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Maryhill College, Inc.



A Research Paper

Presented to
Ms. Mariela C. Ayala

In Partial Fulfillment
For the Requirements In Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion
Humanities and Social Sciences Program

Presented by:
Aragon, Jazelle Froyd
Atibo, Joana Mariel P.
Giron, Alyssandra Marian A.

Grade 12-Fortitude

January, 2021

Maryhill College, Inc.



This chapter introduced the research problem and the theory which served as a

guide for the study. It also presented the research’s limitations and the benefits it may

contribute after the study has been conducted. Aside from these, important variables and

terms that were encountered in this study were expounded as well.


Statement of the Problem


Theoretical Framework

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Theoretical Paradigm

F i g u r e 1 .

 Internet slang  Distributed a  Identified

survey/questionnaire that how Internet slang and
contained 3 parts: part A the writing habits of the
 Writing habits which was the selected students are
of selected Grade demographic profile, part related to each other.
B which was about Internet
12 students of slang, and part C which
Maryhill College. was related to the writing
 A short,
habits of the respondents.
educational video in
The Likert scale, with which the students would
numbers 1 up to 5, was be re-oriented about the
used to measure the degree differences between
of frequency of the using Internet slang and
respondents’ Internet slang formal words in
usage on social media and academic writing.
in writing academic papers.

Theoretical Paradigm of the study “Correlation of Internet Slang and Writing

Habits of Selected Grade 12 Students in Maryhill College”

Illustrated above is the system approach (input-process-output) utilized by the

researchers in conducting the study.
wanted to
determine what
are the cause
and effect of Scope and Delimitation
the internernet

Significance of the Study


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Definition of Terms



This chapter contained the various published literature and past studies of other

researchers related to this study. Specifically, this included a thorough explanation of the

variables such as Internet slang and writing habits for a better and clearer understanding

of the study. Results of the studies and literature in connection with how the Internet and

other digital technologies influence the way students write for their school paperwork

were discussed as well.

Related Literature

Related Studies

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This chapter presented and explained the methodology that the researchers

followed and utilized in conducting the study regarding the correlation of Internet slang

and writing habits of selected Grade 12 students in Maryhill College. This methodology

comprised the following: research design, research locale, research population and

sample, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data. 

Research Design

Research Locale

Research Population and Sample

The researchers chose Marian students as the respondents of this study,

specifically the Grade 12 students who are taking up the academic tracks or strands called

STEM, HUMSS, and ABM. They belong to the sections namely: Charity, Fidelity, and

Peace for STEM; Wisdom and Humility for ABM; and Justice, Piety, and Fortitude for


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  Based on the data acquired from the Principal’s Office, the total population of

Grade 12 students for the Academic Year 2020 – 2021 is 360. From this, 46 students (27

males and 19 females) belong to Charity. Both Fidelity and Peace have the same number

of students which is 45. However, in Fidelity, there are 23 males and 22 females. On the

other hand, Peace has 25 males and 20 females. Meanwhile, Wisdom has 39 students (12

males and 27 females) while Humility has 42 learners (12 males and 30 females). For

Justice, there are 46 students (19 males and 27 females) and for Piety, there are 47

learners (18 males and 29 females). Lastly, Fortitude is composed of 50 students (23

males and 27 females), which is the highest number of students in a particular section

among Grade 12 sections.

In choosing the participants for this study, the researchers utilized the stratified

random sampling. It is a method of sampling from a population, which can be partitioned

into subpopulations where the students were grouped according to their section and sex.  

To determine the sample size or number of respondents for this study, the Slovin's

formula with a margin of error of 10% was used as follows: 

1+ N e 2

where:   n = sample size 

             N = population size 

             e = margin of error 


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n= 2
1+ ( 360 )( 0.10)

n = 78.26 or 78 

Thus, there would be a total of 78 respondents for this study. The number of

representatives from all of the Grade 12 Senior High School students was determined

through classifying the students in the population per section and sex. 

Table 1. The Distribution of Grade 12 Students per Section

Section Male Female Total  

Charity 6 4 10
Fidelity 5 5 10

Peace 6 4 10 Number of
Wisdom 2 6 8 Respondents
Humility 3 6 9

Justice 4 6 10

Piety 4 6 10

Fortitude 5 6 11

Total 35 43 78

Research Instrument

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Data Gathering Procedure

Statistical Treatment of Data

The questionnaire was divided into three parts. In the first part, the respondents

were required to write their section, age, and sex for their demographic profile. The

second part was about their use of Internet slang. For the third part, respondents were

asked about their writing habits, especially in writing papers for school. 

In order to interpret the gathered data, various statistical treatments were applied

as follows: 

For sub-problem no. 1, which concerns the demographic profile of the

respondents, the frequency-percentage distribution was used by the researchers. The

following is the formula in finding out the percentage: 

P= × 100

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where:  P = percentage 

                         f = frequency 

                        N = total number of respondents 

To determine the kinds of Internet slang frequently observed by the respondents

and their writing habits for sub-problems no. 2 and 3 respectively, the weighted

arithmetic mean was employed with the formula: 

∑ fw

where:  WAM = weighted arithmetic mean 

             f = frequency 

                         w = weights 

             ∑fw = summation of frequency × weights

n = total number of responses / respondents

The Likert scale was utilized in interpreting the results of the WAM with the

verbal descriptions presented below: 

Table 2. Descriptive Scale with Continuum on the Frequency of Internet Slang

Usage and the Writing Habits of Selected Grade 12 Students

Range of Values Descriptive Rating

4.20 – 5.00 Always
3.40 – 4.19 Often
2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes
1.80 – 2.59 Rarely

Maryhill College, Inc.

1.00 – 1.79 Never

For sub-problems no. 4 and 5, the Pearson Product Moment-

Correlation Coefficient (Pearson r) was utilized to determine the correlation between

Internet slang and the writing habits of the respondents with the formula:

n ( ∑ xy )−( ∑ x ) ( ∑ y )
√¿ ¿ ¿

where: r = Pearson correlation coefficient

x = Values in the first set of data

y = Values in the second set of data

n = Total number of values

To interpret the result for the coefficient of correlation, the following was used:

Table 3. Interpretation of the Coefficient of Correlation

Pearson r Qualitative Description

±1 Perfect

±0.75 to < ±1 Very High

±0.50 to < ±0.75 Moderately High

±0.25 to < ±0.50 Moderately Low

> 0± to < ±0.25 Very Low

0 No Correlation

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