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r0.0, ~ Fay soibend Sis Boot eoesenenssipeiD Tamil Nadu Open University #577, Anna Salai, ‘Saidapet, Chennai - 600 015. \ Assignment Submission Form eee ee ee eee Enrolment Number reget Name : Shri/Smt/Kum R. Ralersva ae Subject Code | ME Subject Tittle [ Heevory cape Study Centre Code |_2£8200! | vcore ae (Saal Submission of Year U Yr | WYr aa) At NE Please Tick Total No. of Pages hye student Signature|_R-Ralati-— Submission Date SESE T TT TTS 1931 in the yeor ty tho- Suggestion Ac Aponse Jocvig ghowlel_ sorte basis a WS cxiteism. peconkig ® vollel* Aller ideo af poetry » Your nom with tous poctay must about PP PL PIZ PIS LSP SLITS SOT ISIS DSSS SS to acctucdity , ue mul on fo actral , 0% be in relation to Life, be tuk Off Faow eal it aust not uum , it guovtel be newmol haath and Sanity, be. personal olrcams and be ng TESST SSS T TSS SSS S OOOO OT Saoen @ joke in He bt O Shoop * wn Paes atts eel cabizahon » & SOnSHOUS Posrttea ly rete A 1 tonere’ F ge oot 1 muest bof | The language ould wot Platte, , a, sil som SPO at & Gi ord shall mol be weret mane, 1 amid atk ys tO ad y Position mere abstractly.” To his reply, leovis eoprsses |, sis om. Pe Bibatplinn. of Likeroary Critteing ard pleads thet by mahing Preetse disey critions | be bes dinnenol leis theory bene Says thet Uteretiane. Cortbcetam — fy “A olistinct quite — hifPoveut From phils ord ths Speculations” oy Yeodlig ae ma i cc ee level Pom 4 Jo-reasda ol by Philosophy. the Cxttic is the deol leader Af Veoh, en ain, 1D Crcamod vorth Rveluabion , but Juckgames Pe ard sensitively as R fs complete uy Agolixe oF possible. experiance. that gh us the words. AC ording ft, “wim Sta business qd the Uterony crite & to ottoin Pecalioa complete 2% af yospensz + A crt glould fist obser tha pet vy auth Lionas for tho cpromar tory | H gave = ema 4 Proctice Looms dofond las by pointing anumphom — Ag. out — that lus critical idiot Such les wok Saf TOO var becouse thoy geamod bo ff ony vse. a. theuglt bottey’ He tog w preses imphicct wu gerosabitios , it too hurosy to t had Prov dod Somaths it alg thot the best ta a ' yon +honaa te ae ree > ora ticol prncple : 1 te thew «then a CR eee NN Os TOM C Te TOOT TMNT NTN THEO eee @ practical criticism. pork po belives voorking in | f disesssig He aet wit Follow His mothed Pl catch Rie! 8) «lg ik? Bears Such a ne tte, Hane EE ST note Ap abstract Stetim) whoreos teduco las Pri ould be to tha usery aod was. ‘Them * cfumsy ard in adaqui Leavig wrote thet he beliews uw sthoia Pac cin ' demonstrating his critical principle» hot ik stating thor: 7 do not aague- us gevaal bo wo emotion terms that thea should for its wn soko, no meArR genesous erokorality , vo bacnry tr pain and JQ v choice onargene.rt ard analysis by gig thode ' ; | ! by concrete examples OL Precision — mra.aning ‘they couldn't have Jodhamce the theory, get im any ethoy way, his bOP Ty kay te SeeeTeeeeee Leovig considtency and whortence woowd olp lim ebieit — the Principles Lol abstract wormed oa Welle tod oskad , Soo Thot woull be & gerne. book — by itself of tho Prevors of ard uct o pout s thot bh pote 3 mh ow foots modesty thot be wat ove catlowo up with another tig Uterorry aziticism, SOS STS TST TTT T ET eT TT Te. fon wos maort for other boavis wate about ov WO. food homer Sioa = ty work ow a theore HS mend chorea HQ = oly uated to present oe reese . Yeog not tu Saaeee eee own YASPOUSESD - loov que 8 covert BT anol eS- poavis cliol not wise te Javon ye or bo ave ve NS ny tam 2 hat be had dort vo0s to Pid at tb speckic examples of wee te of variance From fhe post hol = bees qualities cuortial te pookyy. loovs Peels that MS position velobively Precise and there Fore no Auromaririvg » By choice , onangeret ' ond ovolysio oP the. components of the P loovis Proves the Precision Of reo Thou ough ho bas not — theartrad » peo heot| fexls 4 > thot oho hos, advance of He fenows Q > and pac-cision — OE Pimited bt ho teecgnt , tro & ritations euch woorks with in them get Some. thing wollek levels Loavis locks cua more. Crthietrn beavis ws that since ty the uk plalosefly , bo i urfoia linterost pets . lav’ only points out a plilosopha to be both | Remantic STOTT TS TTS ST TSS ST TT Te how — dP i ot the Some Hire. aud) 1, ey 1 : Romar yiew of t fro OT a ead fel i a +t poeey ot Bloke , yoorols worth ard ° + ei : fo 4 : b \ pod out thot Kya s2 y leov's ints by poaks ord pool. cally hi foyvont i ) Ea) connst be oatimilatert in act yo. { J{tlosophic ty poetoy will CeSeT SS STS SSS SSeS ee ee 3 misundarstards heayig: wellek attitda plabe , especially LS Veroliy : slale's Dobodaction to Seg? ol Enpestong, Joovis navey worted © Slight glake, ma! folk that hee uns only Ore possible | ng foy that Porn yokich con be manny i" ¢. Blako’s | ascertainodl by a st udly ca Syrobeli.| phlosephay cfoows Peels tat Blake's Paty \ is differert From his Symbodical Prilo-oply, oa ts point Leavis Ws Kayla ig oasl wos net But Symbolism cigenteine essotiol to the tp roke, loos quotes ereamples Prom #2 to feem avo ghows thot Agmbols alee alo wt woke an ubdurccamful poem a goeel aya Welle perhaps leeks at Blake's Pam ase text of Syrobobical philosophy worttlen 05 Auch ard te be aood as Auch. Th paved loowg ous. wollok had the go! Ve vatl af — philosophic training awd v PSE Iknowledge af glake's System: yet he iy d Uo a pootyy. Every poot loethy of ex premsion =e Sfiee sally ux reatttexs : 5 the plaka was — working with at of yluytlun « coon king 0 SoS SSeS Precision of a Pork core Aion ord eee eee tis pret Welle iqnoreal wot =| the Spero C the peoro ard boovs y nw Week olisobled = re re cays that the phil : te crtic- oat ot that Blole iy Ps ideos Ff about yoo avd Rebith — but a desolation posal: gaz BOS vad gata of bbisg 9k Which ron wight be gpd tile. Bloke Prese his poam the identification af Eoxth ud ron oxphicidly. Translation of Symbols atone rolleh bas Wore for the port Fosth'’S Ayguer) Se TOTO e eee 8 Cannot — Seyve the Purpose. lwellek Comet f teevee. Blake's — tLbustrations wellek misuncoretood Joovis ldots , about woodavarth too. Leavis uns nol toncerned — with Loordsvwoorth thinker. when beavis phileseplizing bad vet the — volut tho meant it to have, beavis meort thal pilaerly ume of wot tus wan joalos is ieee an oO poet. Wollek did not fird this Atallarend — Conclusive though — laavis firds 4 % bo. TE in vt | mavely a ese constuserbion af dons wl! is done with —ppyecipion by pluilo Aophoxrs. oA plailo sophie } caid that wordavoorth, | t leoyis wns contig the. oxt of poetry ard vol — the Thought comstyucton. Such loosencss ach Pormitted = th ptilosePhy, be it 2 OY Pre Y verso. Tf \ollek Perms 2 tits cadswoorth matterA on os GO pet. The, Strongth of cole eg gives dies not tho job of the ard < ompletoe nose his Peetuy, vt is Cyitte Cyitie to Supply precision fo coevelSucovth'S abstract onrguenart F wellek voffewed to An. vobitehoadls world Ccbopterv). becorse Of WS ard fhe Meador WB Pleasing ¢ foy bis Field was gpoeulattive. PWilesophy. yollek guetha a Lterory angie wtehood te inflwonce avd sholles, uaken a ved worth a goles , lis cxrgurne rt weok. wollek "3 bo comed ef sleley's ode te tha west napivtt Leavis ® oN wird ghovd Yat ha & more indzrastod im philosephy than in beavis’ Pre-oceua vatth —_peetyy. vootlele's suggested trterpretnhy ane unoccepnble . Ever of they were accaptoble , thoy we te BO baortng al alk en loavis cnolys's - wellek wos about allusions — but yaoi wa cencnsved wih — the ahorvocteristic voorks of sholley’s poetry, Tho operirg Posogrash confusing to wollek. it evokes voith great bewildarm worried af Ment Blane to foows , Vivideess Stet excted J yoodey, This Usordaworthion clemont However , oud wade faaig Corapare this peom with vaordsworth’s avd wat ony e piste malogio! proposition — or asserting genoa al concaption The Fiaat powogsophe of Mont Blane ow Prelude hove. nothing Ho padioage From to welllek , This only tn Loremmon, acc odivg 9 thot philosophy ond Criticifin are very AifPevent things. Frove. one coxtain vicos wr shallay’s those vices, tho- andoncies. while — zocoyrtning on matolist « iiterary ertic tends to become shovaad toavig deala with it carefully, pot cleat vith tt ot alt. thind Stanva OF whon eee ewe woe. aloes hoavs = J udlgeal ho shotterxed adversely i but interpretation x persreran rar Soe rere tho lamp ts weble gives on But thot —_intesprotation poz ony better + By not yeacling os Lkeiory cxtke , Wellek * fails sensibility te the eeeee Dea rm to yespord with ws poculioerly ghalleyan voice, of the, = Last Stanza” That able to reolize virtue, the pexssoral wha acllok wos not of beovis —yadkical juclgemant z Ma force wollek Pinds she Uer ' Pha unified ancl paxPectly cohavevt- Loavte does not contest Hot — propestbion fat wy hag not given Wim any yeas t ch, bis own judgement of shelley. when mi guys thot Shalley's pectyy is yopatibive , | out “| | | VOPerews 5 monotonously solf vegoxding eftien emstionally chaoP. arel thoxafir baring. wellek only fos thot shellet wi on idaolist . DP omediotely . LoaviS words: | f all ideolsts ors bovigl wellel Sy Hot beavis beck yaised one te question oft pots «bella ancl sunt with th ancl Compre ha nsion of rece bory for an appreciation of th Poot “4. Joovig feals thot th b& not © ty ordaact thea. peets oases works by Qa ub easy ‘bebof’ From bis Philo sophor. Aasignmenk , exeris2 » ad well ag mothy wit ax |e vecesory Fey paakry andl Bvghish Pe he use. neither ol nor tmilation vigitt |t L choueor “otich uot but hod great wn aT.) Sewlence wl Busprises? Ge aa eodoy tohon ho finds tak ap Mirror for ig * mols Purnigho of beautiful tonal * roth Magi staates shophacrdds co worthy — The eo.dkirg ? ports," Ths muck Peotyy , indooal é and come dics observe hos ow thoge dies See ae eT Lwonest qivility por OF ereithey & Gov obidh gharlful peotry.” eco puny Gorbedue, vo ge b& fowty ow favltbe Ss See eeee aero e ees FSi e eee eee TTS ST eT OT. furthoy ce nsw tyge des oud ar a ppiaation afte, the ends otth he if i e dis . avd i bal» gatiaical percratt bea mwa of Pooky: | et he | ature ops , a cyitic hed influence ad 43 boon folk to ba myttentous ond indefinoble , often hailed 4 tho Suce, to pak - cxttios fuctr 06 Jobw Rage, Sorel Taylor cormbrislge rd Mathes ; TS. pet's Jitzrory crxttictém, tWformy hic Pato just ad lis experiences ay ao p Shape Las critical work. “Though Famous Poy alaltig on * objectivity” wont, Flic! Casas chilly mop a highly — Pexsoral | | OF Preccenpections , yesponasos andl bax I Specific autthorS and ranks of at 05" a4 Pormulats mere. gerorol theories a the. convectiong between Protay cule! and Soe Society ‘ Perhaps fs. thee than os Taaolition treluolad th Pooty y el to do two ¢t Urpertance turkey standir a published yedoCives * tindition” by emplosizirg Uw ard Soon after wooed 2 EAsoys On ta19 The Sacred cxttictgm Ciao) . Bhiot attempts tings iw thas essay ho Pirst the avd ef luistory ts voriting Pactry ad ho ton ongues thot pectyy should be pe ndiolly Nmpoxse Hot (8 Separate axe distinct Prom He persorality $f tts waiter. Etict’'s lea of hraditer is complex ave unusual , involving he describes a6 “the istericl enso” wh teh wh x porce ption of * the ef Lo. post » but abso ef For &£ tiot past vooks of order oY © drgelétion”, Lowever Toeeeeree Soe Toe e eee eee ee Soeeeee seer ee eee always heirg olte red \. thot order . o ww worl. wolich modifies the ‘the, . ty naka — ‘Yoorn for ‘tgolf. THiS view iy ; the post should be obeady by th Progoent rch OO the present ik | atyectod by the past , » yequives Hod . peet be familia woth almost all Me teistery rot just the the distant — past and wot just the Bonkee of hig ov bor owh country ; hd the whale mind of Europe.” i Elict's thouglt and tre vchle | is with Hat ef the Remip bas Links 4 of prodinxnisre lis “impersorol Peat” even votth — John boots , who Propel en Piguas uw jhe chormolaon poot ! Bet ciiot 'g belief — thet critical study ho * elivoytod” 2 ytod” Prom the. peck to a Poot yy ghoped the. Stucky of peatyy Poy half oa contary , aval while “ Tradifier orl to Trdividsal Talent” cketvactors , Eliot's tnstatence gkonrcarls evore mplegae pars Abope id ova dhe odist medley nw tike: gach % * opp iy. ‘werse " . 0 & “the Ayodition” =O poe cannot woofer © traction, > bt mort we e mploy tho. + vooition , ‘ zs mie peety of adjective Seugtng thot the 4 of Great moss , adikion , oh las hol moe espe cially tho essnsy's gers yortionS nd is OY kort cythicsro+ § YOaYY d english vonibing 8 seldom all eccadtor tts absence in oloploring evens & Ayo nal* ey See ooee. b SO CT NST SETS Serer Soe cere eee eee eee eee perhaps oboe t, golder , apnpt hb & prose of otherwise , tt te vaguely OPP rp) ae wscal, | implica ' of pore pleasing or ches oles. hordly make the|" opPy oved + igh 2004 vata] to erght wo hoven te the Rod § € Ace onstruction + ord oguecable HES comfortable goon: Ff anchoc ly: covtainly He voor &s na oper © oar appreciations of hveg si vation , Gvery yack 4 bed” dood writers. EV2ry oun creole + but ‘tts om fk not only : critical turn of md 3 ord wh eer moe oblivicss of He ghoiteomnings ae beactal of tts phos? i of UES Crd olive Pyom tho. 2 homens cyitieal habits than of ‘a th genius - we know, mass ye know, eytkcol wv ritivg thot hos append a only conclacho exible” “The Prench we * more ever Plams— ourselves pook ond Pool an emetion| oo oun mics %* cvitizing 0” of cyitiusm « ont ok might aay «8S Algit tondeney to ingisE » Whon of leis work in our upon thease ow poctS a Per t, ho least wese moblog ony Oho of the Facts aa HES process woe Prose See TTT TTT ToS e ee eee Te. eee eee LTT \ @ | qn hss aspects oF parts af pokich be least AcSembles pried find wht & eMevco. kis voor te ony one ole! sbuedatl whet is the peculiar of the mm we dwoll ate sobictadk upon the paatls difference From tds Prajudltce not only ae tndivedual POT of bus volte the dood pets, Wis ancestors assert thely tnmorectality most vigoreusly: pod 2 do nok moan the impresstonable. zie of adotoseens , but Flo. | moving of Full retry best, werk roy? hm tested Te Proeod ty 58 om lat OO mere. intelligible! 2 xpesition YP A ° ©F the poet to post. con pneithoxy toke tho ars tndscrimincts bolus, himself us holly on one con he the Past as a Cump, fer con hs form FOSS TTT Te Does eee eee nor oe ov two private — aclmirations » ono. preferred himself — eohelly Upon tradmiasihlz , First ts expe yonee of ploodaut and ts an important the think % < Aeepple wowk, ‘The peek che sivoble ef the. renin curiont condeious all Fleo tnvoy icbly stnguisted woputations, aworw of The ebvious improves but thet te Wover qust 2 Cee TOOT T TTT TTT FOSS SSS SST TST TTT TTT Te en citke¥ shakespeare, tothe puoke gape he ack trong oF He Meaydalesior draugitsncn Thek Fs hese complication certainly ef view Sf the. oloecs wot is not Frome oxtist » ony in exonomics ond rockinery, But the wt and tH inprove most « per ops , complicat Aifforence betweanr thea Pprese post & that te conbeiouS Present is of the Post Ww oa vay tolich The pasts ow Cuda HOSD ewok to on extent awcoeress PF Haale connect Slaw r.0.%.%.%.%.0.%.0-%.0-*-*-*.7.°-*-*-*_%, ra 8 9 2-22. °2. r022-2.°. ©.%.%.4.%.%.%.%. -*. appre Ciotion poet but upor 4, the confused numbers, tf in geo knowle ge hut Ba enjoyment ef pootyy ard ack for a shall Seldom Pind Hee Importowce aor boxe poor « we Lod te powwt yolaction of the peem aqestod ths do out tho. to oOrthoy pacms authors, and Sus CSTSSSTSSS SSS SS TS eee a bi ng volo ef poetry as é Hs pootry tk las ever been of this other asp ck theory of poetry a tho. Poem to its author. (B pag wont HY madre aot of AE trenne de ‘on © 8 poxsonality” wot hei} hove ng an anctlegy that 4. peat diffs Soom mid of the @ns- not Precisel,, meas- For ling are at ako WOLD combinokions. | The analegy wads foot the ctl ages Previously mrovttionsd ef 0 Pilame Qpoctal . very verted , Bhety & OT wien ¢ TH two g oe. mixod ww th presence of Platinum » They form oN acid qs combination foleos Place only t tho plodinure Cord the platinum apparently unoffectet ; Las waar noutyal, and unchanged 5 . The rw wedi inort 5 of tho Poot & the Shaecl ef pl ple wr ea adhana asad 10.0, 2.9.99, see **. 2.0.. 2°. or may Port ly expe tence rH the but the mone cornple toly MmOAr wor vr Su the the. more eve ates digest | an is moterial . the Provticy and ok ths mysticism tone of the man tronsmute cludievs exclusively epesot®: upon himself ; fosfock The artat , the tn btm yo be Ge porate pind which mird avd db Flaws perfoctly voit the Ahe Pamlons wo hich exsoy proposes halt of metaphysics covfinc — tkself as con be apply ev Boch ed te pcxson idervested in Prom th Peot interest Laucable aim! Soe ee eee ee eee eee ——ST NA woho OPProe toy cretion ta Very number of Prey, ae oppreciats focrntcal Precalle., put very knod when thee % om gi pificont yak we ie the peer ond of the poot. The : i the history impaxsovol » Rrd the px yaork tS tmpexsovality voithout Cannot gurrende Vg lumeelf woholly to thon it wi he & not Likely + ombotion, 2metir, emotion to bo dove: PB knwo wit to | be done unless be dives in wht wot merely ths Prose! lut the. Present moment of the past nek of unlows he vs condtions ; but of whet & rolat % dood , alye ody diving,

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