Philosopher Research Rubric

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Philosopher Research Presentation Rubric

This research project allows the student to choose a philosopher discussed in class, or has
another Greek philosopher approved by Ms. Roach, and research them thoroughly. The student
needs to identify and support the influences that their chosen philosopher has had on the modern
world through critical thinking and analyzing.
- Title slide including: Philosopher, your name, relevant picture
- Personal Details: Birth/Death dates, where they were born, profession, relationships
- Philosopher’s personal beliefs and philosophy
- Include any additional information that you find interesting or necessary
- Outline how this person has made a contribution to the modern world/ their legacy

Excellent Good Fair Poor

5 pts 4 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Title Slide Title slide lists the title, Title slide lists most of Title slide lists some of Title slide is missing
Title slide should include your name, and a the required elements. the required elements. most of the required
the title of your project, relevant photo. elements.
your name, and a
relevant photo.
Content All required slides are All required slides are Missing some slides or Many slides are missing
You must address all included with additional included with relevant relevant information. or slides do not contain
required topics and information. Topic is information. Topic is Topic is slightly missing information.
points in your discussed clearly and somewhat discussed but discussed but more Topic is addressed but
presentation. adequate points are more information is material is needed. not discussed or
made. needed. elaborated on.
PowerPoint/ Graphics Slides are attractive. Text Slides are attractive. Text Slides are legible. The slides are not legible.
All slides should be well is legible and has no is legible with very few Amount of text is too The amount of text is too
organized and easy to grammatical errors. grammatical errors. More great for the amount of great for the space
read. Graphics and effects are than half the slides use space provided and has provided and there are
used throughout to graphics and effects to some grammatical errors. several grammatical
enhance the presentation. enhance the presentation. Less than half the slides errors. This is little use of
Information is at the Information supports the have graphics and graphics or effects.
advanced levels and images. effects. Information Information does not
supports images. supports images at times. support images.
Philosopher Student presented all Student presented some Student presented Student presented
The student chooses a information required of the information information about their information about their
philosopher discussed in about their philosopher. required about their philosopher, but they philosopher, but the
class OR gets another philosopher. were missing some and information was scattered
approved. the information was not and often incorrect.
Knowledge Student is well informed Speaker is well informed Students brings little Students presents
The student displays and confident in the and confident in the knowledge to the incorrect information.
knowledge and information and includes information. presentation.
confidence in their more than required.

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