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illustrates computer keys. for example, the Enter or Return key is

Tip: The right button on your represented by [Enter].
mouse and the
spacebaroften perform the Some special typefaces present instructions you will perform. These
same function as the instructions arc indented from the main text and indicate a series o(
[Enter]key. Pressingthe n'ght actions or the AutoCAD command prompts you see on your screen.
mouse button can also pop
Bold type (often in all capital letters) is used for the letters and num•
up a contextmenu from
bers to be input by you.
whichyou can pick Enter.
Bold italic type indicates actions you are to take.
Sans Serif Font shows text you see on your computer screen. for ex•
ample. messages and command prompts.
Herc arc some examples:
Command: LINE
instructs you to type "Line" then press [Enter) using the input box
where you see "Type a command". This will start the Line command.
Once the Line command is started, the input box shows a new
Specify first point: click point A
instructs you to select point A on your screen by clicking with the
mouse. TI1e words "Command' and "Specify first point" represent the
AutoCAD command prompts that you would see on your screen. The
command prompt line is in sans serif type followed by a colon(:).
Instruction words, such as .. Click,''.. Type,"" Select," and "Press, .. also
appear in sans serif font and are italicized. For example, "Tvpe" instructs
you to press several keys in sequence. For the following instruction,
Type: 4,4
you would type 4.4 in that order on your keyboard. Remember LO type
exactly what you see, including spaces. if any. (Coordinate pairs do not
have spaces between them in AutoCAD.)
"Click" tells you to click a11 object or an icon or to choose
commands from the menu. For example,
Click: Line button
instructs you to use your mouse 10 select the Line icon from the roolbar
on your screen. To select an icon. move the pointer until the cursor is
over the icon and click the left mouse bu1100.
An Instruction shown like this:
Press: {Enter]
means you should press the Enter or Return on your keyboard once.
Sometimes "press" is followed by two keys. such as
Press: {Ctrl]+{FIJ
lo this case, press and hold down the first key. press the second key once
and release it, and then release the first key.
Default values that are displayed as part of a command or prompt arc
represented in angle brackets;«.».
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