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Name: _______________________

11 Computer Roll #:
Time: 30Min; Marks: 30
ICS 1st Year: CH#03,05
Q1) Choose the most appropriate op on. Cu ng / overwri ng is not allowed: 30 Marks
i) Which register holds the address of the next instruc on to be fetched for execu on:
ii) Is a small high speed memory inside CPU
A) RAM B) ROM C) Cache D) Register
iii) CU stands for
A) Control Unit B) cache unit C) calcula on unit D) communica on unit
iv) Which of the following transmits voice and data through air as high-frequency radio waves
A) Twisted pair B) Coaxial cable C) fiber-op c cable D) Microwave
v) How many characters ASCII 7-bit code can represent?
A) 128 B) 256 C) 500 D) 364
vi) The device that receives data:
A) Source B) Sink C) Transmi er D) Encoder
vii) A set of instruc ons that run the computer are
A) Hardware B) Document C) CPUs D) So ware
viii) A type of communica on that sends data using flow control to synchronize data between sender and
A) Asynchronous B) Synchronous C) Isochronous D) Monochronous
transmission transmission transmission transmission
ix) The piece of hardware that permanently holds data and programs is called ____
A) Primary storage B) CPU C) secondary storage D) output
x) Analog signal is measured in:
A) Hertz B) bit C) Volts D) None
xi) Which of the following coding scheme uses 4-bit code:
xii) The process of conver ng digital signals into analog signals by a modem is:
A) Demodula on B) Modula on C) Merging D) Mixing
xiii) Which one is a fastest memory / storage
A) Disk B) RAM C) ROM D) Cache
xiv) Amplitude is the characteris c of:
A) Digital signal B) Analog signal C) Parallel signal D) Serial transmission
xv) Physical path that connects the source and receiver is known as:
A) Communica on channel B) Decoder C) Encoder D) Self-tes ng
xvi) Memory is made up of ____
A) Set of wires B) set of circuits C) cells D) BIOS
xvii) A telephone is an example of:
A) Simplex mode B) half duplex mode C) full duplex mode D) none of them
xviii)A data bus with 32 lines can transfer which data at a me
A) 32 bits B) 32 bytes C) 4 bytes D) Both A & C
xix) CPU is also called :
A) ALU B) CU C) Processor D) Bus
xx) EBCDIC is ____ bit code
A) 4-bit B) 6-bit C) 7-bit D) 8-bit
xxi) BIT stands for:
A) Binary tree B) Binary digit C) Binary integer D) Binary interval
xxii) There are ______ types of accumula ve register:
A) Two B) Three C) four D) None of them
xxiii)Extra segment register deals with:
A) Stacks data B) I/O units C) Mathema cal data D) Variables
xxiv)The components of computer that is used to connect different parts of computer together is called
A) Registers B) I/O unit C) bus interconnec on D) CPU

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