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Background of the Study

The research is entitled “Gender Prejudice: Lived Experiences of

the LGBTQ community with Societal Discrimination”. Gender is the

behavioral, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex while

prejudice is the unfair feeling or dislike for a person because of his race,

age, religion age and etc. So in all, gender prejudice is the unfair

treatment for a person because of his or her sex. Gender prejudice is

one of the problem in the society, which is, the society tends to judge and

criticize the members of the LGBTQ community

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queers or also known

as the LGBTQ community wants to make every people happy, make the

environment and the world colorful and teach other people not to judge

so easily. In every society, we cannot avoid what people use to think

about the LGBTQ community, people used to think that God created

men and women only. And other people have that notion in their mind

that the LGBTQ Community are the pests of the society.

In connection to this, LGBTQ Community are more likely to

experience violence, discrimination, harassment, and the threat of


violence due to their sexual orientation. Although many societies have

made significant strides in human rights advocacy. LGBTQ Rights

struggle to find universal acceptance.

The fact that the Universal Declaration for Human Rights, drafted

in 1948, does not specifically include sexual orientation allows some

people to consider LGBTQ rights debatable. In addition, some human

rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights

Watch continue to run effective advocacies and campaigns. There was a

study conducted by in 2016 titled “The Real Cost of

LGBTQ discrimination”, based on the number of cases of discrimination

to the LGBTQ community. And according to United States, United

Kingdom, and Thailand, between half and two thirds of LGBTQ students

regularly bullied at school. And here in the Philippines, 73%of Filipinos

do not agree and support that “homosexuality” should be accepted by the


For this reason, the researchers aim and desire to lessen the cases

of discrimination to the LGBTQ Community. And to know the effects of

discriminations and prejudging to the LGBTQ community by asking for

their experiences as a member of the said community.


Statement of the Problem

The objective of this study is to know the effects of discrimination

to the LGBTQ Community. Particularly, it ought to answer the following


1. What are the effects of discrimination to the LGBTQ Community?

2. What are the struggles of the LGBTQ Community when they are

being discriminated?


This research guide by the following assumptions:

1. Those discriminations lead to negative effects such as, different

struggles and difficulties of the LGBTQ Community. And on the

other hand, it may also bring positive effect such as, those will

serve as their motivation and inspiration to strive harder just to

prove their selves.

2. The members of the LGBTQ community are experiencing

depression because of those discrimination. Criticisms and

discrimination to the LGBTQ community may lead to low self-

esteem, isolation, and emotional problems.

Scope and Delimitation

The respondents of this study were eight (8) members of the

LGBTQ community in Candon National High School at Candon City,

Ilocos Sur from December to January 2019.


Importance of the Study

The study will give benefits to the following:

This study will guide and help the law –makers in making such laws

that will protect the LGBTQ community and also for the LGBT

community empowerment.

The parents of the LGBTQ members will realize that they must

and they should accept their sons and daughters who ever they are,

whatever their gender preference is.

The study will enlighten the mind of other people that they should

not discriminate the members of the LGBTQ community.

The LGBTQ members will gain knowledge on how to deal with

those criticisms based on the experiences of the respondents which are

also members of the LGBTQ community

And lastly, the future researcher will have their best to become

successful will serve as their reference in conducting their


Definition of Terms

Bisexuals. They are the people that are attracted either male or


Candon National High School. The place that the researchers

conduct the research.

Discrimination. The practice of criticizing, judging and treating a

person just because of his or her gender


Effects. The negative or positive result of discriminating LGBTQ


Gender. Refers to the Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender, and


Gay. A term used to describe male individuals with a homosexual

orientation that are attracted to male.

Homosexual. The sexual or erotic orientation by some men and


Lesbian. A term used to describe female individual that are

attracted to female.

LGBTQ community/members. They are respondents of the

research study.

Transgender. An individual who identifies with or expresses a

gender identity that is different from the gender identity that corresponds

to the person’s sex at birth.

Queer. These are the individuals that are acting with masculinity

and femininity.

Review of related literature and study

In this section, the different views of researchers in the same area

are being presented.

Psychological Impact of Discrimination to the LGBTQ community

According to Friedman, 2014, discrimination against LGBT people

is commonplace. Gay,Lesbian, bisexual people are 10 times more likely

to experience discrimination based on sexual orientation as compared to

heterosexual people. Mistreatment comes in many forms, from seemingly

benign jokes, to verbal insults,unequal, treatment and in the most

extreme cases, physical violence. Further, for many LGBT people, the

bias is everywhere and lasts their lifetime: at home, school,work and in

the community.

Bullying of LGBT children is common in schools, as well. Eighty-

five percent are verbally during the course of the year. This harassment

often turns into violent: 40% report physical bullying and 19% physically

assaulted at school because of sexual orientation.

Discrimination to LGBT leads to economic and social problem

Radcliffe (2016) says that discriminating against LGBT doesn’t just

heart people; it hurts families, companies, and entire country. According

to studies carried in United States, the United Kingdom and Thailand,

between half two thirds of LGBTQ students are regularly bullied at

school and up to third skip school to escape harassment. Many LGBT


youth, bullied at school and rejected at home, end up homeless. Up to

40% of homeless young people on the streets of major U.S cities identify

as LGBT or queer, compared with likely less than 10% of the overall

youth population. (Radcliffe, 2016)

Impact of discrimination in the studies of LGBT community

Schools should be safe places for everyone. But in the Philippines,

students who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) too

often that their schooling experience is marred by bullying,

discrimination, lack of access to LGBT- related information, and in some

cases, physical or sexual assault. These curtail students’ right to

education, protected under Philippine and international law. (Edgar T.,


In recent years, law makers and school administrators in the

Philippines have recognized that bullying of LGBT youth is a serious

problem, and is designed interventions to address it. In 2012, the

Department of Education (DepEd), which oversees primary and

secondary schools, enacted a Child Protection Policy designed to address

bullying and discrimination in schools, including on the basis of sexual

orientation and gender identity. This report is based on interviews and

group discussions conducted in 10 cities on the major Philippine islands

of Luzon and the Vizayas with 76 secondary school students or recent

graduates who identified as LGBT or questioning, 22 students or recent

graduates who did not identify as LGBT or questioning, and 46 parents,


teachers, counselors, administrators, service providers, and experts on


I was depressed, I was bullied, I didn’t know my sexuality, I felt

unloved, and I felt alone all the time. And I had friends, but I still felt so

lonely. I was listing ways to die. (Benjie A., 2017)

A 21year- old transgender says that, “When I was in school, there

was a teacher who always went around if you had a long hair, she would

call you up to the front of the class and cut your hair in front of the

students. That happened to me many times. It made me feel terrible: I

cried because I saw my classmates watching me getting my hair

cut.”(Marisol D., 2017)

“LGBT students in the Philippines are often target of ridicule and

even violence.” “And in many instances, teachers and administrators are

participating in this mistreatment instead of speaking out against

discrimination and creating classrooms where everybody can

learn.”(Thoreson, 2017)

A 17 year-old gay said “They say that gays are main focus of HIV,

I’m a bit ashamed of that, because I was once in section where I’m the

only gay, and they kept pointing at me.”( Jonas E., 2017)

Very few students have access to teachers or counselors who are

trained to provide support for LGBT students as they grow up and

develop.(HRW, 2017)



This chapter includes the research design, sources of data, data

analysis, the parts of the action plan and ethical considerations.

Research Design

Phenomenology is the research design of this study. This research

design aims to gather experiences of human being in a certain

phenomenon. This research design is applicable and appropriate to this

study since its purpose is to know the experiences and the effects of

discrimination to the LGBTQ community.

In addition, a research approach was also used in this study which

is qualitative research. Qualitative research is a scientific method of

observation to gather non numerical data. This type of research "refers to

the meanings, concepts, definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols

and description of things". And not to their "counts or measure".

Sources of Data

This research includes eight (8) members of the LGBTQ community

who faces many criticisms and discrimination about their gender. This

study will support the sampling used which is purposive sampling. A

purposive sampling is non probability sample that is selected based on

characteristics of a population and the objective of this study.

10 | P a g e

The purpose of this study is to investigate these social identity

development and not stable records of discrimination to the LGBTQ

Community. The members of the LGBTQ community will be interviewed

by the researchers and if there are no new data will be gathered, then it

will be considered as the final interview with corresponds to the theory of

saturation point is reached, there are no new data or information derived

from the respondents since information has reached reiterative process

(Wilmot 2011).

Instrumentation and Data Collection

To gather the important and necessary information from the

LGBTQ members, the research asks the date, time, and place from the

interviewees for the interview.

To gather the important data about discriminating the LGBTQ

members, the researchers use interview method. The question focuses to

the effects of discrimination to the LGBTQ community.

Validity of interview questions. The different members and

experts are the English researchers which is managed to conduct the

questions as well as its rating. They utilized video camera to record the

conversations between the interviewer and the interviewee to easily

facilitate the recording of information and data, the interviewer also

listed down the responses of the interviewee.

11 | P a g e

Tools for Data Analysis

This research uses interview method collecting data from the

responses of the members of the LGBTQ community with regards to the

effects of discrimination to the said community. Afterwards, the data

gathered will be analyze and interpret accordingly.

The data gathered was subjected to the analysis and


Ethical Considerations

To establish and safeguard and ethics in conducting research

study, the researchers strictly observe the following:

This study will ensure that all documents are not copy paste.

Proper documentation will be done to promote the Copy Right


Get the permission of the interviewee

The recordings and video documentation will be kept by the

researchers to ensure that it will not be released to the public.

A communication letter asking a permission authorities will be

12 | P a g e


This chapter presents the interview analysis of the lived

experiences of the LGBTQ community with societal discrimination.

Lived experiences of the LGBTQ Community with Societal Discrimination

Lowering Self- Esteem

Rejection. Refers to disallowing someone based on his or her

gender. Respondent A stated, “ they do not include me as one of them,

and that sucks because even if I try to connect and be one of the crowd,

they ignore me.” The statement proves that the Lesbians, gays, bisexuals,

and transgender are being refused or decline in some aspects.

Also Respondent I mentioned, “yung kapag may ibang tao,

ikakahiyta ako ng ng mga kasama ko kasi bakla daw ako ganon.” The

response proves that gays are the one who usually discriminated


This corroborates with study of Coles, 2009 says that those queers

make my stomach turn. Cole S. (2007) saying also that, “some of the

comments to LGBT youth are faced with are as follows, ‘I hate gays. They

should be banned from this country.’”

Shaming. Refers to the feeling of guilt. Respondent F says, “Some

people says that we are a disgrace to the society”. The response indicates

that the LGBTQ community also feels tension while they are being
13 | P a g e

discriminated in the society and this proves that people are guilty for

having a LGBTQ friend.

This corroborates with the study of HRW, (2001) saying that in a

study of 194 gay and lesbian youth, 25% were verbally abused by their

classmates and nearly 10% dealt with embarrassment. So the study

proves that having a friend which is a member of the LGBTQ community

is a very embarrassing moment to them.

Oral defamation. This pertains to hurting the reputation of

someone that is in connected to his or her gender. Moreover, Respondent

J also stated that those negative words saying that they will not become

progressive in their lives. Both responses proves that when people judge

or through oral defamation, the LGBTQ community, lowering of self-

esteem is one of their struggles

This corroborates the study of Blackman, (2019) saying that “one

young gay who had dropped out of an honors program angrily protested

‘just because I am a gay doesn’t mean I am stupid’.” And the study of

Cole S. (2007) saying also that, “ some of the comments to LGBT youth

are faced with are as follows, ‘ I hate gays. They should be banned from

this country.’” And also that proves that people in the society decline the

LGBTQ community to join them in daily living.

Privilege Deterence

Discrimination. This refers to the dislike feeling to someone because

of his or her gender. Respondent D says, “Some people loathe us because

14 | P a g e

of our gender”. This proves that the LGBTQ community are being hatred

and people dislike the members of the LGBTQ community and their

privilege is being deter to socialize or to join with the crowd in the


This corroborates with study of HRW, 2001 also reports that the

same youth was harassed by his peers once they found out about

sexuality. The statement proves that they are still dislike by the society.

Inequality. This pertains to the unfair or unequal to someone based

on his or her gender preference. Another respondent says, “ Inequality ”.

The term proves that gender is the basis of the people in treating the

members of the LGBTQ community and the statement proves that unfair

treatment based on gender is really still existing specially to the members

of the LGBTQ community.

This corroborates the study of Cole, 2007 saying that, Service

providers estimate that gay, lesbian and bisexual youth make up 20-40%

of homeless youth in urban areas. This proves that service is rendered

unequal or unfair.

Bullying. This pertains to the mistreatment of someone vulnerable

by someone by someone stronger, more powerful which gender is their

basis. Furthermore, other respondents also stated that “ some of my

friends are ashamed of having us as their friends and those times that

they are talking about our individuality and sexuality and people says

‘you are not allowed here’ they prohibit me to socialize in the society.”
15 | P a g e

Both statement proves that people are very violent and aggressive when

it comes to the LGBTQ community.

This corroborates with the study of (HRW, 2001) says that 42 % of

gay students do not enter their classes because they are bullied”.

This corroborates the study of Remafedi, (1987) saying that

“Approximately 28% of gay and lesbian youths dropped out of high

school because of discomfort.” The statement proves that the LGBGTQ

community usually struggles in facing the different judgments and

criticisms that people vent to them. If people in the society learn how to

accept and respect the member of the LGBTQ community, then we have

the better place to live in.

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17 | P a g e

The figure shows the different effects of discrimination to the

LGBTQ community. It shows that the main idea is the result, effect or

the outcome of discrimination to the LGBTQ community. The gavel

represents the discrimination that is being or being rendered to the

LGBTQ community.

The LGBTQ community are the one who struggles in facing the

discrimination as they lived in the society. To give light to the sub

themes, the researchers found out that Privilege Deterence pertains in

serving to deter or prohibit someone who is a member of the LGBTQ

community to socialize in the society and Lowering Self-Esteem refers to

the decreasing of trust to oneself and self-confidence as they face the

discrimination regarding with their gender. These sub themes are the

effects of discrimination and at the same time these are also their

struggles when people discriminate the members of the LGBTQ

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This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and

recommendations of the study.

This study aimed to know the experiences of the LGBTQ

community with societal discrimination and the struggles of the LGBTQ

community when they are being discriminated. The study used

phenomenological research design and 10 respondents were interviewed

who had past experiences with discrimination.

Interview method was used in gathering data. To gather data,

audio recorder, video recorder and listing down the answers of the

respondents were used and in treating the data, Thematic Analysis was

being used.


1. Discrimination brought an effect and impact to the LGBTQ

community. Rejection is the common effect of discrimination to the

LGBTQ community.

2. The LGBTQ community experience and faces different struggles.

They are being bullied and they faced gender inequality.

19 | P a g e


Based on the findings the following was concluded

1. Most of the LGBTQ community usually experience bullying,

rejection, shaming and oral defamation and gender inequality.

2. Most of the LGBTQ community, their common struggles is



1. The LGBTQ community must have a wide range of understanding

that they should understand that the world is full of judgments.

2. The LGBTQ community must learn to adjust and make their selves

adapt the attitudes of the people.

3. The LGBTQ community should and must limit their actions

because that make them disrespectful.

4. The LGBTQ community should realize that their act, their words

and their actions once again will reflect the way they conceive.

5. The LGBTQ community should not entertain or focus on those

discriminations make it as a challenge and strive more

20 | P a g e



Darrel Higa, M. J. (2006). Youth & Society. Retrieved from

Friedman, M. (2014, February 11).
Jamaica, N. (2019). York College. Retrieved from How are LGBTQ youths are affected by
discrimination: https://www.york
Marquez, B. (2015, June 27). "Just Let Us Be".
Marquez, B. (2015, June 27). "Just Let Us Be". Retrieved from HRW:
NY., J. (2019). The City University of New York.
Pannu, K. (2017, August 14). IMPAKTER.
21 | P a g e

22 | P a g e


Republic of the


Department of
Region 1
Candon National High School
Candon City, Ilocos Sur

January 14, 2019

Ma’am Carissa Blance T. Fabian

HUMSS Teacher
Candon National High School

Dear Ma’am Fabian,

A Glorious Day!

The undersigned researchers are conducting a study entitled,

“GENDER PREJUDICE: Lived Experiences of the LGBTQ community with
Societal Discrimination” as a requirement in our subject Practical
research 1

In this connection, the researchers are required to have their questions

validated. And they sincerely ask for your compelling assistance and help
to validate the questions they created for the interview. Being masters in
the field of teaching, promoting and practicing exceptional and firs-rate
studies, your evaluation and appraisal of the mentioned interview
questions will subsidize immensely into the improve of the study.
The interview questions and the validity of the questions are
enclosed with this letter.

Thank you very much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,
23 | P a g e

Noted by:
(SGD)Mrs. Connie Rose Riñopa
24 | P a g e


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1
Candon National High School
Candon City, Ilocos Sur

January 14, 2019

Ma’am Lavinia V. Vez

Research Teacher
Candon National High School

Dear Ma’am Vez,

A Glorious Day!

The undersigned researchers are conducting a study entitled,

“GENDER PREJUDICE: lived Experiences of the LGBTQ community with
Societal Discrimination” as a requirement in our subject Practical
research 1

In this connection, the researchers are required to have their questions

validated. And they sincerely ask for your compelling assistance and help
to validate the questions they created for the interview. Being masters in
the field of teaching, promoting and practicing exceptional and firs-rate
studies, your evaluation and appraisal of the mentioned interview
questions will subsidize immensely into the improve of the study.
The interview questions and the validity of the questions are
enclosed with this letter.

Thank you very much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,

Noted by:
(SGD)Mrs. Connie Rose Riñopa
25 | P a g e


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1
Candon National High School
Candon City, Ilocos Sur

January 14, 2019

Sir Anthony Ganado

English Teacher
Candon National High School

Dear Sir Ganado,

A Glorious Day!

The undersigned researchers are conducting a study entitled,

“GENDER PREJUDICE: Lived Experiences of the LGBTQ Community with
Societal Discrimination” as a requirement in our subject Practical
research 1

In this connection, the researchers are required to have their questions

validated. And they sincerely ask for your compelling assistance and help
to validate the questions they created for the interview. Being masters in
the field of teaching, promoting and practicing exceptional and firs-rate
studies, your evaluation and appraisal of the mentioned interview
questions will subsidize immensely into the improve of the study.
The interview questions and the validity of the questions are
enclosed with this letter.

Thank you very much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,

Noted by:
(SGD)Mrs. Connie Rose Riñopa
26 | P a g e



1. Have you ever tried to be discriminated based on your gender?

2. How do you feel if the people in your surroundings criticize and

discriminate you with regards to your gender?

3. What do you do first when people vent their anger on you?

4. How do you control yourself?

5. What are the effects of discrimination to you as a member of the

LGBTIQ community?

6. What were your struggles in lined with discrimination?

27 | P a g e


Validity of the Questions for LGBTQ members for the interview

Name of validator: Lavinia Vez

Number of years in the professional field: 8 years
Highest educational attainment: Masteral
Please rate the validity of the test using the given scale
5 (Very High Validity)
4 (High Validity)
3 (Moderate Validity)
2 (Poor Validity)
1 (Very Poor Validity)
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
The questions are organized, clear
and specific to gather related /
information for the study
The questions lead to specific and /
direct answers
The questions are free from any /
grammatical error
The research questions are clear
specifically made to fit the /
interviewee’s understanding
The questions are encoded clearly to /
avoid respondent’s misunderstanding
The research cover all areas that are /
needed for the study
The questions are correctly translated /
in Filipino and Ilocano to warrant
clearer understanding, if needed
Generally, the test measures what it /
intends to measure.
Mean: 3.16

Additional Comments:
28 | P a g e


Validity of the Questions for LGBTQ members for the interview

Name of validator: Craissa Blance Fabian

umber of years in the professional field:
Highest educational attainment:___________________________________
Please rate the validity of the test using the given scale
5 (Very High Validity)
4 (High Validity)
3 (Moderate Validity)
2 (Poor Validity)
1 (Very Poor Validity)
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
The questions are organized, clear
and specific to gather related /
information for the study
The questions lead to specific and /
direct answers
The questions are free from any /
grammatical error
The research questions are clear /
specifically made to fit the
interviewee’s understanding
The questions are encoded clearly to /
avoid respondent’s misunderstanding
The research cover all areas that are /
needed for the study
The questions are correctly translated /
in Filipino and Ilocano to warrant
clearer understanding, if needed
Generally, the test measures what it /
intends to measure.
Mean: 4.38

Additional Comments:
Double check you sentence construction and translation

29 | P a g e

Validity of the Questions for LGBTQ members for the interview

Name of validator: Anthony Ganado

Number of years in the professional field: 12 years
Highest educational attainment:___________________________________
Please rate the validity of the test using the given scale
5 (Very High Validity)
4 (High Validity)
3 (Moderate Validity)
2 (Poor Validity)
1 (Very Poor Validity)
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
The questions are organized, clear
and specific to gather related /
information for the study
The questions lead to specific and /
direct answers
The questions are free from any /
grammatical error
The research questions are clear /
specifically made to fit the
interviewee’s understanding
The questions are encoded clearly to /
avoid respondent’s misunderstanding
The research cover all areas that are /
needed for the study
The questions are correctly translated
in Filipino and Ilocano to warrant /
clearer understanding, if needed
Generally, the test measures what it /
intends to measure.

Mean: 3.75

Additional Comments:

30 | P a g e



Q1. Have you ever tried to a.) Oo , yung parang sinasabi nilang
be discriminated? “bakla! Bakla!” ganon parang mali
ang dating nito.
b.) Yes, ive already experienced to be
c.) Yes, sort of. In some insatances.
d.) Yes there is a time that they ask me
like, “why do you want same sex
e.) Yes
f.) Oo
g.) Oo
h.) oo, meron yung time na vakit daw
ako ganito
i.) yes
j.) oo do you feel if the a.) Hindi ko nalang pinapansin,

people in your pinabayaan ko nalang kahit masakit.

surroundings criticize and b.) Sinasabi ko sa kanila na hindi dapat

discriminate you with nila ako pagsasalitaan ng bad words

regards to your gender? kasi pag ako rin nagalit hindi nila


c.) Nothing, I just try to calm myself. I

don’t tolerate their attitudes.

d.) Hindi ko nalang pinapansin.

e.) Seriously, wala. Hindi ko nalang


f.) Hindi ko sila pinapansin. Kasi the

31 | P a g e

more na papansinin ko sila mas lalo

akong masasaktan.

g.) Agpapaka- strong

h.) Babaak latta sudan

i.) Nakaramdam ng sakit tsaka lungkot

j.) Awan. Babaak suda.

Q3. What do you do first a.) Hinahayaan ko nalang silatsaka di

when people vent their ko pinapakita na nasasaktan ako.

feelings to you? b.) I control myself and motivating

myself into happiness

c.) Iniisip ko nalang na parang joke lng

lahat ng kanilang sinasabi at hindi

ko to dinadamdam.

d.) Im a music-oriented person, so I

calm myself through it.

e.) Bago kasi ako nagrereact kung ano

ang sinasabi nila, nag iinternalized

ako kasi baka makagawa ako ng mga

bagay na masama tapos pagsisihan


f.) Wala lng

g.) Just jeep your emotion

h.) Someday, maawatan dak to

32 | P a g e

i.) Hindi ko sila pinapansin

j.) Hinahayaan ko nalang sila tapos

gumagawa ako ng paglilibangan.

Q4. How do you control a.) Sometimes it is a factor of

yourself? depression, and it lowers my self-

confidence in expressing myself.

b.) Ang epekto ay hindi nila tinatanggap


c.) Nakakaapekto ito sakin kasi

napakaraming pambubully ang aking

pinagdadaanan kahit hindi ko

naman sila inaano.

d.) Malaki ang epekto nito sa akin dahil

parang pinapakita nila saakin na

kahit gaano karaming masasakit na

salita ang sinasabi nila sa akin, ito

ay parang ginagawa kong


e.) Bago kasi ako nagrereact kung ano

ang sinasabi nila, nag iinternalized

ako kasi baka makagawa ako ng mga

bagay na masama tapos pagsisihan

33 | P a g e

f.) Makapasakit ti feelings

g.) It weakens my confidence

h.) Ipupush niya na maging strong

i.) Mas palaban ako

j.) Tinatawanan ko lng.

Q5. What are the effects a.) they don’t include me as one of them,

of discrimination to you and that sucks because even if I try

as memberof the LGBTQ to connect and be one of them of the

community? crowd they ignore people like me.

b.) Wals kac lahat ng kaibigan ko ay

tanggap ako.

c.) Ang paghihirap na nararanasan ko

ay parang palagi akong binababa

parang hindi panatay ang pagtingin

nila sa akin at minsan parang ako

nalang palagi ang center of

attraction. Tinutukso na nila ako.

d.) Bilang isang iglesia, at the same time

bisexual, kinikwestyon nila ang

pananampalataya ko at minsan

sinasabi nila na hindi daw ako

karapat dapat humarap sa Diyos.

e.) Syempre different reactionsyung

34 | P a g e

natatanggap ko sa mga tao. Like

hindi daw ako karapat dapat sa

mundo at salot or what.

f.) May nagigung kakampi ako

g.) Nabubully ako ng mga kaklase ko or

kinsan mga tao sa labas ng school

h.) Hindi tanggap ng pamilya ko.

i.) May nagiging kasama ako o kakampi

ko kung nabubully ako.

j.) Siguro ang pagiging mabuti sa akin g

mga katulad kong LGBTQ members.

Q6. What are the positive a.) Siguro yung kaya ko ng ibigay lahat

effects of discrimination? ng effort ko sa ginagawa ko kasi

tanggap ko yung sarili ko.

b.) Hindi ako nahihiyang sabihin sa iba

na ganito ako.

c.) Napapatatag nila ang loob ko

d.) Natutunan kong hindi lang pansinin

kung ano ang mga sinasabi nila.

e.) Natutunan kong tumayo aking

sariling mga paa.

f.) Nakakayanan kong ipagmalaki kung

ano ang kaya kong gawin sa buhay.

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g.) Hindi nagpapa apekto sa ibang tao.

h.) Hindi pinapasin yung hindi pantay

na pagtingin nila sa akin kahit

masakit na.

i.) Natutuo akong magpakatatag

j.) Natutunan kong maging isang

mabuting miyembro ng LGBTQ

community sa paraang may

responsableng pagganap sa lipunan

sapagkat sinabi ng mama ko yung

katagang, “ your act, your words wil

reflect the way you conceive”

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