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Big Picture of Daniel

Israel has been exiled into enemy territory, Babylon. There is no king in Israel, the temple is
destroyed and the Promised Land has been lost. Has Yahweh been defeated? Is God still
faithful to his promises? How should an Israelite apply the law in a place like Babylon?

The book of Daniel is written to encourage God’s people to faithfulness in exile while trusting in
his sovereign plan to restore his people.

Israel’s Identity
I. Israel + The Land
A. Gen. 12.7; 15.18 - 21; 17.8; 26.2 - 4; 35.12
II. Israel + The Kings
A. Deut. 17.14 - 20
B. 2 Sam. 7.9 - 16
III. Israel + The Temple
A. Gen. 1 - 2; Ex. 33; Ex. 35.30 - 38.31; 40; 2 Chr. 7
IV. Israel + The Covenant
A. Deut. 28 - Blessings + Curses
1. Exile - 28.20, 21, 25 - 26, 32, 33, 36, 41, 45, 47, 49 - 50, 52, 64

Political History
I. 1 Kings 11 - United Kingdom
II. 1 Kings 12 - 2 Kings 17 - Divided Kingdom
A. Israel = North
1. Exiled by Assyria in 722BC - 2 Kgs. 17
B. Judah = South
1. Exiled by Babylon 606 - 586BC
a) 606BC - Daniel
b) 597BC - Ezekiel
c) 586BC - Everyone
d) 581BC - Poor

Prophecies About The Future - Daniel 8, 11

I. Babylon - 612 - 539
II. Persian Kings - 539 - 323
A. Cyrus 559 - 530BC - 2 Chr. 36; Ezr. 1; Isa. 44; Dan. 1; 6; 10
B. Cambyses II 529 - 522BC
C. Darius I The Great 521 - 486
D. Xerxes (Ahasuerus) 485 - 465BC - Esther
E. Artaxerxes I 464 - 424 - Ezra 4; 6; 7
F. Darius II 424 - 404BC
G. Artaxerxes II 404 - 358BC
H. Artaxerxes III 358 - 338BC
I. Artaxerxes IV 338 - 336BC

J. Darius III 336 - 330BC - Daniel 8.3 - 4, 20

III. Greece - 323 - 167BC

A. Alexander The Great 333 - 323 - Dan. 8.5, 7 - 8
B. Four Generals - Dan. 8.8; 11.1 - 35
1. Seleucus
a) North - Syria
2. Ptolemy
a) South - Egypt

IV. Rome - 167BC - 476AD

A. Dan. 2.33, 34, 41 - 45 - The Roman Empire
B. Dan. 7.7 - 8 - Maybe
C. Dan. 11.30

Structure Of Daniel

I. Daniel 1 - Introduction (Hebrew)

II. Daniel + The Kings - 2 - 7 (Aramaic)

A. Daniel 2 - 3 Babylon will rule, but God’s people need to remain faithful
B. Daniel 4 - 5 One Humble King + One King Humbled
C. Daniel 6 - 7 Persecuted Yet Protected

III. Daniel + His Dreams - 8 - 12 (Hebrew)

A. Daniel 8 A Goat, A Ram & The People of God
B. Daniel 9 Covenant Prayer
C. Daniel 10 - 12 Visions Of The End

Daniel 1 - Yahweh Is In Control
1.1 - 7 - Creating Babylonians
I. 1.1 - 2 Under God’s sovereignty (1.2, 9, 17)
II. 1.2 Mocking Yahweh
III. 1.3 - 5 Training youth to be Babylonians
IV. 1.6 - 7 Name changes

Hebrew Name Hebrew Meaning Babylonian Name Babylonian Meaning

Daniel My God Is Judge Belteshazzar The Prince/Protected

by Bel

Hananiah God Has Favored Shadrach Command of Aku

Mishael Who Is What God Is Meshach Guest Of The King

Azariah Jehovah Has Helped Abednego Servant Of Nebo

After Babylon takes Israel into exile, they pick Israel’s best and brightest youth to educate so
that other Israelites would see the benefits of living in Babylon and want to become Babylonian.

1.8 - 16 - Youth Without Any Meat

I. Unclean Food - Lev. 11; Deut. 14
A. Wine is not unclean (cf. 10.3)
II. Food offered to Babylonian gods?
A. Vegetables not for the gods?
B. From what does Daniel fast in 10.3?
III. God’s will for food?
A. Was not supposed to work - 1.10, 14 - 15
B. New Testament teaching - Rom. 14.1 - 4; 1 Cor. 8.8
IV. Wisdom from above
A. Daniel uses God’s wisdom and favor - 1.8 - 14
1. Encouragement to exiles
B. Success - 1.15 - 16

1.17 - 21 - Success
I. God gave wisdom - 1.17
II. Wisdom = Long life - 1.21
A. 1.4 = 16 years old
B. 1.21 = 82 years old

Daniel 2 - 3 - Babylon will rule, but God’s people need to be faithful

I. Daniel 2
A. 2.1 - 30 Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream + Threat
B. 2.31 - 35 Daniel Tells The Dream
C. 2.36 - 45 Daniel Interprets The Dream
D. 2.46 - 49 Conclusion + Introduction

II. Daniel 3
A. 3.1 - 12 Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue + Threat
B. 3.13 - 25 In The Fire
C. 3.26 - 30 Yahweh Exalted

In two stories, one larger story is told, and it is the story of the superiority of God’s kingdom over
all others. Since God’s kingdom is superior, it is worthy of one’s full allegiance.

I. 2.1 - 2nd year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign = 604/3BC

A. 1.5 - During Daniel’s three years of training

II. 2.1 - 16 - Nebuchadnezzar demands something that no one on earth can do

A. 1.21 - Daniel is alive until at least 536BC (10.1)
B. Daniel’s response - 2.14 (cf. 1.17)
C. How will God save his people?!?!

III. 2.17 - 30 - The powerful God who answers prayer

A. God’s nature and character - 2. 20 - 23
B. God is able - 2.10, 28, 30

IV. Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue - 2.31 - 49

A. Nebuchadnezzar’s power is God’s gift - 2.37 - 38
B. God’s unshakeable kingdom - 2.44 - 45
C. Conclusion of ch. 2 + Introduction to ch. 3 - 2.46 - 49
Body Part Metal Kingdom Dates

Head Gold Babylon 612 - 539

Chest/Arms Silver Persia 539 - 333

Middle/Thighs Bronze Greece 333 - 167

Legs/Feet Iron/Clay Rome 167 - 467AD

Daniel 3

3.1 - 7
I. No time given (cf. 1.1, 21; 2.1; 7.1, etc)
A. Themes connect ch. 2 and 3
II. Nebuchadnezzar’s statue
A. 60 cubits = 90ft/27.5m (Classy hotel)
B. Image - 11x - cf. Dn. 2.31, 32; Gen. 1.26 - 27
III. Repetition
A. Officials - 3.2, 3, 24, 27
B. Instruments - 3.5, 7, 10, 15

3.8 - 18
I. “Certain” Chaldeans (cf. 3.2, 3) - 3.8
A. Rebelling against Babylon, Babylon’s king, Babylon’s god
II. The God Who Delivers - 3.15
III. All faith - no fear - 3.16 - 18
A. Wise response - Cf. 1.17; 2.14
1. Nebuchadnezzar’s foolishness - 3.13, 19, 29
B. Nebuchadnezzar is not god
3.19 - 25
I. Into the fire - 3.19 - 23
A. God did not deliver them - 3.23
B. God was with them - 3.25
3.26 - 30
I. Nebuchadnezzar’s worship - 3.28 - 29
II. The boys’ promotion - 3.30

Application - Humble Wisdom + Rebellion

1. Kings and kingdoms will rise and fall and will always pressure God’s people to chose to
whom they will give their loyalty, the Everlasting God or the ever-rising and falling
kingdoms of the world.

2. Daniel and the three friends always respond with prayer and calm and humble wisdom,
never demanding their rights. They always trust their God.

3. God’s kingdom will overthrow all kingdoms

a. How does the rock shatter kingdoms?
i. Christ’s cross
ii. Christ’s commission of the disciples
iii. The Spirit’s empowering of the gospel message

Daniel 4 - 5 - Two Kings

Daniel 4
Nebuchadnezzar’s Introduction 4.1 - 3
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream 4.4 - 18
Interpretation 4.19 - 27
Nebuchadnezzar’s Humiliation 4.28 - 33
Nebuchadnezzar’s Restoration 4.34 - 37

Daniel 5
Belshazzar’s Pride 5.1 - 4
God’s Hand + Belshazzar’s Fear 5.5 - 12
Daniel’s Interpretation 5.13 - 28
Babylon Falls 5.29 - 31

Helpful Background
I. Genesis 1 - 2 - Humans were created to rule over God’s kingdom with the authority he
gave them
A. Gen. 1.28; Lv. 25.43, 46; Jsh. 18.1; 1 Kgs. 4.24; cf. Dn. 4.22-23
II. Psalm 8 - Celebrating the creation of mankind
III. Belshazzar - 566 - 539BC

Point of Daniel 4 + 5
Yahweh alone is the King of Kings, the Creator of Empires, and he has given authority to
mankind to rule over his creation. When kings and nations forget that their success and power
comes from God, they act like beasts. When men act like beasts, God humbles them, and is
faithful to restore when there is repentance, and faithful to destroy where there is no

5.30 - 31; 9.1 - Darius The Mede?

I. Confused author
II. Darius = Throne name used for many kings
A. 1 Chr. 5.26 - Tiglath-Pileser = Pul (2 Kgs. 15.19)
B. Darius = Governor over Babylon, but Cyrus is king
1. “King” (6.2, 6, 8, etc) can be translated as governor
III. Darius The Mede = Cyrus The Great
A. Darius = Babylonian name. Cyrus = Persian name.
IV. Darius = Persian commander who ruled for a year while Cyrus celebrated his victory***

Daniel 6 - 7

I. Daniel 6
A. 6.1 - 5 Daniel’s Excellence
B. 6.6 - 13 Plot Against Daniel
C. 6.14 - 24 Daniel’s Arrest + Deliverance
D. 6.25 - 28 Reversal + Conclusion

II. Daniel 7
A. 7.1 - 8 The Four Beasts
B. 7.9 - 14 The Ancient Of Days, The Son of Man + A Dead Beast
C. 7.15 - 18 The Dream Interpreted
D. 7.19 - 28 Details About The Fourth Beast

Daniel 6

Describing Daniel
6.1 Probably 83 years old (born in 622, 6.1 is 539BC)
6.3 Excellent spirit
6.4, 5 No ground for complaint - Faithful - No error or fault
6.10 - 11 Habit of personal prayer
6.14 The king/governor loves Daniel (6.18, 20, 23, 24)
6.16 - 18 Silent confidence
6.23 Confident in character
6.23 Trusts in Yahweh
6.26 Daniel is Yahweh’s man, Yahweh is Daniel’s God (Ex. 6.7)
6.28 Prospered

Daniel 7
I. Dates + Times
A. 7.1 First year of Belshazzar - 556BC
B. 7.12 Season and a time
C. 7.18 Forever, forever, and ever
D. 7.25 Time, times, half a time
II. Vision content
A. 7.1 Summary of the vision, not every detail
B. 7.2 - 3 Beasts come from the sea
C. 7.4 - 7 It was like… (7.8)
D. 7.7 10 horns + 1 little horn
E. 7.10a Fire shooting throne
F. 7.10b One thousand thousands and 10,000 x 10,000
G. 7.13 One like a son of man
H. 7.16 Divine interpretation (2.27 - 28, 47)
I. 7.11, 22, 26 The beast is defeated
III. Repetition
A. 7.16 - 18 Interpretation of 7.1 - 9
B. 7.19 - 22 Same events as 7.1 - 9, 16 - 18
C. 7.23 - 27 Same events as 7.1 - 9, 16 - 18, 19 - 22

Verses Beast Kingdom Years

7.4 Lion w/ eagles’ wings Babylon 612 - 539BC

7.5 Bear, raised up on Medo-Persia 539 - 333BC

one side

7.6 Leopard - 4 Greece 333 - 167BC


7.7 - 8 Terrifying, different, World kingdom (7.23) ???

iron teeth, breaks
kingdoms in pieces,
10 horns, 1 little horn

Big Picture
Throughout history, kings and kingdoms will be given authority and power and will rise and fall,
all at the sovereign decree of God. One day, a great kingdom, greater than all the rest, will rise
and will make war on the saints. God, however, will judge this beast and destroy him and the
Son of Man will receive the eternal kingdom of God, a kingdom that will never pass away.
God’s people, therefore, are to endure and be faithful to God alone above all else.

Daniel 8 - 9

Daniel 8
I. 8.1 - 14 The Vision
II. 8.15 - 27 The Interpretation

Daniel 9
I. 9.1 - 2 Daniel Reads Jeremiah
II. 9.3 - 19 Daniel’s Prayer of Repentance
III. 9.20 - 27 The 70 Weeks

Daniel 8

8.1 - 25
I. 8.1, 3rd year of Belshazzar - 563BC
II. 8.3 - 4 - Ram = Medo-Persian kingdom (8.20)
III. 8.5a - Goat = Greece (8.21)
IV. 8.5b - Horn = First king (8.21), Alexander the Great
V. 8.6 - 7 - Battle between the ram (Persia) and the goat (Greece) - Greece wins
VI. 8.8 - Four horns = Alexander’s four generals - Cassander, Antigonus, Ptolemy, Seleucus
VII. 8.9 - 14, 23 - 25 - Little horn = Antiochus Epiphanes IV - Seleucid king - 175 - 163BC
A. 8.10 - Host + stars = Followers of Yahweh? Heavenly angels?
B. 8.11a - Prince of the host = High priest? Head angel?
C. 8.11b - Burnt offering taken away
D. 8.12a - Host given to it, transgression = Followers of Yahweh starting to follow
the little horn
VIII. 8.14 - 2,300 evenings and mornings
A. One sacrifice in the morning and evening = 1,150 days/3 years - literal - Miller,
B. 2,300 days = 6 years - figurative - Goldingay, WBC
C. 2,300 days = unknown amount of time with a definite end - Griedanus, PJD
IX. 8.25 - He shall be broken - Dan. 2.44 - 45; 7.17 - 18, 21 - 22, 25 - 27

Summary of Daniel 8
In the third year of Belshazzar’s reign, Daniel receives a vision of how the Greeks, under the
leadership of Alexander the Great, will eventually defeat the Persians, and his empire will
spread. Alexander will die and his kingdom will be split between his four generals. One
descendant of the four generals will make war on the saints, but God will remove his authority
and power and God’s people will be free.

Daniel 9

Daniel 9.1 - 2
I. 9.1 = 539BC
II. 9.2 - Jeremiah 25.8 - 14; 29.10
III. 70 years
A. 70 years before 539 = 609BC - Nothing happened
B. 70 years before 586 = 516BC - Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem - Ezr. 6.15
C. 70 years = Perfect Sabbath rest for the land from Israel’s sin - 2 Chr. 36.20 - 21
Daniel’s Prayer 9.3 - 18
God’s Faithfulness - 9.4, 7a, 9a, 12, 13a, 14a, 15a

Israel’s Sinfulness - 9.5, 6, 7b, 8, 9b - 11, 13b, 14b, 15b

9.19 - God’s own sake = God’s city and people

9.24 - 27 - The 70 7s
1. Finish the transgression
2. Put an end to sin
3. Atone for iniquity
4. Bring everlasting righteousness
5. Seal vision and prophet
6. Anoint a most holy place

When do the 70 7s begin?

9.23 - At the beginning of your pleas for mercy a word went out, and I have come to tell it to you.
9.25 - Know and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and rebuild

Cyrus’ decree (539/8BC) - “Thus says Cyrus, king of Persia, ‘The Lord, the God of heaven, has
given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at
Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of all his people, may the Lord his God
be with him. Let him go up.” 2 Chronicles 36.23; Ezra 1.2 - 3

“Who says of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd, and he shall fulfill all my purpose’; saying of
Jerusalem, ’She shall be built,’ and of the temple, ‘Your foundation shall be laid.’” Isaiah 44.28

9.25a - Know and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and build
Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be seven weeks.
Referring to Cyrus’ decree in 539/8BC.

The “anointed one/prince” = Jesus, his birth, life, death and resurrection

9.25b - Then for sixty-two weeks, it shall be built again with squares and a moat, but in a
troubled time.
The troubled time when Christ, from heaven, through the power of the Holy Spirit, builds the
church, the City of God. This time is characterized by faithful gospel preaching, the reception of
the gospel among the nations, and resistance to the gospel from the nations.

“Squares” = Place in the middle of the city where events are held for large gatherings

“Moat” = Ditch filled with water that set the limits of the city

“Troubled time” = The resistance of sinners to the preaching of the gospel

9.26a - And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have
“Anointed one” = Jesus

“Cut off, have nothing” = Though many will believe the gospel message, many will reject it.
Jesus will be cut off and have nothing of the worship and loyalty that he deserves.

It will seem as if the church has lost its influence and as if the church has been defeated. See
Dan. 7.7 - 8, 20 - 21, 25

9.26b - And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the
“Prince” = 4th beast, Antichrist

“People of the prince” = People who follow the beast in attacking the church - Dan. 3.8, 12; 6.4 -
5, 11 - 13

“City” = City of God, the Church - Dan. 7.27

9.26c - Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are
“Its end” = The church will seemed to have come to an end with a violent persecution. There
will be loss of life and destruction.

9.27a - And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week and for half of the
week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering.
“He shall make a strong covenant” = Through miracles and wonders, the 4th beast will cause
many people, inside and outside the church, to follow him and give to him their loyalty

“Half of the week” = Short time

“Put an end to sacrifice and offering” = The 4th beast will turn on all believers, making illegal the
worship of Yahweh

9.27b - And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate…
Full of the worship of other idols, the 4th beast and his followers will make desolate the church,
bringing it, seemingly, to its end.

9.27c - until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.

The reign of the 4th beast will end swiftly and in accordance with Yahweh’s plan. The 4th beast
and all his followers will be killed.

Dan. 7.11, 22, 26

Summary of Daniel 9
Reading Jeremiah, Daniel is prompted to pray, on behalf of the mercy of God, for the end of
Israel’s exile and their restoration to all of God’s promises. During Daniel’s prayer, Gabriel tells
him that his prayers will be answered. God’s people will be built into a city through the work of
an anointed one. A beast will come and will seemed to have destroyed the church, but just at
God’s appointed time, the beast will be destroyed and the kingdom of God will be given to the
people of God to enjoy forever.

Daniel 10 - 12 - One Big Vision

I. 10.1 Third year of Cyrus = 536/5BC
II. 11.1 First year of Darius = 539/8BC

I. 10.5 - 6, 9 Man clothed in linen
II. 10.16, 18, 20 One in the likeness of the children of man (11.1 - 12.4, 12.9 - 13)
III. 12.5 Daniel
IV. 12.5 Two other angels

Daniel 10 - 12
I. 10.1 - 11.1 Introduction to the vision
A. 10.1 - 9 Vision of a man clothed in linen
B. 10.10 - 11.1 Conversation with a heavenly being
II. 11.2 - 12.3 The vision
III. 12.4 - 13 God’s instruction to Daniel

Daniel 10
10.1 3rd year of Cyrus = 536/5BC

10.5 - 6 - The Man In Linen

I. Vision of God Ezk. 1
II. Vision of Christ Rev. 1
III. Vision of an angel Ezk. 9

10.10 - 14 - The speaker

I. 10.13a Battled with the prince of Persia for 21 days
II. 10.13b Got help from Michael
III. 10.14 Gives understanding to Daniel

Conclusion: Main interpreting angel throughout 10.10 - 12.3, 12.9 - 13?

10.12 - 14 - What was Daniel trying to understand?

Persia has overthrown Babylon, and Cyrus has already let some of the Israelites return (2 Chr.
36.22 - 23; Ezr. 1.2 - 4), now what will happen to Israel, their land, temple, and king?

10.1, 12, 18, 21 - What is the message?

There will be great conflict (10.1), but it is being revealed to Daniel to write down and seal for a
time since the conflict is about the time of the end (12.4, 9, 13). God is in control and will deliver
his people (Dn. 2.44 - 45; 3.17 - 18; 4.3, 17, 25, 34 - 35; 5.18 - 19, 23; 6.26 - 27; 7.9 - 11, 13 -
14, 22, 27; 8.14b, 25; 9.27)

Daniel 11

I. 11.2 - 4 Persia + Greece

II. 11.5 - 20 Kings of North + South
A. 11.5 - 12 Southern kingdom fails to take the north
B. 11.13 - 20 Northern kingdom fails to take the south
III. 11.21 - 35 Antiochus Epiphanes IV
A. 11.21 - 29 Gaining power in the north
B. 11.30 Shut down by Rome
C. 11.31 - 35 War on the saints (7.25; 8.11 - 12, 24 - 25)
IV. 11.36 - 12.4 The End of Days
A. 11.36 - 45 The Super Antiochus
B. 12.1 - 4 God saves his people

11.2 - 4 - Persia + Greece

I. Fourth Persian king - Xerxes 1 - 486 - 465BC?
II. Mighty king - Alexander the Great - cf. Dan. 8.21 - 22

11.5 - 12 - Southern Kingdom Fails To Take The North

I. 11.5a The strong king of the south - Ptolemy I Soter - 323 - 285BC
II. 11.5b The prince with great authority - Seleucus I Nicator - 321 - 280BC
A. Seleucus gets help from Ptolemy and establishes the Seleucid Empire (north)
III. 11.6 - Marriage alliance
A. Ptolemy II (283-246BC) gives his daughter, Bernice, to Antiochus II - their son
becomes the next northern ruler
1. Antiochus II accepts and divorces his present wife, Laodice
B. “She shall not retain the strength of her arm”
1. Two years later, Ptolemy II dies
a) Antiochus II divorces Bernice
b) Antiochus II takes Laodice back as his wife again
c) Laodice kills Antiochus, Bernice, and their children
IV. 11.7 - A branch from her roots - Ptolemy III - 246 - 221BC
A. Kills Laodice
B. Major victory over the north
V. 11.9 - Then the latter…
A. Ptolemy III defends Egypt against the king of the north (Seleucus II)
VI. 11.10 - His sons shall wage war…
A. Sons of Seleucus II
1. Seleucus III - 227 - 223BC
2. Antiochus III - 223 - 187BC
VII. 11.11a - The king of the south shall...fight against the king of the north
A. King of the south - Ptolemy IV Philopater - 221 - 204BC
VIII. 11.11b - He (king of the north) shall raise a great multitude, but it shall be given into his
(king of the south) hand - 217BC

A. North lost 17,000 soldiers
B. South lost 2,200 soldiers
IX. 11.12.b - But he shall not prevail
A. Ptolemy IV dies - 202BC
B. Ptolemy V (4-6 years old) becomes king - 203 - 181BC

11.13 - 20 - Northern Kingdom Fails To take The South

I. 11.13 - The king of the north shall again raise…
A. Antiochus III takes control of Ptolemaic regions in and around Jerusalem
II. 11.14a - Many shall rise against the...south…the violent among your own people
A. Soldiers from Greece and Jerusalem fight with Antiochus against the south -
B. Scopas
III. 11.14b - But they shall fail
A. Soldiers from Jerusalem were punished by Scopas (Southern general)
IV. 11.15 - Then the king of the north shall come…
A. Scopas surrenders to Antiochus III in Sidon in 199/8BC
V. 11.16 - And he shall stand in the glorious land…
A. Antiochus III takes control over all of Phoenicia and Palestine - 198BC
VI. 11.17a - He shall bring terms of an agreement and perform them
A. Antiochus III forces peace terms on the south
B. Antiochus III marries his daughter, Cleopatra to Ptolemy V
VII. 11.17b - But it shall not stand…
A. Cleopatra falls in love with Ptolemy V and supports the south, not the north
VIII. 11.18a - He shall turn his face to the coastlands…
A. 197BC - Antiochus III starts taking islands in the Mediterranean
IX. 11.18b - A commander shall put an end to his insolence…
A. Lucius Scipio (Rome) defeats Antiochus III in the Battle of Magnesia in 190BC
B. Antiochus is forced to up 20 hostages, including his son, and pay Rome for all of
the money they lost in the battle
X. 11.19 - Then he shall turn his face back…
A. Antiochus III returns home and is killed in 187BC when he tried to take items
from the temple of Zeus to pay Rome
XI. 11.20a - One shall arise in his place...
A. Seleucus IV - 187 - 175BC
XII. 11.20b - ...who shall send an exactor of tribute...he shall be broken
A. Seleucus IV sends a tax collector (Heliodorus) throughout their empire, including
Jerusalem, to take money from temples to continue paying Rome
B. Heliodorus has a vision of mighty angels in Jerusalem and does not take money
C. Heliodorus poisons Seleucus IV

11.21 - 35 - Antiochus Epiphanes IV
I. 11.21a - A contemptible person…
A. Antiochus Epiphanes - 170BC - 163BC
II. 11.21b - To whom royal majesty has not been given
A. Antiochus Epiphanes IV was held in Rome after his father’s loss at Magnesia.
When his father, Antiochus III, dies, Antiochus Epiphanes IV is released from
prison in trade for Seleucus IV’s son, Demetrius I Soter, leaving the throne in the
north open. With Demetrius I Soter in Rome, Antiochus IV takes the throne,
even though it was not his to take.
III. 11.22 - 24
A. 11.22b - The “Prince of the covenant”
1. Onias III - High Priest***
a) Onias III, who favored the south over the north, was the high
priest, but his brother, Jason, favored the north over the south and
wanted to make the Jews worship the Greek gods, not Yahweh
2. Ptolemy VI
IV. 11.24a - Without warning…
A. Antiochus Epiphanes IV sold the office of high priest to Jason and had Onias III
sent into exile
B. Antiochus Epiphanes IV started making it illegal for Jews to worship Yahweh or
celebrate any of their feasts and festivals
V. 11.24b - But only for a short time…
A. Dan. 7.11, 12, 17 - 18, 25 - 27; 8.14, 23b - 25, 9.27
VI. 11.25b - The king of the south shall wage war…
A. Ptolemy VI Philometer - 176 -
VII. 11.26 - Even those who eat his food…
A. Ptolemy VI’s military advisors who advised him to go to war before he was ready
B. Ptolemy VI was defeated by Antiochus Epiphanes IV in 169BC
VIII. 11.27a - As for the two kings…they shall speak lies at the same table
A. King #1 - Antiochus Epiphanes IV - North
B. King #2 - Ptolemy VI - South
C. The two kings pretended to make an alliance and rule Egypt together, both were
lying to each other
IX. 11.27b - ...for the time of the end is yet to be at the time appointed
A. God has an appointed time for both kingdoms to fall
B. Dan. 2.44 - 45; 4.17, 25, 32
X. 11.28 - He shall return to his land…his heart against the holy covenant…
A. Antiochus Epiphanes IV invaded Egypt, but was defeated. While passing
through Jerusalem, he was mocked, and he set his heart against the Jews,
taking away the daily sacrifices - Dan. 8.11
XI. 11.29 - At the appointed time he shall...come into the south
A. Antiochus Epiphanes IV invades Egypt a second time - 168BC
XII. 11.30a - Ships of Kittim shall come against him…and he shall...withdraw
A. Egypt gets help from Rome - Rome sends a man to tell AE IV to go back home

XIII. 11.30b - ...and enraged and take action against the holy covenant…
A. Passing through Jerusalem again, Antiochus IV puts down a Jewish rebellion
against him
B. Some Jews take Antiochus’ side and he spares them ( close attention to
those who forsake the covenant)
XIV. 11.31 - They shall set up the abomination that makes desolate
A. Antiochus puts a Zeus statue in the temple in Jerusalem and offers a pig sacrifice
to Zeus in the Holy of Holies.
XV. 11.32 - He shall seduce with flattery…but the people who know their God...
A. Israelites are divided, some standing with Antiochus, and some standing with
Yahweh - Dan. 8. 12
XVI. 11.33 - 35 - And the wise among the people…
A. Israelites who stood strong against Antiochus and worshiped Yahweh only - Dan.
3.17 - 18
B. The Maccabean family helps Israel fight against Antiochus (...they shall receive
C. Some who stood strong for a time will cave to Antiochus, and true Israelites will
be distinguished from unbelieving Israelites
XVII. 11.35 - Until the time of the end
A. Dan. 7.11, 12, 17 - 18, 25 - 27; 8.14, 23b - 25, 9.27
B. Antiochus Epiphanes IV dies in 163BC


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