Tech vs. Middle Tennessee, 1 p.m. Quarterfinals
Florida Atlantic vs. UTEP, 2:30 p.m.
“I have so much respect for the the perfect position to dominate called off due to health and safety Thursday’s games
Semifinals New Orleans vs. Northwestern St., 5 p.m.
young women in this program that defensively. She finished fourth in protocols before Rice could play Friday’s games Lamar vs. Sam Houston, 8 p.m.
are currently here and the ones the conference with 6.4 defensive another game. FIU-Rice winner vs. Old Dominion-Charlotte winner, 4:30 p.m. Semifinals
La. Tech-Middle Tenn. winner vs. FAU-UTEP winner, 7:30 p.m.
who have come before, as well as rebounds per game, and her 59 Though the postponements dis- Friday’s games
Championship New Orleans-Northwestern St. winner vs.
the staff,” coach Tina Langley said blocks put her 18 ahead of the sec- rupted the Owls’ rhythm during Saturday’s game Nicholls, 5 p.m.
Saturday after a loss to North Tex- ond-place finisher. their best stretch of the season, the Semifinal winners, 4:30 p.m. Lamar-Sam Houston winner vs.
Abilene Christian, 8 p.m.
as in the regular-season finale. “I But she hasn’t just taken the team didn’t make any excuses. In- Championship
just think we have had a tremen- reins of the Owls’ defense. Mulkey stead, Rice shook off the rust and Saturday’s game
dous group of people, and I’m so also finished the regular season won six of its last eight games to ship game might be enough to get Semifinal winners, 8:30 p.m.

grateful for them all.” ranked first on the team with 15.5 finish conference play on top. the Owls into the tournament. But
The program’s recent success in points, 3.1 blocks and 8 rebounds The Owls’ 12-2 C-USA record a clean sweep would give them the
conference play coincides with per game. earned them a double-bye in the automatic bid. Lamar 62, HBU 52
the turnaround started by Lang- Her overall dominance for the conference tournament, so their “We’re ready to showcase what Houston Baptist (6-19)
ley, who in six seasons has No. 1 team in C-USA led to her be- first game will be at 11 a.m. Thurs- we’ve been working on all season, Iyeyemi 7-12 1-4 15, Janacek 0-8 0-0 0, Long 0-3 0-0 0, Tse 2-8 5-5 9,
Castro 10-19 0-0 24, Pierre 1-5 0-0 2, Boothman 0-5 0-0 0, Thompson
changed the culture and brought ing named a top-10 candidate for day in a quarterfinal against Flori- (through) nonconference and con- 0-0 0-0 0, Lee 1-1 0-0 2, McKenzie 0-1 0-0 0, Gomes 0-1 0-0 0. Totals
21-63 6-9 52.
in the players needed to build a the Lisa Leslie Award, which rec- da International. ference play,” Mulkey said Satur-
Lamar (9-17)
sustainable winner at Rice. The ognizes the top center in women’s As a team that has received day. “We’re going to take one Sullivan 3-5 0-1 6, Muoka 3-6 0-0 6, Buster 6-11 4-4 18, Harrison 5-14
one arguably most responsible for NCAA Division I basketball. votes in the Associated Press Top game at a time and focus on this 4-7 14, Jefferson 3-6 0-0 6, Kopp 2-6 2-2 6, Smith 3-5 0-0 6. Totals
25-53 10-14 62.
that success is Nancy Mulkey, a “She’s arguably one of the best 25 and USA Today/WBCA Top 25 first conference game that we will
Halftime: Lamar 35-21. 3-Point Goals: Houston Baptist 4-16 (Castro
transfer from Oklahoma. players in the country,” Langley Coaches polls throughout the sea- have Thursday.” 4-7, Boothman 0-1, Janacek 0-8), Lamar 2-14 (Buster 2-6, Harrison
0-2, Smith 0-2, Kopp 0-4).
On Tuesday, Mulkey was named said after Rice’s Feb. 12 win over son, Rice already has an NCAA Fouled out: Tse.
C-USA Defensive Player of the Year Western Kentucky. “There’s a lot Tournament-worthy résumé. Rebounds: Houston Baptist 32 (Iyeyemi 12), Lamar 32 (Harrison 8).
Assists: Houston Baptist 7 (Janacek 3), Lamar 8 (Harrison 3).
for the third consecutive season, of posts that can either rebound or A run to the C-USA champion- Total fouls: Houston Baptist 15, Lamar 17.
C6 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH



SMITH website, just to lose a
potential first-dose spot for
From page C1 the 500th time in a single
day. But there is a vaccine,
up. the once unthinkable is
Dallas owner Jerry Jones gradually making its way
told reporters he plans to across America, and the
have a full venue next best things about the real
season when Dak “$160 world are returning again.
Million” Prescott and the The same buzz applies
2021 Cowboys play inside to a sports world that we
humungous AT&T Stadi- aren’t the same without.
um. I’m excited about the
And on the same day NCAA Tournament. Kelvin
when MLB moved nearer Sampson’s No. 7 Cougars,
to a fan-filled opening day who keep looking more
and the NFL inched closer and more like a serious
to an explosive free-agency Final Four threat. Gon-
period — following a full zaga, Michigan, Baylor, the
16-game season and playoff Big 12 … and screaming at
slate that once seemed the TV because some small
impossible — the NBA school just did something
announced that among the crazy against a big school.
465 players tested for I’m excited about base-
COVID-19 since March 3, ball starting in April,
only two new players again, and the grand ol’
returned confirmed posi- game always being on the
tive tests. tube, inning after inning,
For too long, something day after day, month after
was better than nothing. month.
Now, something really is I also want the NBA
Eric Christian Smith / Contributor happening. regular season to end so
Senior center Taylor Jackson, right, reached the 1,000-point mark for her Cy Creek career but is much more Real life became confus- the playoffs, the real sea-
interested in blocks, rebounds and steals. ing, sci-fi surreal and ghost son, can begin.
townish. It also became Was it all really that bad

Mother Hen leaving a mark

sad, distant, dangerous if it only lasted a year,
and deadly. 43-year-old Tom Brady
Sports disappeared for won another Super Bowl,
months. the NBA held an All-Star
By Adam Coleman Senior center Jackson paces defense, If there is a debate, it Simply getting NASCAR Game and an MLB stadium
STA F F WRIT E R starts inside Cy Creek’s own and the PGA back on tele- could soon be packed to
uplifts Cougars in their run to 6A final district. Cy-Fair ISD is also vision was a huge deal. 100 percent capacity?
Cypress Creek’s Taylor home to the oldest Ogwu- Remember when all the 1. It’s not over yet.
Jackson was involved in a mi- mand the headlines, and need her to be a force again mike sisters — Nneka and national and regional 2. Yes, it really was that
nor dust-up against Con- rightfully so. The unsigned Thursday. Chiney — who won state sports channels were bad. And unbelievably
verse Judson during Satur- Jackson’s growth and im- “They’re long,” Alexan- championships at Cy-Fair forced to televise classic surreal.
day’s Class 6A state semifi- pact can’t be understated, der said of DeSoto. “They High School in 2008 and games (and not-so-classic But here we are, one
nal in Goliad. however. She’s been a cen- get out and extend their 2-3 2010. games) because there year later.
Teammates Rori Harmon tral figure in Cy Creek’s zone and rebound the ball Brianna Turner and Jor- literally was nothing going We’re fractured (poli-
and Kyndall Hunter, both reaching three state tourna- really well. We’ve got a good dan Hosey’s 2013-14 Manvel on? tics, masks) yet united (the
McDonald’s All-Americans, ments in four years. game plan on how to attack team can’t be forgotten. Nor But a year after Utah Texans are a mess).
were quick to come to the se- While Harmon and Hunt- that and how to counter can Westfield’s 2003-04 Jazz center Rudy Gobert We’re a week away from
nior center’s defense. er flash with elite guard play, what they bring.” team. Both Manvel and spent way too much time the first March Madness in
Tempers flare in competi- Jackson is enamored with Westfield beat Duncanville in the international spot- two years and less than a
tion sometimes. It’s part of the dirty work. She sur- Legacy at stake — often a bane for state title light, optimism keeps month from the first real
basketball, especially when passed 1,000 career points Now an associate director contenders in girls basket- refusing to go away. roar inside the Astros’
it involves a team that has this season, which Cy Creek of athletics with Cypress- ball — in their state title It arrives in small, un- home since Game 7 of the
handed out mostly beat- coach Jennifer Alexander Fairbanks ISD, former Cy- games. expected places. It’s often 2019 World Series.
downs in 73 of its last 74 says is a major accomplish- press Woods girls basketball In general, the Houston discarded by the latest What a long, strange
games ahead of Thursday’s 7 ment. coach Virginia Flores knows area’s great girls basketball daily annoyance or nation- trip it’s been.
p.m. state title game against But ask Jackson if she’d the look of a champion. state champions easily stand al controversy. But it keeps What a difference a
DeSoto inside the Alamo- rather have 1,000 blocks or Her 2014-15 team could be out because there haven’t returning and shining pandemic year makes.
dome. rebounds and steals, and considered one of the Hous- been many. Cy Creek looks through.
This moment, however, her eyes light up. ton area’s best all-time, re- to become just the sixth girls You might have to keep
signified something bigger “I feel like I have im- gardless of gender. It fin- basketball state champion refreshing and refreshing a
the Cougars stand by: Don’t proved offensively, but I love ished 35-1 with a Class 6A from the area since 2000.
mess with the Mother Hen. playing defense,” Jackson state championship and fea- “Any team that goes to
“I think that describes her said. “I know defense wins tured a WNBA draft pick in state, if you’ve been there,
perfectly,” Hunter said of games, so when push comes Erica Ogwumike; a three- you know that didn’t just
Jackson. “Taylor’s going to to shove and I need to go time Conference USA Defen- happen that year,” said Flo-
protect all of us. She’s going block or get a rebound, I’m sive Player of the Year in Ric- res, touting Cy Creek’s pro-
to always be ready. She’s go- always that person you can e’s Nancy Mulkey; Cate gression and swagger and
ing to uplift us when we count on.” Reese, now playing at the the ability of Harmon and
need it. Taylor’s just amaz- Asked the origin of her University of Arizona; and Hunter to make their team-
ing. Off the court, she’s just a motherly instincts regarding Division I players Tatyana mates better. “It’s a buildup,
great person. She’s a friend.” her teammates, Jackson Perez and Jasmine Williams. and it’s all the work that’s
Added Hunter: “We’re a said: “I think it comes from Cy Creek, which has a gone into years prior. Really,
family, so when someone my upraising. I’m very car- chance to finish 33-0, was if you look at this team, three
comes for your family, ing, so I take out the time to No. 1 in the state at regular of the last four years they’ve
you’re not going to like that. check on my teammates and season’s end, according to gone to the state semifinals
We know it can get a little just make sure we’re fo- the Texas Association of Bas- or finals.
crazy, so we also try to calm cused. We’re all family at the ketball Coaches, and is No. 5 “To be able to do that con-
each other down, and we end of the day.” in the country, according to sistently, that’s hard to do.
don’t let it get too heated. Jackson was a force ESPN. There’s a lot of buy-in, a lot
But at the end of the day, against Judson last week, Would a win Thursday of trust.”
we’re not going to let any- helping Cy Creek turn de- place Cy Creek on its own Darren Abate / Associated Press
body intrude on our family.” fense into superb transition tier compared to the best Baylor fans saw their team denied a shot at an NCAA
Harmon and Hunter com- offense. The Cougars will Houston has produced? Tournament title last season due to the pandemic.

STATE with 16 consecutive games

scoring 100 or more points.
“It’s like getting so close to something and those involved are
percent, split football sea-
sons among small and large
From page C1 Confidence was at an all- and then seeing it snatched away, Not that there haven’t schools, and more.
time high for the group. and you have no control over it.” been hurdles. High school recruiting is
ments, NHL and NBA halt- Hightower coach Ste- The state champion Sev- affected. The NCAA Division
Hightower coach Stephen Woods, on the state tournament shutdown
ed, the UIL announced af- phen Woods and his team en Lakes volleyball team I Council recently extended
ter Coldspring and Madi- were in their hotel. He was shut down in mid-October the recruiting dead period
son finished their matchup emotional about having to because of a COVID-19 out- through May 31. It’s been a
that the other 3A semifinal break such news. strive for? always a state title contend- break. Seven Lakes played year since those college
between San Antonio Cole “It’s like getting so close “I felt sorry for Dickin- er, remembers thinking catch-up with five district coaches have been able to
and Peaster would be the to something and then see- son and Stafford and Hight- that if a basketball state games in the span of a week physically recruit on the
last game before the sus- ing it snatched away, and ower and Yates,” Devers tournament could be before November’s playoffs road.
pension of the tournament. you have no control over said, referring to Coldspr- stopped, everything was in started. Seven Lakes coach A year ago, many be-
The league eventually can- it,” Woods said. ing’s first state tournament doubt. Amy Cataline used the tur- lieved the virus wouldn’t af-
celed the boys basketball Stafford spent the night appearance. “Those kids His team was mostly un- bulent time as a motiva- fect football season. It did in
state tournament, leaving in San Antonio, hoping to did not get the opportunity aware of the basketball tional springboard for the every way, and even now
14 games unplayed among get some semblance of the to play on that court. At news from San Antonio. El- team. spring football training is up
six classifications. state tournament experi- least my kids got the experi- sik was headed into prac- Shadow Creek boys bas- in the air. Football coaches
Texas high school athlet- ence. Dickinson was one ence.” tice, and Cox turned it into ketball coach David Presi- such as Hightower’s Joseph
ics were changed, seeming- game away from its first The ripple effect was just a spirted scrimmage, which dent did the same when a Sam and Dawson’s Mike Alli-
ly forever. state final since 1955. beginning. he never does. midseason shutdown son have had to quarantine
“After I got back from The debate was naïve at UIL soccer teams were Elsik players were con- forced his team to play six from their teams, with Sam
San Antonio, I didn’t see the time — when and how about to begin the postsea- fused but happily obliged. games in seven days. The having to do so during the
my (players) until August,” could teams get back on the son. The baseball and soft- “Something in my gut Sharks won each one. playoffs. In basketball, Dev-
said Devers. court to finish the tourna- ball seasons were still fresh. made me ask myself, ‘What Senior Night, a cher- ers contracted COVID-19,
Houston-area basketball ment? Even UIL officials The year’s first track and if this is the last day?’ ” Cox ished custom on every missing three games.
state qualifiers Stafford, initially intended to finish field times were barely said. “So I split up the team’s schedule, is often The Elkins and George
Yates, Hightower and Dick- the event. There was an posted. teams and said, ‘All right, celebrated early this year Ranch football teams for-
inson never even reached idea floating around on so- More ideas on how to fin- we’re going to scrimmage.’ so COVID-19 doesn’t jeopar- feited first-round playoff
the Alamodome. cial media for teams to host ish the spring sports season They scrimmaged. We dize it like it did last year for games over COVID-19 out-
The chaos and aftermath their own state tournament floated around. The Ken- went home. We never saw spring sports teams. breaks, but the delayed sea-
are ingrained forever. independently of the UIL. tucky state senate recently each other again.” Athletes altering their son finished in January, and
“We actually had just The UIL eventually opt- passed a bill allowing cur- Now, COVID-19 is the in- social lives or spending Katy hoisted a champion-
drove by the stadium and ed to award trophies — not rent high school seniors an visible opponent on every- time exclusively with team- ship trophy.
pulled in at (Raising Cane’s) co-championships like extra year of athletic eligi- one’s schedule, from the mates is common now. Ask coaches and players,
to get something to eat,” states such as Arkansas did bility in 2021-22. There was smallest school in the most Many athletes attend and they’ll say, “Anything to
Yates coach Greg Wise said. — and host virtual awards talk of that across the coun- remote town to the largest school virtually, showing play.” It’s the mantra for the
“We were going to go check ceremonies for the state- try last March. in the middle of a metropo- up on campus only for new world they live in.
into the hotel and go to our qualifying teams. Perhaps in Texas, a dis- lis. practice and games.
shootaround.” Those didn’t include trict tournament for soft- The California Depart- The SPC has not hosted
Instead, Yates returned Coldspring, which lost its ball and baseball would ment of Public Health just championship games this
to Houston with nothing state semifinal 90-73. work. How about just host- greenlighted youth sports year in response to the pan-
but bewilderment and the What would you rather ing a regional and state to return this spring, and demic.
wasting of gas. Ask Wise, have? A participation tro- meet for track and field? other states have gone The UIL’s COVID-19 risk
and he laments Yates’ 2019- phy without the experi- None of it occurred. without high school sports. mitigation plan touches ev-
20 team never getting a ence of playing inside the A- Schools shut down. Fear In Texas, the UIL and pri- erything — mask mandates,
chance to finish the job. lamodome? Or a state semi- was at an all-time high. vate school leagues TAPPS social distancing, prohibit-
The Lions had just broken finalist trophy after a loss, Elsik soccer coach Vin- and the Southwest Prepara- ed use of shared water bot-
their own national record with the experience many cenzo Cox, whose team is tory Conference roll on, tles, attendance limits to 50
HHHH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | C7
FOR THE RECORD Sports editor, | 713-362-2734 | @chronsports Houston Chronicle Sports

NFL SCOREBOARD ON THE AIR Florida 4, Columbus 2

N.Y. Islanders 2, Boston 1 (SO)

Crennel will be
Washington 5, New Jersey 4 (OT)
Carolina 3, Nashville 2 (OT)
America’s Line Television Tampa Bay 4, Detroit 3 (OT)
Home team capitalized Wednesday’s results
Col. basketball Maryland vs. Nebraska (w) FS2 10 a.m. Minnesota 4, Vegas 3

Texans adviser
MLB Col. basketball Maryland vs. Michigan St. Big Ten 10:30 a.m. Edmonton 7, Ottawa 1
Colorado 2, Arizona 1 (OT)
Spring Training Col. basketball Oklahoma St. vs. West Virginia ESPN2 10:30 a.m. Los Angeles 5, Anaheim 1
Favorite Odds Underdog Col. basketball Syracuse vs. Virginia ACC 11 a.m. Montreal at Vancouver, late
TWINS -$140 Red Sox Thursday’s games
Nationals -$120 MARLINS Col. basketball South Florida vs. Temple ESPNU 11 a.m.
Florida at Columbus, 6 p.m.
Yankees -$125 PHILLIES Col. basketball Georgetown vs. Villanova FS1 11 a.m. N.Y. Rangers at Boston, 6 p.m.
Romeo Crennel will Romeo PIRATES -$120 Orioles Nashville at Carolina, 6 p.m.
Col. basketball Kentucky vs. Mississippi St. SEC 11 a.m.
remain on the Texans’ Crennel BRAVES
Tigers Col. basketball Michigan vs. Northwestern (w) FS2 12:30 p.m.
New Jersey at N.Y. Islanders, 6 p.m.
Pittsburgh at Buffalo, 6 p.m.
coaching staff after oper- was the RANGERS -$110 A’s Col. basketball Ohio St. vs. Minnesota Big Ten 1 p.m. Washington at Philadelphia, 6 p.m.
ROCKIES -$120 Cubs Winnipeg at Toronto, 6 p.m.
ating as an interim head Texans’ ANGELS -$125 Giants Col. basketball Georgia Tech vs. Miami ACC 1:30 p.m. Tampa Bay at Detroit, 6:30 p.m.
coach last season. interim PADRES -$135 Indians Col. basketball Baylor vs. Kansas St. ESPN2 1:30 p.m. Chicago at Dallas, 7:30 p.m.
Montreal at Calgary, 8 p.m.
BREWERS -$130 Royals
Crennel was named head coach ASTROS -$120 Mets
Col. basketball Arizona St. vs. Oregon Pac-12 1:30 p.m. Friday’s games
senior advisor of football Col. basketball Florida vs. Vanderbilt SEC 1:30 p.m. Arizona at Minnesota, 7 p.m.
last year. DODGERS
White Sox Vegas at St. Louis, 7 p.m.
Col. basketball San Diego St. vs. Wyoming CBSSN 2 p.m.
performance Wednesday Los Angeles at Colorado, 8 p.m.
NBA Col. basketball Tulane vs. Tulsa ESPNU 2 p.m. Ottawa at Edmonton, 8 p.m.
by new coach David Cul- 2011, which followed an Col. basketball Seton Hall vs. St. John’s FS1 2 p.m.
San Jose at Anaheim, 9 p.m.
Favorite Pts O/U Underdog
ley. uncapped season. HORNETS 3 NL Pistons Col. basketball Boise St. vs. Nevada CBSSN 4:30 p.m.
Crennel went 4-8 as the Free agency begins next NETS
234 1⁄2
Hawks Col. basketball Oregon St. vs. UCLA Pac-12 4:30 p.m. Tennis
replacement for Bill Wednesday, though the HEAT 7 NL Magic Col. basketball Creighton vs. Butler FS1 5 p.m. ATP World Tour — Marseille Open
76ers 31⁄2 NL BULLS Wednesday at Marseille, France
O'Brien when he was fired “legal tampering” period PELICANS 81⁄2 239 1⁄2 T’Wolves
Col. basketball Indiana vs. Rutgers Big Ten 5:30 p.m.
Col. basketball Florida St. vs. Duke ESPN 5:30 p.m. Men’s singles
after an 0-4 start. Crennel, starts Monday. BUCKS 10 1⁄2 222 1⁄2 Knicks
Round of 32
Mavericks 4 1⁄2 NL THUNDER Col. basketball Kansas vs. Oklahoma ESPN2 5:30 p.m.
73, became the oldest CLIPPERS 4 NL Warriors Egor Gerasimov, Belarus, def. Yannick Hanfmann,
Col. basketball Indiana vs. Michigan St. (w) FS2 5:30 p.m. Germany, 6-2, 6-0.
head coach in NFL history Odds and ends KINGS
BLAZERS Col. basketball Central Florida vs. East Carolina ESPNU 6 p.m. Cameron Norrie, Britain, def. Constant Lestienne,
last season. t-Tampa, Florida Col. basketball Georgia vs. Missouri SEC 6 p.m.
France, 6-4, 6-7 (4), 6-3.
The Vikings made their Men’s singles
The Texans officially College basketball Col. basketball Southern Cal vs. Utah Pac-12 7:30 p.m.
costliest move yet for Round of 16
announced their entire Mid-American Conference tournament Col. basketball Wisconsin vs. Penn St. Big Ten 8 p.m. Matthew Ebden, Australia, def. Emil Ruusuvuori,
salary cap compliance by Favorite Pts Underdog Finland, 6-2, 6-2.
coaching staff, including Col. basketball UNLV vs. Utah St. CBSSN 8 p.m.
terminating the contract Toledo 8 Ball St
Col. basketball Virginia vs. North Carolina ESPN 8 p.m.
Karen Khachanov (3), Russia, def. Mackenzie Mc-
Lovie Smith as defensive Ohio U 2 Kent St Donald, United States, 7-6 (4), 6-4.
of left tackle Riley Reiff Buffalo 81⁄2 Miami-Ohio Col. basketball Connecticut vs. DePaul FS1 8 p.m. Jannik Sinner (5), Italy, def. Hugo Gaston, France,
coordinator, retaining Tim Akron 1 Bowling Green 6-4, 6-1.
with one year left on it, Col. basketball Rutgers vs. Iowa (w) FS2 8 p.m.
Kelly as offensive coordi- Big Ten Conference tournament
Col. basketball Texas vs. Texas Tech ESPN2 8:30 p.m. ATP World Tour
weakening an offensive Favorite Pts Underdog
nator and hiring Frank Col. basketball Mississippi vs. South Carolina SEC 8:30 p.m. Qatar ExxonMobil Open
line that was already in Maryland 1 Michigan St
Ross as special teams Ohio St 81⁄2 Minnesota Col. basketball Central Florida vs. South Florida (w) ESPNU 9 p.m. Wednesday at Doha, Qatar
need of some upgrades. Rutgers 2 Indiana Men’s singles
coordinator. Col. basketball Colorado St. vs. Fresno St. CBSSN 10:30 p.m.
…The Saints have in- Atlantic Coast Conference tournament
Col. basketball Colorado vs. California Pac-12 10:30 p.m. Round of 16
Favorite Pts Underdog Andrey Rublev, Russia, def. Richard Gasquet,
formed receiver Emman- Col. lacrosse High Point at Duke (w) ACC 4 p.m.
Weeks won’t be
Virginia 51⁄2 Syracuse France, walkover.
uel Sanders and lineback- Georgia Tech
Florida St
Col. lacrosse North Carolina at Virginia ACC 6 p.m. Roberto Bautista Agut (5), Spain, def. Alexander
Bublik, Kazakhstan, 6-4, 6-3.
coming back er Kwon Alexander they’ll N Carolina 3 Virginia Tech Golf Qatar Masters Golf 5:30 a.m. Denis Shapovalov (4), Canada, def. Vasek Pospisil,
Canada, 7-5, 6-4.
be released in moves that Virginia Tech 21⁄2 Notre Dame Golf The Players Championship Golf 11 a.m.
Jon Weeks, who never American Athletic Conference tournament Pro baseball N.Y. Yankees vs. Philadelphia MLB noon
Dominic Thiem (1), Austria, def. Aslan Karatsev,
will save the club nearly Russia, 6-7 (5), 6-3, 6-2.
had a bad snap in his 11 Favorite Pts Underdog
Pro baseball Seattle vs. L.A. Dodgers MLB 7 p.m. Nikoloz Basilashvili, Georgia, def. Malek Jaziri, Tu-
$20 million against the Temple 2 Usf nisia, 6-2, 6-2.
seasons with the Texans, Tulsa 3 Tulane Pro basketball NBAGL: Delaware vs. Lakeland ESPN2 3:30 p.m. Taylor Fritz, United States, def. David Goffin (6),
salary cap. … The Titans Ucf 6 E Carolina Belgium, 6-1, 5-7, 7-6 (9).
said he was informed Pro basketball Boston at Brooklyn TNT 6:30 p.m.
have cut starting safety Big East Conference tournament
Pro basketball Rockets at Sacramento ATTSW 9 p.m.
Roger Federer (2), Switzerland, def. Daniel Evans,
Wednesday he would not Favorite Pts Underdog Britain, 7-6 (8), 3-6, 7-5.
Kenny Vaccaro and start- Pro basketball Golden State at L.A. Clippers TNT 9 p.m. Marton Fucsovics, Hungary, def. Lloyd Harris,
be re-signed. Villanova 91⁄2 Georgetown
South Africa, 4-6, 7-6 (5), 6-2.
ing cornerback Malcolm Seton Hall 11⁄2 St. John’s Pro hockey Chicago at Dallas FSSW 7:30 p.m.
Weeks, who made Creighton 91⁄2 Butler
Sailing America’s Cup: Races 3-4 NBCSN 9 p.m. ATP World Tour — Chile Open
Butler. …
$1.050 million in the last Southeastern Conference tournament
Tennis ATP Open 13 Tennis 4 a.m. Wednesday at Santiago, Chile
The Bills released re- Favorite Pts Underdog
year of his contract, said Kentucky 21⁄2 Mississippi St Tennis ATP Qatar Open Tennis 4 a.m. Men’s singles
ceiver John Brown and Round of 16
he wants to continue Florida 71⁄2 Vanderbilt Tennis WTA Dubai Championships Tennis 4 a.m.
defensive lineman Quin- Missouri 51⁄2 Georgia Laslo Djere (4), Serbia, def. Pedro Sousa, Portugal,
playing and will try to get Mississippi 71⁄2 S Carolina Tennis ATP Chile Open Tennis 4 a.m. 5-7, 7-5, 6-3.
ton Jefferson. … The Gi- 3 p.m. Facundo Bagnis, Argentina, def. Frances Tiafoe
a job with another team. Big 12 Conference tournament (5), United States, 7-6 (3), 7-6 (2).
ants have released starting Favorite Pts Underdog Tennis WTA Albierto Zapopan Tennis 4 a.m. Federico Delbonis (8), Argentina, def. Andrej Mar-
guard Kevin Zeitler. … W Virginia 21⁄2 Oklahoma St 3 p.m. tin, Slovakia, 6-0, 6-3.

League salary cap Broncos running back

Texas Tech
18 1⁄2
Kansas St
Texas Radio WTA
Abierto De Guadalajara
drops 8 percent Melvin Gordon will likely Big Sky Conference tournament
Favorite Pts Underdog
Col. basketball Texas vs. Texas Tech
Pro baseball Astros vs. N.Y. Mets
950 AM
790 AM
8:30 p.m.
5 p.m. Wednesday at Guadalajara, Mexico
avoid NFL discipline after Southern Utah 51⁄2 No Colorado
The NFL’s salary cap Montana St 2 Idaho St Pro basketball Rockets at Sacramento 740 AM, 790 AM 9 p.m. Women’s singles
his drunken driving In Spanish 1010 AM
will be $182.5 million per E Washington 14 1⁄2 No Arizona Round of 16
charge was dismissed and Big West Conference tournament Marie Bouzkova (2), Czech Republic, def. Mihaela
team in the upcoming Buzarnescu, Romania, 6-3, 6-2.
he pleaded guilty in Den- Favorite Pts Underdog Lauren Davis, United States, def. Danka Kovinic
season, a drop of 8 per- Cal-Santa Barb 14 Long Beach St (6), Montenegro, 6-2, 6-2.
ver County Court to lesser CS-Bakersfield 31⁄2 Cal-Davis Fresno St. vs. Colorado St., 10:30 p.m. San Diego at Drake, 1 p.m.
cent from 2020. The Cal-Irvine 14 1⁄2 Cal-Poly SLO
Sara Sorribes Tormo (4), Spain, def. Leonie Kung,
charges of excessive Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference
Youngstown St. at S. Dakota St., 2 p.m. Switzerland, 6-3, 6-3.
league’s loss of revenues Cal-Riverside 5 Hawaii Illinois St. at N. Dakota St., 2:30 p.m. Eugenie Bouchard, Canada, def. Kaja Juvan (8),
speeding and reckless Pac 12 Conference tournament Quarterfinals Slovenia, 6-4, 6-3.
due to the coronavirus Wednesday’s results
Southwest Astra Sharma, Australia, def. Leylah Annie Fernan-
driving. Favorite Pts Underdog
Nicholls at Sam Houston St., noon dez (7), Canada, 6-4, 6-4.
pandemic caused the first Oregon 61⁄2 Arizona St Iona 55, Siena 52
Grambling St. vs. Prairie View, 3 p.m. Elisabetta Cocciaretto, Italy, def. Nadia Podoroska
From staff and wire reports Ucla 5 Oregon St Fairfield 79, Monmouth 60
decrease in the cap since Usc 61⁄2 Utah Thursday’s games West (1), Argentina, 7-5, 7-5.
Rider vs. St. Peter’s, 4 p.m.
Mountain West Conference tournament Niagara vs. Marist, 6:30 p.m. UC Davis at Weber St., 2 p.m.
Favorite Pts Underdog
Missouri Valley Conference
Idaho at N. Arizona, 2 p.m.
S. Utah at Cal Poly, 3 p.m.
San Diego St 15 Wyoming
E. Washington at Idaho St., 5:05 p.m. BASEBALL
AROUND SPORTS Boise St 4 Nevada First round
Tarleton St. at Dixie State, 8 p.m.
Colorado St 81⁄2 Fresno St Wednesday’s results
Sunday’s games National League

Kansas athletic
Metro Atlantic Conference tournament Wyoming 111, San Jose St. 80 MIAMI MARLINS: Optioned RHP Edward Cabrera to
Duquesne at Wagner, 11 a.m.
Favorite Pts Underdog UNLV 80, Air Force 52 Triple-A. Reassigned Cs Cameron Barstad and San-
LIU at Sacred Heart, noon
Fresno St. 85, New Mexico 77 tiago Chavez, OFs Peyton Burdick, Victor Victor Me-
St. Peter’s 6 Rider E. Illinois at Tennessee St., 1 p.m.
Marist PK Niagara
Quarterfinals Jacksonville St. at UT Martin, 1 p.m. sa, Brian Miller, Kameron Misner and Connor Scott,
Thursday’s games MVSU at Jackson St., 1 p.m. LHPs Jake Eder, Zach King, Dylan Lee and Will

director resigns
Conference USA tournament Wyoming vs. San Diego St., 2 p.m. Stewart, RHPs Tommy Eveld, Zach McCambley,
Murray St. at Tennessee Tech, 1:30 p.m.
Favorite Pts Underdog Nevada vs. Boise St., 4:30 p.m. Austin Peay at SE Missouri, 2 p.m. Kyle Nicolas, Max Meyer and Josh Roberson.
Uab 81⁄2 Rice UNLV vs. Utah St., 8 p.m. Bryant at Merrimack College, TBA NEW YORK METS: Agreed to terms with INF Luis Guil-
N Texas 31⁄2 Old Dominion Fresno St. vs. Colorado St., 10:30 p.m. lorme, OF Khalil Lee, Cs Patrick Mazeika and Tomas
Old Dominion 11 1⁄2 Middle Tenn St Nido, RHPs Yennsy Diaz, Franklyn Kilome, Sean
Kansas athletic director will now be a week later.
Western Athletic Conference tournament
First round
Golf Reid-Foley, Drew Smith and Jordan Yamamoto and
LHPs Joey Lucchesi, David Peterson, Thomas Sza-
Favorite Pts Underdog Holes-in-one
Wednesday’s results pucki, Stephen Tarpley and Daniel Zamora. Re-
Jeff Long resigned Wed- No reason was given for Seattle 11⁄2 Cal-Baptist
Arizona St. 64, Washington St. 59 (Name, course, hole, yards, club) newed contracts with INFs Pete Alonso and Jeff
New Mexico St 10 UT-Rio Grande Gary Edwards, Lakeside, 10, 109, 8-iron
nesday, less than two days the changes. Utah 98, Washington 95
California 76, Stanford 58 Bruce Winslow, The Woodlands CC, 16, 145
NHL Atlantic League
after the school mutually Quarterfinals
Favorite Odds O/U Underdog HIGH POINT ROCKERS: Agreed to terms with RHPs
parted with Les Miles PRO HOCKEY Thursday’s games
FLYERS -$110/-$110 6 Capitals Arizona St. vs. Oregon, 1:30 p.m. High schools Kyle Halbohn and Craig Stern for a one-year con-
amid sexual misconduct ESPN, NHL have Panthers
5 1⁄2
6 1⁄2
Oregon St. vs. UCLA, 4:30 p.m.
Utah vs. USC, 7:30 p.m.
Boys basketball
State championship Frontier League
allegations dating to the
football coach’s time at 7-year agreement HURRICANES
5 1⁄2
California vs. Colorado, 10:30 p.m.
Patriot League
Class 6A EVANSVILLE OTTERS: Agreed to terms with C Dakota
Phillips to a contract extension.
Penguins -$185/+$165 6 SABRES Austin Westlake (30-1) vs. FLORENCE Y’ALLS: Agreed to terms with LHP Gray-
LSU and one day after The National Hockey BRUINS -$180/+$160 5 1⁄2 Rangers Semifinals Duncanville (28-1) son Huffman.
Lightning -$340/+$280 5 1⁄2 RED WINGS Wednesday’s results 7 p.m. Saturday
Long vowed he would lead League and ESPN an- STARS -$140/+$120 5 1⁄2 Blackhawks Loyola (Md.) 67, Army 63 BASKETBALL
Class 5A
the Jayhawks’ search for a nounced a seven-year FLAMES -$110/-$110 5 1⁄2 Canadiens Colgate 105, Bucknell 75
Beaumont United(30-0) vs.
replacement. agreement beginning next Dallas Kimball (26-8) HOUSTON ROCKETS: Released G Mason Jones.
Quarterfinals 7 p.m. Friday
Kurt Watson will serve season that includes four Baseball Wednesday’s results
Spring training Class 4A WASHINGTON MYSTICS: Signed G Natasha Cloud to
as the interim athletic Stanley Cup Finals, the Wednesday’s results
Jackson St. 74, Ark.-Pine Bluff 62
Prairie View 91, Mississippi Valley St. 64 Huffman Hargrave (31-1) vs. Argyle (30-1) multi-year contract.
director as the school NHL All-Star game and Houston 4, Miami 4 Thursday’s games 2 p.m. Saturday FOOTBALL
Washington 3, St. Louis 2 Alcorn St. vs. Texas Southern, 2 p.m.
searches for both an AD comprehensive streaming Baltimore 4, Toronto 3 Southern vs. Grambling St., 8:30 p.m.
Class 3A NFL
Tatum (25-3) vs. San Antonio Cole (26-5)
and football coach. rights. Minnesota 6, Tampa Bay 2
Philadelphia 6, Detroit 4 Women’s basketball 2 p.m. Friday
ARIZONA CARDINALS: Released CB Robert Alford.
Re-signed LB Tanner Vallejo.
“We will immediately Under the new agree- Boston 5, Atlanta 3 Conference tournaments Class 2A BALTIMORE RAVENS: Tendered RB Gus Edwards, C
L.A. Angels 4, Cleveland 2 Trystan Colon-Castillo and LB Kristian Welch.
begin our search for a new ment, the Stanley Cup Kansas City 9, Cincinnati 3 AAC Grapeland (29-1) vs. Clarendon (24-4) BUFFALO BILLS: Released WR John Brown and DL
10 a.m. Saturday Quinton Jefferson.
athletics director. I will Final will air on ABC in San Francisco 7, Chicago Cubs 6
Oakland 9, Milwaukee 1 Semifinals CAROLINA PANTHERS: Re-signed LS J.J. Jansen.
Wednesday’s results Class 1A
lead the process with the four of the seven years, Texas 17, Seattle 5
South Florida 51, Tulane 47 Slidell (29-3) vs. Texline (25-4)
CINCINNATI BENGALS: Re-signed QB Brandon Allen
Colorado 7, San Diego 5 to a one-year contract.
assistance of a search firm beginning next season. It N.Y. Yankees 6, Pittsburgh 5 UCF 61, Houston 39 10 a.m. Friday DALLAS COWBOYS: Released FB Jamize Olawale.
L.A. Dodgers 3, Arizona 2 Championship MIAMI DOLPHINS: Released LB Kyle Van Noy.
and four alumni advisors, also includes 25 regular- Thursday’s games Thursday’s game
Girls basketball MINNESOTA VIKINGS: Released LT Riley Reiff.
State championship
each of whom have experi- season games with the Washington vs. Miami, 12:05 p.m. South Florida vs. UCF NEW ORLEANS SAINTS: Released LB Kwon Alexan-
der and WR Emmanuel Sanders. Re-signed RB
Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh, 12:05 p.m.
Big 12 Class 6A
ence in collegiate athlet- likely breakdown being 15 Boston vs. Minnesota, 12:05 p.m. DeSoto (27-2) vs. Cypress Creek (32-0)
Dwayne Washington.
Tampa Bay vs. Atlanta, 12:05 p.m. First round NEW YORK GIANTS: Released RG Kevin Zeitler.
ics,” Kansas Chancellor on ESPN and 10 on ABC. N.Y. Yankees vs. Philadelphia, 12:05 p.m. Thursday’s games
7 p.m. Thursday at the Alamodome PITTSBURGH STEELERS: Re-signed WR Ray-Ray
Douglas Girod said in a Detroit vs. Toronto, 12:07 p.m. Kansas vs. TCU, 5 p.m. Class 5A McCloud.
TENNESSEE TITANS: Released CB Malcolm Butler
Oakland vs. Texas, 3:04 p.m. Kansas St. vs. Texas Tech, 8 p.m.
statement. “My hope is to TENNIS Cleveland vs. San Diego, 3:09 p.m.
Cedar Park 46, Frisco Liberty 39
and S Kenny Vaccaro.
Federer returns
Kansas City vs. Milwaukee, 3:09 p.m.
have a new athletics direc- Chicago Cubs vs. Colorado, 3:09 p.m. Second round Canyon (30-1) vs. Hardin-Jefferson (29-0)
tor in place within the next San Francisco vs. L.A. Angels, 3:09 p.m. Wednesday’s results HOCKEY
from long hiatus
2 p.m. Thursday at the Alamodome
N.Y. Mets vs. Houston, 6:04 p.m. Nebraska 72, Minnesota 61
few weeks.” Chicago White Sox vs. Cincinnati, 8:04 p.m. Northwestern 67, Illinois 42 Class 3A NHL
Seattle vs. L.A. Dodgers, 8:04 p.m.
Girod said the new After more than a year Michigan St. 75, Penn St. 66
Iowa 83, Purdue 72
Brownfield 68, Fairfield 64 NASHVILLE PREDATORS: Suspended D Dante Fabbro
two games for elbowing.
Class 2A
athletic director will take out, Roger Federer start- NEW JERSEY DEVILS: Assigned F Mike McLeod to taxi

control of the football ed his 24th season on tour

Colleges Mountain West Conference Lipan (29-3) vs. Martin’s Mill (28-4) squad. Reassigned D Connor Carrick and F Brett Se-
Championship 10 a.m. Thursday at the Alamodome ney to Binghamton (AHL). Recalled D Josh Jacobs
Men’s basketball
coaching search. with a win. ACC
Wednesday’s result
Wyoming 59, Fresno St. 56
Class 1A and F Nick Merkley from Binghamton to taxi squad.
“I understand time is of It was far from easy for Second round Southland
Dodd City 30, Nazareth 21
FORT WAYNE KOMETS: Released F Travis Howe form
the essence and that our the former No. 1, though, Wednesday’s results First round specialty player contract.
football student-athletes as he was pushed hard by
Syracuse 89, NC State 68
Miami 67, Clemson 64 Wednesday’s results Hockey GREENVILLE SWAMP RABBITS: Activated D Tim Davi-
son from injured reserve and F Matthew Wedman
Duke 70, Louisville 56 Houston Baptist 74, McNeese St. 60 NHL
are eager to know who will Dan Evans at the Qatar North Carolina 101, Notre Dame 59 Abilene Christian 81, Incarnate Word 70 East GP W L OT Pts GF GA
from reserve. Recalled G John Lethemon by Ontar-
Second round
be guiding them,” he said. Open in Doha before win- Quarterfinals
Thursday’s games
N.Y. Islanders 26 16 6 4 36 75 57 INDY FUEL: Traded F David Broll to Greenville.
Thursday’s games Washington 25 15 6 4 34 84 80 JACKSONVILLE ICEMEN: Acquired F Jake Elmer.
“But we are making long- ning the second-round Syracuse vs. Virginia, 11 a.m. Cent. Arkansas vs. Houston Baptist, noon Pittsburgh 25 15 9 1 31 81 77 KANSAS CITY MAVERICKS: Added F Jason VanWorm-
Nicholls St. vs. Abilene Christian, 2 p.m.
term decisions on an ath- match 7-6 (8), 3-6, 7-5. Miami vs. Georgia Tech, 1:30 p.m.
Duke vs. Florida St., 5:30 p.m.
Boston 23 13 6 4 30 66 56 er to active roster. Placed F Brendan Robbins on re-
SWAC Philadelphia 23 13 7 3 29 76 73
letics director and a foot- It was Federer’s first North Carolina vs. Virginia Tech, 8 p.m.
N.Y. Rangers 24 10 11 3 23 68 67 SOUTH CAROLINA STINGRAYS: Activated D Ryan
New Jersey 22 8 11 3 19 55 71 Cook and F Graham Knott from reserve. Placed D
ball coach, and we cannot match in 405 days after Big East Wednesday’s results
Buffalo 24 6 14 4 16 56 80 Casey Johnson and F Cameron Askew on reserve.
Alabama St. 85, Texas Southern 69
sacrifice the quality of a having knee surgery fol- First round
Jackson St. 70, MVSU 47 Central GP W L OT Pts GF GA
TULSA OILERS: Acquired D Cecere Garrett. Activated
D Stephan Beauvais from reserve.
Wednesday’s results
search simply for expedi- lowing the 2020 Australian Georgetown 68, Marquette 49 Thursday’s games Tampa Bay
2 38
1 37
WHEELING NAILERS: Added G Taran Kozun to active
Butler 70, Xavier 69 Southern vs. Alcorn St., noon roster. Placed G Taran Kozun on reserve and F Hay-
ency. While there will be a Open. DePaul 70, Providence 62 Grambling St. vs. Alabama A&M, 5:30 p.m. Florida 25 16 5 4 36 84 72 den Hodgson on injured reserve.
Chicago 27 13 9 5 31 83 86 WICHITA THUNDER: Activated D Alex Peters and F
lot of speculation regard- “Feels good to be back,” Quarterfinals Football schedule Columbus 27 10 12 5 25 71 89 John Albert from reserve.
Thursday’s games
ing potential candidates Federer said in an on- Georgetown winner vs. Villanova, 11 a.m.
Saturday’s games Nashville 26 11 14 1 23 63 85 SOCCER
Dallas 21 8 8 5 21 62 55
for both searches, I urge court interview. “I’m hap- Seton Hall vs. St. John’s, 2 p.m.
Butler vs. Creighton, 5 p.m.
Detroit 27 7 16 4 18 57 91 MLS
Albany (N.Y.) at Maine, 11 a.m.
Jayhawks to have faith in py to be standing here DePaul vs. UConn, 8 p.m. Holy Cross at Lehigh, 11 a.m. West GP W L OT Pts GF GA PORTLAND TIMBER: Terminated MF Tomas Conech-
Vegas 23 16 6 1 33 73 51 ny’s contract.
the process and in those regardless of if I won or Big Ten Monmouth (N.J.) at Robert Morris, 11 a.m.
Stony Brook at Delaware, 11 a.m. St. Louis 26 14 8 4 32 83 82
who are devoting their lost. But obviously winning First round Rhode Island at Villanova, noon Minnesota 24 15 8 1 31 75 63
Wednesday’s results Colgate at Lafayette, 2:30 p.m. Colorado 24 14 8 2 30 72 59
time to assist.” feels better.” Minnesota 51, Northwestern 46 Fordham at Bucknell, ppd. Los Angeles 25 11 8 6 28 78 72
Penn St. 72, Nebraska 66
In other news: Playing for nearly 2½ Second round South Arizona 26 12 10 4 28 69 77
Anaheim 27 8 13 6 22 62 86
• Texas A&M will start hours tested the 39-year- Thursday’s games Morehead St. at Presbyterian, 11 a.m. San Jose 23 9 11 3 21 66 88
Michigan St. vs. Maryland, 10:30 a.m. Charleston Southern at Kennesaw St., noon
spring drills on March 29, old Swiss player’s stamina Minnesota vs. Ohio St., 1 p.m. Davidson at Stetson, noon North GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Indiana vs. Rutgers, 5:30 p.m. Furman at ETSU, noon Toronto 27 18 7 2 38 93 67
and the annual spring following his long break. Penn St. winner vs. Wisconsin, 8 p.m. Lamar at McNeese St., noon Edmonton 28 17 11 0 34 93 83
game has been pushed Federer saved a set point Mountain West Conference
Richmond at Elon, noon
The Citadel at W. Carolina, noon
Winnipeg 25 16 8 1 33 83 72
Montreal 24 11 6 7 29 79 68
back a week to April 24. at 6-5 down in the first-set First round Wofford at Samford, noon Vancouver 29 12 15 2 26 83 94
Delaware St. at SC State, 12:30 p.m.
A&M coach Jimbo Fish- tiebreaker and saved two Wednesday’s results
Wyoming 111, San Jose St. 80 Mercer at VMI, 12:30 p.m.
26 11 12
29 9 19
3 25 71 80
1 19 77 115
er originally had planned break points at 3-3 in the UNLV 80, Air Force 52 William & Mary at James Madison, 3 p.m.
Northwestern St. at SE Louisiana, 6 p.m.
Note: Two points for a win, one point for overtime
Fresno St. 85, New Mexico 77 loss.
on starting spring drills on deciding set before sealing Quarterfinals Midwest Tuesday’s results
March 22, following a the win with a break of Thursday’s games Valparaiso at Butler, 11 a.m. Pittsburgh 4, N.Y. Rangers 2
Wyoming vs. San Diego St., 2 p.m. North Dakota at W. Illinois, noon Philadelphia 5, Buffalo 4 (SO)
shortened spring break for Evans’ serve. Nevada vs. Boise St., 4:30 p.m. N. Iowa at S. Illinois, noon Dallas 6, Chicago 1
UNLV vs. Utah St., 8 p.m. Winnipeg 4, Toronto 3
A&M students, but that From wire reports Missouri St. at South Dakota, 1 p.m.
C8 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH


Bears witness: Crew releases pair in Texas

Rehabilitated about bears.
As bears expand their
animals provided range in the state, Texans
a new home at will need to learn — as
residents of many other
Devils River SNA states have done — how to
change behaviors to coex-
By Matt Wyatt ist. The return of bears to
STA F F W RIT E R the landscape they have
been extirpated from
VAL VERDE COUNTY — since the 1950s depends
Deep in the desert shru- on the willingness of hu-
blands of the Devils River mans to make it happen.
State Natural Area, Texas The changes are sim-
history was made. ple: Secure trash, pet food
A landscape so harsh and other odor-producing
and so beautiful was the attractants. Bird feeders
setting last week for the can also attract bears. So
release of two black can deer feeders. Attrac-
bears, the first from Texas tants habituate bears, and
to go through the rehabili- a bear without fear of
tation process. humans is a problem.
Momma Tex, a 4- or Evans said Texans do
5-year-old black bear, was not need to fear bears.
the first to freedom. After They are mostly vegetari-
arriving in rehab com- an and rarely attack peo-
pletely emaciated and ple. Black bears are shy
encumbered with para- and elusive.
sites, she lumbered from If you do encounter a
her cage healthy and bear, don’t panic. Make
elegant, as if enjoying the yourself as big as possible.
photo opportunity. Don’t run.
Miss Texas, about a These measures can
year old, was camera shy. help prepare Texans to
She darted from her cage live with bears while pre-
as soon as it opened. venting another tragedy,
Miss Texas arrived at like what happened to
Cottonwood Wildlife Re- Miss Texas’ mother, and
habilitation Center in the need for rehabilitation
Española, N.M., as a 10- in the future. Though
month-old orphan cub humans remain the only
that weighed less than 20 Hardin County News hindrance for successful
pounds. Her mother was Two black bears — like this one — were brought from a rehab facility in New Mexico to Val Verde County. black bear restoration in
killed by a Del Rio resi- the state, they also have
dent after she was likely “I’m going to miss this occurred everywhere in black bear activity has ones that couldn’t have the power to help.
attracted to a feral cat bear even more, because the state.” increased on a much made the trek 50-75 miles Perhaps no one ex-
feeding station. Miss Tex- she is just nothing like any A discovery was made smaller scale along the inland,” said Schmidt. emplifies that more than
as emerged from her cage other bear,” Ramsay said. shortly before the trip to Red River due to flourish- “They had to have been Ramsay, who will be pick-
plump and energetic. Miss Texas is an alpha Texas. Momma Tex had ing populations in south- born in Texas.” ing up two eagles in need
Both entered their new that loved to wrestle with her name changed from east Oklahoma and south- But how far can black of rehab on the way back
home miles apart among a male bear twice her size Mr. Tex after it was re- west Arkansas. Louisiana, bear restoration go in to Española, where her
the staggering canyons in and cause miscellaneous vealed she is not a boar, too, is working to restore Texas? The idea of bears life work does not stop.
the rocky-yet-semi-lush mischief. as previously thought. its own subspecies of roaming the suburbs of As the bears were
paradise of the Devils “She’s been a trip from That bodes well for what black bear. Houston seems preposter- freed, she watched with
River SNA. the very beginning — a these bears can do for the The bears in northeast ous. maternal concern and the
Overseeing the scene total trip,” Ramsay said. local population in the Texas are limited to tran- “You’ve got deer. You hope that she “did a good
was Kathleen Ramsay, a “She is just perpetual future. sient males, so far. Here in can have bears,” Schmidt enough job” over the last
veterinarian who has motion. I have never “It’s much better. Be- the borderlands of West quipped of a reality that is several months.
rehabilitated more than caught her sitting still.” cause another male would Texas, though, black more jarring than the The person who could
600 bears in more than Ramsay overcame the mean potential problems bears appear to have rugged road into Devils do a better job likely
40 years of veterinary obstacles while caring for for females,” said Evans, gained a foothold. River SNA. doesn’t exist.
practice and an intriguing several other bears from noting how males can “We’ve actually docu- And that is why TPWD
character whose knowl- New Mexico and an Arizo- sometimes kill the fe- mented cubs being born is heightening its focus on
edge, experience and na bear named Miss Nah- males. here, where we have little educating the public
charisma could easily ghizi (Navajo word for Two females added to
command a room. Ram- squash) and numerous the breeding population is
say and her crew from other animals. She is a substantial, too, although
Cottonwood (her son, Ty renowned raptor rehabili- bear population growth is
Horak, his wife, Nirankar, tator and will care for any a slow process. The bears
and James Robinson) animal under any circum- in West Texas usually
worked in collaboration stance, no matter if it be breed every other year
with Texas Parks and elk, lizard, eagle or bear. and often have one or two
Wildlife Department to “It’s an honor,” Ramsay cubs, compared to the
turn these bears into said of being the first to four to six cubs East Coast
success stories. rehab Texas bears. “I bears can have.
Ramsay overcame the hope I did a really good If Texas bear popula-
challenges of rearing job.” tions continue to grow
these two bears that are The two bears will have gradually, instances of
unlike any she’s come plenty of room to roam on human conflict and inter-
across in her career. The the 37,000-acre Devils action will likely rise.
Mexican subspecies that River SNA, where they “My predecessor
are found in West Texas will be able to avoid hu- worked for the depart-
are genetically distinct man interaction. Having a ment for 35 years and he
and behave far differently permanent water source put his hands on two
than the ones from New and the riparian areas bears his entire career,”
Mexico of which she is that accompany it should TPWD wildlife biologist
accustomed. They don’t help. And though the Ryan Schmidt said while
hibernate the same way terrain is no country for driving to release the
her usual bears do. old men, these bears are second bear of the day.
Ramsay had to find tough enough to handle it. “We’re seeing a huge
native food and teach “Bears are habitat gen- uptick. Because of the
these bears to fear hu- eralists,” said Jonah Ev- drought in Mexico, the
mans in order to give ans, TPWD’s state mam- mountains are in such
them the best chance of malogist. “They’re able to poor shape out there and
survival. She also had to survive in a very wide that’s what’s driving these
put up with Miss Texas, variety of habitats. They bears northward, trying
who has been described eat all kinds of foods. to find better habitat.”
as a “hoot,” “riot” and They are opportunistic. While that uptick is
“wild child.” And historically they happening in West Texas,


Photos by Elizabeth Conley / Staff photographer

Special delivery
Nurses administer COVID vaccines to homebound patients during big freeze
By Julie Garcia | STA F F W R I T ER

very morning for peratures had one positive effect:
three days during Keeping the stored vaccines cold
February’s winter during delivery, Young said. The
blast, Jennifer Pfizer vaccine must be stored
Young and Tammie between -112 degrees and -76 de-
Michael stopped at grees Fahrenheit, according to the
the Bucee’s in Texas City and Centers for Disease Control and
bought all of the prepared break- Prevention. But once thawed and
fast tacos, water bottles and hot diluted, the vaccine’s temperature
coffee. can hover between 33 and 76
Their vehicles were loaded up degrees Fahrenheit for six hours.
with the food, warm drinks, blan- According to the digital data log-
kets and 90 Pfizer COVID-19 vac- ger inside Young’s vaccine kit, the
cine doses. Once it was safe cooler’s temperature stayed in
enough to drive without risk of that required sweet spot for the
sliding on icy roads, the two Uni- cross-county relay.
versity of Texas Medical Branch Patients were surprised when
nurses and four other health care they saw the nurses at their front
workers set out to deliver second door. Many had been concerned
doses to 90 homebound patients they would not receive their sec-
in Galveston County, many of ond doses on time. “They thought
whom were still without electric- they would just have to go without
ity or safe water. it,” she said.
The region’s record cold tem- Homebound continues on D10

Top: UTMB nurse Jennifer Young, left, chats with Olivia Webb before administering Webb’s second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
in League City during the week of the big freeze. Above: Health care workers had a limited time to administer 90 doses of the vaccine.


Picking the plant-based diet Runner refuses to let muscle A high BMI may get you
that works for you. Page 2 disorder slow him down. Page 3 vaccinated earlier. Page 9
D2 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH

RENEW HOUSTON Senior Editor, @MelissAguilar Houston Chronicle Life & Entertainment


What does it mean to

eat plant-based?
he plant-based eating perceive this eating pattern intake of certain vitamins Despite robust research on the
movement is sweeping as the complete elimination and minerals, such beverag- benefits of following a more plant-
the nation as a trendy, of meat and seafood and es are often packed with forward eating pattern, national
yet health-conscious, becoming exclusively vegan, extra sugars. If you struggle and global consumption of fruits
eating pattern. While which is more appealing to with blood sugar manage- and vegetables continues to fall
dietitians certainly give a plant- some than others. Following ment, drinking fruit juice short of recommended amounts.
forward diet the seal of approval, a vegan diet can be a won- EMMA frequently can make it even Eating plant-based can be an excel-
we frequently see “plant-based” derful way to incorporate harder. lent way to increase your intake of
used as a buzzword and market- more plant-based, nutrient- Because there is not a healthy, whole-plant foods that are
ing tactic to entice consumers into dense foods into your daily rou- clear or universal definition of minimally processed, such as col-
viewing that particular product as tine. However, not all plant- what plant-based means, consum- orful fruits and vegetables, whole
being healthier. I recently saw a sourced foods equate to better ers are either all in, or all out. The grains, nuts, beans, legumes, plant-
peanut butter product advertised nutrition, which can be confusing. good news is that plant-based based oils and even tea and coffee.
as “plant-based,” when peanut For example, french fries are eating is not black and white. People often associate eating plant-
butter is inherently made from a technically a plant-based food. As a There is a gray area that allows based with the complete elim-
plant and therefore, plant-based. result of deep frying or flash fry- you to determine what works best ination of meats and meat prod-
Many consumers are fast to ing, traditional fries are high in for you, your health goals, your ucts. But it is absolutely possible to
equate anything related to a plant unhealthy fats like saturated and values and your routine. By defini- eat plant-based without eliminating
— greens, leaves, earth, you name even trans fats, which are associat- tion, eating plant-based means lean, animal-based proteins. To
it — to health. ed with poor cardiovascular and that the majority of foods you eat find the most enticing plant-based
On the other end of the spec- metabolic health. Similarly, fruit come from plants. This is a simple eating pattern for you, here is a list
trum, some consumers are skepti- juices are also plant-based. While definition with a lot of room for of various eating patterns that are
cal of eating more plant-based and fruit juice can be a way to increase interpretation. all classified as plant-based:

iStockphoto iStockphoto

Pescatarian Semi-vegetarian
Pescatarians eat all plant-based foods, eggs, dairy foods, fish and Eating semi-vegetarian is also known as eating a flexitarian diet. The
seafood. Pescatarians do not eat poultry or other types of meat. basis of this eating pattern focuses on whole, minimally processed
plant-based foods and plant-based proteins, such as beans, legumes,
quinoa, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Flexitarians
also consume eggs and low-fat dairy on a regular basis, with the major-
ity of meat consumption coming from seafood and fish. Poultry and
other types of meat are consumed less often. A flexitarian diet is
viewed as a less strict version of plant-based eating; a good example of
this pattern is the Mediterranean diet.

Claudia Totir / Getty Images

Ovo-vegetarians eat all plant-based foods and eggs but do not eat
dairy foods, seafood, fish, poultry or other meats.

Alexander Spatari / Getty Images

A vegan diet excludes all animal foods — eggs, dairy, seafood, fish,
poultry and other meats. Veganism often is viewed as a lifestyle and is
ethically motivated, rather than just an eating pattern.
As you can see, the main difference in these various plant-based
eating patterns comes down to the amount and types of proteins in-
cluded in your diet. I personally teeter somewhere between a flexitar-
ian and pescatarian approach because I enjoy the taste of seafood and
fish but also because it can be challenging to meet daily protein re-
quirements when eating vegetarian or vegan. Plant-based foods do
include protein but are not as protein-dense as animal- and marine-
based proteins, like fish or chicken. You can absolutely meet the daily
protein recommendation through plant-based foods, you just have to
work a little harder and be more strategic about food choices.
A plant-forward eating pattern has been shown to have a beneficial
Getty Images effect on inflammatory blood values, fat metabolism and decreased
risk in disease mortality, both with and without lean proteins as part of
Vegetarian the overall eating pattern. The key is the base of meals being plant-
A vegetarian is often formally referred to as a lacto-ovo vegetarian. A based foods. Stay tuned for the next article in my plant-based series
lacto-ovo vegetarian diet includes all plant-based foods, eggs, dairy that will focus on how to increase intake of plant-based foods, potential
foods but no seafood, fish, poultry or other meats. nutrition concerns and plant-based myth busters.

Emma Willingham is a registered dietitian who practices in an outpatient hospital clinic and through her private practice, Fuel with Emma.
Willingham specializes in sports-performance nutrition, weight management and nutrition counseling, and aims to promote a resilient relation-
ship between food, mind and body. You can find her on social media at @fuelwithemma.
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | D3


Hitting full stride

A childhood muscle disorder made sports difficult. Now he tackles half-marathons.

By Lindsay Peyton

reg Griffin, 39, has
given himself a year to
prepare for the 2022
Houston Marathon.
He has spent a life-
time, however, overcoming physical
challenges to get here.
Recently, Griffin embarked on
the keto diet and a new fitness
routine — rotating between running,
cycling and Les Mills BodyPump
classes at his local YMCA in Spring.
He’s also using a “Couch to 5K” app
to guide his journeyand has
dropped 26 pounds.
“I’ve already seen a noticeable
difference, working out and eating
well,” he said.
Griffin focuses on the incremen-
tal goals, the steps along the way,
instead of concentrating on the final
“I’m very goal-oriented,” he said.
“But I achieve the little stuff first in
order to get to the big ones.”
For Griffin, that means thinking
of it all as one foot in front of the
other, as opposed to a race to the
finish line. After all, for most of his
life, running was completely out of
the question. A series of medical
issues left him concerned for years,
thinking that exercise was too dan-
When Griffin was 1, he was diag-
nosed with cerebral palsy, a dis-
order that affects muscle tone,
movement, balance and posture.
Growing up in Waco, the youn-
gest of three brothers, Griffin never
crawled. Instead, he simply scooted
around. When Griffin was 10
months old, his aunt, Francis Grif-
fin, noticed stiffness in his limbs
while playing with him.
“Something’s not right with
Greg,” she thought. “He’s not mov-
ing properly. He’s not flexible.”
The medical tests and the trips to
specialists began. Finally, Griffin
was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
“The doctor told my mom to go
home, that I had a slight case, but I
should be fine,” Griffin said.
Then, he began having regular
“My brother remembers that
they would have to hold me down
while I screamed bloody murder,” Photos by Yi-Chin Lee / Staff photographer
Griffin said. Greg Griffin, 39, diagnosed with continuous muscle fiber activity syndrome when he was younger,
He would sweat profusely, and avoided exercise because he didn’t feel in control of his body. Now he’s a memeber of a running club.
his mother, Elle Benson, began to
question his diagnosis. Doctors said Griffin’s continuous Griffin competed in his first half-
“He would appear to be doing OK muscle fiber activity syndrome had marathon in 2015 and his second in
and then have these spells,” Benson somehow resolved “spontaneously,” 2017. Now, he has several 5Ks and
recalled. “There was something that according to his medical records. 10Ks under his belt.
bothered me about the whole Still, he continued to experience Benson was surprised when her
thing.” muscle cramps and spasms, to feel son started racing.
A family friend recommended his feet almost go to sleep out of “He wasn’t that athletic in school,
they go to the Shriner Hospital in nowhere or to have a tightness in and of a sudden, he said, ‘I’m going
Houston for a second opinion, to his lips. to run a half-marathon,’” she said.
determine whether his symptoms When Griffin was 17, doctors said “He stuck with it. It was persever-
were related to cerebral palsy or the cause of his symptoms re- ance and determination on his
something altogether different. mained unclear and that the origi- part.”
Griffin was 2 when he became a nal cerebral palsy diagnosis no Benson cheered him on as he
regular patient at Shriner’s. Blood longer fit. completed one race after another.
tests were routine. He still has a To this day, he continues to have “I’m always there for him at the
scar from a muscle biopsy at the episodes in his face, hands and leg finish line,” she said. “I’m proud of
time. — usually every two or three days, him for running. But I’m proud of
The doctors diagnosed him with lasting about 10 minutes. Over the him for so many other reasons,
“continuous muscle fiber activity years, he has learned to treat the too.”
syndrome,” which can result in muscle spasms as a fact of life. Along the way, Griffin has gained
stiffness, as well as muscle twitch- “People only know if I point it the confidence to try new challeng-
ing. out to them,” he said. “I know how Griffin still has a scar from a es.
“It’s basically like someone lifting to disguise it. I’ve learned my whole muscle biopsy procedure that He used to stand on the sidelines,
weights and their muscles are fir- life how to deal with them.” he received in 1983. concerned that others would judge
ing,” Griffin explained. “That’s what Nonetheless, getting involved in him for not having the right skills,
my muscles were always doing.” sports has always made Griffin This time, Griffin signed up for speed or even shoes. Now, he
He was prescribed a medication anxious, especially since he never the Power in Motion (PIM) club. He knows better.
that treats seizures and convul- felt completely in control of his remembers the first week, runners “When you’re out there, no one
sions, usually for epilepsy patients. body and spent 17 years of his life were split based on endurance. is judging you,” he said. “Everyone
“They were like, we don’t know if thinking he had cerebral palsy. He “They asked, ‘Can you run a is so proud of you. They’re your
you’ll get better, we don’t know if remembers playing football in ju- minute?’ and I said, ‘No.’ That was biggest champions.”
you’ll walk, but take this medica- nior high and having his legs sud- me. I couldn’t run a mile,” he re- Griffin does not allow fear of
tion for epilepsy,” Benson recalled. denly give out. That pushed him to called. muscle spasms to stop him from
The pills would make him sick, give up sports. By high school, But by spring 2014, Griffin com- running. In fact, he had an episode
inducing vomiting and sweating. Griffin stopped running completely. peted in his first run. His goal was during a half-marathon in 2017 —
“As his mother, I felt this medica- He stuck to academics instead. simply to finish. and it didn’t stop him from com-
tion was making him worse,” Ben- And he shied away from exercise “I was not trying to beat anyone,” pleting the race.
son said. “When you looked at the for years. he said with a laugh. “Just finishing “I felt like I had gremlins running
side effects, the list was so long.” “I always held myself back from was such a great feeling. I never through my calves and thighs,” he
She decided to stop giving him running and fitness,” he said. “I thought in my life I’d finish a race.” said. “It’s just something I have to
the pills. He never took medication knew I had this disease, and I used The next night, he was celebrat- deal with.”
for his muscle issues again. it as a crutch.” ing with a friend, who asked, “Do Unlike other sports or fitness
“As time went on, I’d almost Griffin moved to Houston in 2005 you want to run the half-mara- pursuits, where you have to train to
forget about him having this prob- and continued building his career thon?” even get started, with running, you
lem,” Benson said. “He was still in marketing. In 2013, Griffin decid- “No way,” Griffin replied. just have to tie your shoes, Griffin
having episodes, but it was minor. ed to join a running club and try a But his friend convinced him; the said.
He’d kind of keep it to himself.” Couch-to-5K program. next morning, he signed up for the “With running, it doesn’t even
She initially was worried when “I went like two times,” he ad- event. Then, he joined Houston Fit, matter if you’re going to win. As
doctors said her son might not mits. “I didn’t stick to it.” a training group. long as you finish, you’re accom-
walk. Eventually, Griffin decided to give “It became my life,” Griffin said. plishing your goal,” he said. “That’s
“But it did not turn out that way,” the running club a second shot. “Running took over in a good way.” my biggest advice: Just get out there
Benson said. “I knew I had to do something,” Plus, he made friends who sup- and do it.”
Griffin developed normally. As a he said. “I wanted to be healthier. I ported and pushed one another.
teenager, he returned to Shiner’s to wanted to be the best version of “I found a family in running,” he Lindsay Peyton is a Houston-based
further understand his condition. myself.” said. freelance writer.
D4 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH



Low-fat vegan And the 2018 Atheroscle-

rosis Risk in Communities
study found that while the

diet targets weight

risk of heart attack is
going down for older
DRS. MICHAEL ROIZEN folks, those ages 35 to 54
AND MEHMET OZ are seeing an increase,
Drs. Oz and Roizen
especially women. High
blood pressure and Type

and cholesterol
Q: I hear that it is 2 diabetes are major con-
easier to lose weight on tributing factors.
a healthy vegan diet. Is Fortunately, most risk
that true? factors can be reduced
Frankie J., Gary, Ind. with upgrades to nutri-
tion, physical activity,
A: Everyone is differ- sleep habits and stress
ent. For some folks, a management. Medications
low-fat diet is the most also can help control high
effective way to lose blood pressure, cholester-
weight, for others it’s ol levels and diabetes.
low-carb, and for some, That’s why everyone
the Mediterranean diet is should have a baseline
easier to stick with, and heart health checkup to
therefore a more effective assess their risk:
way to shed pounds. • Get your cholesterol
That being said, there level checked at age 20. If
is an interesting random- it’s normal, then check it
ized, crossover study in every four to six years. If
the Journal of the Amer- HDL is low or LDL is high,
ican College of Nutrition check it every six months
that found a low-fat vegan to see if medication (sta-
diet leads to greater tins) or lifestyle changes
weight loss, healthier (better nutrition, more
cholesterol levels and exercise) are helping.
increased insulin sensitiv- Over 20 and never been
ity compared with the checked? Do it now.
Mediterranean diet. • At any age, if you’re
For 16 weeks, research- overweight or obese, get a
ers from the Physicians fasting blood glucose test
Committee for Responsi- to check for pre- or full-
ble Medicine had one-half blown diabetes. Even if
of study participants go you don’t have prediabe-
on a low-fat vegan diet tes or diabetes, consult a
focused on fruits, vegeta- nutritionist so you can
bles, whole grains and dodge that bullet in the
legumes. The other half future.
Getty Images
went on the Med diet, • If you’re plagued
focusing on fruits, vegeta- with chronic stress, get
bles, legumes, fish, low-fat tance) — but nothing on Overall, the vegan diet Q: My cousin Ellen, tary lifestyle, smoking, 150-300 minutes of exer-
dairy and extra-virgin the Mediterranean one. came out ahead, accord- who’s only 48, had a diabetes and obesity are cise weekly and do 10
olive oil — while limiting Those eating a vegan diet ing to the researchers, heart attack. What affecting younger and minutes of mindful med-
red meat and saturated also lost about 7.5 pounds because of lower calorie makes a younger wom- younger women and can itation morning and
fats. Both groups then more fat mass than Med intake, increased fiber an vulnerable? I’d like cancel out the “estrogen night.
went back to their ordi- diet folks. Lousy LDL intake and decreased fat to dodge that bullet. advantage.” When it comes to
nary way of eating for four cholesterol went down and saturated fat con- Katie R., Santa Rosa, Calif. New research, pub- avoiding heart disease,
weeks before switching to 15.3mg/dL for the vegans; sumption. So you can give lished in European Heart remember, you have the
the opposite diet for an- no change on the Med vegan a try — just remem- A: We used to think Journal — Quality of Care power to eliminate your
other 16 weeks. diet. The only benefit ber your goal is to adopt a women weren’t at risk for and Clinical Outcomes, risk for this this largely
The results: Partici- from the Med diet was to healthy eating style you heart disease until after found that since 2010, the preventable disease!
pants lost an average of 13 systolic blood pressure — can stick with indefinitely, menopause. But these death rate from heart
pounds on the vegan diet it declined by 9.3 mmHg; so you can sustain better days, risk factors such as disease in U.S. women Contact Drs. Oz and
(improving insulin resis- only 3.4 on the vegan diet. health. chronic stress, a seden- under age 65 has gone up. Roizen at

Onion syrup serves as cough medicine

of Systematic Reviews, With one pill a night, I
April 10, 2018). Honey get a great night’s sleep.
should never be given to Q: I had been suf-
babies less than a year old A: Thank you for shar- fering with painful
because it might contain ing your experience. A cracked fingertips for
JOE AND TERESA GRAEDON botulinum toxin. recent review of dietary years. I even went to the
The People’s Pharmacy supplements to improve doctor for it. However,
Q: After reading an- sleep found that there is the prescription creams
Q: When I was a child, other of your columns evidence for the benefit of I got didn’t work.
I frequently suffered about someone having low-dose melatonin, but Then I decided to stop
from colds. My aunt sleep problems, I just more research is needed eating whole-wheat
would make a cough had to write to tell you on magnesium (Postgradu- bread and other wheat-
medicine of soft-cooked of my newfound cure. ate Medical Journal, Jan. based products. Within
onions with butter, Originally, my husband 13, 2021). Ashwagandha two weeks, my finger-
brown sugar, ginger and found this for me on the root can also improve tips were healed, and
a bit of vinegar. I never internet as a help for leg sleep quality ( Journal of my digestive troubles
fussed about taking it. I cramps. They were wak- Ethnopharmacology, Jan. resolved. I think I could
liked it, and I always ing me up and then I 10, 2021). be gluten-intolerant.
stopped coughing. would find it hard to fall Although many readers That was a few years
back asleep. find magnesium helpful ago, and I have not had a
A: Onion cough medi- I started taking a mag- against leg cramps, a sys- single split fingertip
cine appears to be popular nesium supplement. Not tematic review of research since.
in many parts of the only did it cure my leg concluded that it is un-
world. We have heard of cramps but it also likely magnesium helps A: You should ask your
various versions from helped me fall back to prevent nighttime cramps doctor if you might be at
India, Hungary and the sleep faster, especially if (Cochrane Database of risk for celiac disease. If
North American frontier. I have to visit the bath- Systematic Reviews, Sept. you have been scrupulous
Some people sweeten room in the middle of 21, 2020). People with about avoiding gluten,
the onion syrup with hon- the night. impaired kidney function though, an antibody blood
ey rather than brown This supplement has must avoid extra magne- test for this condition will
sugar. There is some evi- been a godsend to me. sium. not be accurate. Even a
dence to suggest that hon- In addition to magne- You can learn biopsy may not tell the
ey has antiviral activity sium, it contains ash- more about nondrug story. A genetic test might
(Molecules, Oct. 29, 2020). wagandha, Rhodiola approaches for better reveal your susceptibility,
A meta-analysis of six and melatonin. Al- sleep, including ashwa- but it won’t determine if
randomized controlled though melatonin usu- gandha, in our eGuide to you actually have celiac
trials found that honey ally makes me feel like I Getting a Good Night’s disease.
worked better than place- want to jump out of my iStockphoto Sleep. This online resource
bo to alleviate coughs in skin, this has so little in Honey is often added to onion syrup to sweeten the is available in the Health Contact the Graedons at
kids (Cochrane Database it, I don’t feel that effect. taste and boost the mixture’s antiviral activity. eGuides section of

KidsK run, presented by Karbach
Brewing Co. Masks are required at all
An internal Chinese martial art that fo- times except on the race course. 7:30 a.m.
cuses on slow, graceful movements and March 13; Houston Running Co. Ware-
relaxed, meditative breathing. Open to all house, 21215 FM 529, Suite 110, Cypress;
ages and levels. 9-10 a.m. March 12; Levy
Park, 3801 Eastside;
Vinyasa yoga class, led by Andria Dugas, Participants can run anywhere, anytime
for enhanced awareness and a strong, between March 13-27. Proceeds from the
healthy body. 9-10 a.m. March 13; Dis- Bayou City Classic are donated to the
covery Green, 1500 McKinney; Houston Parks and Recreation Depart- ment. Presented the Houston Area Road
Runners Association.
LUCKY CHARM 5K Dave Rossman / Contributor

St. Patrick’s Day-themed 5K, 10K and Virtual Bayou City Classic
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | D5


When it’s wise to quit social media

Social media makes me There are so many
a worse person. things that I see this situa-
I wonder if this may be tion calling for. Allowing.
familiar to you, too. Acceptance. Compassion.
I find Gratitude. All of which are
that it the opposite of what so-
churns up cial media stirs up. At
subtle least for me, scrolling
judgments social media often in-
and blatant volves avoidance and the
compari- antithesis of gratitude —
MARCI sons, then comparison. It’s the anti-
SHARIF an extra cure.
dose of My inner work here is
shame and discourage- laid out — and practicing
ment when I beat myself gratitude for this little
up for not being better gem of a person is exceed-
than that. ingly easy. Internal recon-
The whole charade ciling aside, I’ve also add-
drives me nuts. Social ed a few apps to my
media is an incredible phone so that when I have
resource. It’s possible it’s down time and feel mag-
even how you came across netized to a screen, I can
this article. Some of you view something interest-
will find it from my own ing, even if it’s less en-
account. thralling than Facebook.
But I’ve had to put My plan is to keep redi-
some ground rules in recting my attention to-
place for how I interact ward this other content
with Facebook, Instagram when there’s not an acute
… really, all of it, because pain-point on my radar,
the trap is real. Like the too.
other night, when I found These social platforms
myself hunched over my simply aren’t designed to
phone in bed, doom bring out our best. If
scrolling, deep in the they’re not used with a
rabbit hole, viewing specific intention, like
photos of an ex’s glamor- connecting with people,
ous wife, feeling like an getting the word out on
unaccomplished loser. Courtesy photo something or posting
I love my life. I’m in- Marci Sharif is taking a break from social media to focus on the successes of her 3-year-old daughter, Leia. something helpful, they
credibly blessed. I also discreetly bring us down.
genuinely love seeing pride, and she has been that’s where I was last work with Leia and give simultaneously juggling That’s what I find anyway.
other people thrive and through so much. She was weekend. her lots of time and sup- the logistical challenges of So, outside of very pur-
succeed. But the truth is born with an undiagnosed We’re in this program port, she will eventually the moment, has been poseful interactions, I’m
that I’ve been in a bit of a genetic condition that’s trying to help her slowly learn to eat, but what hit tricky. And that night, taking a break.
rut lately, and social me- presented with a list of but surely work through a me over the weekend, is browsing social media If any of this resonates,
dia is the opposite of help- diagnoses so long, people swallowing disorder that that she may not. didn’t make it any better. I invite you to join me.
ful in times such as these. always expect to see makes eating a physical I’m an optimist in my I’m honestly still com- Right after you share this
The short story is that someone who struggles to and psychological uphill core. I believe in miracles ing to terms with all this, column.
my daughter is in the function. battle. Essentially 100 and the value of grit and and intensively research-
middle of an intensive That’s not our girl percent of her nutrition is dedication, so it actually ing our path forward. I Marci Izard Sharif is an
therapy program that though. She’s absolutely through a feeding tube. By took me this long — until want my daughter to have author, yoga teacher,
required we pack up our incredible. And, her path, the time we leave the my daughter is 3 years old a rich and wonderful life. I meditation facilitator, and
Houston home to spend a along with mine and my Dallas program, if all goes and during our second think she will, whether mother. In Feeling Matters,
month at a special clinic husbands’ as we walk this really well, tube depen- stint at this hospital — to she eats or not, but this is she writes about self-love,
in Dallas. road with her, has not dency might be down to finally realize she might unknown territory. It’s sharing self-care tools,
I’ve written about her been easy. She is strong. about 95 percent. always need a tube. easy to worry and natural, stories, and resources that
before. She is a tremen- We are strong. But some- This is a very long road. Swallowing that (we’ll I think, to feel a level of center around knowing
dous source of joy and times we all break — and My sense is that as we go with the pun), while grief. and being kind to yourself.
D6 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH

Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in all directions — forward,
backward, up, down and diagonally. ©2021 King Features Syndicate Inc.
ACROSS 55 Trig. function 12 Term of affection
1 John follower 57 “I can take __!” 13 Gush on stage
Wednesday’s unlisted 2020 FIRST-ROUND NBA DRAFT 5 Whack, biblically 59 Team at a drug 18 Diamond VIPs
10 Behold, to Cicero bust 21 Freedom, in
Thursday’s unlisted
clue hint: A COLOR
14 Young Adult novel 64 Green on a Swahili
BETWEEN BLUE AND by Carl Hiaasen weather map 22 Chi.-based flier
YELLOW. about an owl 65 Largest portion 23 Some Balkans
habitat 68 Miranda __ of 28 “Mazel __!”
Anthony 15 Wore “Homeland”
29 Quads on roads
Avdija 16 Devise, with “up” 69 “Solutions and
Edwards 30 Breakout stars?
17 Blue-green Other Problems”
Haliburton 19 Garage occupant writer Brosh 32 Surprise attack
20 Meeting of 70 Wheelhouse 34 Cinematographer
J. Smith Nykvist
Lewis Jr.
powerful nations 71 Retreat
22 One looking at a lot 72 Blind parts 36 Sermon subject
Okongwu of tickets 73 Old autocrat 38 Curved sabers
Okoro 24 Berliner’s 39 Butter __
Stewart “Blimey!” DOWN 41 Jersey type
Toppin 25 School contest 1 “Got it!” 42 “On the Floor”
Vassell 26 “It’s __ good” 2 __ au vin singer
27 2016 US Open 3 Compassionate 46 Put away
champ Wawrinka but strict approach 48 Stein’s partner
31 Possessive 4 Put on 50 Makes illegal
pronoun 5 Carpet type 52 LeBron’s
33 Landlocked Asian 6 “All Rise” actress
SUDOKU CRYPTOQUIP country Helgenberger
53 Do lutzes, say
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter
35 Native Nebraskan 7 “Got it” 54 Vaudeville fare
the numbers 1 to 9. ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc. stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal 37 Carpenter’s tool 8 Island kingdom
56 Ability
O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and 40 Campbell’s whose capital is
words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels. 58 Percussion pair
Solution is by trial and error. concoction Nuku’alofa
43 Spotted 9 “Romanian 60 One in a sailor’s
©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
44 Breeze (through) Rhapsodies” repertoire
45 Vegas rollers composer 61 Beverage nut
47 Ping-Pong table 10 Answer to the 62 Make mittens, say
need riddle “What 63 Exploits
49 Messy one cheese is made 66 Irish actor Stephen
51 Goat’s cry backward?” 67 Mr. Potato Head
52 Braying beast 11 Roomba pickup piece

strokes of good luck: Fluke Skywalker.

©2021 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. ANSWER: “Star Wars” character who always had astonishing


By Craig Stowe ©2021 Tribune Content Agency 3/11/21

his relationship with Eric (George Salazar). ACES ON BRIDGE
Dina (Lauren Ash), Glenn (Mark McKinney) By Bobby Wolff
and Cheyenne’s (Nichole Sakura) plan to

to watch
See how you would fare as
boost the scores creates new and bigger declarer here after a slightly
problems, and Jonah (Ben Feldman) tries to off-center no-trump opening.
convince Sandra (Kaliko Kauahi) and other (Nothing else is much better.)
workers to value themselves. Partner bids Stayman, and you
show your hearts. When West

THURSDAY ‘Cold Courage’

Grey’s Anatomy
ABC, 8 p.m.  New Episodes
comes in with a helpful takeout
double, partner raises you to
West kicks off with a trump,
March 11, 2021 In “Helplessly Hoping,” after nearly three and you can identify three top
months off the air, one of TV’s top dramas losers, even though West is
All times Central. Start times can vary based returns tonight for its spring premiere. almost sure to have the spade
on cable/satellite provider. Confirm times on Genera+ion king. Additionally, the likely
bad trump split could leave
your on-screen guide. HBO Max  New Series Call Me Kat you with control problems.
This half-hour dramedy follows a diverse Attempting two more ruffs in
Cold Courage group of high school students exploring
FOX, 8 p.m.
In “Moving In,” with her own love life heating
hand will not work if East ruffs
in with a high trump at some
AMC+  New Series modern sexuality in their conservative stage, but something can be
up, cat cafe owner Kat (Mayim Bialik) has to
Based on the award-winning and bestselling community. done if you combine a ruffing
decide how to tell her employee Randi (Kyla line with the establishment of
novels from Finnish journalist Pekka Pratt) about the skeleton she discovered
Hiltunen, this drama follows two women Station 19 in her boyfriend Daniel’s (Lamorne Morris)
dummy’s spades.
You should win the heart ace, with dummy’s heart five. Now
(portrayed by Pihla Viitala and Sofia Pekkari) ABC, 7 p.m.  New Episodes closet while helping them move in together. retaining the queen in hand to you lead dummy’s low spade,
as they collide during a series of murders overruff East. Without drawing and East is stuck between a
In “Train in Vain,” after a powerful and any more trumps, you cash the rock and a hard place.
in present-day London. As they are drawn
together through a clandestine group called
shocking winter finale, the firefighter drama Last Man Standing spade ace and lead another East can either discard, where-
returns for its spring premiere. Grey Sloan toward dummy. West grabs the upon you score the heart eight
FOX, 8:30 p.m.
the Studio, they seek to right the wrongs Memorial surgeon Andrew DeLuca (Giacomo king and plays three rounds of and finish with a high cross-
of the powerful, influential and corrupt In the new episode “Granny Nanny,” Vanessa diamonds, forcing your hand. ruff, or he can ruff high. But
Gianniotti) is like a dog with a bone when he (Nancy Travis) refuses to believe that she At this stage, you do not then you just overruff and draw
— starting with a dangerous, charismatic believes in something. That has never been have the entries both to ruff trumps, finishing with dummy’s
politician (John Simm) looking to put the needs to slow down, going above and beyond dummy’s long spade and draw
more true than on tonight’s Station 19, the spade queen.
“Great” back into Great Britain. The first in her grandma responsibilities. trumps ending in dummy. You A club shift at trick four would
first half of a tension-filled crossover with must deliberately surrender work no better, so long as
three episodes debut today, with subsequent
episodes released every Thursday.
Grey’s Anatomy, as DeLuca and his protective
older sister, Carina (Stefania Spampinato),
A Million Little Things trump control instead, cashing
the club tops and ruffing a club
declarer is careful.
ABC, 9 p.m.  New Episodes
try to stop a child sex trafficker.
BattleBots: In “Non-Essential,” the drama returns with LEAD WITH THE ACES ANSWER: Playing two-over-
Bounty Hunters Hell’s Kitchen Boston heading into a COVID lockdown,
Rome (Romany Malco) realizing his movie
one, the modern style is to
respond two clubs here, to set
discovery+ FOX, 7 p.m. may have to halt production, Maggie (Allison up a forcing auction. If partner
In each episode, challengers compete for In the new episode “There’s Something Miller) being forced to return home early has four spades, you can surely
About Marc,” the eight remaining chefs locate your fit at the two-level.
the right to become a Bounty Hunter and from Oxford and Eddie’s (David Giuntoli) Starting with one spade would
fight a Legend. The prize: a unique place in cook various types of burgers, finding their delayed back surgery perhaps speeding up mean you would have to bid
BattleBots history and the major share of a additional ingredients in a massive deck of his painkiller abuse. a nebulous three clubs over
$25,000 cash prize payout in every episode. cards. a two-diamond rebid, which
Clarice would consume a lot of bidding

My Beautiful Stutter Superstore CBS, 9 p.m.

space. Similarly, over a two-
heart rebid, no forcing option
discovery+ NBC, 7 p.m. In the new episode “Get Right With God,” would be very attractive.
This documentary follows five kids ages 9 to In “Customer Satisfaction,” when Jeff Clarice (Rebecca Breeds) experiences intense
©2021 Dist. By Andrews McMeel Syndication for UFS
18 who stutter, whose lives are transformed (Michael Bunin) returns to push customer- hallucinations after she is drugged and
when they meet others who stutter at an satisfaction surveys, Mateo (Nico Santos) confined to a hospital bed by a serial killer in
interactive, arts-based program in New York. enlists Garrett’s (Colton Dunn) help to hide the medical profession. LOOKING BACK BIRTHDAYS
1954: the U.S. Army Today’s Birthdays:
charged that Sen. Joseph Former ABC News

CATCH A CLASSIC what are now recognized as problematic

themes and characterizations —
accompanied by discussions of the cultural
R. McCarthy, R-Wis.,
and his subcommittee’s
chief counsel, Roy Cohn,
correspondent Sam
Donaldson is 87. Singer
Bobby McFerrin is 71.
Special Theme: contexts in which they were created and why
they should still be viewed as classics, even if
had exerted pressure to
obtain favored treatment
Movie director Jerry
Zucker is 71. Actor
Reframed: Classic Films in a new light — includes Woman of the Year for Pvt. G. David Schine,
a former consultant to
Terrence Howard is
52. Rock musician Rami
(pictured) (1942), Guess Who’s Coming to
in the Rearview Mirror Dinner (1967), Gunga Din (1939), Sinbad
the subcommittee. (The
confrontation culminated
Jaffee is 52. Actor Johnny
Knoxville is 50. Rock
TCM, beginning at 7 p.m. the Sailor (1947) and The Jazz Singer in the famous Senate Army- singer-musicians Benji
Tonight’s lineup of classic films featuring (1927). EVERETT COLLECTION McCarthy hearings.) and Joel Madden (Good
1955: Sir Alexander Charlotte; The Madden
Fleming, the discoverer of Brothers) are 42. Actor
penicillin, died in London David Anders is 40. Singer
at age 73. LeToya Luckett is 40.
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | D7

















D8 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH


Your Horoscope for Thursday, March 11 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHHH
Today ushers in a cycle of happiness.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) HHH Reach out to those you care about, (even
Memories of a lost love must be kept in one you haven’t talked to in a long time),
perspective. Your interest in helping the visit an art display or complete creative
disadvantaged grows. Quietly, you will projects. Get all the facts before acting.
act and do much good in the world. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) HHHH HHHH Seek inner harmony and release
You will enjoy chance meetings with stress. A family member is feeling very
those from your past. A reunion with a adventurous and may surprise you by
longtime friend is likely. taking a gamble.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) HHHHH CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHH A
MOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMM Today is all about professional aspira- sibling or neighbor is changing. Don’t be
tions and your ambitions. You will in denial when obvious signs are being
attract attention. Pursue opportunities sent. Be diplomatic when discussing
that showcase your capabilities. controversial issues.
CANCER ( June 21-July 22) HHHHH AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHHH
Expect an increase in energy and moti- Thoughts mostly revolve around your
vation. Take time to exercise. Travel is earning power. You work hard for your
favored, as are journeys of the mind and family’s security.
spirit. There is much to learn. If you’ve PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) HHHHH
always yearned to write, now is the time. Today marks one of the most promis-
LEO ( July 23-Aug. 22) HHHH Today ing times all year. Career and personal
puts you in tune with your potential. opportunities abound. Enjoy life and put
Fate is at work in your life. Some things plans in motion for future dreams.
just are or are not meant to be. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (March 11)
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHH Intuitive, tasteful and trendsetting,
Reality is clouded. If in doubt, wait for your outer world is fast and competitive
the facts to be revealed before making while your inner world is dreamy and
choices. Revel in the attraction of op- relaxed. Bravo. If single, you can only
posites. have the best, so it’s quite a search. I
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHH Your see it finalizing in September 2022. If
sense of adventure deepens. You’ll yearn attached, you yield more power than
to wander and explore. Dreams and vi- you realize. Let things go. ARIES is crazy
sions must not be taken literally. about you.
King Features Syndicate









Dear Abby: When the parents started calling your

I am an out-and-proud les- wife your roommate, you should have
bian who recently celebrated corrected them then and TOLD them it
10 years as a couple and was offensive and hurtful.
three years of marriage to my Invite them to your home and leave
wife. I worked as a profes- your wedding photos displayed. If they
sional nanny for many years, can’t handle the truth, you and your
and I’m still extremely close wife are better off without them. REX MORGAN, M.D.
to the first family I worked
for. Although we have known each other Dear Abby:
for years, they still ask me not to men- My husband’s brother has two kids,
tion my marriage when I’m around their both of whom are now adults. The older
kids. They refer to my wife as my “room- one is in their second year of college;
mate.” It’s all I can do to bite my tongue. the younger one will graduate from high
I have ignored this for too long. school this spring. We haven’t missed a
I recently invited them over to see my single birthday for either one. The only
new home. Because of their conservative time we see them is when there’s a birth-
views, I warned them in advance about day or it’s Christmas. I think it’s time to
the wedding photos I have displayed. I’m stop the annual birthday gifts. We’re not
not ashamed of my life. I am extremely particularly close, and I’m tired of the
proud of myself and my wife. I am hurt forced merriment when it’s clear they PHANTOM
and offended by their requests. I feel are only after the gift. How do I tell the
they only accept certain parts of me. parents and the grandparents there will
I realize it’s unhealthy to continue this be no more gifts for birthdays without
way, but I’m terrified of losing them. I’m sounding like a stingy old aunt?
usually a straightforward person. How — Gifted Out in Michigan
can I be honest without angering this
couple, and what’s the best way to start Dear Gifted Out:
this conversation? Unless you want to make a change
— Outspoken Nanny immediately, hang in there until the
younger child reaches 21. At that point,
Dear Nanny: put the parents/grandparents on notice
If your former employers think they that because “the kids” are now adults,
can censor their children’s world to you will be sending cards rather than HOCUS FOCUS
omit the fact that perfectly nice people, gifts.
including one they love, are gay, they’re
dreaming. Kids today are very worldly. Andrews McMeel Syndication


Dear Readers: Infrared thermometers can read your

One of the first symptoms temperature in your ear or with a swipe
of COVID-19 is a fever. But across your forehead, and your temp
how should you check for pops up right away. During the pandem-
a fever? Let’s look at three ic, check your temperature at least twice
common types of thermom- a day. Normal adult body temperature
eters: liquid in glass (mer- ranges from 97.7 to 99.5 F. A tempera-
cury), digital and infrared. ture over 99.5 F is considered a fever;
Liquid in glass, or mercu- seek medical attention.
ry, thermometers have been around for- — Heloise
ever, they’re not particularly accurate, P.S. A hospital will often check your
and mercury is toxic if the thermometer temperature with a heat-sensitive liquid
breaks. temperature strip.
Digital thermometers are more pre-
cise, fast and handy.
King Features Syndicate
HH Houston Chronicle | | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | D9


A high BMI can get you vaccinated earlier

Some states because of his BMI. “I
understood that the older,
using obesity more sick should get it first
calculation to — but when they changed
it, I was happy.”
determine risk Rispo has not seen his
parents, who live 2½ hours
By Sandra E. Garcia away from him, or his
N EW YO RK T IME S 15-year-old son, who also
lives a few hours away, in a
Rebecca O’Neal didn’t year. He was ready to re-
believe she qualified for a turn to “some normalcy,”
COVID-19 vaccine. She had even though he under-
not realized that her turn stood BMIs are unreliable,
had come. Last week, he said.
when she scrolled through While unreliable, a BMI
the eligibility requirements can serve a purpose; it can
for the state of New York, be used to screen for
she noticed body mass weight categories that may
index on the list. lead to health problems,
Body mass index, or according to the CDC, but
BMI, is technically a mea- it is not diagnostic of the
sure of obesity. The quanti- person’s body fat or health.
fier was drawn up in the “BMI by itself is not a
1930s by the Metropolitan great measure,” said Dr.
Life Insurance Company to Fatima Cody Stanford, an
assess risk. Since a BMI is a expert in obesity medicine
formula that does not and nutrition at Harvard
consider several important Medical School. “It doesn’t
factors like where the body tell me if that’s fat mass
fat is or if any vital organs that’s causing inflamma-
are surrounded by fat, tion. It doesn’t tell me if
experts say to take the that’s water weight, it
indicator with a grain of doesn’t give me those
salt. But even so, a BMI types of specific details.”
that indicates obesity has For those who do meet
been a source of agitation the BMI requirement for
for people who believe the vaccine, that measure-
their doctors have used it Getty Images ment has presented a rare
to discriminate against Junk science or not, having a BMI of 30 or more can qualify Texans to receive a vaccine in phase 1B. opportunity. William Anto-
them because of their nelli said that once his
weight. it on Twitter, but it was a vention. the fact that the original making the same decision sister realized she qualified
O’Neal, a 34-year-old relief that I was eligible at Relying on a BMI to calculus was developed by — and posting about it for the vaccine because of
comedian and writer in all.” judge one’s risk of serious and for white men. online. her BMI, she set up an
Brooklyn, didn’t worry O’Neal is one of millions health conditions is com- For many, using a mis- Some wrestled with appointment for him, too.
about that in the moment. of Americans, in states like plicated. Many healthy leading high BMI to get whether it was ethical to A few days later, Antonelli,
She calculated her BMI (it’s New York, Utah and Texas, people still fall in the “over- inoculated is a fraught receive a vaccine based on 24, an editor at Insider,
essentially your weight who are qualified to be weight” category based on decision. a metric that could have received his first vaccine
compared to your height), vaccinated based on their their body proportions, As Emma Specter put it little bearing on their risk jab.
found that she met this BMI. While obesity has with no distinction made in Vogue, writing about her of serious illness. “When it comes to a
technical threshold for been linked to more severe between bone density, decision to get a vaccine “Taking care of the sick disease like this, there
obesity, and booked a cases of COVID-19, of the muscle mass and body fat. based on the BMI qual- and the elderly and the really is not a wrong per-
vaccine appointment for 500,000 Americans who This is particularly the ification: “A metric of health care workers, I son to vaccinate,” he said.
the same day. She received have died from the corona- case for women, Black health that has long been understand all that — but at “The problem is not me
the first dose later that virus, 17,770 were over- adults and people with low called into question by fat some point, they should applying for something I
afternoon. weight and had obesity incomes who make up the activists and medical ex- have opened it to whoever am eligible for, it’s the
“I didn’t know that my listed as a contributing majority of Americans who perts alike could stand to can grab,” said Raffaele rollout. The issue lies with
BMI was 30,” O’Neal said in factor in their death, ac- have been diagnosed with actively benefit fat people Rispo, 38, a barber from the government system
a phone interview. “I cording to the Centers for obesity by such standards. for the first time.” Saratoga Springs, N.Y., who that has led us to this
cracked a lot of jokes about Disease Control and Pre- That has a lot to do with Many other people are received a vaccine recently point.”
D10 | Thursday, March 11, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH


HOMEBOUND said. Once the vaccine

was removed from the
From page D1 refrigerator at the clinic,
the nurses had six hours
“They were grateful to to administer the shot.
see people and surprised In addition to staying
and happy to have a hot cold, the vaccines must be
breakfast and water,” kept in a light-sensitive
Young said. “It was nice to container. For the first
give that to people who doses administered in
needed it. … We gave January, the vaccine box
vaccines by flashlights. It was kept in front of an
was a really unique oppor- air-conditioning vent. But
tunity of Texans helping on the week of the winter
Texans.” storm, the ride was cold
Young and Michael enough without any extra
work with 260 patients in help, Young said.
their geriatric program Young created a geo-
through UTMB, but 150 of graphical map of all 90
those patients are com- patients by address. By
pletely homebound, grouping patients who live
which means it would close together, the nurses
require a “taxing effort” were able to give out as-
to leave their home to visit signments to other teams
a doctor. They could be and minimize time be-
bedbound, in need of a tween residences in Santa
wheelchair, need continu- Fe, Texas City, Jamaica
ous oxygen or suffer from Beach, League City and
severe dementia, Michael Galveston.
said. No shots were wasted
The nurses’ geriatric or expired using this
clinic provides internal Photos by Elizabeth Conley / Staff photographer method, Young added.
medicine, or primary care Kingston Sykes, 3, dances around as he hangs out with great-grandmother Olivia Webb and grandmother “We love what we do,
to people who cannot Shelia Smith while waiting for health care workers to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to Webb. and I’ve been real excited
leave their homes. The when vaccines were allo-
nurses provide other cated to us,” Michael said.
vaccines, like the flu shot, “Our patients are our
lung care and immuniza- family, and it’s a good
tions. They call them- feeling to advocate for
selves a “clinic on them. We want to protect
wheels.” them and help them have
Olivia Webb has spent visitors again and interact
much of the past year in with their families.”
bed. The 84-year-old Gal- With 90 patients fully
veston resident has a vaccinated, the two nurs-
history of diabetes and es plan to reach out to
scoliosis that, even for her their remaining 60 clients
age, make her particularly before offering vaccine
vulnerable to COVID-19. delivery to eligible home-
She’s mostly gone without bound individuals outside
seeing four of the five of the UTMB system who
children she raised as a UTMB home health care staff Dr. Cecil Kumfa, UTMB nurse Jennifer Young prepares a Pfizer live in Galveston County.
single mom. nurse practitioners Zachary Carson and Tammie vaccine in the driveway of a patient’s home in If you qualify for the
A glimmer of hope Michael go over a list vaccine recipients. Friendswood. COVID-19 vaccine under
came in late February, the Texas Department of
when Webb received a mother with a sense of wiggle her shoulders.” tion can make it more ministered in three days, State Health Services
vaccine via home nurses. pride. Webb worked for Most homebound difficult to vaccinate which set off a frenzy of Phase 1B criteria and can’t
“It was a blessing be- 30 years as a custodial adults are in their 80s and homebound individuals, 150 phone calls to caregiv- leave your Galveston
cause if not, we’d have to worker at Rice University; have multiple medical according to KFF. ers and patients. County home, email
wait or stand in line some- she rented her own apart- conditions, according to Once UTMB began Once appointments
where, and she wouldn’t ment and kept her own the Kaiser Family Founda- receiving vaccines in De- were scheduled between for more information.
be able to do that,” her house. tion, which estimates cember, Young and Mi- Jan. 25-27, the trickiest Staff writer Robert Dow-
daughter, Shelia Smith, “She’s the matriarch between 2 million and 4.4 chael requested doses for part was ensuring the nen contributed to this
said. “She’s protected now. She loves singing, million older adults fall homebound patients. On vaccines were kept in story.
now, so it opens the doors loves reading her Bible,” into this category. Jan. 24, the nurses were viable condition and did
for opportunities.” Smith said. “She can’t get A lack of adequate notified that they had 90 not expire before they
Smith talked about her up and dance, but she’ll staffing and transporta- doses that had to be ad- could be used, Young

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