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Article Review

This activity is designed to enable you to enhance your analytical skill by critically reviewing
journal articles, working papers and similar scientific works related to topics in Management
Information System. The review involves identification of the theme the selected article attempts
to address, evaluation of the theories the author presents as a basis of the study and a comment
on validity of the position the author has taken. More importantly, you should evaluate the
finding and conclusion of the article in light of the existing literature and course materials.
Specifically, your review should address the following vital issues:

(1) What is the major objective of the article?

(2) What are the theories/concepts discussed in the paper and how do they compare?
(3) If the author argues supporting/rejecting a theory/specific MIS concept, what are her/his
reasons and how valid are the reasons?
(4) How well are conclusions of the article aligned with the findings of the study?
(5) What exactly does the work contribute and relate to the overall topic of your course?
(6) In your opinion, what were the strengths and weaknesses of the paper?

Your review report should be structured as follows:

1) Summary of the article focusing on the following major issues
- Purpose of the article/ Problem statement
- Specific objectives it tries to achieve
- Data used (including its type-Quantitative or qualitative)
- Method of data analysis
- Findings, Conclusions, and recommendations.
2) Your evaluation of the article based on the points 2 through 4.
3) Your comment on point number 5
4) Your opinion about the strengths and weaknesses of the article

Note: the review report should not exceed 5 pages maximum.

Article review guideline 1

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