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Welcome to a world of erotica nonsense, a deviant country full of tongue in cheek, pervertedly

corrupted magic spells. A land teeming with utterly disgusting sexually deviant monsters. That
cries out for scantily clad hero’s, to come save it! You, as those heroes, battle your way across
Orgasmia, a land under siege by the Goody two shoes legions. These forces of Morality and
Censorship have darkened the peaceful doorstep of this lusty land called Orgasmia, with a
devilish crusade of prudish, politically correct ball busting! A land already dealing with demonic
infestation! Orgasmia Goddess of pleasure calls out for sexy defenders to lead her rebellion, to
join her fight against these fiendish forces and the Goody two shoes legions! Step back with her
now to the time of high erotica adventure, as you get ready to battle your way through endless
sex crazed monsters, prudish purveyors of political correctness and devilishly crafted shadowy
sex dungeons. You as the hero, seek to defeat the forces of good (Err) evil, yes evil no one saw
anything. So slip into that sexy armor, and pick up that BDSM weapon, now you are prepared to
battle your way through a tawdry little tale of twisted tongue in cheek humor. A rollicking
naughty romp, through a sexually deviant, politically incorrect, little fantasy roleplaying world I
concocted. Can you hear the call to high erotica adventure? If so, Orgasmia has been waiting
for you, come join the fun!
Thanks for your purchase of Orgasmia, it’s a rather simple fantasy erotica world made up of
deviant monsters, crazy twisted spells of sexual innuendo and salty gross bad taste. A world
peopled with greedy grasping non-player characters you will put through their paces, as you put
your new clunks ( players) into disgustingly delightful erotica inspired goodness.This guide book
will allow you to become the director of this tawdry tale of erotic nonsense,so sit back in your
directors chair new Sir or Madame, and prepare to become Orgasmia’s new God or Goddess!







This is a roleplaying game, think of it as the theater of the mind. Like any other porno,(err)
drama, yes drama that's it! No one saw anything! You, as the games master of mischief, create
the scenes, your clueless clunks play through. You are referred to, depending on your gender
bend, as either Sir or Madame when your clunks wish to speak to you about their moves. Or
have one of those pesky questions, like how big is this thing’s dangly bits? If they really knew,
they would already be running with their collective hands held strategically over their collective
bumholes! As Sir or Madame you are responsible for creating each lovingly,(err) who put that
crap in my script!? Have them spanked! Lusty scene in this theater of the mind, you're the one
responsible for the sexually deviant monsters and the surroundings of each scene your clunks
enter. Like any other roleplaying game,you will need to prepare to play the game first. Then
you’re going to need some open minded friends to come listen to you referee the adventure.
Now then to get started, you can grab some notebook and graph paper, something to write with
and a ruler to draw simple maps with.You will also want to purchase a set of some gaming dice!
If this is your first time ever trying a roleplaying game out, there are plenty of places on the
internet, to purchase some of these rather odd dice from, or you might check to see if any place
locally offers them for sale. Once you have all the necessary items. You can begin to flesh out
your first adventure, you as the games Sir or Madame must set up the starting scene where
your players will begin their tawdry tale of naughtiness.Take a sheet of graph paper out and
start to design your first village. It can have some sexually silly name, or just be nameless. Each
square on the graph paper equals 10 feet, or in game terms 10 feet equals one movement
space. Using this as your guide simply draw a bunch of squares and rectangles. Making sure to
leave a space or two empty, to indicate where the doors to the buildings are located. Here’s
where you determine where your tawdry tale will start. Is it a rather large city,or some tiny village
in the back ass of nowhere? Either way you will need to provide the basic places for your band
of players, hereafter referred to as clunks, places to spend their starting golden penars in, these
buildings are populated with the towns (NPC’s) non-player characters you control. The
greedy,grasping venders ready to suck up all that gold to provide them with the junk they need
to start their tawdry story moving along. So village or city, make sure you have these basics
covered when you create your map. An outfitters shop, Just think of it as the local version of
your neighborhood department store, in a large city, or a village flea market. Both places will be
able to provide the vender space, for you to sell your clunks, all that useless junk the venders
have been greedily hoarding. These NPCs have been waiting for the next bunch of stump
jumpers to come along, with too much gold in their pockets. Using the Town and city designer
list found later in this guide,you can finish your starter town.Oh one word of advice, make sure
to always have a dive pub or local flop house for your clunks to use as a backdrop starter
location, and a place to spend more of that useless gold they have in their pockets. As Sir or
Madame it is your job to provide your players err clunks with the information they will need, you
will need to read over the game rules and get to know what the game terms are to help your
new clunks through such things as character generation and spending all of that gold, you so
deviously gave them. Now that you are familiar with the game terms, you can assist your
clunks.They can just copy down the simple character sheet on the following page after this
section on a provided piece of notebook paper. Make sure to provide any magic using or melee
class with a few extra sheets, so they can copy their magical spells or melee skills down on.
This will let them create their spell books or melee skill lists. Then everyone should be ready to
create a naughty character. The list of available characters are laid out below after the getting
started sections. Each characters primary stat requirements are indicated to make it an effective
character! Then whisk them back to the age of brazen balls and bold tits, populated with
medievally bent letches and censorship spouting do gooders because they aren’t in normality
anymore! Let your clunks get the feel of their new surroundings as you take them on their first
shopping spree. They are going to need to outfit themselves with gear,weapons,armor and
supplies.These can be obtained from a dark and dangerous Cads swap meet, or the local
markets you have provided full of hawkers and venders of every stripe. These seedy places are
usually well guarded by the locals. So any shenanigans pulled here, might end up with
them,your clunks in jail. All items are listed in the helpful price guide found in the tables and
charts section. Then set the trap using the local dive pub you so devilishly created to use as
your trap location commonly referred to as the plot device. So why did the players come here?
Was it to save the local hottie from a sex dungeon? Or maybe the crab ass old tramp in the
corner booth has a map he’s willing to part with for the clunks to go find him the fabled Golden
dildo of power,said to possess the unbridled power of that little blue magic pill, but in a more
potent form to wear around his scrawny neck. Now that you have set the trap, you can leisurely
guide your band of lawless deviants to the goal with hints and various plot messages to bread
crumb them along to your plotted location for the next scene. This is accomplished by the clever
plot device you provided them with. The old tramps map gives the group the location of the
fabled Golden dildo of power, or a helpful village idiot tells them where to find the
Ohsosoreasses lair in an off handed way. Then, you can progress the scene. Along the way,
you might have them encounter a traveling band of whores, who seem to have a problem with
keeping their clothes on, or maybe they come across a vicious Oggler, who wants to use them
for his next meal. You can plot these encounters, or use the helpful naughty encounter tables
and give it a random roll to surprise your band of clueless clunks. Eventually they will make it to
the next scene location, even if it takes days to get there. Make sure they hunt and gather food
supplies, or scrounge food off the locals on this journey, if not they may start looking at their
fellow adventures and resort to vicious cannibalism! Thus ending their story, before they even
reach the sex dungeon! Or you can simply remind them to buy food and get drink, while in a city
or village for the trip.These are, oh so very dangerous surroundings they are heading for, and to
avoid those cannibalism checks for hungered characters,everyone needs three squares a day.
This keeps them in top running condition. When rolling for a random monster encounter,
determine how many hours you have set up for them to reach your next plot location. Then give
it a quick once per hour roll for short distance runs, or once every three hours on longer
journeys roll. On journeys that might take them days to accomplish.Your clunks can perform an
action each sequence. Their actions are determined by a sequence roll, this roll is a D20+slick
bonus roll both you and each player make at the start of any conflict, you can find your monsters
slick bonus listed plainly in it's deviant challenge rating info, in the monster guide section.You
can use a piece of scrap paper to keep the clunks order of actions for the conflict and your
monsters for the scene in some type of orderly fashion you desire to use. Each player or
monster acts when they get their cue to perform an action in the scene.The conflict continues
until the scene is resolved! Rinse and repeat. Monsters slain, and plot devices defeated, earn
players experience points which help them to level up the performance rating of their clunk,
There's a handy experience listing on each monsters deviant challenge rating information, that
shows you the Sir or Madame when the clunks have earned a level later on in the game tables
and charts section there’ also a handy chart that shows you experience awards by deviant
challenge number.(Never use the term clunks, this is a secret term when referring to your
players!) Make sure the amounts of experience are recorded and awarded accordingly at the
end of each tawdry tale, and feel free to award scene experience as well, for any clever
performances, your clunks may have accomplished, during each of the scenes in that act, in
your tawdry tale. I have provided a handy starter adventure you can customize after the
character generation sections below, to aid any first time Sirs or Madams on their way to
Directors glory!

Creating your tawdry tales can be exciting, this series of chapters in game terms is called a
campaign a sort of continuing adventure you as the Sir or madame set up for your friends to
play through,starring them of course. But what about the supporting cast? In the example
adventure given in this guide, you run into Pornia. A powerful spell slinging sex pot your
character clunks can defeat and gain some pretty nice loot from, but what happens if she had
a much eviler older sister also into that twisted magic,who finds out about what happened to her
favorite baby sister? Well she becomes the tales arch foe, after hearing about the truly awful
defeat her sister got given,she vows to avenge her death and sends her personal band of
more powerful creatures around to visit your clunks, and they aren’t happy to see the clunks in
the least! This can set up the older sister as a continuing plot device you can play off,perhaps by
the time these new monsters find the clunks,they have already returned to some town in a new
area. Or maybe you decide to make Diddle Quick the starter town the clunks home base of
adventuring operations,either way it will be up to you to let your imagination run wild and weave
the tawdry tale into an epic adventure! Using plot devices like traps both normal and magical,
creating artifacts and quest ideas for your friends characters to explore,plotting out the sex
dungeons they will encounter on this epic journey all lies ahead as you create your tawdry tale.
Don’t forget to add in some local contacts for the clunks to become friends with,these npc’s
could be an old friend or might be a former master or mistress the clunks trained under, giving
you new plot hook hangers perhaps new quests and training resources you as Sir or madame
can use to push the tale along,welcome to your new naughty storybook world!

Strumpet or Gigolo, they are holy sexual healers ~ Quick nurse, give that patient mouth to
mouth resuscitation! Stat focus Mojo, special ability THE DOCTOR IS IN : Range touch uses
per day equals Mojo mod bonus, heals target to full. Hit point dice per level 2d8+Brute mod
bonus. Stamina dice 2d20+Mojo mod bonus after Character generation, per level
reached.Gains all 1st level spells from class tree at creation.Then follows character level
progression to get new spells from 2nd level onward. At 3rd level a devotee earns their holy
symbol of Orgasmia made of Silver.

Tramp, they are BDSM bent magic slingers ~ Do that Voodoo you do so well baby!
Stat focus Mojo, special ability GET IT UP BABY! : Range touch uses per day equals Mojo mod
bonus a 1d4 point boost to selected stat bonus for the number of boost rolled in rounds.Hit point
dice per level 2d8+Brute mod bonus. Stamina dice 2d20+Mojo bonus after Character
generation, per level reached.Gains all 1st level spells from class tree at creation.Then follows
character level progression to get new spells from 2nd level onward. All tramps start with an
arcane focus, a crystal necklace which through research unlocks new spells for them to cast.
Tramps gain a familiar at 3rd level which can be found on the table later in this guide.

Cad, they are casanova crooks ~ Oops did I do that? How did that get in my pocket?
Stat focus Slick, special ability JUST JIGGLE IT! : Uses per day equal to slick mod bonus.1d4
point boost to slick bonus on any cad actions involving swipe,traps or piss it off! Hit point dice
per level 2d10+Brute mod bonus. Stamina dice 2d20+Mojo mod bonus after Character
generation, per level reached.Cads start with Appraise loot,Awareness,Piss it off,Trap diddling
and Break and enter. Plus Choice of 1 skill from class tree at creation.Then follows character
level progression to get new class skills from 2nd level onward.

Blackguard, they are sex weapon swinging Fighters ~ Stomping time!!!!!!! Ewww what this on
my shoe? Stat focus Brute, special ability STOMP AN ASS! : Uses per day equal to Brute mod
bonus 1 attack deals x 10 damage uses 10 stamina. Hit point dice per level 2d12+Brute mod
bonus. Stamina dice 2d20+Mojo mod bonus after Character generation per level reached.
Blackguard starts with Armored focus,Bash,Clothesline,Heckle,and Improved sequence. Choice
of 1 skill from class tree at creation.Then follows character level progression to get new class
skills from 2nd level onward.

Explaining those odd dice, take a few minutes to look at each dice the main one you will need to
deal with, is the 20 sided dice. This dice, is used for every action in the game. All the others are
used for damage dealt and duration,rolling stat increases / decreases, or when rolling on tables
and charts found later in this guide.

Each character begins play with 10 attribute points to split between Brute,Slick and Mojo!
Depending on how many points you place in a skill attribute, will tell you how good you are at
doing things involving that attribute! Each stat must have at least one point!



To determine a characters starting life and stamina,use the following table.

STARTING LIFE POINTS ~ ARE 20 X BRUTE MOD BONUS. For your monsters it is referred to
as LPT or life point total a number derived from how many life dice they get totalled up to
indicate how much health they have at the start of a conflict.


DEATH SAVE ~ = 3 X MOJO BONUS. This number is added to each death save a character is
required to make, and is a 1d20+ the number entered after the + sign as a quick reference.

SPELL BREAK SAVE ~ = Mojo roll minus the attackers Brute Mod. The number you add to your
casters spell break save is your Mojo Bonus, this is entered after the + sign as a quick

DTH ~ Defense to hit is 10+Brute mod bonus+Armor protection.This is the number total enemy
monsters must meet or beat to strike a player character. All armor absorbs its protection value
in melee damage per melee attack a character receives. Some magical pieces of armor may
absorb even more physical melee damage.

STARTING MONEY~ Each character starts play with 2000 G.P Golden penars Orgasmia’s
currency runs off a x 10 progression as follows 10 Copper Crumpets = 1 Silver pastie to 10
Silver pastie’s = 1 Golden penar.

The following character sheet can either be copied to notebook paper or copied into a notepad
text file and saved on your computer as Orgasmia character sheet, and printed off on your
printer. There is also an example town you can copy to graph paper making sure to place doors
where you want them to be,with information on what each building is. This is the sleepy town of
Diddle Quick.

Orgasmia character sheet

CHARACTER NAME: _______________________
CHARACTER CLASS:________________LV _____
CHARACTER LOOKS:_______________________
BRUTE ----------- MOD________ BONUS_________
SLICK ----------- MOD________ BONUS_________
MOJO ----------- MOD________ BONUS_________
LIFE POINTS:___________ STAMINA_________
LIFE DICE PER LV__________________________
SPECIAL~ ABILITY__________________________
DEATH SAVE +_________= 3 X MOJO BONUS-----
SPELL BREAK SAVE+___= Mojo roll -Att Brute Mod
MONEY G.P________S.P_________ C.C________
MY JUNK---------------------------------------------------------
MAGIC ITEMS-----------------------BONUS-----------------
The example above is the town of Diddle Quick, here we will detail the different buildings to help
flesh out the town. Each of these squares denotes 10 feet of space the blacked out spaces are
doorway locations.

*Cads Guild is a 3 square by 5 square building where the local Cads have established a hall for
the training of new Cads, if you are a Cad you may ask to enter the Cads swap meet located in
the basement of the building to purchase certain items. Wink wink!

*Blackguards hall is a 3 square by 5 square building where the local Blackguards train and
provide security, law and training for new Blackguards in the sleepy town of Diddle Quick.

*Local Dive Pub is a 5 square by 5 square building give it some silly sexual reference name,this
is where you will set the plot device and get your tawdry tale started. It is where your character
clunks will all end up meeting for the first time,always let the players introduce themselves in a
clever way to the rest of their new traveling companions.They can pick up food to sustain them
in their travels here.* Note foolish characters who fail to buy food and drink might be in serious
trouble quite soon!

*Shrine of Orgasmia this is a 6 square by 6 square building. The local house of worship where
the sexually trained Strumpets and Gigolo’s keep careful watch over the perverted ways of the
townsfolk and provide training for any new Strumpets or Gigolo’s who enter Orgasmia’s service.
You can also obtain potions,scrolls for strumpets and gigolos, and raise the dead services for
any companions who may have bitten the dust recently here, for an absorbent rate in Gold
Penars of course these raise dead services are entirely left up to the Sir or Madame!

*The Tramps guild this is a 5 square by 7 square building. The local hall where tramps are
trained in the dark arts of BDSM Black Demon Sex Magic, it can also supply enchanting
services for weapons,and armor or even supply interesting magical items and scrolls the brave
band of lawless letches might wish to pick up to aid them in their dastardly derring do

*Local flea market this is a 6 square by 9 square building. The large building houses all of the
local hawkers and venders your new clunks will need to visit to buy all of the junk they will need
to aid them on this misadventure,here they can purchase,weapons,armor, and gear all at
reasonable prices of course.

*Houses these are the 3 square by 3 square buildings. Likely where the towns various venders
live that provide the local flea market it’s workers. They can be as lavish as you wish to describe
them but are usually two story affairs with actual glass windows showing these greedy
merchants have the money ready to hand to make such outlandish purchases.

Now that you have the starter location for the fade in scene of your tale, allow the characters to
buy the junk they need the gear can be found in the tables section. Then send them to the plot
location. Found here below is a starter adventure you can use to get the party started, it uses
the crabby old tramp plot device he can be found by your clunks in the dive pub or flop house on
the map and has a map to the fabled Golden dildo of power he wants them to retrieve for him,he
promises to pay the band a healthy reward of 10000 Gold Penars if they can bring it back to

You enter a seedy run down dive, the place smells of stale ale and old piss, the saw dust on the
floor hasn’t been changed in months. The atmosphere in here is dark and torch lit,your eyes
take a few seconds to adjust to the dank surroundings. There are candles in the center of the
various tables and booths scattered about this place, helping to illuminate it a little better. You
take note of the other inhabitants as you carefully reach a hand to your coin purse, in a place
like this someone might think you were an easy mark,and decide to lighten it for you. As you
find a table to sit at and grab some refreshment, from that long ass trip you just made to get to a
town. The ugly as sin proprietor asks if you would like the todays specials and if you want an
adult beverage or not. Todays menu is broiled chicken with beans or deep fried fish and
potatoes either will cost you 3 Silver pasties.The adult beverages he has are beer, dirty dog ale
or shots of Giddy Pung a potent liquor made from thunder beans said to aid Tramps in the
casting of certain arcane spells, but used for recreational activities by everyone else. The prices
for each in order are 1 silver for mug of beer, 2 silver for mug of ale or 3 silver a shot for Giddys
Pung once you have placed your order with him and your order gets delivered, you happen to
notice a wrinkled old hunch backed tramp sitting in the corner booth. He is carefully examining
an old weathered map laid out on the table in front of him. *Sir or Madame’s note : Here is
where your clunks can find the other player’s, maybe they are long lost pals who just happened
to all end up here somehow,or maybe they are all strangers curious about the weird hunch
backed old tramps interesting map, either way allow the clunks to introduce themselves with a
quick description of their characters appearance and continue with the following.* Suddenly the
old hunch backed tramp lets out an aggravated harumph and quickly glances around, snatching
the map off the the table and jamming it up his ill kept robes right sleeve. He then studies the
rooms inhabitants with a careful gaze as if measuring each of them. If no one in the band
approaches him pick a band member at random and have him approach and sit at their table
without an invite to do so,he will then talk quietly about the mission he has to retrieve him the
fabled golden dildo of power and tell them about the reward of 10000 GP for the items retrieval
he is willing to pay them to obtain it for him.* * Sir or Madame’s note : Once the trap has been
cleverly baited, allow the band to make any last minute purchases they might have
forgotten.Then send them on down the path, to the next location. Decide how far that’s going to
be, and use the random appearance table found later in the book to flesh out the journey to the
next plotted scene location. Regardless of how many hours or days it will take always make
sure characters are eating and drinking at a normal rate. If you have set the sex dungeon very
close to Diddle Quick then you won’t need many checks on the random appearance table to get
your clunks to it but if it’s going to take a few days to get there. Then watch to see if they are
eating and drinking or in some way feeding themselves or begin rolling randomly starting with
the clunk with the lowest Brute bonus on the Cannibalism reaction chart! Roll this reaction then
inform the clunk to make a 1d20+ brute mod based roll if the clunk beats the roll you made for
the cannibalism roll inform them they are desperately feeling hunger pains,and are starting to
eye fellow adventures in a mouth watering way, if they fail to make this save, then they
immediately begin to chomp on their closest companion.

After braving the dangerous wilds of Orgasmia’s monster infested country you finally reach the
next location. It is a tumbled down ruin, in the heart of a forested area. The place reeks of raw
sexual power and despair. Local legend has it this place may be the home of a rather depraved
follower of BDSM Black Demon Sex Magic,the dark path of tramps so deviant they seek other
monsters to enslave to their twisted sexual appetites. You carefully note two Ohsosoreasses
guarding a vine covered entrance to this tumbled down ruin.

If your players have not run into a conflict yet, this will be their first battle. You as Sir or Madame
ask your players to make a sequence check the sequence check determines the cue times
everybody in the conflict will take during the sequence you will roll for the Ohsosoreasses and
consult their monster info to get the slick bonus for their sequence roll this is a 1d20+slick bonus
roll the number rolled indicates the order in which everyone will go the higher the roll the sooner
they go in the sequence as they get their cue to perform an action. Each sequence is broken
down into three parts move,attack or heal and a use action. You will likely want to grab a piece
of scrap paper to keep track of the cue order and be able to track your monsters DTH number
over their life point starting totals. The Ohsosoreass Short cut would look like this. DTH 16 /
LPT Roll 6d12+6 Starting life point total as the monster takes damage this goes down when it
reaches zero they are killed. Though for quick reference the listing for it is here below.

Monster type : Ohsosoreass

Description :These 8 foot gray skinned bipedal brutes have slavering jaws with large protruding
fangs on a wrinkled bald head with giant floppy ears sticking out like doofuses and overly
enlarged asses.
DCR : 2
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +4 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : Club 3d8+6 damage.
Special attacks : Bellow AOE 30ft radius, centered on it,all targets in Area of effect save vs mojo
or be afflicted with instant irresistible hemorrhoidal itching that stops effected targets in their
tracks to rudely deal with the problem in the grossest way possible.Effect Stink finger 1d2
rounds of itching roll vs Mojo or be afflicted. Bellows per day 4 Stamina cost 10 per use.Save vs
attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of attack roll. Successful saves
ignore the attack.
Special defenses : None
LPT :8d8+6 Stamina : 40 Move : 5 / 50 feet
DTH : 16 Size : Large Biped 8 foot tall 400 lbs
Experience award : 450
Treasure : P2 / Lair Type : B
Territory : Forests,underground caverns and sex dungeon
Number appearing: Random encounter 1d4, Lair : 2 mated+1d4 defenseless offspring!

This means your clunks will have to score a 16 or higher on their combat rolls to strike the
Ohsosoreass. Any attack made that deals physical direct damage uses a Brute roll of a
1d20+brute mod bonus if you are a Blackguard or a 1d20+slick mod bonus to hit the monsters
DTH if you are a Cad either of these will deal weapon or attack skill damage adding the
characters brute bonus to any physical damage inflicted.Throwing spells runs off the casters
Mojo roll a 1d20+Mojo mod bonus roll to hit the Ohsosoreasses DTH that deals magical
damage and effects. Magic casters aren’t really geared for physical engagement and as a
back up attack can only roll a brute based roll at their much lower brute mod not the brute bonus
the Blackguard receives for combat rolls at a 1d20+brute mod to make a physical attack which
deals normal weapon damage.

Some attacks are special, the Ohsosoreass has a special attack that it can use on the players
called Bellow an AOE 30ft diameter shout, centered on it,all player targets in area of effect save
vs mojo or be afflicted with instant irresistible hemorrhoidal itching that stops effected targets in
their tracks to rudely deal with the problem in the grossest way possible. Effect Stink finger 1d2.
Roll a 1d4 1-2 is 1 round 3-4 is 2 rounds of hemorrhoidal itching. Bellows per day 4 Stamina
cost 10 per use. This attacks every player character within the 30ft diameter shout of the
Ohsosoreass. Characters must save vs Mojo and must meet or beat the Ohsosoreasses roll for
this attack or suffer the effects of the Bellow. Successful saves ignore the attack.

Rinse and repeat the combat sequence until the Ohsosoreasses are defeated or the characters
flee the area those who fight and run away live to fight another day,but whimps usually end up
as lunch! With the terrible monster’s defeated the players can get a glimpes inside this sex
dungeon of terror as they get closer to the entrance, moans of ecstasy filter back from within as
they pass the dead bodies of the Ohsosoreasses Experience award: 450 per Treasure: P1 each.
They can see a double line of purple stone pillars leading back further into this temple of terror. On
each pillar withers a tranced victim bound to each pillar along this procession of perversion. If
approached the victims simply moan louder and demand to be punished again.*Sir or Madame’s
note: Anyone foolish enough to try getting one of the victims down will soon regret their kind actions.
Freed victims will immediately attack their rescuers making an unprovoked physical attack to the
closets player character. This is a surprise attack and allows the crazed victim one free attack action
that subtracts the targets brute mod bonus due to the surprise factor involved. Any time a surprise
action fits the situation you reduce the targets DTH by the amount equal to the Brute mod bonus to
their DTH making it easier to hit a surprised target. Crazed nutjob DTH 12 life point total 20 attacks
melee unarmed attack 1d20+2 fist deals 1d4+2 damage to any targets struck Experience point value
50 treasure: Nil

If the victim is released allow them to be dealt with then continue on further into this dangerous
place. Soon a polygon of glowing blue stone will appear in the center of the polygon is a golden
pentagram this pentagram has a golden penis shaped object softly glowing on a three pronged
stand at its center, any magic using character may use their Mojo roll to detect this magical power
emanating from the golden dildo.* A successful Mojo roll by any caster will quickly inform the caster
this is likely the item the band has been sent here to find. Also they will see the blue polygon
surrounding the pentagram has various magical trap spells infused into it, any caster may attempt to
defuse magic by stating they are attempting to do so,and rolling a mojo roll against the traps difficulty
number if they fail the magical traps are instantly set off,and any alarms that were set to it will be
triggered alerting the place to the presence of the band of adventurers.

Depending on the outcome of the defuse magic attempt, the clever band of clunks have come and
quickly achieved their desired goal,if the traps go off they face a new challenge, two vicious Ogglers
appear from the right hand passageway and quickly move to intercept the lawless band of
perpetrators at their fiendish filching. Plus the caster attempting to defuse the magical traps takes
whatever trap damage you decide to use from the magical trap table. Any Cads in the band will get a
slick awareness roll to detect footsteps coming up the stairs as well from below and be able to alert
their companions to the fact more hostiles are incoming. Depending on the bands mental bent they
may choose to flee at this point rather than face all these nasty things or maybe it’s time for your
Blackguard to STOMP AN ASS!

Regardless of what the band does they will be faced with two vicious Ogglers you can find the
Ogglers info in the monster guide section, and two more Ohsosoreasses who have ascended the
stairs from below to come deal with these home invaders. Make sure to roll your sequence rolls and
set up the scene for the upcoming battle so everyone acts on cue when their turn comes up to act. A
clever band of smart clunks can usually defeat these horrible monsters and pillage whatever else
can be found up here on this floor in the nearby rooms, If they are feeling exceptionally jacked up
and want to beard the sex spell slinging mistress of this place she will be found below on the next
level. Beware though,she is not alone and keeps a ferocious pet that serves her every whim waiting
down there,sure to give a low level bunch of clunks a true taste of her BDSM powers! You may
create a set of treasures for these upstairs rooms in the random treasure table or customize the
rooms as you see fit and let your over active imagination run wild! Beware below there be a foul spell
slinging sex pot ready to turn your clever clunks into her next sex slaves!

Here below on the following page, is the graphed out layout of the simple temple, the blacked
out areas indicate doorways,on your map. These are placed in the hallway spaces between the
rooms.The other blacked out areas are the entrances and stairwells leading downward, these
can be copied to a sheet of graph paper with the size of each plainly indicated on the different
features. Each purple square is one space filled in and indicates a pillar the crazed victims of
Pornia’s depravity are being hung on.Your players should quickly finish off the nasty critters in
here, and explore the place for anything they can shove in their soon to be bulging backpacks.
Pornia Mistress of Mayhem
This deadly sex spell slinger is a blue eyed blond 44D cup bombshell, of twisted power.
DTH 17 Brute+2 Slick +4 Mojo +4. Plus 8 vs death
LPT 34 Stamina 89 Move 60ft / 6 spaces
Corset and mini skirt of protection +5
Dildo of flatulent doom - Range 50 feet,single target. Enemy target is afflicted with a sudden
increase in internal gas pressure, which is explosively let go in a ass hurting expulsion dealing
5d8 damage and causing the target to save vs the Mojo roll of the caster or be stunned for 1d4
rounds. 2nd level spell. 9 charges.
Tickler +3 weapon
Spells known all first level tramp spells,2nd levels The Cold Shoulder,Ole Sparky. 3rd level Hot
Size: Medium 5’4” tall 110 lbs
Experience award: 700

Pornia’s pet Prude Snapper

Description :The beast is a floating round red blob with eight glaring black eyes sunk into its
putrid smelling flesh,over a maw full of sharp teeth, ready to rend any intruder it is sicced upon.
DCR : 3
Monster Stats Brute +5 Slick +4 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : 2d12+5
Special attacks : Peepers gaze - an unwelcome glance that causes single target to save vs
Death at Mojo roll of the attack or be stunned by it's Creep me out effect for 1d4 rounds. Gaze
attacks per day 3. Stamina cost 10 per use.
Special defenses : Tough hide provides 4 points of armor protection
LPT : 8d12+5 Stamina : 30 Move : 3 / 30 feet
DTH : 19 Size : Large 6 foot in diameter blob of putrid flesh 300lbs
Experience award : 700
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : C
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d6 defenseless offspring

Pornia’s lair is mapped out below, the blacked out 2 X 2 areas show where the 2 X 2 areas
upstairs come out, to enter this area. The gold 6 X 6 area is a dais fronted by the 4 X 1 set of
stairs, red squares indicate braziers,purple squares are torture pillars,black squares doors,
The red star is snapper,and the black star is Pornia herself!
*1st level spells a Strumpet or Gigolo begins play knowing all 1st level spells. All spells unless
specified are a target must roll its Mojo roll and meet or beat the attacking characters rolled
score for the spell attack if stated. Some powerful spells require a death save,others give no
save at all.

Stupification~ causes single target monster in a range of 10 feet to become stupified for 1d4
rounds. Save vs Mojo roll of the caster or be stuck dumb with immobility target can not move or
perform any actions.1st level spell. Stamina cost 5 per use.

Feels good ~ The spell cures 3d6+ Mojo bonus of the caster to target player, pet, or familiar
range touch.1st level spell. Stamina cost 5 per use.

Poof you're a balloon~ Spell causes the single target to fill with hot air and float away! Range 50
feet. All targets must save vs death at Mojo roll of the caster or rapidly fill with hot air and float
away never to be seen again! 1st level spell. Stamina cost 10 per use.

Head rush~ gives a 1d4 attribute boost to target player,or pet can also be used to knockdown
enemies stats save vs mojo roll of the caster when used on enemies or be dealt the deficiency
for 1d4 rounds. 1st level spell. Stamina cost 5 per.

2nd level spells

Shake,rattle and roll ~ Target afflicted with uncontrollable shakes -4 to all stat checks range 50
feet 1d4+Mojo bonus of debuff save vs mojo roll of the caster or be dealt the deficiency for 4
rounds + mojo bonus of the caster. 2nd level spell. Stamina cost 10 per use.

Kick to the groin ~ choose up to 3 targets within 50 feet a force projected kick inflicts auto crit to
the targets genitals auto knock down minus 4 to all actions for 1d4 rounds. No save, 2nd level
spell. Stamina cost 20 per use.

Umm all better~ cures 5d6+Mojo bonus of the caster, burst heal 30 foot radius. 2nd level spell.
Stamina cost 10 per use.

Pile driver~ Hammer of force slams target into the ground like a driven nail. Save vs mojo roll of
the caster or sinks the target to their neck in the ground target takes suffocation damage 2d4
per round equal to mojo bonus of caster in rounds! Range 50 feet. 2nd level spell. Stamina cost
10 per use.

3rd level spells * Strumpet or Gigolo gains Silver devotees Male or Female holy symbol of
Orgasmia adds +2 dice to any spell cast against undead or demonic entities from Orgamia’s
holy power.

Tittie twister ~ launches two fingers of force to a single target within 50 feet, fingers of force do
tittie twister damage 5d8 force damage. 3rd level spell. Stamina cost 20 per use.

Having a bad day! ~ Curse AOE centered on target, 15 foot radius of effect range 80 feet target
cursed with fumbling to slick stat for rounds equal to the casters mojo bonus target save vs mojo
roll of the caster or fumble around at minus 6. 3rd level spell. Stamina cost 20 per use.

Jack me up! ~ Heals target player or pet for half of the casters life points. 3rd level spell.
Stamina cost 20 per use.

Stinking gas ~ 10 foot radius cloud of intense stench envelopes all targets in the burst radius
causing uncontrollable vomiting for 1d6 rounds effected targets take choking damage from the
horrible stench target save vs mojo roll of the caster or pop your cookies! 3rd level spell.
Stamina cost 20 per use.

4th level spells

Repugnant noise ~ 30 foot cone attack a violent sound issues from the casters arse, this sonic
attack effects all targets in the area of effect all targets take a 2 space knock back and must
save vs Mojo roll of the caster or be deafened for 2d4 rounds -10 to all awareness rolls.4th level
spell. Stamina cost 40 per use. Successful saves ignore the deafened effect but are still
knocked back the two spaces.

Slimy puddle of goo ~ casts a 15 foot radius puddle of slimy white goo appears in targeted area
within 80 feet of the caster with a violent sploosh! Any target in the area of effect -10 to slip and
slide check any target falls into the goo, is at -10 to move,or stand up for a number of rounds
equal to casters Mojo bonus, save vs Mojo roll of the caster at -10. 4th level spell. Stamina cost
40 per use. Slip and slide check is a 1d20+slick bonus roll at a minus 10 see slip & slide chart
pg 56

Sleepy time ~ A pink cloud of sleepy mist engulfs the targets head within 80 feet causing instant
slumber for 2d6 rounds save vs Mojo roll of the caster at -4. 4th level spell. Stamina cost 40 per
use.Successful save ignores this effect.

Talk to the hand ~ A 6 foot wide palm of force slams into the target within 100 feet of the caster.
All targets must save vs death at Mojo roll of the caster or be dealt 8d4 force damage.
Successful save takes half damage.4th level spell. Stamina cost 40 per use.

5th level spells

Profane finger ~ Curse of the middle finger, the power of the unholy bird compels you! Has the
same effect as the Cads piss it off gesture but effects up to three targets in sight range,effect
causes targets to go into a frothy rage and charge the caster, drops the Mojo save of the target
by 6 points no save! 5th level spell. Stamina cost 60 per use.

Love you long time ~ Range 30 foot diameter. Heals for 8d6+Mojo bonus up to three targets
caster is able to divide the healing among the targets! 5th level spell. Stamina cost 60 per use.

Shoot me out! ~ Range 80 feet. Single target,save vs Mojo roll of the caster for half damage.
Harms target monster for half of the casters stamina points in damage. 5th level spell. Stamina
cost 60 per use.

Hedonism ~ Forced conversion. Single target, target saves vs Mojo roll of the caster or
becomes the unwilling servant of the caster for 2d4 rounds as if they were the casters best
friend.5th level spell. Stamina cost 60 per use.

6th level spells

Stink eye ~ Gaze attack range 50 feet single target save vs casters mojo roll or be stunned,
panicked or sickened depending on size class of creature.Small monsters stunned,medium
monsters panicked, large monsters sickened for 1d4+Mojo bonus of the caster in rounds. 6th
level spell. Stamina cost 70 per use. Panicked run in circles, Sickened -5 to all actions

Orgasmic disturbance ~ Range 80 feet, select up to three targets in range and deal
uncontrollable rapid masturbation to the target, targets can do nothing but masturbate for the
duration of the spell which is equal to the casters Mojo bonus in rounds save vs casters Mojo
roll or be afflicted. 6th level spell. Stamina cost 70 per use.

Up the Wazoo ~ Range 100 feet, a powerful stationary butt plug of stone shoots right up the
Wazoo of the target impaling them in a stationary position for 1d6 rounds target saves vs
casters mojo roll or becomes impaled taking 3d8 damage per round for the duration of the
Spell. 6th level spell. Stamina cost 70 per use.

Frightful flash ~ Range 100 feet,the caster uses their sex appeal to scare the target into fleeing
in some sexually profane way. This is an AOE effecting all targets in the range of the
spell.Targets save vs casters mojo roll or run fleeing the caster for 2d4+Mojo bonus of the
caster in rounds. 6th level spell. Stamina cost 70 per use.

7th level spells

Wrap that rascal ~ Range 100 feet,target is enveloped in a rubber substance causing
suffocation damage 4d8 damage per round save vs Mojo roll of the caster or suffer the effect for
rounds equal the the casters Mojo bonus+1d8. 7th level spell. Stamina cost 80 per use.

Sexual healing ~ Range 50 foot radius burst heal,caster uses their immense sex appeal to send
a wave of sexual healing to all party members in the AOE effect healing all effected for
3d6+Mojo bonus per level of the caster. 7th level spell. Stamina cost 80 per use.

The emperors new clothes ~ Range 50 foot cone of effect, targets save vs Mojo roll of the
caster or be instantly stripped of all clothing and be effected by stark embarrassment
immobilizing all effected targets for 1d6+Mojo bonus of the caster in rounds. 7th level spell.
Stamina cost 80 per use.

Blotto bowling ~ Single target line of sight. Summons a sphere of force that rockets away rolling
over the target dealing 10d4+Mojo bonus of the caster to target. No save targets living through
the strike are knocked down and at - 6 to all actions for one round after being struck. 7th level
spell. Stamina cost 80 per use.

8th level spells

Raging hot on ~ Range line of sight, fires a barrage of five fiery dildos down range in a 45
degree arc centered on the caster all targets struck, suffer friction burn and catch on fire
suffering 10d6 damage from the strike and 1d4 rounds of oooh I on fire, suffering 2d4 extra
damage per round effected from the secondary effect no save. 8th level spell. Stamina cost 90
per use.

Whips and chains ~ Range 20 foot,single target. Whips of force lash out from the casters
outstretched hands and deal friction burn damage 8d8 damage from the lash, save vs death at
-4 against secondary effect of force chains or be imprisoned in force chains and be immobilized
for 2d6 rounds. 8th level spell. Stamina cost 90 per use.

Titanic Teabag or Tit slap ~ Range 20 foot, depending on casters gender summons a terrifying
concussion of force onto the target a giant nut sack or tittie smack slams the target away with a
force explosion dealing 8d8+casters Mojo bonus damage and dealing 1d6 knock back damage
Propelling the target away up to 6 spaces no save. 8th level spell. Stamina cost 90 per use.

Denied! ~ Mind altering effect, range line of sight, save vs Mojo roll of the caster or run in terror
fleeing the caster’s terrifying gaze as you are chilled to the bone target takes 8d6 cold damage
from this gaze failed saves flee for 1d8+Mojo bonus of the caster in rounds.Successful save
takes half damage and fails to flee 8th level spell. Stamina cost 90 per use.

9th level spells

Strumpets or Gigolo’s call ~ Summons the awe inducing power of Orgasmia Goddess of Sex to
smite the foe and punish the offenders with a battering mental onslaught that deals insulted
mind damage of 12d4 secondary effect save vs Mojo roll of the caster at a minus 6 or be
afflicted with tiny tots for 3d4 rounds of stunned embarrassment,targets are immobilized and
suffer minus 6 to all action rolls. 9th level spell. Stamina cost 100 per use.

Orgasmia’s fiery lash ~ Summons a flamming lash of the Goddesses anger to be wielded by her
devoted and smite the offenders with its flamming sting. Range 15 foot, the lash deals holy fire
damage of 8d8+Mojo bonus of the caster per round for a number equal to the casters mojo
bonus in rounds of use caster must make normal melee attacks to inflict the damage.9th level
spell. Stamina cost 100 per use.

I got you baby ~ A strumpet or gigolo’s ultimate healing spell focusing the power of Orgasmia
they can fully heal all targets in the burst radius of 50 feet and raise the dead the effect instantly
destroys any undead monsters and renders any other monster caught in the blast radius
sickened for 2d6 rounds no save. 9th level spell. Stamina cost 100 per use.

Orgasmia’s Wrath ~ Summons a fiery ball of holy flaming destruction down out of the sky to
explode in a 20 foot radius on enemy targets in line of sight, the ball of holy flame burns and
does impact damage to all enemy targets in the blast radius dealing 12d6 holy damage to all
targets struck.No save. 9th level spell. Stamina cost 100 per use.

From here on there are only the legendary spells,a Strumpet or Gigolo can choose one
legendary 10th level spell to use, this is the ultimate power expression of holy affinity to the
Sex Goddess Orgasmia! Unleashing these powers spends a vast amount of Stamina to
cast even one spends half of the entire Stamina pool of the caster to cast. The spells unleash
devastating forces of destruction. Orgasmia allows only one spell from the tenth level list to be
chosen as a focus for the caster as an ultimate expression of the characters devotion to her
path. The legendary 10th level spells that follow are very potent expressions of elemental and
holy power that will incinerate,fold,spindle,and mangle your enemies in the most brutal fashion!
10th level Legendary focus spells! All cost one half of the Stamina total to cast and can only be
cast once per tale, this is a massive strain on the casters mind and it takes a while to recover.
10th level focus spells ~ Choose one focus spell from this list!

Bring the heat ~ Range line of sight, Ripples the ground under the targets causing them to fall
prone the ripples open volcanic vents under the targets,dealing friction burn,and fire damage
to all effected by the eruptions. All targets must save vs death or be slowly consumed by the
volcanism as they are cooked alive successful saves still take 12d10 damage from the initial
strike. All targets who fail the death save are simply incinerated!

Orgasmia’s holy hounds ~ The powerful holy spell unleashes the hounds of Orgasmia to chase
down and destroy one’s enemies. The spell unleashes 2d4 fiery holy hounds from Orgasmia’s
heavenly realm upon the targets that deal slash and burn damage to the targets of the spell
Each hound latches on to a target, and mauls that target for 6d10 damage over the next 10
rounds targets must save vs death each attack or be ripped to pieces when the spell ends.
Holy hound DTH :24 Life points: 200 at the end of ten rounds the summoned hounds return to
Orgasmia’s realm. The hounds attack at 1d20+Mojo bonus of caster.

Orgasmia’s razors ~ The spell summons a whirling storm of holy razors that effect any and all
enemies in the area of the radius of 60 feet centered on the caster, the holy razors of Orgasmia
deal slash and burn damage and cause each target hit to become blinded by the power of
Orgasmia’s displeasure the storm of holy razors inflict 6d4 damage per each strike targets that
fail the death save are pin cushioned,spindled and ripped a sunder by the razors. The holy
storm lasts for 10 rounds and each target can be hit up to 1d6 times per round by the razors.

Time to Rock and Roll! ~ The spell unleashes a shock wave of force that ripples out from the
caster in a 50 foot diameter hurling any enemies caught in its violent explosion prone every
enemy caught in the burst must save vs death for half damage or take the entire 50 x casters
Mojo bonus in impact damage by the force explosion. All enemies caught are tumbled back four
spaces and are knocked prone.

*1st level spells.Tramps begin play knowing all 1st level spells. All spells unless specified are a
target must roll its Mojo roll and meet or beat the attacking characters rolled score for the spell
attack if stated. Some powerful spells require a death save,others give no save at all.

Zippy tits ~ A 20 foot jolt of electrical energy shoots out of your nipples dealing 3d10 damage to
single target in range. Save vs Mojo roll of the caster or take secondary effect damage of jiggle
jolt 2 shock damage for 1d4 rounds.1st level spell. Stamina cost 5 per use.
Kiss this! ~ A 20 foot stream of flames shoots out of your ass, make sure you're aiming in the
right direction dealing 5d6 fire damage to single target in range.Undead take double damage.
1st level spell. Stamina cost 5 per use.

Wind me up baby! ~ A two point boost to any stat attribute to target player or pet for 1d4 rounds
of point boost X the level of the caster in rounds of boosted stats.Range: touch.1st level spell.
Stamina cost 5 per use.

You can't see me ~ Roll Mojo to cast, then a six sided dice to see how long your invisible. All
enemies save vs Mojo roll of caster to spot the Tramp while hidden. Range: Self only.1st level
spell. Stamina cost 5 per use.

2nd level spells

Bippity Bappity BOOM! ~ Range 50 feet,single target. Enemy target is afflicted with a sudden
increase in internal gas pressure, which is explosively let go in a ass hurting expulsion dealing
5d8 damage and causing the target to save vs the mojo roll of the caster or be stunned
for 1d4 rounds. 2nd level spell. Stamina cost 10 per use.

The Cold Shoulder! ~ Range 30 foot cone AOE. All targets in area of effect must save vs
mojo roll of the caster or take 5d8 frost damage successful save takes half of damage
rolled,cubes, puddles and drops take double damage from Cold Shoulder. 2nd level spell.
Stamina cost 10 per use.

Light it up ~ Range 50 feet a blast of intense flame shoots out of the casters hand to a single
target dealing 5d8 fire damage.Targets save vs Mojo roll of the caster or suffer secondary effect
of ohh I on fire, 3 points of fire damage for 1d4 rounds.Undead take double damage from light it
up. 2nd level spell. Stamina cost 10 per use.

Ole Sparky ~ Range 50 feet a bolt of electricity leaps from the casters pointing finger. Choose
upto three targets and split the damage between those targets the spell deals 5d8 electrical
damage.Targets struck save vs Mojo roll of the caster or take secondary effect damage of jiggle
jolt 4 shock damage for 1d4 rounds. 2nd level spell. Stamina cost 10 per use.
3rd level spells *Tramps gain a familiar at this level which can be found later in this guide.

Hot foot ~ Range 50 feet. Choose up to 3 enemy targets and create 6 foot diameter circles of
fire underneath them. Targets take 6d8 hot foot burning damage and must save vs Mojo roll of
the caster or be dealt secondary effect damage of, oh I on fire for 4 points of fire damage for
1d6 rounds.Undead take double damage from hot foot. 3rd level spell. Stamina cost 20 per use.

Crackling crack ~ Range 50 feet. Choose up to three targets bolts of lightning shoot out of your
ass,make sure to aim in the right direction. Targets struck take 6d8 electrical damage. Targets
hit must save vs Mojo roll of the caster or be dealt the secondary effect damage of jiggle jolt 6
shock damage for 1d6 rounds. 3rd level spell. Stamina cost 20 per use.

Frosty glance ~ Range line of sight, Single target. This gaze attack inflicts 6d8+Mojo bonus of
the caster in cold damage to the target and must save vs Mojo roll of the caster or be afflicted
with the secondary effect, of I a popsicle for 4 points of cold damage for 1d6 rounds.Cubes,
puddles and drops take double damage from Frosty glance. 3rd level spell. Stamina cost 20 per

Bippity Bappity Oof ~ Range 50 feet.Choose up to three targets. Enemy targets are afflicted
with a sudden increase in internal gas pressure, which is explosively let go in a ass hurting
expulsion dealing 6d8 damage and causing the target to save vs the mojo roll of the caster or
be stunned
for 1d6 rounds. 3rd level spell. Stamina cost 20 per use.

4th level spells

Screaming Mimi ~ Range line of sight, choose up to three targets. This gaze attack inflicts 1d8
terror save vs Mojo roll of the caster or flee in uncontrollable terror of the caster at double
normal movement. 4th level spell. Stamina cost 40 per use.

Thunder thighs ~ Range 50 feet. Single target. A solid line of violent sound issues from the
casters ass dealing 6d10 sonic damage. Make sure you're aiming in the right direction dealing
target takes a 2 space knock back and must save vs casters Mojo roll or be afflicted with the
shakes 4 points of sonic damage for 2d4 rounds.4th level spell. Stamina cost 40 per use.

Cluck Cluck ~ Range 50 feet.Choose up to three targets.Target rolls vs death against the
casters Mojo roll or is permanently turned into a chicken. 4th level spell. Stamina cost 40 per

Vile rain ~ Range 50 feet. AOE cloud 20 foot in diameter of acidic piss rains down over all
enemy targets in area of effect dealing 6d10 acid damage save vs Mojo roll of the caster or be
effected by secondary effect of ooh it sizzles for an additional 6 points of acid damage for 2d4
rounds.4th level spell. Stamina cost 40 per use.

5th level spells

Blue balls / Tits nippley ~ Range 80 foot cone.Originating from caster. A super cooled blast of
frosty wind issues from the outstretched hands of the caster hitting all enemy targets in the blast
area. Dealing 8d6+Mojo bonus of the caster to targets genitals in frost damage. Save vs casters
Mojo roll or be afflicted with I a popsicle for 6 points of cold damage for 1d6 rounds.Cubes,
puddles and drops take double damage from Blue balls / Tits nippley. 5th level spell. Stamina
cost 60 per use.

You can't see us ~ Roll Mojo to cast, then a six sided dice to see how long you and three targets
are invisible. All enemies save vs Mojo roll of caster to spot the group while hidden.Range: Self
and selected targets. 5th level spell. Stamina cost 60 per use.

Hunka hunka burning lust ~ Summons a horny fire elemental that attacks the target with a brutal
assault of their person,target must save vs Mojo roll of the caster or be dealt 8d6 friction burn
damage by the elementals physical assault successful saves take half damage Undead take
double damage from Hunka hunka burning lust for 1d6 rounds. 5th level spell. Stamina cost 60
per use.

Serphars fizzle fingers ~ Range 50 feet.The spell summons spikes of electricity from the
ground that electrocute the target paralyzing them in place target saves vs Mojo roll of the
caster or is immobilized by the spell taking 8d6+Mojo bonus of the caster in electrical damage
and are subject to 8 points of jiggle jolt for 1d6 rounds. 5th level spell. Stamina cost 60 per use.

6th level spells

Porchias inky darkness ~ Range 80 feet. The spell engulfs up to 5 target enemies in an
impenetrable paralyzing darkness. All targets must save vs death at Mojo roll of the caster or be
slowly devoured by the paralyzing darkness and sucked into the nether realms. Successful
saves still take 1d4 rounds of paralysis unable to move or perform any actions for the duration
of the spell effect and take 8d8 cold damage from touching the nether realms icy darkness.
Cubes, puddles and drops take double damage from Porchias inky darkness. 6th level spell.
Stamina cost 70 per use.

Vile vortex ~ Range 80 feet. The spell creates a swirling vortex of acidic piss 30 foot in diameter
that pulls enemies in the AOE into its acidic effect drowning them in it’s all consuming wash of
flesh devouring misery all enemies caught by the spell must save vs the Mojo roll of the caster
or be dealt 6d10 acid damage and are subject to the secondary effect of ooh it sizzles 8 points
of additional acid damage for 2d4 rounds.6th level spell. Stamina cost 70 per use.

Boing- Caster chooses up to 5 target enemies and unleashes a solid blast of chilling frost from
their outstretched hands instantly freezing all targets that fail the save vs Mojo roll of the caster
like popsicles all successful saves take 6d10 cold damage failed saves suffer the secondary
effect of I a popsicle for an additional 8 points of cold damage for 2d4 rounds.Cubes,puddles
and drops take double damage from Boing. 6th level spell. Stamina cost 70 per use.

Poo poopy doo - Range 80 feet.The spell unleashes a rain of solid fecal missiles that rain down
over the 30 foot diameter AOE targets that save vs Mojo roll of the caster take 6d10 impact
damage from the strike failed saves take an additional 8 points of suffocation damage for 2d4
rounds. 6th level spell. Stamina cost 70 per use.

7th level spells

Hemetia’s hell hanger - Range 80 feet choose up to 5 enemies. Targets save vs death at the
Mojo roll of the caster successful saves take 8d10 burn damage as a burning line of force hauls
the target off the ground by the neck.Undead take double damage from Hemetia’s hell hanger.
Failed saves take an additional 10 points of suffocation damage for 2d6 rounds. 7th level spell.
Stamina cost 80 per use.

Porchias inky grasp - Range 80 feet single target. Target saves vs death at Mojo roll of the
caster or is engulfed in a fist of inky darkness of the Nether realms that deals 8d10+brute mod
bonus. Failed saves take an additional 10 points of cold damage per round equal to the Mojo
mod bonus of the caster all targets with failed saves are pulled into the Nether realm when the
spell ends if they have not broken free of the grasp at a minus 5 per attempt each round.
Cubes,puddles and drops take double damage from Porchias inky grasp. 7th level spell.
Stamina cost 80 per use.

Clovons aura of reflection - Summons a scintillating shield of force that repels magical attacks
and effects in a 30 foot diameter surrounding the caster those protected by its reflection power
need not suffer magical attacks but nothing physical or magical can leave the boundaries of the
protection or it instantly ends. The shield can withstand 20d10 damage before shattering
duration is equal to the casters Mojo bonus in rounds. 7th level spell. Stamina cost 80 per use.

Profane word of power stun - This profane utterance was first created by the BDSM devotee’s of
Nergaxx the gilded the dankness of these foul words instills such terror as to freeze a target in
its tracks with paralysis and numbs the mind of the afflicted with a blanket of foul darkness so
Intense the victim cannot move or utter a sound. Targets save vs Mojo roll of the caster or be
stunned for 2d4 rounds.7th level spell. Stamina cost 80 per use.

8th level spells

Dalrhea’s diddling fingers - Range 80 feet.Has the same effect as the Strumpet spell Orgasmic
disturbance select up to 5 targets in range and deal uncontrollable rapid masturbation to the
target, targets can do nothing but masturbate for the duration of the spell which is equal to the
casters Mojo bonus +1d4 in rounds save vs casters Mojo roll or be afflicted. 8th level spell.
Stamina cost 90 per use.

Hot to trot - Range line of sight. A flamming sphere of squishy material 8 foot in diameter
rockets away from the caster smashing into the target and exploding on impact for 12d8
burn and impact damage. Save vs Mojo roll of the caster for half damage. Failure the
target takes an additional 1d10 rounds of oh I on fire for 10 points of additional damage per
round rolled.Undead take double damage from Hot to trot. 8th level spell. Stamina cost 90 per

Hemetia’s bouncing balls - Range 100 feet choose up to 5 targets a sphere of force
encapsulates the target save vs death or be shot off rolling and bouncing away from the caster
in a random direction sustaining 2d12+ Mojo bonus of the caster in impact damage per bounce
a target can bounce up to 1d6 times per round as they rocket away at high speed each target
struck by the spell rolls away for rounds equal to 1d6+Mojo bonus of the caster in rounds. All
effected targets also are afflicted with crush damage of 10 points per round as the spheres
shrink in size. 8th level spell. Stamina cost 90 per use.

Hemetia’s icy scalpels - Range 100 feet. Spell summons a 30 foot diameter circle of razor sharp
ice spears that shoot up from the ground to impale all enemies caught in the AOE no save spell
deals 12d10+ casters Mojo bonus in cold damage,Cubes, puddles and drops take double
damage from Hemetia’s icy scalpels, each target caught in the AOE is also subject to I a
popsicle of 10 points for 1d6 rounds. 8th level spell. Stamina cost 90 per use.

9th level spells

Snap,crackle and pop - Range 100 feet. Select up to 5 targets spell unleashes a vice of
crushing force on every target selected save vs death at Mojo roll of the caster or be squeezed
to death in the relentless jaws of force. Successful saves are dealt 12d10+Mojo bonus of the
caster for 1d6 rounds of force damage. 9th level spell. Stamina cost 100 per use.

Crackling cloud - Range 100 feet. Summons a cloud of charged electricity that frys all enemy
targets in the 30 foot diameter AOE. Targets must save vs Mojo roll of the caster or be dealt
12D10 electrical damage. Successful saves receive half damage from the cloud failed saves
take an additional 10 points of jiggle jolt for 1d8 rounds. 9th level spell. Stamina cost 100 per

Get shafted - Range 100 feet. Summons a large force golem to physically molest up to 5 targets
in range of the spell, the golem manifests as a tentacled force beast that latches on to all the
targets save vs death at Mojo roll of the caster or be swived to death successful saves are dealt
6d6 force damage per attack caster rolls 1d6 for the number of attacks each target receives per
round for the 10 round Duration. The other failed saves are simply brutally assaulted and
dragged back to the golems point of origin in the elemental realm. 9th level spell. Stamina cost
100 per use.

Hemetia’s harmonic eruption - 80 foot cone AOE attack. Originating from caster. This is the
ultimate achievement in ass aimed spells, all enemies struck by this thunderous eruption save
vs death at the Mojo roll of the caster or are torn asunder by this powerful sonic attack.
Successful saves still take 12D10 sonic damage and suffer the secondary effect Stupification
as per the 1st level Strumpet spell but for 1d6 rounds of effect. 9th level spell. Stamina cost 100
per use.

From 17th level onward to 20th a powerful tramp will begin to focus their arcane powers and
cause a surge in damage output following this progression tree below.

17th level add +1 damage dice and duration dice to any spell rolled adds 20 cost to the Stamina
cost of casting the spell.

18th level add +2 damage dice and duration dice to any spell rolled adds 40 cost to the Stamina
cost of casting the spell.

19th level add +3 damage dice and duration dice to any spell rolled adds 60 cost to the Stamina
cost of casting the spell.

20th level add +4 damage dice and duration dice to any spell rolled adds 80 cost to the Stamina
cost of casting the spell.

The dirty fighting technique of the fisting finger~ A perverted martial art taught by the devotees
of the dirty perverts way. All attacks used in combination with the sneak skill,are denoted with
an * and are subject to the surprise Cad class feature allowing these skills to reduce the targets
DTH by their Brute bonus in protection,making these targets easier to hit.

Appraise loot~The ability to determine the approximate worth of any loot gained. Cad rolls
1d20+slick bonus.Cad must meet or beat the difficulty number assigned for the item by the Sir
or Madame. Stamina cost 0.

Artful dodger ~ A cad can make a melee response to any melee attack being used against him
without using his action that sequence by spending stamina he can roll a artful dodger check
1d20+slick bonus to avoid being struck, he must meet or beat the attackers roll to hit. Stamina
cost 5 per use.

Awareness ~ A Cad is trained to be mentally aware of their surroundings and are able to
use this awareness when checking for the presence of enemies or for traps.Cad rolls 1d20+slick
bonus for awareness checks and trap detection cad must meet or beat the difficulty number
assigned for the obstacle by the Sir or Madame. Stamina cost 0 detect enemies / 5 per use on

*Black jack ~ Used in combination with the sneak a cad trained in the art of pressure point
location can use blunt force to knock out enemies from hiding.Cad rolls 1d20+slick bonus to
strike for 1d4+slick bonus in knock out duration. Stamina cost starts at 10 and advances by
10 additional stamina per extra duration dice rolled as Black jack gets more powerful. All
Targets stuck may resist with a slick bonus roll vs the black jack attack and must meet or beat
the attack number to avoid this effect.

*Bludgeon attack ~ Used in combination with the sneak this attack delivers a stat destroying
Bludgeon effect to target monster lowering the combat ability of that monsters Brute bonus
by 1 point per level of the Bludgeon ability.1d20+slick bonus to hit. Stamina cost starts at 10
and advances by 10 additional stamina per extra point as Bludgeon attack gets more powerful.
All targets stuck may resist with a slick bonus roll vs the Bludgeon attack and must meet or beat
the attack number to avoid this effect.
Break and enter ~ A cad is trained to use special tools to gain entry to buildings or defeat the
locks of treasure chests and containers of all types with the use of Cads tools a cad must meet
or beat a difficulty number assigned by the Sir or Madame for each lock.1d20+slick Bonus
Burglary check for a Stamina cost 5 per use.

*Cads Clutch ~ A vicious neck throttling attack delivered from hiding with choke me daddy effect
This secret choking technique when applied deals suffocation damage of starting at 3d8+Brute
Bonus of the cad and causing gentle euphoria to be applied equal to the cads slick bonus in
rounds. Targets hit by this devastating conversion attack save vs death at the Cads attack roll at
a penalty of the cads slick bonus or be instantly converted to the cads willing servant.This
techniques progression, is listed on the cads skill progression chart. The technique is delivered
from hiding. Cads Clutch 1d20+slick bonus to hit causing gentle euphoria equal to the cads slick
bonus in rounds,and deals 3d8+Brute Bonus in Suffocation damage.The technique starts at a
stamina cost of 20 and raises by an additional 20 stamina cost per level of mastery in it,and
results can gain the Cad a follower a willing servant devoted to the Cads service.

Con artist ~ The ability to deceive other individuals Without arousing suspicion,by influence or
through promises of wealth.Winning over peoples trust by foul means, a cad can bilk the gullible
through clever scams and rigged games of chance three card monty,the shell game and others
by using judge the mark a cad rolls 1d20+slick bonus Burglary check against the marks difficulty
number assigned by the Sir or Madame to con that person. A Cad must have items to perform a
specific scam with as cards,or the items to run the shell game to hand.Stamina cost 5 per use.

*Connect the dots ~ The fisting finger accupressure combat technique used to deliver a
stupifying effect and dealing pin point trama damage. Connect the dots deals 1 round of
Stupification per mastery level on connect the dots and starts at 1 point of selected stat bonus
reduction for 1d4+slick bonus in rounds of effect per mastery level.This techniques progression,
is listed on the cads skill progression chart. The technique is delivered from hiding. Connect the
dots 1d20+slick bonus to hit causing 1 round of Stupification and 1 point of selected stat bonus
reduction per mastery level. The 1d4+slick bonus in rounds of effect only goes up by the
additional points a cad gains in his slick bonus. The technique starts at a stamina cost of 20 and
raises by an additional 20 stamina cost per level of mastery in it. All targets stuck may resist
with a slick bonus roll vs the Connect the dots attack at a penalty minus of the cads slick bonus
and must meet or beat the attack number to avoid this effect.

*Crotch Stomp ~ A rapid move from hiding delivering a vicious blow to the groin with a lightning
speed percussive front kick. This blow deals massive genital impact damage and knocks the
target prone. Subjects of this attack suffer a minus 10 + the slick bonus of the cad to perform
any action and are dealt genital impact damage no save of starting at 3d8 x the slick bonus of
the cad.This techniques progression, is listed on the cads skill progression chart. The technique
is delivered from hiding. Crotch Stomp 1d20+slick bonus to hit causing a minus 10 + the slick
bonus of the cad to perform any action no save, that deals 3d8 x the slick bonus of the cad in
genital impact damage. The technique starts at a stamina cost of 20 and raises by an additional
20 stamina cost per level of mastery in it.

Flimflam ~ An in depth knowledge of criminal organizations, other Cads guilds, smugglers,

usurer’s and any otherwise shady characters. A cad can enter a town or city and quickly locate
these seedy individuals through the use of secret hand gestures.1d20+slick bonus for check at
the difficulty number assigned by the Sir or Madame. Stamina cost 0.

*Flog ~ A cad attacking from hiding can flog, this is a sneak attack that deals surprise damage
starting at 1d8+Brute Bonus extra damage.1d20+slick Bonus to hit causing 1d8+Brute Bonus
extra damage per level of flog. Stamina cost starts at 10 and advances by 10 additional
stamina per extra damage dice rolled as flog gets more powerful. All targets stuck may resist
with a slick bonus roll vs the Flog attack at a penalty minus of the cads slick bonus and must
meet or beat the attack number to avoid this effect.

*Piercing pointer ~ This powerful fisting technique uses joined hands in a pointing finger position
delivering a blindingly rapid two fingered strike to the anus causing paralysis and anal seepage
damage 1+slick bonus of the cad per level of mastery in this technique in rounds of paralysis
and starts at 3d8+Brute Bonus anal seepage damage. This techniques progression is listed on
the cads skill progression chart.The Technique is delivered from hiding. Piercing pointer
1d20+slick bonus to hit causing 1+slick bonus rounds of paralysis and 3d8+Brute Bonus anal
seepage physical damage. The technique starts at a stamina cost of 20 and raises by an
additional 20 stamina cost per level of mastery in it. All targets stuck may resist with a slick
bonus roll vs the Piercing pointer attack at a penalty minus of the cads slick bonus and must
meet or beat the attack number to avoid this effect.

Piss it off ~ Is a series of profane gestures a cad can use to enrage a target these gestures
progressively grow more profane as the Cad studies the manuals they learn more and more
potent gestures. Beginning Stamina cost is 10 and advances by 10 additional stamina
per level of the gesture used as Piss it off gets more powerful it effects 1 more target per
advancement in line of sight.

*Purple nurple ~ A tittie twister attack with the vice like crab pincher grab, used to deliver an oh
that smarts distraction attack. Purple nurple causes instant embarrassment as the target drops
to the ground and rolls around from the excruciating pain of twisted nipples. Starting at the cads
slick bonus in rounds of rolling around in pain and 3d8+Brute Bonus of pinched nipple damage
no save.This techniques progression, is listed on the cads skill progression chart.The technique
is delivered from hiding. Purple nurple 1d20+slick bonus to hit causing slick bonus in rounds of
distraction and starting at 3d8+Brute Bonus of pinched nipple damage. The technique starts at a
stamina cost of 20 and raises by an additional 20 stamina cost per level of mastery in it.

Smooth operator ~ The ability to influence by charm, flattery, and smooth talk in order to seduce
a target. Cad rolls 1d20+slick bonus influence check at difficulty number assigned by the Sir or
Madame. Stamina cost 5 per use.

Sneak ~ The abIlity to move silently and remain hidden the cad is especially trained in the art of
silent movement allowing them to creep up on unsuspecting targets and deliver devastating
sneak attacks from hiding Cad rolls 1d20+slick bonus vs targets awareness roll of 1d20+slick
mod of the monster if monster fails then it is surprised and can be dealt any of the special *
attacks. Stamina cost 20 per use.

*Swipe ~ The ability to pick pockets can be used in combination with a cads sneak skill. Cad
rolls 1d20+slick bonus Burglary check at difficulty number assigned by the Sir or Madame.
Stamina cost 5 per use.

Trap diddling ~ A cad is trained to use special tools to defeat the clever traps set up in scenes.
This skill is used in combination with an awareness check to detect the traps. Cad rolls the
1d20+slick bonus trap diddling attempt at difficulty number assigned by the Sir or Madame.
Stamina cost 5 per use.

Armored focus ~ A Blackguard can focus his stamina to enhance his DTH by +1 per every
level of Armored focus mastery in this technique in rounds equal to his Brute Bonus. Stamina
cost starts at 10 and advances by 10 additional stamina per extra level of mastery.

Bash ~ A two handed swing that applies double weapon damage to a single target. Stamina
cost 10 per use.

*Blitz ~ Using his Stamina the Blackguard moves at lightning speed charging head long into
a single target inflicting 2d10+Brute Bonus in impact damage and dealing an additional 1d4
stagger damage for the Brute Bonus of the Blackguard in rounds. Stamina cost 20 per use.

**Improved Blitz ~ Using his Stamina the Blackguard moves at lightning speed charging with
outstretched arms head long at two close together enemies dealing 4d10+Brute Bonus in shock
damage and dealing an additional 1d6 stagger damage for the Brute Bonus of the Blackguard
in rounds. Stamina cost 40 per use. Stagger penalty is - 5 to all actions till it ends.

Brutal Vortex ~ Range 80 feet 40 foot diameter AOE using his Stamina the Blackguard strikes
the ground in front of him with his weapon and unleashes a force explosion 10d12+Brute Bonus
in force damage from the initial strike all targets hit must save vs death minus the Brute Bonus
of the Blackguard or be crushed to death by the gravity vortex when it closes sucking all
enemies into oblivion, by the black hole effect. Stamina cost 120 per use.

Clothesline ~ The Blackguard uses outstretched arms and charges head long at two close
together monsters,dealing 1d12+Brute Bonus in impact damage and knocking the targets back
one space on the combat board. Stamina cost 10 per use.

Dancing paddle ~ A burst attack that deals three consecutive strikes to the same single target.
Roll 3d20+Brute Bonus to each strike 1d10+Brute Bonus in damage per hit. Stamina cost 15
per use.

*Elemental strike Fire ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard focuses on the elements and
unleashes a flamming strike causing 6d10+Brute Bonus in fire damage from his weapon for his
Brute Bonus in rounds of oh I on fire at the Brute Bonus of the Blackguard in extra damage per
round.Stamina cost 60 per use.Undead take double damage from this attack.

**Improved elemental strike fire ~ Using his Stamina the Blackguard strikes the ground in front
of him with his weapon and unleashes a wave of fire effecting up to 5 enemies in the 30 foot
cone of effect originating from the strike. This attack deals 8d10+Brute Bonus in fire damage to
all enemies caught in the wave of fire, and suffer oh I on fire for rounds equal to the Blackguards
Brute Bonus for the number rounds of his Brute bonus in extra damage per round Stamina cost
80 per use. Undead take double damage from this attack.
*Elemental strike Force ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard focuses on the elements and
unleashes a force strike from his weapon causing 6d10+Brute Bonus in force damage and
Brute Bonus in rounds of brain vibration at the Brute Bonus of the Blackguard in extra damage
per round. Stamina cost 60 per use.

**Improved elemental strike Force ~ Using his Stamina the Blackguard strikes the ground in
front of him with his weapon and unleashes a wave of force effecting up to 5 enemies in the 30
foot cone of effect originating from the strike. This attack deals 8d10+Brute Bonus in force
damage to all enemies caught in the wave of force, and suffer brain vibration for rounds equal to
the Blackguards Brute Bonus for the number rounds of his Brute bonus in extra damage per
round. Stamina cost 80 per use.

*Elemental strike Frost ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard focuses on the elements and
unleashes a frosty strike from his weapon causing 6d10+Brute Bonus in cold damage and Brute
Bonus in rounds of I a Popsicle at the Brute Bonus of the Blackguard in extra damage per
round.Stamina cost 60 per use. Cubes,puddles,and drops take double damage from this attack.

**Improved elemental strike Frost ~ Using his Stamina the Blackguard strikes the ground in front
of him and unleashes a wave of frost from his weapon effecting up to 5 enemies in the 30 foot
cone of effect originating from the strike. This attack deals 8d10+Brute Bonus in cold damage to
all enemies caught in the wave of frost, and suffer I a Popsicle for rounds equal to the
Blackguards Brute Bonus for the number rounds of his Brute bonus in extra damage per
round.Stamina cost 80 per use. Cubes,puddles,and drops take double damage from this attack.

*Elemental strike Shock ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard focuses on the elements and
unleashes a Shocking strike from his weapon causing 6d10+Brute Bonus in shock damage and
Brute Bonus in rounds of jiggle jolt at the Brute Bonus of the Blackguard in extra damage per
round.Stamina cost 60 per use.

**Improved elemental strike shock ~ Using his Stamina the Blackguard strikes the ground in
front of him with his weapon and unleashes a wave of electricity effecting up to 5 enemies in the
30 foot cone of effect originating from the strike. This attack deals 8d10+Brute Bonus in shock
damage to all enemies caught in the wave of Electricity,and suffer jiggle jolt for rounds equal to
the Blackguards Brute Bonus for the number rounds of his Brute bonus in extra damage
Stamina cost 80 per use.

*Envenomed strike ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard can summon diabolic arcane forces to
empower one melee attack in his weapon with shadow venom living beings struck by this
attack must save vs the attack roll of the Blackguard or be subject to panic causing them to flee
the Blackguard 1d4+Brute Bonus in rounds, living beings when struck immediately flee and
retreat at full movement each round effected by this panic.Stamina cost 20 per use.

**Envenomed destruction ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard can summon diabolic arcane
forces to empower one melee attack in his weapon with Grave keepers grasp living beings
struck by this attack must save vs the attack roll of the Blackguard or be subject to Grave
keepers grasp a terror effect for 2d4+Brute Bonus of the Blackguard in rounds of retreat.
And immediately flee at double normal movement. Successful saves are subject to the
Envenomed strike effect and immediately flee the Blackguard. Stamina cost 40 per use.

Glaring gaze ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard can instill cowardice with a steely gaze he can
cause targets to save vs his attack roll against the targets Mojo roll. Failed saves are inflicted
with cowardice for Brute Bonus of the Blackguard in rounds and will not attack him or his
companions in anyway for that amount of time. Stamina cost 15 per use.

Heckle ~ Using his stamina the blackguard can instill rage and taunts all enemies in 30 foot
diameter AOE to attack him, enemies may resist this with a 1d20+Mojo Bonus minus the
Blackguards Brute Bonus or they immediately move to attack the Blackguard. Stamina cost 5
per use.

Improved sequence ~ A Blackguard can improve his sequence roll by the number equal to his
Brute bonus +1d4. Stamina cost 5 per use.
Interception ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard can choose to intercept damage meant for
another companion, this is a melee response to any melee attack being used against a
companion adjacent to the Blackguard without using his action that sequence by spending
stamina he can roll a Interception check 1d20+Brute Bonus to intercept the blow. He must meet
or beat the attackers roll to hit, successfully intercepting the damage and takes full damage from
the attack upon himself. Stamina cost 5 per use.

*Pummel ~ Using his Stamina a Blackguard can focus his power in his weapon to inflict a series
of six blows dealing 6d10+ Brute Bonus impact damage to the single enemy in front of him.
Stamina cost 60 per use.

**Improved Pummel ~ Using his Stamina a Blackguard can focus his power in his weapon to
inflict a focused series of six blows to two targets dealing 6d10+ Brute Bonus impact damage
divided equally between both targets in front of him. Stamina cost 60 per use.

*Shoulder rush ~ By focusing his stamina a Blackguard can run down a single enemy to
shoulder strike them causing knock down effect equal to his Brute Bonus in rounds of knock
down and inflicts 2d8 impact damage to the target, target knocked down is at a -5 to all actions.
Stamina cost 20 per use.

**Improved shoulder rush ~ By focusing his stamina a Blackguard using outstretched arms then
charges head long at two close together enemies ,causing knock down effect equal to his Brute
Bonus in rounds of knock down and inflicts 4d8 impact damage to the targets, targets knocked
down are at a -5 to all actions. Stamina cost 40 per use.

***Head long rush ~ By focusing his stamina the Blackguard projects a ram of force in front of
him then charges this will effect up to five enemies in front of this charge,causing knock down
effect equal to his Brute Bonus in rounds of knock down and inflicts 6d8 impact damage to the
targets, targets knocked down are at a -5 to all actions. Stamina cost 60 per use.

*Spank ~ A two handed attack that applies double damage to two targets in front of the
Blackguard. Stamina cost 20 per use.

**Improved spank ~ A two handed attack that applies double damage twice to the two targets in
front of the Blackguard. Stamina cost 40 per use.

Spew ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard can summon an acidic stream of sticky white goo
from the outstretched pointing weapon of the Blackguard dealing 10d12 acid damage from the
strike and targets are afflicted with the sticky goo effect all targets effected by it take a -10 to all
actions and are slowed to half movement while under the goos effect which lasts for rounds
equal to the Blackguards Brute Bonus.Targets save vs the attack roll of the Blackguard.
Successful saves suffer half damage and only - 5 to all actions, movement is unaffected on a
successful save. Stamina cost 120 per use.

Summon Legendary Tacky Titan The Crackon ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard can summon
this Legendary ass bashing ballbag of Ultimate Anarchy once per tawdry tale! The Crackon will
appear in the round it is summoned and immediately attacks all targets selected by the
controlling Blackguard this immense nutsack of titanic terror attacks with Tea Bag Stomp a
terrifying crush attack dealing 20d10 damage to all enemies caught in the thunderous bouncing
attack. Any target caught by Tea Bag Stomp must save vs death with a minus 5 penalty vs the
attack roll of the Blackguard or are subject to a Gagging gas attack which deals choking gas
damage of 12d10 as it bounces brutally through your unwitting enemies reeking death and
destruction in its wake. Successful saves take grazing attack for half damage as the monstrous
engine of destruction bounces close by.This titan can be summoned for 1d4+Brute Bonus in
rounds and returns to the murky ocean depths when the summoning ends. Stamina cost 200
per use.The Crackon DTH 30,LPT 500.

Summon Tacky Titan Flying Butt Monkey ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard can summon
the fabled Titan of tackiness known as the Flying Butt Monkey this disgusting creature appears
in the round it is summoned and immediately attacks all targets selected by the controlling
Blackguard this horrifying creature attacks with hail of disgust once per round and the
Blackguards special attack of STOMP AN ASS on any targets it successfully strikes with hail
of disgust Flying Butt Monkey uses the attack bonus of the Blackguard to hit all targets but
applies a +10 Brute Bonus to damage dealt by it's slamming fists. This titan can be summoned
for 1d4+Brute Bonus in rounds and returns to the festering pits once it's summoning ends.
Stamina cost 150 per use. Flying Butt Monkey DTH 25,LPT 450

Summon Tacky Titan Putrid Penis Monster ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard can summon
this one eyed wonder of destruction known as the Putrid Penis Monster this terrifying creature
appears in the round it is summoned and immediately attacks all targets selected by the
controlling Blackguard this rampaging rod of destruction attacks with Rolling Rampage a
powerful impact attack that deals 10d10 crush damage to any target it rolls over. Any target hit
by Rolling Rampage must save vs death at the attack roll of the Blackguard or are subject to a
Spew attack as the one eyed monster sprays out this sticky white acidic goo on the victims of
its rage. Putrid Penis Monster This titan can be summoned for 1d4+Brute Bonus in rounds and
returns to the Fecal festering pits when the summoning end, it attacks with Rolling Rampage
once every round it is summoned for and applies spew to all targets successfully hit. Successful
saves suffer half damage from Rolling Rampage and are unaffected by Spew. Stamina cost 150
per use.Putrid Penis Monster DTH 25,LPT 450

Whirling dervish ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard rockets towards the enemies spinning like
a tornado he can strike each enemy within movement range with his weapon, 1d6 blunt damage
attacks, each dealing 1d10+Brute Bonus in impact damage for a number of rounds equal to two
times his Brute Bonus in rounds of attack. Stamina cost 100 per use.
Wild call ~ Using his stamina the Blackguard can summon a willing animal companion to join
him on his life long quest. The Blackguard must sit and meditate for 1 hour in order to clear his
mind, and summon the animal he desires. The helpful creature will appear within ten minutes
of the actual call being sent, at the end of the meditation period. It immediately bonds with
the Blackguard for life. Stamina cost 50 once per lifetime of the creature, a new Wild call may
be used if the animal companion perishes, after one month of grieving by the Blackguard.

Special Abilities explanation.

Strumpet or Gigolo ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN : Uses per day equals Mojo mod bonus, heals target
to full. This special ability can be used for an amount of times per day equal to the characters
Mojo mod Bonus range is touch, and it fully heals the target character, pet, or tramps familiar.

Tramp ~ GET IT UP BABY! : Uses per day equals Mojo mod bonus, a 1d4 point boost to
selected stat bonus for the number of boost rolled in rounds, range is touch. This tramp ability
can raise a target character, pet, tramp, or tramps familiar by a 1d4 bonus to any of the targets
stat bonuses for the amount of rounds as was rolled for the stat boost. Directly effecting damage
and durations of effect for those stats.

Cad ~ JUST JIGGLE IT! : Uses per day equal to slick mod bonus, a 1d4 point boost to slick
bonus on any cad actions involving swipe,traps or piss it off! This ability can be used to modify
a cads swipe,trap diddling rolls or piss it off actions by an extra 1d4 bonus to that actions roll.

Blackguard ~ STOMP AN ASS! : Uses per day equal to Brute mod bonus 1 attack deals x 10
damage uses 10 stamina per use. This attack special allows the Blackguard to reach down
deep in his stamina reserves and unleash a devastating attack with his weapon, the blackguard
makes a normal attack to hit the target then deals that weapons damage dice plus his Brute
Bonus for ten times the total rolled in damage to a single target monster.

On NPC's ~ Non-player characters these are all of the various people the Sir or Madame
control through out every tawdry tale, they are the vendors, officials, royalty and townsfolk
peopling your world, that are under your direct control as a Sir or Madame!
Striking a caster causes caster to make a spell break save if a melee strike is simultaneously
acting with the casters spell attack action, this save is a Mojo roll minus the attackers Brute
mod bonus. If the caster succeeds in beating the spell break save,then the spell is successfully
cast, if failed the spell fizzles spending the stamina amount in points. Spell break save number
is equal to the casters Mojo mod bonus.

Breaking down the character sheet.

Starting with character name a simple name for each character Bob, Bill, Mary or Sue just give
the character a name. Character Class this is the chosen class of the character.Lv this is the
current level of the character. Character Look the physical description of a character.
Experience where the characters current amount goes, next level is the amount needed to level
up. Brute the stat that deals with the physical power of a character. Mod this is where the stat
for each skill is put. Bonus this is where the mod bonus for each stat goes. Slick this stat
focuses on mental and physical sneakiness. Mojo is the mental focus that enables the use of
magical manipulation. Life points this is where your life point total is recorded. Stamina this is
where your Stamina total is recorded. Life dice per lv, this is where you record the dice your
character uses during a level up. Special ability this spot is where the characters special ability
is recorded. Death save this score is a 3 times Mojo bonus save used when making saves vs
any death effect. Spell break save this score is used by, Strumpets and Tramps when being
physically attacked during spell casting the score recorded is the Mojo bonus of the caster.
Money this area is where characters record all money gained during adventuring. Armor this is
where the character records his armor type. Pro is the spot where the protection value of the
armor is recorded all armor absorbs its protection value in damage dealt to the character. DTH
this stands for Defense to hit the armor total score of your character goes here it is explained on
the character sheet by a formula. Move this is how far a human can move in one sequence of
movement. Weapon this spot is where you place the weapon your character is skilled at using,
Damage the spot where you record the damage dice +Brute Bonus for any melee attack you
make with a weapon. Magic items and their bonuses are recorded here.

The sequence roll ~ how combat works at the start of each conflict each player and monster
gets a sequence roll, this roll is to determine where each person goes in the combat cue this is
a 1d20+slick bonus roll the number total indicates just where everyone goes in the combat cue.
Once you have established this everyone takes their turn on cue for the sequence. Next
depending on class and choice you either attack with a physical attack.or cast magic of some
kind to effect the enemy targets. For brute based Blackguards this usually means a Brute based
Power attack using their Brute bonus it would be a 1d20+Brute bonus to strike the DTH the
defense to hit total of the enemy he is attacking,for cads this usually involves some sort of
sneaky skill roll and would be 1d20+slick bonus to make that attack,finally Mojo using
characters,cast magical types of spell attacks using their 1d20+Mojo bonus to effect enemies
Hit by their spells each character can move,attack,and use in a single sequence. A character
can make a second attack at a minus 4 to his stat for whatever attack his class uses,and a third
attack at - 8 adding another minus 4 per each attempt after the first. Of course these attacks
may have dire consequences other then failure you could have a catastrophic mishap causing
you to damage yourself in some way any minus number effect from a combat roll is rolled on the
mishap table and can be terrible for that character. Fleeing combat when physically engaged is
A cowardly action but may sometimes be needed if you have sustained to much damage,any
flight from combat allows an enemy one free attack at the full combat ability of that character or
npc monster striking a retreating enemy as they are concentrating on escaping. A character can
move up to 6 space or 60 feet per sequence this can be broken down in any way the player
desires. An example would be the bands Blackguard spent 2 of his movement to engage a
monster defeating it he then spent the rest to engage a second monster in battle and took the
heat off their bands strumpet. Finally there is the use action this is an action directly involving a
potion,scroll or item effect examples being his attack action finished the blackguard drank one of
his healing potions to get back life points lost in combat. Another would be the bands strumpet
Used her blinding flash scroll to cause a bright light effect in a crypt the band was exploring and
encountered a suck my neck,a powerful undead hickey inflicting soul sucker and driving it away
from the bright light for a few desperately need rounds of healing.

Breaking down the tale, each tale is composed of scenes,acts and chapters a scene involves
either combat or peaceful interactions examples being the band encounters the suck my neck
and immediately starts a combat scene to fight it,a peaceful interaction scene would be the
band hits town and goes on a shopping spree at the end of each day when the band rests
signals the end of an act. At the start of each day begins a new act and set of scenes when this
happens all stamina spent the previous day is refreshed and the characters get natural healing
of one life dice plus their brute bonus in healing. A chapter is completed when the adventure is
finished,this may signal the end of a tale or simply be the end of a chapter and the beginning of
the next adventure in the tawdry tale of porn vs prude.

All characters may perform any action but unless you are skilled at those actions you do not
benefit from the mod bonus for that skills use, examples being the tramp in the band wants to
try picking the lock on a door,with the aid of cads tools she gets the item bonus but does not
receive the cads slick bonus to do so. Another example of this would be instead of picking the
lock the cad decides to try forcing the door open with brute strength being unskilled at such an
action would deny him the brute bonus in his attempt. It is wise to stick to what you know!
The one exception to this rule is any melee physical attack being taken by any class,which still
allows the character regardless of class to attack with a physical attack action in place of a
characters focused skills meaning a tramp,strumpet or cad can still make a basic melee attack
with their brute bonus added to the attack.
Boy that was a lot of mental manipulation just to learn how to play a roleplaying game,but our
misadventures in censorship bashing has yet to really get started. Here after follows all of the
tables charts and lists of useful information you will need to give life to your game, be it city
design or loot tables to award, everything a Sir or Madame needs to put the finishing touches on
your tale of tawdry derring do are in the following tables. The guide also has a monster guide for
every nasty,naughty no goodnick devised by my twisted imagination.

Gear and equipment price list

Item Cost
Backpack 2gp
Bedroll 1sp
Blanket 5sp
Boots leather 10gp
Bullseye Tallow Lantern 10gp 60ft cone
Cads tools +2 to Slick bonus 10gp *Cads swapmeet
Camp kit (fork,spoon,knife) 1gp
Candle (Burns 3hr) 1cc 5ft radius
Chest large 20,000 coins 50gp
Chest small 5,000 coins 20gp
Compass 5gp
Cup,bowl,plate 1gp
Everglow magic Lantern 50gp 30ft radius
Flask (1---Quart) 5sp
Fishing net 1sp
Flint & Steel (Fire starter) 1gp
Grappling hook 1gp
Handsome suit 20gp
Hooded Tallow Lantern 7gp 30ft radius
Ink per pot refill (1---pint) 1sp
Ink pot 1sp
Iron spikes ( 20 ) 1gp
Mallet 5sp
Map case 1gp
Mirror 10gp
Money pouch (50---coins) 1gp
Parchment (10 pieces) 1gp
Potion bag 1gp
Pretty dress 20gp
Quill pen 1sp
Road rations (Per-- day) 5sp
Rope (50--- feet) 1gp
Sack (500 -coins) 1sp
Sewing kit (5 needles,5 Spools) 5sp
Simple lock (difficulty 10) 5gp
Shoes Leather 10gp
Soap (Per cake) 1cc
Tallow Lamp 1gp 20ft radius
Tent, Large (4 person) 30gp
Tent, Small (1person) 10gp
Tinderbox (10 fires worth) 1gp
Tinder (10 fires worth) 1sp
Torch (5) 1sp
Vial ( Clay) 1cc
Vial (Glass) 1gp
Waterskin 1gp
Waxed leather rain cloak 5gp
1 quart tallow 1sp

Armor price list and class types

Armor Pro Fits Cost
Peek-a-boo plate with easy access armored cod piece-Blackguard 5 M/F 500gp
Chain mail pasties with crotchless chain bikini bottoms-Strumpet 4 F 400gp
Chain mail peek-a-boo vest with easy access chain Faulds kilt-Gigolo 4 M 400gp
Sexy leather open chest harness and crotchless leather chaps-Cads 3 M/F 300gp
Lace Corset and micro mini skirt-Tramp 2 F 200gp
Lace open chested waist coat and loincloth-Tramp 2 M 200gp

Weapon price list and class types

Weapon Class Dam Cost
Paddle Blackguard 1d10 500gp
Leather crop Cad 1d8 400gp
Flail Any 1d8 400gp
Whip Strumpet / Gigolo 1d8 400gp
Tickler Tramps 1d8 400gp

Restaurants, Bars, Bath house & Room fees

Cost Mug of beer
Pitcher of beer (10 drinks) 1gp
Mug of ale 2sp
Pitcher of ale (10 drinks) 2gp
Liquor per shot 3sp
Liquor per bottle (10 drinks) 3gp
Wine per glass 4sp
Wine per bottle (10 drinks) 4gp
Common meal 3sp
Nice meal 1gp
Fancy meal (Full course) 5gp
Bath services Barber 1sp, Bath 3cc, Body waxing 1gp, Massage 5sp
Flophouse (Per night) 5sp
Common inn (Per night) 3gp
Posh inn (Per night) 5gp
Jewelery items Fits Silver cost Gold cost Enchant Lvl
Amulets W / Chain any 10gp 40gp Silver to 3,Gold to 5
Bracelets any 10gp 40gp Silver to 3,Gold to 5
Cockrings Male 5gp 20gp Silver to 3,Gold to 5
Clit clamp Female 5gp 20gp Silver to 3,Gold to 5

Gemstone Cost per Carat

Amber 500gp
Amethyst 150gp
Aquamarine 200gp
Citrine 50gp
Diamond 2,500gp
Emerald 1,100gp
Fire Opal 50gp
Garnet 500gp
Lapis Lazuli 100gp
Onyx 500gp
Ruby 1,500gp
Sapphire 1,000gp
Topaz 300gp
The cost of setting any gem is one tenth the cost of the total carats of the stone.

Orgasmia’s currency runs off a x 10 progression as follows 10 Copper Crumpets = 1 Silver

pastie to 10 Silver pastie’s = 1 Golden penar.

1 Gold penar is broken down into 10 Silver pastie’s or 100 Copper Crumpets.

The sequence roll is equal to one minute of game time which allows move, attack and use
actions to be performed.
Potions Effect Cost
Minor heal 3d8 healing 50gp
Heal 6d8 healing 300gp
Full heal Full heals all damage 1,000gp
Minor stamina boost 3d8 stamina refresh 150gp
Stamina boost 6d8 stamina refresh 400gp
Stamina up 10d8 stamina refresh 1,000gp
Night eyes 2d8 see in total darkness 200gp
Accelerate 2d8 double movement 200gp
Slowing 2d8 halve enemy move hurled 200gp
Flash bang / bright light 1d4 blindness hurled -10 to all actions 200gp
Flying 3d8 rounds of flying X3 move 400gp
Incendiary 4d8 burn damage hurled 300gp
Blizzard 4d8 cold damage hurled 300gp
Storm 4d8 shock damage hurled 300gp
Sizzle 4d8 Acid damage hurled 300gp
Vanishing 1d4 invisibility -15 to enemy spot check 300gp
Invigorate 1d4 Mojo bonus booster for 3 rounds 500gp
Paralysis 1d4 rounds of inability to move hurled 1,000gp Save vs users
mojo roll at penalty of users mojo bonus to avoid effect

Scrolls Effect Cost

Minor heal 3d8 healing target 50gp
Heal 6d8 healing target 300gp
Full heal Full heals all damage target 1,000gp
Minor stamina boost 3d8 stamina refresh target 150gp
Stamina boost 6d8 stamina refresh target 400gp
Stamina up 10d8 stamina refresh target 1,000gp
Night eyes 2d8 see in total darkness target 200gp
Accelerate 2d8 double movement target 200gp
Slowing 2d8 halve enemy move target 200gp
Blinding Flash / bright light 1d4 blindness target-10 to all actions 200gp
Flying 3d8 rounds of flying X3 move target 400gp
Incendiary 4d8 burn damage target 300gp
Blizzard 4d8 cold damage target 300gp
Storm 4d8 shock damage target 300gp
Sizzle 4d8 Acid damage target 300gp
Vanishing 1d4 invisibility -15 to enemy spot target 300gp
Invigorate 1d4 Mojo bonus booster 3 rounds target 500gp
Paralysis 1d4 rounds of inability to move target 1,000gp Save vs users
mojo roll at penalty of users mojo bonus to avoid effect

Enchanting Item fees ~ Total cost of item to be enchanted X 5 plus the level cost of the
enchantment the property’s of Silver only allow it to hold up to a third tier enchantment,
anything after that requires gold to be used in the enchantment. Recharging is at original tier

Enchantment tier tier cost Effect

Luck tier 1 1,000gp 3 free rerolls per day
Luck tier 2 2,000gp 5 free rerolls per day
Luck tier 3 3,000gp 7 free rerolls per day
Luck tier 4 4,000gp 9 free rerolls per day
Luck tier 5 5,000gp 12 free rerolls per day
Reflection tier 1 1,000gp 3 dice damage per day reflected
Reflection tier 2 2,000gp 5 dice damage per day reflected
Reflection tier 3 3,000gp 7 dice damage per day reflected
Reflection tier 4 4,000gp 9 dice damage per day reflected
Reflection tier 5 5,000gp 12 dice damage per day reflected
Endurance tier 1 1,000gp +1 to Death save 3 x per day
Endurance tier 2 2,000gp +2 to Death save 5 x per day
Endurance tier 3 3,000gp +3 to Death save 7 x per day
Endurance tier 4 4,000gp +4 to Death save 9 x per day
Endurance tier 5 5,000gp +5 to Death save 12 x per day
Speed tier 1 1,000gp Double movement speed 3Xper
Speed tier 2 2,000gp Double movement speed 5Xper
Speed tier 3 3,000gp Double movement speed 7Xper
Speed tier 4 4,000gp Double movement speed 9Xper
Speed tier 5 5,000gp Double movement speed12Xper
Slow tier 1 1,000gp Enemy move halved 3Xper
Slow tier 2 2,000gp Enemy move halved 5Xper
Slow tier 3 3,000gp Enemy move halved 7Xper
Slow tier 4 4,000gp Enemy move halved 9Xper
Slow tier 5 5,000gp Enemy move halved12Xper

Enchanting weapon fees ~ Total cost of weapon to be enchanted X 5 plus the level cost of the
spell enchantment being placed on the weapon. Spell plus weapon enchantments cost is
added to the cost of an enchantment being placed on a weapon that adds charges of spell
Damage enchantment cost
+1 weapon 1,000
+2 weapon 2,000
+3 weapon 3,000
+4 weapon 4,000
+5 weapon 5,000
Spell enchantment cost

Stupification 1,000
Head rush 1,000
Shake,rattle 2,000
Pile driver 2,000
Tittie twister 3,000
Stinking gas 3,000
Sleepy time 4,000
Talk to the hand 4,000
Kiss this 1,000
*Vanishing 1,000 -15 to enemy spot check 1d4 rounds invisibility
Bippity Bappity Boom 2,000
Cold shoulder 2,000
Hot foot 3,000
Crackling crack 3,000
Thunder thighs 4,000
Vile rain 4,000

Number of weapon charges added is10+ 3 x Mojo Bonus of the user in charges. It will take a
number of weeks equal to the + rating of the weapon to create it any spell abilities added to
a weapon add the spells level in weeks to the weapons creation. *Vanishing is a one extra
week enchantment that has its effect listed.

Tramps also can recharge weapons charges for 100Gp X the + of the weapon.
Town and city designer list : Unless otherwise stated the various shops and services have been
left to the Sir or Madame for price listing. You will be in charge of all buildings price lists to better
shape your game.

The local Lord or Ladies manor house or castle make it a large well designed square perhaps
detailing some rooms inside.These royals are responsible for all the legal operations in the town
or city they are the chief law givers and judges for a large area of land,be it a county,barony or
maybe even the actual kingdom if it’s the capital city. Being called Count, Countess, Baron,
Baroness or King or Queen of Orgasmia!

The town hall here can be found the local town clerk he provides licensing for businesses,land
deeds for plot purchases,and collects the taxes through use of tax collectors,usually specially
trained Cads employed by the clerks office to obtain the taxes owed by the people of the town
or city by any means possible.

Bordello a house of friendly men and women not directly devoted to Orgasmia's worship who
will happily relieve your clunks of their much hard won loot, you can create a price list as you
see fit.

Smoke shop a skilled salesmen specializes in selling all types of Ganja here usually purchasing
it from local herbalists gardens for higher resale prices also supplies pipes from clay and glass.

The tanners guild a group of leather workers that specialize in making leather goods other
than armor, which is made by armor crafters. They make packs, pouches, boots, shoes, and
bags of all kinds. They can also make you a waxed leather cloak for use as rain gear.

The Flea market a handy location to get almost any useful item made, that a clunk could ever

Armor crafters shop a shop to buy all types of armor in from peek a boo plate to lace corsets
they make it all!

Weaponers shop a shop smelling of cured ironwood,leather and heavy cord of the grade used
to craft the common weapons of Orgasmian culture.

The flop house it can be a friendly inn or a low end dive pub in the seedier part of town.
these places provide food and drink for the money spending public!
Candlers shop this place specializes in making tallow and wax candles to provide light at a
cheap cost.

The local hall of worship a holy place of Orgasmia mistress of the heavenly pleasures worship
it can be a small shrine or a giant cathedral potions and raise the dead services can be obtained
here for a hefty cost in Gold Penars. Some of her devotees take to the road and join bands of
rebels in the fight against the prudish forces. Those afflicted by diseases can be cured here as
well for a 100GP fee.

The Tramps guild A hall devoted to arcane research where your clunks can buy scrolls, magic
items and enchantments of all types including refreshing item charges for the adventuring clunk.
Some of these magic wielding misfits get the call to go exploring for lost books and tomes of the
fabled BDSM age, when a darker arcane force ruled the benighted land of Orgasmia.

The Cads guild a den of men and women dedicated to filling their pockets with other peoples
hard earned money some get the call of the road being bit by the travel bug and join
adventuring bands all across this blighted down trodden land, cursed by the plague of
censorship spouting do gooders.The Cads swap meet is where cads can obtain their tools of
the trade from.

The Blackguards guild this hall is where the bold warriors of Orgasmia bring law and order to
the imperiled land under their protection. Common pets can be bought here for a price from a
beast seller, these are not combat trained creatures! and are cheap in price. Many brothers and
sisters devoted to the warrior path seek to gain glory and renown and join adventuring bands to
bring the fight to the Goody two shoes legions create a price for pets and be creative with what
they are.

Local farmers market this is a daily market where you can purchase all types of food,butchers,
fish mongers, farmers, egg sellers and cheese vendors populate this area,offering their wares
from open air stalls this is also where you can buy snacks from various snack vendors and
open stall restaurants. Food can also be bought at most dive pubs and flop houses from a buyer
in them that sells at a profit. Create a price list for your foods

Various metal smiths that make useful items from tin,copper or iron. They make all of the metal
items from plates to grappling hooks.

Jewelers employing silversmiths, goldsmiths and gem cutters to make fine jewelry where you
can find that special cockring or set of nipple rings at, commonly working to supply the local
Tramps guild with the raw items they enchant.

Carpenter a workman skilled in the manufacturing of useful boxes,furniture or buildings from

wood. If obtaining furniture of a box for keeping cold items in create a price list for them.
Cooper a skilled craftsmen that turns wood into barrels,buckets and tubs usually employed by
vintners, distilleries and breweries for their various productions create a price list.

Saw mill a place where timber mill workers ply their trade in processing raw logs into lumber for
sale to carpenters and coopers.

Stone mason a workman skilled at building and processing stone for buildings, commonly works
in conjunction with a quarry’s Opencast miner who supply the raw material for projects.

Quarry a location opencast miner’s dig out and process rock, ores, slate, gravel, sand and raw
gems from quarries or mines.They supply stone masons, glass makers unions, and Jewelers
with raw materials.

Tinder seller a woodsmen devoted to the sale of tinder and firewood, usually associated with
Woodcutters as an agent or salesmen. Fairly cheap cost price list for them as well.

Woodcutters a skilled woodsmen that cuts down trees for processing into firewood or lumber at
a sawmill.

Miller a skilled workman able to grist mill wheat and rye into flour.

Distillery where hard liquor is distilled from potatoes,corn mash,rye or wheat to sell to the buying

Winery where Vintners work at producing wine from various fruits to sell to the buying public.

Brewery where brewers make beers and ales from malted barley, Wheat, or corn to sell to the
buying public.

Hops grower a skilled farmer that specializes in growing hops for beer and ale production.

Bakery a bakers shop full of breads and pastries of every kind for sale to the buying public..

Creamery a processing building where craftsmen make creams,butters and cheeses.

Usually supplied by an animal husbandry person who specializes in supplying the milk.

Glass makers union skilled workman who blow and pour glass for glassware,bottles, and
window panes. You may also find mirrors at these shops.

The local sheriffs office and jail made up of legally designated town guardsmen this is usually
run by the local Blackguards guild and employs trained blackguards who wish to work in
criminal prosecution and incarceration of nogoodnik’s causing trouble.
The outfitters shop an upscale place dealing with higher end goods then the flea market.

The clothiers shop a shop where dress makers and tailors work making fine clothes.
Caravan union hall these buildings house all of the worlds tradesmen and shipping agents and
control the powerful instant transmission gate network with hub locations found world wide used
by adventuring bands to journey from one far flung location to another before walking to a final
destination. These unions employ a specially trained powerful tramp skilled in using the
enchantments to control these powerful transportation gateways. For a small fee of course!
Carters union these are specially trained workers who have their own push carts for the
movement of goods throughout a town or city usually contracted to work with the Caravan
unions in intercity gate transportation of goods. Gate transportation fee 10 GP

The Royal Bank of Orgasmia this establishment houses the Usurer’s and money lenders of
Orgasmia,who will safely store all of your precious goods and cash for a moderate fee of
course. Branches can be found throughout the lands many locations. Storage fee 10 GP a

Herbalist these places employ skilled herbalists who grow herbs for the local buying public for
both table and potion production when dealing with the local Temple strumpets they also
produce fine quality ganja for the narcotically inclined buying public.

Potters skilled craftsmen able to turn clay into useful items for sale to the buying public,usually
own their only clay pit and kiln for firing their works and a pottery wheel to throw the soft raw
works off.

Ice house this place employs skilled ice chiselers and cutters during the winter months,and ice
sellers during hot times that provide ice for cooling fresh meats,fish and produce they also
provide ice for ice chests specialty cooling boxes kept cold by ice through insulation.These
clever boxes are usually available from coopers.

Various Animal husbandry farmers,ranchers and herders these folk can sometimes be found in
town selling their production to the local livestock brokers who supply restaurants,flop houses
and farmers market butchers with the livestock they need turned into food. Egg sellers would
also fall under this field of expertise but usually sell their wares directly in farmers markets..

Stockyards this area is usually at the edge of town and where livestock brokers buy and sell the
pigs,sheep,cattle and chickens to the towns various markets and businesses.

The salt house, a skilled worker produces salt here in a brinery taking salty water extracted from
salt digs in special mining operations and turning the outflow into usable table salt for sale to the
buying public.

Print shop a skilled type setter who prints and publishes notices, declarations and books.
Weavers shop a skilled workman that manufactures cloth on a loom from cotton,wool or silk.
Usually supplying the various clothiers with the raw bolts of cloth they need,these shops employ
In house dyers to produce the colors the weaver wishes to create for the cloth.
Bath house a place used for public cleanliness operated by Skilled Bath attendants.

Casino usually run by members of a Cads guild all kinds of gambling can be found here.

Residual damage over time effects ~ All residual effects are duration damage usually listed in
number of rounds a specific damage will be dealt for at a predetermined number applied each
round to a target hit by the effect. Examples of this are jiggle jolt,stagger,or oh I on fire! All of
them give residual damage of the same type originally applied by a strike of some kind.

Determining value Item quality difficulty number by type. Roll 1d20+slick bonus
Item quality Item quality Value
Poor quality item 5 half list price
Common quality item 10 list price
Fine quality item 15 2 X list price
Rare quality item 20 5 X list price
Unique quality item 30 To be determined by Sir or Madame

Difficulty numbers for Breaking and entering checks. Roll 1d20+slick bonus
Lock type difficulty number
cheap quality lock 5
Common quality lock 10
Hard quality lock 15
Fine quality lock 20
Unique quality lock 30

Burglary check table. Roll 1d20+slick bonus

Mark difficulty number
Peasant 5
Commoner 10
Gentry 15
Aristocrat 20
Royalty 30

Trap diddling difficulty table.

Trap type difficulty number
Easy 5
Moderate 10
Hard 15
Complex 20
Insane 30
Magical trap defusing table. Casters only
Trap power level defusion number
Apprentice 5
Journeymen 10
Master 15
Arch tramp or Prelate 20

Trap type Damage and effect Trap rating

Simple sprocket 3d6 impact damage single target Easy
Simple jabber 3d6 poke damage single target Easy
Simple burp 3d6 gas damage to all in 2 spaces Easy
Sprocket trap 6d6 impact damage single target Moderate
Jabber trap 6d6 poke damage single target Moderate
Burp 6d6 gas damage to all in 3 spaces Moderate
Simple bash 9d6 impact damage single target Hard
Simple spindle 9d6 poke damage single target Hard
Simple belcher 9d6 gas damage to all in 4 spaces Hard
Bash 12d6 impact damage single target Complex
Spindle 12d6 poke damage single target Complex
Belcher 12d6 gas damage to all in 5 spaces Complex
Ultimate Owie 5d6 impact 5d6 poke single target,5d6 gas to all in 5 spaces Insane

Skilled cads may try trap diddling any trap failure sets off the device.

Magical trap Damage and effect Trap power level

Burn 3d6 fire damage to all in 2 spaces Apprentice
Spark 3d6 shock damage to all in 2 spaces Apprentice
Freeze 3d6 cold damage to all in 2 spaces Apprentice
Fry 6d6 fire damage to all in 3 spaces Journeymen
Zap 6d6 shock damage to all in 3 spaces Journeymen
Frosty 6d6 cold damage to all in 3 spaces Journeymen
Smokin 9d6 fire damage to all in 4 spaces Master
Blitz 9d6 shock damage to all in 4 spaces Master
Icy 9d6 cold damage to all in 4 spaces Master
Incineration 12d6 fire damage to all in 5 spaces Arch
Storm 12d6 shock damage to all in 5 spaces Arch
Polar 12d6 cold damage to all in 5 spaces Arch

Any caster may attempt to defuse magic traps with a1d20+Mojo bonus roll and state they are
making such an attempt, failure sets the trap off as entering the trapped area would,and deals
the damage listed for each trap.
Hunter / gather checks ~ This takes one hour of evaporating game time,that magically
accelerated time that passes in seconds to accomplish and can be performed by any of the
characters with an unmodified 1d20 roll and consulting the table below.
Hunter / Gather success table
1~5 Failure the character has failed to find anything to eat in the area.
6 ~10 Partial success the characters search obtained half of the bands current meals
11~19 Success the clever clunk found everyone dinner
~ 20 ~ Someone even found some treats for after dinner yeah!

Scrounge food check ~ this check can be used in towns and cities where it’s possible to beg for
ones dinner or whatever meal time it currently is in your world by rolling against the difficulty
number assigned by the Sir or madame for who ever your clunks have come across to beg
from. This is a 1d20+slick bonus roll vs the difficulty of the targets listed below.
Scrounge food difficulty table

Peasant 5
Commoner 10
Gentry 15
Aristocrat 20
Royalty 30

Characters who fail to eat for two days will begin to view their traveling companions as a
potential food source, the effects of this hunger start to effect the character with the lowest Brute
bonus first and they must make a cannibalism save starting at a -2 penalty for the first two days
without food. This save penalty rises by an additional -1 per each meal that passes without
finding something to eat. Each failure deducts 10 life points and 10 stamina from the effected
characters totals.

Cannibalism save table

1 ~ 10 Failure the character flies into a fit of frenzy and begins to physically attack the closest
player character trying to eat them making a physical 1d20+Brute bonus attack to hit,and if
succeeding bites the target character for 1d4+Brute bonus in damage. Hopefully the others will
try to subdue and restrain the crazed companion but this doesn’t always happen,RIP!

11~19 Success they have resisted this devilish urge for now taking only the damage,and
suffering an extra -1 to the next meal time check.

20 or more the urge has been denied,and with such devotion to friendship they do not take
damage but still suffer the -1 penalty on the next meal time check.

Pet, Familiar, Follower type record sheet

Description :
Monster Stats Brute + Slick + Mojo +
Mojo save : + Death save +
Attacks :
Special attacks :
Special defenses :
LPT : Stamina :
DTH : Size :

Tramps familiar Tramps Benefit

Lounge lizard +2 to Sequence roll
Dingleball +2 to Cannibalism save
Trouser snake +2 to Slick based save
Flying peeper +2 to Movement per round
Mung Mite +2 to Brute based save

Blackguard Pets
Hairy howler
Gaze cat
Crack crab giant
Flame Lizard
Blitz toad

Slip and slide table success chart : a 1d20+slick bonus roll at a minus 10

Minus number ~ 10 Failure the character or monster has failed to stand up or leave any
effected area.

11~19 Success the clever clunk or target monster has steadied themselves enough to escape
the effected area, and will return to normal actions on their next sequence roll cue time.

~ 20 ~ Critical success allows the character or monster not only to be able to leave the
effected area but also attack that round at full normal attack rate on closest enemy target.

All characters receive 2 life dice of healing every 8 hours of rest and full restoration of any
stamina used that day.

Strumpet and Tramp Spell Advancement Chart

Level XP Spells by level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 — 4
2 2,000 4 1
3 5,000 4 2 1
4 9,000 4 3 2 1
5 15,000 4 4 3 2 1
6 23,000 4 4 4 3 2 1
7 35,000 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
8 51,000 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
9 75,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
10 105,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1*
11 155,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 1*
12 220,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1*
13 315,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1*
14 445,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1*
15 635,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1*
16 890,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1*
17* 1,300,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1* 1D1D
18* 1,800,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1* 2D2D
19* 3,850,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1* 3D3D
20* 5,350,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1* 4D4D

* After 1 at 10th level indicates Strumpet / Gigolo only. It is for their chosen Ultimate Focus spell
From 17th level onwards to 20th level, a powerful tramp will begin to focus their arcane powers
and cause a surge in damage and duration output following this progression tree below denoted
by the * after the level number in bonus dice on the above chart.
Tramps Damage dice and Duration bonuses and costs
17th level add +1 damage dice and 1 round of duration to any spell rolled adds 20 cost to the
Stamina cost of casting the spell.

18th level add +2 damage dice and 2 rounds of duration to any spell rolled adds 40 cost to the
Stamina cost of casting the spell.

19th level add +3 damage dice and 3 rounds of duration to any spell rolled adds 60 cost to the
Stamina cost of casting the spell.

20th level add +4 damage dice and 4 rounds of duration to any spell rolled adds 80 cost to the
Stamina cost of casting the spell.

Cad and Blackguard skills and advancement Chart

Level XP Skill Choice Primary Stat Bonus
1st — 1st Skill —
2nd 2,000 — —
3rd 5,000 2nd Skill —
4th 9,000 — 1st +1 to primary stat bonus
5th 15,000 3rd Skill —
6th 23,000 — —
7th 35,000 4th Skill —
8th 51,000 — 2nd +1 to primary stat bonus
9th 75,000 5th Skill —
10th 105,000 — —
11th 155,000 6th Skill —
12th 220,000 — 3rd +1 to primary stat bonus
13th 315,000 7th Skill —
14th 445,000 — —
15th 635,000 8th Skill —
16th 890,000 — 4th +1 to primary stat bonus
17th 1,300,000 9th Skill —
18th 1,800,000 — —
19th 3,850,000 10th Skill —
20th 5,350,000 — 5th +1 to primary stat bonus

Blackguards Must be careful when choosing Skills with advancement tiers in their progression
Denoted by the * first tier ** second tier *** third tier and must spend their skill choices on any
tier levels they have already chosen as they progress to the next skill choice earned by level
up! Making players think about their choices during play, and what might fit a particular players
play style.

Cads should take careful note of their Special dirty fighting techniques of the fisting finger.
These are perverted martial arts taught by the devotees of the dirty perverts way, and all other
attacks with a * used in combination with the sneak skill, these are denoted with an * and are
subject to the surprise Cad class feature, allowing these skills to reduce the targets DTH by their
Brute bonus in protection,making these targets easier to hit by the cad.

Lair Treasure by type

Type----100's of CC-----100's of SP---------100's of GP-----------Jewelry--------Magic Items

~A~ 1d4 1d4 1-2=100 3-4=200 --- --- ---
~B~ 10d6 X 10 10d6 x 10 1d4 1-2=100 3-4=200 1 1
~C~ 10d8 X 20 10d8 X 20 10d8 X 20 2 2
~D~ 10d10 X 30 10d10 X 30 10d10 X 30 3 3
~E~ 10d12 X 40 10d12 X 40 10d12 X 40 4 4
~F~ 12d20 X 50 12d20 X 50 12d20 X 50 5 5
*S* 20d20 X 100 20d20 X 100 20d20 X 100 10 10

Personal Treasure by type

PT CC SP GP Jewelry Magic Items
P1 2D4 1D10 ---- ---- ----
P2 2D6 2D10 1D6 ---- ----
P3 3D8 3D10 2D8 ---- ----
P4 4D10 4D10 3D10 ---- 1
P5 5D12 5D10 4D12 1 2
P6 6D20 6D10 5D20 2 3

All *S* Type monsters have lair treasure only.

Magic treasure table : roll d100 or percentile dice.

01-29 = Weapon
30-49 = Armor
50-69 = Enhancement item
70-89 = Potion
90-100 = Scroll

Weapon type table : roll d100 or percentile dice.

01-40 = Tickler
41-80 = Whip
81-90 = Flail
91-95 = Leather crop
96-100 = Paddle

Magic weapon bonus and ability chart : roll d100 or percentile dice.

1 — 10 +1 weapon
11—20 +1 weapon with one +1 special ability
21—32 +2 weapon
33—44 +2 weapon with one +1 special ability
45—56 +3 weapon
57—62 +3 weapon with one +1 special ability
63—68 +4 weapon
69—74 +4 weapon with one +1 special ability
75—89 +5 weapon
90—100 +5 weapon with one +1 special ability

All magic weapons apply a plus number to hit and damage rolls,
some have special abilities that will be determined by rolling on the
following magic weapon special abilities chart.

Magic weapon special abilities chart : roll d100 or percentile dice.

01 - 03 Stupifying strike See Stupification 1st level Strumpet spell

04 - 07 Head rush See Head rush 1st level Strumpet spell
08 - 11 Shake, rattle and roll See Shake,rattle 2nd level Strumpet spell
12 - 15 Pile driver See Pile driver 2nd level Strumpet spell
16 - 22 Tittie twister See Tittie twister 3rd level Strumpet spell
23 - 29 Stinking gas strike See Stinking gas strike 3rd level Strumpet spell
30 - 36 Sleepy time See Sleepy time 4th level Strumpet spell
37 - 43 Talk to the hand See Talk to the hand 4th level Strumpet spell
44 - 50 Kiss this See Kiss this 1st level Tramp spell
51 - 57 *Vanish -15 to enemy spot check 1d4 rounds invisibility
58 - 64 Bippity Bappity Boom See Bippity Bappity Boom 2nd level Tramp spell
65 - 71 Cold shoulder See Cold shoulder 2nd level Tramp spell
72 - 78 Hot foot See Hot foot 3rd level Tramp spell
79 - 85 Crackling crack See Crackling crack 3rd level Tramp spell
86 - 92 Thunder thighs See Thunder thighs 4th level Tramp spell
93 -100 Vile rain See Vile rain 4th level Tramp spell

Ability uses per day equals Mojo Bonus of user,number of weapon charges 10+ 2 x Mojo Bonus
of the user in starting charges. These charges can be refreshed to the full charge amount by a
Tramp enchanter at any tramps guild hall, for a enchanting fee. Weapons with a special ability
revert to just the + weapon of the same level when ability charges are depleted.

Magic armor type table : roll d100 or percentile dice.

01—20 Lace
21—40 Sexy leather
41—80 Chain mail
81—100 Peek-a-boo plate
Magic protection bonus table : roll d100 or percentile dice.
01-40 = +1
41-80 = +2
81-90 = +3
91-95 = +4
96-100 = +5

The magical bonuses applied to any type of armor is in addition to a normal protection amount,
Example : Lace corset and mini skirt would provide it’s normal 2 protection +2 from the magical
armor protection bonus following the formula of base 10+Brute Bonus+Armor pro+Magic pro
bonus which just gets added to protection total to DTH.

Enhancement item type table : roll d100 or percentile dice.

01—20 Amulets W / Chain
21—40 Bracelets
41—80 Cockrings
81—100 Clit clamp

Enhancement item level table : roll d100 or percentile dice.

Roll Tier
01-40 = 1
41-80 = 2
81-90 = 3
91-95 = 4
96-100 = 5

Enchantment type for item table : roll d100 or percentile dice.

01-40 = Luck
41-80 = Reflection
81-90 = Endurance
91-95 = Speed
96-100 = Slow

Potions table : roll d100 or percentile dice.

Roll Potion Effect
01 - 05 Minor heal 3d8 healing

06 - 10 Heal 6d8 healing

11 - 15 Full heal Full heals all damage
16 - 20 Minor stamina boost 3d8 stamina refresh
21 - 25 Stamina boost 6d8 stamina refresh
26 - 30 Stamina up 10d8 stamina refresh
31 - 35 Night eyes 2d8 see in total darkness
36 - 40 Accelerate 2d8 double movement
41 - 45 Slowing 2d8 halve enemy move hurled
46 - 50 Flash bang Bright light 1d4 blindness hurled -10 to all actions
51 - 55 Flying 3d8 rounds of flying X3 move
56 - 60 Incendiary 4d8 burn damage hurled
61 - 65 Blizzard 4d8 cold damage hurled
66 - 70 Storm 4d8 shock damage hurled
71 - 75 Sizzle 4d8 Acid damage hurled
76 - 80 Vanishing 2d4 invisibility -15 to enemy spot check
81 - 95 Invigorate 1d4 Mojo bonus booster for 3 rounds
96 - 100 Paralysis 1d4 rounds of inability to move hurled

Scrolls table : roll d100 or percentile dice.

01 - 05 Minor heal 3d8 healing target

06 - 10 Heal 6d8 healing target

11 - 15 Full heal Full heals all damage target
16 - 20 Minor stamina boost 3d8 stamina refresh target
21 - 25 Stamina boost 6d8 stamina refresh target
26 - 30 Stamina up 10d8 stamina refresh target
31 - 35 Night eyes 2d8 see in total darkness target
36 - 40 Accelerate 2d8 double movement target
41 - 45 Slowing 2d8 halve enemy move target
46 - 50 Flash bang Bright light 1d4 blindness target -10 to all actions
51 - 55 Flying 3d8 rounds of flying X3 move target
56 - 60 Incendiary 4d8 burn damage target
61 - 65 Blizzard 4d8 cold damage target
66 - 70 Storm 4d8 shock damage target
71 - 75 Sizzle 4d8 Acid damage target
76 - 80 Vanishing 2d4 invisibility -15 to enemy spot target
81 - 95 Invigorate 1d4 Mojo bonus booster 3 rounds target
96 - 100 Paralysis 1d4 rounds of inability to move target
All the monsters contained here after are listed by their DCR which stands for Deviant challenge
rating meaning a level of creature suitable for a band of adventurers to fight, beginning at that
level of ability or slightly above the characters current levels of ability some monsters may be
encountered that are far to powerful to attempt taking on at lower level and wise adventuring
bands would be well advised to flee such powerful creatures until you’re prepared to beard such
things in their foul lairs. All the monsters listed are by DCR and not alphabetical in anyway
which makes you search for them by DCR LOLS! Unless otherwise stated all monster move at 6
/ 60 feet per movement sequence. Unless otherwise noted all attacks are a standard
1d20+brute roll to hit.

DCR random encounter roll : roll d100 or percentile dice.

01-40 = 1
41-80 = 2
81-90 = 3
91-95 = 4
96-99 = 5
*100* = 6

* An S Ranked Random encounter has been rolled for the band choose one that fits the current
area the band is exploring.

Monster type : Sticky fingered tit nibbler

Description : These small rough skinned, greenish yellow humanoids.
Commonly are seen attacking only females of any big breasted
species, who they seek to grapple on to with a sticky disgusting grip.
DCR : 1
Monster Stats Brute +2 Slick +2 Mojo +3
Mojo save : +3 Death save +6
Attacks : Leap and grab applies sticky grip save vs slick to avoid the grab.
All targets successfully grabbed are subject to a Bite of 1d8+2 Will grip and bite until killed.
Special attacks : Snot rocket Range 10ft single target.Save vs slick or by knocked
down in a puddle of yellowish sticky expulsion for 1d4 rounds the sticky fingers are
believed to come from the creatures constant nose picking. Snots per day 2 Stamina
cost 10 per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of attack
Special defenses : Rough skin provides 2 points of armor protection
LPT : 3d6+2 Stamina : 20
DTH : 14 Size : Small Biped 2 ½ foot tall with overly large slimy hands 35lbs
Experience award : 100 Experience points
Treasure : P1 / Lair Type : A
Territory : Areas surrounding human settlements, sex dungeons.
Number appearing: 1d6 random encounter. Lair 3d6+ 1d4 defenseless offspring.

Monster type : Mung Mite

Description : These rough skinned little orange crab asses hate humans,they have overly large
floppy ears and bulbous protruding noses
DCR : 1
Monster Stats Brute +2 Slick +3 Mojo +3
Mojo save : +3 Death save +6
Attacks : By club 1d6+2
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Rough skin provides 2 points of armor protection.
LPT : 3d6+2 Stamina : 0
DTH : 14 Size : Small Biped 2 ½ foot tall with rust orange skin, 35 lbs
Experience award :100 Experience points
Treasure : P1 / Lair Type : A
Territory :Forests, Marshy areas, and Sex dungeons.
Number appearing: 1d6 random encounter. Lair 3d6+ 1d4 defenseless offspring.

Monster type : Lounge lizard

Description :These bright green with yellow spotted rough skinned lizards,are one of Orgasmia’s
natural perverts,they can be found usually under the floor boards of houses caught looking up
ladies skirts and mens kilts from knotholes in the floor with bulging eyes.
DCR : 1
Monster Stats Brute +2 Slick +5 Mojo +3
Mojo save : +3 Death save +6
Attacks :Bite 1d6+2
Special attacks : Lounge lick 1d4 tongue lash damage, save vs Mojo roll of this attack or or be
dealt 1 point of Mojo bonus damage for 1d4 rounds of duration from it’s slimy touch. 3 uses per
day at a cost of 10 stamina per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat
indicated score of attack roll.
Special defenses : Rough skin provides 2 points of armor protection.
LPT : 3d6+2 Stamina : 30
DTH : 14 Size : Small 3 foot long quadruped,10lbs
Experience award : 100 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : A
Territory : Found under human settlements floor boards, sex dungeons.
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair mated pair+1d4 defenseless offspring.

Monster type : Dingleball

Description :Spiny red fluff balls, that seek out the ass crack of their victims inflicting a burrowing
attack from hiding directly to the targets anus,wedging themselves in the ass crack while they
do so. These hideous little monster must be successfully extracted with a Mojo roll from the
victim by someone available to aid them.This is a slick bonus attack made by the Dingleball vs a
Mojo save to extract it. These monsters attack from hiding,usually attacking sleeping victims.
DCR : 1
Monster Stats Brute +1 Slick +5 Mojo +2
Mojo save : +2 Death save +4
Attacks : Wedge 1d6 spine damage and becomes lodged in the ass crack of the victim
Special attacks : Burrow inflicts 1d4 anal seepage damage per round the Dingleball remains
wedged in the victims ass crack the recurring damage does not burn stamina unless the
dinglball makes a new attack.Each new attack burns 10 stamina per use. 3 per day. Save vs
attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of attack roll.
Special defenses : Spiny body provides 2 points of armor protection
LPT : 3d6+1 Stamina : 30
DTH : 13 Size : Tiny biped 6 inches tall, 8 ounces,Skinny with gangly limbs,and sharp three
clawed fingers.
Experience award : 100 Experience points
Treasure : P1 / Lair Type : A
Territory : Forests,surrounding areas of human settlements,sex dungeons
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair mated pair+1d4 defenseless offspring.
Monster type : Cum drop
Description : A viscous drop, the wandering offspring of a cum cube, these viscous blobs have
the same consistency as human cum thus their name
DCR : 1
Monster Stats Brute +0 Slick +5 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : Splooge the cum drop launches themselves at the target with this slick based attack
and sticks to the target applying 1d4+5 acid damage per round till scraped off.
Special attacks : Spunk spray 3 X per day a cum drop can vomit a stream of acidic goo range
10 feet single target with a slick based attack roll victims can try to avoid the sticky white goo at
a minus 5 penalty to the attempt vs their slick roll to avoid the acid damage of 3d4+5 each
spunk spray costs 10 stamin per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat
indicated score of attack roll.
Special defenses : none
LPT : 3d6 Stamina : 30 Move 3 / 30 feet
DTH : 10 Size : Tiny 5 lbs a viscous little blob of sticky white splooge
Experience award : 100 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : Nil
Territory : Any including sex dungeons
Number appearing: 1d4 Random encounter, Lair 3d4+Cum cube parent

Monster type : Flying peeper

Description : These round balls of fluff have batlike wings they use to fly around,and come in
many different colors,all species of Flying peepers have a single eye centered in their bodys
Over a mouthful of needle like teeth.
DCR : 1
Monster Stats Brute +1 Slick +5 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : Bite 1d6+1
Special attacks : Peepers peep- an unwelcome glance that causes single target to save vs
Mojo roll of the attack or be stunned by it's Creep me out effect for 1 round. Gaze attacks per
day 3 Stamina cost 10 per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated
score of attack roll.
Special defenses : Flight able to move 18 spaces
LPT : 3d6+1 Stamina : 30 18 /180 feet
DTH : 11 Size : tiny 10lbs
Experience award :100 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : A
Territory : Any, Including sex dungeons
Number appearing:1d4 random encounter, Lair mated pair + 1d4 defenseless offspring.

Monster type : Trouser snake

Description : These venomous rough skinned little snakes come in a variety of colors
DCR : 1
Monster Stats Brute +2 Slick +5 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : Bite 1d6+2
Special attacks : Poison stream range 10 feet 1d4 acid damage,this is a slick based roll to hit.
3 X per day. Stamina cost 10 per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat
indicated score of attack roll.
Special defenses : Rough skin provides 2 points of armor protection
LPT : 3d6+3 Stamina : 30
DTH : 14 Size : Tiny 2 feet long 2lbs
Experience award : 100 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : A
Territory : Swamps,forests,desserts, sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair mated pair+1d4 defenseless offspring.

Monster type : Spindle eyed look me up

Description : This is a green puddle of goo with two eye stalks sticking up,they infest human
settlements and are found constantly around outdoor outhouses engaging in staring up
women's skirts and mens kilts.
DCR : 2
Monster Stats Brute +3 Slick +3 Mojo +2
Mojo save : +2 Death save +4
Attacks : Slurp a slimy tongue attack range 10 feet 2d6+3 acid damage
Special attacks : Freak me out a Mojo based attack this gaze attack causes 1d4 rounds of fear
targets struck by this gaze save vs Mojo against this attack at - 2 penalty gazes per day 3 at 10
stamina per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of attack
Special defenses : none
LPT : 8d8+3 Stamina : 30 Move : 3 / 30 feet
DTH : 13 Size : Medium puddle 4 foot in diameter
Experience award : 450 Experience points
Treasure : P2 / Lair Type : B
Territory : Around human settlements, sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair mated pair +1d6 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Ohsosoreass

Description :These 8 foot gray skinned bipedal brutes have slavering jaws with large protruding
fangs on a wrinkled bald head with giant floppy ears sticking out like doofuses and overly
enlarged asses.
DCR : 2
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +4 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : Club 3d8+6 damage.
Special attacks : Bellow AOE 30ft radius, centered on it,all targets in Area of effect save vs mojo
or be afflicted with instant irresistible hemorrhoidal itching that stops effected targets in their
tracks to rudely deal with the problem in the grossest way possible.Effect Stink finger 1d2
rounds of itching roll vs Mojo or be afflicted. Bellows per day 4 Stamina cost 10 per use. Save
vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of attack roll. Successful saves
ignore the attack.
Special defenses : None
LPT :8d8+6 Stamina : 40 Move : 5 / 50 feet
DTH : 16 Size : Large Biped 8 foot tall 400 lbs
Experience award : 450 Experience points
Treasure : P2 / Lair Type : B
Territory : Forests,underground caverns and sex dungeon
Number appearing: Random encounter 1d4, Lair : 2 mated+1d4 defenseless offspring!

Monster type : Oggler

Description :A six tentacled blob of dark blue blubbery flesh,with three bulging eyes one over
the next in a line down it’s bulbous mantled body over a maw full of sharp teeth.
DCR : 2
Monster Stats Brute +4 Slick +3 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : bite: 2d10+4 Brute attack save roll vs mojo per attack or be afflicted by 1 round of
flasher the uncontrollable urge to flash everyone. Successful saves take half damage and are
unaffected by flasher.
Special attacks : Peepers glance a unwelcomed glance Mojo attack that causes target to save
vs mojo or be stunned by it's Creep me out effect for 1d4 rounds. Gazes per day 3 Stamina cost
10 per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of attack roll.
Successful saves ignore the attack.
Special defenses : Rubbery skin provides 2 points of armor protection
LPT : 8d8+4 Stamina : 30
DTH : 16 Size : Medium 6 foot in diameter 200lbs
Experience award :450 Experience points
Treasure : P2 / Lair Type : B
Territory : Swamps,marshes,underground caverns, and sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d4 defenseless offspring!

Monster type : Horned Ass Munch

Description : Dark red rubbery skinned horn headed doofus with bright yellow bulging eyes
DCR : 2
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +3 Mojo +3
Mojo save : +3 Death save +6
Attacks : Bite 2d10+6
Special attacks : Poo slinger this is a slick based ranged attack of 20 feet that hurls a blinding
poo attack for 1d4 rounds of blindness to the single targets face. 3 X per day 10 stamina per
use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of attack roll.
Successful saves ignore the attack.
Special defenses : Thick rubbery hide 4
LPT : 8d8+6 Stamina : 30
DTH : 17 Size : Medium biped 200lbs Move 5 / 50 feet
Experience award : 450 Experience points
Treasure : P2 / Lair Type : B
Territory : Forest, Mountainous areas, sex dungeon
Number appearing: 1d4 random encounter, Lair : 2d4+1d6 defenseless offspring!

Monster type : Hairy howler

Description : Hairy canine with dark colored fur,and nasty jaws
DCR : 2
Monster Stats Brute +5 Slick +4 Mojo +3
Mojo save : +3 Death save +6
Attacks : Bite 2d6+5
Special attacks : Chilling howl Save vs Slick attack at a penalty of -4 attack causes 4 rounds of
fleeing in fear 3 X per day. Stamina cost 10 per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must
meet or beat indicated score of attack roll. Successful saves ignore the attack.
Special defenses :Rough skin provides 2 points of armor protection
LPT :8d8+5 Stamina : 30 Move 8 / 80 feet
DTH : 17 Size : Medium 6 feet long quadruped 100lbs
Experience award : 450 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : B
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: 1d4 random encounter, Lair : 2 mated+1d4 defenseless offspring!

Monster type : Gaze cat

Description :Dark tan big cat, with a paralyzing gaze
DCR : 2
Monster Stats Brute +5 Slick +3 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : Bite 2d6+5
Special attacks : Paralyzing glance is a Mojo based attack save vs Mojo or be subject to 1d4
rounds of stunned paralysis unable to move or perform actions. 3 X per day.Stamina cost 10
per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of attack roll.
Successful saves ignore the attack.
Special defenses : Rough skin provides 2 points of armor protection
LPT : 8d8+5 Stamina : 30
DTH : 17 Size : Medium 6 feet long quadruped 100lbs
Experience award : 450 Experience points
Treasure :Nil / Lair Type : B
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d4 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Crack crab giant

Description : Hard shelled land crabs that are bright red in color, with overly large pinchers
DCR : 2
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +4 Mojo +3
Mojo save : +3 Death save +6
Attacks : Claw 2d6+6
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Hard shell provides 4 points of armor
LPT :8d8+6 Stamina : 0
DTH : 20 Size : Medium 6 foot in diameter hexapod 200lbs
Experience award : 450 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : B
Territory : Swamps, marshes, lakes, sex dungeon in wet areas
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d10 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Flame Lizard

Description : These are black bodied lizards with dark orange under bellies,and a bright red
neck frill,the tail ends in a dark red splash of color.
DCR : 2
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +3 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : Bite 2d6+6
Special attacks : Range 10 feet Spit fire is a Mojo based attack targets hit are subject to 1d4
rounds of oh I on fire for 4 fire damage per round. 3 X per day.Stamina cost 10 no save.
Special defenses : Tough hide provides 4 points of armor
LPT : 8d8+6 Stamina : 30
DTH : 20 Size : Medium 5 foot long quadruped 60lbs
Experience award : 450 Experience points
Treasure :P2 / Lair Type : B
Territory : Any, Including sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d8 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Blitz toad

Description : These powerfully legged monsters are dark brown with red splotches and have
warty protrusions covering their bodies.
DCR : 2
Monster Stats Brute +5 Slick +4 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : Leap slam 2d6+5 impact damage
Special attacks : Spit sparks is a Mojo based attack save vs Mojo or be subject to 1d4 rounds
of jiggle jolt for 4 shock damage per round. 3 X per day.Stamina cost 10. Save vs attack stat
rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of attack roll.
Special defenses : Warty skin provides 2 points of armor protection
LPT : 8d8+5 Stamina : 30
DTH : 17 Size : Medium 4 foot ong quadruped 200lbs
Experience award : 450 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : B
Territory : Swamps, Marshes, Forest,Dessert and sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d8 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Nut biter

Description : Bright red skinned lunatic,that wears a white skull cap and has a vicious set of
razor sharp teeth, it is related to the Sticky fingered tit nibbler but goes after guys sacks instead.
and only attacks men.
DCR : 2
Monster Stats Brute +4 Slick +4 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks :Leap and gnaw applies sticky grip save vs slick to avoid the grab.
All targets successfully grabbed are subject to a Bite of 2d6+4 to the sack!
Will grip and bite until killed. Will only use one attack per round,choosing which is up to Sir or
Special attacks :Plunging finger attack applies anal seepage damage to anyone already
grabbed 3d6+4 Slick attack to the grabbed targets anus. 3 X per day.Stamina cost 10, No save
vs Plunging finger attack.
Special defenses :Slimy skin provides 2 points of armor protection
LPT :8d8+4 Stamina : 30
DTH : 16 Size : Small biped 1 ½ foot tall 20lbs
Experience award : 450 Experience points
Treasure : P2 / Lair Type : B
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: 1d4 random encounter, Lair : 2 mated+1d4 defenseless offspring!

Monster type : Hurky jerk

Description : These titanic titans of stupidity are greenish gray in color,with wildly snarled hair
and beards on the males and have a bad attitude. These ponderous poltroons are 10 feet tall
DCR : 3
Monster Stats Brute +8 Slick +3 Mojo +3
Mojo save : +3 Death save +6
Attacks : Club 4d8+8
Special attacks : Repulsive wind AOE 30ft diameter, centered on it,all targets in Area of effect
save vs Mojo or be afflicted with instant uncontrollable gagging from this odorous expulsion of
virulent Gas for 1d4 rounds. 4 X per day.Stamina cost 10, Save vs attack stat rolled targets
must meet or beat indicated score of attack roll. Successful saves ignore the attack.
Special defenses : Thick tough hide provides 5 points of armor protection
LPT : 12d10+8 Stamina : 40
DTH : 23 Size : Large 10 foot tall biped 600lbs
Experience award : 700 Experience points
Treasure : P3 / Lair Type : C
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing:1d4 random encounter, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring!

Monster type : Grumpus

Description : These large blue hairy ape like brutes, are Orgasmia’s bullies
DCR : 3
Monster Stats Brute + 7 Slick +4 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : Club 3d8+7
Special attacks : Grumpus gunk range 20 feet a grumpus can vomit a stream of acidic bile
targets must save vs slick or be dealt 5d8+4 acid damage, successful saves still take half
damage from near miss. 4 X per day.Stamina cost 10, Save vs attack stat rolled targets must
meet or beat indicated score of attack roll.
Special defenses : Tough hide provides 4 points of armor protection, regenerates 1d10 damage
per round, takes double damage from fire based attacks.
LPT : 10d10+7 Stamina : 40
DTH : 21 Size : Large 8 foot tall hunched knuckle walking biped 400lbs
Experience award : 700 Experience points
Treasure : P3 / Lair Type : C
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: 1d4 random encounter, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring!

Monster type : Dork

Description :Grayish green skinned lumox that hate humans on sight they have sharply pointed
heads showing the lack of brains they own and attack humans on sight.
DCR : 3
Monster Stats Brute +5 Slick +4 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : Club 3d8+5
Special attacks : Dorkish rage this is a rage attack that allows any Dork to bash a single target
with a stamina driven attack to deal 6d8+10 damage 3 X per day stamina cost of 10 per use.No
Special defenses : Rough skin provides 2 points of armor protection.
LPT : 10d8+5 Stamina : 30
DTH : 17 Size : Medium 6 foot tall biped 300lbs
Experience award : 700 Experience points
Treasure : P3 / Lair Type : C
Territory : Any, incuding sex dungeon
Number appearing:1d6 random encounter, Lair 3d6+ 1d8 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Prude

Description :The beast is a floating round red blob with eight glaring black eyes sunk into its
putrid smelling flesh,over a maw full of sharp teeth, ready to rend any intruder
DCR : 3
Monster Stats Brute +5 Slick +4 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : 2d12+5
Special attacks : Peepers gaze - an unwelcome glance that causes single target to save vs
Death at Mojo roll of the attack or be stunned by it's Creep me out effect for 1d4 rounds. Gaze
attacks per day 3. Stamina cost 10 per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat
indicated score of attack roll. Successful saves ignore the attack.
Special defenses : Tough hide provides 4 points of armor protection
LPT : 8d12+5 Stamina : 30 Move : 3 / 30 feet
DTH : 19 Size : Large 6 foot in diameter blob of putrid flesh 300lbs
Experience award : 700 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : C
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d6 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Gnarly Toothed Sucurdik

Description :This hideous demoness has bright red stripped black skin and a snaggle toothed
grin, they love preying on unsuspecting human victims,using their demonic charms.
DCR : 3
Monster Stats Brute +7 Slick +5 Mojo +7
Mojo save : +7 Death save +14
Attacks : enthralling bite victim saves vs Slick or becomes enthralled to attackers will for 1d2
rounds, + 2 claw swipes per round of 2d8+7 per. Total 3 attacks per round
Special attacks : Orgastic scream AOE 30 foot diameter all targets must save vs Mojo or take
3d10 sonic damage successful save receive half damage from this sonic attack 4 X per day.
Stamina cost 10 per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of
attack roll.
Special defenses : Demon hide provides 4 points of armor protection, takes half damage from
fire based attacks
LPT : 7d12+7 Stamina : 40
DTH : 21 Size : Medium 5 foot tall biped 120lbs
Experience award : 700 Experience points
Treasure :P3 / Lair Type : C
Territory : Lower planes, Any area on Orgasmia including sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Raging Hormone

Description :These purple skinned lunatics have slavering slack jawed faces,with bright green
tufts of wispy hair and are under the constant effects of PMS. Males of this monster species are
rarely seen,the females tend to devour them in fits of rage!
DCR : 3
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +4 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : Gap toothed bite 2d12+6 vicious fanged damage, 2 Bitch slaps 3d8+6 impact damage
per round. Total 3 attacks per round
Special attacks : Hormonal daze save vs Mojo or be dealt 1d4 rounds of dazed stun damage
targets hit stand motionless unable to move or perform actions. 4 X per day. Stamina cost 10
per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of attack roll.
Successful saves ignore the attack.
Special defenses : Pebbled skin provides 3 points of armor protection
LPT : 8d10+6 Stamina : 40
DTH : 19 Size : Medium 4 foot tall biped 150lbs
Experience award : 700 Experience points
Treasure : P3 / Lair Type : C
Territory : Forests,Caverns and caves, sex dungeons
Number appearing: 1d6 random encounter, 3d4 + 1d4 defenseless offspring.

Monster type : Slimy Slizardman

Description :These scaley orange slimeballs can sometimes be bargained with
by brave adventuring bands and will trade for human food for the slime covered gems they
excreate after munching on mineral deposites
DCR : 3
Monster Stats Brute +5 Slick +4 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : Grinding bite 2d10+5, Tail slap 3d8+5 impact damage total 2 attacks per round
Special attacks : Slimy vomit Range 10 feet 4d8+4 damage Mojo attack no save. 3 X per day.
Stamina 10 per use.
Special defenses :Slimy tough skin provides 3 points of armor protection
LPT : 7d10+5 Stamina : 30
DTH : 18 Size : Medium 5 foot tall biped 200lbs
Experience award : 700 Experience points
Treasure :1d8 rough gems / Lair 2d20 in rough gems
Territory : Swamps,marshes, underground lakes and caverns, sex dungeons
Number appearing: 1d8 random encounter, 4d8+ 1d8 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Warty assed swamp grump

Description :These bright yellow chunks of blubber are covered in ugly brown warts
DCR : 3
Monster Stats Brute +5 Slick +5 Mojo +4
Mojo save : + 4 Death save +8
Attacks : Wart wiggle bash this is an ass ended ram attack that bursts spoo filled pustules when
it smashes into a target applying 3d10 impact and 2d8 acid damage on impact. No save!
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Slimy tough skin provides 3 points of armor protection
LPT : 8d10+5 Stamina : 0
DTH : 18 Size : Large 8 foot tall armless biped 400lbs
Experience award : 700 Experience points
Treasure :Nil / Lair Type : C
Territory : Swamps,marshes,underground lakes and caverns, wet areas of sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Dwezelard devil

Description : These rusty colored nitwit demons have ear tufts of waxy brown fur growing out of
their flap like ears,and boney horns on their overly large boney armor plated heads.
DCR : 3
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +4 Mojo +6
Mojo save : +6 Death save +12
Attacks : Headbutt 4d8+6 impact damage, 2 bone bashes 3d8+6 per total 3 attacks per round
Special attacks : Repulsive wind AOE 30ft diameter, centered on it,all targets in Area of effect
save vs Mojo or be afflicted with instant uncontrollable gagging from this odorous expulsion of
virulent Gas for 1d4 rounds. 4 X per day.Stamina cost 10, Save vs attack stat rolled targets
must meet or beat indicated score of attack roll. Successful saves ignore the attack.
Special defenses : Demon hide provides 4 points of armor protection, takes half damage from
fire based attacks
LPT : 8d10+6 Stamina : 40
DTH : 20 Size : Large 7 foot tall hunched knuckle dragging nitwit 400lbs
Experience award : 700 Experience points
Treasure :Nil / Lair Type : incidental 1d10 pieces of armor
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary self replicating. Lair may contain 1 replicated defenseless offspring.

Monster type : Pasty faced goober

Description : These pasty skinned lumps wear rough woolen robes and carry staffs
DCR : 3
Monster Stats Brute +4 Slick +3 Mojo +6
Mojo save : +6 Death save +12
Attacks :Beat stick 3d8+4
Special attacks : Goo gob range 10 foot acidic lougee 5d6+6 acid damage no save. 5 X per day.
Stamina cost 10 per use
Special defenses : Rough skin provides 2 points of armor protection.
LPT :8d10+6 Stamina : 50
DTH : 16 Size : Small 2 ½ foot tall 50lbs
Experience award : 700 Experience points
Treasure :P3 / Lair Type : C
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing:1d6 random encounter, 4d8+1d8 defenseless offspring.
Monster type : Prong horned ass rammer
Description : These dark red hairy one horned beasts roam the lands searching for asses to
violate. They become enthralled by unsuspecting humans hineys.
DCR : 4
Monster Stats Brute +8 Slick +6 Mojo +6
Mojo save : +6 Death save +12
Attacks : Prong horn charge 5d10+8 impact and 3d6+8 anal seepage damage
Special attacks : Toxic Belch sprays a cloud of toxic nauseating vapor at single target causing
caustic itching for 1d4 rounds target can do nothing but scratch themselves relentlessly during
effect no save 3 X per day. Stamina cost 10 per use.
Special defenses : Tough hide provides 4 points of armor protection
LPT : 12d10+8 Stamina : 30
DTH : 22 Size : Medium 6 foot long quadruped 400lbs
Experience award :1,100 Experience points
Treasure :Nil / Lair Type : D
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing:Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Beefcake

Description :These large bull and cow headed creeps are reddish brown to black in color,with
black beady eyes the cows have bulging big breasted chests,and the bulls have massive dangly
bits which sway and swing in the breeze as these monsters move.
DCR : 4
Monster Stats Brute +8 Slick +5 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : Gore 6d8+8 poke damage, 2 fist slams 2d10+8 impact damage per round total of three
attacks per round.
Special attacks : Moo AOE 30 foot diameter all targets must save vs Mojo or take 3d10 sonic
damage successful saves receive half damage from this sonic attack 4 X per day. Stamina cost
10 per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of attack roll.
Special defenses : Tough hide provides 4 points of armor protection
LPT : 12d12+8 Stamina : 40
DTH : 22 Size : Large 10 foot tall bull or cow headed monster 600lbs
Experience award : 1,100 Experience points
Treasure : P4 / Lair Type : D
Territory : Deserts, forests, mountain regions, sex dungeons
Number appearing: 1 bull +1d4 cows random encounter, Lair 1 bull, 1d6 cows+1d4 defenseless

Monster type : Woof man or woman

Description : These monsters are man sized and may be former victims of a vicious woof mans
diseased bite these monsters are only seen at night under a full moon.
DCR : 4
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +5 Mojo +6
Mojo save : +6 Death save +12
Attacks : 2 claws 3d8+6 scratch damage, 1 bite 4d6+6 per round total of three attacks per
Special attacks : Any target struck by a bite attack must save vs death at the Mojo roll of the bite
attack or turn into a woof man or woman on the next full moon from canine curse.
Special defenses : Tough furry hide provides 4 points of armor protection
LPT : 12d10+6 Stamina : 0
DTH : 20 Size : Medium biped various sizes per human bitten,various weights.
Experience award :1,100 Experience points
Treasure : P4 / Lair Type : D
Territory : Forests, ruins, sex dungeon
Number appearing: 1d4 random encounter, 2d4+1d4 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Tittie twigger

Description : These knotty 3 foot mobile plant monsters,will accost any nippled species they
seem fascinated with giving a vicious nipple tweak to anyone they encounter with nipples.
These little wooden nipple twisters have a pale brown rough bark skin, and glaring red pupiless
DCR : 4
Monster Stats Brute +5 Slick +4 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : 2 branch bashes 4d8+5 impact damage per total of 2 attacks per round
Special attacks : Purple nurple a tittie twister attack with a vice like crab pincher grab, used to
deliver an oh that smarts distraction attack. Purple nurple causes instant embarrassment as the
target drops to the ground and rolls around from the excruciating pain of twisted nipples.
attack deals 4 rounds of rolling around in pain and 3d8+5 of pinched nipple damage 2 X per
day. no save. Stamina cost 20 per use
Special defenses : Rough bark skin provides 3 points of armor protection
LPT :10d10+5 Stamina : 40
DTH : 18 Size : Medium 3 1/2 foot tall plant monster 50lbs
Experience award :1,100 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : Nil
Territory : Forests,swamps,marshes,mountainous areas and open air ruins. Due to need of
sunlight they do not enter sex dungeons but may be found surrounding such a place.
Number appearing:1d8 random encounter, they do not have lairs!

Monster type : Curse me luck

Description : these devilish 2 ½ foot tall bright green skinned fruitcakes have fae powers that
allow them to cause an evil eye curse.
DCR : 4
Monster Stats Brute +3 Slick +7 Mojo +6
Mojo save : +6 Death save +12
Attacks : 2 bonker bashes 3d8+7 impact damage total of two attacks per round
Special attacks : Shake,rattle and roll target afflicted with uncontrollable shakes -4 to all stat
checks range 50 feet 1d4+Mojo bonus of debuff in rounds, save vs mojo roll of the caster or be
dealt the the curse. 4 X per day. Successful saves ignore this attack. Stamina cost 10 per use.
Special defenses : Rough skin provides 2 points of armor protection, natural dodger vs brute
based attacks when dodging physical damage applied by brute based attacks.
LPT :10d10+3 Stamina : 40
DTH : 15 / 22 vs Brute Size : 2 ½ foot tall biped 30lbs
Experience award : 1,100 Experience points
Treasure : P4 / Lair Type : D
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring

Monster type : One eyed butt sucker

Description : These pointy trunked gray green skinned monsters are anal invaders of the worst
kind,and can attack targets from camouflage using a natural ability all one eyed butt suckers
possess.These anal invaders grapple their prey with a powerful set of fingertip suckers found on
each hand, and pierce even the toughest armor.
DCR : 4
Monster Stats Brute +5 Slick +6 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : Armor piercing grapple probe cancels armor protection of victims struck making it
easier to strike the prey dealing 5d12+5 poke damage and applying 3d6+6 anal seepage
damage in first strike proceeding rounds take just the 3d6+6 anal seepage damage as the
monster feeds off it’s victim, until the beast is killed.
Special attacks : Gusty expulsion AOE 30ft diameter fart cloud, centered on it, all targets in area
of effect save vs mojo or be afflicted with instant irresistible hemorrhoidal itching that stops
effected targets in their tracks to rudely deal with the problem in the grossest way possible.
Effect Stink finger 1d4 rounds of itching roll vs Mojo or be afflicted. Gusty expulsions per day 4
Stamina cost 10 per use. Save vs attack stat rolled targets must meet or beat indicated score of
attack roll. Successful saves ignore the attack.
Special defenses : Tough hide provides 4 points of armor protection, natural chameleon -15
awareness check to all enemies they can be detected with a normal slick roll or by Cads with an
awareness roll this ability makes a one eyed butt sucker almost impossible to detect before it
LPT : 10d10+5 Stamina : 40 Move 9 / 90 feet
DTH : 19 Size : Large 8 foot long hexapedal monster with 4 motivational legs,and an upper
torso with sucker tipped fingered arms and head home to a 5 foot armor piercing trunk 800lbs
Experience award : 1,100 Experience points
Treasure : P4 / Lair Type : D
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring
Adventurers note : A one eyed butt sucker is an ambush predator that feeds through its
powerful trunk, it possesses breathing slits just below it’s single eye that allow it to feed in this
way, detecting the lair of this horrifying monster can be discerned by the shriveled carcasses of
it’s previous meals, and brave or stupid clunks may find bits of armor scattered about on any
human victims well sucked corpses. Lairs are usually dug into the ground and covered with the
local debris to conceal its location from casual observation or in well obstructed areas the wily
one eyed butt sucker alone knows how to maneuver in sex dungeons.

Monster type : Quill backed tree hugger

Description : These spiny green and brown dappled sleek ambush predators dwell in trees and
using the dapple effect of their coats launch paralyzing clouds of self renewing armor piercing
poisonous quills. The creatures natural dappled coat makes them hard to spot in trees at a
minus 10 to spot.
DCR : 4
Monster Stats Brute +5 Slick +8 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks :Quill cloud 20 foot cone AOE starting at the tree hugger anyone struck by this slick
attack must save vs slick or be afflicted with an armor piercing attack that cancels armor
protection of victims struck making it easier to strike the prey 6d10+8 poke damage, and
applying 2d4+5 paralyzing poison in rounds of effect. Successful saves take half poke damage
from a graze and ignore the poison effect. Bite for 4d8+5 damage only after paralyzing a victim
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Quill armored hide provides 4 points of armor protection, camouflaged coat
-10 to detect in trees.
LPT : 10d10+5 Stamina : 0 Move : 3 / 30 feet
DTH : 19 Size : Large 7 foot long lanky well muscled body with horny foot pads for gripping
and climbing 300lbs
Experience award : 1,100 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : D
Territory : Forests, jungles,swamps and marshes
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d4 defenseless offspring
Adventurers note : The nests of these foul monsters can be found in treetops the creature has
built to suit them in, these foul bone scattered piles of branches and twigs will be where the
monsters treasure hoard can be found along with any young it might have. Careful clunks may
climb to these high nests to gain these well deserved riches after slaying these beasts. Careful
examination of the surrounding area may also yield up discarded armor from previous victims of
the Quill backed tree hugger’s predations.

Monster type : Grouch

Description : These are dark blue skinned grey hair tufted, ill - tempered, refuse dwelling
monsters, who grab victims from concealed trap doors, and drag them under to their tunnels to
be beaten senseless, and devoured at leisure.
DCR : 4
Monster Stats Brute+6 Slick+6 Mojo+4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : Nail studded club 5d6+6 impact damage, vicious bite 4d6+6 total attacks per round 3
Special attacks : Snatch is a slick based grab that deals no damage but victims must save vs
this grab attack at a penalty of -6 to resist being dragged under and beaten.
Special defenses : Tough hide provides 4 points of armor protection
LPT : 12d8+6 Stamina : 0
DTH : 20 Size : Medium 6 foot hunched back biped tunnel dweller,300lbs
Experience award : 1,100 Experience points
Treasure :P4 / Lair Type : D
Territory : Refuse piles around human settlements in tunnels they dig out riddled with
concealing trap doors they skillfully construct, sex dungeon in carefully concealed tunnels
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d4 defenseless offspring.
Adventurers note : These skillful tunnel crafting beasts infest the areas around human
settlements and sometimes even sneak into cities to set up their well dug tunnel traps in,one
should always take note of skeletal remains discarded by the Grouch as they do not prefer to
have their lairs and tunnels dotted with these previous meals refuse. This is a sure sign a
grouch has taken up residence in any refuse heap and their underground lairs will be found here
close by. Some of these crafty tunnel dwellers keep a ferocious grouch hound a nasty ill
tempered hound that commonly dwells in caves,and underground areas, and inflicts a nasty
razor sharp bite to anyone they attack,these foul creatures love becoming the grouches pet
due to the sources of easy food they can provide a grouch hound.

Monster type : Grouch hound

Description :These are cave dwelling canines with pointy eared long jawed heads,that exude a
foul odor and will commonly be found in the company of a grouch thus giving them their
names,they are dark brown in color and possess a razor sharp set of teeth and fangs to rend
prey with.
DCR : 4
Monster Stats Brute+5 Slick+5 Mojo+4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks :Razor sharp bite 4d8+5 slash damage 3 attacks per round
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Rough skin provides 2 points of armor protection, exudes foul stench
causing a gagging penalty of -2 when trying to strike the grouch hound.
LPT : 10d8+5 Stamina : 0
DTH : 17 Size : Medium 4 foot long quadruped 100lbs
Experience award : 1,100 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : D
Territory :Caverns,underground caverns and tunnels associated with Grouches including sex
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d4 defenseless offspring.
Adventurers note : These foul smelling monsters enjoy the company of grouches, this
association allows them to obtain food easier and in turn they supply the grouch with extra
Security in their underground tunnels and lairs, sometimes even making a seperate lair
somewhere in the grouches long twisting tunnels to den up and have puppies in.

Monster type : Bog thump

Description : Dark green skinned monsters 10 foot tall. These bald heavily muscled lumps of
gristle have a bad attitude, they are continually grumpy and hate humans! These creatures are
sometimes called Dire Dorks because they look like the common dork but are much larger in
DCR : 4
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +4 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : Nail studded club 4d8+6 3 X per round total of 3 attacks per round
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Tough hide provides 4 points of armor protection
LPT : 12d10+6 Stamina : 0
DTH : 20 Size : Large 10 foot tall biped, 600lbs
Experience award : 1,100 Experience points
Treasure : P4 / Lair Type : D
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: 1d4 random encounter, 3d4+ 2d4 defenseless offspring.

Monster type : Big mouthed bumbler

Description : These dirty white giant fur balls have immensely large maws full of sharp pointy
teeth,and floppy gigantic feet,they sport huge breasts in females and giant dangly bits on males
DCR : 5
Monster Stats Brute + 9 Slick +6 Mojo +8
Mojo save : +8 Death save +16
Attacks : Snaggle toothed gobble 6d10+9 slash damage, 2 foot stomps 4d12+9 total of 3
attacks per round.
Special attacks : Behemoth frost belch AOE cone 30 foot long starting at big mouthed bumbler
that deals a 10d10+8 Mojo attack in frost damage.Save vs this Mojo attack targets must meet or
beat the attackers score to save. Successful saves take half damage. 4 X per day. Stamina cost
10 per use.
Special defenses : Thick bristly furred hide provides 5 points of armor protection
LPT :12d12+9 Stamina : 40 Move : 5 / 50
DTH : 24 Size : Very large 12 foot tall biped, 1,000lbs
Experience award : 1,800 Experience points
Treasure : P5 / Lair Type : E
Territory : Any cold,mountainous areas high up
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring.
Adventurers note : A Big mouthed bumbler is a ferocious beast, when they are encountered
they will mindlessly attack anything, even attacking other monsters in pursuit of a meal.
Monster type : Neck sucking hickey
Description : These are human based powerful undead monsters, of enthralling beauty
DCR : 5
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +5 Mojo +8
Mojo save : +8 Death save + 16
Attacks : Paralyzing diseased bite Save vs Mojo roll of attacker or take 1d4+8 rounds of
paralysis + 2d4 blood drain, 2 claw attacks of 3d8+6 total of three attacks per round.
Special attacks : Enthralling gaze range 30 feet. Roll vs death or become enthralled to the will of
the monster for 1d4 rounds subject to doing monsters will. 3 X per day. Successful saves ignore
this attack. Stamina cost 10 per use. Any subject killed through blood drain effect rises as a
neck sucking hickey next full moon from this horrible curse.
Special defenses : Rough skin provides 2 points of armor protection, these monsters take 1d8
blindness damage from any bright light effects in addition to normal damage effects which make
them flee for the indicated number of rounds of blindness in rounds of flight from the light effect.
LPT : 10d10+6 Stamina : 30
DTH : 18 Size : Medium human various sizes and weights
Experience award : 1,800 Experience points
Treasure : P5 / Lair Type : E
Territory : Any underground ruin, caverns, caves and tombs usually closest to human
settlements,sex dungeons in well secluded areas
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring.
Monster type : Camouflaging wall biter
Description : These monsters are a wall hugging flat monster that disguises themselves to
resemble the surface they are gripping
DCR : 5
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +6 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : Gob slobber sprays a cloud of sticky gunk 30 foot diameter AOE centered on the wall
biter save vs slick attack to avoid being struck by this gooey gunk or be held motionless for 1d4
rounds in this thick glue like substance,allowing the monster to move and attack with a 5d8+6
spittle attack to devour target prey.
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Tough camouflaging hide provides 4 points of armor protection that provides
-10 to awareness checks to detect these horrible monsters
LPT : 10d12+6 Stamina : 0 Move : 4 / 40 feet
DTH : 20 Size : Large 8 feet in diameter 30lbs very thin monsters who ooze over and devour
their targets slowly with the spittle they exude to eat
Experience award : 1,800 Experience points
Treasure :Nil / Lair Type : E
Territory : Ruins, caverns, caves, tombs and sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary self replicating. Lair may contain 1 replicated defenseless offspring.
Monster type : Carnivorous tiki head
Description : These are wickedly enchanted carved giant wooden heads with vicious teeth that
hide in plain sight by appearing to be common statues.
DCR : 5
Monster Stats Brute +8 Slick +4 Mojo +6
Mojo save : +6 Death save +12
Attacks : Sharp wooden bite 5d6+8 will attack 3 times per round
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Tough wooden body provides 4 points of armor protection
LPT : 10d12+8 Stamina : 0
DTH : 22 Size : Large 8 foot tall tiki head 400lbs
Experience award :1,800 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : Nil
Territory : Sex dungeon
Number appearing: 1d6
Adventurers note : These enchanted wooden monsters are placed in various areas with up to 6
being placed in a room as cleverly disguised guard beasts.

Monster type : Monclops

Description : These are yellowish orange chunky giants, with one eyed monobrowed shiny bald
heads and tiny pig like ears. With massive breasted females and hugely hung males that love
abusing their prey before eating them.
DCR : 5
Monster Stats Brute +8 Slick +4 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : Giant nail studded club 6d10+8 impact damage total of three attacks per round
Special attacks : Wail on applies a double damage attack to target 3 times per day. Stamina
cost 10 per use.
Special defenses : Thick tough hide provides 5 points of armor protection
LPT :12d12+8 Stamina : 30 Move : 4 / 40 feet
DTH : 23 Size : Very large 12 foot tall biped, 1,000lbs
Experience award :1,800 Experience points
Treasure : P5 / Lair Type : E
Territory :Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring.
Adventurers note : Monoclops are the giant enforcers of any sex dungeon,and generally will be
found abusing the prisoners being kept.

Monster type :Wyvern

Description : These are two legged giant flying reptiles have a poisonous tail stinger and large
sail like wings, they can be found in dark brown to reddish yellow colors.
DCR : 5
Monster Stats Brute +9 Slick +6 Mojo +10
Mojo save : +10 Death save +20
Attacks : Big jawed bite 6d10+9
Special attacks : Tail sting 8d8+6 poke damage + 4d8 acid damage 4 X per day. Stamina cost
10 per use. Save vs slick for half damage.
Special defenses : Scaly tough hide provides 6 points of armor protection
LPT : 14d10+9 Stamina : 40 Move : 10 / 100 feet
DTH : 25 Size : Very large 15 foot long, 1800 lbs
Experience award :1,800 Experience points
Treasure :Nil / Lair Type : E
Territory :Swamps, marshes, ruins and sex dungeon.
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d6 defenseless offspring.
Adventurers note : These giant flying lizards are powerful carnivores and will fly down upon
victims from above attacking their prey with relentless attacks,until killed.

Monster type : Giant Carnivorous labia majora

Description : These titanic sized flesh colored plants possess huge lips full of sharp hollow
sticky spikes they use to impale and suck dry their prey of all bodily fluids,these horrific plant
monsters use a sense enthralling odor to lure their victims to a mind numbed death, these
massive carnivorous plants have three huge well armed heads at full growth each head can
attack independently.
DCR : 5
Monster Stats Brute +8 Slick +4 Mojo +6
Mojo save : +6 Death save +12
Attacks : Two lipped death kiss, an armor piercing bite 3 attacks per round one per head this
hollow toothed bite disregards the armor protection of the target as it pierces to begin devouring
it’s victim, Bite deals 4d6+8 poke damage and applies 2d6 blood drain per round in the jaws.
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Tough wooden body provides 4 points of armor protection, sense enthralling
lure all targets within 50 feet of the monster must save vs Mojo at a - 6 penalty or immediately
move into range of it’s attacks.This scent producing gland is found on the top of the labia
majora’s fleshy lips. Giant Carnivorous labia majora take double damage from fire and cold
LPT :12d4+8 Stamina : 0 Move : 3 / 30 on viney roots
DTH : 22 Size : Very large main trunk 10 foot tall, 3 branching heads on 10 foot long stems
Experience award : 1,800 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : Nil
Territory : Forests, swamps, marshes, and sex dungeon in delightfully disguised rooms
Number appearing: Solitary self replicating. Lair may contain 1 replicated defenseless offspring
Monster type : Horny four eyed geek
Description : Huge red blobs of flesh with a maw full of sharp teeth under four bulging runny
black eyes, they have two large bony horns on their massive core with a bulging nozzle of flesh
and six chucky rounded legs
DCR : 5
Monster Stats Brute +4 Slick +4 Mojo +8
Mojo save : +8 Death save +16
Attacks : Foul mouthed bite 6d8+4 slash damage total of 3 attacks per round
Special attacks : Geek goo range 30 feet single target 6d8+8 acid damage 4 X per day. Stamina
cost 10 per use. Save vs Mojo attack successful saves take half damage from near miss.
Special defenses : Thick rubbery hide provides 5 points of armor protection
LPT :12d8+4 Stamina : 40
DTH : 19 Size : Large 6 foot diameter 6 foot tall blob of flesh 600lbs
Experience award : 1,800 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : E
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring

Monster type : Fornicating mouther

Description : These are huge piles of putrid flesh with multiple mouths and eyes covering the
entire body of these foul wandering flesh blobs each mouth is armed with a fleshy open ended
nozzle that sprays a flesh devouring squirt of sticky bile, the main feeding mouth is found
underneath these monsters who move over a downed victim to begin eating them and is the
only mouth that can bite a target.
DCR : 5
Monster Stats Brute +6 Slick +4 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : Orifice tongue swipe 3d6+6, sticky acid spittle spray 10 foot range single target 3d6+4
sticky acid damage total of ten attacks per round one by each surface mouth,gruesome bite
6d10+6 slash damage feeding mouth only after a target has been knocked down to be moved
over and eaten.
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Thick rubbery hide provides 5 points of armor protection
LPT :10d12+6 Stamina : 0
DTH : 21 Size : Large 6 foot diameter blob of flesh 400lbs
Experience award : 1,800 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : E
Territory : Ruins, tombs, and sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary

Monster type : Dominatrix / Dom demons

Description : These monsters resemble fiery red haired human females and males, the small
horns on their human featured heads, are carefully concealed by the thick red hair
DCR : 5
Monster Stats Brute +8 Slick +5 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : Demon hide barbed whip 4d8+8 impact damage total of 3 attacks per round
Special attacks : Demon fire breath 30 foot cone AOE starting at Dominatrix demoness 10d8+5
to all targets caught in it’s effect, save vs Mojo attack at attack rolled for half damage from this
attack 3 X per day. Stamina cost 10 per use.
Special defenses : Thick demon hide provides 4 points of armor protection
LPT : 12d10+8 Stamina : 30
DTH : 23 Size : Medium human size
Experience award :1,800 Experience points
Treasure :P5 / Lair Type : E
Territory : Sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair in Hel : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring

Monster type : * S * Class : Young Douche dragon

Description : These huge reptiles ferociously attack prey on sight, usually diving down on prey
from above and attacking with their breath as an opening attack before joining melee with
anything. They are a dark reddish brown in color with huge sail like wings and sharp bony tails.
DCR : 6
Monster Stats Brute +10 Slick +8 Mojo +7
Mojo save : +7 Death save +14
Attacks : 2 claws 6d8+10, 1 bite10d8+10, one tail swipe 10d8+10, total of 4 attacks per round
Special attacks : Acidic breath 60 foot cone starting at douche dragon 12d8+8 acid damage
save vs slick roll of dragon for half damage by anyone caught in the AOE 4 X per day. Stamina
cost 10 per use.
Special defenses : Tough scaly hide provides 6 points of armor protection
LPT :14D12+10 Stamina : 40
DTH : 26 Size : Very large 30 foot long reptilian flying monster 2200lbs of muscle and bone
Experience award : 2,300 Experience points
Treasure : P6 / Lair Type : F
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon where they may be the chief villain of such a place
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d8 defenseless offspring
Adventurers note : These powerful monsters will most likely be encountered in ruins where they
build a rocky nest or in a organized sex dungeon in control or under the influence of the person
directly in charge of such a place as the chief enforcer of authority in the dungeon. These
intelligent monsters can speak and have an affinity for magic of the BDSM kind that tramps are
known to cast, it is rumored that later in life, douche dragons gain the ability to cast spells as
well as gaining an increase in the amount and damage these breath weapons deal as they grow
Monster type : * S * Class : Letch
Description :These powerful undead monsters were once tramps who became so twisted by the
BDSM call they forfeit their own souls to become one of the undying servants of the great Black
demon of sex magic Barthmurg king of the black pits of Hel mortal enemy of Orgasmia goddess
of pleasure. These crazed lunatics run naked to be at the beck and call of their twisted masters
pleasures at anytime!
DCR : 6
Monster Stats Brute +4 Slick +4 Mojo +9
Mojo save : +9 Death save +18
Attacks : Soul draining strike touch attack 6d6+9 life draining touch attack total of 3 attacks per
Special attacks : By spell for 10th level Tramp
Special defenses : Undead toughened skin provides 5 points of armor protection
LPT : as per 10th level tramp Stamina : as per 10th level tramp
DTH : 19 Size : Medium human normal
Experience award : 2,300 Experience points
Treasure :P6 / Lair Type : F
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon where they will be the brains operating the place at the
lowest level always.
Number appearing: Solitary

Monster type : * S * Class : Gorgonian Stoner

Description : This nightmarish monster is the hellish offspring of a hentai beast, a giant serpent
and a human the serpent body is joined to a human torso on that torso’s head are a set of 8
powerful tentacles the monster uses to restrain prey as it kills it, the monsters bite delivers a
powerful venom causing euphoria and paralysis in it’s victims for it to dine at it’s leisure. They
come in two different colors dark gray or brown.
DCR : 6
Monster Stats Brute +8 Slick +6 Mojo +6
Mojo save : +6 Death save +12
Attacks : 2 tentacle grabs 4d8+6 crush damage save roll vs slick at a minus 6 penalty, 2 claws
4d6+8 scratch damage, 1 euphoria causing paralysis bite 3d6+6 poke damage +1d4 stoner
paralysis save vs death at mojo roll of the Gorgonian at a minus 6 penalty. Successful saves
ignore the paralysis effect.
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Thick scaley hide provides 4 points of armor protection
LPT : 10d12+8 Stamina : 0 Move : 8 / 80
DTH : 22 Size : Large 12 foot long 1,000lbs
Experience award : 2,300 Experience points
Treasure : P6 / Lair Type : F
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon where they will be the brains operating the place at the
lowest level always.
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d6 defenseless offspring
Monster type : * S * Class : Bawk
Description : Titanic bird monsters with bright pink featherless heads and necks have razor
sharp beaks and three taloned clawed feet
DCR : 6
Monster Stats Brute +9 Slick +6 Mojo +4
Mojo save : +4 Death save +8
Attacks : 1 razor sharp bite 8d10+9, 2 talons 6d6+9 total of 3 attacks per round
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Tough feathered skin provides 3 points of armor protection
LPT : 14d10+9 Stamina : 0
DTH : 22 Size : Very large 30 foot long feathered flying monster 2200lbs of muscle,feather
and bone they have been known to attack young douche dragons.
Experience award : 2,300 Experience points
Treasure : Nil / Lair Type : F
Territory : Mountainous regions
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d6 defenseless offspring

Monster type : * S * Class : Young three headed dingus

Description : These huge 3 headed reptiles ferociously attack prey on sight, usually attacking
with their breath as an opening attack before joining melee with anything. They are a dark flame
red in color with huge taloned claws and each head has two sharp horns.
DCR : 6
Monster Stats Brute +10 Slick +8 Mojo +7
Mojo save : +7 Death save +14
Attacks : 3 vicious bites 6d6+10, 2 claws 6d8+10 total of 5 attacks per round
Special attacks : Fire breath 60 foot cone AOE starting at dingus 12d8+8 fire damage save vs
slick roll of dingus for half damage by anyone caught in the AOE 4 X per day. Stamina cost 10
per use.
Special defenses : Tough scaly hide provides 6 points of armor protection
LPT : 14D10+10 Stamina : 40
DTH : 26 Size : Very large 30 foot long reptilian monster 2200lbs of muscle and bone
Experience award :2,300 Experience points
Treasure :Nil / Lair Type : F
Territory : Ruins, underground caverns, caves and sex dungeon where they will be the brains
operating the place at the lowest level always.
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1d8 defenseless offspring
Adventurers note : These powerful monsters will most likely be encountered in ruins where they
build a debris type nest or in a organized sex dungeon in control or under the influence of the
person directly in charge of such a place as the chief enforcer of authority in the dungeon.
These intelligent monsters can speak and have an affinity for magic of the BDSM kind that
tramps are known to cast, it is rumored that later in life, a three headed dingus gains the ability
to cast spells as well as gaining an increase in the amount and damage these breath weapons
deal as they grow older.
Monster type : * S * Class : Titanic wandering orchard
Description : These are 30 foot tall tree monsters usually bearing poisonous fruit,they like to
stand still and attack suddenly when unsuspecting prey begins climbing them for their
poisonous fruit that smells delightfully good.
DCR : 6
Monster Stats Brute + 10 Slick +6 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : 2 giant root stomps 6d8+10, 2 giant branch bashes 6d8+10 total of 4 attacks per round
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Thick bark skin provides 5 points of armor protection
LPT : 14d12+10 Stamina : 0
DTH : 25 Size : 30 foot tall 2200lb beast of wooden death
Experience award :2,300 Experience points
Treasure :Nil / Lair Type : Nil
Territory : Swamps, marshes, mountainous areas, open air ruins
Number appearing: Solitary, self replicating 1d4 defenseless young
Adventurers note : These wandering giant tree monsters never accumulate treasure due to the
way they move from place to place in search of prey only settling when they are preparing to
have sprouts, when this occurs wandering orchards gather in a field or swamp area and form a
full orchard when this happens only very foolish adventuring bands would seek to attack such a

Monster type : * S * Class : Hoax

Description : These giant monsters appear to be giant boxes of treasure loot but hide a set of
three crushing tentacles inside the box like shell with a gnashing squid like beak the tentacles
draw prey into under a set of beady black stalk mounted eyes which stay well hidden inside the
box like shell until the monster attacks.
DCR : 6
Monster Stats Brute +9 Slick +5 Mojo +6
Mojo save : +6 Death save +12
Attacks : 3 tentacle grabs 8d8+9 crush damage, 1 hideous beaked bite 10d8+9 total of 4 attacks
per round
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Thick rubbery deceptive hide provides 5 points of armor protection
LPT : 14d10+9 Stamina : 0
DTH : 24 Size : Large 8 x 10 foot box like body with 20 foot long tentacles that shoot out of
the main bodies concealing shell to grab over all length 30 feet
Experience award : 2,300 Experience points
Treasure :P6 / Lair Type : F
Territory : Ruins or sex dungeon as a set guard beast
Number appearing: Solitary, self replicating 1d4 defenseless young

Monster type : * S * Class : Stony blockhead

Description : These are magically animate rock monsters 20 foot tall,with huge stony fists and
mouths full of razor sharp crystalline teeth
DCR : 6
Monster Stats Brute +12 Slick +5 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : 2 stony fist slams 6d10+12 impact damage, 1 titanic grinder bite 10d8+12 poke
damage total of 3 attacks per round
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Stoney hard hide provides 4 points of armor protection
LPT : 14d10+12 Stamina : 0
DTH : 26 Size : Very large 20 foot tall rock beast 3,000 lbs
Experience award : 2,300 Experience points
Treasure :P6 / Lair Type : F
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon as a room enforcer
Number appearing: Solitary, self replicating 1d4 defenseless young

Monster type : * S * Class : Titanic Goon

Description : These are very large dark purple bumbling beasts of brutish brutal visages,armed
with tree like clubs and a terrible jaw full of gruesome gnashing teeth 30 foot tall
DCR : 6
Monster Stats Brute +9 Slick +4 Mojo +5
Mojo save : +5 Death save +10
Attacks : Tree trunk bash 10d8+9 impact damage, ham fisted grab 6d6+9 crush damage, gnarly
bite 6d8+9 poke damage total of 3 attacks per round
Special attacks : None
Special defenses : Thick gristly hide provides 5 points of armor protection
LPT :14d12+9 Stamina : 0
DTH : 24 Size : Very large biped, 30 foot tall mountains of muscled flesh and bone 3,000lbs
Experience award : 2,300 Experience points
Treasure : P6 / Lair Type : F
Territory : Any, including sex dungeon
Number appearing: Solitary, Lair : 2 mated+1 defenseless offspring

Monster type : * S * Class : Tentacled swamp gobbler

Description : This beast is a giant purple melon like blob with 6 huge hooked tentacles, that has
6 bulging eyes over a maw full of needle sharp pointy teeth
DCR : 6
Monster Stats Brute +8 Slick +6 Mojo +6
Mojo save : +6 Death save +12
Attacks : 3 tentacle attacks 6d8+8 crush damage, terrifying gnaw 10d8+8 total of 4 attacks per
Special attacks : Gobbler vomit a 30 foot cone AOE that deals 8d6+6 slick attack acid
damage,save vs slick at a -6 penalty. Successful saves take half damage to any target caught in
the AOE 3 X per day. Stamina cost 10 per use.
Special defenses : Thick rubbery hide provides 5 points of armor protection
LPT : 14d10+8 Stamina : 30
DTH : 23 Size : Very large 12 foot in diameter with 10 foot tentacles 22 feet in overall size,
1,000 lbs
Experience award : 2,300 Experience points
Treasure : P6 / Lair Type : F
Territory : Swamps, marshes, underground lakes and wet areas of sex dungeons
Number appearing: Solitary no one has ever determined how these monsters come to be.

I have intentionally left the Goody two shoes crusaders out of this guide but you can use the
below monster sheet to create them since they are all classes of human. All monsters including
the crusade only get a times two mojo bonus to death save.

Sample monster sheet

Monster type :
Description :
Monster Stats Brute + Slick + Mojo +
Mojo save : + Death save +
Attacks :
Special attacks :
Special defenses :
LPT : Stamina :
DTH : Size :
Experience award :
Treasure : / Lair Type :
Territory :
Number appearing:

You have come to the end of this guide, yet everything contained here in is just a guide. You as
the Sir or Madame can use rules and such as you see fit in your own Orgasmia world. The
adventures you can create are endless, but there are many assets from other games that can
be easily converted adventure modules and other plot hook ideas can make it easy to build a
campaign in Orgasmia or you can take the time and plan out the entire tale. You’re the new
director, it’s your private stage where this theater of the mind will be performed by your friends
It’s up to you how naughty things become but with a dirty mind and this guide your skies will
seem endlessly bright. This is only the beginning of the monsters there are plans to make
supplemental monster guides and future adventure tales for Orgasmia all dependant upon the
sales of this guide book and there are other genre planned to run off this system. Good bye for
now oh faithful ones and game on!

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