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Introducing the Finishing one And starting Analysing Giving an Summarising and

subject subject another points example concluding
 I'd like to  Well, I've  Now we'll  Where  For  In  Firstly,
start by... told you move on does that example,... conclusion,.
about... to... lead us? .

• Let's begin by... • Turning to...

• I'd like now to recap... • Finally, let me remind you of some of the issues we've
• First of all, I'll... covered...
• What does this mean for ABC? • I'd like now to discuss...
• Translated into real terms.. • A good example of this is...
• That's all I have to say about... • To give you an example,...
• We've looked at... • To illustrate this point...
• Let me turn now to... • Right, let's sum up, shall we?
• Next... • Let's summarise briefly what we've looked at...
• Let's look now at... • If I can just sum up the main points...
• Let's consider this in more detail... • secondly, thirdly, lastly.
• Starting with... • First of that...finally...
• I'll begin by... • To start finish up...

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