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Proceedings of the Thirtieth (2020) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference www.isope.

Shanghai, China, October 11-16, 2020
Copyright © 2020 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE)
ISBN 978-1-880653-84-5; ISSN 1098-6189

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Effect of Subsea Bolt Tightening on Bolt Preload and Slip Factor
Benjamin Ripsch
Fraunhofer Institute for Large Structures in Production Engineering IGP
Rostock, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany
Knuth-Michael Henkel
University of Rostock, Chair of Joining Technology
Rostock, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany

High-strength steel bolts and bolted connections according to general Currently, bolting technologies for offshore oil and naturals gas
European steel construction standards are currently also used in an operations are under great discussion (NAP, 2018). In 2016, the Bureau
underwater environment. Due to recent bolt failures, the practicality of of Safety and Environmental Enforcement released a safety alert
these standards regarding subsea application was investigated. concerning connector and bolt failures as those failures happen
Tightening methods, preload behavior and slip factor were examined frequently and because of their potential for catastrophic events (BSEE,
under water using special testing equipment. It was found that lubrication 2016). Failures of subsea bolted connections are mostly attributed to
of high-strength steel bolt assemblies according the standards applied hydrogen induced environmentally assisted cracking, initial material
does not seem suitable for underwater use. Design surface class of flaws or to fatigue crack propagation supported by the corrosive
specially coated faying surfaces was verified, but seems to be different environment and cathodic protection, though (Omura, 2012;
from regular conditions when determined under water. Chaudhury, 2017; Johnson, 2018).

KEY WORDS: subsea; under water; high-strength steel bolts; preload; However, bolt assemblies from flanges designed as preloaded bolted
slip-factor; self-loosening; lubrication connections and installed under the influence of seawater attracted
attention during the inspection of offshore structures for their being loose
INTRODUCTION at the time of examination. As well as broken bolts, loose bolts present a
potential hazard for offshore personnel, increase maintenance and
The assembly of bolted connections under water or in the so-called operating costs and highlight the need for investigation and action in this
splash zone can sometimes not be avoided during construction and field. The bolts in question have been designed and executed according
maintenance of maritime structures. This can be seen at different parts to Eurocode 3 and EN 1090-2, so the following section shall lay the
of offshore platforms, wind turbine foundations or other hydraulic theoretical foundation for a better understanding of bolted connections
constructions (Fig. 1). For better fatigue performance of the joint, to according to these standards and lead to the experiments conducted.
prevent self-loosening of the bolt assemblies or for structural safety Testing setups were developed to determine bolt preload with different
reasons, bolted joints of these frequently loaded structures are often tightening methods and washer systems as well as to carry out slip factor
designed as preloaded connections (Junker, 1969; Chaudhury, 2017; tests in an underwater environment. Other publications concerning the
Stranghöner, Abraham and Jungbluth, 2018). underwater usability of these kinds of bolts or underwater slip factor tests
in general are not known to the authors.
Friction conditions are of critical importance for design and execution of
these types of connection, as their performance relies on a specific
minimum preload remaining in the pretensioned bolts and a defined
surface friction between faying surfaces. With widely used torque-based
bolt tightening methods in particular, thread friction determines the
amount of preload applied. Still, the possible influence of water on the
tribological system of preloaded bolted connections of steel structures
was not systematically investigated or published openly, yet. In regard
to design and construction of bolted joints exposed to special
environmental conditions like subsea applications, general European
steel construction standards Eurocode 3 and EN 1090-2 do not contain
adequate regulations at present, so the special demands of these types of Figure 1. Bolted connections in the splash zone and under water
connections are presumably sometimes neglected. (1: Sima Charters, 2018; 2: PLARAD, 2020; 3: Atlas Copco, 2015)

DESIGN AND EXECUTION OF BOLTED CONNECTIONS ,! should be taken as stated in Eq. 2 unless specified otherwise, with
ACCORDING TO EUROPEAN STANDARDS being the nominal ultimate tensile strength of the bolt and / being
the tensile stress area of the bolt (see ISO 898-1), also considering
Design of Bolted Connections according to Eurocode 3 controlled tightening in conformity with EN 1090-2. When an additional
axial (tensile) load ', ((, ) is applied, ,! is reduced by an amount of
The Eurocode comprise ten European standards (EN; harmonised 0.8 ∙ ', ((, ) .
technical rules) that define how structural design shall be carried out
within the European Union (EU). Each of these standards consist of a = 0.7 ∙ / (2)
number of parts and is partially adapted to the needs of the respective

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member country by individual National Annexes (NA). Eurocode 3:
Design of steel structures (EN 1993 or informally EC 3) deals with As mentioned, bolted connections that do not require preloading for
different aspects of steel structure design. Part 1-8 of Eurocode 3 reasons of structural safety might be preloaded for serviceability reasons.
(EN 1993-1-8) specifies the design of joints. The preloading level can be lower for these types of connections. For
this reason, the German National Annex of EN 1993-1-8 introduces a
reduced preloading force ,! ∗ relating to the yield strength of the bolt
(Eq. 3) in contrast to the bolts ultimate tensile strength. According to this
National Annex, a preloading force of 50 % ,! ∗ is generally adequate
to prevent self-loosening of bolted connections.

,! ∗ = 0.7 ∙ / (3)

Preloaded Bolted Connections according EN 1090-2 and

EN 14399

EN 1090-2, Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures –

Part 2: Technical requirements for steel structures, specifies
Figure 2. Visualization of bolted connections according to EN 1993-1-8 requirements for execution of steel structures in order to ensure adequate
(based on Stranghöner, Abraham, Jungbluth, Hüller and Machura, 2018) levels of mechanical resistance and stability, serviceability and
durability. For bolted, slip-resistant connections, several aspects of the
According to EN 1993-1-8 there are five different categories of bolted standard have to be emphasized: The choice of the tightening method in
connections. They get divided into a group of shear connections and a relation to the quality of lubrication of the bolt assemblies and the
group of tension connections (Fig. 2). Slip-resistant shear connections of preparation of faying surfaces.
category B/C and preloaded tension connections of category E are
preloaded connections that depend on preloading for reasons of As previously stated, bolt assemblies in accordance with EN 14399-1
structural safety and require controlled tightening in conformity with have to be used for preloaded connections. Products not covered by the
EN 1090-2, whereas bearing type shear connections of category A and harmonized standards can be used when successfully assessed by a
non-preloaded tension connections do not require preloading. However, Technical Assessment Body (Kirchner, 2016), recognizable by CE
for a reduction of slip or deformation, connections of all categories are marking. As specified in EN 14399-1, there are two systems available
preloaded frequently (Stranghöner, Jungbluth, Hüller and Machura, for establishing preloaded connections, systems HR and HV. They are
2016). High-strength steel bolt assemblies of classes 8.8 and 10.9 slightly different in design, resulting in different failure mechanisms
conforming to the requirements of EN 14399-1 shall be used in (Aniello, Cassiano and Raffaele, 2017). Corresponding bolt assemblies
preloaded connections, see Table 1: are generally to be made from steel. For corrosive protection they can be
hot-dip galvanized. The quality of lubrication of bolt assemblies in their
Table 1. Bolt Classes and nominal values of the yield strength and delivery condition is described by their k-class (EN 14399-1). The k-
the ultimate tensile strength for bolts according to EN 1993-1-8 class is assured by lubrication of bolt nuts and lubrication of bolt nuts is
usually realised by molybdenum disulfide coatings (PEINER, 2010).
Bolt Class 4.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.8 8.8 10.9
Table 2. k-classes according to EN 1090-2
in N/mm2 240 300 400 480 640 640 900
in N/mm2 400 400 500 500 600 800 1000 Tightening Method k-class
Torque method K2
For the assessment of slip-resistant connections, the design shear force Combined Method K2 or K1
per bolt Fv,Ed(,ser) needs to be lower than the design slip resistance per
bolt Fs,Rd(,ser), see Eq. 1: HRC tightening method K0 HRD nut or K2
Direct tension indicator (DTI) method K2, K1 or K0
∙ ∙µ
, (, ) ≤ , (, ) = ( ,! − 0.8 ∙ ', ((, )) (1)
(, )
According to EN 1090-2, the k-class defines the tightening method to
) is a reduction factor depending on the shape and size of the hole, being choose for applying the preloading force ,! (Table 2). There are three
) = 1 for normal holes in contrast to e.g. oversized holes. + is the k-classes. For K0, the manufacturer only has to ensure that the delivered
number of friction planes and µ is the slip factor, which depends on the bolting assemblies are lubricated. For k-class K1, the manufacturer must
condition of the friction surface (see EN1090-2). ,-.(, ) is a partial guarantee that the k-values of the bolting assemblies are between ) =
safety factor reducing the design slip resistance per bolt. Preloading force 0.10 and ) = 0.16. For K2, additional statistical evaluations are

required. The k-value is a measure for predominant friction conditions of as-delivered lubrication, unless direct tension indicator method for
the bolt assembly and is defined as follows according to EN 14399-2 tightening is adopted or a calibration test for preloaded bolts under site
(Eq. 4): conditions is performed. It is also noted that in case of uncontrolled
exposure conditions, the performance of the lubrication might be altered
-67 and should be checked. Both, contact surfaces free from contamination
)5 = (4)
86,9∙( and quality of lubrication can hardly be guaranteed under the special
environmental conditions of underwater assembly of bolted connections.
: 5 is the individual value of the torque at which the bolt force has first
reached the value of ,! when tightened, ; is the nominal thread In addition, it shall be mentioned that there are German national

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diameter of the bolt. Looking at Eq. 4 it is obvious that when there is less standards DIN 19704-1 and DIN 19704-2 concerning design and
friction involved, meaning a lower value of )5 , less torque is necessary manufacturing of hydraulic steel structures. They are generally referring
to achieve the same amount of preloading force when using the same to Eurocode 3 and EN 1990-2 and explicitly prohibit the use of slip-
diameter bolt. resistant connections, reasoning that contact surfaces might be prone to
corrosion. Offshore steel structures are excluded from the scope of
With K1 bolt assemblies being the most accessible and also most application of these standards, though. Besides, the Federal Maritime
commonly used in certain areas, the combined method would have to be and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) released a design standard (Minimum
used to assure adequate tightening regarding a preloading level of ,! . requirements concerning the constructive design of offshore structures
In this matter, the torque method is not an option for tightening of K1 within the Exclusive Economic Zone) exclusively dealing with issues
bolt assemblies. The combined method comprises two steps, the first one regarding offshore structures. The standard generally refers to
being torque-based and the second one requiring an additional rotation EN 1090-2 and Eurocode 3 as well, taking into account additional
of the turned part to a certain degree. This way, a high level of preloading aspects that come with the special challenges of design and operation
with low spread amongst the preloading force of multiple bolts is conditions in the marine environment, e.g. adapting partial safety factors
assured. However, according to the German National Annex of for fatigue verifications of components permanently under water (BSH,
EN 1993-1-8, the reduced preloading force ,! ∗ (Eq. 3) can be applied 2015). Again, specific remarks concerning the tightening of bolted
to K1 bolt assemblies in two consecutive torque-based tightening steps connections under water cannot be found in this standard. However,
by using the so-called modified torque method. This method holds on to there is the ISO 19900 series of standards for offshore structures of
historical practices and might still be the preferred way for establishing petroleum and natural gas industries recommending different tightening
even slip-resistant connections for many manufacturers today. methods and bolts for underwater structures (see below). None of the
Preloading forces vary a lot more between multiple bolts tightened with standards mentioned before refer to the ISO 19900 series of standards.
the modified torque method and are generally lower compared to results
of bolts tightened with the combined method. (Stranghöner, Schiborr, Importance of Friction and Integrity of Bolted Connections
Glienke, Wanner and Ulbrich, 2013).
As the previous explanations demonstrate, friction is the key factor in
Table 3. Classifications for faying surfaces according to EN 1090-2 design, construction and performance of preloaded bolted connections.
In design, preloading force and slip factor are considered in calculating
Surface treatment Class Slip factor (µ) the slip resistance per bolt. Regarding construction, thread friction in
particular depends on the lubrication of the bolt assemblies and
Surfaces blasted with shot or grit with loose A 0.50
determines the amount of preload applied, especially for torque based
rust removed, not pitted.
Surfaces blasted with shot or grit; B 0.40
tightening methods. Concerning the bolted connections performance, as
a) spray-metallized with aluminum or zinc well as the preloading force actually applied the friction in between
based product faying surfaces can be essential for maintaining structural safety.
b) with alkali-zinc silicate paint with a
thickness of 50 μm to 80 μm A lot of research was done regarding the integrity of bolted connections
Surfaces cleaned by wire brush or flame C 0.30 of steel constructions: Investigations were conducted to examine the
cleaning, with loose rust removed influence of different factors on the preloading level achievable and
Surfaces as rolled D 0.20 corresponding preload losses. The tightening method, the kinds of
fastener or bolt assemblies used and the kind of surface preparation of
Regarding the condition of faying surfaces, EN 1090-2 structures the faying surfaces were the varying parameters in these examinations
surfaces into four groups according to their treatment (Table 3). For (Baptista, Missoum, Muzeau and Ryan, 1997; Ebert, Dörre and Glienke,
alternative surface treatments, the slip factor µ must be established by 2017; Stranghöner, Makevicius, Henkel, Glienke and Dörre, 2018; RFCS,
slip tests, as described in Annex G of EN 1090-2. For painted contact 2019). Torque was shown to be an inaccurate metric for assuring the
surfaces, the maximum dry coating thickness shall be 80 µm (see actual preload of bolts, even under regular assembly conditions. (Brown,
EN 1090-2, Annex F). According to Annex I of EN 1090-2, preload Morrow, Durbin and Baca, 2008; Stranghöner, Makevicius, Henkel,
losses caused by relaxation or creeping of up to ten percent are already Glienke and Dörre, 2018). Various kinds of surface preparation and
considered in regard to to the tightening methods mentioned earlier surface coatings were examined to determine their influence on the
(Table 2) and adequate dry coating thicknesses. Furthermore, before faying surfaces slip factor and different ways of slip factor testing were
commencement of preloading, the connected components shall be fitted examined (Cruz, Simoes and Alves, 2012; Ebert, Glienke, Dörre and
together and the residual gap shall be limited to 2 mm. Henkel, 2019). Also, studies analysing the influence of corrosion on slip
factor and fatigue life of bolted connections are available (Paolo,
With respect to subsea tightening of bolted connections, no special Curtarello, Maiorana and Pellegrino, 2017; Maiorana, Paolo and
remarks are made in EN 1090-2. Nevertheless, it is stated that contact Pellegrino, 2018). Furthermore, the effect of self-loosening was
surfaces of slip resistant connections shall be free from all contaminants, investigated intensively (Junker, 1969; Zhang, Jiang and Lee, 2007;
such as oil, dirt, paint, rust or other loose materials. Additionally, high- Chen, Gao and Guan, 2017). Several studies were done to determine the
strength steel bolts for preloading shall be used without alteration to the influence of imperfect contact surfaces (lack of fit) on bolted connections

(Bucher and Ebert, 2000; Feldmann and Naumes, 2011). Imperfections
were proven to be detrimental especially for slip-resistant joints by
reducing the preloading applied (Mann and Morris, 1984). Different
products are available to reduce the risk of self-loosening (Fig. 3), e.g.
special kinds of washers with cams facing each other and serrations
gripping the contact surfaces (wedge lock washers, e.g. HEICO®, 2018
and Nord-Lock Group, 2019) or washers enabling coaxial torqueing
without the need of an reaction arm for higher preloading levels
(HYTORC®, 2016).

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Figure 4. Experimental setup for underwater tightening (front view)

A specimen comprised two steel plates (EN 10025-2 – S355J2+N) with

a thickness t of 30 mm and three sets of bolts each. The plates were grit
blasted (cleanliness level Sa 3 acc. to ISO 8501) and coated with two-
phase alloy zinc-aluminium (Zn-Al 85-15: 85 % zinc, 15 % aluminium)
Figure 3. Washer systems for high-strength steel bolts
by thermal spray according to industry standards to represent typical
flange coatings of offshore constructions located in the splash zone and
Besides Eurocode 3 and EN 1090-2, there are additional tightening
under water (e.g. boat landing flanges). Mean dry film thickness DFT
methods available promised to obtain a level of preload near the yield
was 67 µm. HV assemblies according to EN 14399-4 with different
strength of the bolt material with less variance over multiple bolts
kinds of washers underneath bolt head and bolt nut were used. The HV
tightened, such as the yield-point controlled method (Junkers, 2015;
assemblies were hot-dip galvanized (tZn) according to ISO 10684 and
HYTORC®, 2018) or bolt tensioning methods (for subsea use see: SKF,
labeled to be of k-Class K1 (delivery condition). Assembly and
2009; Atlas Copco, 2015). ISO 19902 advises the use of tensioners and
tightening of the bolts were done under water inside a water basin. The
simultaneous tightening of multiple bolts for bolted connections of
bolts were tightened in an upright position whilst the steel plates were
bottom founded offshore steel structures. Bolts according to BS 4882 are
resting on a mounting pad. Regarding European regulations, the
required (ISO 19902). These recommendations are not reflected in
modified torque method (EN 1090-2) and the combined method
general construction standards Eurocode 3 or EN 1090-2.
(DIN EN 1993-1-8/NA) were used. A hydraulic torque wrench with an
angle sensor and a hydraulic pump conforming to the demands of
Concerning the assembly of bolted connections under water, a number
VDI/VDE 2862 Blatt2:2015-02 were used to ensure accurate torque and
of investigations not related to Eurocode 3 or EN 1090-2 dealing with
angle. Additionally, bolts were tightened with the yield-point controlled
different kinds of bolts (design and material) for subsea applications and
method using the same tightening setup. As each specimen contained
the corresponding bolt failure mechanisms are publicly available, often
three bolts, the neighbouring bolts supported the reaction arm of the
with a focus on corrosive behaviour and hydrogen assisted cracking
torque wrench. With the HYTORC® washer system, using a reaction arm
(Hasson and Crowe, 1988; Aylor, Bowles and Tregoning, 1997; Ross,
was not necessary, but a special torque wrench socket had to be used. All
1990; Ross, 2000; Esaklul and Ahmed, 2009; Omura, 2012; Meikle,
assemblies were tightened by turning the nut.
Tadolini, Sainsbury and Bolton, 2018; Johnson, 2018; NAP, 2018).
However, for subsea applications of preloaded bolted connections
Table 4. Testing schedule for tightening and preload measurements
according to Eurocode 3 and EN 1090-2, it is evident to investigate the
influence of water on the preloading level in regard to tightening method
and bolt assembly lubrication as well as to determine the slip resistance Medium De-ionized water + 3.5 % sodium chloride
per bolt depending on the slip factor of the faying surfaces, which might Plates EN 10025-2 – S355J2+N (t = 30 mm)
be influenced by the presence of water, too. Still, no corresponding Zn-Al 85-15
research could be found. Regarding the originally addressed problem of Coating (mean DFT mx = 67 µm, sx = 9.6 µm, n = 720)
self-loosening bolts, ensuring a certain amount of preload (50 % ,! Bolt/nut Instrumented HV bolt and nut assemblies
according to DIN EN 1993-1-8/NA) or the prevention of slip at the assemblies (EN 14399-4 – M27 x 100 – 10.9/10 – HV – tZn – K1)
faying surfaces (slip-resistant connections) could prevent this Plain chamfered
HYTORC® washer
phenomenon (Stranghöner, Makevicius, Henkel, Glienke and Dörre, washers Wedge lock
system (zWasher
Washers (EN 14399-6 – 27 – Washers
2018). Additionally, the use of alternative kinds of washers is an option and Backup washer)
to be considered, as the effect might still occur under certain conditions tZn)
even when some contact facets are stuck (creep slip phenomenon, see
Modified torque method

Modified torque method

Modified torque method

Yield-point controlled

Yield-point controlled

Yield-point controlled
(DIN EN 1993/NA)

(DIN EN 1993/NA)

Chen, Gao and Guan, 2017).

Combined method

Combined method

Combined method

(EN 1090-2)

(EN 1090-2)




Preload Measurements of Bolts Tightened Under Water

In order to determine the influence of water on preloading and preloading

losses, a number of bolted connections were established under water and
*Specific tightening recommendations and preload level Fp,C,SC for
under experimental conditions (Fig. 4). To simulate a saltwater
wedge lock washers (European Technical Approval ETA-13/0246)
environment, 3.5 % sodium chloride were added to de-ionized water.

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Figure 5: Experimental setup for slip factor tests 3.5 % sodium chloride added). Bolts were tightened with a wrench up to
a preload level of ,! < 5 %, which equals 110 )= < 5 % for M16 HV
Table 4 summarizes the testing schedule. To measure bolt strain and the bolts. Again, bolts instrumented with strain gauges were sealed for
respective preloading, the bolts were instrumented with commercially underwater application and used for preload measurement, so preload
available strain gauges especially designed for the application inside of could be monitored while tightening. The plates were coated with Zn-Al
bolt shanks. Each instrumented bolt was calibrated individually. For this 85-15 by thermal spray as well. Mean dry film thickness was 117 µm.
purpose, the bolts were put in a tensile testing machine and loaded to the As stated in EN 1090-2, the coating of the test specimens shall be at least
elastic range of the steel. The relationship between load and voltage 25 % thicker than the nominal thickness specified for use in the structure,
change was established by linear regression analysis. Leads and cables which, again, is 80 µm for slip resitant connections. For reference, a
coming out of the bolts heads were sealed waterproof. Finding a proper second series of tests was conducted under regular conditions (meaning
strain gauge sealing lasting for the measuring period was a trial and error not under water) using the same testing setup. The testing specifications
process. Finally, satisfactory sealing could be achieved by using a two- as well as the general testing procedure for slip factor testing according
component epoxy adhesive. After tightening, the bolts preload was to EN 1090-2 are summarized in Table 5.
measured continuously for 72 hours to determine preload losses from
static loading (bolt preload) and to be able to extrapolate preload losses Table 5. Testing specifications and procedure of slip load testing
to an offshore structures design life (25 years) according to common
practices (Stranghöner, Makevicius, Henkel, Glienke and Dörre, 2018). Medium De-ionized water + 3.5 % sodium chloride

Underwater Slip Factor Tests Plates EN 10025-2 – S355J2+N

Zn-Al 85-15
Coating (mean DFT mx = 117 µm, sx = 28.9 µm, n = 1692)
In order to determine the influence of water on the slip factor and to
verify the corresponding surface class according to EN 1090-2, a series Bolt/nut Instrumented HV bolt and nut assemblies
of slip factor tests according to Annex G of EN 1090-2 were performed assemblies (EN 14399-4 – M16 x 60 – 10.9/10 – HV – tZn – K1)
under water utilizing a newly developed testing setup (see Fig. 5): A Plain chamfered washers
Washers (EN 14399-6 – 16 – tZn)
water tank was installed onto the machine bed of the testing machine.
The upper and lower testing machine mounts for fastening of the test Preload 110 )= < 5 % = ,! <5%
specimens were realized by tensile connections using high-strength steel Slip factor testing acc. to Annex G of EN 1090-2:2018
bolts. Slip was measured as the relative displacement between the cover
Quasi-static slip factor tests
and center plates of the specimens. According to EN 1090-2 the Step 1 (determination of >? , n = 4)
displacement has to be measured at the side of the plates. Since the test Creep test
specimens comprise two center plates and two cover plates with two Step 2 (verification of 90 % >? , n = 1)
sides each, eight measurements must be taken. LVDTs (linear variable Extended creep tests
differential transformators) were used for measuring the displacement at Step 3 (verification of reduced slip factor if necessary, nmin = 3)
specific points of the specimens in accordance with EN 1090-2. A
special rack was developed to attach the LVDTs to the specimen plates. Slip factor testing is a three-step procedure according to EN 1090-2:
The fixtures of the rack were positioned in the center of the lower and First, four quasi-static slip factor tests have to be done to determine slip
upper bolt groups. The rack was extended upwards so that the actual load mean value >? . The fifth specimen is subjected to a creep test
brackets and supports of the LVDTs were positioned above water level under static load (90 % >? ). When the slip difference between the
inside the water tank. This way, regular, non-waterproof LVDTs could record slip at five minutes and at three hours after application of the full
be used. When transmitting the displacement to the LVDTs, the load exceeds 0.002 mm during this creep test, at least three more
individual elements of the rack did not interfere with each other. specimens have to be subjected to an extended creep test. The plot of a
Standard test specimens according to EN 1090-2 for M16 bolting “displacement - log time” curve shall then demonstrate that the load
assemblies were used. The influence of the specimen geometry on the determined using the proposed slip factor will not cause displacements
determination of the slip factor is generally negligible. The specimens greater than 0.3 mm over the course of the structures design life.
were assembled and tightened under water (de-ionized water with

EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS nuts from lubrication by assembling the connections underwater are
possible explanations for this phenomenon. As with the combined
Preload Measurement Results method an additional angle is applied to the already pre-tightened nut,
this method is not relying on bolt lubrication as much as torque based
The test results of the preload measurements are displayed in Fig. 6. The methods, so the higher bolt preloads of bolts tightened with this method
varying number of evaluable tests can be ascribed to strain gauge defects are reasonable. The same applies to bolts tightened with the yield-point
caused by water penetration. For both the bolts tightened with the controlled method, as the bolting process is terminated immediatley
combined method and the bolts tightened with the yield point controlled when the programmed relative gradient threshold for the linear gradient
method, mean initial bolt preload A was measured at a sufficiently high of the tightening process (50 % of torque-angle slope) is exceeded

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level relative to design preload ,! ( ,!,>! for wedge lock washers, (Junkers, 2015). However, higher coefficients of friction might result in
respectively). Taking into account preload losses of these connections higher torsional shear stresses inside the bolts when the same amount of
extrapolated to the constructions design life of 25 years, bolt preload preload is reached. For these bolts there is a risk of overload failure
does not fall below preload design level either. This applies to all washer (Kloos and Thomala, 2007). This should be prevented by yield-point
systems used. However, tightening bolts with the modified torque controlled tightening, but cannot be assured for the combined method.
method according to German National Annex of EN 1993-1-8 does not
deliver satisfactory results. With this torque-based method, mean initial
bolt preload is below design level for all washer systems used. Using the
zWasher/Backup washer system in torque based tightening results in
higher mean bolt preload, but still mean initial bolt preload does not
reach preload design level when tightened under water.

Figure 7: Preload measurement results in relative mean values

Looking at the relative preload deviations from design preload level

(Fig. 7), it is noticable that the relative amount of preload losses seems
to be independent of absolute bolt preload level A . This is congruent
with similar investigations concerning comparable connections
assembled and tightened under regular conditions (Stranghöner,
Makevicius, Henkel, Glienke and Dörre, 2018) and applies for all test
series, though for wedge lock washers it seems that lower initial bolt
preload is correlating with preload losses higher than usual. Reason
could be the difference in geometry of wedge lock washers compared to
plain chamfered washers and to zWasher/Backup washers. Furthermore,
the additional gap between each wedge lock washers two components
can be accounted for higher preload losses with wedge lock washers in
general. In order to obtain a final statement on this effect, the tightening
behaviour of wedge lock washers would have to be investigated further,
which was not part of this research. Gernerally, mean preload losses
seem to be accumulating to an amount of 10 % to 15 % over the course
Figure 6: Preload measurement results in absolute values of 25 years compared to the mean initial bolt preload. As expected the
amount of preload loss does not seem to be influenced by the presence
Even though under regular conditions torque based tightening can also of water when comparing the results to tests done under regular
fall short in regard to the bolt preload achived (Stranghöner, Makevicius, conditions with HV assemblies of similar dimensions, clamp lenghts and
Henkel, Glienke and Dörre, 2018), the bolt preloads measured after plate surface coatings. For these reference connections preload losses
underwater assembly show severe shortcommings of this tightening were at around 10 % to 15 % as well (Stranghöner, Makevicius, Henkel,
method for subsea application. The results are indicating higher Glienke and Dörre, 2018). Considering the originally adressed problem
coefficients of friction when tightening under water than assumed and of self-losening bolts at offshore constructions it must be said that
guaranteed by the manufacturer with assuring the bolt assembly k-class. affected bolts were tightened by torque, so insufficient bolt preload
A reaction of water with the lubrication of the nuts or even rinsing the might have enabled the effect.

Table 6. Results of slip factor testing

Slip factor testing results – underwater Slip factor testing results – regular conditions
Slip factor test 1 2 3 4 Slip factor test 1 2 3 4
Fsi (top) 225.7 kN 259.9 kN 225.5 kN 283.2 kN Fsi (top) 314.3 kN 272.5 kN 316.9 kN 288.8 kN
Fsi (bottom) 256.0 kN 236.6 kN 228.0 kN 269.2 kN Fsi (bottom) 279.8 kN 293.5 kN 315.6 kN 305.2 kN
Fsm 248.04 kN Fsm 298.31 kN

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Failed at 223.2 kN tensile load (90 % Fsm) Failed at 268.5 kN tensile load (90 % Fsm)
Creep test (CT) 0.002 mm < displacement < 0.15 mm
Creep test (CT) displacement > 0.15 mm
n B in kN sFs s (sFs/ B) n B in kN sFs s (sFs/ B)
Statistics Statistics
4 248 kN 22.14 8.9 % 5 292.3 kN 18.69 6.4 %
1 2 3 1 2 3
Extended 217 kN load; 244 kN load; 204 kN load; Extended 239 kN load; 204 kN load; 176 kN load;
creep tests upper joint upper joint both joints creep tests both joints both joints both joints
failed failed passed failed failed passed
Slip factor µ 0.46 Surface class B Slip factor µ 0,40 Surface class B

Slip Factor Test Results be an issue. Still, the use of wedge lock washers might be another option
to prevent self-loosening. Investigations on alternative kinds of bolt
Results oft the slip factor tests are summarized in Table 6. Surface class assembly lubrication should be done in case HV assemblies and torque
B according to EN 1090-2 could be verified under regular conditions and based tightening are still the preferred way to establish subsea bolted
also with tests conducted under water. However, the specimens failure connections. As experimentally determined preloads varied widely and
mode was different: The samples tested under water began to slip slowly no final conclusion on the influence of bolt size or the effect of different
until the middle plates suddenly gave way and came to rest at the shafts medium compositions can be drawn yet, no recommendations regarding
of the bolts. Under regular conditions, continuous slipping could be seen a safety factor to apply for underwater bolt torqueing can be given.
until bolt contact was reached. Slip load mean value ? was higher for Additionally, slip factor tests were performed under water to determine
the specimens tested underwater. It has to be noted, that s (standard the influence of water on the coating surface class. Surface class B could
deviation for slip load expressed as percentage from mean slip load be verified under regular conditions and under water. Yet, failure
value) is slightly higher for the underwater series than the 8 % limit behaviour of the specimens was different when tested under water
stated in EN 1090-2, so additional slip factor tests would have to be compared to regular conditions. Further investigations are necessary to
conducted, but due to the failed creep test extended creep tests had to be explain the individual phenomena seen. According to offshore specific
carried out anyway. Surprisingly, at a tensile load of 204 kN the standards of petroleum and natural gas industries, different fasteners and
specimen tested under regular conditions did not pass the extended creep tightening methods (bolt tensioners) are generally recommended for
test (ECT) while the specimen tested under water did. The third under water applications.
specimen tested under regular testing conditions (ECT) was subjected to
the minimum load for the creep test to verify surface class B and passed ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the test, so the actual slip factor value might be a bit higher. Besides,
several bolts failed due to overload while tightening before reaching The investigations were made within the IGF research project 19.675 B
design preload level. Torsion fractures could be seen at the first free, of the Research Association on Welding and Allied Processes of the
loaded threads underneath the bolt nuts, which is an unusual failure mode DVS and has been funded by the AiF within the program for sponsorship
for HV assemblies. This did not happen while tightening the M27 bolts, by Industrial Joint Research (IGF) of the German Federal Ministry of
so the dimension of bolts seem to be of importance for this kind of Economic Affairs and Energy based on an enactment of the German
failure. Additional bolt assembly lubrication solved the issue. For the slip Parliament.
factor tests conducted only the level of preload was important and not
the maintenance of the bolts delivery condition. REFERENCES

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