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17CF043839AD – State of Florida vs Lee Rodarte Jr

Savannah Gold’s Father Dan Gold

March 4, 2021

Re: State v. Lee Rodarte Jr.

S.A. Case No.: 17CF04389AD

Dear Honorable Branham:

On April 26, 1996, my life forever changed when I first saw Savannah. I
instantly could see how beautiful she was. Her extremities where perfect with ten
fingers and ten toes. Also, she had chubby round cheeks I couldn’t wait to squeeze.
Her real beauty lies with her true colors. She had the heart of a lion and the presence
of the rising son within our family from day 1.

Within the first six months of Savannah’s life, her lion’s heart was on full
display. She developed septicemia when she was ten days old from a kidney
infection; it seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute she was fine and the next
she was comatose. That was the most terrifying day of my life. I never felt so
helpless. On August 2, 2017, that feeling of helpless terror returned when Savannah
went missing. Lee took Savannah’s life of August 2, 2017. As I watched the video of
Savannah struggling for her life, Lee’s car violently shaking back and forth, I saw her
lion heart and glowing colors for the last time.

As a parent, I’ve always hoped my children would find something they love to
do and for them to be able to do it. Savannah was a very gifted artist and athlete.
For me it was easy to see her gifts. Savannah was very critical of herself as an artist
but as an athlete, she beamed with confidence. Most of that confidence came from
hard work, dedication and preparation. At 5’2” tall, she was never the biggest
lacrosse player or her teams. She had the passion and love for lacrosse that allowed
her to play big and through countless injury and blisters on her feet and hands. We
would apply the ‘magic’ Neosporin overnight on her open lacrosse wounds and she
would be ready to go the next morning.

That kind of love and passion isn’t seen in every player. Savannah played
from her heart and I know she would have coached from her heart. I will never see
her coaching up players, passing on her skills, playing wall ball with them or
celebrating team success as a coach. Savannah could have changed countless lives.

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17CF043839AD – State of Florida vs Lee Rodarte Jr
Savannah Gold’s Father Dan Gold

That was taken from us on August 2, 2017 by Lee Rodarte. Savannah’s small frame
did not help her in the backseat of Lee’s car as a grown man murdered her.

This crime has caused me to question every decision I’ve made. I knew at age
thirteen I wanted to live in Florida. A family Christmas vacation had me swimming
in Florida instead of shoveling snow in Maryland. After being Honorably
discharged from the U.S. Navy after ten years of service, I had the opportunity to
relocate my family to Florida. My daughter’s murder calls in question a decision I
made at thirteen. If Savannah never had a chance to meet Lee Rodarte, would she
still be alive? As Savannah’s father, I’ve strived to be patient, loving and a good
listener. Why wasn’t I striving to teach her self-defense? Why didn’t I strive to teach
her to use a gun? Why didn’t I strive to teach her how evil people can be? These
regrets will forever be with me. My daughter’s murder has changed my core values.
In a way that isolates me and causes mistrust at every level.

Our extended family is scattered along the east coast. Most of Savannah’s
cousins are at wonderful times in their lives. Some are going in to high school and
others starting college, still others are finishing their degrees and setting out to
change the world. Savannah’s physical presence has been taken from us. Savannah
will always be with our hearts. At each and every joyous life accomplishment,
Savannah will be with us. It is extremely important to me not to give Savannah’s
murderer any more control over my life. Savannah’s murderer has muted my
beautiful daughter’s voice. Savannah’s true colors will forever be with my family
and every day of my life.


Dan Gold

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