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Development of Greenfield International Airport at Dholera

Project report Submitted to college of Management and Economics Studies for the partial
fulfillment of the degree of


Submitted by

Bisweswar Biswal


Under the guidance of

Mr. Sapan Thakur

Manager Airport Planning

India Aviation Consulting & Support

New Delhi
Master plan of Dholera Airport

Certificate of Originality
This is to certify that the project report entitled “Development of Greenfield International

Airport at Dholera” Submitted to “University of Petroleum and Energy Studies”, Dehradun

in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of MBA (Aviation) is an

original work carried out by Mr. Bisweswar Biswal, under the guidance of Mr. Sapan Thakur.

The matter embodied in this project is a genuine work done to the best of my knowledge and

belief and has not been submitted before, neither to this University nor to any other University

for the fulfillment of the requirement of any course of study.



Bisweswar Biswal

MBA (Aviation Management)

University of Petroleum & Energy Studies Dehradun

Project Report July 2014 2

Master plan of Dholera Airport

This is to certify that the project titled “Development of Greenfield International Airport at

Dholera” is an academic work done by “Bisweswar Biswal” submitted in the partial fulfillment

of the requirement for the award of the Degree of MBA (Aviation) from University of

Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun. It has been completed under the guidance of

Mr. Manish Yadav (Faculty Guide) and Mr. Sapan Thakur (Corporate Mentor). We are

thankful to “India Aviation Consulting & Support” for having allowed our student to undergo

project work training. The authenticity of the project work will be examined by the viva

examiner which includes data verification, checking duplicity of information etc. and it may be

rejected due to non-fulfillment of quality standards set by the Institute.

Project Report July 2014 3

Master plan of Dholera Airport

On the very outset of this report, I would like to extend my sincere & heartfelt obligation towards
all the personages who have helped me in this endeavor. Without their active guidance, help,
cooperation & encouragement, I would not have made headway in the project.

I am ineffably indebted to Mr. Kishu Teckchandani (CEO), Mr. Roshan Lal (Vice President)
Mr. Sapan Thakur (Manager Airport Planning) for conscientious guidance and
encouragement to accomplish this assignment.

I am extremely thankful and pay my gratitude to my faculty Prof Manish Yadav for his
valuable guidance and support on completion of this project.

I extend my gratitude to University of Petroleum and Energy Studies for giving me this

I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and
member of my family, who has always supported me morally as well as economically.

At last but not least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me to
complete this project report.

Any omission in this brief acknowledgement does not mean lack of gratitude.

Bisweswar Biswal

SAP ID.: 500027911

Roll No. : R250213012

MBA (Aviation Management)

Project Report July 2014 4

Master plan of Dholera Airport

MBA courses is designed in such a way that only theoretical knowledge is not sufficient, so it is
very essential to have real corporate experience and practical knowledge to successfully
complete the course. The summer project is designed to provide participation of MBA program
as on the job experience. This has given a chance to try and apply the academic knowledge and
gain insight into corporate culture. This helps in developing decision-making abilities and
emphasizes on active participation by the student.

Summer internships offer the important opportunity to work closely with professionals, and to
develop knowledge, competencies, and experience related directly to career goals. The Project
consists of our findings after data analysis & then conclusions were drawn and finally
recommendations were put forward.

Hence this report is an utmost attempt, made to demonstrate an account of practical

knowledge and observations captured during the analysis.

Bisweswar Biswal

SAP ID.: 500027911

Roll No. : R250213012

MBA (Aviation Management)

Project Report July 2014 5

Master plan of Dholera Airport

Executive Summary
After studying numerous theoretical concepts during 1st year of MBA program in Aviation,
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun understanding the practical implications
was the next step in the learning process. The MBA internship has given an opportunity to work
with the consulting company that is India Aviation Consulting & Support LLP located at East of
Kailash, New Delhi. Which is mainly a consulting agency and deals with master planning of
airports. In due course of completing internship project and compiling this report it was very
clear about the parameters considered for planning a Greenfield airport and the step by step
process used in master planning an airport.

This internship project report is on the “Development of Greenfield International Airport at

Dholera”. The main objective of this report is analyzing of the master plan report of Dholera
Airport and optimum utilization of the land available. Which deals with studying of different
parameters used for planning an airport and optimum utilization of the available resources for
making the forethought successful.

Government of India has planned for establishing Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) between
Delhi and Mumbai. This includes two Investment Regions and four Industrial Areas. Out of the
six locations, state has identified Ahmedabad-Dholera belt as the location for Special Investment
Region (SIR). In order to meet the traffic and cargo movement, the Govt. has planned for the
International Airport at Dholera.

This report consist of seven chapters, in first section it covers about the need of the airport. In
next phase the parameters which are consider for planning of an airport. Proper utilization of the
land available and the designing of the runway, terminal building according to IMG norms and
other facilities at airport.

The entire project report was on analytical research which includes theoretical research and the
secondary data available with the company.

After the entire study the conclusion come out to be is the proper utilization of the land available
for the construction of airport. The entire design depends on the position of the runway, its

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

direction and the length of the runway. After runway, all other design are commenced according
to runway position.

The recommendation that comes out of this report is the single runway master plan with all other
design as same.

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

Table of Content Page No

1. Introduction
1.1 Master Planning…………..………………………………………………………………………10
1.2 Dholera Project…………..……………………………………………………………………….11
1.3 Need of International Airport……………..……………………………………………….11
2. Literature Review……………………………………………………………………………………...12
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Types of Research………………………………………………………………………………..14
3.2 Data collection Methods………………………………………………………………………14
4. Traffic Forecast
4.1 Traffic Potential……………………………………………………………………………………15
4.2 Freight Traffic…………………………..………………………………………………………….17
4.3 Aircraft Movements and Parking Bays………………………………………………….18
5. Land use plan
5.1 Background………………………………………………………………………………………….19
5.2 Operational Land Use…………………………………………………………………………..19
6. Master plan
6.1 Master Planning…………………………………………………………………………………..21
6.2 Airport Development…………………………………………………………………………..21
6.3 Aerodrome Category……………………………………………………………………………22
6.4 Aerodrome Reference Point………………………………………………………………..22
6.5 Runway Orientation…………………………………………………………………………….23
6.6 Runway Dimension………………………………………………………………………………23
6.7 Runway Shoulder…………………………………………………………………………………23
6.8 Runway Strip…………………………………………….………………………………………….23
6.9 Taxiways………………………………………………….…………………………………………..23
6.10 Size of Apron………………………………………………………………………………….24
6.11 ATC Control Tower……………………………….…………………………………………24
6.12 Hangers………………..…………………………………..……………………………………24
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Master plan of Dholera Airport

6.13 Fuel Farm……………......…………………………………………………………………….24

6.14 Navigational/Landing Aids (NAVAIDS)…………………………………………….24
6.15 Aeronautical Ground Lighting Systems (AGL)………………………………….25
6.16 Passenger Terminal………………………………………………………………………..25
6.17 Cargo Terminal……………………………………………………………………………….27
6.18 Airline Offices…………………………………………………………………………………28
6.19 Airport Fire Station, Fire Control Tower and Static Tanks……………….28
6.20 Car Park………………………………………………………………………………………….28
6.21 Operational Area Boundary Wall and Perimeter Road……………………29
6.22 Roads……………………………………………………………………………………………..29
6.23 Other Facilities……………………………………………………………………………….29
7. Soil Condition of the Site……………………………………………………………………………30
8. Salient Recommendations
6.3 Runways…………………………………………………………………………………………….31
6.4 Taxiways…………………………………………………………………………………………….31
6.5 ATC…………………………………………………………………………………………………….31
6.6 Fire Stations……………………………………………………………………………………….32
6.7 Hangers……………………………………………………………………………………………..32
6.8 Fuel Farm…………………………………………………………………………………………..32
6.9 Passenger Terminal Building………………………………………………………………32
6.10 Cargo Terminal………………………………………………………………………………….32
9. Conclusion……………………….………………………………………………………………………..33
10. Bibliography……………………………………………………………………………………………..34

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

1. Introduction
1.1 Master planning
1.1.1 An Airport Master Plan is a study used to determine the long-term development strategies
for an airport. Because air conveyance is a vital community industry, it is important that the
requirements for new or enhanced airports be projected. It is also essential to replacement
adequate resources to encounter identified needs. Airport master planning is a critical device in
determining needs and programming progress of individual airports.

1.1.2 The Airport Master Plan process provides opportunities for political entities and the public
to contribute in the development of aviation plans. It provides an agenda for individual airport
development programs reliable with short, intermediate, and long-range airport system
requirements and regulates future financial requirements.

1.1.3 An Airport Master Plan focus on the expansion needs for a 20-year time period.
Modernizes is always required for any industry to be in the development stage. The Airport
Master Plan is a public's idea of the long-term development of airport. It realistically displays the
concept and reports the data and reason upon which the plan is based. The plans are prepared to
provision the modernization of existing airports and the creation of new ones.

1.1.4 The master planning process considers the needs and demands of airport occupants, users,
and the common public. The guiding opinion of the airport master planning process is the
development of a safe and effective airport. It must also be responsive to area-wide inclusive
transportation planning.

1.1.5 The flow plan includes the following elements:

Circumstantial and Inventory of Facilities

Aviation Movement Forecasts

Airfield Plan

Building and Development

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

1.2 Dholera Project

1.2.1 To develop Dholera Special Investment Region (SIR) as global manufacturing and
transaction hub i.e. "The engine for economic recovery of the country" which is supported by
world class infrastructure.

1.2.2 "The Development Plan, taking into account the DMIC objectives and goals, should focus
towards generating and permitting environment to protect native industries, improve venture
climate, improve quality of life, advancement human skills, create world class infrastructure and
attract global investment".

1.2.3 Project goals are to dual the employment potential, triple industrial output and multiply
exports from the region in next five years. (GIDB, n.d.)

1.3 Need of an International Airport

1.3.1 The existing airport of Ahmedabad has appeared as one with highest annual growing in
traffic and will get saturated much before the year 2020. The development of Ahmedabad airport
is difficult due to various details. Considering this detail, a new airport is essential to the need of
future traffic. Similarly since the size, scale and scope of the development and economic actions
that will take place in Dholera SIR, connectivity by air, rail, and road connectivity would be
basic infrastructure need. As forecasted, the level of economic actions following enormous
domestic and foreign investment shall need a world class modern Greenfield International
Airport. The proposed airport will also attend the need of adjoining cities of Ahmedabad,
Bhavnagar, Vadodara, Nadiyad and Rajkot. Moreover, the spillover of Ahmedabad Airport will
be existing to proposed Dholera airport. As per estimate the present Ahmedabad airport will
reach to overload stage much before 2020. (GIDB, n.d.)

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

2. Literature Review
2.1 Government of India has planned for establishing Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) between
Delhi and Mumbai. About 38 % of the DFC is passing through Gujarat and a corridor of 150 km
on both sides of the DFC is to be developed as Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC). This
includes two Investment Regions and four Industrial Areas. As envisaged by Government of
India, these nodes are to be developed as global hubs of manufacturing and commercial
activities. Out of the six locations, state has identified Ahmedabad-Dholera belt as the location
for Special Investment Region (SIR). Dholera SIR is proposed to be developed in a usable area
of 360 KM and would be located at a distance approximately 100 KM from Ahmedabad and
DFC is passing through this area. State has worked out the strategy of development of SIR with
formation of company, legal frame work etc.

2.2 The existing airport of Ahmedabad has emerged as one with highest annual growth in traffic
and will get saturated much before the year 2020. The expansion of Ahmedabad airport is
difficult due to various reasons. Under the circumstances, a new international airport is required
to cater the future traffic.

2.3 While assessing the potential and requirements of the Dholera SIR, Government envisaged a
tremendous need for a Greenfield International Airport in its vicinity. The level of economic
activities in the SIR backed by enormous domestic and foreign investment shall need a world
class modern International Airport in this region. Therefore state has included the development
of an International Airport in the list of “Early Bird Projects” in consultation with Department of
Industrial Promotion and Policy.

2.4 The state Government identified the location for the proposed Airport and has earmarked the
land. A parcel of Government land admeasuring approximately 1700 hectors has been reserved
in the triangle of village Pachham-Valinda-Pipli of Taluka Dhandhuka district Ahmedabad in the
name of Gujarat Industrial Corridor Company Ltd (GICC), which would work as a project
development agency for DMIC. The site is about 80 KM from Ahmedabad and around 20 KM
from Dholera SIR. In addition to the SIR and Ahmedabad city, this location is also ideally placed
vis-à-vis the cities like Nadiyad, Bhavnagar, Vadodara and Rajkot.

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

2.5 GIDB has initiated the process for obtaining approvals from Government of India according
to procedure laid down in latest Greenfield Airport Policy.

2.6 The project involves all activities related to project development i.e. air side and city side
infrastructure development. This includes land acquisitions, land development, passenger &
cargo terminal, ATC, airfield lighting, fire station, electric substation, cargo facility, water
treatment plant, car parking , hangers, cargo and passenger apron, taxiway, runway,
administrative block ,isolation bay ,GSE storage and A.C plant, access internal roads, hotels and
commercial development, night parking, basic repair and maintenance etc.

2.7 The project can be developed through Public Private Partnership through the Develop,
Finance, Operate and Transfer principle. Government can enter into concession agreement with
an SPV formed to develop the project. The private sector player forming the SPV can be selected
through a transparent bidding process. Government can provide support in terms of land
acquisition and environment clearance and ensure adequate land availability. Their revenue
stream would be generated through aeronautical and non-aeronautical facility usage charges.

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Types of Research

3.1.1 Quantitative Research- Quantitative research generates numerical data or information that
can be converted into numbers. Only measurable data are being gathered and analyzed in this
type of research.

3.1.2 Qualitative Research- Qualitative Research on the other hand generates non-numerical
data. It focuses on gathering of mainly verbal data rather than measurements.

3.2 Data Collection Method

3.2.1 Secondary Data: - Secondary data means data that are already available i.e.: they refer to
the data which have already been collected and analyzed by someone else. Usually published
data are available in: Various publications of the central, state/local governments or foreign
governments, technical and trade journals etc. The secondary data involved in this project has
been gathered from the medical journals, literatures and internet. Mainly Secondary method is
used to complete this work.

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

4. Traffic Forecast

4.1 Traffic Potential of the proposed Green Field Airport

4.1.1 Capacity of the Ahmedabad International Airport is 25 million passengers per annum,
which is expected to saturate during the year 2014-25 according to the current traffic forecast.
There is no space for extension of existing airport.

4.1.2 Also airports at Bhavnagar, Rajkot and Vadodara have inadequate capacities and expansion
of terminals at these airports are not possible due to non-availability of space. These airports are
going to be saturated around 2020-25.

4.1.3 In case of Mumbai International Airport, with the new development of the terminal and the
proposal of new airport at Navi Mumbai there is more expectation on Dholera airport.

4.1.4 To understand the dynamics of growth at Dholera with the perspective of generation of air-
traffic due to establishment of the proposed industrial node at Dholera and the Govt. of Gujarat
having already set in motion the proposed for Dholera SIR, the growth in passenger traffic at this
proposed new airport at Dholera is likely to see a gradual growth in passenger and freight traffic
with the industries coming in both by Indians and International investors and people coming to
live at Dholera.

4.1.5 To assess the traffic potential for new Greenfield airport at Dholera in 3 phases of 10 years
each on long term basis a study has been conducted on some of the potentially comparable
airports with cities and population. The study compares the total air traffic v/s city population
and the share between international and domestic traffic.

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

Table–4–01 Descending order on the factor air traffic / population

Passenger – 2011-2012
Sr. City Population Total Air Domestic/
No. Census Traffic Traffic/ International
2011 Population
Domestic International

1 Chennai 46,81,087 86,17,180 43,08,038 1,29,25,218 2.8 2.0

2 Goa 14,58,545 29,43,295 5,78,256 35,21,551 2.4 5.1
3 Guwahati 9,60,787 22,17,820 26,864 22,44,684 2.3 82.6
4 Cochin 21,17,990 21,30,992 25,86,658 47,17,650 2.2 0.8
5 Delhi 1,67,87,941 2,51,31,956 1,07,50,009 3,58,81,965 2.1 2.3
6 Mumbai 1,84,14,288 2,10,43,608 97,04,233 3,07,47,841 1.7 2.2
7 Trivandrum 16,87,406 9,78,847 18,35,952 28,14,799 1.7 0.5
8 Bangalore 96,45,551 1,03,44,522 23,53,821 1,26,98,343 1.3 4.4
9 Srinagar 12,73,312 16,32,098 0 16,32,098 1.3 0.0
10 Coimbatore 10,50,721 12,43,107 1,02,274 13,45,381 1.3 12.2
11 Hyderabad 68,09,970 65,15,002 19,29,429 84,44,431 1.2 3.4
12 Amritsar 11,32,761 4,93,897 3,98,207 8,92,104 0.8 1.2
13 Luck now 28,15,601 16,63,420 3,55,134 20,18,554 0.7 4.7
14 Calicut 30,86,293 2,26,761 19,82,955 22,09,716 0.7 0.1
15 Kolkata 1,46,17,882 87,37,889 15,66,102 1,03,03,991 0.7 5.6
16 Pune 50,49,968 32,29,351 63,795 32,93,146 0.7 50.6
17 Jaipur 30,73,350 15,95,655 2,32,649 18,28,304 0.6 6.9
18 Nagpur 24,97,777 13,77,039 38,700 14,15,739 0.6 35.6
19 Vadodara 16,66,703 6,69,931 0 6,69,931 0.4 0.0
20 Rajkot 12,86,995 2,61,363 0 2,61,363 0.2 0.0
21 Bhavnagar 5,93,768 76,128 0 76,128 0.1 0.0

4.1.6 As it can be seen the study reveals that there is wide variation in percentage of annual air
traffic v/s population and this depends predominantly on the nature of importance of the location.

4.1.7 Considering the study we can conclude that Dholera population by year 2047-48 is
expected to be 20 lakhs. Dholera is being developed as a node on the Delhi Mumbai Industrial
Corridor and is therefore, likely to have a population of well qualified personal and their families
with visits to and from foreign buyers as well as family leisure travel. Therefore it is presume
that the air traffic to population ratio of 2:1 against the best of 1.3:1 for Delhi & Coimbatore.

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

4.1.8 Therefore it has been undertaken that the master plan for Dholera airport by computing a
linear growth % over a period of 30 years increasing the initial traffic of 4.38 lakhs in the year
2018-19 to 40 lakhs in the year 2047-48. (India Aviation Consulting and Support LLP, 2014)

4.2 Freight Traffic

4.2.1 In order to determine the freight traffic growth at our Indian airports as well as the growth
in freight traffic at Gujarat airports, it appears to look at the growth pattern experienced at
Ahmedabad airport over last 20 years.

4.2.2 The annual compounded growth for international Cargo has been taken as 8% while that
for the domestic cargo has been taken as 6% keeping in view that the international cargo will
dominate over domestic cargo with the type of industry being setup in the DSIR. With the
industry getting setup the cargo will grow gradually and in the initial years the growth is likely to
be lower than that at Ahmedabad because Ahmedabad airport had been an existence in over 40
years and industry has grown around Ahmedabad over these long years. On the same
contradictory the initial growth percentage at Dholera cannot be high. We have presumed the
growth percentage as below: (India Aviation Consulting and Support LLP, 2014)

Table-4-02- The Growth Percentage as Below

SL. No Year Growth Growth

International Domestic
Freight (%) Freight (%)

1 2018-19 to 2023-24 (5 years) 8 6

2 2024-25 to 2028-29 (5 years) 10 8
3 2029-30 to 2033-34 (5 years) 12 10
4 2034-35 to 2048-49 (5 years) 14 12

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

4.3 Aircraft Movements and Parking Bays

4.3.1 For domestic operations use of 70 seat / 100 seat aircraft have been assumed to be around 4
movements per day out of total 14 domestic movements per day during 2018-19 to 2027-28.

4.3.2 The rest of the domestic operations have been presumed to be by narrow body single aisle
aircraft like B-737 NG, A320, A319, A318 as well as A321. On an average 70 % seat occupancy
has been assumed on domestic aircraft operations.

4.3.3 Keeping in view all type of aircraft, average seat occupancy of 125 seats per domestic
flights has been assumed for calculating the aircraft movement based on the domestic traffic.

4.3.4 Taking international operations the 1st phase of 10 years takes into account narrow body
single aisle aircraft with very limited operation of wide body aircraft up to CAT 4E due to
limited length of the runway of 2910 meters.

4.3.5 The average seat occupancy for narrow body aircraft on international sectors has been
taken as 150 passenger and for wide body aircraft expected to operate one flight per day from the
11th year of operations onwards with average seat occupancy of 250 passengers per wide body

4.3.6 With the commissioning of the second runway of 4000 meters length with cat F type
aircraft operations become possible both for passengers and freight operations.

4.3.7 Freight of all narrow body passenger aircraft are assumed to be carrying up to 1 MT of
belly cargo while the wide body aircraft carry 3.5 MT of belly cargo.

4.3.8 Narrow body aircraft for domestic sector including B-737 (all series)/ Q-400/ ATR-72 and
all other category with carrying capacity (average- 125 seats) and International sector-150 seats
(narrow body) and 250 seats (wide body) with overall passenger capacity of 75% has been
considered while computing forecast of aircraft movements. (India Aviation Consulting and
Support LLP, 2014)

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

5. Land Use Plan

5.1 Background
5.1.1 The new site proposed by GIDB for development of New Greenfield International Airport
at Dholera, is a plain land and nearer to Special Investment region. The proposed site is
approximately 1410 Hectares (Around 3500 acres). The site is 5300 meters long and 4700 meters
wide at a particular location. Due to the existence of the coastal area from the southern side the
area is in the shape of trapezium of 4700 meters long and 2000 meters wide for the main airport
project. The plan is being prepared for first 30 years of development of the DSIR, as approved by
the Govt. of Gujarat, the expected population by the end of first 30 years is likely to be 20 lakhs.

5.1.2 The land use plan provides for ultimate design for category F type of aircraft in phase II
and all provisions for separation distance between runways, taxiways, taxi lanes, Apron are for
ultimate design but it will be carried on phase wise with type of aircraft used for operations. The
provisions of norms as per report submitted by the IMG have been taken into consideration for
calculation of area of the terminal building keeping in view the IMG norms for peak hour,
average day calculation as well as multiplying constants based on the range of passenger traffic.
The calculation have been presented for 2 level terminal designs. (GIDB, n.d.)

5.2 Operational Land Use

5.2.1 The runway orientation being the deciding factor, the land along the runway is to be
maintained as it is mandatory by ICAO. The orientation of the runways is kept almost parallel to
Bhavnagar airport runway according to the wind direction diagram. The runway orientation of
06/24 has been considered for the proposed runways at Dholera and this also fits to the land

5.2.2 As per the design there will be two parallel runways (2910 M and 4000 M long) with
independent operations. There will be six taxi tracks with parallel taxi tracks and taxiways for
push back and two taxiways linking the runways. The distance between the two parallel runways
is proposed to be 1150 meters. The enclosed area between the two runways will be utilized for
terminal building, cargo terminal building, car park, ATC, fire station, provision for emergency

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

and medical facilities, provision for commercial utilization like establishment of flight catering
units, possible hotels/ convention halls, police station, BCAS offices, ATC office complex, met
office, car and bus parking areas for travelers.

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

6. Master Plan
6.1 Master Planning
6.1.1 The proposed development plans primarily according to standards and recommended
practices set out by the international Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) & Director General of
Civil Aviation (DGCA), India for the safe, regular and orderly operations of air traffic/ aircraft
operations besides meeting the aspirations of the all stake holders. The area computations for the
airport, the recommendations of the IMG norms are considered.

6.1.2 For the cost estimation of the project help of financial experts are carried out for project
viability studies, the pavements has been designed to project the estimated pavement costs. The
estimated cost of terminals, all ancillary buildings, airfield lighting requirements,
communication, Nav aids and surveillance equipment and the cost of operations of the airport
have been computed for the viability study.

6.2 Airport Development

6.2.1 It has already accepted that the development plans for DSIR and for Dholera city to be built
is planned to have 20 lakhs population in 30 years and to then grow further in years to come as
an industrial hub, the airport plan have to give for a growth of 100 years. Adequate land has been
made available and plan have to be drawn to meet the expected demand.

6.2.2 As the city is developing from scratch it is proposed that the airport provides for operation
of B737/ A320 operations initially. The airport ultimately provides for two parallel runways. The
Northern runway is only with 2910 meters length for wide body aircraft with load penalty. The
runway and taxiway will be provide with Cat E type of aircraft. While in the phase II the
Southern runway with 4000 meters length will be developed with Cat F aircraft operation

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

6.3 Aerodrome Category

6.3.1 With reference to Annexure 14, of ICAO & Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR),
Aerodrome Category will be 4E in phase I and will be upgraded to 4F after construction of
second runway in phase II. The detail of the Aerodrome Category is given in the table below:

(DGCA)Table No-6-01- Aerodrome Category

Code Element 1 Code Element 2

Code Aero plane reference Code Wing Span Outer Main Gear
No. Field Length Letter Wheel Span
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 Less than 800 meters A Up to but not including Up to but not including
15 meters 4.5 meters

2 800 meters up to but not B 15 meters up to but not 4.5 meters up to but not
Including 1200 meters including 24 meters including 9 meters

3 1200 meters up to but not C 24 meters up to but not 6 meters up to but not
Including 1800 meters including 36 meters including 9 meters
4 1800 meters and above D 36 meters up to but not 9 meters up to but not
including 52 meters including 14 meters

E 52 meters up to but not 9 meters up to but not

including 65 meters including 14 meters

F 65 meters up to but not 14 meters up to but not

including 80 meters including 16 meters
Distance between the outside edges of the main gear wheels

6.4 Aerodrome Reference Point (ARP)

6.4.1 ARP is the center point of an airport, located at the geometric center of all the usable
runways. The proposed coordinates of ARP for Dholera airport is

Latitude: 22 degree 21’35”N

Longitude: 72 degree 18’27”E

Elevation: 8 meter AMSL

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Master plan of Dholera Airport

6.5 Runway Orientation

6.5.1 Considering the wind diagram and orientation of Bhavnagar and Ahmadabad the proposed
runway orientation at Dholera airport is decided as 06/24.

6.6 Runway Dimension

6.6.1 Runway Length: The proposed airport will have runway of length 2910 meters in phase I
with Cat E type of aircraft operation facilities.

6.6.2 The second runway of length 4000 meters with Cat F type of aircraft operation facilities
will be constructed in phase II.

6.6.3 With of Runway: The width of the runway is proposed as 45 meters for first runway to
meet airport category 4E and 60 meters to meet Cat 4F in phase II if needed.

6.7 Runway Shoulder

6.7.1 Runway shoulder is planned to be 7.5 meters on either side of the runway.

6.8 Runway Strip

6.8.1 Both the runway are planned with precision approach category operations, so the length of
the strip will be 60 meters before the threshold and beyond the end of the runway, width of 300
meters that is 150 meters on either side of the center line of the runway.

6.9 Taxiways
6.9.1 In phase I the runway will have a parallel taxi with full length of 2910 meters and two rapid
exit taxiway connecting parallel taxi track to the runway. The pushback taxi lane will be
provided to the first runway to meet the operation needs.

6.9.2 The parallel taxi track for second runway will be provided in phase I depending upon the
need. A provision for Cat F push back taxi lane has been provided for future construction as per
the need and requirement.

Project Report July 2014 23

Master plan of Dholera Airport

6.10 Size of Apron

6.10.1 The size of the apron is as follows:

Phase I 230 X 80 Meter for 5 Narrow body aircraft

95 X 80 Meter for 2 Narrow body cargo aircraft

100 X 100 Meter for isolation bay

Phase II 70 X 80 Meter for 2 additional domestic narrow body aircraft

70 X 80 Meter for 1 additional international wide body aircraft

6.11 ATC Control Tower

6.11.1 ATC control tower and area for technical building of size 80 X 120 meter with the ATC
tower height of 45 meters is proposed at the location. As the land is flat and the distance between
the two runways is 1150 meters so 45 meters is consider to be adequate for the view of the entire

6.12 Hangers
6.12.1 Provision has been made to provide hangers for MRO and hangers for airlines. The
hangers can also be used for maintenance and repair of aircraft. An apron space is also proposed
in front of hangers and it will be connected to runway by link taxiway.

6.13 Fuel Farm

6.13.1 For refueling of aircraft a fuel farm is also proposed. The apron is also proposed to be
provided with fuel hydrant system to make least use of refueling trucks.

6.14 Navigational/ Landing Aids (NAVAIDS)

6.14.1 The international airport is proposed for all weather operations. It is proposed to provide
the following Navigational and Landing aids.

6.14.2 Doppler VHF Omni Range (DVOR)

Project Report July 2014 24

Master plan of Dholera Airport

6.14.3 ILS on one end of each of the two runways

6.14.4 Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) on both ends of the each runway

6.15 Aeronautical Ground Lighting Systems (AGL)

6.15.1 Runway Lights:

Since the airport is planned for all weather operations, it is proposed to provide standard runway
lighting system with double circuit.

6.15.2 Approach Lights:

Both the runway will be having simple approach lighting system up to 420 meter for runway 06
and the precision approach category I lighting system up to 920 meter at runway 24.

6.15.3 Taxiway Lights:

As per the specifications given by DGCA CAR taxiway edge lights will be provided.

6.15.4 Apron Lights:

Apron flood lights will be provided.

6.16 Passenger Terminal

6.16.1 The passenger terminal design has been adopted of integrated type with one terminal for
both domestic and international passengers. The design proposed is two level designs with
departure on the first floor and arrivals on the ground floor. Adequate width has been provided
for the road network as well as for city side pickup and drop facilities.

6.16.2 The IMG norms adopted for design of passenger terminals stipulate the following with
regard to area per peak hour passenger as well as peak hour and average day PH/PD/AD norm.

Project Report July 2014 25

Master plan of Dholera Airport

Table No-6-02- IMG Norms (AAI)

Area in Sqm. of terminal This DPR calculations are

Building per PHP based on

AREA per passenger

Domestic 22-23 22.5

International 27-28 27.5

Integrated 24-25 24.5

Table No-6-03- Multiplying factors for PD/AD and PH/AD ratios (as per IMG) (AAI)

International Domestic
Sr. No Traffic
Peak Day/ Peak Hour/ Peak Day/ Peak Hour/
Average Day Average Day Average Day Average Day


1 >10.0 million 1.15 0.15 1.10 0.10
2 5.0-10.0 1.20 0.20 1.15 0.15
3 1.0-5.0 1.30 0.30 1.25 0.25
4 0.5-1.0 1.35 0.35 1.35 0.35
5 0.5 1.45 0.45 1.45 0.45

Table No-6-04- Computation of Passenger Traffic and Size of Terminal Building


2028- 3.4 5.43 8.83 0.45 0.35 932 1487 419 520 23023

2038- 5.28 13.45 18.73 0.35 0.25 1447 3685 506 921 34979

Project Report July 2014 26

Master plan of Dholera Airport

6.16.3 The peak hour passenger in phase I is 419 for international and 520 for domestic while in
phase II 506 for international and 921 for domestic.

Table No-6-05- Size of Passenger Terminal Building

Phase International Domestic Total Peak hour Area for

Peak hour Peak hour Passenger Integrated
Passenger Passenger Terminal
Phase-I Design 23023
Year(2028-29) 419 520 930 (say 25200 Sqm)
Phase-II Design 34979-ph-I 25200
Year(2038-39) 506 921 1427 9779 Sqm (say
12600 Sqm)

6.16.4 The building design is a two level passenger terminal building with departures on the
upper floor and arrival on the ground floor.

Table No-6-06- Area of Terminal Building

Option Phase-I Phase-II

Integrated 180 X 70 M (2 Level) 90 X 70 M (2 Level)
25200 Sqm 12600 Sqm

6.16.5 Provision has also been made for future development of the terminal building at south of
the airport approach road and the area for Cat F apron and push back taxi lane is also provided.

6.17 Cargo Terminal

6.17.1 As per the master plan the cargo terminal has been proposed at beginning of runway 06
for the two phases. Later on the cargo facilities will be shifted to south-east part of the airport.

6.17.2 Area for perishable cargo terminal of size 30 X 40 M has been provided for both
International and Domestic cargo.

6.17.3 The cargo terminal building will be a single level building for both the phases.

Project Report July 2014 27

Master plan of Dholera Airport

6.17.4 The cargo terminal design is based on peak day cargo data provides for dwell time of
International cargo of 3 days and dwell time for domestic cargo of 1.5 days. The design also
provides 50 % area for unclaimed or unclear cargo for international and 25 % area for domestic
unclaimed or unclear cargo.

6.17.5 The norms for designing the cargo terminal taken are 10 Sqm of space for handling 1 ton
of cargo both for international and domestic cargo operations.

6.18 Airline Offices

6.18.1 Air Side: Space has been provided for offices for five airlines with a space of 20 m X 25
m for each airline or on shared bases for passenger terminal operations.

6.18.2 City Side: Area of 50 m X 90 m for a building for airline city side offices has been

6.19 Airport Fire Station, Fire Control Tower and Static tanks
6.19.1 The location of airport fire station is almost midway along the length of the Northern as
well as the proposed southern runway in phase II. The location is 440 meter perpendicular to the
northern runway with a clear dedicated road network to both the runways in order to carry out
the fire fighting operations smoothly.

6.19.2 Static water tank of 1.5 lakhs liter capacity is provided at the fire station with dedicated
road to the fire station. Similar capacity static water tanks are also provided one near the cargo
terminal and other near the oil fuel depot within the airport operational area to cover both ends of
the runway in case of the emergency.

6.20 Car Park

6.20.1 A car park of size 150 X 32 M for around 140 cars each has been planned in phase I and
in phase II for private cars, taxies and buses. The provision has also been made for a multilevel
car park with an area of 150 X 100 M in order to meet the growth in future.

Project Report July 2014 28

Master plan of Dholera Airport

6.21 Operational Area Boundary Wall and Perimeter Road

6.21.1 Operational area boundary as per the plan has been proposed with anti-scaling device on
top with a total height of 2.9 meter is proposed. Also for patrolling purpose 5 meter wide inner
perimeter road all along the boundary wall is proposed as per the security requirements. Fencing
or wall for airport land outside operational area can be separately provided as an anti-
encroachment measure.

6.22 Roads
6.22.1 The airport approach road will be provided as per the plan and this will be connected to
Ahmedabad – Bhavnagar highway. A 25 meter wide approach road is provided which will split
in two levels for departures on first floor and arrivals on the ground floor.

6.23 Other Facilities

6.23.1 Admin block: 50 m X 90 m the location of the admin block is outside the operational
area on the left of the access road leading to the terminals. The admin block will also
accommodate the administrative part of the met office.

6.23.2 BCAS block: 50 m X 90 m this is located adjoining the admin block of the airport
operator/ Airport authority for easy interaction and to save time and energy for interaction for the
officer of two organization.

6.23.3 Flight Catering: 3 X 100 X 100 M. 3 sites for flight catering units are marked on the road
to the cargo terminal for direct access from city side. The entry in to the operational area can be
either from the main airport entry point near the terminal or can be from near the cargo terminal.

6.23.4 Isolation Bay: 100 m X 100 m isolation bay is proposed in one of the extension of the
airport. The site is about 400 meter from the nearest edge of the runway with all other three sides
being in the coastal zone with no construction and habitation. (DGCA) (India Aviation
Consulting and Support LLP, 2014)

Project Report July 2014 29

Master plan of Dholera Airport

7. Soil Condition of the site

7.1 The region of project site is flat coastal plains, flood plains and flat. Site is completely clear
of bushes or vegetation. The surface soil is mainly soft silt clay and clayey silt. Almost entire site
becomes water logged in monsoon and remains unapproachable till top soil dries out. For the
foundation of lightly loaded structure and even for pavements some mitigation measures has to
be taken and also to avoid consequences of the volume change due to swelling and shrinking of
soil on moisture movement. The soil is mainly fine grained soils that can undergo change in its
volume when get contacted with the water. Soil shows typically high swelling potential.
Corrosive soils are materials that have the potential to adversely impact buried metallic pipes,
concrete and other underground structures due to their chemical makeup.

7.2 Considering the type of soil on which the airport has been proposed special attention must be
taken care of due to soft silt clay and corrosive nature of the soil. Some important construction
technique must be consider particularly for this site like pile foundation and vibrio stone
columns. These technique will definitely increase the cost of construction and extra budget must
be consider for it.

Project Report July 2014 30

Master plan of Dholera Airport

8. Salient Recommendations
8.1 One of the major nodes of the DMICDC is located in Gujarat and the Govt. of Gujarat has
approved establishment of a Greenfield International Airport at Dholera to meet the needs of the
air travel of special investment region. Dholera location is surrounded by five airports but in the
long run Dholera Airport will be a major airport as the Ahmedabad airport will reach saturation
by 2025. All other airport will also be saturated by 2030. The Dholera Airport will then become
an alternate airport for Ahmedabad airport.

8.2 Once Dholera International Airport is commissioned and starts international flights then the
entire international and bit of domestic air traffic of the southern and western Gujarat will be
diverted to Dholera as Dholera will likely to have better air connectivity then other airports.

8.3 Runways

8.3.1 In the long run the airport is schedule to have two parallel runways with the distance of
1150 meters between the runways. Both the runways are proposed to be provided with ground
lighting systems consisting of runway edge lights, taxiway lights, approach lighting systems,
PAPI, apron lighting systems as per standard practices. Initially airport with the runway length of
2910 meters, 45 meters width and 7.5 meter shoulder on either sides is expected to manage the
operations by narrow body aircraft with wide body aircraft with load penalties. The runway
orientation 06/24 will be equipped with ILS with cat 1 precision approach lighting on one side
and simple approach lighting systems on other side.

8.4 Taxiways

8.4.1 Taxiways developed as per requirement during phase development will meet Cat E
operation requirements with first runway 06L/24R.

8.5 ATC

8.5.1 The ATC control tower will be with a height of 45 meters and the adjoining control tower
block will be on a plot of measuring 80 X 120 meters.

Project Report July 2014 31

Master plan of Dholera Airport

8.6 Fire Stations

8.6.1 The main fire station 100 X 30 meters is proposed to be located between two proposed
runways so that minimum time is required to reach any location at the airport.

8.7 Hangers

8.7.1 Hangers considering the expected passenger air traffic as well as freight traffic the airport
is expected to house many aircraft. As such a number of hangers are provided for the airlines as
well as for possible futures MROs located at Dholera.

8.8 Fuel Farm

8.8.1 The aircraft fueling/ refueling is proposed by underground hydrant systems for the main
apron area but for remote parking bays bowser systems of fuel supply can also be adopted.

8.9 Passenger Terminal Building

8.9.1 An integrated passenger terminal of both international and domestic passengers has been
designed for phase I and Phase II developments. The terminal designs are 2 level passenger
terminal departures on the 1st floor and arrivals on the ground floor.

8.10 Cargo Terminal

8.10.1 Initially majority of the cargo will be carried out be belly cargo carried by scheduled
passenger flights and rarely freighter aircraft. The cargo tonnage is expected to be small. The
cargo terminal for phase I and Phase II will be adjoining to the passenger terminal. (India
Aviation Consulting and Support LLP, 2014)

Project Report July 2014 32

Master plan of Dholera Airport

9. Conclusions
9.1 On the whole, this internship was a useful experience. Gaining of new knowledge, skills and
meeting with new people. Certainly have achieved several of learning goals, however for some
the conditions did not permit. Got an insight into professional practice.

9.2 Coming to this internship project that was assigned was very important and useful for
acquiring knowledge about the airports. The parameters that are used for the Master Planning of
an airport was very important to know, which was possible with this Project that is
“Development of Greenfield International airport at Dholera”. The important point which is
consider in master plan of an airport is proper utilization of the land available for the
development of the airport. The second most important point is the location of the runway,
according to its location all other parameters are planned and designed as per the requirement.

9.3 After studying the report of Dholera Airport it can be recommended that instead of two
runway projection the airport can be planned according to one runway and all other facilities will
be same as per two runway master plan. One important point to be consider about the runway, its
location. The purpose for one runway on southern side as the first runway with ultimate design
capability of catering to type F aircrafts operations. More investment is required for the southern
runway as it is located along the costal side and soil condition is not up to mark for runway

9.4 By the internship it was also good to find out the internal strengths and weaknesses. This
helped to define what skills and knowledge to be improved in the coming time. It would be better
that the knowledge level of the language is sufficient to contribute fully to projects. This
internship has created a confidence to move ahead in the career. It would also be better to present
and express more confidently.

9.5 At last this internship has given new insights and motivation to pursue a career in master
planning of airports.

Project Report July 2014 33

Master plan of Dholera Airport


AAI. (n.d.). Retrieved from

DGCA. (n.d.). Retrieved from

GIDB. (n.d.). Retrieved from

India Aviation Consulting and Support LLP. (2014). DPR-Dholera Airport.

Project Report July 2014 34

Master plan of Dholera Airport

1. DGCA CAR Section 4.(2006), Aero Standards & ATS Series
2. DCGA. (2006). Civil Aviation Requirements.
3. DGCA. (2004). DCGA CAR
4. DGCA Dimensions & Slopes of OLS. (2006). Title 4.1 & 4.2.
5. DCGA Section-4 Aero Standards. (2006). Aero Standards & ATS
6. IATA. (1995). Airport Development reference manual. Montreal:
International air transport association, c1995-
7. ICAO Aerodromes Vol1. (2006). Aerodromes Standards.
8. ICAO Design Manual
9. ICAO. (1987). Airport master planning. Montreal: International Civil
Aviation Organization.
10. ICAO Annexes 14( July 2004)
11. ICAO dimensions & slopes of OLS
13. S.O 84E of Ministry of civil aviation on control of construction and
14. (2006). Aerodrome design and operations. New Delhi: govt. of India.


Project Report July 2014 35

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