Gorski Olszowski Bialozor - Parametric Based Design As A Shift of Decision Making Process Final

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Parametric modelling as a shift of decision-making

process in structural engineering

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In the field of structural engineering there are programs for running structural analysis of
sophisticated buildings. Software conducts calculations but only for a very strictly given
conditions. In practice, almost every small change in building geometry requires a new
analysis model. The model needs to be created from very beginning and all assumptions need
to be introduced, it takes time and limits the freedom of design. Main aim of this paper is to
indicate possibilities in parametric based design from structural point of view as well as
popularisation of this concept among structural engineering environment.

Parametric design is a popular term in architectural community. It is based on creating digital

models defined by functions and sets of rules. Those rules are based on variables, in this case
also called parameters that can be changed at all stages of design process. Model geometry is
not fixed, because it is a result of certain relations created by parameters. The concept of
parametric design was accelerated when visual programming languages (VPL) were
implemented in architectural design software. In the most popular tools it takes form of
blocks, mutually connected by wires, all together creating an algorithm (Figure 1). Integrated
development environment workflow is based on managing connections between scripting
blocks. In general each block consist of input and output ports and it is an object itself.
Connecting wires are responsible for data flow in the program. Language interpretation
mechanism allows real-time preview of the output whenever a parameter changes [2].

Figure 1 – Block form and output preview of parametric residential building

Moreover, geometrical objects like curves and surfaces can be meshed, subdivided and
equipped with both physical and geometrical properties like cross-sections or material
constants. That allows an application of a modelling environment to structural analysis using
finite element method. Furthermore, the preliminary defined geometry can be developed
into more advanced parametric objects such as beams or columns instead of lines. Due to
this fact initial geometrical model becomes a part of building information
modelling/management (BIM) technology.

ICEUBI2017 - INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING 2017 – 5-7 Dec 2017 – University of Beira Interior – Covilhã, Portugal
At the stage of concept design during creating geometry, there are dozens of factors that can
affect both cost and efficiency of the building. Factors are mutually related i.e. the
elevation structure with light demands, effective area with the structure. Such relations lead
to more complicated analysis and complex issues, which cannot be taken into consideration
or solved with CAD-generations programs or, in case of more complicated cases, by hand
methods. Considering building efficiency, the many savings are in the very first stage of the
project when the architectural conception is being ‘dressed’ with structural concept. It is
important to compare several designs before choosing the one most likely to be the best from
the points of view of structural economy and how well it fits in other disciplines. In Figure 2
in form of a timeline it is shown how this process is done nowadays.

Figure 2: Timeline of design process nowadays

As shown in the figure 2, the main role in both: analysis and decision-making during designing
process belongs to human. Designer is responsible for choosing the best solutions during the
whole process. The quality of his work depends on his predispositions, gained experience and
many other random factors. Among others, one of the main disadvantages of a computer is
difficulty with experience simulation and making decisions independently. On the other hand
The disadvantage of a human perception is that it cannot successfully analyze numerous
schemes at the same time. The whole process is becoming more and more difficult, due to
the fact that the number of standards and regulations has increased. That is why, there is a
need to investigate possibility of involving computers from the very beginning of design in
decision-making process as shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3: Possible timeline of design process in future

The general idea would be to shift the decision-making process, which nowadays is still
conducted by structural engineers, towards computers.

ICEUBI2017 - INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING 2017 – 5-7 Dec 2017 – University of Beira Interior – Covilhã, Portugal

The most beneficial use of parametric methods during design process of complex and large-
scale structures such as airports halls as well as high-rise buildings. Structure of such objects
consists of thousands of elements, where each change in geometry generates a need of new
structural model. It can cost a lot of effort and adaptive work in traditional design approach
when envelope of the building is changing. That issue forced exploration of methods of
integration between architectural vision and structural analysis. Ho et al. [1] presented
a framework of Analysis and Design Engine (ADE) which is a part o BIM Technology that allow
to communicate between architectural and engineering software based on parametric model.
For example that framework was tested during China Zun design process [3] as well as the
parametric design approach was implemented in Shanghai Tower project [6].

Figure 4 Framework of Analysis and Design Engine for China Zun project [1]

When it became easy to explore a large number of structural schemes, engineers started
thinking about a tool for choosing the best one. That is why, the concept of the parametric
design approach went one step further when it was connected with evolutionary
computations inspired by biological phenomena [5][7]. The idea of genetic algorithms is
based on evolutional logic and natural selection process. Based on numbers of iterations,
algorithm is looking for solution which fit in terms of initial criteria. In architecture, it is used
generally in two ways: as a tool for generating sophisticated shapes and forms as well as for
optimisation. The following two examples present preliminary study on parametric design
tools and evolutionary computation tools which can be used in structural optimisation today.

ICEUBI2017 - INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING 2017 – 5-7 Dec 2017 – University of Beira Interior – Covilhã, Portugal

The first simple example is to explain the idea of works and check the solutions correctness.
Fixed ends beam with assumed cross section, materials and applied force is generated in
grasshopper3d. In this case GemoetryGym plug-in was used to perform structural analysis in
external analysis engine of commercial software. Solutions in such simple example is obvious
and makes a good case study for software testing. The main aim of this example is to find of
the vertical reaction of given beam and as a consequence the geometrical middle point this

x L-x L/2 L/2

Va Vb Va Vb

Figure 5: Simply supported beam subjected to node force with random position of the force (left) and obvious
solution of the problem (right)

It is obvious that the node force is located exactly in the middle of beam when difference
between values of supports reactions reaches zero. That leads to simple optimization

|Va − Vb| → minimum which is true when |Va − Vb| = 0

When all physical parameters are assigned, the model is exported to Autodesk Robot. It is
done in simple way by special script, which send all data about created model. Results are
read out and send back to grasshopper3d.

Figure 6 From the left: Rhino, Robot, Grasshopper

- Galapagos fitness input: |Va − Vb| → minimum

- Galapagos Genetic input: Position of nodal force – range of (1,2…58,59)

Factor slider represents values of x coordinate of nodal force. The slider takes value from 1 to
n-1 where n is an end point of beam. In other words factor’s domain is every integer number
from 1 to n-1. The factor and the function are connected into Galapagos - single objective
genetic algorithm module with can change the values of the nodal force position based on the
fitness Function. Calculation leads to the correct solution – minimum of the function is zero
when the force is directly in the middle point of the beam.

ICEUBI2017 - INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING 2017 – 5-7 Dec 2017 – University of Beira Interior – Covilhã, Portugal

Following part of this paper was inspired by real case of design issue of temporary truss
structure (Figure 7). A temporary set of truss structures supporting the main structure of the
bridge during concrete works. It is designed of steel modular beams with use of bolted
connections. That simple issue from structural point of view is simultaneously good starting
point of exploration of parametric study.

Figure 7 – Example of temporary truss structure [6]

On the figure 8 parametric model of truss structure was shown. The model was prepared in
grasshopper3D with use of Karamba - structural design tool which connects 3D modelling with
finite element analysis (FEA) directly in one environment. Main aim of this study was to find
best structural solution using parametric model for assumed geometry and static load
condition. Parameterization was prepared in terms of structural topology such as truss
spacing, height and triangulation of single truss, but also material usage in terms of proper
cross-section. In this step circular hollow section with parametric diameter and thickness was
assumed and It was assigned for all structural members in the structure.

Figure 8 – Boundary conditions of the problem

The parametric definition of the structure was used to indicate a solution domain for the
multi-objective genetic algorithm tool Octopus. Structure proposed by algorithm have to met
specific structural criteria, so proper solution have to be filter out in the process. Fitness

ICEUBI2017 - INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING 2017 – 5-7 Dec 2017 – University of Beira Interior – Covilhã, Portugal
function is defined as the combination of two concepts: minimum weight of the structure as
well as proper deflection limitation. Obviously with self-weight reduction comes limitation of
stress ratio in each structural member which was taken into account according to European
Steel Design Code (EC3). Sizing in terms of buckling in compressed members was also taken
into account by proper script using Python Programming Language prepared by authors.

Figure 9 – Problem definition in grasshopper3D

Once the optimal structure was found, structure was modeled in a commercially available
structural analysis program (MidasGen) to verify the validity of Karamba’s structural analysis.

Figure 10 – Optimal solution in Karamba3D and MidaGen software

In Table 1. Results obtained in both software were presented and compared. The comparisons
were acceptable what gives encouragement to investigate more complicated structural
Table 1-Results obtained in both software engine.
Quantity MIDAS Gen Karamba 3D Difference
Max. Compresion 1290kN 1282kN 0.62%
Max. tension 635kN 633kN 0.31%
Displacement 0.058m 0.059m 1.72%
Tonage 52,201 t 52,227 t 0.05%

ICEUBI2017 - INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING 2017 – 5-7 Dec 2017 – University of Beira Interior – Covilhã, Portugal

There are no doubts that parametric design in integrated development environment as well as
BIM technology became a big step in architectural and engineering industry. Computers play
a main role in managing and as a result, transferring data of the building object. Presented
examples shows that computer is not only a tool for preparing documentation but also have
ability to proposing structural solutions which cannot be obtainable in traditional approach.
Possibility of analyzing numbers of structural schemes in short time allows engineers design
structure effectively in very early stage of design process. Decisions made on conceptual
stage have a giant impact on further design development stage. It is particularly important
when it comes to large-scale complex structure where the total cost must be prepared
rationally. Parametric design approach can be useful to save a time in case of developing
structural scenarios which leads to impractical schemes or schemes which not gain
satisfactory level. Presented examples are only an initial research which show wide range
possibilities but also challenges. Presented framework can be improved in many ways that is
why it needs further investigation and development in this direction.


This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.


[1] Ho G., Liu P., Liu M., 2012, “Parametric Analysis and Design Engine for Tall Buildings
Structures”, International Journal of High-Rise Buildings, Vol. 1, No 1, pp. 53-59.

[2] Jasiński M., Płaszczyk T., Salamak M.: Visual programming and BIM technology in
parametric concrete bridge superstructure design, The 12th Central European Congress on
Concrete Engineering CCC2017, proceedings: Innovative materials and technologies for
concrete structures, Tokaj, Hungary 2017, pp. 575 – 582.

[3] Liu P., Cheng Y., Citerne D., Zhang L., 2016, “The Integrated Smart Design Technologies
for Tall Building Structural Design”. Conference proceeding, Council of Tall Building
and Urban Habitat, Shenzhen.

[4] ULMA Consstruction., Formwork and Scaffolding for construction sites – MK truss system,
http://www.ulmaconstruction.pl/ (30/09/2017).

[5] Rutten D., 2010, „Evolutionary Principles applied to Problem Solving”,

http://www.grasshopper3d.com (30/09/2017).

[6] Xia J., Peng M., 2012, “The Parametric Design of Shanghai Tower’s Form And Facade”.
Conference proceeding, Council of Tall Building and Urban Habitat, Shanghai.

[7] Danhaive r., Mueller c., Combining parametric modeling and interactive optimization for
high-performance and creative structural design. Proceedings of the International Association
for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam

ICEUBI2017 - INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING 2017 – 5-7 Dec 2017 – University of Beira Interior – Covilhã, Portugal

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