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NIM 16431005





Presented to

University of Muhammadiyah Gresik

In partial of fulfilment of the requirements

For the degree of sarjana in English Language Education



NIM 16431005





This is to certify that the Sarjana’sthesis of FRANSISCHA BELLA ARIANI has been
approved by the thesis advisors for further approval by board of Examiners.

Gresik, 3 Oktober 2020

Advisor I

Dr. Yudhi Arifani, M.Pd.

Gresik, 3 Oktober 2020

Advisor II

Rohmy Husniah, M.Pd.

Table of Contents
TITTLE SHEET..............................................................................................................................ii
APPROVAL SHEET.....................................................................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLE.............................................................................................................................v


1.1 Background Of The Study.........................................................................................................1

1.2 Research Question.....................................................................................................................2
1.3 Purpose Of The Study................................................................................................................2
1.4 Limitation Of The Research......................................................................................................2
1.5 Significant Of The Study 2
1.6 Definition Key Of Terms...........................................................................................................3

2.1 Theoritical Framework..............................................................................................................4

2.1.1 English Specific Purpose.................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Need Analysis 4
2.1.3 Office Administration......................................................................................................5
2.1.4 Duties and Function of the Secretary...............................................................................5
2.2 Previous Study...........................................................................................................................6

3.1 Research Design........................................................................................................................7

3.2 Participant..................................................................................................................................7
3.3 Instruments................................................................................................................................7
3.3.1 Questionnaire 7

3.3.1 Questionnaire..........................................................................................................................7
3.4 Data Collection Procedure.........................................................................................................8
3.5 Technique Of Analyzing Data...................................................................................................9

4.1 Validity and Reliability............................................................................................................10

4.1.1 Validity test10

4.1.2 Reliability test 11

4.2 Respondent identity.................................................................................................................12

4.3 Descriptive Findings................................................................................................................14

5.1 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................37
5.2 Suggesstion..............................................................................................................................37


Table 3.3.1 The Contents of the Questionnaire..................................................16
Table 3.5 The Points of Likert Scale..................................................................17


Appendix 1. Questionnaire for Students........................................................................................40



1.1 Background Of The Study

English Specific Purpose first appeared in 1960, emerged from the need for
communication in English mainly on the field of trade, science, technology, etc. (Swales,
1988). English Specific Purpose (ESP) refers to research or teaching that focuses on student
communication needs. English Specific Purpose (ESP) is a language teaching approach that
aims to meet certain learning needs (Tom Hutchinton., & Waters., 1987). According to
(Dudley Evans, Maghie Jhon., 1998) that the foundation of the English for Specific Purposes
(ESP) is a very simple question "Why do learners need to learn a foreign language?" The
answers to these questions will relate to the required language and learning context, and will
also establish a need in the ESP (English Specific Purpose).

At Vocational High School, English has the function of preparing students to enter the
the world of work related to the majors they have taken. In Indonesia, after students graduate
from Junior High School, they can choose to continue to high school or vocational high
school. In the report of Databoks in 2017/2018, there was 13,710 Vocational high school in
Indonesia which have a various major.

Office administration is one of the departement , A major that prepares students to

work in offices, or to become secretaries. The teacher should design an appropriate syllabus
for office administration, based on the needs of the Students' office administration. It aims to
prepare learners to be ready to work in the company, usually called a target situation, which
is a situation where students will use the language they have learned. Therefore, to design an
ESP course, the teacher first identifies the target situation. After identifying the target
situation, then proceed with a rigorous analysis of the linguistic features of the situation. The
features that have been identified will form the syllabus of the ESP course. The Process is
usually known as Need Analysis (Tom Hutchinson & Alan Waters., 1987).

In Indonesia, there has been a lot of previous research to find Need Analysis on
Vocational High School students. Verenita et. Al (2017) under the title "English for
Agriculture Vocational Students: A need Analysis Study at SMK Negeri 2 South Bengkulu"
The study found that Reading and Speaking is the most important skill for students of the
Agriculture program. The next journal came from Fatmawati (2017) titled "Need Analysis in
English for a specific purpose at vocational school: a descriptive research at the eleventh
grade students of marketing major of SMK Negeri1 Demak in the academic year of
2016/2017" the study found that students in the marketing department wanted to learn
English because they wanted to be able to communicate using English in their Marketing
activities and chose Speaking skills as a very important skill to learn. Next from Lestari
(2018) titled "The Need Analysis of English material on Hotel Hospitality students at SMKN
1 Bojonegoro" The study found that students in the Department of Hotel and Hospitality
needed speaking and listening and they needed to learn special vocabulary related to their
majors. Amiruddin (2018) titled "A Need analysis on English materials for computer and

network engineering students at SMKN 2 Makassar" Found that students in computer and
network engineering are in need of speaking and listening to build good communication that
will help them in the workforce, and they also need writing skills to make good reports when
they are in the workforce. Last article coming from, Mentari (2019) "A Need Analysis of ESP
for Office Administration Program at SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo in the Academic Year of
2018/2019" Research finds what materials should be contained in Office Administration
books. The research conducted by Mentari (2019) about Need Analysis for office
administration, is judged to be less satisfactory because only focus of finding the material
that should be contained in the Book for Office administration, there is no target situation
Analysis, no learning Need Analysis, etc. The Instrument used is quistionaire, and within the
questionnaire given by Mentari contains only 16 skills that must be strengthened by the
students of office administration, and only 2 answer options are agree or strongly agree. In
short, the previous article authors do not do the Analysis Target Need, and Analysis Learning
Need, that is why in questionnaire contains only 16 skills that must be strengthened by the
students administrative Office unknown from which the author found 16 skills.

Based on the problems and some previous research above, researchers believe that
looking for the need to study at the Students of office. The result of this research can be used
to give suggestions to Vocational high school to be able to design specific English Material
for Office Administration.

1.2 Research Question

What are the learning needs in English Specific Purposes of the eleventh and twelfth
grade Office Administration Department?

1.3 Purpose of The Study

The purpose of this study is to find out the learning needs of the eleventh and twelfth-
grade students at Office Administration.

1.4 Limitation of The Study

To make this reasearch can be more focused and profound, the author limits this
research to seek only Need Analysis in English language learning for Office Administration.

1.5 Significant of The Study

1. For the teacher

a. This study informs the needs of office administration in English learning.
b. This research will be a reference to create a Lesson Plan and create a Syllabus that
suits the interests of the students of office administration.

2. For the school

a. This study will provide insight to the school on English Specific Purpose (ESP)
for the teaching and learning process in English.

b. This study will make schools consider designing specific materials for students of
the Office Administration.

1.6 Definitions Key of Terms.

There are some key which is necessary to make this discussion more obvious.
Namely, English Specific Purpose, Need Analysis and Office Administration major. English
Specific Purpose (ESP) refers to research or teaching that focuses on student communication
needs. Need Analaysis is the process of seeking the learning needs of students who consider 2
(two) needs, i.e. Target Need and Learning Need. Office Administration Majors, is one of the
majors in Vocational High School which has the main objective to establish a student to be
able to become an administrative staff at the office or secretary.



This chapter dicusses literatures related to this research, those are origin of ESP,
Definition of ESP, and Need Analysis.

2.1 Theoritical Framework.

2.1.1 English Specific Purpose

Tom Hutchinson & Waters (1987) There are at least 3 factors that affect the
development of English Specific Purpose (ESP) namely: The Demand of a Brave New
World, A Revolution of Linguistic “If the language differs from one situation to another.
Then it should be able to find and determine the features of a particular situation and then be
used as the basic features for the student's course”, Focus on The Learners ' Students have
different needs and interests, which will influence their motivation to learn '.

Ken Hyland (2007) English Specific Purposes (ESP) refers to the study that focuses
on specific communication needs and the practice of socializing within a particular group.
Diane D. Balcher (2004) Defining English Specific Purpose is one way to give students
access to use the language they want and need to achieve their academic goals or the jobs
they want in the future. From several definitions of these experts, the definition of English
Specific Purpose can be concluded, which is a method of teaching a language that is focused
on the needs of the students ' communication.

Train student communications to the target situation (Munby,1978) is the objective of

English Specific Purpose. English Specific Purpose is aware of the importance of student
needs, which is what sets it apart from English General, because to form a course design
English Specific Purpose requires Need Analysis because in Need Analysis there is
awareness of Target-Situations (Tom Hutchinson & Waters, 1987). It can be concluded that
English Specific Purpose prepares students to use English in specific areas, which could be
for academic, professional, workplace. For this reason, it is important for teachers to create
sylabus or design courses based on students' needs. Sylabus based on needs, tends to motivate
students, who see clear relevance of what they are learning (Helen Bastukermen,2006).

2.1.2 Need Analysis

Need Analysis refers to a process in the course of development. In this process, the
language and skills the learners will use in their target or workplace based on their vocational
identification and consideration of current learners ' State of knowledge, seeking to know
their perception of their needs, and the lack in the context of teaching (Helen
Bastukrmen,2010). According to Bastukrmen, 2010 Need Analysis Process consists of
Analysis Target Situation which is identifying students' tasks, activities, and skills, the
purpose is to find out why students need English. Second, Discourse Analysis. Third, Present
Situation Analysis is identifying what students have and have not been aware of. Fourth,
Learner Factor Analysis: that is, identify motivation, and how they will learn, and know the

perception of their needs. Meanwhile, According to Tom Hutchinson & Waters (1987) there
are two processes for Need Analysis including Target Need and Learner Need. From the
explanation of the two experts, it can be concluded that Target Need and Learner Need are
tools to analyze students' learning needs.

2.1.3 Office Administration

The definition of Administration is distinguished into two understandings, namely

Administration in a broad sense: Administration is a process of cooperation (Herbert A.
Simon, 1973), cooperation carried out by a group of people (Ordway Tead,1953) cooperation
is carried out in order to achieve the goals that have been set (The Liang Gie, 1980).

Administration in a narrow sense: Administration means 'administration' (Munawardi

Roeksodiprawiro, Jimmy L. Gaol,2015) correspondence, noting, writing (Harris Young,
1963) and also A tool for conducting relationships, agreements, and agreements between
fellow human beings or legal entities (Jimmy L. Gaol,2015).

From some of the above understandings, it can be concluded that the Administration
will occur if done by more than one person, a cooperation with the division of tasks, to
achieve a set goal. The term Administration and Management has the same meaning (Jimmy
L. Gaol, 2015).

2.1.4 Duties and Functions of the Secretary

A leader should be free from routine duties, concerning information, archives, and
correspondence (Jimmy L, Gaol, 2015). From this reason, a leader needs an assistant or
secretary in charge to help the leader's routine duties. If a leader is still doing routine tasks, it
will reduce the quality of the leadership duties that should be managerial (Jimmy L. Gaol,

The Secretary is a person in charge of maintaining documents, conducting

correspondence, and administrative duties (Sutarto, 1997), A person who obtains information
and must keep secrets (Fowler, 1970).

According to Sutarto (1997), the Duties of the Secretary are grouped into 5, namely:

1. Office Duties, preparing the leader's desk, receiving instructions from the leader,
handling incoming and outgoing mail, archiving letters.
2. Reception duties: Receive and answer the phone, record conversation points on
the phone, receive guests, record the appointment of the chairman.
3. Financial Duties: Handle the chairman's financial affairs, withdraw checks, pay
bills, taxes, donations, record the daily expenses of the chairman.
4. Social Duties: Preparing a Meeting, Conveying congratulations or condolences to
a colleague with the name of the chairman.


The first journal came from Mazdayasna & M.H Tahririan (2008), with the title
Developing a profile of the ESP needs of Iranian students: The case of students of nursing
and midwifery. The instruments used in this study were (1) Interviews (2) Questionnaires.
The total participants in this study were 681 medical sciences students. And, 168 special
subject teachers and 6 English teachers. All participants consisted of 7 Medical Sciences
Unversity. The research shows that most students feel that they need and want to master
appropriate English before they get their special course, and most students report that they
need to read reading journals in Persian and English while studying subjects, this research
also shows that that students have a clear perception of their language requirements for
academic studies and also their future careers according to the major they have taken.

The second research came from, Dehnad, Bagherzadeh r, Shoaleh Bigdeli, Hosseini F
(2010) entitled Syllabus revision: a needs analysis Study. This research was conducted at Iran
University of Medical Sciences. There are 56 populations, namely students who are currently
studying at the Faculty of Management and Medical Information of Iran University of
Medical Sciences. There was no sample selection in the study because all students were
involved in this study. The instrument uses a Questionnaire. From this study it was found
that Writing Skill (89%) was the main need they chose, followed by Reading (60.7 %),
Speaking (58.9%), Listening (40.7%). In reading skills research, it is known that their need is
to read journals and textbooks in their field of study. In Listening research, the student's need
is to learn listening skills to participate in class. The results of writing skills research, the
student's need is that they want to write a paper to be published in an international journal,
the need for speaking skills shows that students need speaking skills to participate in class.

The third research came from Chunyan Shao, Shuya Guan (2020) with a journal
entitled ESP for Art Major Undergraduates: From the Perspective of English Learning
Motivation. The study found several motivations from art students, among them, participants
considered English not only for media or a means of speaking, the main motive for learning
English was to help their artistic creations or help them to better understand art. Also, for
them English is a necessary tool to request export of art from China. Arts students also
believe being fluent in English can facilitate their individual development.

The fourth journal came from Elisabet Arno-Macia, Marta Agular Perez, Diemar Tazl
(2020) with the title Engineering students perceptions of the role if ESP course in
Internationalized Universities. The results of the study inform that analyzing needs helps ESP
courses to better meet academic demands. Student expectations, ESP courses should support
students in academic-specific communication as well as professional-specific



This chapter involves research design, population and sample, Instrument and data

3.1 Research Design

This type of research is the quantitative research approach which uses the descriptive
method. Descriptive research is research that does not make comparisons of variables in other
samples, and does not look for variable relationships in other samples (Muslich Ansori,
2017). According to Ajat Rukajat (2000) descriptive research is a study that seeks to describe
phenomena in real terms, because this research is to make descriptions, pictures or paintings
systematically, factually and accurately, and to find out the relationship between the
phenomena being investigated. This study aims to find or analyze the learning needs of
Office Administration students.
3.2 Participant
Participants in this study consisted of 89 who came from three schools.
3.3 Instruments
3.3.1 Questionnaire
A questionnaire is a series of several questions or statements posed by
researchers to respondents or groups that want to be studied. The purpose of this
Research is to obtain information from the subjects studied (Robert H. Gault, 1907).
Questionnaires on this study Adapted from Mazdayasna & Tahririan's (2008)
questionnaire were used to investigate participants' expectations of the ESP courses
offered in the questionnaire.

The questionnaire for students consists of 3 parts. The first part consists of 5
personal questions regarding name, age, sex, English test results, Know or now
knowledge of English Specific Purpose. The second part consists of 18 statements
based on four main English language skills. Namely, listening is in items 1 to 1-6,
Speaking is in items 7-11, Reading is in items 12-15, and Writing is in items 16-18.
The third part, consists of 3 multiple-choice. Multiple-choice was designed to find out
students' opinions about their language demands, their opinions on their English

3.3.1 Table

The contents of this table is a brief summary of the contents of the students
questionnaire, which consists of: Variables, number of items, measurements,

Variables Survey Items Measurements References


Information :
Name, Age,
Gender, English 5
test results, Know
or now knowledge
of English Specific 5 point Likert Scale Mazdayazzna
Purpose. from Not Important &Tahririan’s
Need of English 18 (1), Slightly (2008)
Use : important (2),
Listening 6 Moderately
Important (3),
Speaking 5
Important (4), Very
Reading 4 Important(5)
Writing 3
Language demand
opinion: 3

3.4 Data Collection Procedure

The first stage, Questionnaire is translated into Bahasa Indonesia so that students and
teachers can more easily understand the contents of the questionnaire. Questionnaires for
students are distributed online using Google Form media. Researchers sent a Google Form
Link containing quesionnaire to the Office Administration student Chat Group on WhatsApp,
and then the researcher asked the students to open and answer every question item that was
already available. Before asking students to answer questions, the researchers briefly
explained what English Specific Purpose is, and what the purpose of English Specific
Purpose is.

The second stage, after obtaining data from office administration students. Next, the
researcher go to the school and meet each Language Teacher and Teacher of special subjects,
the researcher informs them a little about his research, then conveys the purpose of the
research, and asks them to fill out a questionnaire. Some Teachers may finish answering
questionnaires on the same day, but if some teachers want to delay collecting questionnaires,
they can first save the questionnaire and collect at least 3 days after the questionnaire is given
by sending by E-Mail or Other Social Media.

3.5 Validity Test

The validity test is carried out, to measure the questions or statements in the
questionnaire, which is a way to determine whether the items in the questionnaire are valid or
not. The validity test conducted by researchers was to test the questionnaire on 23 students of
SMK Yasmu Gresik on 23 October 2020. The questionnaire totaled 25 questions. 23 students
were taken randomly consisting of class 11 and also class 12. The steps of this validation test
1. Distributing questionnaires to students in grade 11 and grade 12 randomly.Setelah
para siswa menjawab semua pertanyaan atau pernyataan didalam kuesionaire.
2. The next step is the questionnaire is calculated using the Pearson Product Moment
3. Furthermore, the validity testing step was compared with the r table.
4. It can be seen that for students with 23 respondents with a significance of 0.05 is

3.6 Technique of Analyzing Data.

After checking all questionnaires, The Statistical Package for the Social Science
(SPSS) software was used to analyze the data. The statistical tools used in this study are:

1. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient is used to calculate the reliability on the

2. 5 Point Likert Scale is used to assess the level of English language needs of Office
Administration Students.Table 3.4

Scale Mean Range Need Level

1 1.00 – 1.49 The lowest need
2 1.50 – 2.49 Low need
3 2.50 – 3.49 Moderate need
4 3.50 – 4.49 High Need
5 4.50 – 5.00 The Highest Need

3. Arithmetic mean (X) and Standard Deviation (S.D) are used to calculate the average
level of English skill needs of Office Administration students. The highest average
score (X) describes the highest need of the students. Standard Deviation (S.D)
describes the distribution of respondents' scores.



This chapter discusses about findings and discussion of the research on An Analysis
of the Learning Need for English Specific Purpose: Office Administration. The findings were
gathered from data analysis of the questionnaire followed by the discussion of this research.

4.1 Validity and Reliability

4.1.1 Validity Test
To measure how valid the item questionnaire was in investigating students learning
needs a questionnaire was tested first using a validity test.
Validity Test, is a test used to see the extent to which measuring instruments can be
used to measure what is being measured. A test can be said to have high validity if the test
performs its measuring function. Arikunto (2009: 72) The instrument is valid if the measuring
instrument is able to measure what is desired. Test the validity of the items in this study using
the Pearson Product Moment correlation formula. After calculating, the next step is to
compare it with the r table with a significance level of 5%.
Table is the first result of validity test.

The table below is the first result of the Validity Test. There are 3 invalid items,
namely: Item 10 Questions and answers at the seminar, Item 17 Read text on the Internet,
Item 22 I am satisfied with the topics contained in my English textbooks. Invalid items will
be removed.

Item 1 0,858 Valid

Item 2 0,824 Valid
Item 3 0,688 Valid
Item 4 0,759 Valid
Item 5 0,826 Valid
Item 6 0,610 Valid
Item 7 0,778 Valid
Item 8 0,636 Valid
Item 9 0,531 Valid
Item 10 0,339 Invalid
Item 11 0,801 Valid
Item 12 0,917 Valid
Item 13 0,855 Valid
Item 14 0,648 Valid
Item 15 0,840 Valid
Item 16 0,786 Valid
Item 17 0,390 Invalid
Item 18 0,489 Valid
Item 19 0,812 Valid
Item 20 0,829 Valid
Item 21 0,695 Valid

Item 22 0,103 Invalid
Item 23 0,670 Valid
Item 24 0,466 Valid
Item 25 0,499 Valid

Table is the second result of validity test.

After conducting the first validity test, 3 (three) invalid items were seen. 3 (three)
items from the previous validity test are omitted. After the 3 (three) items have been
removed, the next step is recalculated using SPSS. After being recalculated, it is know that
Item 19; ‘Write the article in English’ is Invalid. Because Item 19 is Invalid, the item is

Item 1 0,826 Valid

Item 2 0,811 Valid
Item 3 0,632 Valid
Item 4 0,761 Valid
Item 5 0,769 Valid
Item 6 0,587 Valid
Item 7 0,753 Valid
Item 8 0,594 Valid
Item 9 0,505 Valid
Item 10 Previous Item_11 0,785 Valid
Item 11 Previous Item_12 0,901 Valid
Item 12 Previous Item_13 0,846 Valid
Item 13 Previous Item_14 0,650 Valid
Item 14 Previous Item_15 0,886 Valid
Item 15 Previous Item_16 0,800 Valid
Item 16 Previous Item_18 0,479 Valid
Item 17 Previous Item_19 0,879 Valid
Item 18 Previous Item_20 0,738 Valid
Item 19 Previous Item_21 0,134 Invalid
Item 20 Previous Item_23 0,709 Valid
Item 21 Previous Item_24 0,477 Valid
Item 22 Previous Item_25 0,517 Valid

After doing two Validity Tests, it can be ascertained that the Questionnaire, which
used to be 25 items, now only 21 items. 4 Items from the Questionnaire have been removed.

4.1.2 Reliability Test

To measure how reliable the instrument will be to investigate students' learning needs,
the instrument is tested first using the Reliability test.

Reliability refers to the reliability of the measuring instrument (Sufren, Yonathan

Natanael, 2013) An instrument that can measure the same object several times (Sugiyono:

121) How consistent is the measuring instrument used several times (Malhotra, 2012).
reliable criteria are Cronbach Alpha ≥0.6 (Ferdinand (2001).

Reliability test in this study uses Cronbach Alpha, the tool most often used (Bryman
and Bella, 2007).

Table is the result from the realiability test.

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
,761 22

The result of Cronbach's Alpha test is 0.761, based on Ferdinand's 2001 theory, which
is said to be reliable if the Chrobach Alpha result is ≥ 0.6. So the researcher considers the
0.761 results to be accepted.

4.2 Respondent Identity

Table 4.2.1 described the research subject.

\Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid smk taruna jaya
18 20,2 20,2 20,2
smk yasmu gresik 41 46,1 46,1 66,3
smk sunan drajat 30 33,7 33,7 100,0
Total 89 100,0 100,0

Chart 4.2.1 percentage of research subject.



SMK Taruna Jaya Gresik

SMK Yasmu Gresik
SMK Sunan Drajat


Table and chart shows that there were 18 respondents or 20% from SMK Taruna Jaya
Gresik, 41 respondents or 46% came from SMK Yasmu Gresik, and 30 respondents or 34%

came from SMK Sunan Drajat. From the table and chart, it can be seen that most of the
respondents came from SMK Yasmu Gresik and SMK Sunan Drajat.

Table 4.2.3 describes the gender of students.

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Perempuan 83 93,3 93,3 93,3
Laki-Laki 6 6,7 6,7 100,0
Total 89 100,0 100,0

Chart 4.2.2 describes the percentage of student gender.




The table and chart above shows that 93% female students and male students 7%. It
can be concluded that most of the respondents in this study were female.

Chart 4.2.4 describes the percentage of students age.



Ages 16 to 17
Ages 18 to 19
Age 20


The chart above shows that respondents aged 20 years are 1%. Respondents aged 18
to 19 years 18%. 81% of respondents aged 16 to 17 years. It can be concluded that most of
the respondents in this study were 16-17 years old.

4.3 Descriptive Findings

Table interpretation of Mean Score

No Mean Interpretation
1 1.00 – 1.80 Very Low
2 1.81 – 2.60 Low
3 2.61 – 3.40 Medium
4 3.41 – 4.20 High
5 4.21 – 5.00 Very High
Source : Hadiyanto (2012)

The table above shows the criteria for the Mean Scores's which are categorized into 5
(five) criteria, namely: Very Low Mean score is 1.0 to 1.80, 1.81-2.60 is in the Low mean
score category, for the Mean score is around 2.61-3.40 in the medium category, while the
score 3.41-4.20 High Mean score, the Mean in the Very High category is 4.21-5.00. From the
score above, it can be concluded that the High score means that the question gets a positive
response, whereas, if the score is Low, it means the question gets a negative response from
the students.

In the next page is a table that explains the answers of the respondents with the mean
and standard deviation and also the level of interpretation criteria.

No Item Question Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation

1 Listening Skill untuk 3,78 ,926 High

paham tentaik umum
(Listening Skills to
understand general
2 Listening Skill untuk 3,94 ,975 High
memahami guru pada
saat menjelaskan
menggunakan Bahasa
Inggris (Listening Skill
to understand the
teacher when
explaining using
3 Listening skills untuk 4,09 ,848 High
memahami isi
presentasi di dalam
meeting dan seminar
(Listening Skills to
understand the content
of presentations in
meetings an seminars)
4 Listening Skill untuk 3,66 1,033 High
media massa berbahasa
Inggris (Listening
Skills for the mass
media in English)
5 Listening Skill untuk 4,12 ,927 High
mendengarkan instruksi
dalam situasi nyata
(Kantor) (Listening
Skills for listening to
intruction in real
situations (Office))
6 Listening Skill untuk 4,16 1,086 High
bisa memahami apa
yang diucapkan oleh
kolega atau tamu
asing (Listening Skills
to be able to understand
what is said by
colleagues or foreign
7 Speaking Skill untuk 3,92 ,944 High
berpartisipasi dalam
diskusi kelas (Speaking
Skills to participate in
class discussion)

8 Speaking Skill untuk 3,87 ,855 High
Berbicara di acara
seminar, rapat dan
presentase (Speaking
skills for speaking at
seminars, meetings, and
9 Speaking Skill untuk 3,69 ,984 High
Tanya Jawab di Kelas
(Speaking Skill for
question and answer in
10 Speaking Skill untuk 3,97 1,182 High
menelfon dan menerima
telfon dengan tamu
asing (Speaking Skills
to make and receive
calls with foreign
11 Speaking Skill untuk 4,15 ,972 High
berbicara langsung
dengan kolega, klien,
dan tamu asing di
kantor (Speaking Skills
to speak directly with
colleagues, clients, and
foreign guests in the
12 Reading Skill untuk 3,78 ,962 High
membaca dokumen atau
surat perkantoran yang
berbahasa inggris
(Reading Skill to read
documents or office
letters in English)
13 Reading Skill untuk 3,58 1,106 High
membaca Artikel di
International Jurnal
(Reading Skill to read
articles in International
14 Reading Skill untuk 3,73 1,009 High
Membaca laporan-
laporan kantor yang
Berbahasa Inggris
(Reading Skills to read
office reports in
15 Reading Skill untuk 3,30 ,993 Medium
membaca surat kabar

atau majalah Berbahasa
Inggris (Reading Skills
to read newspaper or
magazines in English)
16 Writing Skill untuk 3,82 ,995 High
membuat catatan
sekolah (Writing Skills
for taking school notes)
17 Writing Skill untuk 3,83 1,025 High
menulis surat dalam
Bahasa Inggris (Writing
Skills for writing letters
in English)
18 Writing Skill untuk 3,80 1,110 High
menulis laporan kepada
pimpinan menggunakan
Bahasa Inggris (Writing
Skills to write reports
for leaders using
19 Saya merasa puas 4,04 ,928 High
dengan metode
pembelajaran yang
diberikan oleh guru saya
(I feel satisfied with the
learning method
provided by my teacher)
20 Saya merasa puas 3,91 1,030 High
dengan evaluasi yang
diberikan oleh guru saya
(I feel satisfied with the
evaluation give by my
21 Saya sudah puas dengan 3,06 1,300 High
banyaknya budaya asing
yang diajarkan di kelas
saya (I am satisfied with
the many foreign
cultures tauht in my

There are 3 parts to the questionnaire. The first part aims to investigate about personal
identity, The second part aims to investigate the needs of students in learning English,
namely; Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing. The third part, aims to investigate students'
opinions on the learning that has been given by their teacher.

From the results shown in the table above, it can be concluded that almost all
questions received positive responses from students. The Medium mean is shown by Item
(15) Reading Skill for reading English newspapers or magazines.

Questionnaire Items 1 - 6 investigated the need for Listening Skill for Office
Administration students, students gave many responses to Item - 6. Item (6) Listening Skill
to be able to understand what was said by colleagues or foreign guests, with a score of 4.16.

Questionnaire Items 7 - 11 investigate the need for Speaking Skill for Office
Administration students, in the Speaking Skill students give the most responses to Item -
11. Item (11) Speaking Skill is to talk directly with colleagues, clients, and foreign guests
in the office, with a score of 4 , 15.

Questionnaire Items 12 - 15 investigate the need for Reading Skills for Office
Administration students, in Reading Skills students give the most responses to Item - 12.
Item (12) Reading Skills for reading documents or office letters in English, with a score of

Questionnaire Items 16 - 18 investigated the need for Reading Skills for Office
Administration students, in Writing Skill students gave the most responses to Item - 17.
Item (17) Writing Skill for writing letters in English, with a score of 3.83.

Below, the researcher will explain each item of the questionnaire one by one in detail
from the first question to the last question.

A. Student’s Need
Below is the research data that will be shown by the Pie Chart

1. Listening Skill understand general topics

Item 1

Not Important
22% Little Important
Quite Important
Very Important


From the chart on the previouse page, it can be concluded that almost all
students feel they need Listening Skill, to understand about general topics they get a
mean score of 3.78 with a standard deviation of, 926. This statement is categorized as
High level. There were 3 (three) students (3%) students who chose Not Important.
There were 4 students (5%) who chose Little Important. There were 20 students
(22%) who chose Quite Important. There were 45 students (51%) who chose
Important. And, there were 17 students (19%) who chose Very Important.

2. Listening Skill to understand the teacher when explaining using English

Item 2

34% Not Important

19% Little Important
Quite Important
Very Important


The chart above is the result of Item - 2, namely; Listening to understand the
teacher when explaining. These items get a Mean score of 3.94 and with a
standard deviation of ,974. The question is in the High Level category. There were
9 students (10%) who chose Little Important. There were 17 students (19%) who
chose Quite Important. There were 32 students (37%) who chose Important. There
were 30 students (34%) who chose Very Important. 1 Students choose to ignore or
not to answer the question Item - 2.

3. Listening Skill to understand the content of presentations in meetings an

Item 3

Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
Very Important


The chart above is the result of Item - 3, Namely; Listening skills to

understand the content of presentations in meetings and seminars. The item gets a
Mean score of 4.09 with a standard deviation of ,848. The question is in the High
Level category. 0% of students chose Not Important. There were 5 students
(5.6%) choosing Little Important. There were 13 students (14.6%) choosing Quite
Important. 40 students (45%) chose Important. 31 students (35%) chose Very

4. Listening Skill for the mass media in English

Item 4


Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
21% Very Important


The chart above is the result of Item - 4, namely: Listening Skill for English-
language mass media. The item gets a Mean score of 3.66 and a Standard
deviation of 1.033. The question is in the High Level category. There were 2
students (2%) choosing Not Important. 12 students (14%) chose Less Important.

There were 19 students (21%) choosing Quite Important. 37 students (42%) chose
Important. 19 students (21%) chose Very Important.

5. Listening Skill for listening to intruction in real situations (Office)

Item 5

Not Important
37% Little Important
Quite Important
Very Important


The chart above is the result of Item - 5, Namely; Listening Skill for listening
to instructions in real situations (Office). The item gets a Mean score of 4.12 and
Standard Deviation, 927. There were 2 students (2%) choosing Not Important. There
were 5 students (6%) choosing Little Important. There were 6 students (7%) choosing
Quite Important. There were 43 students (48%) who chose Important. There were 33
students (37%) choosing Very Important.

6. Listening Skill to be able to understand what is said by colleagues or foreign


Item 6

Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
48% Important
Very Important


The chart on previous page is the result of Item - 6, Namely; Listening Skill to
be able to understand what foreign colleagues or guests are saying. The item gets a
Mean score of 4.16 and a standard deviation of 1.086. There were 4 students (4%)
who chose Not Important. There were 5 students (6%) students who chose Little
Important. There were 7 students (8%) choosing Quite Important. There were 30
students (34%) who chose Important. And, there are 43 students (48%) students
choose Very Important. Item 6 (six) gets the highest mean of other Listening Items,
which means Item 6 gets the most responses from Office Administration students.

7. Speaking Skill to participate in class discussion

Item 7

Not Important
18% Little Important
Quite Important
Very Important


The chart above is the result of Item - 7. Namely; Speaking Skill to participate
in class discussions. The item gets a Mean score of 3.92 and Standard Deviation, 944.
There were 9 students (10%) choosing Little Important. There were 16 students (18%)
choosing Quite Important. There were 37 students (42%) choosing Important. And, 27
students (30%) voted Very Important.

8. Speaking Skill for speaking at seminars, meetings, and presentations.

Item 8


Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
Very Important


The chart above is the result of Item - 8, Namely; Speaking Skills for
Speaking at seminars, meetings and presentations. The item gets a Mean score of 3.87
and Standard Deviation, 855. There were 8 students (9%) students chose Little
Important. There were 15 students (17%) choosing Quite Important. There were 47
students (53%) choosing Important. And, there were 19 students (21%) who chose
Very Important.

9. Speaking Skill for asking and answer in class.

Item 9

Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
Very Important


The chart abouve is the result of Item - 9, Namely; Speaking Skill for
Question and Answer in Class. The item gets a Mean score of 3.69 and Standard
Deviation, 984. Which means, entered the High Level category. There were 3 students
(3%) choosing Not Important. There were 5 students (6%) choosing Little Important.

There were 28 students (32%) choosing Quite Important. There were 34 students
(38%) students chose Important. And, 19 students (21%) voted Very Important.

10. Speaking Skill to make and receive calls with foreign guests.

Item 10

Not Important
Little Important
17% Quite Important
Very Important


The chart above describes the results of Item - 10, Namely; Speaking Skill to
make and receive calls with foreign guests. These results get a Mean Score of 3.97
and Standard Deviation of 1.182. Included in the High category. There were 4
students (4%) who chose Not Important. There were 8 students (9%) who chose Little
Important. There were 15 students (17%) who chose Quite Important. There were 22
students (25%) choosing Important. And, there are 40 students (45%) students of
Very Important. Many students choose Very Important, which means that students
also need Speaking Skill to be able to speak on the phone.

11. Speaking Skill to speak directly with colleagues, clients, and foreign guests
in the office.

Item 11

Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
Very Important


The chart above describes the results of Item - 11, Namely; Speaking Skill to
speak directly with colleagues, clients and foreign guests in the office. The result of
Item - 11 gets a Mean score of 4.15 and Standard Deviation, 972. Included in the
High category. There is 1 student (1%) who chose Not Important. There were 6
students (7%) who chose Little Important. There were 12 students (13%) choosing
Quite Important. There were 30 students (34%) who chose Important. There were 40
students (45%) who chose Very Important. Item 11 is the item that gets the most
positive responses from students because 45% of respondents chose Very Important,
and 34% of students chose Important. And, Item 11 gets the highest Mean among
other Speaking Skill Items. Which means, students need Speaking Skill to be able to
talk directly with colleagues, clients and foreign guests in the office.

12. Reading Skill to read documents or office letters in English

Item 12
Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
Very Important


The chart above describes the results of Item - 12, Namely; Reading Skill to read
documents or Office Letters in English. The result of the Mean score Item - 12 is,
3.78 and Standard Deviation, 962. The result of Item 12 is in the High category. There
is 1 student (1%) who chose Not Important. There were 9 students (10%) who chose
Little Important. There are 20 students (22%) who are quite important. There were 38
students (43%) who chose Important. And, there were 21 students (24%) who chose
Very Important. Item - 12 received the most responses from Office Administration
students. Rather than, another item reading skill. It can be concluded that, students
want to develop their reading skills, because they want to be able to read documents
and office letters.

13. Reading Skill to read articles in International Journals.

Item 13

Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
Very Important



The chart on a previouse page describes the results of Item - 13, Namely;
Reading Skills to read Articles in International Journals. The result of the Mean
score Item - 13 is 3.58 and Standard Deviation is 1.106. There were 2 students
(2%) who chose Not Important. There were 18 students (20%) who chose Little
Important. There were 3 students (16%) students who chose Important Enough.
There were 36 students (41%) choosing Important. And, 19 students (21%) voted
Very Important.

14. Reading Skill to read office reports in English.

Item 14

Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
24% Very Important


The chart above describes the results of Item - 14, Namely; Reading Skill for
reading office reports in English. The result of the Mean score for Item 14 is 3.73
and Standard Deviation 1.009. There is 1 student (1%) who chose Not Important.
There were 11 students (12%) choosing Little Important. There were 21 students
(24%) choosing Quite Important. There were 34 students (38%) who chose
Important. And, 22 students (25%) voted Very Important.

15. Reading Skill to read newspapers or magazines in English.

Item 16

Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
26% Important
Very Important


The chart above shows the results of Item - 15, Namely; Reading Skill to read
newspapers or magazines in English. The mean score for Item - 15 is 3.30 and
Standard Deviation, 993. The results of the Item - 15 are in the Medium Level
category. There were 3 students (4%) who chose Not Important. There were 17
students (19%) students who chose Little Important. There were 27 students
(30%) choosing Quite Important. There were 34 students (38%) students chose
Important. And, 8 students (4%) chose Very Important.

16. Writing Skill for taking school notes.

Item 16

Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
26% Important
Very Important


The chart above shows the results of Item - 16, Namely; Writing Skills for
making school notes. The result of the Mean score of Item - 16 is 3.82 and Standard
Deviation, 995. The result of Item - 16 is categorized as High Level. There is 1

student (1%) choosing Not Important. There were 8 students (9%) choosing Little
Important. 23 students (26%) chose Quite Important. 31 students (35%) chose
Important. 26 students (29%) Very Important.

17. Writing Skill for writing letters in English.

Item 17


Not Important
Little Important
Quite Important
Very Important


The chart above shows the results of Item - 17, Namely; Writing Skills for
writing letters in English. The mean score was 3.83 and Standard Deviation 1.025.
The result of Item - 17 is in the High category. There is 1 student (1%) who chose Not
Important. There were 11 students (13%) who chose Little Important. There were 16
students (18%) who chose Quite Important. There were 35 students (39%) who chose
Important. There were 26 students (29%) who chose Very Important. Compared with
other Writing Skill Items, Item 17 received more responses from students, as
evidenced by the highest Mean, compared to Item - 16 and Item - 18.

18. Writing Skill to write reports for leaders using English.

Item 18

32% Not Important

Little Important
Quite Important
19% Important
Very Important


The chart above shows the results of Item - 18, Namely; Writing Skills to
write reports to leaders in English. The result of the Mean score on Item-18 is 3.80
and Standard Deviation is 1.110. The result of Item - 18 belongs to the High Level
category. There are 3 students (3%) who have Not Important. There were 10
students (11%) who chose Little Important. There were 17 students (19%) who
chose Quite Important. There were 31 students (35%) who chose Important. There
were 28 students (32%) who chose Very Important.
B. Student’s Opinion.

19. I feel satisfied with the learning method provided by my teacher

Item 19

20% Not Satisfied

37% Little Satisfied
Quite Satisfied
Very Satisfied


The chart in a previous page shows the results of Item - 19, Namely; I feel
satisfied with the learning method provided by my teacher. Item - 19 gets a Mean
score of 4.04 and Standard Deviation, 928. Included in the High Level category.
There is 1 student who gave the rate Not Satisfied. There were 4 students (5%) who
rated a little satisfied. There were 33 students who gave the score Satisfied. There
were 33 students (37%) who rated Very Satisfied. From these results it can be
concluded that some students feel satisfied and very satisfied with the learning
methods provided by their teachers.

20. I feel satisfied with the evaluation give by my teacher

Item 20

Not Satisfied
37% Little Satisfied
30% Quite Satisfied
Very Satisfied


The chart above shows the results of Item - 20, Namely: I am satisfied with the
evaluation given by my teacher. Item - 20 gets a Mean score of 3.91 and Standard
Deviation of 1.030. There were 2 students (2%) who rated Dissatisfied. There
were 4 students (5%) who chose Slightly Satisfied. There were 27 students (30%)
who rated quite satisfied. There were 23 students (26%) who chose Satisfied.
There were 33 students (37%) who rated Very Satisfied.

21. I am satisfied with the many foreign cultures tauht in my class

Item 21


Not Satisfied
Little Satisfied
Quite Satisfied
Very Satisfied


The chart above shows the results of Item - 21, Namely; I am satisfied with the
many foreign cultures taught in my class. Item - 21 gets a Mean Score of 3.06 and
Standard Deviation of 1,300. There were 10 students (11%) who gave a score of
Dissatisfied. There were 24 students (27%) who gave a score of Slightly Satisfied.
There were 24 students (27%) who gave the score quite satisfied. There were 13
students (15%) giving the score Satisfied. There were 18 students (20%) giving a
score of Very Satisfied. The answers that get the most responses from students are
Slightly Satisfied (27%) and Fairly Satisfied (27%). It can be concluded that, they
are not Satisfied or Very Satisfied, but simply Satisfied. Satisfied little results, it
could be concluded that foreign culture learning in their class is there, however, it
is still lacking.

22. At school, I prefer to do assignments.

Item 22


Just Alone
In Pairs
In Groups


There are 20 students (23%) who like to do assignments alone. There are 23
students (26%) who like to work in pairs. There are 45 students (51%) who like to
work in groups. From the results shown in the chart above, it can be concluded
that most respondents like to work in groups (51%) and in pairs (26%), rather than
alone (23%).

23. If a special English class for Office Administration is held, how long should
the class be held?

Item 23


Once a week (3 hours)

Twice a week (1.5 hours)
Three times a week (1 hour)


The chart above is the result of Item - 23. There were 21 students (24%) who
chose every week with a duration of 3 hours for each meeting. There were 24
students (47%) who voted twice a week with a duration of 1.5 hours. And, there
were 23 students (29%) who chose Three Times a Week with a duration of 1 hour.

If the English Specific Purpose is held in the respondent's class, most of the
respondents choose twice a week with a duration of 1.5 hours.

24. I want to master English for?

Item 24


Can compete in class

Can talk to strangers
To prepare to enter the world of


The chart in a previous page is the result of Item - 24. There were 2 students
(2%) who chose A. Can Compete in Class. There were 16 students (18%) who
chose B. Can Talk to Strangers. There were 71 students (80%) who chose to
prepare to enter the world of work. From the results shown in the chart above,
most respondents chose the answer C. To Prepare to Enter the World of Work.
From these results it can be concluded that, students want to learn English so that
they can be perfected in doing their assignments at work, according to the major
they take.

4.1 Discussion

This study tried to describe about Learning Need for English Specific Purpose: In
this case Office Administration. From the findings on the chapter IV, Office Administration
students want to develop some english skills; Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading. So
that they are able to master English for their future careers. Below is a further discussion of
the Learning Needs of Office Administration students.

1. What are the learning needs in English Specific Purposes of the eleventh and
twelfth grade Office Administration Department?

Every student has different learning needs (Tom Hutchinson & Waters 1987). This
statement is supported and proven by many studies to seek Student Learning needs. However,
each study finds the results of student learning needs are different from one another.
Mazdayasna M Tahririan (2008) stated that Medical students need English to be able to read
English journals, and they need English to study and also their future careers that are in
accordance with the majors they take. Chunyan Shao, Shuya Guan (2020) stated that The
motivation of art students is to help them understand more about art, and they believe that
English is a tool to be able to export art work from China.

The second part of the questionnaire aim to find information about the types of skills
that need to be developed by Office Administration students.When investigating students'
learning needs for English, the researcher found the ability that the students wanted to
develop was Listening to be able to understand what is said by colleagues or foreign guests
Speaking skills to speak directly with colleagues, clients, and foreign guests in the office .
Writing skills for writing letters in English. The last is Reading Skill to read documents or
office letters in English.

The third part of the questionnaire was concerned with finding out what
methodologies and classroom activities suit Office Administration students. Researcher
found answers based on the results of the questionnaire. Almost all students were satisfied
with the learning methods provided by their teachers, only one third of students were
dissatisfied with the learning methods provided by their teachers. All the students were
satisfied with the evaluation given by their teacher, most students chose quite satisfied,
satisfied, and very satisfied, and less than one third of students chose not satisfied with the
evaluation given by their teacher.As for the question, to what extent the students were
satisfied with the number of foreign cultures taught in their class, half of the students
answered fairly, satisfied, and very satisfied and the remaining half answered less satisfied or
slightly satisfied.From these results it can be concluded that their teachers have paid more
attention to classroom learning.

However, as mentioned in the first chapter, all Vocational High School involved in
this study use the same English book in Senior High School.This statement is supported by
the results of students' answers to the first part of the questionnaire, namely; "Have you ever
heard of the English Specific Purpose before?" most of the students answered "no" and a
quarter of the students answered "yes". It can be concluded that most of the students never

heard of the English Specific Purpose at all.In fact, if we look down at the end of the
questionnaire, namely; Item 24 "Why do they want to master English?" Almost all students
want to learn English because they want to prepare to enter the world of work, so that they
can play a perfect role in their future careers.If EPS is not implemented in their classroom,
how can teachers meet their needs and expectations?. Tom Hutchinson & Waters (1987)
stated that In teaching English there is a view that, English for commerce and English for
engineering are different. Automatically, every student with different majors has different
needs for learning English. Language differences that vary due to different uses, it should be
possible to find and determine the basic features of a student course, the English features
required by groups of students can be identified by analyzing from their field of work or
specialist study (Tom Hutchinson & Waters, 1987). In this case, every English teacher is
required to analyze the needs of students in learning English, so that they can meet and
answer the needs of students in teaching English that is appropriate and relevant.

The explanation above has explored the needs of learning English for Office
Administration students. From the analysis of student learning needs and opinions, it can be
concluded that Office Administration students need some English skills, such as; Listening
Skill to be able to understand what is said by colleagues or foreign guests, Speaking Skills
to speak directly with colleagues, clients, and foreign guests in the office, Writing Skills
for writing letters in English, Reading Skill to read documents or office letters in English ,
so that they able to appropriate english in their future workplaces, workplaces that match the
majors they take.



This chapter presents the conclusion of the research result of An Anaysis of the
Learning Need for English Specific Purpose. This chapter is divided into 2 (two) parts; the
first part is the conclusion and the second part is the suggestion.

5.I Conclusion

This conclusion is a brief explanation of the results of An Analysis of the

Learning Need for English Specific Purpose.

Based on the discussion in chapter 4 (four) it can be concluded that Office

Administration students need English to enter the world of work. This statement is
supported by the results of the questionnaire which shows 80% of students want to
master English to prepare for the world of work. Moreover, students need some
English skills, such as; Listening Skill to be able to understand what is said by
colleagues or foreign guests get the highest Mean Score is 4.16, Speaking Skills to
speak directly with colleagues, clients, and foreign guests in the office get Mean
Score 4.15, Writing Skills for writing letters in English get the Mean Score 3.83,
Reading Skill to read documents or office letters in English get Mean Score 3.78 , so
that they able to appropriate english in their future workplaces.

5.2 Sugesstion

Based on the conclusion above, the Researcher has some suggestions that are
addressed to:

1. The English teacher

The English teacher can combine the syllabus of English subjects and Office
Administration subjects so that students not only learn how to become
administrative professionals but also learn to use English in office activities.

2. The School

Schools can provide special English courses for Office Administration to

maximize the ability to master English.


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Peserta yang terhormat,

Kuesionaire berikut adalah bagian dari proyek penelitian yang menyelidiki kebutuhan
belajar Bahasa Inggris untuk Administrasi Perkantoran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah
mencari kebutuhan belajar siswa administrasi Perkantoran untuk English Specific Purpose
(Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus).

English Specific Purpose adalah metode pembalajaran bahasa inggris untuk kegunaan
tertentu, seperti untuk bidang ilmu atau profesi tertentu. Materi ESP mengacu pada kebutuhan
siswa (students’ needs) dan penggunaanya setelah mereka lulus nanti.

Saya selaku peneliti dengan segala kerendahan hati meminta anda untuk meluangkan
waktu untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang saya berikan agar diperoleh informasi
mengenai kebutuhan Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa Administrasi Perkantoran.

Para peserta terhormat, kuesionaire ini akan menjamin kerahasiaannya. Hanya peneliti
yang memiliki akses pada informasi yang sudah anda berikan. Nama, Umur, dan berbagai
informasi pribadi lainnya tidak akan diserahkan ke pihak manapun.

1. Nama :
2. Umur :

Mohon centang (√) pilihan yang relevan untuk setiap pertanyaan.

3. Jenis Kelamin : (a) Laki-Laki (b) Perempuan

4. Apakah anda mengulang dalam ujian Bahasa Inggris ?
(a) Ya (b) Tidak
5. Apakah sebelumnya anda pernah mendengar tentang English Specific Purpose?
(a) Ya (b) Tidak

Dibawah ini adalah bagian kedua dari kuesionaire yang bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi
pendapat anda tentang kebutuhan Bahasa Inggris yang akan diungkapkan menggunakan
empat keterampilan Bahasa Inggris Yaitu Listening (Mendengarkan), Writing (Membaca),
Reading (Membaca), Speaking (Berbicara). Mohon centang (√) pilihan jawaban yang paling
relavan untuk setiap pertanyaan.

Listening skills / Keterampilan mendengarkan

Sebagai siswa Administrasi Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

Perkantoran, saya membutuhkan Penting Penting Penting Sangat
keterampilan Listening Bahasa Penting
Inggris untuk :
1. Listening skills untuk
paham tentang topik umum.
2. Listening skills untuk
memahami guru pada saat

3. Listening skills untuk
memahami isi presentasi di
dalam meeting, seminar.
4. Listening skills untuk
media massa berbahasa
5. Listening skills untuk
mendengarkan intruksi
dalam situasi yang nyata
6. Listening skills untuk bisa
memahami apa yang
diucapkan kolega atau tamu

Speaking skills / Keterampilan Berbicara

Sebagai siswa Administrasi Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

Perkantoran, saya membutuhkan Penting Penting Penting Sangat
Keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Penting
Inggris (Speaking skills) untuk :
7. Berpartisipasi dalam
diskusi kelas
8. Berbicara di acara seminar,
rapat, dan presentasi
9. Tanya jawab dikelas
10 Menelfon dan menerima
telfon dengan tamu asing
11 Berbicara langsung dengan
kolega, klien, dan tamu
asing di kantor

Reading skills / Keterampilan membaca

Sebagai siswa Administrasi Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

Perkantoran, saya perlu Penting Penting Penting Sangat
Mengembangkan Keterampilan Penting
membaca Bahasa Inggris (Reading
skills) untuk :
12 Membaca dokumen atau
surat perkantoran yang
berbahasa Inggris.
13 Membaca artikel di
International Jurnal.
14 Membaca laporan-laporan
kantor yang Berbahasa

15 Membaca surat kabar atau
majalah Berbahasa Inggris.

Writing skills / Keterampilan Menulis

Sebagai siswa Administrasi Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

Perkantoran, perlu Penting Penting Penting sangat
Mengembangkan Keterampilan Penting
menulis (Reading skills) saya untuk:
16 Membuat catatan sekolah
17 Menulis Surat dalam bahasa
18 Menulis laporan kepada
pimpinan menggunakan
bahasa inggris.

Bagian ketiga dalam kuesionnaire ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pendapat anda selaku
siswa Administrasi Perkantoran terhadap sikap pengajar bahasa, kesesuaian materi yang telah
diberikan, dan harapan anda dalam lamannya kelas Bahasa Inggris, dll.

1 2 3 4 5
19 Saya merasa puas dengan
metode pengajaran yang
telah diberikan guru saya
selama ini.
20 Saya puas dengan evaluasi
yang diberikan oleh guru
21 Saya merasa puas dengan
banyaknya budaya asing
yang diajarkan di kelas

22 Disekolah saya lebih suka mengerjakan tugas________________

(a) Sendirian
(b) Berpasangan
(c) Berkelompok

23 Jika kelas Bahasa Inggris khusus untuk Administrasi Perkantoran ada, berapa lama
seharusnya kelas tersebut diadakan?
(a) Sekali setiap minggu (3 jam)
(b) Dua kali dalam seminggu (1.5 jam)
(c) Tiga kali dalam seminggu (1 jam)

24 Saya ingin menguasai Bahasa Inggris untuk_______

(a) Bisa bersaing di dalam kelas

(b) Bisa berbicara dengan orang asing
(c) Untuk mempersiapkan memasuki dunia kerja


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