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Cone Modeling in NDN

Nov 23, 2012

Modeling of cone shapes is interesting, and sometimes considered more difficult,

because there is no pure membrane equal stress field solution. Cone shapes require
the user to think more about the membrane stress field and physical reality.

This document will discuss five methods of modeling and form finding cone

1. Equal stress field, pure membrane

2. Equal stress field with radial cables
3. Equal stress field with additional force lines
4. Defined varying stress field
5. Force density method

There are NDN models included with this documentation that demonstrate each of
the above methods.

1. Equal stress field, pure membrane

In the first example we will attempt to form find a “pure membrane” typical cone
shape with an equal stress field.

Fig. 1. Starting model of the cone prior to form finding. Model contains membrane
elements and cable elements around the lower edge. Nodes have been fixed in the
top ring and eight lower corners. Prestress forces, material properties, and section
properties have been defined.

Fig. 2. When we attempt to shape (i.e. form find) the model, the membrane “necks
in” and collapses. This is classic behavior. The reason is because there is no solution
to this problem. A membrane can not exist in static force equilibrium with an equal
stress field. Likewise, if you attempt to make a physical model of such a cone out of
a soap film, it will instantly pop.

2 .Equal stress field with radial cables

By introducing cables under the fabric in the radial direction, the situation changes.
Now there is an equal stress field solution.

Fig. 3. Radial cables have been added to the model.

Fig. 4. The model can now be shaped quickly and easily with an equal stress field.

Fig. 5. The resulting stress field after analysis is extremely close to a true equal
stress field, varying only slightly due to the self weight of the membrane.

3. Equal stress field with additional force lines

Sometimes it is desired not to use the radial cables in the design. In this case we
know it is not possible to have an equal stress field. The stress field will have to be
unequal, and also vary throughout the membrane. This is a far more complex
situation, not only to model, but also to successfully build.

Fig. 6. One method to model the varying stress field condition is to put artificial
cables along each radial mesh line. This allows us to add and control additional
radial force.

Fig. 7. The model can now form find to an equilibrium solution. However, the
cables and resulting additional forces are artificial. The cables do not exist in the

real structure. To find out the real stress distribution in the structure, we simply
delete the artificial cables and analyze the structure. Results are shown below.

Fig. 8. Delete the artificial cables and analyze the model to find out what the true
resulting stress distribution will be.

4. Defined varying stress field

Another more theoretical approach is to define a stress field that we know (or think)
will produce a real solution. I find this more difficult because it requires us to know
what this stress field is before we start. However, in this example we can use what
we have just learned from the results of the above analysis.

Fig. 9. Defined stress field. Both unequal and varying. In this example we define a
stress field prior to shaping that we believe will allow an equilibrium configuration to

Fig. 10. Equilibrium shape after form finding. The defined stress we choose was
successful and did produce a stable equilibrium condition.

5. Force density method

The force density method is another popular method for generating cone shapes.

F = Force Density
P = Element Force
L = Element Length

F = P / L Force Density = Element Force / Element Length

P=F L Element Force = Force Density x Length, or

Element force is proportional to its length.

Fig. 11. Force density model before shaping.

Fig. 12. Force density model after shaping. Similar to method 3, Additional Force
Lines, the force density elements in the interior are artificial. They do not really exist

in the real structure. To find out what the true stress distribution is in the
membrane we need modify the model as follows and run analysis:

1. Delete the interior force density elements.

2. Change the element type of the edge cables into “real cables”, i.e.
“constant length” cables.

3. Assign an approximate prestress level for the membrane.

4. Analyze the model.

Fig. 13. Stress distribution obtained after modifying the model and running analysis.

Advantages of Force Density Method:

1. Many consider it easy to use.

2. It is very numerically stable, therefore almost always has a solution.
3. Produces a relatively uniform spaced mesh regardless of the starting geometry.
4. Easy to program.


1. Shape produced is dependent on the mesh layout, therefore not unique even
given the force density values.
2. Does not produce an equal stress field, nor a defined stress field.
3. Mesh lines do not form geodesics.
4. Is an abstract concept with little physical meaning and therefore can be hard to

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