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O i l Wr ght

i w .
oli right design

Product Designer
hello@ w .
oli right design

+45 9 93 7 9 1 0 6

Product Designer w ith a business background . Experienced across the entire design

process w ith strengths lying in rapid prototyping, user research and visual design Capable .
of driving projects for w ard autonomously w ith help from a range of business-related skills .

e x p e r i e n c e
P R i m a ry S K I L L S


Pancakes With Purpose

Rapid Prototyping

Mar 2018 - March 2021 - Byron Bay, Australia

Information Architecture

Built a startup that upcycles ugly bananas into pancake mix.

D g esi ned e- c mm rc w b t , pt m
o e e e si e o i ised U Xf r o ,
CRO collaborated

w ith remote developers, set up analytics tools for usability insights

Usability Testing

D g esi ned packag g a mark t g a t

in nd e in f
sse s, de ined bra t ty,
nd iden i
User Research

articulated brand messaging, tone of voice etc .


• Created and managed online marketing campaigns w ith a focus on Design Systems

automated gro w th loops

Responsive Design

Atomic Design


Cosmo Ritmo


Mar 2018 - March 2021 - Byron Bay, Australia

Project Management

Curated events combining live music and experiential spacial design.

D g w b t , cr at bra t ty, g v t fly r

Process Automation

esi ned e si e e ed nd iden i desi ned e en e s in

c llab rat w th ll trat r a a mat r

o o ion i i us o s nd ni o s

Hypothesis Testing

Implemented patron ac uisition and retention strategies including

online and guerilla campaigns

T o o l s

Figma, Sketch, Invison,

Photoshop, HTML, CSS,

e d u c a t i o n

U XD g esi n Boo tcamp

JavaScript, GitHub

Career Foundry

O ct 2020 - Jan 2021 - Berlin, Germany

L a n g u a g e s

600 + hour intensive program covering all aspects of U X Design.

English (native)

Le ar ned th r ct D g pr c
e P odu esi n o t
ess end- o-end from user research
Spanish (conversational)

to information architecture, prototyping, and usability testing

A ppl l ar g t a
ied e nin s o n in-de pth pr ctoje involving the ground-up

O T H E R e d u c a t i o n

design of a tested and iterated native mobile app

Design Sprint Masterclass

r t
F on end D v l pm t f r D g r
e e o en o esi ne s

AJ & Smart

Career Foundry

Feb 2021, Berlin

Jan 2021 - Feb 2021 - Berlin, Germany

200 + hour in-depth program covering essential frontend coding skills.

Bachelor of Business, Marketing

Be cam pr f c t
e o i ien in HTML CSS , ,a nd J ava cr pt,
S i learned ho w to University of Technology Sydney

use GitHub, learned about code q uality and cross-bro w ser testing

2016 - 2018, Sydney

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