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Stardust Annotation & Close Reading

Minwoo Kim
ENGH 201
Prof. Melissa

The literary device I chose, is Imagery. According to Literary Device, imagery is figur
ative language to represent objects, actions, and ideas in such a way that it appeals to our phy
sical senses (
In the excerpt from Stardust by Neil Gaiman, the author used the literary device, Iman
gery. He described Victoria’s appearance by using imagery. One sentence in the second parag
raph of excerpt, “She had her mother’s grey eyes and heart-shaped face, her father’s curling c
hestnut hair.”, heart-shaped and chestnut hair represent the imangery.
In my opinion, the reason author used imagery, is to support the readers in understand
ing and imagining his writing well. In this sentence, “She had her mother’s grey eyes and hea
rt-shaped face, her father’s curling chestnut hair.”, the author described Victoria’s face as hea
rt-shaped. Additional, her hair is described as chestnut. By using imagery device in describin
g one’s appearance, the author can help people to have much better imagination of it. In other
words, by portraying Victoria’s face as heart-shaped face, people can easily and exactly think
that her shape of face is the heart shape. Also, people would know exact color of her hair.

Literary Devices, 2019, United States,

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