Good Info For Cancer Free

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toxins one of thee biggest issues ,,,,For research purposes only on cancer feel free to share

and do print this stuff off. These therapies save lives..daily

and some of these researchers were nominated for the nobel prize with this work

1.Cancer ==look into h86 by nobel prize winner ,,,, fermented wheat germ=

2.And in treating pancreatic cancer and ovarian cancer look into tree of life

3.Google Edgar cayce life principles a major principle is regular detoxing, accumulated toxins are a
major factor in hundreds of major ailments including cancer. Cayce stated that anyone who eats 4-
or so of bitter almonds a day need never fear cancer .

Well vitamin B17 is within almonds ,and is within the diet of those people in the world where there
is no cancer. Western diets does not have much b17 at all within it . According to Dr. Krebs, we
need a minimum of 100 mg of vitamin B-17 (the equivalent of about seven apricots seeds) too nearly
guarantee a cancer free life. Google Dr krebs work .

4. Mental constructive purposeful attitudes are to be cultivated in all that are sick and injured. Your
Mind and thought in particular can either build you or sleigh you.

5.The Edgar cayce research readings –using the application of animated carbon ash and the
ultraviolet light has also been shown to of great value.. The light taken after the ash will cause the
ash to clarify through the releasing of oxygen in the blood stream by being centered on the portion
of the lungs affected and the adjacent tissues. Note the word oxygen .

This oxygenating process is apparently highly desirable.

6.Google Dr Raymond Rife ,.and the work of Dr james bare

7. Spiritual healing and reiki has been shown to be of huge and extreme benefit in many illnesses, as
millions have testified,

8.Adressing ones own karma according to edgar cayce much faster results are obtained with
ailments if people are attempting to address their own karma =...meaningful voluntary work .. helps
both the giver and receiver .it can give great satisfaction and boost self esteem and looks good on ur

Good for all people this therapy when they are able to work .

9.Bin your microwave -apparently changes your food in a detrimental way .

10.Using your own god given power of the imagination ,imagine if you will a bright white light going
through your head and descending into your body cleansing and removing and washing away all that
is bad. At least twice daily to do this.

11.Nutrition is paramount , emphasis was on fresh organic vegetables daily often eaten raw or
grated or even juiced to gain the maximum amount of goodness into you and fruits whole grains
and light proteins. No fried foods at all. Of course water 1-2 litres a day is essential spring water not
tap water NOT cofees teas etc etc - water .

12 study the book from this web site , this person with the aid of the
principles outlined clearly in the book cleared herself from a cancer growth in 6 weeks .

Toxins play a huge role in health in fact the leading cause of ill health especially in certain types of

14.The bob beck protocol google this


15. Iodine a massive factor in cancer. It is important to realize that the current US daily
recommended allowance (RDA) for iodine are not in milligram doses but in micrograms:

• 150 micrograms (mcg) per day for adult men and women

• 220 mcg for pregnant women

• 290 mcg for lactating/breastfeeding women

However, this RDA was set with the intention to prevent goiter only. Dr. Flechas makes a compelling
argument for it being completely insufficient for overall physical health and prevention of diseases
such as thyroid disease, fibromyalgia, and cancer. Iodine actually induces apoptosis, meaning it
causes cancer cells to self destruct. Dr. Flechas is adamant that absence of iodine in a cell is what
causes cancer, and statistics tend to support this view. In his lecture, he shows the results of a
number of NHANES surveys.
For example, between 1971 and 2000, the average iodine levels declined by 50 percent in the US.
During that same time, cancers specifically associated with iodine deficiency—such as cancer of the
breast, prostate, endometrium, and ovaries—increased. He also points out that the RDA completely
ignores the presence of increasing amounts of goitrogens in the environment. The following halides
compete for the same receptors used in your thyroid gland and elsewhere to capture iodine, so if
you're exposed to too many of these, your thyroid hormone production can be severely disrupted,
resulting in a low thyroid state:

16.Google -The alkaline diet

17•Google Demericine which could reduce lifetime risk of skin cancer by 30%

• Tests show skin cream helps repair sunburn damaged skin cells

• Trials on patients susceptible to skin cancer showed strong results

18. From edgar cayce research using magnetism about once a week, of a magnet - of sufficient
strength to raise a railroad spike, - this being passed over affected areas, see? This will aid in
demagnetizing or producing a vibration that will destroy the active forces of the consuming of cells
being enlivened by the infection itself.

This ties in with what bob beck was saying on the action of magnetic fields with his magnetic pulsar

19.Managing pain etc look here

and it seems cancer cells love sugar and sugar is in sooooooo many foods be aware

20•scientists at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB) have discovered that
curcumin blocks the activity of a gastrointestinal hormone implicated in the development of
colorectal cancer, the country's second leading cancer killer with nearly 60,000 deaths annually.


21 look into a form of PEITC abundant in watercress inhibited the proliferation of prostate cancer
cells and their ability to form tumors.

• Cancer researchers are also interested in watercress as a weapon against lethal lung cancers.
Watercress is the richest source of a glucosinolate known as nasturtiin, which is transformed into
PEITC in the digestive tract.

• In laboratory rodents, watercress-derived PEITC helped prevent lung cancer that is ordinarily
triggered by a tobacco-derived carcinogen.

• Studies have shown that PEITC inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells in the laboratory with
surprising rapidity.
22 google Berberine

23Cannabinoids cbd oil may produce a dual attack on the development of tumor blood vessels,
through the inhibition of proangiogenic regulators, such as vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF), and through a direct effect on endothelial cells.

24 vit c intravenously high dose can really reduce inflammation from cancer combat radiation and
chemo treatment

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