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Summary Outline

Topic: Lexeme Formation II

Please read through the chapter of ‘Lexeme formation: further afield in Lieber’s
book then find the answers of the following questions to help you summarizing
the topic.

• Please define these terms: infixes, circumfixes, interfixes, simulfixes,

transfixes. Please provide examples to see the difference among each

• What do you about parasynthesis? Provide examples

• How many internal stem change process do you understand? Mention

and explain with example.

• How do you define reduplication? Mention its types and explain with

• What do you know about templatic morphology? Please explain with


• After reading and summarizing two chapters of lexeme formation, do you

learn something new? If yes, please describe it and perhaps you can also
relate it to lexeme formation in Bahasa Indonesia or any other languages
that you are familiar with.

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