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Japan via PESTEL Analysis

Japanese society: Tradition, ritual and respect.
Multiple personalities

Diverse culture:
 Language
Japanese, Chinese, English
 Traditional Japanese culture
- Traditional dressing (kimono)
- local festival celebration
- World Heritage
 Food of Japan
-Major representation of Japanese food - Sushi
-Emphasis on seasonality of food
e.g . Starbuck in Japan
-Street loaded with food vendors
 Ancient traditions blend with futuristic’s city

 Notes:
Tradition, ritual and respect are the hallmarks of Japanese society. This is a place that cherishes
its children, respect the elderly and trests visitors like honest guests (REF:1:24)
From vedio, it mention Tokyo it blending old to the new and the new to tmr . Tokyo as an
example, you can see international city with traditional history. Due to the diverse cultural
activities, Tokyo is a city of Multiple personalities. It also the reasons Japan has attractive that
influence people to travel to Asia.

Visitors can observe the unique blend of the East and West culture.

Major is Japanses , as the development of JP tourists , chinese eng is other L in JP nowadays .
Some of JP words meaning is similar with chinses word , therefore in the an indicator board are
usually in 3 L.

C- Every country also has their own local culture.

Kimono is the traditional dressing of japan,until nowadays you can also see some japna ppl
dress in this way.
There are different festival celebration hold in JP every year , from the vedio u can see that is
welcome forign or vistiors to join then , Tourists can have a good opportunity to deeply
understand the local culture through the.
Vistors can go to heritage attractions, try the local food and attend the local festival celebration
during the journey .
There are many heritage in JP , in each of the JP city they have their own traditional temples and
attractions . Kiyomizu(chu ah ma sue ) temple in kyoto , Osaka castle in Osaka , Senso-ji
Temple in tokyo
local festival celebration is usaual event hold in JP

F- The traditional food of Japan (washoku or 和食) is based on rice with

miso soup and other dishes, with an emphasis on seasonal
Sushi profess usually use seasonal seafood to make fresh sushi
Japanese cuisine offers regional specialties that use traditional recipes and local ingredients
that using seasonal food
E.g Peach is the seasonal food in summer , JAPAN Starbucks push out some special drink
for limited supplier during summer period .
Street food is the food culture of JP ,most Japanese street food is based on old classics.
Most of them are highly appetizing, the traditional street food vendors that appear in great
numbers offering both sweets and savory snacks. seasonal food usually appeared in street

A- Ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and JP sightseeing will take you to
representations of each. When you pop up in the subway, you can see an entirely different in the
city (V1:39) .E.g. Pay your respects at temples set in forested hillsides, then flex your credit card
in one of the shopping districts
Tokyo as example , you can see temples in the concern , this is skytree building which The
tallest building in Japan, Its design was inspired by the architecture of Japanese pagodas. Pagoda
are known to be resistant to earthquakes. Also is the famous sightseeing place for visitors to see
views of Tokyo .

Factors with Positive Impact on Development of Japan

Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games and “Visit Japan” promotional


A total of 1.82 million people arrived in Japan, growth 43.8% compare last October (The
Japan Times, 2015).
1. Stimulus the economy
 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo could create over 150,000 jobs.
 April to June business investment up 5.6% on-year in Japan
2. Becoming more international city
 Increase hotel
3. Improve living standard
 Improvement in Japanese public transportation
- East Japan Railway Co. developing new JR line (decrease 20 traveling times to
- Tokyo Gaikan Expressway
 Technology communication
- NTT Docomo Inc. launched to provide 150,000 Wi-Fi access points across Japan

Improvement in Japanese public transportation and technology

It makes positive factors impacts on JP development.
From this figure , it show that after Tokyo was successful bid for the 2020
Summer Olympics in last September. “Visit Japan” promotional
campaign, it has increase the visitors to JP .
A total of 1.82 million people arrived in Japan, in October, a record high and up 43.8 percent
from the same period a year ago

The Olympics as a way to promote the host city and tourism can be
a key economic driver.
Reduce the underemployment rate
it shows that JP continued recovery in business investment.

To accommodate an increase in the number of tourists, Tokyo

needs more hotels.
Hotel operators and real estate developers are expected to build
hotels or expand the capacities of existing hotels. Such moves
should also help lure international conferences to Tokyo,
prompting reinforcements of tourism infrastructure, which will
attract tourists, creating a synergetic cycle.
East Japan Railway Co. is considering opening a new line from
central Tokyo to airport. A project that would decrease 20 minutes
travel time from Tokyo central to airport.
Construction on the Tokyo Gaikan Expressway, a better road
conditions will aid to JP transport of goods and people conduce for
improve living standard and economy.

With foreign tourists complaining about the lack of free wireless

hot spots in Japan, NTT Docomo Inc. launched a paid wireless
Internet service with targeting foreign visitors at its 150,000 Wi-Fi
access points across Japan.

JP gov announced “Visit Japan” promotional campaign started

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