F3 Science Chapter 2 Practice Module 1-2

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Hal. Buku Teks: 44 - 77. Rajah menunjukkan sistem respirasi manusia. Labelkan semua bahagian. The diagram shows the human respiratory system. Label all the parts. FD) Menguassi J] lan proses menghembus nafas. Lengkapkan jadual di bawah. © Rajah menunjukkan proses menarik nafas d SPL) HFS) Mears The diagram shows the inhalation and exhalation processes. Complete the table below. ‘Aspek Aspect 4. Diafragma Diaphragm 2. Sangkar rusuk Rib cage 3. Rongga toraks Thoracic cavity Phe Scanned with CamScanner ‘untuk membandingkan kandungan karbon dioksida bagi udara oe ‘is carried out the carbon dioxide content of inhaled air and the exhaled gin, to compare. WH. Mewes x Udara hembusan Echaled air Prosedur / Procedure ~_(@) Tutup kip B dan tarik nafas melalui x. Close clip B and breathe in through X. (©) Tutup klip A dan hembuskan_ nafas melalui X. Close clip A and breathe out through X. (©) Langkah (a) dan langkah (0) diulangi sebanyak beberapa kali ‘Step (a) and step (b) are repeated for several times. Pemerhatian anda. / Explain your observations Scanned with CamScanner ergerakan dan pertukaran gas di dalam alveolus. Isikan tempat kosong bbetul untuk menerangkan pergerakan dan pertukaran gas dalam alveolus. hows the movement and exchanges of gases in alveolus. Fill in the blanks with the correct movement and exchange of gases in alveolus. 3) (Menguassi J] ‘Sol badan Bow cells: Blood capitary Udara yang sampai di alveolus _ . Oksigen itu melalui dinding alveolus dan dinding kapilari darah The air that reaches the alveoli This oxygen the walls of alveolus and blood capillary ‘Oksigen bergabung dengan yang merupakan suatu sebatian tidak stabil The oxygen combines with which is an unstable compound. Darah yang mengandungi oksinemoglobin ini diangkut ke jantung dan The blood contains oxyhaemoglobin is carried to the heart and __ Di kawasan sel badan yang mempunyai kepekatan oksigen yang rendah, Jn body cell areas which have low concentration of oxygen, ‘Oksigen itu digunakan dalam proses respirasi sel seperti berikut: The oxygen is used in the cell respiration as follows: dioksida yang dibebaskan ity dan diangkut ke ‘and transported to alveolus and. resapan gas: ‘The wall of alveolus is very thin which iy consists of one layer of cells only. This wit tase and increase the rate of gas diffusion, m Respirasi Manusia / Health of Human Respiratory System an bahan berbahaya terhadap sistem respirasi. y of the dangerous substances on respiratory system. SP(EEX] EEF3) Meagsost — Kesan terhadap sistem respirasi ‘Effects on the respiratory system ‘Menyebabkan kanser peparu, bronkitis dan emfisema. Causes lung cancer. bronchitis and emphysema, Scanned with CamScanner ssakit tekak. Continuous coughing, dificulty in breathing and sore throat, ‘Alveolus dirosakkan. Sesak nafas, sakit ketika berafas dan mudah rasa letih. Alveoli are damaged. Shoriness of breath, pain when breathing and is often fatigued. Batuk yang berterusan, susah bernafas dan kahak berdarah. Continuous coughing, difficulty in breathing and ‘coughing out blood. ‘Semput, batuk dan susan bernafas. Short of breath, cough and difficulty in breathing. en di Bawah ljalankan untuk mengkaj kesan merokok terhadap peparu. Jawab semua soalan. lent below is carried out to study the effects of smoking on the lungs. Ansiver all questions SPE32) HHS) Missa] ‘Termometet > Ko pam tras To fer pump. Laan penuriok Universal indicator soiaion Zokok itu dinyalakan dan pam turas itu dihidupkan. cigarette is lighted and the filter pump is switched on. Catatkan pemerhatian anda dalam jadual berikut. Record the observations in the following table. Scanned with CamScanner kesimpulan bagi eksperime conclusion ofthis experiment. tasi dalam Sistem Respirasi / Adaptation in Respiratory System pmernoe Ne | tiga ciri bagi struktur respirasi untuk memastikan pertukaran gas yang cekap dengan three characteristics of respiratory structure (0 ensure the efficient exchange of gases with the environment. ‘SP2TT) GOA 3) Menguasat | jkan tempat kosong yang berikut. in the following blanks. SPAT) EIA) Mens] tur respirasi ikan dinamakan __ yang dapat beradaptasi untuk ‘The respiratory structure of ish is hich can be adapted to -aystem of insects. This system consists of nes epada cabang-cabang kecil yang dinamakan . Udara masuk anches called Air enters through the Scanned with CamScanner eto overcome the tack of oxygen in body eeu task, Untuk: memenuhi __ Permintaan oksigen yang lebih banyak. During vigorous activites, to meet the demand for more a tiga cara untuk menjaga kesihatan sistem respirasi, est three ways to keep our respiratory system healthy, SP@&1) GX 3) Mewgwses—] Pertukaran Gas dalam Tumbuhan / Gaseous Exchange in Plants ikan tempat kosong yang berikut. Fill in the following blanks. SP@51) WHYS) Menguassi —] Tumbuhan menjalankan proses respirasi dengan ‘The plants carry out the respiration process by 2, Tumbuhan menyerap oksigen dan membebaskan karbon dicksida melalui | The plants absorb oxygen and release carbon dioside through ’ awab semua soalan. “Answer all questions. SP@ST] | Rajah di bawah menunjukkan suatu eksperimen, Jawab semua soalan. The diagram below shows an experiment. Answer all questions, EEX 3] Menges —] {— Biker Scanned with CamScanner n menunjukkan struktur stoma. Label bahagian-bahagiannya. ‘below shows the structure of stoma. Label the parts. EYL) Mewes ) ) (a) yang rpis Fiabe att berikut menghuraikan pembukaan dan penutupan stoma. Isikan tempat kosong, The following statements describe the opening and closing of stoma. Fill in the blanks. EY 4 Memgossai— jalah pergerakan molekul air js is the movement of water molecules pengawal menjadi segah dan - Stoma terbuka. guard cells become turgid and. The stoma opens. meresap ke dalam sel melalui stoma tetapi Be atthe Gets throslghthe Gora bul Benker Scanned with CamScanner 2. Hujan asid / Acid rain Tuliskan tiga langkah pencegahan pencemaran terhadap tumbuhan. three steps to prevent pollution on plant. SPS2) EFA) Mesguusi —] Scanned with CamScanner 5 Jawab semua soalan. Answer all questions. 4. Struktur yang manakah mengubah isi padu | 4. Nyatakan banan Kimia yang mengurangkan ere bekalan oksigen kepada sel badan. Which structure changes the volume of thoracic ‘State the chemical which reduces supply of oxygen tp a the body cells. |: Bea: cher A Sulfur dioksida / Sulphur dioxide ij B_ Bronkus / Bronchus B__ Karbon dioksida / Carhon dioxide | © Diafragma / Diaphragm C_ Nitrogen dioksida / Nitrogen dioxide D_ Rongga hidung / Nasal cavity D_ Karbon monoksida / Carbon monoxide Rajah menunjukkan suatu model mekanisme | 5. Apakah organ pernafasan bagi katak? pernafasan. What are the breathing organs of a frog? The diagram shows a model of breathing 1 Peparu / Lungs ‘mechanism I Insang / Gills IM Sistem trakea / Trachea! system t Tue IV. Kulituar lembap / Outer moist skin a A. tan / and I Batang kaca ees B_illdan / and V Glass er D> eee", © dan / and i Kepingan getah ips —> Thin rabber ser Namakan bahagian sistem respirasi manusia yang diwakili oleh balang kaca. Name the part of the human respiratory system which is represented by the bell jar A Peparu / Lungs B Takea/ Trachea © Diatragma / Diaphragm D_ Rongga toraks / Thoracic cavity 3. Antara berikut, yang manakah ciri-ciri bagi alveolus? Which of the following are the characteristics of 7% D. Idan / and IV ‘Antara berikut, pencemar yang manakah akan mengurangkan kadar fotosintesis? Which of the follo of photosynthesis? Debu / Du Hujan asid / Acid rain Karbon dioksida / Carhu Karbon monoksida lutants will reduce the rate oxide Carbon monoxide vom> Persamaan kimia berikut memerihalkan respirasi sel The following chemical equation describes the cell respiration, Glukosa + Oksigen —» P + Q + Tenaga Glucose + Oxygen 6. P+ Q + Energy alveolus? 1 Luas permukaan kecil Rai ; Small surface area yang divakii oleh P dan Q? I Dindingnya adalah kering Its wall is dry III Dindingnya adalah setebal satu sel 4s wall is one-cell thick A Airdan hidrogen © Nitogen dan hcrogen IV Dikellingi oleh suatu rangkaian kapilari © Air dan karbon dioksic: darah Sr la fater and carbon dioxide It is surrounded by a network of blood capillaries D Nit le A Idan / and It Nieden dan Karbon dioksida B iiidan/andV and carbon dioxide © Mdan/and I D_ Idan /andV >) ‘ —_— Scanned with CamScanner Insang / Gills Kulit luar / Outer skin Sistem trakea / Tracheal system +i). Tar rokok menyebabkan ketaginan. © The cigarette tr causes the addition “(il) Tumbuhan menjalankan proses pertukaran gas melalui daun, batang dan akar. © The plants carry out the gaseous exchange process through the leaves, stems and roots. : : a7 Scanned with CamScanner i) Apakah yang bertaku kepada seseorang jka telalu banyak karbon monoksida disedut? Berikan satu sebab untuk menyokong jawapan anda. What happens 10.4 person iftoo much carbon monoxide is inhaled? Give a reason to support your answer _ (0) Rajah menunjukkan suatu stoma pada waktu siang, The diagram shows a stoma during the day. ang stoma, Stomatal pore ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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