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University Course: LEADERSHIP

Material : Concept of leadership and management

Indicator Of Achievement : Can describe, elaborate and synthesize the concept of
leadership and management

1. Describe at least 2 expert's opinion about leadership and the reference!
2. Conclude definition of leadership according to you based on the definition that have
described above (no 1)!
3. Describe at least 2 expert's opinion about management and the reference!
4. Conclude definition of management according to you based on the definition that have
described above (no3)!

1. ► Leadership is a way to raise creative power of the group. The concept of leadership
here can be realized in the form of the interactions that occur between a person with the
group, or between someone with a member of his group, which each participant in such
interactions play a role specifically and with certain ways, that role should be
dipilahpilahkan. Basic sorting is part of the influence leader in influencing as well as
others who are affected. (Dr. Thomas Gordon "Group Centered Leadership": "A way of
releasing the creative power of groups")
► Understanding leadership is divided into two concepts, namely as a process, and as
attributes. As a process, focused leadership to what is done by the leaders, that is the
process in which the leaders to use their influence to clarify the objectives of the
Organization to its employees, subordinates, or his, motivate them to achieve those
goals, as well as help create a productive culture within the organization. (Ricky W.
Griffin, 2000)

2. Leadership is the ability to affect the behavior of another person without the use of force
or violence, so that people accept his decent figure himself as the lead them to reach a
common goal.

3. ►Management is to manage to forecast and to plan, to organise, to command, to

coordinate and to control. (Fayol, Henry.1930. Industrial and General
Administration.London: Sir I. Pitman & Sons, Ltd)
► Management is multi purpose organ that manages business and busines manages
workers and work. (F. Drucker, Peter. 1954. The Practice Of Management.New york:
Harper & Row)

4. Management is the science of organizing against the efforts of the members of the
organization and use of organizational resources to achieve the goal that has been set
University Course: LEADERSHIP

Name : Muhammad Ainal Yusri Value :

ID REGISTRATION : 4181121004
Study Program/ Faculty : Bilingual Physics / Mathematics and Natural Lecturer
Science Signature:
Class : Bilingual Physics 2018
University Course: LEADERSHIP


Day/ Date : Time : 10’
Material: Differences between leader and manager.
Indicator Of Achievement : Can describe differentiate and synthesize leader and manager

1. Describe at least 2 expert’s opinions about leader characteristic and principal and the
2. Describe at least 2 expert’s opinions about manager characteristic and principal and
the reference!
3. Conclude the differences between leader and manager based on description at no.1
and 2 !
1. ►Characteristics of a leader can be meant as characteristics or
properties owned by every leader in carrying out the duties of his
leadership. There are four basic characteristics or absolute terms must
be owned by a leader (Hakiem, 2003):
A. Leaders must be sensitive to their environment, have to listen to suggestions and
advice from those around him.
B. Leaders must be exemplary in its environment.
C. The leader should behave and are faithful to his promise, to the organization.
D. The leader must be able to take decisions, to be clever, skilled and daring after all
the relevant factors taken into account.
► Theories of leadership based on traits (traits theory) gives a clue about
the characteristics of a leader are (Siagian, 2003): A. Broad general
B. The ability to grow and develop.
C. Analytical Capabilities.
D. The nature of the inkuisitif or curiosity.
E. The skills to communicate effectively.
F. Ability to determine the scale of priorities.
G. Rationality.
H. Example.
I. Assertiveness.
J. Future orientation

2. ► The principle of management according to Fayol is A. Division of

B. Authority dan responsibility
C. DiciplineUnity of command
D. Unity of direction
E. Sub ordination of individual to generate interest
F. Renumeration of Personall
University Course: LEADERSHIP

G. Centralization
H. Scalar of hierarchy Order
I. Stability of tenure of personal
J. Equity
► According to Sugiyanto Wiryoputrao in the book "fundamentals of
management", which is the task or the job of a manager that is as below: A. The
head within the organization.
B. Leaders within organizations.
C. The representative organizations in acting out.
D. The recipient information.
E. Translator information to be conveyed to a subordinate.
F. Spokesman or public relations organization.
G. Self-employment.
H. Arrester disturbance of the organization.
I. Dividing resources in organizations.
J. Negotiators for the organization.


Give Directions Leaders ask questions
Managers have subordinates Leaders have followers
Managers use an authoritarian style Leaders have a motivational style
Managers tell what to do Leaders show what to do
Managers have good ideas Leaders implement good ideas
Managers react to change Leaders create change
Managers try to be heroes Leaders make heroes of everyone around them
Managers exercise power over people Leaders develop power with people

Name :Muhammad Ainal Yusri Value :

ID REGISTRATION : 4181121004
Study Program/ Faculty :Bilingua Physics / Mathematics and Natural Lecturer
Science Signature:
University Course: LEADERSHIP

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