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Computer Programming

Lecture 11 & 12

Topics to be covered today.
• Introduction to Arrays and Lists
• Using arrays and lists to store homogeneous data
• Predefined functions for lists
• Dynamic Lists
• Simple operations on lists
 Sum and product
 Maximum and Minimum
• Lists as parameters to functions.
• Multi-dimensional Lists and Matrix operations.
List and Arrays – A gentle Introduction
Lets assume we had to store 5 integers:
− One option would be to use five variables and store the
integers therein; If the integers were 5,2,-5,2,43, we
could have:
The above option would be operational but it is not
a very efficient approach, because manipulating
the variables would be a tedious task.
Arrays and Lists
 Most if not all programming languages allow homogenous
data (i.e. Data of the same type) to be stored in simple data
structures. In some Programming Languages, these data
structures are called arrays, in Python, they are called

 'In computer science an array [1] is a data structure

consisting of a group of elements that are accessed by
indexing. In most programming languages each element
has the same data type and the array occupies a
contiguous area of storage.' (Wikipedia)

 Using arrays/lists, it is possible to store multiple data

items of the same type and access them using indexing
(just as in strings).
Declaring Lists of Known Lengths and Known
Using lists is very easy.
• All lists are enclosed within '[' and ']', and the
individual elements are separated by a ','

Assuming we need to store the values 5,2,-5,2,43,

We could achieve this by writing
myList=[5,2,-5,2, 43], whereby
Displaying Lists

myList=[5,2,-5,2, 43]
To print the above list, we could have simply written

print myList
The output would be:
− [5,2,-5,2, 43]
If we wanted to display the elements individually on
a separate line, we could have used the codes
for i in range(5):
print myList[i] #i being used as the index
Manipulating List Elements
Since it is possible to access the individual
elements, we can also manipulate these elements.
Let's assume we wanted to display the square of all
the elements in a list.

myList=[5,2,-5,2, 43]
for i in range(5):
a= myList[i] #i is the index
print b
Adding up two homogenous lists
for i in range(7):
a=listA[i] #indexing the elements of listA
b=listB[i] #indexing the elements of listB
c=a+b #Adding each element
print c
We can also use some pre-defined functions
with list, these functions include len, sort...
List operations

Source: Text Book- Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

(Pg 343) (Pdf -: Pg 180)
Lists of Unknown Sizes
The previous programs had one major limitation:
The size of the list had to be known beforehand.
We could be faced with situations whereby we did not
know the size of the list.
Lets assume we needed to store a certain number of
integers in a list.
The first step would be be tell the interpreter that we
need an empty list at the beginning. This is achieved by
myList = [] # myList is assigned to an empty list
Adding elements to the List
Lets assume we needed to store a list of positive
numbers. The algorithm for such a program would
Step 1: Create an empty list

Step 2: Input a number

Step 3: If number is positive, Add/append number

to the list, Enter another number, repeat step 3

Step 4: Else, Display the list

myList=[] #Initialise my list as an empty list
x=input(“Enter number to be appended”)
while x > 0: #Since our list is meant for +ve numbers, we
use a negative number as Sentinel Value
myList.append(x) #The append function adds the value of
x to the end of the list
x=input(“Enter number to be appended”)
print myList
Sum of each elements of two lists
of equal but unknown sizes
Assuming we have two lists, A and B of equal but
unknown sizes.
If we need to add up those two list, we could use
the following codes:
Since we do not know the sizes but we know they
are equal in lengths, we could use the function
len(A), or len(B) to return the length of the
Implementations of Sum of List
def sumList(listA,listB):
for i in range(len(listA)):
c.append(listA[i] + listB[i])
return c

print sum
Notice that we can pass lists as parameters to
functions, and that functions can also return lists
Program to find the Maximum value in a list
The Algorithm is:
Step 1.
Assume the first element is the biggest, i.e. assign Max to the first element,
Step 2.
If we have not yet reached the end of the list, Proceed, else jump to Step 5
Step 3.
Compare Max with the current element in the current Slot.
If the element in the current slot is greater than Max, Do Step 4
Step 4.
Assign the value in the current slot to Max
Step 5.
Current jumps to the next slot, increment i, repeat Step 2
Step 6.
Print the Maximum element
The Codes

Max=A[0] # Step 1
while I<len(A): #Step 2
if A[I]>Max: #Step 3
Max=A[I] #Step 4
I=I+1 #Step 5
print “The biggest value in List ”,A,” is ”, Max
#Step 6
Dry running the Codes!
Max=A[i]=A[0]=1 len(A)=8
A I I<len(A) A[I] Max A[I]>Max Max
[1,5,8,44,8,4,50,45] 1 No 5 1 Yes 5
[1,5,8,44,8,4,50,45] 2 No 8 5 Yes 8
[1,5,8,44,8,4,50,45] 3 No 44 8 Yes 44
[1,5,8,44,8,4,50,45] 4 No 8 44 No 44
[1,5,8,44,8,4,50,45] 5 No 4 44 No 44
[1,5,8,44,8,4,50,45] 6 No 50 44 Yes 50
[1,5,8,44,8,4,50,45] 7 No 45 50 No 50
8 Yes
Lists – Passed by reference
def changeList(listA):

print A
If we try to change individual values of a list, the
changes are reflected where the function is called
Lists are mutable, unlike strings
Python Lists v/s Conventional Arrays
There are some basic differences between Python Lists
and Conventional Arrays.
− The basic difference is that Python Lists are dynamic, i.e
they can grow or shrink using (append and remove
− Lists in Python also support heterogenous types.
Conventional arrays usually store multiple data elements of
the same type, whereas in Python we can have a list which
stores data of several types, e.g
− myHetList=[1,2.31,'a',”well”], however special care must be
taken while manipulating them
Multi-Dimensional Lists
So far, we have only considered one-dimensional
lists (list of a certain number of rows), it is also
possible to have multi-dimensional lists, i.e. made up
of n rows by m columns.
Do populate such a list, it is very easy and we can
proceed using the following algorithm:
For each row, populate each column, this gives us the
following implementation:
Populating a multi-dimensional List
num_Rows=input(“Enter number of rows”)
num_Columns=input(“Enter number of Columns”)

for i in range(num_Rows):
for j in range(num_|Columns):
data=input(“Enter Data”)
The Codes - Explained!

for i in range(num_Rows): #Loop which goes through each row

Cols=[] # Each time we are in a row, we start with an empty list
to store data in each column

for j in range(num_Columns):#In each Row, we need a

Loop which adds data pertaining to the columns
data=input(“Enter Data”)
Cols.append(data)# Appending Data to Cols for each
my2dList.append(Cols) #When we exit the inner loop we
append Cols to the 2D List.
The Result
Consequently, the 2D list will be as follows, assuming
we have 2 rows by 3 columns:
my2dList=[[a,b,c] , [d,e,f]]
The elements in the list can be indexed as my2dlist[i]
[j], where i and j are integers.
If we want to display the 2d List, we can use:
print <list_name>, e.g. print my2dList, or be more
'geeky' and use:
for i in range(len(my2dList)):
for j in range (len(my2dList[0])):
print my2dList[i]][j],”--”,
Matrix Operations using lists
Algorithm for the a program which adds up 2
matrices are as follows:
Input data to the first matrix, MatrixA
Input data to the second matrix, MatrixB
Initialise the Third Matrix, i.e. put all elements
to Zero
Add up each corresponding element in the 2
matrices and store in the third matrix,
Data Input to the matrices
num_Rows=input(“Enter number of rows”)
num_Columns=input(“Enter number of Columns”)
MatrixB= []
for i in range(num_Rows):
for j in range(num_Columns):
data=input(“Enter Data”)
for k in range(num_Rows):
for l in range(num_|Columns):
data=input(“Enter Data”)
Avoiding Repetition
We can notice that the codes in 'red' and 'purple' do
repeat, the wise option would be to use a function to
minimise code repetition.
The function could be as follows:

Def list_input(List, rws,cls):

for i in range(rws):
for j in range(cls):
data=input(“Enter Data”)
Adding up two lists
To add up the two lists, we will use the same
logic as when we display, i.e. we will go
through each slot in the third list, and
instead of just printing out each element, we
will only add up the element in the
corresponding slots of the first and second

for i in range(rows):
for j in range (cols)):
Printing the results
#printing MatrixA
for i in range(rows):
for j in range (cols):
print MatrixA[i][j],

#printing MatrixB
for k in range(rows):
for l in range (cols):
print MatrixB[k][l],

#printing MatrixC
for m in range(rows):
for n in range (cols):
print MatrixC[m][n],
Avoiding Repetition (Once Again!)
We can see from the previous slide that we do
have repetition once again, we could use a
function to display, whereby each array could be
passed as parameter, along with the number of
rows and number of columns.

def list_display(Matrix, rws, cls):

for m in range(rws):
for n in range (cls):
print Matrix[m][n],
Input and Display Function defs.
Def list_display(Matrix, rws, cls):
for m in range(rws):
for n in range (cls):
print Matrix[m][n],
def list_input(List, rws,cls):
for i in range(rws):
for j in range(cls):
data=input(“Enter Data”)
Initialise MatrixC

def init_list(List, rws,cls):

for a in range(rws):
for b in range(cls):
The Whole Program
num_Rows=input(“Enter number of rows”)
num_Columns=input(“Enter number of Columns”)
list_input(MatrixA, num_rows, num_Columns)
list_input(MatrixB, num_rows, num_Columns)
init_list(MatrixC, num_rows, num_Columns)
for i in range(rows):
for j in range (cols)):
list_display(MatrixA, num_rows, num_columns)
list_display(MatrixB, num_rows, num_columns)
list_display(MatrixC, num_rows, num_columns)
A Challenge!

Write the necessary codes to allow matrix

For the Multiplication of Two Matrices A and B
to be defined, the two matrices must be
conformant, i.e. The number of Columns in the
first one should be equal to the number of Rows
in the second one.

For this question, simply assume that both
matrices are of the same order, i.e they have the
same number of Rows and Columns
The Solution

for i in range(num_Rows):
for j in range (num_Columns):
for k in range(num_Rows):

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