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E Vil UMAHOBM - ARTICLES HEOJPEBEHU UNAH - THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE Heonpehenn unas (a/en) ce ynorpesrasa (y sHavely ene, ex) wcnpen, sajenHnase Gpojbe ravenue y joven xoja ce npen yr nove Art le Grunxe onpehera. OBNMK 2 se fmorpesmeaca venpea ¥MeHML Roja y MarOBOPY noaMve cyrneeweres ‘an wcnpen, ce yr Pay varoBopy nowkje ceMornaciiKom (@ man, @ caf, university; An ‘apple, an tego, an hour). Heopipehjeti una ce ynorpeGreaea - wenpen 2elennnae Spoje nvennue y jenni roja osHavase SaHMMaIee, ‘nprnapHoct perm unn Hexy ocoBiny, a Ae je npeAMKaT: My father is apilot. Tom is aboy. ‘The dog is an animal. Mr. Brown was 4 good neighbour. - nocne Konerpyrunje There isfsnt, There wastwasat (kana crenn sajenwna Gpojmea nen): ‘There is ahouse on that hill, There wasn't aword said. _y yanusnom peteninuana Koje rowmiy ca Wharn Suc (WepenHo, ane ccnepn sajenHiniKs 6pojuea wMeHnua y JepHAHi): ‘What a day! -yanaversy each: ‘This wine costs 108 abottle The speed was 40 miles arhour. wn 40 miles per hour (40 mph). -y aHawensy same, ‘The birds of a feather flock together. -ymecro 6poja one: Ihave two brothers and a sister. _- wenpen wasnea Maren GonecTH: she has aheadachela toothachela coldla fever. _ wenpen minor meta npahevor veKoM Twryriow (OBHsHO Mr, NS ite Miss) na 61 ce cermin erasvno 20 arrea Ra je y matey HenosHara oco6a (HOR waeecun): ‘AMiss Farfax has just called to see Mr. Worthing. “aNr, Smith is here to see you. (=| don't know him.) Mr, Smith is here to see you. (= | know him.) - vonpen nMeHa HeKe crasHe ninNocTH, a 6” ce HeKoMe npANHCAn omnealTHa ocoGiHa ‘Te MMHOCTH, He hasn't got the brains of a” Einstein. Te ReSNapoleon of finance. ant Hels the Napotecn of our time, 102

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