A. What Is The Kind of Worship That God Is Seeking For?

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“The Kind of Worshippers that God is Seeking For”

John 4:24

A. What is the Kind of Worship that God is Seeking for?

The Kind of Worship that God is Seeking for is the Worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH (John 4:24)

1. Worship in Spirit

1.1 Jesus’ point here is that a person must worship not simply by external conformity to
religious rituals and places (outwardly) but inwardly (in spirit) with the proper heart

1.2 Not motivated by any material or physical object.

How did the Early Christians worship God?

The Christians had no idols and little visible paraphernalia of worship. Their worship was
spiritual and internal. When they stood and prayed with eyes closed, there was no visible
object to which those prayers were addressed. This could mean nothing else but atheism
to the Romans, who were accustomed to symbolic, material manifestation of their god.
(Christianity Through the Centuries, p. 89)

2. Worship in Truth
 The Word of God is truth. (John 17:17)
 The truth has been given by Christ to His sent ones – the apostles.
(John 17:14, 18)
 The true worshippers remain steadfast in apostles’ teachings and doctrines. (Acts
 The apostles are the teachers in faith and in truth. (1 Timothy 2:7)

Truth means free from erroneous doctrine. (Mark 7:7-8)

Worshippers in Spirit and in Truth:

1. Could be able to live in holiness.
2. Their worship is pleasing to God. (Romans 12:1-2)
3. God hears their prayer. (John 9:31)

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