Biology Year 9 Foundation

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VUUNDALLUN 79 ‘Name Class, Date, 1 Which sentence describes respiration? Circle the correct letter A Lungs take in air and then blow it out, B Cells release energy through a chemical reaction. € Blood is pumped around the body. D Lungs expand during breathing in, EL mark} 2 Which organ system gets glucose into the blood? Tick the correct answer. digestive system breathing system nervous system circulatory system [1 mark} 3 The graph below shows how a an athlete's pulse rate changed during a short sprint 160) - 120. 100 F Pole rate (beats per minute) 70 60 3 vot W213 14 15 16 17 18 19 Time (second ‘a Which organ causes the pulse by pumping blood around the body? LE mark] bb Between which two times was the athlete's pulse rate increasing most quickly? Tick the correct box. oO between 1 and 3 seconds between 3 and $ seconds botween 8 and 9 seconds between 11 and 12 seconds 1 mark ASO ¢ Explain why his pulse rate went up during the race. [2 marks] 4 The diagram shows a capillary, Part of the capillary wall has been removed to show the blood inside it, tissue calls a On the diagram label 2 red blood cell and the plasma, [1 mark} 1b The plasma carries a waste product made by the body. capillary wa Which of these is this waste product. Tick the correct box. oxygen water alucose vitamins faeces learbon dioxide [1 mark] © What is the name of the liquid that takes oxygen and ghicose from the blood to other body cells? [1 mark] 5 a Name the parts labelled X and ¥. air sac x Y [2 marks} Gas exchange occurs in air sas. The drawing shoes a heathy si sac. What two gases are exchanged in air sacs? LL marks} xpering Scene HD eon 68 (© Peason Kno Lined 2008 € Give vo features of air stes that make them suitable for gas exch: £2 marks} Pearson Edveation Limited 2008 1304 GAyesha and Jenny decided to improve their fimess by taking up running. GS@ 120-4 The graph shows how Ayesha’s heart rae Jy 49, changed during arunandthetimejust. afterwards. g g 9 2 8% z 3 7 = 60] 504 a Plot Jenny’s heart rate data for the same time and draw a smooth curve of best fit through the points. £3 marks} b For how many minutes were Ayestia and Jenny running? [1 mark} 8 1 12 14 16 Fime (minutes) ‘Time (minutes) | Jenny's heart rate (beats per minute) 0 70 2 7 4 34 6 120 8 o 10 9 12 Zi ia 0 16 70 ¢ By how many beats per minute did Ayesha’s heart rate increase? beats per minute d Who was physically fitter, Ayesha or Jenny? Explain your answer, [1 mark] [1 mark} " Look at the drawing, a Give the names of parts A, B, C and D. A [2 marks) b What is the function of part B? [1 mark} ¢ A person breathes in because part D changes shape. Describe how part D changes shape. [1 mark} 6 The diagram shows bones and muscles of a burnan arm, ‘The biceps and triceps are muscles. How do the biceps anc! triceps move the bones of the lower arm in the direction of the arrow? Tick the correct box. 2 The biceps contracts and the triceps relaxes. 1 Both the biceps and the triceps contract. (1 the biceps relaxes and the triceps contracts. C1 Bean the biceps ana the triceps relax, {1 mark} 8 The graph shows the breathing rates of an astronaut when resting and when on a walk in space. 354 ‘Breathing rate (beeathe/minuted oO f ‘esting inside the Spece Shute on awalk in space a How docs the astronaut’s breathing rate change by going for a walk in space? LH mark} 1b Why did the breathing rate change when the astronaut was more active? 690 P2 marks} 9 The drawings show a mother and her two daughters. ‘@ Give one characteristic that both sisters have in common with their mother. O60 [1 mark) b Give one characteristic that the two sisters have in common with each other but aco not with their mother. [1 marky ¢ Explain why a child can look like both parents but is not identical to either parent. [ mark} oO 10 The bar chart shows the lengths of five carrots from each of two different varieties of carrot plants. Length of earot tem) Caress of vanity A Carrots of aro a Give two ways in which the two varieties of carrots are different, 3 [2 marks} b Apart from length of carrots, suggest two other characteristics that « plant breeder might want carrot plants to have. ii [2 marks} ¢ Suggest how the differences between the varieties of carrot plants las been caused. [1 mark] ‘Assuming that all the carrots of one variety were grown in identical conditions, there still might be some variation in their growth. Give a reason for this. 11 The pictures show how a certain breed of dog was bred, a What characteristic is the breeder, CHOC choosing to breed into the dogs? [H mark} aga Boa. 'b What is this type of breeding called? [1 mark} © Fam animals can also be bred in this way. Name two characteristics that a farmer might want his dairy cows to have. [2 marks} shows four human characteristic ete the table te show whieh Fea caused by inherit factors, which are environmental factors and which are caused by bath. skin colour eye colour mass having a scar ‘Caused only by inherited ‘Caused only by Caused by both inherited factors and environmental factors [2 marks} 43 Tick the boxes by four statements that are true for all living organisims. [they all grow. [they att cause diseases. [mey all reproduce. (They ail respire. Cithey ail get rid of waste. (they ail live in water 14 A few weeks ago, Michael was in bed with meastes. One of his symptoms was a high temperature. Give another symptom of measles. [EL mark] ‘The graph shor b After how many days did Michael’s 39.0. temperature start t0 increase? QOD 1a 380 [i mark] 375 5 ¢ What was the highest temperature that 2370 Michael’s body reached? a 365 360 [2 marks} You are very hot Michael. s Michael’s body temperature over 10 days around the time he had the disease, 0123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H mark] Time (days) 4 Draw another line on the graph to predict what Michael’s body temperature ‘would have been if he had not caught the disease, 1 markt b Some of the cells in the lining of organ P are shown below, They are part of your body’s natural defences against microbes, mucus producing cell ciliated epithelial cell Some cells produce mucus. How do mucus and ciliated epithelial cells defend the body against disease? i mucus ii ciliated epithelial cells [2 marks} 18 Most children in the L K are now 2000 immunised against measles but this vwas not always so. The chart shovs the numbers of ‘cases* of measles in the UK over a period of time, A ‘ease’ is counted as one 1500 person catching the disease. 1000 a8 Suggest a reason for the significant drop in the eases of measles in 1966. C80 s00 Number of easels cases inthe UK 19631956 196919731977 198) 3085, W961" 1965" 1967" 1971" 1975 1979 1983 Yeor [i mark] b What pattern is shown in the number of eases of measles between 1971-1985? 1 mark} asoo 16 Bacteria in the mouth can cause tooth decay. Toothpaste contains a chemical that helps to kill bacteria in the mouth. What might this chemical be? Tick one box. Coantibiotic — antiseptic [CJantihistamine — [Jdetergent [1 mark} 6 Choose from the following to answer part a influenza food poisoning AIDS tuberculosis a Which two diseases are caused by bacteria? and £1 mark} 17 The graph shows the change in the numbers of antibodies when a person is infected by the chickenpox virus. Level of antibodies in the blood Ht be 20 22 24 26 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time (days) a After the infection, the number of antibodies never goes hack to zero. Explain why this is ‘useful fo a person. [1 mark} 15 Water fleas are tiny organisms that live in water. They are transparent, so if you look al one through a microscope you can see its heart beating, Jemy put a water flea in a drop of water on 2 microscope slide. She counted the mumber of heartbeats in a minute, The table shows her results, ‘Temperature °C) | Heartbeat rate (beats per minute) 3 a0 10 65 15 80 20 8 25 us a What was Jenny investigating? [1 mark} ‘This graph shows Jenny’s results, M407 120. 100 80 60 1 (beats per minute) 40 Heart ra 20-4 0 5 10 5 20 25 3 Temperature °C) stan 349 b Deserine the pattern in Jenny's results, {1 mark] Simon also measured the heartbeat rate of a water flea at different temperatures. The table shows his results ‘Temperature (°C) ‘Heartbeat rate (beats per minute) 5 70 10 100 is 37 20 198 25 20 © Suggest two reasons why Simon's results are different from Jenny's results i [2 marks} ‘Simon predicted that the heartbeat rate of the water fleas would double with every 10°C. increase in temperature. 4 Do Simon's results support his prediction? Explain your answer. [1 mark} ¢ How could Simon improve the reliability of his evidence? [2 marks} enleine Seine PO rtm 30 evn Beatin Fie 600

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