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Paper 1 Assignment- 10 O Level Max.

Marks: 40

Answer the multiple choice questions in the answer sheet attached.

1. The mass and volume of four different objects are plotted as shown. Which object has

the smallest density?

2. A cyclist takes a ride lasting 25 s. The diagram shows how her distance travelled from

the starting position varies with time.

What is her average speed for the whole ride?

A 6.0 m / s B 7.5 m / s C 10.0 m / s D 11.0 m / s

3. Four forces act at a point as shown.

What is the size of the resultant force?

A 0N B 4N C 6N D 8N

4. A uniform beam is pivoted at its centre. Two weights are placed on the beam in the

positions shown and the beam is balanced by an upward force F.

What is the size of F?

A6N B 12 N C 30 N D 60 N

5. When a car turns a corner at speed, it risks toppling over. Two factors affecting the

stability of a car are the height of its centre of mass and the distance between its front

wheels. Which factors make the car most stable?

6. The diagrams show liquids in containers. Which column of liquid exerts the greatest

pressure on the base of its container?

7. The pressure of a gas in a cylinder is found using a water manometer.

The density of water is 1000 kg / m3 and the gravitational field strength g is 10 N / kg. What

is the pressure, above atmospheric pressure, of the gas in the cylinder?

A 200 Pa B 2000 Pa C 20 000 Pa D 200 000 Pa

8. The energy output of a generator depends on its efficiency and the energy input. Which

set of values is correct?

9. Three objects P, Q and R have different masses and different speeds as shown in the


What is the order of increasing kinetic energy (smallest first) of the objects?


10. Energy from petrol is used to operate an engine. The engine drives a generator, which

produces electrical energy.

What is the overall efficiency of the process?

A 25 % B 30 % C 55 % D 83 %

11. A piston is supported by gas trapped in a cylinder.

A weight is put on the piston. The volume of gas supporting the piston decreases but the

temperature of the gas is unchanged. What happens to the molecules?

A They hit the piston more frequently. B They move more slowly.

C They have a smaller size. D They have more kinetic energy.

12. An electrical heater is placed in a beaker of cold oil, as shown.

The heater is switched on. What happens to the liquid at X?

A It becomes less dense and falls. B It becomes less dense and rises.

C It becomes more dense and falls. D It becomes more dense and rises.

13. In a liquid-in-glass thermometer, the liquid column is 2.0 cm long at 0 °C and it expands

10.0 cm when heated to 100 °C.

Measuring from P, how long is the liquid column at 30 °C?

A 2.3 cm B 3.0 cm C 5.0 cm D 7.0 cm

14. The diagram shows a frozen pond with the surface of the ice slowly melting as heat is

from the warmer air above it.

By which processes is heat transferred from the air to the ice?

A conduction, convection and radiation B conduction and convection only

C convection and radiation only D radiation and conduction only

15. A substance has a melting point of –17 °C and a boiling point of 117 °C. In which state

does the substance exist at –10 °C and at 110 °C?

16. A sealed gas cylinder is left outside on a hot, sunny day. What happens to the average

speed of the molecules and to the pressure of the gas in the cylinder as the temperature


17. A guitar string is made to vibrate. What makes the pitch of the note rise?

A a decrease in the amplitude of vibration B a decrease in the frequency of


C an increase in the amplitude of vibration D an increase in the frequency of


18. Ultrasound has many uses. For what are ultrasound waves used?

A killing cancerous cells B pre-natal scanning

C sunbeds D telephones

19. The diagram shows the refraction of water waves in a ripple tank. The water is

shallower above the glass sheet.

When crossing into the shallower region, what is the effect on the frequency and on the

speed of the waves?

20. A ray of light is incident on the surface of a glass block, as shown in the diagram below.

The refractive index of the glass is 1.5. The light ray changes direction when entering the

glass. What is the angle x through which the ray moves?

A 30° B 28° C 17° D 15°

21. A plastic tube is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.4. Light travelling in the plastic

tube strikes the inside surface at an angle of incidence of 70°. The light undergoes total

internal reflection.

What describes the values of the critical angle in the plastic and the refractive index of the


22. The diagram shows an object on the principal axis of a converging (convex) lens. A

principal focus of the lens is at F.

Where is the image formed by the lens?

A between O and F B between F and Q C at Q

D to the right of Q

23. A ray of light meets the face of a glass block at an angle of 30° as shown.

The refractive index of the glass is 1.5. What is the angle of refraction r inside the glass


A 19° B 20° C 35° D 40°

24. Light travels through a glass block as shown. Which angle is the critical angle for light in

the glass?

25. Three identical cells are connected in parallel to a resistor.What is the advantage of

using three cells in parallel, rather than using a single cell?

A Each cell produces more energy. B Each cell supplies more charge.
C Each cell takes longer to run down. D The total electromotive force (e.m.f.) is


26. The circuit shows three resistors connected to a cell.

The resistors have different values of resistance. V 1 and V2 are potential differences and I1

and I2 are currents as shown. Which pair of relationships is correct?

A I1 = I2 and V1 = V2 B I1 = I2 and V1 ≠ V2

C I1 ≠ I2 and V1 = V2 D I1 ≠ I2 and V1 ≠ V2

27. A metal sphere is connected to earth. A positively charged rod approaches the sphere

and stops before touching it.

What is the movement of charge on the sphere and what is the final charge on the sphere?

28. Which diagram correctly shows the electric field between two charged spheres?

29. The circuit shown in the diagram contains an unknown component X, hidden in a box.

The voltage-current graph for X is as shown.

What is the component X?

A a capacitor B a closed switch

C an open switch D a resistor of constant resistance

30. One end of a rod picks up the N-pole of a bar magnet when in position 1. The same end

of the rod picks up the S-pole of the bar magnet when in position 2.

Which material is the rod made from and what is the pole at end P of the rod when in

position 1?

31. The diagram shows a current-carrying wire in a horizontal magnetic field. Which arrow

shows the direction of the force experienced by the wire?

32. A transformer is used to operate a 12 V lamp from a 250 V mains supply.

The mains current is 0.10 A. The current in the lamp is 2.0 A. What is the efficiency of the


A 0.048 B 0.050 C 0.96 D 1.04

33. The diagram shows the N-pole of a magnet moving into, and out of, a coil of wire.

This movement produces a current in the coil of wire. The current produces a magnetic pole

at X. Which pole is produced at X when the magnet is moved in and when it is moved out?

34. Why is a transformer used to connect a generator in a power station to a long distance

transmission line?

A to decrease the voltage and decrease the current

B to decrease the voltage and increase the current

C to increase the voltage and decrease the current

D to increase the voltage and increase the current

35. The half-life of a radioactive isotope is 24 hours. A sample of this isotope produces an

initial count rate of 720 counts per second. How long does it take for the count rate to fall to

90 counts per second?

A 3 hours B 72 hours C 96 hours D 192 hours

36. Alpha-particles pass through an electric field or a magnetic field.

How is the path of the particles affected by these fields?

37. The table shows details of two samples of radioactive nuclides X and Y.

After how many days will the number of atoms of nuclide X be equal to the number of

atoms of nuclide Y?

A 2 days B 4 days C 6 days D 8 days

38. A radioactive material decays by this process:

What is particle x?

A an electron B a helium nucleus C a neutron D a proton

39. Proton number is another name for atomic number. Nucleon number is another name

for mass number. What are isotopes?

A nuclei with different proton numbers and different nucleon numbers

B nuclei with different proton numbers and the same nucleon number

C nuclei with the same proton number and different nucleon numbers

D nuclei with the same proton number and the same nucleon number

40. The diagram shows a combination of logic gates.

Input P is at a logic state 0 (low) and input Q is at a logic state 1 (high). What are the logic

states at output X and at output Y?


NAME: ……Roselyn Trixie M.…………………………

CLASS: ………10A………………………….

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Ans:D Ans:C Ans:B Ans:B Ans:D

Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q 10

Ans:B Ans:B Ans:A Ans:A Ans:B

Q 11 Q 12 Q 13 Q 14 Q 15

Ans:A Ans:B Ans:C Ans:D Ans:B

Q1 6 Q 17 Q 18 Q 19 Q 20

Ans:C Ans:B Ans:B Ans:A Ans:C

Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25

Ans:C Ans:C Ans:C Ans:B Ans:A

Q26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30

Ans:C Ans:D Ans:B Ans:D Ans:B

Q31 Q32 Q33 Q34 Q35

Ans:C Ans:C Ans:B Ans:D Ans:B

Q36 Q37 Q38 Q39 Q40

Ans:A Ans:D Ans:A Ans:C Ans:A


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