Biology Year 9 Higher

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Bictinw Yq NAME__ SET 1 Which sentence describes respiration? Circle the comect letter ‘A Lungs take in air and then blow it out, B Celis release energy through a chemical reaction. € Blood is pumped around the body. D Lungs expand during breathing in. [1 mark} 2 The graph below shows how a an athlete’s pulse rate changed during @ short sprint. 160: [1 mark} gw Pulse rate (beats per mina 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 “me tsecane') a Between which two times was the athlete’s pulse rate increasing most quickly? Tick the correct box. oeo ["]between I and 3 seconds between 3 and 5 seconds [[ between 8 and 9 seconds, [[Joetween 11 and 12 seconds b Explain why his pulse rate went up during the race. 12 marks} ¢ Predict what happens to the athlete’s breathing rate during the race. [1 mark] Explain your reasoning for part e [1 mark] 3 The diagram shows a capitlary. Part of the capillary wall has beea removed to show the blood inside it. fanuecells a On the diagram label a red blood cell and the plasma, (7 mark) bb The plasma carries a waste product made by the body. Which of these is this waste product, Tick the correct box. oxygen } water glucose vitamins [7 faeces [Jearbon dioxide EL mark] ¢ What is the name of the liquid that takes oxygen and glucose from the blood to other body cells? [1 mark} Explain how the structure of the capillary wall helps to allow this liquid out of the blood. [1 mark] 4/a Name the parts labelled X and Y. b Gas exchange oceurs in air sacs, The drawing shoes a heathy air sac, normal alveoli ‘What two gases are exchanged in air sacs? [1 marks} ¢ Give rwo features of air sacs that make them suitable for gas exchange, [2 marks] 5 Look at the drawing. \ a Give the names of parts A, B, C and D. .F 4 . biceps B tie oo D c i ell D a f ee eee eee ean et He Seg i fp (even } a \\ i{ fh Bmw b What is the function of part B? {7 mark} € A person breathes in because part D changes shape. Describe how part D changes shape. [1 mark] 4 The diegram shows bones and muscles of a human arm, ‘The biceps and triceps are muscles. How do the biceps and triceps move the bones of the lower arm in the direction of the arrow? Tick the correct box. 11 the biceps contracts and the triceps relaxes. 2 Both the biceps and the triceps contract. 7 the biceps relaxes and the triceps contracts. 1 poth the biceps and the triceps relax [1 mark] 6 The graph shows the breathing rates of an astronaut when resting and when on a walk in space. 35 330 2 a resting inside the Space Shuttle ‘onlin space ‘a How does the astronaut’s breathing rate change by going for a walk in space? ao b Why did the breathing rate change when the astronaut was more active? [2 marks} Exploring Seence sition or © Paron Education Limited 2000 Going into space has other effects on an astronaut’s organ systems. The graphs show two of these changes on the heart. eee i 100: = = 50 5 ig : BR? E ES 50 s 40: 5% 40 x» d 3 x0 20- mes s 2 i 10 i 5 1, | oLt " ote \ boferegainginte spsew after 9 daysin space beforegoinginto space after ays in ssc c What is the effect of space travel on heartbeat rate? oso LL mark} d What is the stroke volume? Use the graph to help you. Beo [1 mark] The units for stroke volume have been missed off the graph. Suggest what the 580 units should be. £ An astronaut’s heart changes size during space travel. Does the heart increase or decrease in size? Explain how you can you tell from the graph, [1 mark} ase The box shows four human characteristics. Complete the table to show which features are caused by inherited factors, which are environmental factors and which are caused by both skin colour eye colour mass having a scar Caused only by inh ‘Caused only by ‘Caused by both inherited factors environmental factors and environmental factors [2 marks} 8 The bar chart shows the lengths of five carrots from each of two different varieties of carrot plants, Carrots of variety A Cuno of vatety B a Give two ways in which the two varieties of carrots are different, [2 marks} b Apart from length of carrots, suggest two other characteristics that a plant breeder might want carvot planis to have {2 marks} © Suggest how the differences between the varieties of carrot plants has been eaused. {1 mark 4 Assuming that all the carrots of one variety were grown in identical conditions, there still might be some variation in their growth. Give @ reason for this. 9 The pictures show how a certain breed af dog was bred. a Wi i characteristic is the breeder G12 @) choosing to breed into the dogs? LH mark] b What is this type of breeding called? [1 mark} € Farm mimals can also be bred in this way. Name two charactesislios that a farmer might want his dairy cows to have. 12 marks] 10 In. survey 200 people were asked whether GM (genetically modified) com should be allowed to be planted in fields near a town, The bar chart shows their responses. 100 | 4 i 90 0 ag Percentage Yosulasf useful Against tho com No opinion ‘being plated Opinion a A bar for people with no opinion has not been drawn on the bar chart, Calculate the percentage of the people in the survey had no opinion and add a bar for this number to the bar chart. [1 mark} b Why can you not be sure that 89% of all the people in the UK have this opinion? {1 mark} ‘© Which of these best describes what genetic modification i? Tick one. Citeansfeiring an organ from one organism into another CD transferring a gene from one organism into another Dbrecat from organisms that have certain characteristics Dlintroducing a predator to kill a pest [1 mark 11 Some of the cells in the lining of organ P are shown below. They are part of your body’s natural defences against microbes. mucus producing ce ciliated epithelial cel Some cells produce mucus. How do mucus and ciliated epithelial cells defend the body against disease? iimucus ii ciliated epithelial cells £ 2 basas 12. Most children in the UK are now 2000 immunised against measles but this | was not always so. The chart shows the Esso I numbers of ‘cases’ of measles in the UK overa = | : : 3 period of time. A ‘case is counted as one 3 person catching the disease. 1000-4 +4 ‘a Suggest a reason for the significant drop E { in the cases of measles in 1966. 3 00 oe 5 ° -_ | 195319661969 1973197791 988 See Eee eee 1961) 19651967 1971 1975" 1979 968 [Park] na b What pattern is shown in the number of cases of measles between 1971-1985? eeo (1 mark] 413 Bacteria in the mouth can cause tooth decay. Toothpaste contains a chemical that helps to Kill bacteria in the mouth. What might this chemical be? Tick one box. Diantibiotic — Cantiseptic — CJantinistamine [detergent [1 mark] 14 The graph shows the change in the numbers of antibodies when a person is infected by the chickenpox virus, Level of antibodies in the blood {i Lt 024 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Time (days) 4 After the infection, the number of antibodies never goes back to zero. Explain why this is useful to a person. Ul mark) 15 The graph shows the numbers of people getting tuberculosis in London each year. a Describe the trend shown, [1 mark b Suggest a reason for this trend. [1 mark] -ajdead goo oat 48d uopUuOT Ur gO SoseD 40 Jaq, 1995 1996 1997 1998 1959 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year

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