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This BROKER and SALESPERSON Agreement is executed on this 14th day of December 2020 by and between:

BROKER AAA, of legal age, Filipino citizen, and proprietor of BBB REALTY Firm with
office address at no. 500 Aurora Hill, Baguio City; hereinafter known as the REAL ESTATE BROKER
and also known as BROKER for brevity;

SALESPERSON CCC, of legal age, Filipino citizen, residing at no. Block 10 Lot 88, no.9
Kamagong Avenue, Nueva Vizcaya; hereinafter known as the REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON and
also known as SALESPERSON for brevity.

That the BROKER and the SALESPERSON has agreed on the following terms and conditions, to wit:

1) That the BROKER will sponsor the SALESPERSON in applying and securing an accreditation from the
SALESPERSON in compliance with RA 9646 also known as THE REAL ESTATE SERVICES ACT of
the Philippines (RESA LAW).

2) That the SALESPERSON must strictly follow and must not violate any provisions of RA 9646 also known
as THE REAL ESTATE SERVICES ACT of the Philippines (RESA LAW). Under this law, a
SALESPERSON was define as a duly accredited natural person who performs service for, and in behalf of a
real estate broker who is registered and licensed by the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service
for or in expectation of a share in the commission, professional fee, compensation or other valuable
consideration. An accredited REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON from the Professional Regulatory Board of
Real Estate Service is considered as one of the Real Estate Service Practitioners who can practice real estate
selling in the Philippines.
Under Section 31 of RA 9646: Supervision of Real Estate Salespersons. - For real estate salespersons, no
examination shall be given, but they shall be accredited by the Board: Provided, That they have completed at
least two (2) years of college and have undergone training and seminars in real estate brokerage, as may be
required by the Board. Real estate salespersons shall be under the direct supervision and accountability
of a real estate broker. As such, they cannot by themselves be signatories to a written agreement
involving a real estate transaction unless the real estate broker who has direct supervision and
accountability over them is also a signatory thereto. No real estate salesperson, either directly or
indirectly, can negotiate, mediate or transact any real estate transaction for and in behalf of a real
estate broker without first securing an authorized accreditation as real estate salesperson for the real
estate broker, as prescribed by the Board. A real estate broker shall be guilty of violating this Act for
employing or utilizing the services of a real estate salesperson when he/she has not secured the required
accreditation from the Board prior to such employment.
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No salesperson shall be entitled to receive or demand a fee, commission or compensation of any

kind from any person, other than the duly licensed real estate broker who has direct control and
supervision over him, for any service rendered or work done by such salesperson in any real estate
No violation of this provision shall be a cause for revocation or suspension of the certificate of
registration of the real estate broker unless there was actual knowledge of such violation or the broker
retains the benefits, profits or proceeds of a transaction wrongfully negotiated by the salesperson.
Under Section 29 of RA 9646. Prohibition Against the Unauthorized Practice of Real Estate Service. - No
person shall practice or offer to practice real estate service in the Philippines or offer himself/herself as
real estate service practitioner, or use the title, word, letter, figure or any sign tending to convey the
impression that one is a real estate service practitioner, or advertise or indicate in any manner
whatsoever that one is qualified to practice the profession, or be appointed as real property appraiser
or assessor in any national government entity or local government unit, unless he/she has satisfactorily
passed the licensure examination given by the Board, except as otherwise provided in this Act, a holder
of a valid certificate of registration, and professional identification card or a valid special/temporary
permit duly issued to him/her by the Board and the Commission, and in the case of real estate brokers
and private appraisers, they have paid the required bond as hereto provided.

3) That the SALESPERSON should renew his/her accreditation license from the PROFESSIONAL
with RA 9646 also known as THE REAL ESTATE SERVICES ACT of the Philippines (RESA LAW)
upon expiration of his/her PRC accreditation license in order to continue selling real estate properties

4) That the SALESPERSON must comply any revision or amendments of RA 9646 also known as THE REAL
ESTATE SERVICES ACT of the Philippines (RESA LAW) if any there be in the future.

5) That the sharing of Commission in any property sales will be agreed upon by the BROKER and
SALESPERSON on a case to case basis.

6) That the compensation of the SALESPERSON will be on a commission basis basing it on his/her property

We agree to be bound by the regulations and conditions of this Broker and Salesperson Agreement as contained in the
foregoing. We now hereby declare that we understand thoroughly the above provisions and agree to sign to abide by such
provisions. We now sign this Broker and Salesperson Agreement on this 14th day of December, 2020 at Baguio City,


Real Estate BROKER (Signature over Printed Name)

____________________________________ Witness _____________________________________

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Baguio City } SS
BEFORE ME, this _________ day of _____________________________________________ in Baguio
City, Philippines, personally appeared BOKER AAA., with PRC no. 00000 (Registered Real Estate Broker), PRC
no. 000000 (Registered Real Estate Appraiser), PRC no. 000000 (Certified Public Accountant); and,
SALESPERSON CCC, with UNIFIED MULTI-PURPOSE ID no. 000000000; known to me to be the same
persons who executed the foregoing instrument designated as BROKER and SALESPERSON AGREEMENT and
consisting of three (3) pages including the page whereon this acknowledgement is written, and they acknowledged
to me that the same is their free act and deed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal, the day, year, and
place above written.

Doc. No. _____________;

Page No._____________;

Book No._____________;

Series of 20_____.

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