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Katryn Gail O. Jose 11 Kepler Navigate 9.

A. ​The 3-2-1 Protocol

Primary source document:

(1) the author was present/directly involved in the event
(2) considered as the most reliable source in terms of the freshness of information
(3) provides rich insights on the details of the event
Secondary source document:
(1) the author was not in the scene of the event
(2) consolidates information from primary sources
(3) analyzes and interprets primary sources

2 things that primary sources and secondary sources have in common:

a) They are both widely used in writing research papers
b) They can both substantiate an argument or topic

1- Write one sentence about how you can use primary and secondary sources
I can make use of both primary and secondary sources in supporting my concept paper.

B. Short Composition (Graded)

The framework of any study lies on the authenticity and relevance of its evidence.
The more that a paper gathers substantial evidence, the more that the author’s claim
becomes reliable and difficult to refute. For this reason, researchers use a variety of primary
and secondary sources. Primary sources refer to firsthand accounts or artifacts made by
people who have been directly involved in the scene of the event while secondary sources
pertain to works that analyze and consolidate primary documents.

It is common for novice researchers to initially think that primary sources are given
more credit for the rich perspectives they provide but this sometimes raises questions about
their validity. Because of the need to eliminate bias and address possible gaps present in
primary sources like personal interviews, well-grounded information from secondary sources
must also be included in supporting ideas, arguments, or theories. These two source types
are often combined to address the shortcomings between various documents and provide
details on aspects that cannot be obtained from relying on one type of source alone. The
interdependency of primary and secondary sources in effectively delivering accurate and
relevant information make them equally important in academic writing.

While it is ideal to maximize primary and secondary documents in constructing

advanced scholarly works like concept papers, it is an undeniable reality that availability is
not offered equally by the two. Most of the time, accessing secondary sources like textbooks
and science journals prove to be far easier than obtaining primary sources such as the
personal notebooks of prominent persons. Because of the limited opportunities in gathering
primary documents, secondary sources tend to be more frequently used. Nevertheless,
researchers still make it a goal to achieve a reasonable balance between the evidence they
use, in such a way that their ideas remain strongly supported.

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