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Listening Practices-

A. The Well
1. How is the weather?
2. Name the family member mentioned in the recording.
3. What is the name of Lia’s brother?
4. How is Lia’s grandma?
5. Why is Lia’s grandma sad?
6. She often talks to his photograph. What do the underlined words refer to?
7. What does Lia’s mother bring to the grandma’s room?
8. Why does grandma ask Lia and her mom to go to the well?
9. Where is the well?
10. Who says that grandma is not thinking clearly?
Re-write the story using your own sentences.

B. Directions: The following exercise is a sample of IELTS Listening Section

Listen to a woman calling to book a table at a restaurant.
Questions 1 –6
The caller is requesting information about making a group booking. There will be up to (1) _________ people
in the group.
The restaurant caters for groups with a maximum of (2) _________ people.
The group includes people with different dietary requirements: (3) ______________, meat eaters, gluten-free
and (4) _____________ allergies.
There are 4 different menus. The most expensive option is menu (5) ________ which costs (6) ______.
Questions 7 – 10
The menu includes a selection of (7) __________, a choice from 3 main courses, (8)
_________________ of wine per person, dessert and coffee.
NAME: (9) _________________________________________
TEL No: (10) _______________________________________

C. Based on the woman explanation, fill in the chart below!

Director of marketing

2………………………… 3…………………………… 4……………………………

… Public Relations Officer Product Manager
Branding Specialist

5…………………………… 6……………………………
Public Relations Assistant Product Management
D. Fill in the company’s brand values below based on each representative presentation!
Company 1 Quality ……………………… ………………………

E. Fill in the company’s brand values below based on each representative presentation!
Company 2 ……………………… ……………………… ………………………

F. Fill in the company’s brand values below based on each representative presentation!
Company 3 ……………………… ……………………… ………………………

G. Fill in the Data Collection Methods below!

1. postal survey
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________

H. Listen the conversation below, and fill in the blanks!

Heike – Euphony
 needs survey for 1. ______________________________
 2. ______________________________ survey is best.
 3. ______________________________ target group.
 qualitative and 4. ______________________________ data:
* price and 5. ______________________________ the phone should have
* number of people interested, what willing to pay
 basic demographic information:
 6. __________________________and 7. __________________________
 Call Heike back on 8. __________________________

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