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Consolidation Theory

Principles of Forgetting • Not Really a theory of forgetting

• Rather a theory of why info isn’t stored properly
• After rehearsal a period perseveration occurs
Consolidation Theory • The longer this period is allowed to continue the more
consolidated the memory trace
• If perseveration interrupted – consolidation is not
possible – recall is not possible
• It was suggested that perseveration is ST memory and
the consolidated trace is LT memory
Curtis Zizzo

3 Predictions of 1.) A period of mental inactivity is more conducive to

perseveration and consolidation
Consolidation Theory
• Ample evidence to support this claim
1.) A period of mental inactivity is more • (1885 Ebbinghaus) rate of forgetting is slowed when a period
conducive to perseveration and consolidation. of sleep occurs between studying and taking a test
• (1946 Dallenbach) Effects of inactivity on perseveration when
sleep isn' t involved. Conditioned cockroaches to elicit an
2.) If perseveration is interrupted then the trace avoidance response, some roaches were allowed to continue
can’t be consolidated or stored. normal activity and others were wrapped in cotton and placed
in match boxes. This was done to minimize movements and
mental activity.
3.) If consolidation is prevented, the item should • Roaches that were deprived of stimulation showed a greater
retention of the avoidance response.
never be recalled because the essential storage
phase is incomplete.

•(1924 Jenkins and Dallenbach) 2 subjects lived in lab for a

period of time, learned lists of items and were asked to recall Interpretation:
them after 1,2,4 or 8 hours of sleep or wakefulness.
•Subjects recalled more items following a period of sleep

When the perservation period is

unhindered by other mental activity and
is allowed to continue for a longer
duration without interruption, the
memory trace (avoidance response or
items for a test) will be better

2.) If the Perseveration period is interrupted than
the trace cant be consolidated and thus the memory
can’t be stored
•Retrograde amnesia –cannot recall events that occurred before
some trauma
•According to consolidation theory the perseveratory period was
interrupted by the trauma and thus consolidation was incomplete.
Therefore events that occurred right before the trauma can’t be
•(1949 Duncan) used ECS, as one side effect of ECS in both
humans and other animals is retrograde amnesia
•Trained rats using an avoidance procedure, 2 chambered box, rat
placed in box, received mild foot shock if it hadn’t moved to other •The longer the delay of the ECS the better the retention of the avoidance
chamber within 10s. response.
•rats learn this rather quickly, varied the time between the •In terms of theory: The longer the perseveratory period the better
completion of the learned avoidance response and the consolidated the memory trace. Duncan estimated the time needed for
administration of the ECS from 20s to 4hr. (Control-No ECS) consolidation to be 1hr.

•(1965 Chorover and Schiller) recognized these problems and designed a

Problems ?!? similar experiment except this time no active response was required to signify
•If the rat failed to elicit the avoidance response: learning (rat supposed to remain stationary)
•the rat was placed on top of a platform, rat’s by nature avoid high places so
•The rat may have forgotten the avoidance response as it would step off, when this occurred a mild foot shock was delivered. If it
interpreted by Duncan stayed on the platform nothing would happen. Once again the time was
OR varied between the learning episode and the ECS tested for retention 24 hours
•The rat may simply be choosing the lesser of 2 evils. later
•Note: If the rat does simply fear the ECS it will remain on the platform, if on
Staying in place and receiving a mild foot shock may be the other hand it forgets the foot shock it will step down.
preferable to moving to the other chamber (which was the •Results: If the ECS is administered within 10s then there is retrograde
avoidance response) to ultimately receive a more severe amnesia and the learning episode is forgotten, if the ECS delayed for longer
than 10s then the learning episode is still remembered.
ECS. •Therefore, Chorover and Schiller estimated that consolidation can occur in
•Thus the rat may remain stationary due to amnesia or 10 seconds.
fear. If it is in fact fear, then this experiment does little to •This worked nicely with conceptions of the duration of short term memory
support the theory. •However Duncan estimated 1hr for consolidation whereas these two
estimated 10s

3.) If consolidation is prevented the item

should NEVER be recalled. •(1972 Miller and Springer) similar experiment gave rats a
reminder foot shock outside of the experimental chamber after
the ECS. (just gave them a shock for no reason, didn’t
•Weakest claim of consolidation theory in terms of supporting vs. constitute a learning trial)
conflicting evidence •this wiped out all traces of amnesia as they now remembered
•(1972 Quartermain, McEwan and Azmita) tested this claim using the learning trial whereas those rats who didn’t receive this
a similar procedure to that of Chorover and Schiller, main “reminder” were unable to remember the learning trial
difference they were tested for retention after 24, 48 and 72 hours
after the ECS. No evidence of retention of the learning response in
the 24hr and 48hr groups, but it was remembered after 72 hrs. In Sum: although there is much evidence
•This suggests that the memory was in-fact stored but was against a strong form of consolidation
unavailable for over 48 hours due to the ECS but after 72 hours had
elapsed the memory became available again. theory a weaker version is surely correct
•This is a direct contradiction of the third prediction of in some respects.
consolidation theory

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