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Guide Questions:

 In what ways can change be beneficial to society based on your answers from Mini-Task
01 to 03?
 In what ways can change be detrimental to society based on your answers from Mini-
Task 01 to 03?
 What drives change to happen in society based on your insights in doing the mini-tasks?
 What motivates people to accomplish something beneficial to society?

Change can be  beneficial to society by providing simpler ways to do hard tasks like finding
power or communicating  from far away. These changes can also be detrimental to society by
causing more problems such as pollution, mistreatment and crowded living places. Change is
derived from wanting something different or disagreements wherein one case change was
caused by no justification and corruption. People do things to improve society so that thing will
be much simpler and more open.

History through the enlightened thinkers, scientists, mathematicians, engineers and

other innovative individuals have affected change. Through these changes they have made,
societies of their era up to the present have positively benefited from those changes. They have
revolutionized fields of science, math, engineering and other fields and carried on those
changes to our present time.
Revolutionary changes have its benefits too but if not carried out in the interest of
society can be detrimental to its growth. Some revolutions, like the American Revolution has
paved the way for the United States of America become truly American and free from British
Colonization. But others, like the Taiping Revolution backfired and instead of enriching society
their rebellion served as a premonition to China being a Communist country.
Change is driven by the urge to achieve more things by means of innovations and
improvements. Society also drives change through an urgent need to overthrow their current
leaders and put into power leaders who at that moment they think is more fit to lead their
country. Change as we see all throughout history is an effort of many and the open-
mindedness of society to accept these changes. Its benefits and adverse effects depend on
how society uses these changes.

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