MGMT This Is The Exsmple

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Lesson 1 Learning Module 1.

1 Integrated Management System (1hour)

Activity 1 Identify through checking the management system that is best suited to the
following companies and give your reasons.

Company ISO 9001 ISO 14001 ISO 45001 Reason/s

Food chain The management system that
is best suited to food chain
company is ISO 14001. The
company must improve an
efficient environmental
 management system. Specific
environmental policies include
the types of products and
services it provides and its
location and its operating
School School must meet stringent
quality management system of
ISO 9001 and must follow the
 requirements in different areas
such as facilities, people,
training, services and
Construction Construction company must be
concern on the occupational
health and safety of ISO
45001 it includes reducing
 workplace risks, improving
employee safety and generally
creating better working
Hospital Hospital also must follow the
quality processes of ISO 9001
 it includes the facilities,
people, training, services and
equipment used.

1. Discuss the establishment of the International Management Code for the

Operation of Ships and Pollution Prevention (International Safety Management
(ISM) Code) towards the achievement of safe operation of the ship and persons
on board.
Lesson 2 Learning Module 2 Development of ISM Code for the Safe Operation
of Ships and Pollution Prevention (3 hours)

Activity 1

1. How is ISM code implemented on ships?

2. Which ship does the ISM Code apply to?

3. What are the 16 elements of the ISM Code?

1. General :
 Definitions.
 Objectives.
 Application.
 Functional requirement of SMS
2. Safety & environmental
protection policy.
3. Company responsibilities &
4. Designated person (DPA)
5. Master's responsibility &
6. Resources & personnel.
7. Development of plans for
shipboard operations.
8. Emergency preparedness.
9. Reports & analysis of non
conformities, accidents, and hazardous occurances.
10. Maintenance of the ship &
11. Documentation
12. Company verification, Review
& evaluation
13. Certification & periodical
14. Interim Certification
15. Verification
16. Forms of Certificate

4. What is the objective of the ISM Code?

Assessment :ESSAY

2. Summarize the revised ISM Code effective as of Jan. 1, 2015 - CLASS NK.
Lesson 3 Learning Module 3: Safety Management Systems (SMS) Functional
requirements (4 hours)

Activity 1

1. What is the expiration of the STCW Regulation VI/6 Certificate?

2. What is this STCW Certificates List?

3. Difference between STCW Code and STCW Convention?

4. STCW 2010 Certificates validity period?


Differentiate the training requirements for seafarers with and without security duties, as
required by the provision of STCW 78, as amended to the ISPS Code.
Lesson 4

Safety and Environmental Protection Policy (4 hours)

Activity 1

Group work and discussion on how to indicate how the ISO 9001:2015 (with existing
ISM elements) can be implemented in shipping operations.

Essay on the significance of the implications of the ISO 9001:2015 for the management
system in place in the shipping industry about safety.
Lesson 5

Major Revisions and Updates of the STCW 1978 in 1984, 1995, 2010, and
2017 (4 hours)

Activity 1

1. What are STCW 78 standards?

2. What is STCW and its purpose?

3. What is an STCW 2010?

4. What is the difference between STCW 95 and 2010?

5. What are the functions of STCW?


Essay: Written assessment

Formative assessment of the significant changes to the STCW Convention occurring in

1984, 1995, including major updates 2010 called “Manila Amendments” and 2017.
Lesson 6

Objectives of ISO 14001:2015 (4 hours)

Activity 1

Group discussion on implications of the ISO 14001:2015,

Make a table for the different significant implications of the ISO 14001:2015 for the
management system in place in the shipping industry about the environmental
management system.

Written Assessment:

Essay on the significant implications of the ISO 14001:2015 for the management
system in place in the shipping industry about the environmental management system.
Lesson 7

OHSAS 18001 Implementation (hours)

Activity 1

1. What is the purpose of OHSAS 18001?

2.What is the meaning of OHSAS 18001?

3. What are the elements of OHSAS?

4. Is OHSAS 18001 still valid?

Assessment: Essay

Distinguish the development of OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health & Safety

Management System in integrating with the ISO 9001(Quality) and ISO 14001
(Environmental) management systems standards for easier integration of quality,
environmental and occupational health & safety management systems onboard ships.
Lesson 8

Activity 1 Instructions: Write the word “correct “if the statement is the true and
incorrect answer if the statement is false.

Correct 1. SSHEQ ensures commitment to protecting the safety, health, and the
environment, minimizing risk exposure, and complying with international and national
codes and standards.

Correct 2. Safety management requirements of the SSHEQ policy address the

environmental management concerns from a regulatory compliance perspective.

Correct 3. The positive impact of sound management practices provides the maritime
industry with a model for the implementation of management systems concerned with
the safety, security, health, and quality of every shipboard operation.

Correct 4. The STCW Code was developed by the International Maritime Organization
to provide the maritime community with an internationally recognized standard for the
safe operation of ships and pollution prevention.

Correct 5. An Impact assessment is not designed to answer as many questions as an

evaluation, so it will have nothing to say about many things that matter in

1. How do we ensure that safety, security, health, environment, and quality policy for
every shipboard operation is implemented according to standards? What will be the
critical role of the quality system in its success?

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